The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 21, 1908, Image 1

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Five Fellows Who Participated in Cedar Greek
Episode Languish in Durance Vile.
Sheriff Quinton and Deputy Man
speaker Saturday brought in from
Cedar Creek the five men wanted for
the assault upon B. E. Hill at Cedar
Creek last Tuesday night as detailed in
last evening' Journal. The men were
taken to the county jail where they now
are, pending their hearing which is set
for 10:30 tomorrow morning before
Justice Archer.
According to the story told by the
men there is some divergence in the
facts of the case as related by Hill.
The Hills, it appears, had been camp
ing out for a week or ten days just
above the town of Cedar Creek upon a
knoll that rises above the bottom land
in that vicinity. The men claim that
four of them had been invited by" Hill
to visit the camp on the night the row
took place, and that he had told them
there would "be something doing."
That in response to this invitation they
went to the camp about half past nine
o'clock, taking the precaution to take
along several different kinds of liquor,
including beer, whiskey and alcohol.
After reaching the camp the party
drank freely, Hill indulging with the
rest. Later on the men began wrestling
with Hill, Keenan and him finally get
ting together in a match which resulted
in some bad blood between them, Hill
getting Keenan down and choking him
until the other men claim they were
alarmed and all attempted to separ
ate the two men. Here they claim Mrs.
Hill got into the row and used strong
and violent language toward them be
sides mixing in the fighting. It was
during this part of the fight that Hill
had his arm broken. After the fight
had nroirressed sometime, the men
finally gave up and left. This was i
about twelve or one o'clock. J
Some time later, supposedly about j
Aged Citizen
Sinks to Rest.
J. M. Woodson Well Known Resi
dent Dies This Naming.
DIED Woodson, James M. at his
home in Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 21,
1908, aged 74 years, 3 mos. and 10 days.
Funeral Sunday, Aug, 23, 1908 at 2.30
p. m., from the Christian church.
This morning death claimed as his
own one of Plattsmouth's best known
citizens, when the soul of James M.
Woodson took its flight. Mr. Woodson
was quiie well known iri, this vicinity
and his death will come as a sudden
shock to his many friends. He had not
been ill long, being taken with a sum
mer complaint which soon carried him
Mr. Woodson was born in Virginia
on May 11, 1834 and came to Nebraska
many years ago. He was engaged in
various lines of business in this city
after his residence here, and for a long
time kept the Cottage House a well
known family hotel. Of late years he
had been living upon a small country
place in the south part of the city, and
enjoying himself in his old age.
" Mr. Woodson during the civil war
was a gallant soldier in the Confederate
army serving through some of the blood
iest battles in the war and came to Ne
braska immediately following the close
of the war, having lived in this vicinity
in the immediate neighborhood of forty
vears. He was an unswerving dem
ocrat in politic?, taking a deep interest
in their campaigns.
He leaves surviving him a widow,
who is a sister of Phillip Harrison of
this city, and two sons, one of v.-nom. .
Fred, is now located in Texas at either
San Antonio or El Peso and who is j
signal engineer of the Santa Fe system, j
the ether son livir.g with his fulks in
this city.
The funeral will take place next Sun- .
day afternoon at half past two o'clock j
from the Christian church in this" city. I
In County Court today Judge Eeeson '
had a hearing upon the motion in the
Joshua Lynn estate, finding the widow
to have died and to have been possessed
Ufa interest in the DroDertv. He
J L a IAV. liiv.-- - mm. j
finds that the property can now be divid- j
ed among the heirs on account of her
1:30 or 2 o'clock in the morning, Keenan
and another man came back to the tent
and this was when Keenan represented
himself as an officer. He does not deny
this, but says he told Hill he was an
officer and had come up there to stop
the trouble. He claims he heard the
woman in the case hollowing "murder"
and other similar expressions, and this
caused him to go back. Be that as it
may, he went back and after some par
leying with Hill, left without getting
into any difficulty.
From their statements it would ap
pear the men went there with the in
tention of getting Hill drunk, but his
capacity seemed to be better than theirs
for they got themselves drunk in their
efforts to get him that way. From
their statements it would appear ' that
Hill is some fighter, as it took the com
bined efforts of all of them to save
Keenan from being strangled. The
men who were arrested included two
flunkey3, a cook and the commissary
clerk at the boarding camp of Phelan
Bros., who board the laborers employed
by the Natonal Stone Co.
