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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1908)
TP""7 7 J The Plattsmouth Journal rUULISIIRU WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA R. A. BATE, Puhlishkr. ntered at the postortlce at Platwnuoutta, Ne braUa.acconl clans matter. $1.50 Per Yoar In Advance. Remember the primary election Tues day, September 1. Be sure that you come out and vote. Every democrat should do so. The final failure of the Rosewater plan for controlling Nebraska leaves an able "amateur" nothing but this good name to keep him from being in bad odor. St. Louis Republic. With the chairman of the New York Democratic State Committee as author ity for the claim that it is all over but the shouting in sweeping the State like a whislwind, the mixture of metaphor helps to show the vigor with which the shouting has already begun. The third nomination of Governor Johnson of Minnesota, by the democrats and his acceptance, opens the way for great possibilities in the gopher state. Should Johnson carry Minnesota for Bryan this year as well as for himself, he must be the party's choice in 1912. The democrats of Cass County have far and away the best candidate for County Attorney before the people. A vote for Biliy Ramsey is a vote for a strong, able and fearless county attor ney, and a recognition of a bright young man who is inevitably bound to fill the olfiee with honor to himself and his con stituents. The democratic primaries are held September 1st. Make all your arrange ments to attend and vote for your favor ite candidates. The choice of a gover nor is a matter of vital importance in thisstite r.nd every vote should be cast for some one of the three candidates either Shallenberger Dahlman or Berge. C. N. Seybeut, democratic candidate for county commissioner, is a good man, well fitted for the position and deserves to have every democrat speak a good word for him. Get out and give him a rousing send off and see to it that all your friends cast a vote for Seybert. The frantic efforts of the reaction aries to get under the mantle of Roose velt is amusing. At heart everyone of these men is bitterly opposed to every thing Roosevelt represents and there is no chance of their ever enacting his views, when they are progressive, upon any subject. Roosevelt's reactionary views meet their approval but they go no farther. Any man who favors Speaker Cannon is against Roosevelt. The announcement of the New York World that it is now for Bryan means much. While surrendering none of Mr. Pulitzer's well known views it considers that the crisis in the nation demands the election of Mr. Bryan and wisely drops it's personal feelings in an effort to do something to avert the disaster which continued misrule threatens. It also means that New YorK is lining up strongly for Bryan and that the Empire state means to regain its prestige as a great democratic state in the coming election. Eight national banks in Oklahoma have announced that they will denation alize and become state banks to enable them to take advantage of the state banking guarantee law. The comptrol ler of currency has notified all nation ional banks in Oklahoma that they must not operate under this law. One national bank has announced that it will organize a savings bank under the guaranty law, thereby enjoying the prestige of both a national and a state bank. In Illinois the prospects for a great democratic victory seem overwhelming. From every portion of the state comes reports of republican dissatisfaction and democratic unity. Former vice-president Stevenson, the democratic candi date for governor, is especially opti mistic. He considers the state safe for Bryan and himself by a large majority as he has had assurances from every quarter of great support by the inde- t pendent and laboring portion of the voters. And what is true in Illinois is true in every other middle state. It is a democratic year and the election of Bryan and Kern seems more probable everyday. . With the Democrats, the laboring men and the Methodists against him, Mr. Taft is making desperate efforts to keep his fences in repair. The pro tected interests and the negroes are about all he has left, and he is not very sure of the negroes. Govenor Johnson of Minnesota is not a sulker. Personally, he would have preferred a rest from politics, but his party called him, and he will be found in the front rank battling for Democracy from now till November. You have a choice for governor and perhaps a choice for other officials. Nearly all democrats have. We also have two candidates for congress. They are both good men. Now it is the duty of every democrat to go the polls on Tuesday, September 1, and vote for one or the other of these gentlemen for congress, as well as for his preference for other candidates for state offices. Don't fail to do so. The Union Ledger has this to say concerning the address delivered at the