The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 08, 1908, Image 8

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' !
Short Items of Interest, From Mon
day Evening's Daily Journal
J. It. Kummerfield was an Omaha
passenger last evening on the M. I.
August Alexen of I ,oui.-ville, is in the
city today on business with the court.
John llauer, Jr., was a business visit
or today in Omaha, going up on No. 1!).
Chas. Crimes, of the Journal staff,
pp.-nt Sunday at Union with his moth
er. C. W. II ali ke was a passenger this
morning for Omaha going up on bus:-
n ,-ss.
T. S. Clifford and T. L. Murphy
were Omaha visitors yesterday after
noon. Henry Hesse was a passenger this
morning for Omaha where he will spend
the day.
John Conzales of Elmwood, is one of
the jurymen in the city, called by dis
trict court.
Henry Keil is one of the good Cass
county farmers, registered today with
the Perkins hotel.
John Campbell is in the city today,
called in from his home at South liend,
by legal business.
Ambrose Neligh was a passenger
this morning on No. for Ornaha, go
ing up on business.
Miss Myrtle Smith was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where she will
spend the day visiting friends.
Samuel Redmon was among those
traveling to Omaha this morning, goirg
up to look after some business.
Supt. of Shops Baird spent Sunday at
Lincoln with his family, resuming tc
his duties here this morning.
Frank II. Smith of Lincoln was at
Union Sunday, visiting with Claude
Everett and family.
E. P. Rogers of Fleming, Col. an
investment broker, is in the city look
ing after some business matters.
L. C. Pobasco of La Platte was in
the city this morning for a few hours
looking after some business matters.
Wm. Hogabone, mayor of LaPlatte
came over this morning to look after
some business for the municipality.
Matthew Gering is attending to pro
fessional business this afternoon
Omaha, going up on the mail train.
J. P. Falter was a passenger this
mnrninc for Percival. Ia.. where he
will look after his property interests.
Father Hancek departed this morning
for Crete where he will visit several
days and look after business matters.
George Hall spent Sunday with his
parents, Julius Hall and wife, return
ing to his labors in Omaha last evening.
Aug. Gorder, the implement man, was
a business visitor this afternoon in the
metropolis, going up on the mail train.
Miss Barbara Ptak was a passenger
at noon on the mail for Omaha, where
she goes to visit friends for several days.
Mrs. V. J. Philpot and baby were
among those making the trip to Omaha
being passengers this morning on No.
Mrs. Lizzie Weber returned to her
home in Omaha this noon, after a short
visit in the city with Geo. Weber and
Paul Wurl who came in from his
home at Byron, Neb., for a brief visit
was a passenger for that point this
Fred Hesse, the popular Union
butcher, made his regular visits to his
family here, coming on the eveivng
Monroe Lee. one of the bridge gang
working near Oreapolis, came in Sat
urday evening and spent Sunday in the
Court Commissioner Put was a r as
senger on No. this morning for Lin
coln to assume his duties in the Supreme
C. E. Hul-ner of Xehawka, is swel
ling the crowd in the city during court
sessions and stopping at the Perkins
Ed. Sehulof came over yesterday
morning from Glen wood to visit his
folks over Sunday, returning to his
duties this morning.
Gus Hendemann departed this morn
ing for Custer county where he goes to
look over the country. He will be gone
several days.
T. B. Bates spent Sunday afternoon
in Omaha, going up on the Burlington
train and returning at midnight on the
M. P. train.
O. P. Monroe departed this evening
for O'Neill where he expects to register
and draw a farm at the Tripp county
land drawing.
Misses Ethel and Esther Boone of
Tabor, Iowa, came in Saturday eve
ning for a visit over Sunday with the
family of I. B. Green. They departed
this morning for Hollis, Kan., where
they will visit for some time. j
John Armstrong of Alvo is also i
the city on court business.
Jacob Sehlankeeof Elm wood is in the
city looking after court business.
Mayor Gering is transacting business
in Omaha today going upon the mai
W. C. Tirnblen of Wabash is an out
of town visitor brought in bv court
b isiness.
