The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1908, Image 3

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Short Items of Interest, From Fri
day Evening's Daily Journal
L. F. Sallee was among those who
were journeying to Omaha this morning
Phillip Keil of near Murray was
among those in the city today transact
ing business with our merchants.
Mrs. K. D. Travis and daughter.
iielen, were passengers this morning
Xor Omaha to spend the day visiting.
John Bcrgmann and daughter, Lizzie,
"were passengers this morning on the
early train for a day's outing in Omaha.
Robert Sherwood was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where he has
important business matters requiring
Mrs. VVm. Carraher of Missouri Val
iey, la., spent the night in the city, the
guest of friends, returning to her home
this morning.
Reuben W. Larson was a passenger
this morning for Glenwood, where he
will attend the camp meeting now go
ing on there for several days.
Attorney Billy Ramsey went out to
Elmwood this morning to attend to some
legal business and incidentally, to take
in the Chautauqua now in session at
that place.
Mrs. C. Neff, Mrs. W. II. Stepp of
Burlington, la., and Mr. Ertz and
daughter, Margaret, made up a party
who journeyed to Omaha this morning
lor a day's outing.
John Carmack came in yesterday
morning for a visit with relatives and
friends of several days. He is located
at Des Moines, la., but expects to soon
to South Omaha where he is
a position.
II. O. Cole and wife of Teru, Neb.,
came in yesterday for a visit with the
family of J. C. York, find this morning
were passengers for Omaha to spend
the day. They were accompanied by
Russell York.
John Bajeck departed this morning
on No. 6 for Pacific Junction, and Glen
wood where he will push the merits of
"Acorns" and explain to the mer
chants of these places that it is the
best cigar out.
Judge M. Archer today made an ap
plication to the pension office for a pen
sion for Mrs. M. A. Dickson, she being
the widow of the late M. A. Dickson,
whose soldier's record was recently set
forth in the columns of the Journal. ;
Messrs. George Whitehead and Thos.
Hodges, and Misses Winnie Robinson
and Una Hoyt were a party who took
the morning train for Omaha to spend
the day visiting some of the many at
tractive pleasure resorts about the city.
Contractor L. G. Larson is in Omaha
toiay looking after the purchase of a
few pounds of sand for the front of one
of his numerous business house jobs.
The sand is of a peculiar kind and is
. . . , . . i I i . - i ii i
not to oe oDtainea locaiiy duc is nanujeu
in small quantities and is very expens
ive. Carl Graves, the swift young pitcher
who has been playing with the Belle
Fourche ball team for the past two
months, has completed his contract and
will return to Lincoln Neb., where his
mother resides. Mr. Graves is visiting
Lead friends for a few days. Black
' Hills Register.
Chas. Vallery, who has been in the
city several days visiting with relatives,
departed for Denver and other Colo
rado points, where he will visit rela
tives for some two weeks, returning to
thia city previous to returning to his
home in St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Vallery
will remain here, visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eikenbary, and
other relatives.
Anton Koubek, who has been visiting
in Chickasha, Okla., with Frank New-
a trey, has returned to his home in this
Mr. Koubek reports tnat Tanic
j eking well in his Oklahoma home and
' has great big crops in signt ior uus
year. Conditions in Oklahoma are much
better than they are here according to
Koubek. He also reports Frank and
his family quite well
Miles StandiSh from near Murray, is
in the city today looking after business.
Mr. Standish returned to his home Mon
day after a two week's visit with friends
in Furnas County, Neb. He found con
ditions there very bad. The farmers
have practically lost all their crops and
there is a prospect that there will be an
abandonment of some of the country by
its residents as this is the second year
when they have lost their all. Mr.
Standish returned to his home this
Dr. A P. Barnes was among those
haring business in Omaha. The doctor
is beginning to feel the effects of the
treatment he has been taking of the
apecialist and hopes with a continuance
of it to soon be in good shape again.
Call Omaha
the Independent
II. N. Dovey spent the night in Om
aha returning to the city this morning
on No. 6.
A. J. Hansen from near Union, was
among those putting in the day at the
county seat.
Mrs. T. Luchinsky and two children
were passenirers this morning for
Havelock on No. 19.
Earl Travis is among those having
business in Omaha this afternoon, go
ing up on the fast mail.
Wm. Kaufman came in this morning
from his labors at the Cedar Creek
quarries to spend the day.
W. W. Coates is in Omaha today,
looking after business matters, having
gone up on No. 19 this morning.
Claus Speck is looking after business
matters this afternoon in Omaha having
been a passenger on the fast map.