Old Settlers' Reunion by our Billy Ram sey, democratic candidate for County Attorney: "Attorney William C. Ram sey, of Plattsmouth, delivered a very interesting and scholarly address of 40 minutes, dealing principally with early settlement, and tracing the county's progress to the present time. Mr. Ram sey's address was highly appreciated and received merited applause." Every democrat should turn out and vote at the primary Tuesday, September 1. Only a few days distant. You may think it is not necessary, but right there is where you are mistaken it is neces sary. As between Shallenberger, Berge or Dahlman, you have a choice for Gov ernor. Go and vote for the one you think will be the strongest at the elec tion in November. Don't stay away and then kick because your favorite was not nominated. The mayor of South Bend, Ind., a manufacturing city that is always re publican in politics, is a democrat. Great distress came to unemployed la boring men in South Bend, following the Roosevelt panic. The mryor, when he found that many were in want, established soup houses in the city, which greatly relieved them. When he appealed to the city council to foot the bill, they refused, and the mayor pcid the expense out of his own pocket. is an object lesson at South Bend, and it is freely predicted on every hand that;the city will be democratic this fall. The action of the Oklahoma Nation al banks in cancelling their national charters and taking out state charters so as to secure the benefit of the guar antee deposit law. is highly significant. It means that they have realized the immense benefits the banks obtain from the law's operation. The law has serv ed to insure public confidence in the sta bility of the banks, and serves to pro tect the banks from foolish and needless runs. This is where it benefits the banks. It benefits the depositor by giv ing him the security of the state behind his money an impregnable fortress of security. The democratic party pro poses to enact a law that all national banks shall give the people the same guarantee with the additional security of national strength behind it. The primary law, for the direct nom ination of the candidates of all parties, will be given its first thorough test in Nebraska this fall. Only about two weeks remain till primary election day, when the nominations will be 'mads. This law reposes the entire power di rectly in the hands of the people, from whom all political power springs. Like all vast power it carries with it a great responsibility. - The great responsibil ity of making wise and good nomina tions can no longer be delegated to con ventions and to experinced and deeply interested leaders, a3 before. The peo le must bear it themselves. Every member of each party should be awake to his personal interest and his personal duty. He should carefully study the list of candidates before the primary of his party and strive to make an in telligent choice. He should realize ful ly the undoubted fact that, on judicious action on the primary day, will in large measure depend the outcome on elec tion day. - - Call Omaha over the Independent telephone. Lack of employment is said to be ; causing many men in the East to de 1 Bert their families. And it is causing a great many more to desert the Re publican party. There are two democratic candidates for congress before the primary Tues- j day, September 1 John A. Maguire of Lincoln, and Dr. A. P. Fitzsimmons of Tecumseh. Both are good men, and either woald be an improvement over the present supporter of Czar Cannon for Speaker. In the primary election on Tuesday, September 1, there is but one candidate to vote for each office on the democratic ticket, while there are three candidates for Governor Berge, Shallenberger and Dahlman, As between the three you evidently have a choice. Then go to polls and vote for him. It is your duty to do so. If you think Shallenberger would make the best Governor go to the polls next Tuesday, September 1, and vote for him. If you believe Berge is the best man vote for him; or, if you think Dahlman is the proper man for the place vote for him. By all means turn out and vote for the one you think can command the most votes at the general election on November 3. The full dinner pail will not have such a conspicuous place in Republican parades this year as it had in 1896. The reason is that it isn't over half full and what little the laborer nas in it costs about one-third more than in 1896, yet when the pay check comes around it has the same old figures written on its face, and in many instances considerably less. The full dinner pail i3 no longer a Republican political asset. The Kansas City Star, republican, urges the election of a democratic congress and says with Taft's election a democratic house would give better support to his policies than a republi can house. The Star bases its opinion upon the fact that the continued reign of Cannon would prevent