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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1908)
r HEAVY GUNS AT WORK; CIVIL LAW IN CHARGE I ' Taft and Bryan Turn Themselves Loose at Hot Springs and Des Moines. ' Springfield Emerges from Mi City Is Orderly Again. & SON 1 7 EACH SPEAKS FOR HIS PARTY SIX MORE RIOT INDICTMENTS The Journal's Article of a Fe?-Days Sinca Galls for Several Interesting Replies, Assistant State's Attorney Looks for ' Fifty More of the Same. Both Have Something to Say About Tariff for Protection. UMK TilEi UP II Hi! iHTERESTS 8 IF (T OrfWis Mr. Editor: Dear Sir: In the Evening Journal of August IS, you wrote an article about Plattsmouth, giving some reasons why said city did not prosper as it should. You stated further, that a good many farmers had stated "there was no in ducement for them to come here to trade." Also, taking your word for it. "they can buy goods cheaper at other places in the county than they can in I'lattsmouth." The latter statement the writer and others refuse to believe; and can also prove that such is not the case. Our merchants by reason of the keen com petition and present methods of doing business and by environments, are forced to do business on a closer margin than smaller merchants in the country towns. The farmer used to think he could save money by buying goods Jfrom mail order houses, but that day is fast van ishing and the patrons of said houses are getting their eyes open to the pe culiar pay-in-advance methods of mail order houses, and they have taken the time to investigate and compare prices and have found that their home mer chants are their friends after all. They know that when they make a purchase from such houses it requires the cash in their hands before the goods are pro duced. When they approach their home merchant the goods are there for them to select from and plenty of them. Furthermore, the merchants extend to them a credit which they, under no cir cumstances, can obtain at any mail or der house. . The result of this is that they (the mail order houses) are now suffering. One of these so-called big houses, doing business on another's capital, had a falling off of $10,000,000 in their last year of business. If this does not show that the patrons of these mail order houses are waking up, what does? Plattsmouth merchants can, will and do sell goods as cheap as any concerns in the county and out of it. In regard to inducements, we would like you, Mr. Editor, to find out what is wanted of our community, that we, the progressive citizens of Plattsmouth in the future can make it interesting for those with a pessmistic view of their county seat. Interested Cisizen. From Another Source. Editor Journal: I noticed in your paper of August 18th, in an article headed "Quite a Few Reasons Why Plattsmouth Does Not Prosper," some mighty good, solid sense and some clear facts. I am glad, as a citizen, to note your fearlessly putting it before the merchant. Keep it up. I, in my small way, have re THE CONSTITUTION- AL AMENDMENTS! An Explanation to The Voters at the Primary Next Tuesday An urgent plea has been sent out by the State Bar association for the adop tion of .the proposed amendments to the supreme court for the increase of the number of judges to seven, with an in crease of salary 'from $2,500 to $4,500 ': per annum. At present there are three . vr justices of the supreme court and seven " supreme court commissioners who sal aries are $2,500. Only the three judges reside at the state capital. The com missioners reside at their various homes .throughout the state, ,and do not sit with the court. Their duties are mere ly to review the evidence," present the ' law, and recommend. With a court of nine judges all would reside at the state capital and till would sit together. The advantage of such an arrangement over the present piecework affair ought to ! be evident -to anyone. ! . The other iment relates to the j investment . of the state's permanent' school fund, -which has grown to such i proportions that investment is difficult j under the constitution and the law as at j . present. Tbis fund i;ow amounts to nearly eight million dollars. If the pro- I posed amendment is adopted the state j . authorities v;l: have po.wcr to invest in ; other kinds of securities, including ; school district and school warrants. j Provision is made for voting for or against these amendments on the pri- marv ballot at trip roir.iri!' nrimsrv oloc- i j j-, r - tion. If a majority of repubFcan votes are cast for them, it follows that a straight party ballot at the general election will be counted also for the amendments. If a majority of dem ocratic votes are so cast at the primary election, the same result follows. The peatedly called their attention to what