The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 22, 1908, Image 5

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J .
Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evenings Daily Journal
I.: - - r 1 ;
in i he is tiv
'a ho .-"tari'i- to
.it. i tv I
(X .1 II ill : ! : t -is
tht- in i' ri:Hi:
thc I flit i'. .
Arm ruti of Alv, on.- of the
.am" i:i tiii"5 morning t' resume
his duties.
.1. L. MayCiel.l ami wife were pas
xci.gers this morning for On. alia where
they will spend the!;iy.
Mrs. F. II. and Mrs. T. K.
1'arnn-Nr were passengers on the mail
train at noon for Omaha.
I.afe Nelson is in Omaha this after
noon looking after husiness matters,
going up on the mail train.
J. W. UiMlefur was a passenger this
morning for Omaha where in- l.a l l.usi
lie: s matters to K-.k after.
Howard Jellerv was a pa: -s. ti'cr this
morning on tin- rally tram lor Mnai.ii
where he will spenit tiie day.
'1". K. Johnson ami wife wen- in the
city a few hours this morning stopping
nroute from Ik-river t Chicago.
i. S. Kay of Murray, serving on the
regular panel, is among those register
ed on the I'erkins Hotel register today.
Mrs. A. L. Anderson departed this
morning for Ked Oak, la., where she
will visit with friends for a week or
ten days.
T. W. Shryock of Louisville, came
down this morning on the Schuyler and
waa a passenger this noon on the mail
train for Omaha.
David Larson who has been in the
city several days visiting with C. A.
Johnson departed this morning for his
home at Lincoln.
S. (). Cole and Carl Cole were pas
Hengers this noon for Omaha going up
on the mail train, to attend to some
business matters.
P. II. Meisinnger and wife came in
this noon from their home in Eight
Mile Grove precinct to look after some
.1. .). Miller ai.d wife of PapiUior,
Neb. , who have heen visitinir for sev
eral days with Pyron Peed; and family,
returned to their home this noon on the
mail train.
Jas. Stander one of the jurymen,
came down this morning from his home
at Louisville and whs give leave of
absence by Judge Travis, departing at
noon for Omaha where he had business
matters to look after.
N.M. Meeker, the Greenwood banker,
was in the city today looking after bus
iness matters. Mr. Meeker is one of
the Nebra.ka bankers who favors the
election of William .1. Pryan to the
presidency, and a deservedly popular
j and estimable gentleman.
(.. M. Patton was down town today,
the first time in several days. He has
been feeling very poorly for some days
and has just become able to get around
again. He has not had the services of
a physician although he feels that hi
condition must improve at once or he
will be compelled to have.
Asa Snider, wife and little boy were
passengers this morning for Omaha af
ter a brief visit with relatives in this
city. From Omaha Mr. Snider expects
to go to Grand Island, Neb., and as
sume his new position as traveling
salesman for the Armour Packing
miss Margaret weDerwas a pass
enger thia noon lor Omaha, where she
will remain with her sister, Lucille,
until the young lady is brought home
to this city. It is expected that Miss
Lucille can be taken from Immanua
Hospital on Thursday next as she has
so far improved as to permit her ear!y
i a .
ti.e 1 i '
Twi a;
encouraging advices he had received. I 1 '
' Mr Pannir.g is far and away the best; I
man in tin.- r.K L ar.d .-f.-mld win by a
i . . . ......... it. ..!.. ... i..,: . . I
ll.i. . ' ' . ':..:i ii. iii.t .... . it .. i
in tb- i
J !..!..' Ar bet ibis mor.iing had Levi
Patton b. tore him on the ' barge of
(IrwiiK. Levi na'.ing Ivc-une i;ni .n- or
i le-s lighted up yesterday before theiU
' i 1 ige and making himsill iotis to
i j the good people of the city. The police
1 haled Levi to jail and allowed him to
remain there over night to tret rid of
some of the ill efiectsjof strong drink.