Chas. Brown ot Wabash was among
those registered at the Perkins Hotel
E. C. Giberson of Weeping Water
came in Sunday and wa3 registered at
the Perkins Hotel.
Miss Kose;.Mumm who teaches near
Elmwood, came home Saturday eve
ning to spend Sunday with the home
J. W. ValleryJ after a few days in
the city and vicinity departod at noon
for Tacoma. Neb., near where he has
property interests.
Mrs. Frank Luschinsky departed this
morning for Fremont where she will
visit her daughter who resides there for
Chas. A. Miller of Thurman, la.,
accompanied Jby This sister came over
this noon to visit a few days with re
latives and friends.
W. D. Moore and wife, and Mrs
Johnson were in the city this morning,
coming over as witnesses in a law suit
pending in court.
D. 0. Dwyer had professional busi
ness on hand in Omaha this morning,
being a passenger for the metropolis
on the early train.
Jas. Archer and wife of Omaha,
after spending Sunday in the city, the
guests of Mr. Archer's parents, return
ed to their home this noon.
Robt. II. Patton departed this noon
on the fast mail for O'Neill where he
will register for the Tripp county land
drawing. He will stay there several
days looking over the field.
G. M. Porter was a passenger for
Lincoln this morning, where he intends
to invade the field of the State Journal,
taking a corps of four solicitors along
with him for that purpose.
The order of the Eastern Star will
hold its regular meeting Tuesday even
ing, Oct 6th, at the Masonic Hall at
7:30. Business of importance. By or
der of the Woithy Matron.
John Ccry is in Omaha today accom
panying his nephew Phi'o Cory of Sac
City, la., that far on his return to his
home. Mr. Philo Cory came in Satur
day for a brief visit with John and his
Mrs. Jas. Hickson and daughter,
Mrs. Geo. Lindsey and granddaughter,
Miss Ellen Lindsey, were passengers
this morning for Omaha where they
will do some shopping and visit during
the day.
Jas. Darrough and wife of Murray
came in this morning and were passen
gers lor Omaha on the early tram,
having business to look after.
Byron Clark had business to attend to
today and tomorrow before the supreme
court, being a passenger on the mail
to Lincoln for that purpose.
Ed. Polin made his regular Sunday
trip to the city to visit with his family,
returning to his duties in the metropolis
this morning on the early train.
Fred Stevens and Ray Barker of Teha
mah, Neb., who have been visiting in
this vicinity for several days returned
to their home this morning.
Hans Tarns departed this morning for
Lincoln from which place he will go to
O'Neill for the registration in the Tripp
County land drawing.
Mrs. R. A. Van Fleet an 1 daughter.
Lizzie, were passengers this morning
on the early train for Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
;lrs. L nas. ureen was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha, going up to do some shopping
during the day.
Charley Brann, postmaster at Wa
bash, and Mr. Cremer, cashier of the
bank at that place, came in Sunday
morning to serve on the jury.
J. G. Meisinger was a passenger this
afternoon for Huron, S. D. accompany
ing Philip Thierolf, to look after some
of his real estate in that section.
Mrs. E. L. Court of Omaha who was
j in the city, called here by the death of
her father, Benj. Mason, returned to
her home today on the early train.
Dent Hires departed this afternoon
on the mail for Omaha where he had
some business to transact, and will
proceed from there to Hasting, Ia.
A. R. Young was among those travel
ing to the Tripp county land district,
expecting to register for the drawing
at either O'Neil, Neb., or S. D., the
exact location not being decided upon
I when he left. He will be absent for a
1 number of days.
i J. !I. Merriam was a passenger thisj
j morning on the early train for Omaha j
i where he will spend the day. j
A. A. Anderson and wife of Shel
1 dork, la., who have been the guests of i
A. L. Anderson and family for several!
d IV-", returned to their home this morn
(1. V. Coffman and family of Lincoln
after several days spent in the city
wi'h the mother of Mr. Coirman, re
turned this no.n to their home at Lin
Miss Alta Parker of Omaha return
ed to her duties in that city this noon
after a brief visit over Sunday in the
city with her parents, W. Parker and
wi f e.
