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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1908)
4 The Avoca eipartmemit Nsws Itetn Git.ived EjcIi Waek by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal P'red Kuhnhenn is visiting relatives at Seward. Karl Harmon was at Omaha Tudsday and Wednesday. Misses Emma and Clara Manjuirdt were Omaha visitors Monday. Miss IJirdie Fahnestock has returned from a visit at Cedar Hluir.s. IS I. G. Wellenseik transacted business Lorton Wednesday evening. M. D. lladdox of Central City was a busines visitor here Tuesday. T. II. Straub was looking after busi ness matters at Omaha Tuesday. Misses Florise and Flossie Wollen are visiting relatives in western Nebraska. Ii. C. Marquardt and wife were Om aha business visitors several days this week, S. S. Sriver will sell at public auction on Saturday, August 22, his household goods. Mrs. Samuel Johnson and daughter, Ina, were Lincoln visitors several days list week. The little Miss Steffens of Lorton have been visiting their uncle, Diet rick, this week. Edward Morley and J. M. Dunbar and families attended the picnic at Un ion last Saturday. Mrs. A. B. Lewton enjoyed a visit from a brother, who resides in Iowa, the first of the week. Mrs. Florence Durham and son, Charles, are at Modale, Iowa, visiting relatives and friends. J. M. McFarland and wife were among those that attended the old set tlers picnic last Saturday. Fred Hillman and wife of Berlin were in our thriving little village Monday evening, coming up in their auto. Jake Frey and wife of Douglas were here the first of the week, visiting at : the home of Benj, Betts and wife. Ellis Lewton, the drug clerk at the Meiers drug store at Weeping Water, is spending the week visiting his par ents in Avoca. John Tremble, and old-time resident of this vicinity, but who now owns a good farm in Kansas, is visiting his many friends in this vicinity. B. C. Marquardt, the pioneer mer chant, celebrated his fifty-second an niversary today. May he live a hundred years longer is the prayer of the Jour nal. He is a citizen that all are proud of. Monday night Jasper Corbin fiell in such a manner as to wrench his right lower limb, and for some time it was thought that it was broke. Dr. Bren dell was summoned immediately and found that while the limb was badly in jured it was not fractured. However, Jasper will belayed up for several days, at least. V. W. STRAUB, President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President H. C. WELLENSIEK. Cashier The Bank Capital SIO.OOO We Solicit Your Banking Business. When You Buy Toilet Soap you want soap, not premiums. Don't pay for something you don't need by buying from can vassers their sweet-scented wares. You want a :. soap that will leave the skin white and leave a pleasant oder. We sell Tar Soap, Glycerine Soap, Oat Meal Soap, Cocoa Soap, Castile Soap, Car - bolic Acid Soap, and Soaps of all kinds. All of tlem are high grade and you will get 3rour - miey's worth in soap if you buy them. I m ORA L COPES, VJ When you need anything in Fresh or Salt Meat Line you want to be sure and get it of JOHN SCHMIDT THE MEAT MAN He also sells Poultry and Bread and is always prepared to fix you with ice! ice!! ice!!! AVOCA, Mrs. John Schmidt was a visitor at Omaha one day this week. J. W. Waldrip made a business trip to ; the state metropolis Wednesday, i Joe Zimmerer returned from his trip j to I'ic.rce county Monday morning, j The rain last night has been a great j benefit to the growing crops and fall grass. j William Maseman . has accepted a i position as clerk with. B. C. Marquardt ! & col . j Mrs. John Andrus, who has been very sick, is reported much better at this writing. - O. Baier.left Wednesday for Colum bus, being called there by the death of a relative. Mrs. Fred Rughe is not so well at present. She does not appear so well as last week. Gus Ruhge and Kobt. Mickel were attending to business matters at Oma ha Wednesday. Henry Heine, Otto Heine and Ben Mohr started Tuesday to Oklahoma to look at the county. Fred Freudenberg, one of our pros pers farmers was a business visitor at Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. Gus Mohr and son arrived home Tuesday, after having spent several days with Unadilla relatives. L. F. 