you have just aid. They, the inr chants, individually or collectively deny the evident fact. The trouble seems to be that the most of our merchants are either old timers or the descendents of old merchants who did business here before them and they follow the oid time methods of small sales and large piofits rather than the modern one of quick sales and small profits. One reason why they do this is that the Plattsmouth merchant has both eyes on the shop trade a credit trade from which very few merchants have in the past ever grew very rich in comparison to the number that have gone broke or worked a life time for a mere living. It would seem as though it was time they awoke. There are thousands going to Omaha and to catalogue houses that they could get if they would lower their per centage of profit, which they could easily do if they could quit the credit business. Ai.y business man knows and the farmer is a business man nowadays, a keen one that you can't do a credit business on the same margin as for cash. One of the greatest reasons why Plattsmouth does not prosper .is that the farmer has to pay the merchant he sells his butter and eggs to, two profits, something no other town asks. A far mer brings in his eggs, sells them for 12Jc, we will say. He must take this out in trade. The merchant sells them for 15c. Anywhere else eggs and but ter are cash. Again, when he takes this bill out in trade he must pay a certain percentage to help make up for what some floater who has moved in and worked a while in the shops and got out, sticking everybody he could There isn't a merchant in town who has been in business many years who hasn't been stuck for bills. Why don't you get on to a cash basis? Your freight is the same from the east as Omaha's. You can sell goods for the same price if you do as Omaha and will not be continually kicking about people buying in Omaha. They won't carry goods down from there if they can get them here. People, as well as any thing else, go on the line of least re sistance. The fact is, they get well paid for carrying down those bundles The public are not all fools; they don't carry those bundles for fun. Your good citizen does not need the credit; he will pay you cash if you all ask for it. Why don't you organize a business man's association for your own good? Not to see how you can raise your goods, but to see how you can sell them for less and still make a better profit in the course of a year's business Your methods are away behind the times. Come out of it! A Citizen Who Knows. amendments are non-partisan in any j event and should be supported by re i publicans and democrats alike. Candidate for Congress in Town. Hon. John A. Maguire, of Lincoln, is in the city today circulating among his many Plattsmouth friends. Mr. Ma guire is one of the two democratic can didates for congress, subject to the will of the voters of that party at the pri mary election on Tuesday, September 1. A lawyer by profession and a first-class gentleman in every particular, the dem ocratic voters need have any fears. as to his qualification for the position to which he aspires. The fact is, Mr. Maguire is a joung man eminently well fitted for the position now occupied by E. M. Pol lard; and ona thing certain he will, if nominated and elected, prove a repre eetative of of Western people (and not the interests of the East) and while away his time in playing into the hands of such men as Speaker Cannon, arch enemies of the common people. A vote for John A. Maguire means a vote for a democrat of the true metal. Off br Gsrmany. Rudolph Ramsell, of Edgemont, S. D., who has been visiting relatives and frieiids in his old home for the past ten days, departed for Seward, Neb., today, where hj will visit for a few days, thence to Hannibal, Mo., for a brief visit. After which he will depart for Germany to visit his parents in the Fath erland. Mr. Ramseil is foreman of one I department in the Burlington shoos at Edgemont, S. D., where he has been located for some time, and in trt.cing a vacation he will spend the same in the land of his birth. He will be-gone un til nearly Christmas, and the Journal wishes him' a pleasant journey and a safe return to his adopted country. There were a number of friends at the depot to" witness his departure and bid m him god-speed upon his journey. Mrs. John II. Becker and daughter, Carrie, and Miss Dora Peacock were among those going to Omaha this morn ing to spend the day. Ohio Man Compares Party Itwords a.nI Attacks llryan Methods Xc brankan Fires n Hroatlside Into KcpnMicnn Ideas. TTot Rprings. Va Aug. 22. Achieve ment versus theories actual removal of abuses as ajrainst ever-changing, un practical radicalism that was the ease of the Republican against the Demo cratic, party as stated