The Avoca Department Niwi Its 11 Gi'.iif ai E131 Wii i a Sjsoial Rpjrtr for T.iii Dspart nont of ths Sani-WaeSOy Jojrnal Wabash Department A men da & Mohr A. J. BRAKN. Manager V. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President H. C. WEL L EM SI EX, Cashier The Bank Capital SI 0,000 We Solicit Your Banking Business. School Supplies! The ringing of the school hell is heard again, sum moning the boys and the girls to their studies, refreshed by a pleasant recreation. We have evervthing they may need in their work, including tablets, composition books, examination 1 a Ier, pencils, pens, pencil boxes, slates, rulers, spongts, rubbers, etc. Let us supply you. You will find our prices right. (IDA C HOPES THE DRUCG1ST, Wllrt kl UUI LaW 9 Avoca.. . Nebraska.. : When you need anything in l;resh or Salt Meat Line vou warn to be sure and get it of ! JOHN SCHMIDT THE MEAT MAN lie also sells Poultry and Bread t fix vou with ice! AVOCA, 0 STRAUB IS THE MAN THAT SELLS - AUTOMOBILES - OSES Farm Implsmenls and WAGONS AND BUGSIE3 e him v. hen yo-.i S.t his r.r.e. 'j-,r? f..a BHKTiST V nl rr.j:.;e wee.;.y trips to .AVoc-;ee: .Mi s. (.e. iCe.-.v.asv.i. ot un-owa. was y We.:ru s,i;iy. begisn i SL'Wt drscs.lay. Au- v:s;tjr,- hcr t!.:,:i,. fries:;:. in Avoca last g fi iru-i L. 0.!:ce with Dr. l;.vr.ue.. -- ' m S jQ B I ft fPsya'TP Wi - - il v : ! B CAanJa B 11 a fimn9 HI IB & i ti t Turns Gait's. Kcrsss. Hcts-h Pr2&tica!!y tndsstructihla U H HISs3dI R!f S if' ' : i ? ; : i ; : E ! . 5. . ! f .1 1, H & l.vUriF) lj 1 0 . . ,- ' " , " , ' r ; ' , .' ' i f 4 - c 1 1 O 2 l-u' J i 1 2 i: b -: ; 3 r-:w r-,-.v 1-r.c:- f .-rvcar- t r sr.-. C- t the- , lic.ivy wire?, the h j , , a Mnre j -int. the g - ,1 r..i:var.i ir.j. x.-ctly rr.-:-rts.ocJ ;.: usty it fted i- , . . t , . . . H We can , w v. ,1 this L-r.o in v.r r,. k nr. J explain its mon:? an J ruper- U rJ H iori:v,n.:c :.'.y in the 11 1 tit ia :!:c ti. 1 J. C -:r.e at;..l ,cc u zr.J g,t eur rr:cvs. " 3-.- -.- i' .;; FO" SALS EY V u wC-., " "Unnc'J Q . ,vj , ,je c.-,ri of A voGa Surplus $3 ,5 OO t : ; and is alvas prepared ice!! ice!!! XKHKASKA John Evir.-tt was at Union Satur ' day. j L. U. Upp was in Union Tuesday on 1 business. Dr. Kaar made his weekly trip to Avoca Wednesday. Louis Carsten and wife were state fair visitors'Monday. Carl Schroder was at the state capi tol Monday on business. , Fred Kughe, jr., is now head clerk j for Steirens & Zimmerer. : Miss Neva Zook visited her parents I near Auburn over Sunc'ay. i . , r . , 1 i ing the state fair this week. j Walter Coleman and family now oc ; cupy the S. S. Sriver residence. j J. W. Morley va; a business visitor at Omaha Friday and Saturday. , Claud Durham has resigned his posi tion at Dur.kak &. Maseman's. Miss Opal I.e-.vton returned Monday evening fmm a visit at Murdock. J. B. Carter has had some cemor.t s'niewa'.ks placed, about his residence. S'-.eri:!" linton and wife were over from Plattsr.-'.outh Thursday evening. John H. Schmidt was on the Omaha market Thursday with a load of cattle. Albert Beneke and family were the guests of CI us Mohr and wife Tuesday. (Ins Kegley was down from Weeping Water Tuesdav in his "Gee Whiz" wag on. Samuel Johnson and E. Nutzman were (l!'.i;:h:i business visitors Mon- ay. .'