This morning while he plead penitence.
the Court could not see it that way and
dealt him out five dollars and costs
worth of the Celebrated Archer brand
of justice. As Levi was shy several
simoleons, he was relegated to a cell at
the Hotel Manspeaker to remain until
the fine and costs were paid
Jas. Sage and wife and J. M. Mei
inger and wife departed this morning
for Minco, Oklahoma, where Mr. Sage
has property interests. Mr. -age ami
wife expect to remain in that locality
for Home little time during the cold
weather. It is Mr. Meisiner's first
trip to thai section and he and his wife
go down to see if Oklahoma is really as
fine country as it has been represented.
They will visit relatives ar.d friend
who have located there arid may be
gone several weeks. Mr. S-igeJJ
night shipped out a car of horses for
Minco which he expects to be able to
d s lose of without much trouble. He
had a very bad night for loading tl em
and only succeeded after a great deal
of work
r l : . r i r i c
o r: '
v, 1
in r::; mexico.
. : . W. ri i i y D a e I '. : 1 1 g s
, i,:: y:ti" ricod "Icr
to;: o at Fol'Xni.
Henry Thierolf came in this morning
I from Lincoln, where he hadj been to
rtiiuina matters. i
Tu:.,,f z-f rvi.r Prk. wa3 visit his mother, who is being treated
"T"7.:..-rLr,r" ;t. ! a th Sanitarium for rheumat,sm. of
a caiier at juuh si ucou. uat j ; i-.ii . ,r
anTwhile here renewed for the old Re- wh,ch "hfe has been suffering for oyer a
ana wnue nere rene , veaf Mrg Th,erolf expect3 to return
liable another year. , home the ,agt of the on
J. L. Amick ot Murray, came ... " for a short time when gne wi ret,un
morning and was a passenger on me tQ Ljncon,
..: r,. nmohg whprp he had :
L",", "1 Wm. Thrift a cripple on crutches
business matters to attend to. yesterday boarded the wrong train at
E. Grosvenor Uovey was a passenger Gmana and was carried:to this city by-
mistake. He remained here over night
and returned this morning to his start
ing point. He was from Danville, 111.,
on the mail train at noon for Omaha
where he goes to attend to some busi
ness in connection with the bank.
Mrs. Ed. Lippert and family who
have been visiting in the city with
en route to Denver, Colorado, and his
trip to this city delayed him twenty-
Frank Lippert and w ife, returned this four hours in reaching the latter point.
i A V. i
noon on the man train u wmaua. ; Work on the od First xatjonai Bank
Mrs. Philip Andres of Omaha who quarters was commenced today, a new
was in the city visiting her daughter, j (ioor being laid and the room to be re
Mrs. Emil Wurl, returned to her home j papered and plastered. The room will
at Omaha this noon on the mail train, j be occupied by the Plattsmouth State
Ex-treasurer V. D. Wheeler, one of j Bank which will move from its present
the iurvmen at this term came in from j quarters in the Riley Hotel block. It
his farm this morning and resumed his will be some days before the new
task of w eighing the evidence in sundry quarters will be ready for occupancy,
cases- Peter Connor of Coal Valley, Illinois.
Harvey Mitchell of LaPlatte was in j wj,0 has been visiting with Cras. Troop
the city this morning tor a lew nours . and famjiyf departed at noon for his
doing some trading and looking after j home. Mr. Connor was also at Bone
business, returning to his home on the , steei where he registered for the Tripp
fast mail. I County land drawing. He had not
Clarence TefTt, the Weeping Water i learned when he left as to just how he
attornev. came in last night and looked ! had come out but had hopes of winnirg
after some business matters, returning . a good farm. He is a cousin of Mr.
to Weeping Water this morning on the Troop.
early train. I The grand lodge of the Nebraska Odd
Mrs. Bertha Peterson was a passen- Fellows will commence its sessions to-
ger this noon on the mail train for Lin- day at Lincoln. Those posted upon the
coin where she goes as a delegate to probable attendance of members and
the Kebekah grand lodge which as-, ot the hebekahs, the auxiliary order,
t th-At r,ir,r todav. i place it at close to one thousand. The
! meetings of the encampment and the
The Order of the Eastern itar "l,ffrand ie will be heldat the cat.itol
hold its social meeting Wednesday eve- buiIdinff, It is expected that much
ningat7:30 at Masonic Hall. There business of irnportance to the order will
will be initiation. The Adah circle will ba transacted during the session
have charge of the refreshments. .