Misses Amelia Martens and Verna
Cole were visitors Saturday and yester
day at Union, the guests of Mrs. R. E
Foster, returning home last evening on
the M. P.
Philip Thierolf departed this noon on
the mail train for Huron, S. D., where
he has property interests which he de
sires to look over. He will be gone
several days.
Mrs. Jos. Kahoutek. of Omaha, who
has been visiting in the city for several
days with Jos. Kahoutek and family,
departed this noon for her home. She
was accompanied by her two small
John D. Mullins who has been in the
employe of S. II. Atwood and W. H.
Newell, at Cedar Creek, was a passen
ger this noon for Dallas, S. D., where
he will enter his name in the registra
tion for the Tripp county land drawing.
Chas. P. Peters of Houston, Mo.,
arrived in the city this morning for a
business visit with W. W. Coates. Mr.
Peters is a real estate broker of Hous
ton, Mo., and was recently the medium
of a large deal in which Mr. Coates was
The Teachers' Normal Training Class
will be held in the Methodist Church
on Friday evening of this week. On
account of the special meetings in this
church it will be necessary for the
class to meet at 7 o'clock sharp so that
it may close promptly at 8 o'clock.
Geo. Poisall and wife and son,
Charles, were passengers this morning
for Omaha. Mr. Poisall will return to
his work in Council Bluffs, Ia.. where
he is employed in grading a drainage
ditch, and Mrs. Poisall and son will
visit with their daughter, Mrs. Walter
Harry Kruger came in from the
country today and was a passenger at
noon for O'Neill, where he will regis
ter for the Tripp county land drawing
He found that he could not resist the
temptation to ioin the rush for the
lands and has great hopes of winning a
good farm.
C. C. Wescott departs tomorrow for
Auburn, where he will endeavor to
make arrangements with the various
Sunday Schools of the district to secure
the attendance in this district of C. D.
Meigs, Indianapolis, Ind., a lecturer of
international fame. If Mr. WescoH's
efforts are successful, Mr. Meigs will
devot a whole week to work in the dis
trict, visiting each of the six counties
in turn.
Peter Neilson and family came down
Saturday evening from Omaha for an
over Sunday visit with the family of
M. Bajeck. Mr. Neilson will be recall
ed as having been employed here a
number of years ago with John A. Jen
sen when the latter was in business.
le has many good friends here, all of
whom were delighted to see him after
his prolonged absence. He and his
estimable family returned home last
evening on the M. P.
Joseph Gray came down from Have
lock Saturday evening and spent Sun
day in the city, the guest of his daugh
ter and friends. Mr. Gray is looking
fine and vigorous and seems to find
Havelock quite agreeable to him. He
paid the Journal a highly appreciated
visit and will always find himself a
welcome caller. He met many of his
old friends while here and made his
visit a joyous occasion. lie returned j
to Havelock yesterday afternoon.
Jas. Moon of Cody, Neb., who has
been visiting friends departed on the
mail at noon for home today. Mr.
Moon was born in this vicinitjjand lived
here a number of years but has been
absent for the past twenty-two years
and he noted a great many changes
since his return. He noted particularly
the change in the channel of the Mis
souri river which formerly flowed past
the front of the depot but now is nearly
a mile away. The change in the appear
ance of the city also struck him quite
Rev. E. F. Miller one of the most
noted singing evangelists in this country
and Canada will begin a series of meet
ings in the Methodist Episcopal church
Wednesday evening of this week. Rev.
Miller was in Plattsmouth about twenty
years ago and held a very successful
meeting. The people heard him with
great pleasure and profit at that time
and it is certain that every one who
heard him then will want to hear him
again. Those who did not hear him at
that time will be greatly pleased and
helped by hearing him now. He has
been very successful in his work as an
evangelist and comes very highly re
WANTS $5,675
Professor DsBolt Sues State Super
intendent McBrien
Alleging that J. L. McBrier., state
superintendent of public education,
made false and damaging statements
about his charac ter and prevented him
from sec uring work at his 'cgular em
ployment, that of teaching, Victor II.
