si:.Mi- i.i'.ki.v v.Dvni . ; ork iw VOLLLMI XXVrIIl I'LATISMOLJTII, XKUUASKA, M().i)AV, SK1 TK.M ; mi I J, mm)S n r.M isr:i: to merchants clerks Fine Gathering of Local Business Men and Employes Hear Good Speeches. The first annual banquet of the mer- 'hants ami clerks association was held Thursday night at the Biley, and it was a flittering success from start to fin ish. Seldom has this hostelry enter tained so brilliant an assemblage and :i.ljltl JlMO 'I 1 il IIM Mitf lllilll 111 ttlt city which would ran!: with this most , f rubber painted green, but to the ob successful affair. server they resembled huge green peas. For the occasion Landlord Dunbar The first of these peas was character had made every preparation and he set !'.V toastmaster as I'lattsmouth, before the ::ssetr.bla ce a menu the equal of any produced in the state. And it is to tin- credit of his excellent management that this feature of the banquet m't with ready appreciation from the fine gatherin which graced the tables. One of the features of the banquet, and one w hich added greatly to the handsomeness and artistic beauty of the afTaiV, was the numerous ladies present. They presented a strikingly handsome appearance with their tasty toilets and bright glowing faces all shining with the manifest interest in the success of their efforts to produce a happy co-operation between the mer-. Immediately upon reaching the toasts chants and their clerks. They com- , Toastmaster Wescott, in felicitious re prised a large and cheerful contingent marks, introduced Mayor Gering. who of the gathering and added much to its on behaif of the city paid Superinten- success. There were s:tv-three plates set for those who attended, an attendance which in itself shows the deep interest the movement of the clerks for better conditions has taken. And the mer chants themselves formed a large por tion of the splendid gathering. They felt that it was due to their employes That they give the banquet their great est encouragement and they were in attendance in force. And it is well they .vere for they heard a fine, ring- to the mayor's toast. He had found ing speech full of force and thoughtful ' during his residence in the city that ideas from one fully capable of express- both he and the big corporation he rep ing the vital points of successful busi- resented had a warm spoi in the hearts r-.fss. of the people, and he modestly avoided The guest of the evening, J. S. Pilk- , any reference which could be construed ington, of Des Moines, la., was the' as persona! so far as such was possible, center of attraction as he rose to ad- He made it manifest that his heart was dress the assemblage. And it can be in unison with those of the good people truthfully said that he is a ready, who were seeking the advancement of forceful and tactful speaker. Knowing; this, their home city. Mr. Baird made why he was present, that he was ex- , an excellent impression in his brief ad pected to show to everyone present the j dress. necessity of co-operation and mutual j As the president of the Clerk's Asso work to the end that all should enjoy ; ciation Mr. V. C. Ahlstrand toasted the fruits of their efforts, he played his j the merchants and in well chosen words theme through in such a manner that j designed to express the appreciation of all were charmed and delighted. His j the clerk's for the active co-operation whole address teemed with advice j Gf the merchants in making the closing which the local merchants can study J hour a success, made a distinct hit with with profit. j the audience. The merits of such co- As an advocate of reasonable hours j operation between the employers and for the clerks he proved irresistible, j their employes formed the principal He presented such facts to the mer- subject of Mr. Ahlstrand's toast and chants that they could not fail to see he pointed out many of the good results wherein they would win by tne adop-1 which were later enlarged upon by tion of a reasonable hour of toil for ' other speakers. those in their employ. j As representing the merchants Mr. And to the clerks he had much per- '. E. A. Wurl made an able and compre tinent advice. Their appreciation of hensive talk covering the merchants the concession of the merchants was , side of the co-operative idea following dwelt upon as a duty which they owed much along the lines laid down by Mr. to themselves. With co operation be- ' Ahlstrand. He expressed the desires of tweeen all there was no reason why the merchants to do what ever would evervone should not be prosperous r.nd be required to produce increased pros happy. Optimism reigned throughout perity for the clerks and everyone else his speech, and it was only required to for the merchants realize that it was in hear it to convince one that what he prosperity aione tney coma nope to oe said was the true theory of success. : successful. The speaker had the gift of a good One of the features - in fact, the