The officers report that this is the
second case of this kind which has come
to their hands within the last year. It
would appear that a case very similiar
to this one took place last summer at
this camp but the man in the case, an
ignorant german just over from his
native land, was scared into dropping
the prosecution. If these statements
are true it would seem high time some
thing was done to put a stop to the
When the officers arrived there they
found that Keenan had made every
preparation to leave but had wandered
down to the town to take a drink before
departing and had taken so many that
he was unable to get away.
Seight cn the Pacific Coast.
We received a postal card from Mrs.
Kirkpatrick with this message written
on it: "I am going through the straits
of San Jaun de Fuca, and can feel the
ship rise and fall, and that funny feel
ing like the food you had eaten was
rising up for war. Will soon be on
British soil for the first time. Weatner
fine, scenery beautiful." On the reverse
side was a picture of the Provincial
Government Building at Victoria, B. C.
Nehawka Register.
Sunday School Convention.
The Sunday School convention of the
First district will be held at Mynard,
Neb., Tuesday, August 25. An ex
tended program has been prepared for
both afternoon and evening sessions,
and an interesting and instructive meet
ing of Sunday School workers is antici
pated. Mrs. F. S; Warner, of Syra
cuse, will be in charge of the evening
A Future Ball Player
Clarence Beal, a brother of Mrs. B.
L. Kirkham, left on Monday for his
home at Plattsmouth, Neb. He has
been here for the past two months
playing ball with the local team, and
although but eighteen years, old, has
made good, being one of the very best
batters in the team and a good fielder.
It is predicated by many that young
Beal will be in a fast team in another
year or so, with a league career before
him. He will graduate from the Platts
mouth High School the coming term..
Belle Fourche (S. D.) Northwern Post
Dirty Tris!-
This morning Engine 1228 up
to the depot just as the passengers for
Nos. 6 and 19 were congregating and
did some switching. In doing it, the
engineer managed to let loost a flood of
water r.nd soot which literally deluged
those on the platform runing dresses,
hats and clothing and giving the crowd
the aspect of a lot of chimney sweeps.
This may be according to company rules
but it would seem that some considera
tion is due the public, and the quicker
the Burlington takes steps to prevent
such occurrences the better. As it is
there was a number of articles of wear
ing apparel damaged and the company
is lucky if it don't have some damages
to pay.
Will Stock Kis Ranch.
Jas. Sage, whom the Journal reported
as being in attendance at the horse sale
at South Omaha last Tuesday, evidently
got in his work, as he this morning re
ceived a carload of horses from that
point, which he had picked up that day.
Mr. Sage intends to take this carload,
and in company with others which he
now ha3, send the whole number to his
ranch in Oklahoma, where he will em
bark upon the business of horse raising
on a large scale. That he will make a
success of it, past experience shows, as
he has been singularly successful in his
business ventures in this line. He is a
thorough horseman and devotes his at
tention to the business with an assiduty
that makes success.
Passing of Mrs. J. B. Seybolt
After a Lingering Illness.
DIED Seybolt Mrs. Mary Emma,
at her home at Murray, Neb., on Au
gust 23, 1908, aged 44 years, 11 months
and 7 days, of cancer. Funeral Tues
day August 25, at 10 o'clock a. m
from the Christian church, at Murray,
After a lingering illness, covering the
space of six years, death yesterday
removed Mary Emma Seybolt, the well
beloved wife of Col. J. B. Seybolt. In
her loss, there passed away one of those
women whose absence will be felt in all
circles which knew her. While yet in
the early years of life, before the meri
dian of her years had been reached, she
felt the palsying hand of disease and
gradually the field'of her activity had
drawn narrower until yesterday came
the final close and the dropping of the
curtain upon her pain and suffering.