'Dunkak, one of our hustling young business men was a business visitor at Omaha Wednseday. Gus Hansen and family of near Ne hawka were visiting at the home of Henry Wulf south of town Sunday. Misses Gladys and Beth Graham were visitors at the home of Robert Wilkin son, at Dunbar the first of the week. Ben Mohr, Otto Heime, Fred Heime and Karl Sudman left Tuesday morn ing for Oklahoma to look at the coun try. Albert Brandt, son of Charley Brandt, who has been suffering from a slight attack of appendicitis, is reported much better. Harry Ehlers, who has been tilling the soil at Bertrand this season, has re turned home. He reports crops as look ing fine in that country. Ike Ellsworth and family arrived home from Union Tuesday evening where they had been attending the pic nic and visiting friends and relatives. Straub Bros, started out Monday on the circuit with their fine herd of black Galloway cattle. First they will show at DesMoines, la., then at other stock shows throughout the country, winding ud at Denver. Colo., in October. The held is composed of about a dozen head, and last year succeeded in capturing first prizes wherever shown. They are indeed fine cattle. Hon. V. W. Straub will be with them. of Avoca Surplus $3,50 O ) THE DRUCGI!T' AvocaL.-Nebro.skev. i NEBRASKA iSKA Carrol Peterson, of Chicago, was here Wedneday visiting at the home of John Schmidt. R. A. and Chris Nutzman, with their families, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Theo. Harms at Manley. John Berhn, five miles northwest of town, is the happy father of a bounc ing girl baby, born Tuesday, August 18. While John would much rather it had been a boy, the mother is very well satisfied with the arrival of the lady, and both are doing well. DUNKAK & MASEMAN Hardware OF ALL KINDS Carpenter Tools, Tinware and Harness. Agents for the Monarch Range Sharpies' Cream Separator and Bart lett Sewing Machine. EDISON 3 PHONOGRAPHS and i Full Line of the Litest Records UNDERTAKING GOODS AVOCA, NEBRASKA 0 STRAUB n IS THE MAN THAT SELLS . AUTOMOBILES - n Farm Implements and WAGONS AND BUGGIES Be sure and see him when you need anything in his line. 0 Nebraska DR. E. R. KAAR DENTIST - Will make weekly trios to Avoca every Wednesday, beginning Wednesday, Au gust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap pointments can be made with him, .. B. C. MARQUARDT 0 and Co. C General Merchandise A full line of Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries and Seeds- KIRKENOALL AND GOODMAN SHOES Agents for the White Sewing Ma chine and Tailor-Made Clothes. AVOCA, NEBRASKA t Amends & Mohr DEALERS IN Wines, Liquors Cigars Avoca, Neb. WHEN THE KETTLE ; SINGS itasiia uf coal satisfaction. Want to near th-e music in your kitchen? Easy order coal f rum this uttice and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'PHflNP Plattsmouth No. 22. rnunc Ben No. 331. PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA Best Time foSee the Southwest Every first and third Tues day of each month, low-priced homeseeker's excursions are run over the lines of the : : : Missouri Pacific 1 Iron Mountain into the rich and resourceful farming regions of the South west. It is a splendid chance for the Northern and Eas- tern farmer, after his wheat is gathered, to combine a pleasure and propecting trip. Write for rates and literature to HUGH NORTON, Agent. M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb. F.G.FRICKE & CO., Agents for Conkeo Poultry Remedies.... IpfiO OS wi Statement of the Condition -OF THE- PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the:$Oth day of June, 1908. First mortfrae loans fg.tjlO OH stuck loan L'.orw 00 Cash 3.ii7f f-5 Ieliniuent interest, premiunis. lines 219 40 Other assets i'4 94 Total LIABILITIES, Capital Stock paid un....'. Reserve fund -.- Undivided profits r Dividends declared 5,mO 22 ..$ 44.4.- 00 s2 61 ... 2.0U .. TI.3."j M 5s,tw0 22 Total Receipt. axt Expenditures for the Year Ending JrxE 30. llfos. RECEIPTS. Balance on liaml July 1, 1007- 4.37S 2T Hups lu.T:i4 00 Interest, premiums and fines 4.40 35 Loans repaid 10.i.V. 42 Real estate sales 370 (h) Ta.xes advanced 40 G5 Total EXPENDITURES Loans Expenses Slock redeemed.