all reform legislation, as it was able to control the Chicago convention and turn down Roosevelt's policies. The Star should go a step farther and admit that the election of Bryan and a democratic congress is the only way to insure a continuance of Roosevelt policies and the adoption of remedial reform legis lation. Nebraska City News. The difference between Mr. Taft's promise of tariff revision and Mr. Bry an's pledges in the same direction is that Mr. Taft. if elected, will be in po sition to redeem his pledge, while Mr. Bryan, if elected, would be powerless to accomplish anything with a republican senate arrayed against his free trade plans. Omaha Bee. This is an ac knowledgement that if Mr. Bryan is elected, the pledges he makes to the people cannot be carried out because the Republican House of Lords, con trolled by the corporations, do not in tend to carry out the wishes of the peo ple, even if instructed to do so by the election of Mr. Bryan. Talk about your "government of, for and by the peo ple" with the republican party in pow er! The people are tired of such deceit, and such papers as the Bee will wake up the morning after the election to find out this fact. The Tariff as Tree Destroyer. Canadian lumbermen are discussing the reduction of their cut next winter from 50 to 70 per cent on account of American competion, which, they claim, has involved a loss of $700,000. The American lumber enters Canada free, and is sold at reduced prices for much less than it sells at home. This in spite of the fact that lumber is scarce in the United States and growing scarcer at an appalling rate. The American tariff on lumber is $2 per 1,000 feet. This enables the dealers to maintain a high price at home, keep out foreign lumber, and to dump lumber into Canada at prices cheaper than in this country. The tariff on lumber in this country does not "protect American forests," and was not expected to do s . It does not protect the consumer. It does en able the dealer to make an undue profit. Nashville American. To Accomodate AU We make a specialty of box trade on duds cigars. The cigar is right, our price is right. Gerlng & Co The De-Lone Harp Concert Com pany Is a treat for all music lovers. DAILY PERSONAL NEWS a- Short Items of Interest, From Sat urday Evening's Daily Journal J. L. Hadroba was among those who travelled to Omaha this morning going up on No. 19. John Koukal departed this morning on No. 19 for a week's visit with friends at Tekamah, Neb. Geo. P. Horn came in this morning from Cedar Creek, having business mat ters to look after. John Richards was among those who journed to Omaha this morning looking after business matters. G. J. Klinger was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he has busi ness matters to look after. Wm. Shea, wife and daughter were passengers this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day. . L. E. Woman was a passenger this morning for Glenwood, la. where he goes to spend a couple of days visiting. Jim Polin was among those from south of the city who drove in this morning to transact business in the city. Will Ofe was among those travelling to Havelock today for the celebration, expecting to go to Lincoln before his return. C. L. Carlson was among those look ing after business matters today in Omaha, having gone up on the early train. Tom Lindsey came home this morn ing, after working this week at Oscar Gapen's putting in a new foundation un der his crib. J. H. Thrasher, the insurance - agent, is spending the afternoon in the metro polis, having been a passenger on the mail train. Mrs. T. E. Parmele and Mrs. Frank Dunbar were among those spending the afternoon in Omaha today, having gone up on the fast mail. John T. Moore and family drove over from Iowa this noon to do some market ing. He will take his daughter Mrs. Burby back with him. Miss Susie Pasinger who has been in the city for several days as the guest of Mrs. Mike Lutz, departed for her home on the fast mail this noon. C. M. Parker and wife were among those having engagements in Omaha today, having been passengers on the early train for that point. Mrs. F. M. Phebus and two small boys departed for Beaver City, Neb. where she will visit with relatives and f riend3 for ten days or two weeks. A. R. Young and wife came in this morning from their farm and were pass engers on the early train for Omaha where they business matters to look after. J as. Andrews departed on the early train this morning for Havelock where he will take in Gala day there today. He will also visit in Lincoln before re turning. Miss Matilda Weckbach, who has been in the city for several days, the guest of Miss Teresa Hempel, departed for Ft. Dodge, la., where she will visit previous to returning to her home at Lincoln. Pat Egan, son and daughter were passengers on the fast mail at noon for Omaha. Miss Egan will visit with her cousin in the metropolis for several days, while Pat and the