X IIC IliwCLIU auvciiiacujiui ids t infill
Mrs. J. A. Adams and Mrs. Frank
; at which Philip J. Heise was to speak
Anarews were pang , -n German was called off owin& to thc
IOr Omana on ineir way iu men nuuic
at Orient, la., after a visit of several
weeks with Mrs. C. Tyler, a sister of
Mrs. Adams.
William Deles Dernier, the Elmwood .
rainfall and bad weather, it being
impossible for people to get down town
There was great disappointment over
the failure to hold the meeting as Mr.
Heise was highly recommended as a
attorney, is in the city today, having j speaker. It was impossible, however,
come in last evening. He is looking j to hold the meeting under the condi
af ter the interests of interested parties i tjons that existediast evening.
in the changing of school district boun
daries at Elmwood.
Arrangements Are BeingMade With
Parties in Regard the Benfer
L. Lepinsky, agent for the Platz
Brewing Company, with headquarters
at Omaha, was in the cityftoday look
ing after the details of the Frank Ben
fer business. Mr. Lepinsky states that
Mr. Benfer requested the Brewing
Company to look after the business
and do with it whatever in their judg
ment was best to be done. It is Mr.
Lepinsky's intention to try and make
suitable arrangements for running the
business for Mr. Benfer, and install
someone who could look after the busi
ness for him. He believes that with
proper management the saloon can be
made to pay and to this end he is look
ing about for a man to put in charge of
it. He has several applications for tl e
place and expects to be able to close a
deal with one of them today by which
the place may be opened up. He did
not state as to whether or not the ar
rangement included the paying of Ben-
fer's bills by his successor but presum
ably this would have to be done. The
fixtures, glassware and cash register
of the place where the property of a
man named Merrill, who is supposed to
be a representative of the brewery.
Mr. Lepinsky today had a man engag
ed in cleaning the saloon up, having re
ceived the keys fromJMarshal Fitz
gerald. There was a lot of empty cases
of beer bottles and empty beer barrels
but no stock of beer or liquor, that hav
ing been attached by Louis Reinhackle
for wages due, as toldjjin yesterday's
Journal. Lepinsky did not indicate
whether or not the brewery will attack
Reinhackle's suit, but it is not likely
they will.
The Storm Yesterday.
Monday was one of the most dis
agreeable days of the fall. Starting
out with a high wind wrhich tore through
the streets and filled the air with sand
from the newly hnished pavement, it
culminated in the afternoon and night
with a heavy rainfall which made the
streets all but impassable, and at night
rendered pedestrians subject to humili
ating misadventures. At one timedur-
ing me aiternoon, tne outiooK tor a
i'!i. X. .v!., Oct. Uu. Four horne
- v.i ;. l.dled near Claiin as
ill ol a tornado and ( loiidiiiii st.
or her iiersons were more or
I", ss injured, three ol whom ii i. be
lieved. ill die.
The dead are: W. II. Haild, I. S.
Fux, .Mrs. Ff. and their daughter.
The new I nion county courthouse,
which cost $40,0011, was wrecked, and
a .score of houses were wrecked or
torn from their foundations. Tele
phone and telegraph wires were Idown
away and miles of poles leveled. The
damage in the husLness section of the
town was not heavy.
The Colorado Ai iont hern railroad
sustained heavy loss. Clayton was in
utter darkness after the tornado until
daylight. The water s.vstt m was also
iilt out of eotiimisxion by the storm,
and the town is without water.
The storm was seere in oilier sec
liens. At Folsoni, where 1! iiersons
were drowned last August, the Cimar
ron river rose to within a foot, of hih
water mark causing a panic among
the people who lied in terror to the
hills. It is reported that many houses
were wrecked and much damage done
to outlying places inhabited by homi
Sharon Springs, Kan., Oct. 20. Two
separate tornadoes struck Sharon
Springs Monday and completely de
molished three residences and injured
a dozen people. It is thought that one
will die. The tornadoes were about
200 feet wide and traveled north.
Denver. Col., Oct. 20. Six accidental
deaths are traceable to the snowstorm
which prevailed in Colorado. Seven
persons sustained serious Injuries in
railroad collisions and by coming in
contact with live wires.