-. Cash on hand Taxes advanced ... S 3U.!K2 70 5 1 .3X) 00 ti44 ss 9.4 i:s 03 3.ii7 so -'4 94 Total. .5;2 to STATE OK NEBRASKA I ... Cass County I. T. M. Patterson, secretary of the alxive named assx-iation. do solemnl.v swt-ar iliat the fm-epointr statement of the condil ionof said as sociation, is true and correct lo the lest of my knowledtre and helicf. T. M. l'ATTEKS N. Approved: fecretary. K. B. WINDHAM 1 A .1. E. BAKW1CK, -Directors V. .I.WHITE. S Sulscri)ed and sworn to tiefore me this 31st ay of July, 1 Clar a Brown. -IsEAL.1 Notary Public. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup is sold under a positive guarantee to cure con stipation, sick headache, stomach trouble or any form of indigestion. If it fails, the manufacturers refund your money. What more can any one do. r "i Manley Department W. J. RAU. Dick Irons and wife returned from Avoca Tuesday. Sollie Keckler was a business visitor to Omaha Friday. The Busy Bees met at the home of Helen Coon Friday. A. Jenkins was a business visitor to Omaha Wednesday. Joe Klein, the Insurance man was in town Friday and Saturday. A good lively bunch attended the pic nic at Springfield Thursday. The Ladies Kensington met at the home of Mrs. Harms Thursday. Walter Jessup of Nebraska City spent Sunday with Dave Brann. Remember the Manley Hotel has been opened up and solicits your patronage Ed. Brunkow made his second visit to South Dakota Monday in search of land. The new teachers for this year have been elected they are Miss Lily Tighe and Miss Stella Jewel. Herman Schliefert has very nicely improved his place by putting down nice substantial cement walks. Mr. Backes of Nemaha spent Sunday with his wife who is staying at her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keedy. The School House has been undergo ing some repairs this week, the inter ior was plastered and other slight need ed repairs were made. Milton Keedy and wife of Avoca, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Keedy. Milton is Opr and agent for the Mo. Pacifice at that point. Mrs. George Lord left for Percival, la., Tuesday, where she expects to visit relatives for a week or two, she was accompanied as far as Omaha by her husband. The Base Ball grounds have been materially improved the diamond has been skinned and a neat little grand stand erected for the convenience of the ladies. The nice shower of Thursday night refreshed things materially and the one of Tuesday night was much bigger and did much more good as well as broke the hot spell. The Tennis fever still prevails in Manley, the boys are out playing every day. They also gave the grounds a good cleaning up Wednesday and it now stands among the best courts in the County. Nothing on for next Sunday at the Base Ball Park except a fun game be- when the locals and,the Pick ups, owing to the fact that the pitcher for the First Nine in last Sundays game was hit and received a broken rib. Rip Keckler, Manley's twiler, who came in contact with one oi wood s speeders and received a broken rib, is reported feeling somewhat sore, but is doing nicely and will be ready for twirling a week from next Monday. A subscription paper has been circu ated this week for the benefit of the base ball club. The club decided the boys ought to put up a better appear ance on the diamond after doin? such splendid work as they have this season and are going to fit them out with new uniforms. Any one wishing to con tribute to this cause please call at the bank and ask for the subscription list. We want the suits here for the game a week from next Sunday, so be lively. Last Saturday night some evil minded persons took it upon themselves to show the general cussedness that is in their madeup to plough up the ball diamond. Just what was their object no one knows, but it certainly was a low piece of work and when the guilty parties are found out there will be something done to have the effect to stop this kind of rot that has been going on around this town. Quite a sum of money has been pledged to push the investigation and it is hoped the guilty parties will soon be known. A very pleasant entertainment was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pauth's last Thursday evening in honor of their two daughters Teresa and Anna who leave Sept. 1st for Omaha where they will attend school. About fifty young people were pres ent and every one had a most pleasant time. Refreshments were