by William II. Taft. in his speech here to the gather In; of Virginia Republicans. As to the question by I'.ryan, "Shall the people nile'" the nominee asserted that the people do rule and that their will has been expressed In Roosevelt's policy. While Hrynn thought ivp and advocat ed all manner of impossible schemes to kill prosperity or to curb evils which accompany it, Roosevelt originated, and with the aid of congress carried out policies that improved business standards. Taft declared. Bryan Methods "IneffW't ive." Tie also declared that -the Rryan methods are ineffective, and that "the Democratic party and its distin guished Jeader" are "utterly oblivious of the necessity of rare and caution in fhe enactment of statutes which are to accomplish changes in our social and business relations. They seem to have an Impression that an evil which very insidious and which is elusive in Its character when definite legal description is to he given of it and a heavy penalty is to be prcscriled for It may be safely met by n statutory de nunciation hastily prepared in a day or a week or a short period." Talks About the Tariff. Taft reviewed the record of the Democratic party from the time of the last Democratic administration in ISP,."). "During this iHriod." he said "it re pealed the McKinley tariff bill, passed In 1S0O. and enacted the Gorman-Wilson bill of lSJV?. With the prospect of a Democratic tariff for revenue only and under the operation of the Corman-Wilson bill subsequently pass ed, a period of industrial depress'on set in which continued through the next presidential campaign of 1S00. Bryan's Kemedy for Panics. "The remedv for this depression, as proposed by the Democratic party under its present leadership, was a change from the gold standard of cur rency and value, which was the meas ure of all pecuniary obligations, to a silver standard a change which would have scaled the debts of all by quite ."0 per cent and would have pro duced a financial crash in -which the business disaster would have been ex ceeded only by the injury to our na tional financial honor." Taft was sur rounded during his speech by approxi mately o.OOO people. Ills reception was cordial and nis sjieech heartily ap-planded.- DUTAVS SPKKCH AT DISMOIXES He Attacks the Republican Tariff Idea Democratic Aims. Des Moines. Ia.. Aug. 22. Compar ing the attitude of the two dominant parties on the tariff question. William J. Bryan at the baseball park in thi city, before a vast audience, fired the first gun in the campaign. He attack ed the Republican promises of tariff revision, and asked if the Democratic party was not justified when it includ ed in its platform the declaration. that "the people cannot safely entrust the pxecution of this important work with a party which is so deeply obligated to the highly protected interest as the Republican party." "The whole aim of our party." be laid, in summarizing, "is to secure Jus tice in taxation. We believe that each Individml should contribute to the support of the government In propor tion to the benefits which he receives under the protecting government. We believe that a revenue tariff, approach ed gradually according to the plan laid flown in our platform, will equalize the burdens of taxation, and that the addition of an income tax will make taxation still more equal. If th Republican party is to have the sup pert of tho people who riiul a pecu niary profit in the legislation of the taxing power as a' private t in their business.. Ve ought to have the support of that large majority of the j people who produce the nation's wvalth in time of peace, protect .the nation's flag in time of war. and ask nothing from the government but oven handed justice." ! Illustrating the "private asset" fca- ' hire ho quoted II. K. Miles, chairman ': Pf the tariff committee of the National ' Association of Manufacturers, as say ing: "I have made money every year out of the tariff graft nor much, but still a little." Miles did this, he said. by raising his prices to meet the prices ! charged hint by the "tariff barons." ond something over. TJrynn said that the Republican tariff system was vicious, and that it led to intimidation of employes by threatening them with reduct'on of wages if the tariff was re- I duced. Business, he said, should not LdtwlesH Men in Small Towns Story of ft Woman ItefuRee Biot Wounded Improving, In cluding Bowes. Springfield. 