The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 27, 1908, Image 7

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    The Avoca -IDepairfcmeinii
News Hens GitliaroJ a;: Wjek by
V. W. STRAUB. President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President
H. C. WELLENS1EK. Cashier
The Bank
Capital $10,000
We Solicit Your Banking Business.
t A D S pEROXIDE cream
May le used in the daytime, because it is absolute
0 grcaseltss. It is immediately aboibtd into the ports
J and leaves no trace on the surlace.
Oxygen gas is nature's best purifying and healing
agent. It is this oxogen which gives to A. D. S. Preo-
xide Cream its properties as a skin cleanser, whitener
and beautiful. Get a jar and in three days; your friends
2 will note the improvement. 25c a jar.
When you need anything in Fresh or Salt Meat Line you
want to be sure and get it of
He also sells Poultry and 13
to fix you with
n Farm Implements and
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
fl Atoci,
V oc
Nebraska Q
Will make weekly trips to Avoca every
"Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, Au
gust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap
pointments can be made with him.
Stands Like
Turns Cattle, Horses, Hess
f O 4. 'J-'
Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the
hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel
that is not too hard nor too soft.
We can show you this fence in our stock and explain its merits and super
iority, not only in the roll but in the field. Come and see us and get our prices.
a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Jojrnal
of Avoca
Surplus $3,500
read and is ahvas prepared
ice! ice!! ice!!!
Mr. Clapp, of Elm wood, was in town
Edward Ilensley was up from Berlin
Miss Edith Nutzman is visiting rela
tives at Murdock.
Dale Mead was a visitor at Omaha
the first of the week.
Mrs. F. Durham and son returned
from their Iowa visit.
David McAllister was up from Dun
bar Tuesday visiting his many friends.
Thomas H. Straub has had the front
of the store building treated to a coat
of paint:
Jack Brendel, of Murray, is here look
ing after his brother's practice, while
he is absent.
James Fleishman sold one of his fine
teams of mules to a party near Mur
dock for $450.
Quite a number of Avoca people took
in the last day of the chautauqua at
Elmwood Sunday.
D. Fleishman and daughter, Miss
Viola, left Tuesday for an extended
visit with Indiana relatives.
Miss Myrtle Wolfe, who is working
near Weeping Water was visiting in
Avoca from Saturday till Monday.
C. L. Pittman was over from Ne
hawka the first of the week visiting his
parents, T. W. Pittman and wife.
Jasper Corbin, who has been laid up
with a sprained knee for several days
was able to come to town one day this
Louis Dunkak was an Omaha visitor
Tuesday and Wednesday, accompanied
by Mrs. Nutzman and daughter, Julia,
and son, John and wife, who went to
purchase their furniture, through Dun
kak & Maseman, for their elegant
home, which will be completed about
September loth.
a Stone Wall
Is Practically Indestructible
G. B. Maseman was an Elmwood visi
tor Sunday.
II. G. Wellensick was a visitor near
Lorton Sunday.
County Clerk Ilosencrans w is a visitor
here Thursday.
Gus Fuhge is the happy father of a
brand new baby girl.
D. D. Adam, the Nehawka druggist,
was a visitor Saturday.
C. A. Malcelm spent Sunday visiting
h:s parents at Nehawka.
Miss Julia Nutzman spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Omaha.
L. U. Hupp and Daniel Click were
Nehawka visitors Sunday.
Miss Mai el Cutter returned to her
home at Bethany Saturday.
Mrs. Trook and children were Union
visitors several days last week.
Gustave Buss and wife attended the
chautauqua at Elmwood Sunday.
J. L. Nutzman and wife made a trip
to the state metropolis Tuesday.
Isaac Ellsworth sold his residence
property to Gus Buss this week.
Orlando Tefft was a business visitor
in Omaha several days this week.
Wm. Ashton, of Dunbar, was a busi
ness visitor in Avoca Wednesday.
Miss Lela Malcolm is spending a few
days with her parents at Nehawka.
Mrs. Ora E. Copes was visiting
Omaha friends the first of the week.
A girl arrived at the home of Gus
Ruhge and wife one day last week.
L. U. Hupp the real estate hustler
was at Omaha on business Thursday.
M. M. Straub and family attended
the chautauqua at Elmwood Saturday.
Miss Bessie Mortimere, of Dunbar,
is the guest of Ora E. Copes and wife.