Lamar. Col., Oct. 20. A cloudburst
struck this city Monday, registering
fall of nearly four inches. The Ar
kansas river, already a torrent, rose
rapidly and the large bridge over this
stream is in danger of beiag swept
away. All of the irrigating systems
north of the river are breaking and
flooding valuable farm lands.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 20. After a
continuous drought for 48 days, Kan
sas City received a thorough drench
ing Monday night.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 20. The
drought which has prevailed in north
west Missouri and northeast Kansas
for the past two months was broken
Monday night by a heavy rain.
Most Perfect
Fitting Pant
Io fin
made, and whciv
el'e would you expert to Hind
them but at our store? Tlu-e
pants have two snap button?- at
each side, which adjusts the
waist to your convenience.
top hips. Flaps on pocket?.
vN) to o.5'i.
Stylish patterns
Where Quality Counts
Kansas City Trolley Conveyances in
Thrilling Race for Life.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 20. Three
trolley cars on the Troost avenue line
collided at Thirteenth street and
Troost avenue here Monday, and were
badly wrecked. Two men were killed
and 15 other passengers were more or
less seriously injured. The air-brake
failed to work on one of the cars at
Tenth street and Troost avenue, and
it rushed down a steep bill.
There were two cars coming up the
hill back of the first car and for two
blocks these cars backed away in a
thrilling atempt to escape. The cars
were crowded with passengers bound
down town, many of them prominent
business men. For three blocks be
fore the cars finally collided men and
women jumped frantically to the
street, and many were hurt in their ef
forts to escape.
Young Englishman Will Be Sent Back
with Woman.
New York. Oct. 20. James Howard
Allport, reputed to be a millionaire of
Liverpool, England, and Miss Ray
Bucy, an English girl of 22 years, are
held at Ellis island for deportation to
England on the Mauretania. The two
were first cabin passengers on that
vessel when it arrived here Saturday
Ahead of them had come word by
cable from Howard Allport, the young
roan's father, that hia son had left
a wife and daughter in Liverpool and
tornado was gocd as dark, heavy clouds that, as young Allport was charged
swept the heavens and the air became to be of unsound mind, his deportation
very ciose ana not. Lincoln reports a
mall tornado which did a lot of damage
to electric light and telephone wires
and tore down signs and overset small
outbuildings. Kansas reports tornadoes
at several points which did considerable
destruction andjas farjsouth as Clayton,
was requested. This action was or
dered by the British consul general
BEFORE THE BOARD OF C0U NT Y riVi'n.T.V Vi" -.'I'i'i '.''t
' ..... 9 ... t
NoTK F. of
In the Matterof tlie Ortran- )
izatioil of the Salt t'revk -ValU-v
lmina: 1 lst ilet.
To All W hom It Mayt'onnrn:
Pursuant to an order of the Hoard of Coiinty
Commihsioiifrs of Saunders County. Nehi a.ika.
made and entered on Seitemler .'to, l!ih. and
hy viit ue of the authority vested 111 me by the
statuteofthe state of Nehranka hereinafter
lescrited. I. A. N. Elmelund, County Clerk of
Saunders; County, Nebraska, do hereby irlve
notice that on Septemtier ii, IW)s. A. H. Fuller.
Chas. Miller, Martraret I.. Wollen. Mary K.
Jesjersen. Alta V. Titus. K. K. Hay. A. T.
Harrow. O. A. Keetle, C. Keetle, J. C. Weddell.
H. W. Melnsen, S. H. Loder. Carl Stander. C.
I. Keetle. A. .1. Kohblns. .J. II. Keetle and Nel
son Shefferdid file In the ofnVe of the County
Cleric of Saunders County. Nebraska, their
petition in wrltinir and also their (Kind with
surety thereon, all In manner and form as hy
law reouired. and whirh said Inind and the
surety thereon was on said date hy me ap
proved, the object and prayer of said petition
letnjr for the organization of said Salt Creek
Valley Drainage District, and said iietltion
belinr filed under the provisions of an Act of
the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, ap
proved by the Governor thereof on March S.