111., Aug. 22. The first day of the nominal resumption oif civic rule in Springfield was free from dis orders. The members of the Seventh infantry were scattered about the city in small detachments, but they were under orders to act only In case their aid was solicited by the sheriff or his deputies. Twice the slun .hers of the soldiers was disturbed, once when a small fire broke oi't in a shed and again wli'Mi an irate father fired at an objectionable suitor for his daughter's hand. Small crowds gat here in each instance but weie quickly dispersed and at midn'g'it the s tree-Is were prac tically des M tcd. Six More Alleged Ilioters. Six more all. -god riot leaders have been caught in the grand jury net here. The inquisitorial body lias returned in dictments charg'ng twenty separate of fenses. All were predicated upon the trouble at l.oper's restaurant, and were identical with those charged against Kate Ho.vard in t lie indictments re turned yesterday. The jury has as yet confined its work to investiutating the riot at I-oper's. except in the case of Abraham Raymer. who was indicted for nVur:lr in connection with the lynching of William Donnigan last Saturdiy. Assistant State's Attorney L Wines exju'ets fifty more indictments on the evidence he has. Names of Those Indicted. The persons indicted are: Ernst ITumphrey. huckster: Rudolph Ilrede meyer. mechanic: John Schienle, gro cery clerk: William Sutton, cabman Herbert Carey, blacksmith, and one other man whose identitly was kept secret at the order of Judge Creighton. because he is understood to have fled from Springfield. Humphrey. S hienle Crcdemeyd and the fugitive were each indicted four times for malicious mischief and riot. Carey and Sutton were made the subject of two indict ments each, the same offenses boin charged. .Ti'dge Creighton fixed the bail at ?2:i for each indictment. DANG KB IN THE SMAMj TOWNS Lawless Men Warn "Niggers" Con dition of the Biot Wounded. The small towns of the county con tinue to be danger spots. At Buffalo. a village fifteen miles from here, the following notice has been posted at the interurban trolley line station: "All niggers wanted out of town by Mon day. 12 in., sharp." It was signed "Buffalo Sharpshooters.' Complaints also filter in daily from the mining camps, coming from whites and ne groes alike. Each race seems distrust ful of the other in these communities. There is a decrease In the number of refugees at the arsenal. The negroes were told that ,the proper time to re establish themselves in their homes was while ihe troops are still here, and this argument prevailed in many cases. But none of the blacks went to their homes with smiling faces. There was fear in their hearts and anxiety marked their features. In their homes few lights were shown after nightfall, absolute quiet and darkness being depended upon to de ceive night prowlers as to the presence of the families. . . One of the refugees at the arsenal was a woman whose white skin be trayed only. faint traces pf negro blood. She was accompanied by a fair-haire.i boy about five years old. "1 supose that I am foolish to come here." she said. "But I should no erar.y if I tried to sleep at home. I an not even sure that my neighbors suspect me of hav ing negro blood in my Veins. We have not mingled with the negroes here be fore, and have kept- aloof from the whites. But my husband is away, and I couldn't bear to think of having onr home invaded by rowdies -who might kill our boy. So I have thrown off the maslc ami come here. We are going to move away from this place just as soon as po.n.ic. In fact my husband is looking for a position fn another city now." Arthur Tr.ivman. who w.-s wrunded j during the rintinir on Aug. bl. h - been J discharged irom the hospital. Troy man is the first of tiios wounded ly bullets to recover from his injuries. All the ithe;- injured are throught to be o'lt 'if d;ii"ir wtt'i tl.o i.:uU ' t-. ! cept'oTi f Will-am Itowc. the county official who was shot through the body by negroes. Ilo-we. however, is re ported as improving tonight. Takt' His IlrioVto Panama. roori:i. 111.. Am-'. 22. Traveling nil the w:iy from ih( Panama canal, where be is tmgaso'l as a civil fnghiper, Wayne P.urkhaltr. a native of this city, ha- ncirricd Miss .Tooph:n? Schcrcr. of Murphysbnro. 111., brought the bride to this itv to visit his nar- ents, and departed for his post on th canal on uie honeymoon. Si I 1 I I And IV s Our Shoe Sometimes it strikes three sometimes it strikes twenty-three sometimes it strikes -thirteen. To those who do not understand it we will reveal the secret. When it strikes .three, it means that someone has recently gotten No. 13 and three is jjoneon the next thirteen. When it strikes twenty-thi ee it means that an other No. 13 is one and only two left ii n till another No. 13 oes. And when it strikes thirteen, it means that the lucky one is just leaving our store with a pair of shoes that did not cost a cent. Try it once. School begins pretty soon and you are oin to buy shoes. Our fall stock is now coming in and we can can furnish you shoes that will wear; shcs that fit; shoes that are up-to-date and