Mrs. John Peterson was up from Ber
linSaturday visiting Mrs. J. H. Schmidt.
Wm. Knabe and wife, of Berlin, were
visiting Avoca relatives Tuesday even
ing. John Trudeau had two of his fingers
out quite badly with a mowing machine
A large number of Avoca people at
tended the picnic at Weeping Water
B. C. Marquardt and daughters, Ada
and Selma, are visiting relatives at
Cedar Bluffs.
W. E. Straub was down from Lincoln
last week visiting relatives and old
time friends.
V. W. Straub left Sunday for Des
Moines to look after his herd of cattle
on exhibition there.
Geo. Cotton, the insurance man of
Auburn, was attending to business mat
ters here Wednesday.
O. Blair is having the lumber hauled
for a new residence on his farm, now
occcupied by Jas. Comer.
Finley Lindsey, one of our ' hustling
young carpenters, was taking in the
sights at Elmwood Sunday.
During the storm Wednesday morn
ing lightning struck a hay stack be
longing to E. C. Nutzman.
Prof. J. L. Zink and wife arrived
the first of the week and have gone to
housekeeping in the Renkin property.
Florence Wilkinson returned to her
home at Ardmore, South! Dakota, Fri
day. Loyd Graham accompanied her.
Mrs. Oliver Tower and children, of
Plattsmouth, arrived the first of the
week for a few days visit with Avoca
relatives and friends.
Ralph Graham and mother, who have
been visiting in Coloraado for the past
three weeks, arrived back safe Tues
day. Ralph says everything seems to
look fine in that country.
B. C.
and Co.
General '
A full line of Dry Goods, Gents'
Furnishings, Groceries and Seeds-
Agents for the White Sewing Ma
chine and Tailor-Made Clothes.
A mend a
& Mohr
Avoca, Neb.
Prominent Citizens of Avoca
Precinct Involved In
Crimnal Case-
Avoca settlement is struggling in
the throes of a great sensation pre
cipated hy the filing of a complaint here
before Justice Archer, by Edie Shu
maker charging Will Stoll and Schu
maker's wife, Sadie, with adultery. A
warrant was issued upon the complaint
and delivered to the sheriff who at once
proceeded to Avoca where the couple
was arrested.
The parties are all well known resi
dents of Avoca precinct, Schumaker liv
ing about four miles northeast of the
village while Stoll lived in the same
locality, Stoll is a cousin of Schumaker.
Mrs. Schumaker is a woman about
twenty-eight years of age and is the
mother of three small children.
According to the story told by Schu
maker, he had been absent from his
house yesterday and unexpectedly re
turned home at noon, catching Stoll
and his wife in a compromising position.
He at once left the house and came
forwith to this city where he laid the
case before acting County Attorney
Robertson, with the result that the
complaint was filed as above set forth.
The sheriff is expected to arrive in
this city tonight with the couple whose
plea is not known here. The prelimi
nary examination of the parties will
doubtless take place before Justice
Archer tomorrow some time.
Another New Automobile in Town
Our friend J. C. Zimmerer being the
fortunate man to possess one of the
fastest on the road. It is a Buick four
cylinder car twenty horse power. T. H.
Straub brought it in from Omaha last
night. It seems that everybody has the
Automobile craze, we think Avoca can
boast of more Automobiles than any
other town of its size in the state. The
next man to purchase is liable to be L,
J. Marquardt.
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold
under a positive guarantee to cure con
stipation, sick headache, stomach trouble
or any form of indigestion. If it fails,
the manufacturers refund your money.
What more can any one do.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
& CO.,
Agent for
it's a sijn of coil satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this office and
yard. Ttie output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
'PUflWF Plattsmouth No. 22.
rnunc BeiiNo-Ki.
Yke SO CtA
One Thousand Iowa Republicans He Does Two Profitable Hold-Upa
Gather to Brin About Par- J n the West in Two Suc
ty Concord. cessive Days.
Will Call the Legislature in Extra Se-
ion on the Senatorship.
Also to Pass a Primary law-liar
inony KpcccheH Made Taft See
Senator Hopkins Bryan
at Salem, 111.