boy will return this evening. J. B. Meisinger came in this morning from the farm near Cedar Creek. Mr. Meisinger is looking quite well and seems to be improving in health rapidly, which is a matter pleasing to his many friends in this vicinity. A. C. Godwin and wife were passen gers this morning for Lincoln and Have lock expecting to participate in the cele bration at the latter point today. They expect to return Sunday evening. The work of the pavers relaying the brick pavement on North Sixth street attracts large crowds. The work is be ing pushed very fast and is being well done. It is really marvelous how many brick can be laid by a man in a day. A. J. Batcheller and family, and J. H. Batcheller and family drove x over this noon from Iowa, crossing the ferry. They live four miles east of Bartlett in the hills and are over here for the double purpose of doing some marketing and to visit with Philip Batcheller, who lives several miles south of the city. The camp meeting now in progress at Glenwood seems to be a heavy drawing card for people from this city and vi cinity. There was quite a number of visitors going over on No. 4 thi3 morn ing to remain over the Sunday services. The party included Mrs. L. E. Vroman and Miss Stiles while a carryall party also went over at about the same time composed of Misses Winnie Vroman, Eva Stiles, Mr. Marvin Stiles and Rev. W. O. Green. In addition to these there was a number who went over on No. 6 this morning. i0 no John Roenmall was a passenger this morning for the metropolis. L. B. Brown, mayor of Kenosha, is looking after business in the city today. Henry Horn of Cedar Creek is in the city today looking after business mat ters. Miss Anna Bird is taking in the cele bration at Havelock today and will re turn Sunday evening. J. H. Becker was among those who had business in Omaha today, going up on the early Missouri Pacific train. Mrs. H. T. Fields and daughter were passengers this morning for Lincoln, where they will visit over Sunday with relatives. Aug. Kuhnman and family were pass engers this morning on No. 4 for. St. Joseph, Mo. where they will visit for several days. ."' Miss Madge Campbell is one of those who are spending the day in Omaha, having been a passenger on the train this morning. Mrs. Wm. Wohlfarth and little boy departed on the early morning train for Scribner, Neb., for a visit with rela tives and friends. Miss Irene Hartwick was a passenger this morning on the early train for Omaha, where she will visit friends and relatives for a week. Mrs 1. B Green was among those traveling to Omaha this morning, where she will spend the day. Her daughter, Edith, accompanied her. Mrs. Laura Mason and three children departed this morning for Florence, Kan., where she will visit with her brother for three weeks. Mrs. A. E. Todd and her four-year-old boy, departed this morning for Corning la. where they expect to visit relatives and friends for about a weeek. Miss Lila Hamilton, of Rock Island, 111., who has been in the city for the past two weeks, the guest of Miss Ger trude Beeson, returned to her home this morning. H. O. Cole and wife, who have been visiting in the city for several days, the guests of J. C. York and family, re turned to their home this morning at Peru, Neb. Fred W. Hawksworth was in the city yesterday visiting his parents for a few hours between trains, returning to his duties at Norfolk, Neb., on the M P. last evening. Chas. Beeson, who has been visiting in the city for the past ten days with his folks, departed this morning for his duties with the M. W. A. headquarters at Rock Island, 111. C. W. Baylor is the latest addition to the fine choir of St. Luke's church Mr. Baylor is a fine bass singer and formerly sang in the choir of one of the Omaha churches. He will make a valuable addition to Mr. Austin's al ready fine group of singers. In county court today Judge Beeson continued the hearing in the D. Lynn estate until 8 o'clock 'Monday morning. In the matter of the probate of the will of Regima Wolf the petition of Clem ent Koke for his appointment as executor was had. The will was sus tained and Mr. Koke appointed. The will was drawn in 1877 by M. A. Harti gan, now of Hastings," but then of this city. , .