fea voice and a presence which was attrac- ture vieing with Mr. Pilkingons ad tive to the auditors, and in addition, the dress was an original song by Mr. H. S. knack of making effective and telling ! Austin, and which we publish in full, points. That he was popular was man- j This song adapted to the music ifested by the handsome greeting ac- i from "The Yankee Consul" of the song corded him at the commencement of his J entitled "What a Difference a Few speech and the applause with which it ! Hours Make." made a sensational hit. was frequently punctuated, culminating i It was entitled "The Clerk" and pre in an uproarious demonstration at the : sented the views of the clerk, the mer close. ! chant and both together, under the head As the toastmaster of the occasion. ! of co-operation in six verses. As is well E. II. Wescott done himself proud, vie- known Mr. Austin is a fine singer one ing with the honored guest in happy in- i of the best in the state and at this, his troductory remarks. Particularly did own production, he simply excelled all the toastmaster excell himself when in- ! troducing Mr. Pilkington. With re marks laudatory of the guest. Mr. Wes- eott included an apology to Landlord Dunbar. He did not want the idea to go forth that the guests had not been well enough fed, but of his own voli tion, he had a special course of his own to crown the feast. While not all present were vegetarians, he had se lected that succulent garden product, the pea, as the course. Whereupon he produced a large pea, some two and a bahquet ! half feci in length, made of preen pa- per. As he produced this before the astonished gaze of the assembled din ers, he neatly and scientifically opened the pod, disclosing six large pea re posing in their green covering. As it developed, these peas were simply balls then followed the second which was Push, the thin! was Perseverance, the fourth represented Progress, the fifth was the symbol of prosperity, while the last, but not least, personified the guest who had come so far to urge all the foregoing upon the guests Pilking- ton. 1 ne speaKer was nappy to say that there was another P unbidden to the feast and whose absence was a source of joy to all and that was Pov erty, none of which prevailed in this city. It was a brilliant and happy ep igrammatic hit, and the audience arose as one in tribute to the eloquent toast master. dent of Shops Band of the Burlington, a tribute and welcomed him to they city, seeking to cement the already friendly relations between the city and company. He also extended to Mr. Pilkington the freedom of the city and its best wishes. The mayor was in his usual happy vein and spoke out for progressiveness in all lines of business, he being a line example of what such a course means to a community. Supt. of Shops Raird responded briefly others. His deep, rich bass voice lent iuivc anu uiaiuaiiL iccuiig its Liic j-riaiii- tive lines of the clerk, sound reasoning to the merchants' verse and the glad, joyousness of both together when they co-operate. The singing received the applause it justly deserved at its close. Then followed the address of Mr. Phil kington noted above. It is a matter of regret that more extented notice cannot be given these able addresses as they are all worthy especially that of Mr. Pilkington, but with the space at command this is quite ! impossible. It can be added that among those interviewed today by the Journal j representative, there is no feeling but ; that the affair was a grand, glowing j success and everyone wishes that it be come a permanent feature of the city It would be well to make it so. WILL SURPRISE HER DAUGHTER Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey Departs to Hear Miss Elhel Sing. Mrs. Geo. E. Dovey departed Friday morning for Kansas City, Mo., where she will surprise her daughter. Ethel, now staring on the road with a com pany putting on "Stubborn Cinderella." Miss Ethel Dovey is taking the part in this company that her sister, Alice, is playing with the metropolitan company still running in Chicago. Several I'latts mouth people who saw her in Kansas City a few evenings since pronounce her work as remarkably good. The company which she is with will play in Omaha at the Boyd sometime in No vember. The young lady has no inti mation that her mother is coming to see her, it being Mrs. Dovey's intention to give her a pleasant surprise. Both of these talented young ladies deserve the success with which they are meet ing as they have been hard and consci encious toilers. Mr. Dovey accom panied Mrs. Dovey as far as Omaha where he had business matters to look after. Trustees Make Inspection. President King and members 0. K. Coutant, Michael Dowling and Frank Young of the board of trustees of the Masonic home, who were in the city Friday looking after the completion and acceptance of the new boiler house at the home. This building is being rapid ly jjushed to completion