UK '".entitled:
"An Act to provide for din In aire districts to
drain wet land: and land subject to overllow;
and any land which will be Improved by drain
age: to build dykes and levees: to construct.
stratrhten. widen, deepen or alter any ditch,
drain, stream, or watercourse: to riprap or
otherwise protect the bank of any stream or
ditch: toconstiuct. enlarge, extend, improve
or maintain any drainage system: toconstiuct,
enlarge, extend. Improve or maintain any sys
tem of control of surface water or ruunliitr
water: and the rlifhts, obligations and powers
of such corporations including the jxiwt-r of
eminent domain, the creation of debts, issuing
of negotiable bonds, and the levyintr of .special
assessments on such real estate and easements
therein as may be benefitted by such public
work, and detiiiinir the duties and powers of
public officials."
1 hat the boundaries of said proiiosed .-alt
Creek Valley Drain aire District as fixed and
determined by said Hoard of County Commis
sioners of Saunders County. Nebraska, by said
order entered on Septeml-r I'.hjs, are as fol
lows, to-wit :
(All townships referred to below are in
I autre Nine Kast of t he Sixth I'rincipa I Merid
ian, unless otherwise indicated. township
No. i: North I 'a ntre No. Id Kast of the Sixth P.
M.. and Township No. 13 North Kaiii-'e No. !'
Kast of t he Sixt h I . M.. and sections One to
Tweive. both inclusive in Township No. 1
Norlh. KantreNo.!i Kast of the Sixth I'. M..
are in Saunders County. Nebraska. The bal-
mce of said lownsl.ip No. VZ and all other
rownships below referred to are in Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.)
( ommeiicintr at a iNiint on the line formintr
the noli h iKiundary line of Sections:!! and '.U
in Township No. i:i North. Kantre in Kast of the
sixth P. M.. where t he west bank of t he Platte
Kiver intersects said north lioundarv line.
thence west alontrthe north liotindarv line of
said Sections ol and and Section :i; in Town
ship 13 Noil h. Kantre 'J Kast of theSixth P. M..
to the northwest corner of
thence south alontrthe west
ion :; to the nort beast corne
inarteroi the southeast iiuarter of Sect ion Xi
in said Township 13: thence west, to the center
west lo soi,l iiuest.
I mirier i ,f I de noi l I.-
I east n u ail ii of said Sect ion i;; t hence nort h to
t he southwest coiner of Ihe southeast iiiailr
. -.! ii.o i ei oi sec i ion ,ti i n i own
ship No. I:.'; thciicccasl to the soiiiheasl corner
of Ihe southwest .mailer of the northwest
I nailer of Sect Ion '.tl In sulil Township o 12
thence north to the center of il,e northwest,
liiailerof satl Section :c'; Ihei ast to the
northeast corner of the soul heast ijuarter of
the northwest ijiiui terof said sect ion t.hcncn
north to the center of the north line of said
Section .TJ: thence east, to the southeast corner
tit the southwest ipiarter of t he soul beast j ur
ter of Section M in Maid Township No I
thence north to the center of the southeast
iiuarter of said Section lit; thence east to th
center of I he southwest fjuarf erof Section In
Township No. I-: thence north to the nort heast
corner of the northwest quarter of the south
-mi imanrrui saiu section Js; thence east to
the northeast corner of the north west quarter
of the southeast quarter of said Section Ji;
thence north to the northeast corner of the.
northwestijuarterof the northeast quarter of
said Sect ion :: thence west U the center of
the north line of said Section s; thence north
to the center of Section '11 In said Township No
I-; thence east to the center ft the cat line of
said Section Jl; thence north alontr the fast,
boundary line of said Section 21 and Section 14
In said lownshlp.No. lj to the northeast xr
ner of said Section 16; them e east alonir Urn
north line of Sections li and U In said Town
ship N. 1'J to the center of the north boundary
line of said Section 14: thence north to th
northwest corner of the southwest quarter of
t he southeast quarter of Section J i Town
mn .-. .... inence east to the nort heast cor
ner of the southeast quarter of the southeast,
quarter of said Section II; thence north Ix, th
northeast corner of said Section II; thenc
west alontr the north line of said Sect on 1 1 to
anoint where the same Intersect s the south
east tK.ui.dary line of the rltrht of way of thu
Chlcatfo Hurllntrion A (J,lln,.y ICal I, oad Com
pany: thence alontr the southeast lM.tit.dary
I ne of the rltrl, of way of sal, The Chicago.