Joe Moore returned to his home at
Omaha this morning after working
several days at his trade in this city.
Frank Young and family from near
Murray, were among those from the
country who came in today on business.
Miss Ellen Carlson was a passenger
for Havelock where she will make a
visit with her sister of several dsys
Mrs. Nels Hawkinson of Havelock,
returned to that city this noon after
a visit of several days with friends in
this city.
Mrs. Byron Clark was a passenger
on the fast mail this noon for Lincoln,
where she will visit with friends for a
j few days.
Fred Masters was among those spend
ing the afternoon in Omaha having
been a passenger on the fast mail for
that point.
Miss Esther Alden departed
on the
fast mail this
' she will spend
noon for Omaha where
the afternoon visiting
with friends.
Louis Melbach who has been engaged
several days in this city working on his
trade as a stonemason, returned to his
home at LaPlatte.
' C. C. Wescott, wife, son and daugh
l ter and Mrs. Carl Fricke are spending
the afternoon at Lake Manawa having
been passengers on the fast mail.
George P. Meisinger, the sterling
democrat and good farmer of Eight
Mile Grove precinct, was in the city to
day looking after some business matters.
Mrs. Maggie Buckingham of Glen
wood came in this noon on the mail
train en route to Union where she will
visit with Mrs. Stottler for several
Miss Hutchinson who has been visit
ing in the city a few days, the guest of
the family of John Hiber, returned to
her home in Hastings, Neb., this noon
the fast mail.
G. W. Lloyd of Beatrice, Neb., has
been visiting relatives and friends near
Murray for several day3 past, and came
to the city this morning in company
with Miles Standish.
Wm. Budig, wife, son and daughter
departed on the noon train for a visit
with friends at Havelock and McCook.
Mr. Budig is taking a vacation of two
weeks which is well deserved.
Mrs. P. E. Ruffner departed on the
mail train for Omaha where her daugh
ter Mrs . Roy Dodge will join her, and
they will proceed to Silver Creek, Neb,
where they will be the guests pf Grover
Ruffner for a few days.
Miss Matilda .Weckbach., of Lincoln,
is in he city the guest of ;Miss Teresa
Hempel. Miss Weckbach will depart
today for Ft, Dodge, la. where she will
visit several days prior to returning to
her home in Lincoln.
One of the finest wagon load of peach
es seen on the streets this summer, was
on the streets today brought in by Joe
Campbell. The fruit was luscious and
sweet and thoroughly ripe, just right
for preserving. He had no trouble in
disposing of them
Jas. H. Davison representing the firm
of Yawnan & Erbe dealers in office
supplies with offices in Rochester, N.
Y., was in the city today interviewing
the various office supply dealers and the
county officers relative to introducing
the "Y and E" goods. He departed
for Omaha on the mail train.
John F. Hinshaw, formerly one of
the members of the city council of this
city and a former employe of the Bur
lington here, is in the city for a brief
visit with friends. Mr. Hinshaw is now
located at Downing, Mp., and has been
to Colorado for a short visit, stopping
off here on his return to his home.
C. W. Weckback withdrew hi3 name
as a candidate for the legislature, last
week. He concluned that he had not
the time to give to his campaign, that
he should, in order to win; hence his
withdrawal. Crete Democrat.
A Much Bigger Success This Year
in tvery way.
A Journal representative attended
the Elmwood chautauqua a part of two
days this week, and from what we
could observe it is a much greater suc
cess than that of last year. The at
tractions are much greater and seem
to be giving better satisfaction, although
the talent last year was all that could
possibly be desired.
While in Elmwood we chanced to
converse with one of the lecturers, who
had lectured at many chautauquas this
season, and he spoke very highly of the
people of Elmwood and the manner in
which the entertainment was managed,
He told us that the Elmwood chautau
qua was now already noted for its ex
cellency in every way that it was
looked to as one of the fixed chautau
quas of the country. While there were
a number of these meetings that were
held this year for the last time, Elm
wood's will live and grow in interest
each succeeding year. He also praised
the management very highly for their
social qualities, and said he was better
treated by it than by all the other
twenty-five chautauquas he had .visited
this season, or. in fact, any other
The large tent, which we would judge
will seat nearly 2,000 people, was
crowded to its utmost capacity Thurs
day night to listen to the excellent
music of the female quartet, which de
lighted the audience. After which,
Nolan, "Yankee Notion Man," held
the audience for fully two solid hours
with his wit and humor. This was the
only session of the chautauqua that
we attended, and if it was an indica
tion as to what the previous sessions
had been, the management are to be
congratulated upon their success.