TV Moines. In., An jr. 20. Nearly a
thousand Republicans were in confer
ence here in an effort to allay the fac
tional strife which Las torn the party
during the past few years, ami which
"was believed liy many to menace the
success of the Republican ticket In this
state. TJie feature of the occasion was
Governor ( 'mnni'ns' iinuoum-cuicnt
tt at he had decided to fall n special
session of the legislature to dispose of
the senatorial matter, which since the
death of Senator Allison has threaten
ed to renew the old ficJir. This special
session will l.e asked to amend the
state primary law to permit the Re
puhl'can voters to select the senatorial
successor nt the regular election In No
vemlKT. Instead of leaving It to a legis
lative aucus.
EverylKMly Was for Harmony.
In the conference opposition was ex
pressed to such a proceeding, hut fiov
ernor Cummins announcement settled
the matter, and the decision -was gener
ally accepted in god spirit, with the
understanding that the law 1m so
amended that only Republican voters
could participate In the selection of a
Republican senatorial -andidato. Many
of the lenders of the party wee pres
ent and most of the members of the
Iowa delegation In congress. Senator
Dolliver was one of the speakers, ac
cepting the decrsion of the irov rnor in
rood part, and declaring hmscl.f un
equivocally for a harmony programme.
Ooorge P. TVrkins. editor of the Sioux
City Journal, an opponent of fjovernor
Cummins, and Major John F. l.acey
-were also among the speakers declar
ing for harmony.
(lovcrnnr CJives His I Seasons,
fjovernor Cummins spoke at som
lenirth. explaining that his reasons fur
asking that the sen ator'al question 1
submitted to a primary election was
that it would make possible the elec
tion of ail Republican legislative can
didates and provide for an unl la sod
expression of the volers on the matter.
State Auditor Carroll. Repuld'can
nominee for jrovernor. also spoke and
was londlv cheered. The oonfo-enee
was held under the auspices of the
state central committee, and it is gen
erally believed here to have been pro
ductive of good in bring: ng the fac
tions together for a united fi' t for t'ie
entire -Republican ticket.
Governor Cummins Issues the Call.
f!ov. Cummins has Issued h's proc
lamation for the spec:al session of the
lejrlslature to amend the state primary
law. fixinjr An?. 31 as the day for con
veninjr. The proclamation sets forth
the povernor's reason for convening
the legislature his belief that an over
whelming majority of the prople of the
state are In favor of expressintr
their choice for United States senr.tor
In a primary election.
Wanted at the State Convention, but
Can't Attend TarifTKeTiBion.
ITot Sprinjrs. Va.. An jr. 20. Optimis
tic political Information was b'-ouxht to
Judjre Taft from several sources yes
terday. Though he participated In
several conferences none of them, he
said, was at his Initiative. Senator
Hopkins, of Ililnois. who has been In
Wash;njr,ton to attend the meet'nj of
the Burrows committee of the joint
tariff commission, wantpl Taft to be
present Sept. f) at the Republican state
convention, at Spr'njrfield. 111. A plat
form is to be adopted at this conven
tion, nnl trustees of the state univer
sity nominated. If Taft would attend.
Hopkins said, arrangements would be
made to open the state campaign at
that time. The national candidate,
however, said it would be impossible
for him to accept the invitation, but if
a speech making tour for Taft is de
cided upon Illinois will be included.
Senator McCumber, of North Dako
ta, hringing with him James Kennedy.
Republican national committeeman
from that state, was an unannounced
visitor. Taft was made to know that
North Dakota wanted to be Included
In any speech making itinerary that
might be arranged for his execution.
Senator Hopkins, who is chairman
of a subcommittee of the tariff com
mission having to do with the fix?ng
of schedules on articles of import
which come in competition with T'nitei
States manufactures, said lie should
call his committee Into action in the
near future. The tariff, be believed,
.would develop into the chief isue of
the campaign. It was also his opinion
that the revision which was to be pre
pared for this summer and enacted at
a special session, would result In the
reduction of many schedules and the
adoption of a maximum and minimum
tariff which would include in the lat
ter clas3 a sufficient number of articles
to make this method of dealing with
foreign nations much more effective
! .
Firit Day He Hobs Sixteen Staje
Cc aches in a String.
Get $i:o,0O() in Money, Wntclirx ami
Jewelry Second Day Cmilciits
Illinueir wllli One. I e v y -fnjj
a Tax of $ I. .()().
Helena. Mont., Aug. 2!. The stigf
running between Cody and Mceteetsec.