Mrs. Seybolt was a Cass County pro
duct having first seen the light on Sep
tember 16, 1863. She was the daught
er of Wm. Royal, one of the early set
tiers of the county. She lived in the
county of her birth during all her life,
marrying Col. Seybolt on Jan. 14, 1885
lo this union was born two children, a
boy. and a girl. The boy is still living
with his parents in the town of Murray,
while the girl is now Mrs. f Homer
Shrader, living upon Mr. Seybolt's farm
near Murray. Some six years ago Mrs.
beybolt developed a case ot cancer
which continued until death yesterday
closed her eyes.
The funeral will be held from the
Christian church in Murray, , tomorrow
(Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock, Rev.
Lucas preaching the sermon. The pall
bearers will be Geo. Ray, Henry Cream
er, I. M. Davis, Will Rice, Geo. Rhoden,
and W. H. Jerkins.
In the loss of Mrs. Seybolt her hus
band loses a kind and loving wife, one
whose every thought was for the wel
fare of himself and the family, a dis
position sweet and angelic and one
whose long years of suffering served
but to strengthen her in the affections
of all who knew her. To her children
she was always the guiding star of their
lives, the one of all others to whom they
c6uld go and confide in their hours of
trouble, and the most loving of mothers.
To the many friends who had known
her since she was a babe in her mother's
arms she had been almost as one of their
own f smilies. Well beloved and patient
soul, she has gone to her rest but a few
days before all who have known her
must follow.
Returns from Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Standish, from
near Murray, accompanied by their
daughter and son-in-lay, A. J. Hassell
and wife, from near Union, were in the
city today and paid .the Journal office a
brief call. Mr. Standish returned home
a few days ago from a visit with his
son, Iver, at Almena, . Kan., and was
accompanied home by Mrs. Iver Stand
ish and daughter, Gladys, who will visit
old home folks for a few weeks. Mr.
Standish reports crops looking fairly
well in the section where he resides.
Will Reh
rn to Cass.
John Lloyd, who removed with his
family to Beatrice last winter, was in
the city today, visiting with his friends
here. We are informed that Mr. Lloyd
has decided that Cass county is about
the best place in the land to live, and
will, in the near future return to make
his home on his farm near Murray.
The Journal is glad to welcome .him
back to Cass countv.
Miss Madge Churchill, who has been
in the city for several weeks, the guest
of Mrs. L. B. Egenberger, departed
for her home at Iowa City, la., this
morning. Miss Churchill made quite a
hit loyally with her singing, she being a
fine singer, with a clear resonant voice
of excellent range.
Looks Like Bryan
"Some men are born great," but
Henry Ileebner has greatness thrust
upon him. He went to Nebraska City
Tuesday and the following day this item
appeared in the Daily Press: "Henry
Heebner of Nehawka, was in the city
yesterday and his startling resemblance
to William Jenning Bryan, was noticed
by every person he passed." You need
not be surprised if Henry goes to mak
ing public addresses for the democrats.
He has gone democratic in appearance
and why not keep up appearance.
Nehawka Register.
This is quite a compliment to Henry,
ana while he has been quite liberal in
his voting, we can't see any reason
why he does not "go the whole hog"
this year and vote for the man he looks
so much alike as well as the balance of
the democratic ticket.
Burlington Road Adopts New Rule Re
garding Paying Fare.
The following is from the Omaha Bee
and is of interest to the public because
it establishes a new rule for the patrons
of the Burlington.
"Effective at an early date, the Bur
lington will require passengers to pre
sent tickets to train men before board
ing trains at stations where a reason
able opportunity is afforded for the pur
chase of tickets.
"The clerical work required of con
ductors in connection with the payment
of the large number of care fares on
trains has grown to such an extent as
to seriously handicap them in their more
important duties in looking after the
operation of their trains and insuring
the safe transportation of their passen
gers. "While conductors collect 25 cents in
excess of the ticket fare between Neb
raska stations, they issue a rebate
check good for this amount at any of
the Company's stations and consequent
ly there is no penalty involved. A sim
ilar condition existed in Missouri, which
was remedid several months ago by the
institution of the rile requiring passen
gers to secure their tickets in advance.
The practice met with public approval,
no confusion or annoyance resulting
"For several years past there has
been a general increase in passenger
travel and a consequent increase in
work collecting transportation, and the
management is confident that the wis
dom and reasonableness of this regula
tion will be apparent to its patrons."
Jack Frost.