Hurllntrtoii&yulncy Kallroad Company ItT a
northeasterly direction lu jm.1,,1 eiVh! v rods
south of the north line of section , sifhl
lownsl.ip No. II'. thence due east tolhe.t.
boundary ine of said Sect ion I; t hence nonb
to the nort beast corner of said Sect Ion I ; t hencH
east alontr the nonh j,M. f SlM., ull ,,, Towll.
sh.pNo. 1-No.ih. Kantre l Kast of the sixth
P. M . to a point one hundred feet west of i h
west bank of salt Creek where said stream
l?' ?? ""'"! '"'"'"'i- ".e: thence fol
lowintr l he tneaiMierlnirs of said Salt reek at a
distance of (,m. hundred feet son i h west, from
the southwest bank thereof to it, junction
with the main channel of the Platte Kiver:
thence followmtr the west bank of said main
channel of the Platte Kiver in it .neand.-rirVs
'.,i.,.";''"".VS,V,',y ii"-'-'i " 'be jK.lntof
heir the lartrest portion of the land In
clude) . unsaid boundaries l,eintr located in
saunderst ount.v. Nebraska
All landowners within t'. ,(lldarles of
,;Vc.M:'r.'M''l.taltr',"'"k Vaii".vi.aiar,. (ti,.
11. t and allot heisj concerned are hereby no
tified hat an election will be held on Monday.
".nv, '."1 '" t hkm.
;. link A .M. and six ocl.Mk P. M .. at t he of
fice of t he imin y Clerk of Saunders County.
N. bidska. in the County Court House at.
Uahooin said county; that at said election
the question of the formation of said Salt
reek alley Drainatre District shall t-de.
lei mined, and a U.ard of fi vc d i rectors shall bn
ele,-ted. said iM.ard to t akc office contintrently
on the format on of said
said Section M; in witness whereof I iave hereunto sub
line of said Sec- scribed my name and attached my official seal
r of the sou t heast i as County Clerk of Saunders County Nebras-
. one e in me (ount.y Coin t House
N ah.i in said County this Septeint r 'M, li
A. N. Ki.MKi.r.vii,
1 itii.
To Perry Marsh, defendant . will take notice,
that on in e l-'i i. .. v ,.r
f the southeast quarter of said section .'C
hence soul h to the southwest corner of the Con n t v C I...-L- , .f ...1.
southeast tiuarter of the southeast quarter of ! IsKA LI Nebraska.
said sect ion X,: thence east alontr the south
line of said Section 3f to the northeast corner
if Section 2. in lownsl.ip 'l: t hence south one
dock alontrthe center line of I'ourtl. Stre.'t in
he City of Ashland. Nebraska, to the center
f the intersection of Fourth Street and Pearl
st reft ii: said City: thence east two blocks
alentr Ihe center line of Pearl street to the
renter of the intersect ion of Pearl street and
second st reet in said City: i hence sout h t luce
locks alontr t he center line of second st reet
o t he center of t he intersect ion of Second and
oak streets in said City; thence west one block
alontr t he center li ne ol Oak street totbecen-
i r of t intersect ion of I ak and I bird st n ets
in said C It. v: t hence soul n three mocks alontr
lie center line of Tliii d st reet to t lie center of
he intersect ion of Third and Dey streets in
said City: thence west three blocks alontr th"
enter line of I oy st reet lo the center of the
intersection of Dey and Sixth st reets in said
lty : t hence north one blcx-k a'outr t be center
line of Sixt 1. street to the enter of the inter
section of sixt l . and silvers! reets in said t it y: j
thence west tnree mocks aiontr the center line
or stiver street to the center or the Inteisec- . Kstao-of W illi-on He.,.-,- i., .. ...'. " "'r
Hon of silver and Ninth suet-ti itisaulC ty; This e:.ue . . . T ' "' Vas"J-
ut.:,i ,,, i, .' "....; UJ.l lilt!
ai'sh. plaint iff he.-eii. tile.l I.....'
thedistrict court of Ca,s county. Nebraska
atrainsi said defendant, the object and prayer
of which is to obtain adecr-eof divorce tn,m
the bonds of matrimony from the said defend
ant. for the reason that the defendant Las
treated the plan. I lit with extreme cruel! y. and
has deserted plainiitr and .i. s noi siippori her
and is absent from her wiihoui anv just cau.v
k ou are required to answ.-i said petition on
or fielote the Jilt h da V ot October A I. l'i
KKNoKA MAKsll. Plaintiff".