The attractions are somewhat differ
ent and of a higher standard than last
year, and the attendance much greater.
Some people have an idea that the in
stigators of the Elmwood Park Associ
ation are organized as a money-making
scheme. If some of these parties would
assume the responsibilities and pay the
expenses of these meetings for one
season they would soon disabuse their
minds of this idea- If they will go to
work as industriously and diligently as
have John G. Stark, E. L. Langhorst,
Charley Hart, Herman Dettman, Floyd
Wolcott and others interested in its
success and make it a success these
gentlemen would gladly give way to
them and let them take all the profit
they derive, if they will also pay the
loss that might be sustained.
Every citizen of Elmwood and vicinity
shodld be proud of their chautauqua.
Already it is known tar and near as
one of the best on any of the circuits,
It is not only this, but it is a big adver
tisement tor the town, it is not a
trade-getter like a street fair or re
union, but it is a great benefit to the
community morally, religiously and
otherwise, and in the long run is calcu
lated to build up a community in a
manner that speaks louder than all the
advertising that could be done by cele
brations that will bring together larger
The Elmwood Chautauqua will be in
existenca long after others have gone
to the wall for the lack of interest, and
will become more popular each suc
ceeding year. And as long as the gen
tlemen who are managing it breathe
the breath of life and maintain their
present spirit of enterprise to do the
the best for the community in which
they live, the chautauqua will not only
thrive and prosper, but with it Elm
wood will continue to boom ana main
tain its record as one of the most beau
tiiul and prosperous little towns in
Nebraska. Long live Elmwood and its
Funeral of James Woodson
The funeral of the late James M.
Woodson took place yesterday after
noon from the Christian Church in this
city. There were many old time friends
of deceased present to pay a last tribute
to a good man. .There were numerous
floral emblems sent by loving friends
to strew upon his casket:
The funeral sermon was preached by
Rev. H. D. Thomas who paid an elo
quent tribute to the many sterling qual
ities of Mr. Woodson. He dwelt upon
that feature of Mr. Woodson's life
which was its crowning virtue his un
swerving fidelity to the tenets of his
religion and pointed out how this noble
profession had sustained him through
all those troubles which are the herit
age of this earthly life.- He also paid
a tribute to the great courage of the
deceased in his record a3 a soldier, and
to his other many noble traits. The
sermon was thoroughly appreciated by
all the friends who were present.
The family present included one son
and a daughter besides the widow.
Owing to insurmountable obstacles it
was impossible for his son, Fred, to
reach the city in time for the interment.
The pall bearers were J. W. Johnson,
W. H. Newell, J. H. Smith, Wm. Barn
hart, J. Renner and T. J. McKinney,
old soldiers who had worn the blue but
who came forward at the last hour to
pay a tribute to he who had worn the
grey. -
wm una imm
Judge Archer's Court
Eager to Near the
The preliminary examination of the
five men charged with the assault upon
D. E. Hill at Cedar Creek last Tuesday
night, took place Satrday before Justice
M. Archer. The court room was packed
this morning with a crowd eager to
hear the details of one of the most- re
volting cases aired in the court3 here
for some time.
The defendants were arraigned at
about 11 o'clock and answered to the
names of Edward Downey, Geo. Wil
son, Joe Keenan, Percy Fernald and
John Andrews. They are all employed
in or about the National stone quarries
some being flunkeys, one other a cook
and one the commissary clerk, while
Keenan was a laborer. They had re
tained A. N. Sullivan as thdir attorney,
while the prosecution had employed
Byron Clark to assist acting County
Atsorney Robertson. The men plead
not guilty to the complaint.
The first witness was the complaining
witness, B. E. Hill, who appeared to
be suffering severely with his arm,
which was done up inside his shirt. He
testified that he was married in Decem
ber, 1903 to his wife, who was the
woman with him at Cedar Creek, in
Utica, N. Y., and was a cook and baker
by trade. His home was in Omaha and
his mother lived at Des Moines, la. He J
had head of there being a prospect for
a bob with the contractors who ran the
boarding outfit at Cedar Creek through
Vreeland Bros., of Omaha, and had
goiie to that pla;e on the 10th inst with
a tenting outfit, intending to camp and
fish He located his camp about one
mile nbove the quarry. The first time
any c t the aeiena ants naa visirea nis
camp was on the 13th inst. but there
was no trouble at that time, the night
of the trouble, which was on the 18th.
About 9:15 at flight the defendant, Wil
son, came down to the tent with two
bottles of beer and invited Hill out to
help drink them. He accepted the in
vitation and Fernald and Andrews came
up a few moments later with more beer.