and, in fact, is now almost ready to be turned over. The gentlemen were more than pleased at the condition or the work ana ex pressed themselves as well satisfied at the workmanship and progress dis played by Contractor Broackman. Sec retary F. E. White was also present at the inspection. Messrs King, Coutant, Dowling and Young returned to Omaha on the mail train while Mr. White re mained for a brief visit with relatives. Gets Fifty and Costs. In Police court Friday morning Ward Barr was arranged on the charge of beating his mother. He admitted having struck her but pleaded self de fense. Judge Archer could not see any thing in such a plea and gave the young man a fine of fifty dollars and costs, the same to be worked out on the streets. Thus does the celebrated brand of justice reach the guilty offender. In this case the punishment was none to severe. The boy has been in trouble with his mother numerous times and has been allowed to go upon condition of quiting the city. He goes away but is soon back. A little work on the streets will do him good. United Brethren Conference. The thirty-seventh annual conference of the east Nebraska conference of the United Brethren in Christ closed on the 0th inst., at York, Neb. Bishop N. M. Weekly, D. D.. of Kansas City, Mo., presided. The various reports were very flat tering for the past year, especially so in regard to financial undertakings, all showing a handsome gain The mem bership also showed a substantial gain over the preceding year, there being some 4"( new members added to the list. Appointments for the ensuing year were then made for the various churches, those in Cass county being as follows: Nehawka A. Caldwell. Otterbein F. W. Brink. Rev. T. K. Surface was appointed evangelist at large and W. E. Schell chosen as president of York college. Married by Judge Archer. County J udge Beeson Friday morning issued a marriage license to J. A. Hathaway, aged 26, of Conneaut, O. and Miss Ollie May Holder, 18 of Coun cil Bluffs, la. The couple came in on the train this morning and aftergetting the license hurried before Justice M. Archer who united them in the holy bonds of matrimony in record time. The happy pair departed on the fast mail this noon for Council Bluffs. Ia. Grapes For Sale.) White or blacks grapes, delivered for 2c. per pound. I mile East of Winter stein school house. Tel Platts phone G. G. Pitz. BID NOT GET AWAY Drunken Laborer Purloins And Is Caught. Watch On last Wednesday Contractor L. G. Larson hired an itinerant laborer who was about the streets, as a mortar carrier for his plasterers at work on the First National Bank building, the man giving the name of John Harlan. He was an utter stranger having been n the town but a few days. When night came he got a dollar from Mr. Larson and then went off on a drunk. Yesterday he didn't show up and an other man was hired in his place. This morning he came around but he was very drunk. He stayed around the building where the carpenters and plasterers were and finally went into the back room where they were work ing. Mr. Larson was engaged in con versation with a gentleman in the front room at the time and paid no particular attention to the man. In a short time the follow came out of the room and passed out into the street. A few mo ments later T. Confirst, one of Mr. Larson's employes called to him from the back room that Harlan had his (Confirst's) watch. Mr. Larson at once ran to the door and saw Harlan about one-half block away near Giese's saloon. He ran af ter him and overtook him in front of Matt Herold's store. He halted him and demanded the watch. Harlan dee med having it, telling Larson he was merely drunk but not a thief. Mr. Larson spent some little time trying to convince the man that he had best re- turn the watch and finally called to Sam Archer to take the man in charge until he could get an officer. Archer took Harlan by the arm and kept him in custody while Mr. Larson went after the County Attorney to prepare a com plaint. Not finding the attorney in, Mr. Larson returned and again renewed his efforts to get Harlan to turn over the watch and save himself trouble. This did not succeed and finally the man was turned over to Deputy Sheriff trie talk the man Manspeaker. After some was searched and the watch was found in his pocket. In the meantime Confirst had had a complaint drawn by County Attorney Rawls charging Harlan with stealing the watch which complaint was filed before Justice Archer. When Harlan was arraigned he was in such a state of intoxication that the Court remand ed him to i ail to sober up. Had a Big Barn Dance. Last Saturday night at the farm of John Meisinger, Jr. there was a jolly barn dance held to celebrate the com pletion of his fine new barn. There were some forty people present and everyone had a great time. As is usual with any of the Meisingers occa sions there was plenty to eat and every arrangement for guests to enjoy them selves. The