-"""V. asua. in ii.e .XI at ter nt tl.u
Billick's Last Hpe Gone.
Chicago, Oct 20. The supreme
court of the United States Monday,
according to a press dispatch from
jN. M. tornadoes played havoc an un- Washington, dismissed for want of
usual thine: for that section. In the Jurisdiction the appeal of Herman
The County Commissioners met this
morning: in adjourned session Commis-
M. Walker, proprietor of the Majes-1 sioners Fedrich, Jordan and Switzer
tic theatre, accompanied by his sister being; present. The principal matter
who is his guest from Galesburg, 111., i before the board this afternoon was the
was a passenger this morning for Om- ! readjustment of the school district
aha where they will spend the day see- , boundaries near Elmwood. This is the
ing the sights. j same matter which Superintendent of
Geo. Snyder and wife of York, Pa., : Schools Miss Foster held the hearing
who have been in the city for several on sometime ago at Elmwood. At the
weeks nast. the euests of John Hart- ! hour of visiting the commissioners trmv
man and wife, departed this morning ) had not decided upon the changes which j was was'ne from the pavement in spots
for Chariton, la., where they will make; they would make. There was little ! ygsterday by the swift current.
a brief visit previous to returning to : other business transacted save routine I -v u.,uu rr
, m Healthy Family.
their home. . matters. n,.- f-!,- v- - i .
j , Our vi:oie lamily has enjoved good
II. E. Weidman purchased last Wed-; W. B. Banning, democratic candidate '. health since we began using Dr. King's
nesday a team of handsome spotted for state senator, came up this morn- New Life Fii'.s. tnree years aeo. " savs
driving horses from Mr. Parker of ' ing from Union to attend to some busi L. A. Bartlet of Rural Route 1. Gu'il-
Lincoli. They are good travelers and ; ness matters returning on the 9:4S train ford, Maine. The cleanse ard tore
west, show fell in Western Nebraska
reaching the proportions of a blizzard in
Colorado. The rainfall at this point
was rather heavy and the newly laid
pavement was a torrent of water down
the center of the street owing to all
the rainfall draining into that place. It
is evident that a heavy rain means an
almost impassable street by foot and
some scheme will have to be devised
by which pedestrains can cross the
street from one side to the other. Sand
Bllllck from the decision of Judge
Landis, and as sooc as State's Attor
ney Heaty waa informed of the ruling
he said It meant that the man con
victed ef killing Mary Vrzal must
hang tmTess Gov. Deneen interfered,
For Recognition pf Mwlal Hafld.
Washington, Oct. 20. Conditionally,
all the European nations signatory to
the Algeciras convention appear to
rve consented to the recognition of
Mulai Hafid as the sultan of Morocco,
subject to his carrying out various in
ternational obligations provided for
by treaties and the Algeciras conven
tion. This also is the attitude of the
Tui;ed States.
fine lookers and Mr. Weidman has , on the M. P. From all reports Mr.
every reason to be proud of them. ; Banning is a sure winner in the sena
torial race and every day adds to the
Havelock Times.
the system in a gentle way that does
you goo.i. 2"ic at F. G. Frk e . Co's.
dvuz store.
South Dakota Woman Wins.
Dallas. S. D.. Oct. id. The winner
of the first nv.niber in the Tripp coun
:y oi eninr was Mis May A. Melser
of S. D. She is 3i years of
a?e. She lives with her paivuts on a
fa.iU2 about four miieo fiom town.
meuce south two '.UvVKa ai.-Jiv' w.e. ctutfcj- line
of said Ninth xtreri u tl Cily to tlie east
ana west cr-titf-r line M-clion -z in 1 owiisliij.