The summer is ending,
And the winter is cold
' As the nights grow cool,
Think of Jack Frost bold.
He respects not the aged,
Neither the young.
He is always waiting
When your fire is gone.
There is only one way
When the north wind blows,
To be sure you are safe
From the grief he. knows;
That's to fix up your coal bin
Before it's too late,
And Telephone Baylor
At Platts 138
A Distinguished Visitor
Dr. A. P. Fitzsimmons of Tecumseh,
Neb., candidate for the democratic
nomination for congress in this district
was in the city Saturday, meeting dem
ocratic voters and getting acquainted
with the citizens generally. Dr. Fitzsim
mons has canvassed a good portion of
the district and is quite sanguine of
success in the primaries. . He is also
feeling sanguine of victory in the Nov
ember election for the nominee, who
ever, he may be. He believes that
Bryan will receive a tremendous vote
as his canvass indicates a great republi
can vote for him. Dr. Fitzsimmons is
a fine man to meet and if he should be
nominated the voters of the First dis
trict can do no better than elect him.
He will not vote for Cannon for speaker.
Pribbla Poisoned.
Mrs. Gabe Fribble came near dying
Tuesday night from eating sardines
which had been left standing in the can
for several hours. She 'had eaten a
quantity of the sardines for herevening
lunch, and had retired for the night,
when she became violently ill, and when
the Dr. arrived she was near death's
door. Louisville Currier.
Grover Eldrege came in this morning
from Mitchell, S. D., where he has
been working in the harvest fields. He
reports crops in that section as - excel
lent, save in the places where they
were drowned out. The rainfall in that
country was much the same as in this
section of the Missouri Valley.
Negro Reports Finding
Which Indicates
Friday afternoon a camping Jparty
composed of M. G. Churchill, Dave
Amick, John Cook, Chas. Carroll and
Mr. Hendricks, all from down near
the Murray neighborhood, who had
been encamped near the mouth of the
Four Mile creek on the Platte above
the Missouri Pacific and Burlington
bridges, were startled by the appear
ance of a negro at the camp who re
ported the finding of a hat upon one of
the bridges with a fifty cent piece in
The negro was badly agitated and
could give no further facts in the
case other than that Ke had found the
hat upon the bridge with the money in
it, although the parly questioned him
closely and endeavored to ascertain
whether or not he was concealing any
thing from them.
They accompanied him to the bridge
and had him point out the spot where
he had found the hat. It was upon the
bridge over that portion of the river
where the current runs, and from its
position one might be led to believe
thit someone had committed suicide by
leaping from the bridge into the stream.
State Fair Train Service.
A circular has been issued showing
special trains to. the state fair to be
run over the Burlington lines. It
quotes rates at the regular two-cent
fare, plus 60 cents for fair grounds
transportation and state fair entrance
where round trip tickets are bought.
A special train will leave Lincoln for
Omaha and Plattsmouth at 7 p. m., on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday,
stopping at all intermediate points be
tween Lincoln and Plattsmouth, via
Omaha, relieving Nos. 12 and 14 in re
turning this business from Lincoln.
Tuesday, September 1, special train,
Plattsmouth to Lincoln, over short
Lv. Plattsmouth 8:00 A. M
Oreapolis 8:10
Cullom 8:20
Cedar Creek 8:30
Louisville 8:40
South Bend. 8:50
Ashland 9:10
Greenwood 9:20
Waverly 9:30
Havelock 9:40
Ar. Lincoln 9:55 A. M
Special train returning leaves Lin
coln at 7:30 p. m.
Trying to Hold It.
Next Thursday will be a big day in
Weeping Water. It will be the fraternal
picnic day, and one of the big events
will be the ball game for $40.00 between
Plattsmouth and Elmwood. It is ex
pected that there will be a big crowd
present from this city and steps are be
ing taken by the management of the
affair at Weeping Water to have facili
ties furnished our people for getting
home after the picnic. Charles Wil
kens, the manager of the ball team, to
day received a letter from S. F. Girar
det, acting for the Weeping Water
management, in which he says that they
are trying to get the M. P. to run their
midnight train from Weeping Water on
to this city so that everyone may re
turn that night. Should that be done
it is hoped the attendance from this
city would be large enough to pay the
company for doing so.