About one hour later the trouble started
by the defendant Wilson going into the
tent and beginning to ransack Mrs.
Hill's trunk, handling her things, re
gardless of what they were. Mrs. Hill ;
went in the tent and told him to desist,
when he asked her to ' 'go out and turn
a trick." Hill overheard his remark
and went in the tent and told Wilson to
get out, which he did and the gang con
gregated in front of the tent. A little
later Mrs. Hill started down to the
river to look at some fish lines they had
out and Hill followed. The entire party
went down to the river, then came back
and began wrestling. So far things J
had been good natured. Hill and An
drews were wrestling and Andrews got
three falls while Hill took the fourth.
Then the trouble started and all three
of the other men jumped on Hill and
began beating him.
In the melee his arm was broken in
three places and he had a knife cut on
his head. Previous to the wrestling the
men had handed Hill a bottle with
whiskey and alcohol in it and he had
taken a drink of it but none of the
others had drank any. After breaking
Hill's arm the crowd otherwise mal
treated him, Downey calling him a dirty
cur and kicking him on the shoulder.
They also threatened to
and kill him and burn
mutilate him,
the tent and
- U fl
No improvement of a house will
show up so well for so little money
as Wall Paper, and its so cheap.
Bring the size of your rooms and
we will gladly figure it out for you.
Over 240 styles of Wall Paper in
stock from 5c to $1.00 per roll.
Come and look at them.
Filled With Spectators
Cedar Creek Trial.
other threats tco sanguinary and vile
to bear repetition. The woman was
crying and screaming during this time
and finally a man named Alton who was
present got the men to desist and leave,
they leaving Hill screaming murder and
otner outcries, ile had crawled some
thirty or forty feet from the tent
before they left. After they had gone,
Mrs. Hill got her husband into the tent
and began washing his hurts. While
doing this Keenan came back alone and
opening the mouth of the tent stuck
his head in and declared himself a con
stable. He wanted to know what the
trouble was and Mrs. Hill invited him
to come in and see what they had done
to her husband. Keenan came in and
asked for a pair of scissors with which
he began cutting the hair from Hill's
head. Mrs, Hill seeing that he intend
ed to cut all the hair off one side the
man's head stopped him and Keenan
after looking at the cut declared it was
nothing but a scratch and advised her
to "let the B die" at the same time
dragging him from the tent by the
wrist of the broken arm. After get
ting him out Keenan kicked him on the
shoulder and when Mrs. Hill interfered
Keenan kicked her over the tent pole.
Hill was unconscious from the effects
of the kicking until six o'clock the next
. Later Keenan came back and dared
them to stick their heads out of the
tent threatening them with death in
case they did. He also exhibited a re
volver which had been handed him hy
some man who came out of the brush.
He then left, leaving them in a terror
stricken condition.
The cross-examination by Attorney
Sullivan failed to shake Hill's testimony
in any essential particular. He brought
out the fact that Mrs. Hill had two
babies at Souix City which had later
died and been buried in Woodlawn ceme
tery at Omaha. Sullivan sought to
obtain admissions from Hill to the ef
fect that he had placed his wife's virtue
on sale to these men at a dollar and a
half per head but this he stubbornly
denied. He also denied that he ever
whipped his wife or that the day after
trouble he had chased his wife
down the track with the intention of
beating her. He owned up to drinking
"white line" which is alcohol diluted
and that Downey one of the defendant's
had approached his wife before, the
trouble with an offer to give her "a
piece of money."
On the whole Hill's story held togeth
er well and made a strong impression.
He was evidently an uneducated man
and had small moral conceptions but
seemed honest in his statements.
Mrs. Hill tcok the stand in the after
noon and corroborated her husband in
all the essential particulars of the test
imony. She told of repeated offers of
money from members of the gang and
of their solicitations to her but main
tained that she steadfastedly refused
them. She was not subject to cross
eximnation and her story was practical
ly unshaken although at times she was
confused and uncertain in her state
ments. The defense started the production of
their testimony just as the Journal goes
to press and the remainder of the testi
mony with the final action of the exam
ining magistrate will he told in Monday's
N. B. Since the above was put in
type the parties were bound over to dis
trict court.
t IL
a poor suit or an old
suit in this store if you
wanted to. We never
did carry any poor
clothing and since the
flood we have disposed
of every suit and over
coat that is not new
up-to-date stuff.
Hence our stock now
is new and first-class,
especially for the Fall
season of 1908.
C. E.
"Where Quality Counts."