barn is a fine, large struc ture and one which is a credit to this thrifty, enterprising farmer. Among those who attended the dance was Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Morgan of this city, they driving out. The dancing continued until a late hour. Married Today. County Judge Beeson today issued the license and united in marriage Paul Long, aged 2S, of Manlev, Neb , and Miss Lena Preston, aged 20, of Weep ing Water, Neb. The couple were married in the judge's office at the court house, and in the presence of Chas. and Mabel Cole, who acted as witnesses. Following the wedding the couple were the guests of M. Iliatt and iamily. the briae is a well ana popu larly known young lady from near Weeping Water, while the groom is a prosperous young farmer of the vicinity of Manley. In common with their many friends the Journal extends its congrat ulations. Fingers Badly Pinched. John Long an employe in the car de partment at the shops Friday after noon, had the right middle and ring finger of his hand caught between two sills and badly pinched. He received medical attention for the injuries and and will be off his work for several days pending their healing. 8 There will be a dance at Coate's hall this evening, Fritz Fricke and Geo. Falter having made the necessary ar rangements. They have secured the Italian orchestra which has been play ing upon the streets today to furnish the music assuring a good time with plenty of fine music. The orchestra is peculiarly adapted to playing dance music. Emmons Richey is taking in the sights of Omaha today, being a passenger on the noon train. Visits Locn! Union. Thos. Dermody. organizer of's international union, was in the city over night, interviewing members of the union and getting them lined up for pushing their business. Another object of his coming was to have the merchants of the city under stand that it was to their interest to handle only union label products. There was a meeting of the local union held last night, at which business matters were explained and talked over and Mr. Dermody made every possible effort to get the members interested in pushing their own interests. He expressed himself this morning as much pleased at the results achieved during the brief time he was here. He departed for Council Bluffs, where he will visit the union at that point. WERE MARRIED AT HOKE. Rev. Erink Unites Edward P. Wilson and Miss Bessie Tubbs. A charming home wedding took place I Joseph M. Vanhorn, and his v hole life last Wednesday evening at the home of ! was spent in this neighborhood, with Jos. Tubbs, one mile west of Mynard, exception of a year or t wo on the Pa when Rev. F. W. Brink of the United O'ic coast. His jovial disposition was Brethren church pronounced the words one of the characteristics that made which united Edward P. Wilson and Bessie A. Tubbs in the matrimonial bonds. The wedding ceremony took place at seven o'clock in the evening in the presence of a large gathering of friends, and maiy relatives of the con- j trading parties. All these had brought with them many handsome, and costly prerents which they showered upon the happy couple. After the interesting and attractive ceremony of Rev. Brink all sat down to a wedding supper which for its excellence has rarely been equaled in this vicinity. The evening was afterwards spent most pleasantly all uniting in wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous wedded life. The bride is the char j tive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J os. F. J Tubbs, two of Cass County's best citi- zens. She is a young woman of much talent and culture, a popular favorite with all who have the pleasure of know ing her, and a lady who is bound to win herself many friends in her new home. The groom is a prosperous and well known farmer and ranchman of Alvo, Wyo., where he has many broad acres stocked with fine cattle all bespeaking j his energy and ambitious aims. He j bears a most excellent reputation as a i gentleman of thorough integrity and sobriety coupled with keen business acumen and knowledge. The couple departed this morning over the Burlington for their future home at Alvo, Wyo. Injured in Handling Ice Carl Kunsmann is limping about his meat market for the past few days as the result of a bad accident he received a few days since. In filling the mam moth ice box or cooler, the ice is raised to the storage room by a hand turned lift, the sprocket wheel being so ar ranged as to lock by catching in a cog wheel. While Mr. Kunsmann was turn ing the crank to raise a large block of ice and had it almost to the opening he stopped turning and slipped the lever, as he thought, into the cog. Instead of catching the lever slipped off and the wheel and handle began running backward with terrific force. The handle struck Mr. Kunsmann first on the thumb, bending it sharply back- j ward and splitting it wide open. It! then flew off the axle and struck him a ' terrific blow on the instep of the foot. ! The pain from the two injuries was ex- J cruciating and Mr. Kunsmann was obliged to require the assistance of his j partner, Mr. Ramge, and his employes to ?. seat. Medical assistance was speedily summoned and the thumb dressed, while an examination revealed that the foot had escaped with no more serious injury than a bad bruise. No bones were broken, which was very fortunate. The injury will keep him laid up for several days, however, in a more or less painful condition. The Goverment Building. Contractor L. G. Larson is today in receipt of a letter from the supervising architect of the Treasury department, stating that the plans for the Platts moutn public building have not yet been drawn. The architect states that it is the practice of the department to have the plans for the buildings drawn as the grounds are purchased. In other words the date of the purchase of the grounds governs the date when work on the plans will be commenced. It will likely be sometime before the plans will be ready. DEATH TAKES A GOOD MAN Samuel Vanhorn Dies at Union of Tubercular Peritonitis. SAMI'KI. V A N 1 1 1 1 C . Born November 1'5, 1N7, in Ca-'s county, Neb. Died at .r:K p. m. Tues day, Sept. H, lWK, at tin- home of his parents, northeast of Dnion. The first serious illness of the de ceased was about .July 1, his ailment being tubercular peritonit is. His con dition was such that it was m rcs-aiy to take hirn to a hospital in Omaha, where an operation was perl ormed Aug. ('., and on Aug. 22 lie was In ought home, being thtn very weal, and j emaciated. He continued growing I weaker but appear l conscious until (death. The funeral took place on Wcd- nesday afternoon, being brief ser ices I at the Eaton cemetery ul.eie ti..- re j mains were laid to rest. The pall I bearers wen- Milton Ervin, Sant True, j.John Ervin, Elmer I'.-'iks, Jesse llugh ! son and )rrin Ervin. i Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. i him an agreeable companion and popu- lar among his associates. Many are the friends who regret that he has be-en called away, and all extend sin cere sympathy to the sorrowing par ents, brothers and listers. I'nion Ledger. LADY MANAGERS INSPECT HOKE. Party Visits Masonic Heme arid Arc Merc Than Pleased With the Shewing. Mrs. M. A. Danner, Mr.-. I'. L. Haller and Mrs. Geo. W. Lininger v. ere in the city Saturday inspect ii the new boiler house ami general conditions at the masonic home. The ladies were greatly pleased at the coi ditions which they found existed at the borne. They found an especially good feeli I -res ent among the inmates who wire con tented and happy under the msmagmcnt of Supt. Askwith while Ihey four.d the work on the new boiler house; to have been done just as per contract and in thorough accoi dance with the- be.-t of management. At the depot they ex pressed themselves as being much grat- ! ified over the inspection. The ladies returned to their homes in Omaha on the fast mail this noon. Enjoyed a Fine Visit. A. II. Pratt departed this afternoon for Lincoln and Teeumseh the latter point being his home, after a visit in this city with J. W. Johnson and other old time friends. Mr. Pratt and Judge Johnson Jwere pioneers in Nebraska together having driven across the plains together and later, enlistod in General Livingston's regiment at this city. The two gentlemen served together through out the war. Mr. Pratt has been visit ing hereabouts fer the past week, meeting several old comrades and hav a good time generally. He is quite feeble but his faculties are unimpaired except that he is deaf. His vi.-;t to Judge Johnson was highly ar.nrec idte-d by that gentleman who thoroughly e-:i- joyed his com?. any reviving ol ! n i o- ries of their early manhood, .... . "n'J rCT THIS Driil.-? A London paper, which is far t r.rc.jgli away to be safe, started a Mary Ann problem thns : In the I'r.ited States the Mexican dollar has exchange value of ninety cents. In Mexico the .rwiieiicaii uonar nas tne same vaiue. On the frontier of the United States a . : , t i i j i t where Texas joins Mexico there were two saloons, one on each side of the frontier. A man buys a ten cent drink of whiskey at the American saloon and pays for it with an American dollar as change. With this he crosses the bor der, goes into the Mexican saloon, hands over the Mexican dollar for a ten cent drink and receives an American dol lar as change. It is evident that the limit of his purchase power is the length of time he can stand. He finally wakes up with a bad headache and the Ameri can dollar with which he started. Who paid for the whiskey ? Meet and Organize. A meeting to organize a Bryan, and Kern club is called for the Council Cham ber on Wednesday evening September 16. Everyone believing tn the princi ples advocated by Mr. Bryan and expect ing to vote' for him, is invited to attend and join. Turn out in force. Septem ber 16, at the council chamber.