TV'yo., Jut arosc the Carbon county
line, was held up and robbe 1 by i
pingle highwayman, who pot n- a r
ward for h's efforts an amount esti
mated at $1.."00. Iotc are being or
ganized in Red Lodge. Codv an 1 Meo
tretsee to take tip the bandit'. trail,
but because of the rouht nature cf the
country little hope is entertained that
he will be captured. It Is barely pos
sible that the man who did this Job
was the same man who on Monday
hold up the sixteen coaches in Yellow
stone park, but this Is doubted. Th
same tactics, however, were followed,
the yasengers and driver lelng com
pelled at the muzzle of a rfle to ilep islt
their vHbuibles nt a point near th
road, and they wore afterwards gath
ered up by tlu desperado. The? bandit
Is described as a nmn of medium s .e.
That YellowKlone Park Ilobl-I p.
I.invingston. Mont.. Aug. 2t. The
holding un of coaches In the Yellnw
Ftone park Monday whs the mot sen
sat'onal and daring robbery, probably,
ever conimitteed by a single man.
Later details of the crime show that
he held up sixteen coaches. Instead
of eleven, as at first reported, an I
robbed 17." persons. He stopped e.u !i
coach as it came along me coar!ie
run a few minutes apart and order" !
each lo'd of passengers out of tho
coach. The robbery occurred a f'v
miles from the Old rabhful Inn.
They Didn't Argil" I be uesl ion.
At the curt commands of the bandit
the tre-iibl'ng passrnrs pr;iipt!r
stepped down and disgorged. K.-.clr
coach as its passengers vere stripped
was ordered to move on at a trot. t
wh'ch command was added the caution
to the passengers not to turn and t'v
any "funny business. " as Ihey world
be in sight for a long time, ami hi
rifle was a long distance weapon, and
beautifully accurate. The highway
man's fr'end'v advice was heeded, an I
as he coolly disposed of the last of Hi"
long string of coaches he imparted to
the occupants of the last one the cheer
ful informat;oii that he would wrti !i
the back trail for one hour.
His Booty About $20,000.
There were several prominent perf!
in the party, and the booty was heavy,
one man alone being relieved of SI.L'oy).
The total booty of the hold up ts esli
mated at $KMKiO in money and an
equal amount in watches and jewelry.
There is hardly a chance of ever cab h
ing the thug, as he had a long start
of pursuer and the country Is Ideal
for his purpose of escape. A reward
of $lbO has been offered for h!s ar
Suspension of a nig Firm of Broker
Who Owe Moi Than a Million
Interests tr-e Tia-Vrt.
New York. Aug. 20. The failure of
the big brokerage firm of A. ). Brown
& Co for a sum popularly est'mned
as running well above ftiooo) sent
a nervous thrill through the stock mar
ket. Coming as a climax to the b
wildering trading in last Sxtniday's
market the suspension created an ex
traordinary degree of public 'nterest.
While there was no question In Wall
street that the situation created by the
failure could easily lie taken care of
there was distinctly a feeiing of appre
hension lest other firms might unwit
tingly be drawn into the affair as a re
sult of the extensive orders scattered
through commiss'on houses dur'mr Sat
urday's spectacular proceed. ngs.
A. O. Brown & Co. were members of
the New York Stock Exchange. New
York Cotton Exchange, Chicago Sto-k
Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade an 1
the Cleveland Stock Exchanire. Tney
had branch houses In Chicago. Cleve
land. Buffalo. Erie. Pa., md Toronto.
The membership of the firm In'-ir.ded
Albert O. Brown. Lew's Girder Young.
O. Lee Stout, Edward F. Buchanan.
Samuel C. Brown and W. Rhea Whit
man. Buchanan made a statement in
which lie aid that some time would
be required before figures could be
given, but that the pm!tniiraci)t was
only temporary and due more to tech
nical than general causes.
Wife of Two John Bailors.
Muncie, Ind.. Aug. 25. Mrs. .Toin'i
Raisor has had the unusual cxpe;i
ence of being married to two men of
the same name, who are in no way re
lated, and neither of whom has seen
the other. One of the Raisor's was a
Kentucky man whom she divorce 1.
The other i.s a Muncie man.
State Sun Ilouce Owners.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 25.
Suits seeking $041,000 damages from
men charged with leasing their prop
erty to persons engaged in th unlaw
ful sale of liquor were filed In the dis
trict court at Rapulpa by Fred S. Cald
well, special enforcement attorney for
the state dispensary aeat,