-v The revival of the harp marks an other step forward in ' the' progress of culture. Long before -the piano it ranked as the greatest instrument of those nations known as the most cul tured of their time. At the' ' Parmele, Monday evening, August 31, the De Lone Harp Concert Company 'will give Plattsmouth people a chance to hear this wonderful instrument at its very best. Mr. Wm. Taylor who has been at Wa keeney, Kansas for several days looking at land returned to his home near this city today. Mr. Taylor was very much impressed with the country, and medi tates making an investment in some of the property. He found ' the corn pretty short owing to hot winds, but the wheat crop was very good. Oats and other grains are onlv fair. The country though impressed Mr. Taylor greatly. . Tim Horton the veteran representa tive of the Messenger Paper Co. of Chicago, 111. was in the city today inter viewing the local users of paper. Mr. Horton has .been on the road for the company for thirty-two years and dur ing all that time he has made Platts mouth regularly every six months. He is an old timer. with his house having grown up with it since he was a f mall boy. The company carries all kinds of paper in stock ard Mr. Horton is an expert in their various uses and quali ties. He is certainly entitled to a pen sion for his long time Bervice. . Wm. Puis came in from Maple Grove this morning to look after buinesn mat ters. John H. Becker came in this noon on the fast mail from a business trip in Iowa. John Habsrheidt was a business visi tor in the city today, coming in from his farm. Miss Mabel Freese departed this morning for Omaha, where she will spend the day. Geo. Hild was among the farmers coming into the city today to look after business matters. Gus. Nolting is transacting business today in the city, coming in from the farm for that purpose. Geo. Horn, sr., came in this morning from his farm near Louisville, to spend the days with friends. Chas. Janda was a passenger thi noon on No. 7 for Huveloc-k where he will visit over Sunday. John A. Hennings was among those coming in from Eight Mile Grove pre cinct today on business. Allen Land, one of the county's good farmer's, was in the city today looking after business matters. Miss Murl Bethold departed on the fast mail this noon for Omaha where she will spend the afternoon. S. Furlong the Hock Bluffs farmer, came in this morning to transact busi ness with the local merchants. Col. H. C. McMaken is looking after business matters in the metropolis to day. He wore his coat this trip. Mrs. F. H. Richards departed thi noon on the fast mail for Herman, Neb. whne she will visit for a short time. Miss Ethel Leyda returned to the city last evening after a visit of several days at Weeping Water. Harry Poisall who has been bridging near Wahoo, came down for a brief visit with his folks over Sunday. Theodore and William Starkjohann were in the city today from their farms looking after business interests. S. C. Stevens and family departed this afternoon on the fast mail for Omaha where they will visit during the day. Miss Ilattie Stevens was a pns?enger on the noon train for La Hatte where she will visit Mrs. Milburn for a few days. Mrs. W. S. Askwith and f!auhter were passengers this noon on the fast mail for Omaha where they will visit friends. Nick Halmes, the veteran farmer from the precinct, came in this morn ing to transact business with the local merchants. John Group of Louisvide, was in the city today circulating around the court house and transacting business with the local merchants. Ferdinand J. Hennings one of the pro gressive farmers of Eight Mile Grove precinct, was in the city today looking after business. Wm. Sponer and wife were in the city today from Murray looking after business matters. Miss Minnie McKay wa3 a passenger on the noon train today for Lincoln where she will visit friends and rela tives for a week . Miss Lull a Sudduth, of Missouri Val ley, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomas, and will remain for about two weeks. A healthy man is a kine in his own right; an unhealthy man is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. Conrad Meisinger, the popular Ger man farmer from Eight Mile Grove pre cinct, camein this morning to look af ter some business matters in the city. Chas. Englekemier, one of the coun ty's best of the younger farmers, came in to attend to business matters today. While here he favored the Journal with a pleasant call. Mrs. H. Marshall and daughter, and Miss Allein Rennie and little nephew, were passengers on the mail train at noon for Omaha where they will visit during the day. Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Regulets operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. 25c. Ask yodr druggist for them. Miss Margaret Swassing who has been visiting in the city for several days past, the guest of Miss Vernon Hein returned to her home in Council Bluffs, la. thi3 noon on the fa3t maiL Misses Blanche Robertson, Ida Egen berger, Pearl Munn and Esther Larson came in last evening from Elmwood where they have been in attendance at the teaher3 institute for several days. W. H. Heil, the leading stockman of this 3ection was in the city today look ing after business. Mr. Heil has one of the finest stock farms in the country and his high grade stock is well and favorably known this section over. Walter Sans, of near Rock Bluffs, came in thi3 morning, looking after some business matters. While here he made the Journal a very pleasant call and added his name to the hst of oar subscribers. Mr. Sans is a fine young man and one of the precinct's best farmers.