Z Vhenco wt aluusr U.e east and west center
line of sections 2 and 3 of said TownalilD No. 12
to tlie southeast covm-rol the west half of the
northwest quarter of iaid section 3: thence
north one-half mile to U.e north line of said
Section 3; thence west alone the north line of
said Section 3 and also Section 4 in said Town
ship No. 12 to the northwest corner Of said Sec
tion 4: thence south to the center Of the west
line of said Section 4: thence west to the cen
ter of section 5 in said Township number 1-,
thence south to the center of the south line of
said section 5: thence west alontr the south
line of said section o to the northeast corner
of the west half of the northwest quarter of
Section S In said Townshio i: thence south
one mile to the southeast corner of the west
one-half of the southwest quarter of said Sec
tion s: thence east along the south line of said
Section to the northeast corner of the west
half of the northeast quarter of Section IT in
said Township I-': thence south t-othe south
east Corner of the west half of the northeast j
quarter of said Section 17; thence west to thc
center of the west line of said Section 17: theno '
south alontr the west line of said Section 1 :
and Section Jt In said Township No. 12 to the
southwest coiner of said Section 20: thence
west alotiirthe north lioundary line of Section
30 in said Township No. 12 to the northwest
corner of the northeast quarter of the north
east quarter of said section 3m ; thence south to
the center of the northeast quarter of said
Sect ion 3e: thence due west to the north and
south center line of said Section Hn; thence due
sout h aloiisr said north and south center line
I to the northea-t corner of the soutl.eas
ter of the soiuhwesi quarter f said
I thence west to the nort het n ner of the
southwest iiuarter of t he sou: r tv ; nintier i if
I said section ': tln-n.-e sou'ii ?.loi.t' the west
j lnjtiii'iary line of aii i-i i-.n r.Jin sect ion ;;i
, in aiu l i i p N i J - and ect i. n i n Town-
; -hili No. 1 1. to I he center of T lie west .111111 al .V
line of said se.-t i 1 1 " : t hence ea .t loth nort h-
eaT corner of the not thu est quarter of the
I s .ut hwest quarter of said section t".;
south to the cetit.-r of the southwest quarter
: of said sect ion r: thence east to t he center of .v.i : ln-ast i uarter ' f said sect jou t l.en.-e
, s. utl. f the center of the south lilie (if ttw?
f said se.-tioii it; then
..... kir-r.J 111. 1 7.
iiuon oi 11. M. s.-finic,seii :i..l Mi,..-1 C;t.
vvi v"- administrators of the estate of
Wil ham Henry J-dtferlon. deceased, mil in
for license to sell Ijt s. j JOock 4 ir. it.i
Addition to the City ..f OmalX flours coun
ty Nehraska, w a -uiHr-ient amount the f
bring the sum of l-T.34 for the payment of
det.ts allowed against said estate. ttl and
expense of administration and the eXpe
of this action, there not heln sutticient per
sonal property to pay said dehu and
expenses. It Is therefore ordered that all tr
sons interested in said estau; appear oefor
nie at riattmouth. Cass county. Nehraska. on
the asth day of N'ovemher. itf-js. at J o'clock a
m.. to show cause why a license should not ri
granted to said administrators u sell so much
of the alove described real estate of said de
ceased as shall he necessary to pay said debts
and expenses.
Hated this yth day of October, 190-.
IIarvbt Ij. Travis.
10-12-4 Judge of the I'Utrlct Courts
estate herein d-ritl . ni,. .L,r ot
I -u,V;hf rof U,. loZ. 7n Hattt-
secti..n i "VXXt?"1?' &
,e ofsaid .a, dd
'ect ion five f5).
.aiige nine (). in Cass
sov.tlii as; .(uarter
ast to t he si nit hetls'
tl e: ce I. 'tth to the
uic-r of said sect ion i;
1 ne southwest uarter of
joniismi) eleven ( 1 1 ). J;
county. Nebraska.
said sale will remain open one hour
Ouardianof the p,-,-v)I1, an(i estates of Verne
leweyandAr).el.ewey. minors. u '.s
Gasoline engine cylinder oil. Cerinc
& Co. g
cei'.ti 1 of the east line of