. ';:'.. !. of Ohiowa. was v: fries:;:. is: Avoca last J. VV. Rrendel and wife returned ; Saturday evening firm a visit at (Vdar ! j Rlufis. J i Mrs. H. (I. Spencer and son of Au-! ! Iiurn are visiting Avoca relatives and j friends. j ! Mrs. Louis Jensen of Hlmwood spent j j several days last week visiting Avoca j I relatives. I Attorney Wellensiek was attending to business matters at I'lattsmouth M onday. John H. Rusth has purchased the in terest in the lumberyard of Samuel Johnson. Otto Brooks and family were down from Weeping Water Wednesday visit ing friends. Chris Nutzman of Bertrand was cir culating among Avtca relatives the first of the week. J. K. Wallace and family of Omaha were the guests of A. T. Harmon and wife Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Sharp and daughter, of Papillion, are spending a few days with Avoca relatives. Mrs. Ceo. Fisher and children of Cook, were visiting Ora E. Copes and wife Wednesday. Misses Opal Lewton and Katie Eeichel left Tuesday for Weeping Water to at tend the Academy. Chas. Conrad, who has a good po sition at Omaha, was visiting relatives west of town Saturday. R. V. Boone and family of Weeping Water spent Sunday in Avoca at the home of L. J. Manjuardt. Jas. Carey and wife of Kansas are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robert Mickel, west of town. II. M. Marquardt, who lias been vis iting relatives at Scribn.-v.-r, returned home Saturday evening. I'eter Jorgensen, one of our prosper ous north of town farmer has purchased the Walter Wiseman farm. Straub Bros, had the misfortune to lose one of their fine Galloways at Lin coln Tuesday from pneumonia. Dar.iel Fleishman and daughter, Vi ola, returned from a visit, to Corydon, Indiana, the first of the week. Mrs. O. II. Tower and children have returned to their home at I'lattsmouth, after spending a week with Avoca rel atives and friends. Mesdames Fred Wilhelm and George Howell, of Cook, were visiting at the home Fred Neumiester, east of town, several days this week. Lloyd Graham returned from Aid more. S. D.. Tuesdav evening. Ha re- ports havinr had an enjoyable visit, but says old Cass is good enough to live in. William Gillin has resigned his posi- tion ot Steffens & Zimmerer and will attend school at Bethany. Wm. has a host of friends here who are sorry to have him leave. G WelIensiek cashier of the Avoca Bank, was in Plattmouth Monday looking after business matters, return ing to his home via the M. P. He went over in his automobile but on account of the threatening weather concluded not t) use it back and left it there until later. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. Th-s Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of CEALERS IS Wines, Liquors Cigars Avoca, Neb. Statement of the Condition -OF TIIK PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND ASSOCIATION BUILDING of I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on t lie :50th day of June, l!t()8. ASSKTS First moil w loans ? .V.'.tJ'in 0:; Stoek loans .t':u ' Cash 3.i'wH f' I 1 i if i ix-nl inleiol. premiums, tines :.Mt) 4) tl li-r assets . :.'4 !t4 Total 1.1. m i.iti i (';ilil al Stork :iiil ui Krsrrvr funil I ii I i " it It'tl profits I i v i ! 1 1 I s di'i'lairil Total 44.4.".:. (Hi .-:.'(! til ,'.iii4 i;: i '.hi .V.ti.V. I ; i; i : i its ami Kxi'knih i rto:s foii tiik Vkaii K.m.i o .1 r.K .'hi. I'.ns. KI'.CKII'Ts. Ma'ann on liunil .1 illy 1. If'T ? A.'.iT r'7 I in,-s m.;::4 in i nlri est . i iiiiums and tines 4.4-u Loans repaid 4'.' Ileal est ale sales ::rti mi Taxes aiivanreil 4n till Total ? '.'. ;n i:. I'!:miitii:i:s Loans ir.:." I'.NP' llses 0.14 s- mo.