S2ni Smith's S2'e.
Next Saturday Sam Smith, the hust
ling Sixth street horseman, will have a
horse sale at his stables. He has just
received a carload of horses, which he
will have for inspection prior to the sale
and which he will dispose of o the" high
est without cny restrictions save
the ordinary rules of auctioneering.
Anyone looKing lor a bargain m norser?
had better take, advantage of the op
portunity afforded by this sale and at
tend. Mr. Smith also states that any
one having animals to. offer are pri
vileged to take advantage of this sale,
and he will sell them upon the usual
terms. This is an opportunity to dis
pose of your animals under favorable
conditions, and if you have any surplus
stock you should not fail to get in and
take advantage of Mr. Smith's offer.
Remember the sale is Saturday, August
Hat (o Camping Party
One or the Other.
There was nothing to indicate
struggle or anything which gave
air of improbability to the negro's tale
of finding the hat, and af'er a little
further examination of him, the party
decided to let him go.
They then made some effort to see
if they could find a body in the vicinity
but in this they were unsuccessful, am!
gave the task up. Upon their return
they telephoned the facts in the matter
to The Journal.
The hat, which the party took pos
session of, was a soft, white hat No. 7
in size, the hat bound around the edge
of the brim. The initials "F. Y." were
written in ink under the sweat band,
the handwriting being poor. So far as
can be ascertained there is no one in
this vicinity missing, and doubtless tin1
man was a stranger.
The hat had the trade mark of the
Palace Clothing Co., Fourteenth and
Douglas streets, Omaha, and it is pos
sible the wearer may have been a resi
dent of that city, although the Omaha
papers do not report anyone missing of
those initials.
A Picnic Surprise
A merry crowd of young folks Sat
urday surprised Miss Helen Dovey in
a very clever manner, capturing the
young lady and loading her into a largo
carryall which eventually landed the
entire party at Swallow Hill where the
evening was most pleasantly fpent.
There was all the amusements usually
prevailing at such parties and then came
the eating. It was a veritable feast
and the young appetites whetted by the
outdoor life, did the table full justice.
The party made a strenuous effort to
beat the rain in last night but they
couldn't move fast enough and J.
Pluvius cut loose and caught them. He
not only caught them but he drenched
them thoroughly as the roof of the
carryall leaked badly and no matter
how much they huddled up in the dry
spots, the dampness got them. For
tunately the storm was a brief one and
did not damage outside of the wetting
it gave them.
The party comprised Misses Helen,
lone, Florence, Hazel and Claire Dovey,
Minnie Guthman, Luci'e Gass, Eva Fox,
and Messrs. J. Livingston Itichey, Geo.
and Grosvenor Dovey, Henry Guthman,
Thos. Salmon, Paul Morgan, Pollock
Parmele and Sonny Knapp. The party
was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Baylor. Mr. Baylor says that the party
gave him a real idea of what a strenuous
life is like as he was kept pretty busy.
A Praying Man Scares the Inhabitants
One Woman Faints.
Not since the days when the roving
bands of Pawnee Indians used to swoop
down upon the early settlers of Cass
county with a, whoop and yell that al
most froze the blood in the veins of the
pioneers', and scalped a few sturdy men
and carried away their wives and daugh
ters, has our people been so frightened
a3 they were on last Monday night,
when the shrieks, moans and yelis peeled
out over a dozen hills and sent terror to
the hearts of the timid ones. It wa3 in
the quiet of the night when all at onc e
the battlements opened at a little Free
Methodist meeting being held on Gospel
Ilili, and for a time it seemed that the
flood-gates of perdition were opened, or
Gabriel had' made his debut and was
sounding the last trump and his trum
pet was out of rep-air. One woman
fainted at the awful . shrieks, other
women-were terron stricken, yet others
went .to investigate and found that C.
C. Cur.nicgham, who had recently re
turned to town, was appealing to his
God for divine aid to help fight sin and
uncleaness out of our wicked city. Just
then Friday Masters turned on his
phonograph and struck up the tnne,
."Down Went McGinty to the Bottom
of the Sea," and the people were com
forted. louisville Courior.
Call Omaha
over the Independent
i j
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