shoes that have a reputation. Fought the Booze. John Susemker last week started his campaign against John Barleycorn, ap parently with the intention of putting John on the bumpski, as the poet has aptly expressed it. He continued his crusade all the week, making an even gamier fight than Mary Armour, but at the close of the week it became ap parent that John was steadily encroach ing upon Susemker's fortifications and that it would be only a question of time when he would commence to see green HznrHs with viHnur toila anrl rnnlr a or. pents with green tongues unless he was headed off in his wild career. There was also a possibility that he would reach a better world by means of being ground up beneath the wheels of "Big Dick," as be persisted in prowling about the railroad yards with his load, so the police thought for hie own wel fare they had best gather him in, and Saturday right he was escorted to the Hotel Manspeaker, where he rested un til this morning, when he was brought before Judge Archer, who gave him one dollar's worth of his celebrated brand of justice, besides the customary t immings. On condition that Susemker c ase his crusade against Barleycorn, the judge suspended the fine until he could return to work with James Rebal the broom maker. Bound for Canada. The land boon in Canada is attract ing some visitors and prospective in vestors from this section to Alberta and other parts of Southern Canada. The fast mail this noon carried to Omaha the following parties, all of whom are bound for Canadian points : J. L. Young, L. H. Young, of Murray, C. L. Wiles, S. L. Cole and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Cole and Will Stokes of Mynard. All these parties are interested in seeing i what they can do in the way of picking up some bargains in Canadian land and will travel from Omaha, north to St. Taul and Minneapolis Whence they will go to Winnipeg and the Alberta r.- jn. This is the famed wheat region of tl e northwest and is unquestionably ;t fer tile field for grain. The party be gone for several davs. Judge Archer, one of the o.- r -.ct citizens of Nebraska, i that on August 2". i: a killing frost in t';is ec ,.r the f , there occurred country. That years atro to- w-11 be just forty-five morrow. 1 he cm was killed down to , the ground, and the crop - was a total ' a: failure. At the same time he harvest ed a bumper crop of wheat, which was . romance of the world has twined. On all that savod this section in the crop j Monday evening, August 31, this beau line. The past few days recalled the j tiful instrument can be heard at the weather conditions of that time very j I'armele in all of its prinstine glory, vividly. i Tickets can be had at the Kiley hotel. Relation to Department PULITZER STANDS WITH MR. BRYAN Seme Part of the Nebraskan's' Creed, However, Are Not Acceptable. Nkw York, Aug. 19. The New York World editorially advocates the election of William J. Bryan. For sometime the attitude of Pulitz- I er's Prhas been in doubt, and it has j been feared that the Nebraskan would have to make the campaign in New York without the support of any of the larger papers. The World, in its editorial, says: The 'World ha3 sharply disagreed with Mr. Bryan and the Democratic party in the party in the past. It has upheld them whenever they represented true democracy. It has opposed their populism and sociallism. It has nothing to retract, defend or excuse. In common with the Democratic miNons as distin guished from the Democratic politicans, it responds now to the merits and de mands of a cause rather than to the claims bi any man or any machine. There are planks in the Democratic platform which we repudiate now as al ways. There are phases of Mr. Bryan's career and there are articles in his polit ical creed of which we disapprove, now as always. But in the essentials of op position to Rooseveltism, we are in hearty accord with the Democratic pi' form. , Whence Comes the Harp. The history of the harp, as it dips 'nto an almost forgotten past, its or- ; igm, it" romance, Us religion, affords a ; more fascinating story than that of any other n usica! i;i.-;tr'jrr.tnt. As early as 1S0O years 1!. C, th; first 'lyre was evolved from the rnin.! of a h:gh priest of Osiris, t-hat rod of the pt-or Je who w as so .v'oied that even his name was r.-.r. r. tie red by j rofar.e- lip". T; e prie?t, in one of hi? di!v v. a Iks nl'.r.g the i,.-i! :s of the iricre en:fty tortoi.-e she!;, and hapj'fcn'nz to str.-Kc :t, noticed ;.t it gave forth a pleasing sound. T:n was born the ha; py thought to ma'r.e a musical in strument cn the plan of thtt tortoise shell. An.! hence, the haru that in- s trim: en t which has been through tbe iges, the favorite of the gentler sex, J ) ind the instrument about which all t!. A i .