-I- i-edi eii.s d '.t.4 1 :i n:s Casli on hand :.';! " Tavs ad anreil :.M i'4 T it a I - : ti -. "Tj Tit STAT K : F N '' I! K AS K A . Ct.sst on nly t I.T. l. raltersoli. seriettiiy of the ;i'.'c named a-siwial ion. do s leni n !. s wea r I ha t i i ie f nei.'oi i' tc s! a I en lei 1 1 of 1 1 ie rond it ioi i c if a id as soritit ion. is t rue a nil i'oi t eel In t he I it si of my knowledi.'e and l.elief. T. M. I'ATTKIW N. AlM'iox eil: Serrel ar. . K. II. WINDHAM I .1. K. I!A i:v. !CK". - )::e, t,,is v. .i.Avii i;t:. Milisc-riled and swoi n to liefoie met Ids :!ist ay of July. r.s. Ci.aha l!itow. skai.. Notary I'tildir. JAIL KO PLAGE FOR THAW SO REPORTS COMMISSION PRISONS SECRETARY. CF While's Slayer Has Extensive Quar ters, Like Business Office, and Discipline Is Demoralized. Albany, X. Y., Sept. 2. A protest is made in a report submitted to the state commission of prisons Tuesday by Secretary George McLaughlin against the further confinement in the Dm chess county jail at Poughkeepsie of Harry K. Thaw, ae-;ilited on the charge of murder on the ground of in sanity. Xn:'s report is en an inspect iosi lie iiiinle en .Augtit -1 last. The report says in part: "Mr. 'I haw has been held in il.ij jail for several months pending tliL' outcome of litigation, which, looks now as though it might be inicrmiaal. His presence iti this jail is embarrassing to the flieriif and objectionable on many ace.jnsus. The sheriff has no room for him. except in the pa-bled ceil; even this he needs for temporary uses, and it would be an entirely unfit place in which to confine a man for months. Having been adjudged insane with homicidal tendencies, the sheriff would not be justified in confining him ! with the other prisoners, lie cannot keep him in the quarters intended for boys. To do so would compel him to keep li3 boys with the adult prisoners, which the law forbids. He cannot f.eep him in the hospital room for two reasons. First, it is not sufliciently pectin scoii(i, it cannot be spared i,r the ne.iiuu:er-.t occupancy oi .Mr. i'h v.-. "The it suit is t'.tnt th" sheriff has to corridor wis t ;K' it in the princi; al lie li is this room for his 1 censtiiii'-d a larg-j time oi tli" jailer in s-:-s.-:i:::ii I.asidsn-r, i a j e li: . ' -d tr.. a; i ii- Since several of our citizens went to Alberta a couple of weeks ago, we no tice that J. W. Staton and W. L. Mur fin got the fever anil lt-ft for there on Monday. Chas. IluHish was at Louisville Mon day and Tuesday. Postoffire Inspector II. S. Gragen was here Tuesday and inspected the oflice, finding everything all o. k. A. H. Waltz returned from his trip to Wyoming. W. T. Richards sold his sheep to Wil liam Burke Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Murfin was at Murdock Tuesday. Corly Dorr of Athens, Ohio, who has been visiting here of late, left Tuesday for Oklahoma for a visit, being accom panied as far Lincoln by his uncle, Ed. Dorr. Several from here attended the picnic at Weeping Water Thursday. Manley Department W. J. RAU. John C. Murphy and Miss Mary Mur phy went to the Fair Wednesday morn ing. Remember the Hotel is open and solicits yours patronage call and get a good Dinner. Why don't an Impliment House open up here? Don't worry there will be one here in the Spring if not sooner. Fred Fleischman and family are at the State Fair this week it is hoped by Fred's many friends he will come home safe and in a sane condition. Stohlman Pros are unloading a car of Manure spreaders this week, which have been sold by thern at a very rea sonable price owing to the fact that they were brought at a bargain. Cedar Creek and Manley crossed bats at the ball park Sunday, resulting in a score of 10 to 1) in favor of Manley. There was quite a large crowd was pre sent and while the score was not the smallest the game had some very nice plays and was well enjoyed by all. Piimary election was held here Tees day in the oflice of John Tighe. A very small vote was