Will Sheick and family, who have
been visiting Matt Tarns in this city for
several days past, returned to their
home at Ravenna, Neb., this morning.
Mr. Tarns accompanied them fora brief
In Disthict roruT. I
Cass CorxTV, Nkb. (
In the matter of Dip riiiardiuushlp of tieorge
Leslie Hall a minor.
Now on Hie 17th flay of August, litis, this,
cause camp on hearing upon the iietition of
(ieorire W". Hall, guardian, praying for license
to sell Dip undivided one sixth interest of said
minor In the following lands to-wit: txtt (41
in the northeast juarter of t he southeast iiuar.
ter of sect ion (24) township ( 12) range, 3) n
the city of I'lattsmout h, Nebraska: also th
west half of the sout hwest quarter of section.
(25) township (2) range (3), In Jefferson coun
ty, Nehraska, for the purpose of reinvesting
the proceeds thereof to a letter advantage, for
said minor. It is ordered that the next of kin
and all persons interested in said matter ap-.
lear liefore me at the district court room on
the 2th day of Septemir. liXW. at ten'o'cloek.
a. m., to show cause why a lli-ense should not
be granted to said guardian as above set forth.
That notice of the time and place, of above
hearing be given to all persons interested by
publishing a copy of tliis order In the I'latto
mouth Journal for three successive week
prior to the 2th day of September, im.
HabvetII. I). Travis.
Judge of the District Court.
State of Nebraska, i K
Cass County, i
To Thomas M.Wright and Iora Wright, his
wife: Birt Hodges and Cyble Hodges, his wife
Ira A. Draper and Drajer, first name un-t
known, his wife, defendants:
You and each of you will notice and are
hereby notified that on the itfth day of July,
A. D. l'.Xw, Jacob l Falter and Mary Falter,
his wife, plaintiffs herein filed their petition la
the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska,
against you, the said defendants, the object
and prayer of which are to cancel and annull
a deed from J. I Falter and Mary Falter to
Kert Hodge conveying Lots 7, R. and 9. In Block
2. In the city of I'latsmouth: Lot 2 and Lot 3
except 25.93 feet off the south side, in Block 4.
In Thimpson's Addition to I'latt-smouth; and
Lots 11. and 12. in block 6, In Townsend's Ad
dltlon to I'latsmouth: and Lota II and 12 In
Block 221, in the city of I'latsmouth; all In
Cass County. Nebraska: and a deed from Blr
Hodges and Cyble Hodges to Ira A. Draper,
conveying the same premises above described,
on the grounds of fraud, misrepresentation,
conspiracy, alteration, forgery, and to quiet
and confirm the title of the plaintiffs in and
to said premiaestn said plaintiffs and aralns
you and each of you. You and each of you u
required to answer said petition on or be for
the 31st day oj August. 1808.
Dated at I'lattsmouth.Caas county, Nebraska.
July 16th, 1908.
Jacob P. Faltbb akd
7-23-4 By A. L. Tldd.thelr attorney
41 county Nebraska,Dletrich Koester. plain
tiff vs. W. 11. Tomason. first name unknown
Mrs. Tomason. first name unknown.
the unknown heirs and dlvlseea of IV. K Tn.
mason, first name unknown. deceased, defend
ants. The above named defendants will take notice,
that on the 2nd day of July. rK Dietrich Kn-
ester, plaintiff. Hied his petition In the Iis
trict Court of Cass Countv Ncl.r,. ,
said defendants the object and prayer of whirl.
'i""-. in w iul one in Klock
Thirteen in the village of Avoca. Cass County
Nebraska against you by the reason of the ad
verse poession of said premises by the atd
plaintiff for more than ten years last past and
for equit able relief . Vnu immn.i .
swer said petition on or before August 17 lurST
By C. E. TZTFT. his attornr- rlln"'T.
July i. 190.
Notice of Probate of Hill.
In thi: Count t Cocrt ov
Cass Cocntt, Nebraska, i
In the matter of the estate of Reglna Wolf de
ceased. '
To John Koke. Jennie Koke. and all other r-
sons Interested in said estate- Dr
You are herebv nnimui k. ...
been filed to probate i Will nrrtlni . '
the last will and testanUntof Rerfn'a' Wolrd
ceased, and for the appointment of ruSl
Koke as administrator with , wni iT"!
There will be a hearinujon Jd JS5Slt:
my office in the city of Platt-mtK JLt
22 day of Auiusu ut and I all E.00 fcb
said petitioWst uTfliSS kI1 b!cIIon
hour, and at said timi a"4
it said time such order, will b2
made as are
County Jud
D. O. Dwrta, Attorney.