DeBolt has brought suit against Mc
Brien for $r,67.r.
DeBolt was principal of the schools
at Murdock and held a certificate from
the Cass county authorities. Last May
he secured the principalship of the
schools at Winside, Wayne county.
He asked to have his certificate trans
ferred, but alleges that at this time
McBrien issued a ruling preventing the
authorities from issuing the new certi
Further than that he declares Mc
Brien spread reports that he was "a
booze fighter" and poker player. He
alleges that he was required to take a
state examination, but that McBrien in
writing notified the authorities at Win
side that he wouldn't grant acertilicate
if DeBolt passed the examination. The
result was that he lost the job World
Herald. The Lecture Course For This Year.
The attention of the public is called
to the excellence of the Lecture Course
provided by our citizens committee for
the coming winter. There will be six
numbers as is usual and the choice of
numbers has been made with exceed
ing great care. There will be three
lectures and three entertainments as
follows :
Congressman Adam Bede, of Minne
sota, November 14.
Chicago Oriole Quartette, January
Rev. Matt Hughes, D. D.
Dr. Fletcher, February IS.
Ralph Bingham, (a whole show
alone) March 1.
Durno, the Magician, March 29.
The following are the rules which
will govern the sale and use of tickets.
Note them carefully:
1. Tickets for the course $2.00.
2. Tickets for school children $1.00.
3. Tickets are transferable only
among members of the family.
4. Tickets may be used on a single
date for all events, subsequent to date
of use, both are void for past numbers.
It is likely that another will have to
be substituted for Rev. Matt Hughes,
jvho has since the contract was closed
removed to the coast, but some one
equally as good or better will be select
ed. Effort to secure United States
Senator Gore, the blind senator from
Oklahoma, is being made to fill this
This is an educational enterprise
which every citizen should feel glad to
support. Don't fail to have a part in
it this year.
Signed, J. II. Salesbury,
For the Committee.
Fell Off Wagon and Broke His Leg
Surden Sergenson had the misfortune
to break his leg while hauling wood for
Hugh Warden on Tuesday evening
about six o'clock.
He and Mr. Warden were hauling
wood in separate wagons and were on
their way home. While coming down
a hill about a half-mile south of Ernest
Ahrens, he arose to put on brake and
lost his balance and fell off breaking
his left leg between the knee and ankle.
Mr. Warden who was some distance
aheadr head his cries and went back and
found him laying beside the road. He
took charge of both teams and went
for help.
Dr. Walker was notified and he went
out and reduced the facture. He is
vesting as well can be expected, after
his lay on the ground while Hugh was
getting assistance. Nehawka Register.
To Attend Funeral.
Frank Schlater departed Sunday
for Lincoln to attend the obsequies cf
the late John D. Ferguson, wnich were
held there that day. He aecomranie.l
the remains of the unfortunate man to
Louisville en Monday and was pre
sent at the interment at the Lutheran
cemetery near that point. The services
held; in Lincoln Sunday were at the
residence of the deceared, the services
being conducted by Rev. Rogers of
Plvmouth Congregational church. The
funeral held at Louisville was largely
attended despite the fact that the
weather was very bad. Owing to the
inclemency of the weather Conrad
Schlater, the close friend of the aged
victim, was unable to be present.
He is Not Married.
The Journal is in receipt of a letter
from Roy McKinney dated at Lincoln
on Oct. 1st. denying that he was the
Roy McKinney for whom the marriage
license was secured at Omaha although
he admitted there was a striking simil
arity in the name and age so much so
that he almost believed it himself. He
assures the publisher that he is writing
straight goods and states he has had no
thought of getting married. He wants
the rumor denied in toto which the
Journal cheerfully does. The letter
closes "Sincerely yours, forever single.
Roy McKinney".
IfsA tdKT VT fc "V SsJ (TT-y. VK Id! til's. I'lIK I tT D
The only bslrlnq
RoyeS Grape Circa in cfi
m.idi rrroM cilpe:
Of created Leshrrfizlncs
- r..i rj- ?