registered. Wm. Stohl man was nominated for Road overseen on the Democratic ticket and U. T. Long for the same office on the Repub lican ticket. Murdock and Manley Rail teams con test Saturday September 5th, game called at 2:'i0 p. m. Murdock has a fast team and a swift game is expected. The Manley boys will appear in their new uniforms Saturday for the first time. Come out and see the game. 1.3 J ! v- it.3 DAY B SiMIGHT UJLl-'l fllKDr tl JS Kkr'v.ia m i tin r.i x a.? j i v. - . j EL irt FIREWORKS H 1 1 e m i w mm. rr ii 7s. U i U y Li ilLUrtClMo DALL ULS Ot w "viv"w while the other prisoii.'u .s are crowiled two in a cell fretiuentiy. All ihes things : s are uub v the ohs - vatien of ther prisoners and ere,;' n, a belief that men with money the other factit constitute a separate ven m prison. Tliese things jn-odia.-f an ir:!y feeling of diseosit (. s;t and S'h.hoa the other prisnnei nocoia;e i d.'ioca. This affords a variety thorn v plain tapioca, and as that is a r.uts i'ious dish we should sprr" r.o to ir.ako the family at it. Makfj a t:; ;sl("1 f's'as'd in ;- or'ii rnrv tria:jn"r. t;'idi;:-- n -i tn aed ; e!,...-: to ( : :r a h '. h: ''-vn. j f:-ik- in a ; ud d.h-h :.-;! s- rv- v; h I Nvi.i::: 1 f : ;.s.i r :- ih":-. 1 f n- ,.f : :s ;i:.t mi grr... SI Wi ; !l t W I 1 il'i ! Mrs. Livingston, a sister of I. M , I Ward visited here last week. Wm. VanEvery visited at Mvitatd Saturday and Sunday. A. II. Ward came up from My nan! to visit his parents Saturday ai d Sun day. Miss Maggie Johnson of Weeping Water and Miss Florence Conner of : Elmwood visited the Misses Minds last week. j O. E. A His was at Weeping Water i Saturday. i The board of managers of the A a i bash Grain company held their meeting Friday evening. Misses Mildred and Nellie Jessop are here from Yokoma, S. D , visiting re! atives We had a nice rain Monday. O. H. Wilson was at Lincoln Satur day. Manager Jim Heeney was an Omaha sight seer Wednesday. Mrs. John Fleischman is attending the State Fair this week. Will Slander is hauling lumber from the Manley yards for his new barn. Mrs, Fasterday returned home Tues day after a few weeks visiting in Cole. Public school opens Monday Sept. 7 this will keep the youngsters out of mischief. Mr. Kasterday of Indiana, is b re for a couple of weeks visiting his brot her am! sister on the farm. James Carper and family have be; :i in attendance at the Fair this wee! we hone Jim will not iee Mi For: on this trip. Lewis Slander in company w it h ot l.t i s from Weeping Watr left Mo.v.'ay for the Canadian reig;s with a iev. of seeing the country. Mrs. Kmma RulT is s-eriously : ;!. in a Hospital in Iowa. Mrs. Rulf wiil l remembered as a nicre of John (hubi r. Mrs. R. F. Ruby, of Fott Cli.:-. was visiting Mrs. Heckler Tuobiy. Willie Harms is ju-t recovering fr.-m the effects of a sore foot. R!o d (op ening developed and but for the rocpt assistance of medical treatment serious results would have followed. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rautb, a . m panied by Herman and Aaron, v. . re Omaha visitors Monday. Hern.;:!; will leave for St Mary's, Kas.. next Tues day, where he will attend seh ol for the coming year. Herman is building a large double corn crib. PARADE SEPT 29? PARADE SEPT 30? T y - P- r w t w I l Uul It r rt S "T" PD h. u ' FFi.i.i' mw-.w -i."t.w- riiev 1 -5 F.G.FRJCXE ".-v.;r$l Wftfflity ' ,C0., i;f' i'-.'C-rt'i '-." . 4 s". I "- ' " ( j U-Jl.tkLj J i e.-v 50Cf' . y li t tn . u 1; o , i , , i i . i. .i i In. I.L I I .. , 1 1 i u ft ' J tn - - w. m r - i - - r ' L j ? ?r : 5 " - i i i i i w ' i SAR- I TTJ'ei'iT'J f i. n i I - 1 L U I il i KESaiSKA.