OhS pl.ssphalo acids
In Which One Man Loses His Life at
Tuesday a.m at 8;30 a terrible stab
bing affray at Greenwood took place
resulting in the almost instant death of
Jas. Dwyer, a well-to-do resident of the
town. Dwver and Milton Bozark also
a resident of Greenwood, are reported
to have had trouble that evening when
rumor has it, Dwyer had threatened to
shoot Bozark on sight. In the morning
the men met and instantly the trouble
started. Dwyer received four knife
wounds in the abdomen resulting in his
death within twenty minutes. Bozark
was immediately placed under arrest by
the Constable and olaced in custody
there, the intention being to bring him
to this city at night.
Dwyer, the dead man, is reputed to
be a well-to-do citizen of Greenwood
with a large family, leaving a widow
and eight children to survive him.
Bozark, the man who did the killing, is
in needy circumstances leaving a family
of two children and a widow. It is not
known what the circumstances are
which led to the trouble, there being
couflicting reports in circulation. It has
been ascertained that the men were
not drinking men and were not under
the influence of liquor when the un
fortunate affair took place.
From another and different source the
report reaches the Journal that the
wounds which caused Dwyer's death
were not all in the abdomen but that
one thrust penetrated the heart which
was the immediate cause of death.
Visits the Plattsmouth Schools.
The cold wreather has caught the
school board napping and as a conse
quence the heating plant at the school
house was not in working order and
shool had to be adjourned until it can
be put in repair. The teachers, how
ever, took advantage of their forced
vacation and went in a body to Platts
mouth Wednesday to visit the Platts
mouth schools. Louisville Courier.
i Hum U ' ' n hTL n-;
Perfectly pure, unquestionably whole
some. A pure food factor ante-dating
all pure food laws. Indispensable for
raising finest cake, biscuit and pastry.
No Alum. No Dme Phosphates
Be on guard against alum in your food. Prof.
Johnson of Yale College says he "regards the
introduction of alum into baking powders as
most dangerous to health."
Read the label. Buy only where
Cream of Tartar is named.
"41, 1
Bryan vs. Roosevelt.
The editor of the Register makes no
no apologies for being an admirer of
the Great Commoner, Mr. Bryan, no
more than he did for his support of Mr.
Roosevelt in his administration, but in
either case our admiration is con
fined to these gentlemen. The cam
paign up to last week was a tame affair,
until Teddy, with the "big stick." like
the "Fighting Tip" from the Ould
Sod, "always spoiling for a ruction,"
put precedent and presidential dignity
into cold storage, and through the me
dium of an open letter made an adroit
attack upontheother object of our affec
tion, Mr. Bryan, in hopes to advance
the candidacy of his protege, Mr. Taft.
The campaign warmed up - and so did
the editor, and he took sides too. The
fight is over. Mr. Bryan accepted the
challenge, and with the skill of an ex
pert swordsman soon had Mr. Roose
velt on the defensive and making ex
planation for his administration, hitf
own conduct with the Steel Trust and
with the first convict ion under the rebate
law, our own Paul. The retirement
from the field by "big stick" is an
nounced. Mr. Roosevelt has met his
second Waterloo. There are two men
who are championing the people's cause,
and against whom no man dare bring
charges of insincerity : they are Benj.
Tilman and William J. Bryan. Against
j both of these Mr. Roosevelt very fool
i ishly jutted himself and lost. His
zeal for Mr. Taft is very commendable,
but his judgment is to be dejdored. In
trying to help kill a mule he has unin
tentionally badly crippled an clejphat.
Nehawka Register.
For Sale.
120 acres; six miles from Plattsmouth
70 acres in cultivation; bal. blue grass
pasture good house barn and other out
buildings, price right.
Eighty acres; ) acres in cultivation
'.V) in wild hay running water, no im
provements 2 miles from Cullurn a good
piece of land these two tract will be
sold right if taken at once see
J. P. Faltek Coates Bloc k,
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
made from H h i
Tartar BUk