served which immediately afterwards they bade the girls farewell and departed to their homes. Manley vs. Louisville Score 4-3 A most exciting ball game was pulled off Sunday at the park between Louis ville and Manley which resulted in a score of 4 to 3 in favor of the home team. Battery for Manley O'Brien and Keckler. Louisville Fitzgerald and Wood. A very good game was played and the score at the ninth in ning was a tie. The winning score was made by Sollie Keckler thru a nice safe single made by Oleo Murphy. Oleo Murphy's good fielding that day was well worth mention. The game was nice and clean through out and exciting and held the onlooker in suspense every moment and great applause and cheering came from the Manager crowd profusely. The game wus wit nessed by a crowd of 7')0 people, tin largest ever in attendance at a ball game in Manley. Lorton deserves credit for no m1 um piring. Manley's pitcher, Keckler, din played the nerve of n enthusiastic ball player by pitching the game through after receiving a broken rib by being hit with the ball while at the bat in the first inning. How To Get. Strong P. J. Daly,, of 1217 V. Congre.-s St., Chicago, tells of a way to become strong: He says: "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is. deriving so much benefit from Flectric Bitters.that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tjnic and stregthening medicine about it. In my mothor's case a marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is steadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters ;uickly remedy stomach, liver and kidney com plaints. Sold under guarantee at Ger ing & Co drug store. 50c. HITCHCOCK SEEKS FORAKER WANTS HIM TO ADDRESS SOME. EASTERN MEETINGS. Ohio Senator Feels Hurt Because He Was Not Invited to Speak at Youngstown. New York, Auk. 20. An effort was made by Republican Chairman Hitch cock Wednesday to communicate with Senator Foraker of Ohio, who was In the city on busineHS, but he had gone to Washington. Uefore leaving the city the senator indicated that he would speak In support of the Repub lican ticket If invited to do so under the auspices of the national commit tee, notwithstanding lie had not been invited to sneak in the Ohio campaign by the ,nen ln of the work in his Rt.ite Mr. Hitchcock will request the sena tor to address some important iintt- ings in the east. KailiiiK to reach the senator here, he telt graphed to Wash ington inviting liini to visit headquar ters when he is again in the city ainS expressing the that he nifgl.t linU it convenient to be here Boon. Discussing the Ohio situation. Sena tor Foraker repealed that he felt humiliated at not having been invited to speak at Youngstown on September 5, at the opening of the Ohio cam paign, lie said that regardless of the differences he had with the Roosevelt administration concerning :eitan questions of policy, he stood ready to do whatever he could to advance the interests of the national ticket. That Senator Foraker feels keenly the situation in which he finds him self, he indicated to close i olitlcal friends. He has been invited to make a number of speeches in Ohio, but the invitations have come from his sup porters and he has replied that he will Ho nothing which might prove em barrassing to the men responsible for the success of the nation!' ticket In Ohio. He said that he was in sym pathy w!th every plank of the Chicago platform and that he was a Repub lican despite anything said against him by political enemies. Sine" the publication of the cordial notes which passed between Mr. Taft and Mr. For aker after the former's nomination for the presidency, many of Mr. Foraker's friends have been working for a set tlement of the Ohio factional fight. "So far as the ssnatorship is con cerned," said Mr. Foraker, "I have not turned my hand one way or the other. Y have not tried to Influence the elec tion of a single member of the legisla ture and shall not do so with a view of bettering my chances. The thing to do now Is to carry the national elec tion and I certainly shall not prove a hindrance to success, even if I am not wanted as party to it." INDIANA FUGITIVE CAUGHT. Edward Cotteringham, Alleged Embez zler, Arrested In Ottawa, Ont. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 19. A young man who came to Ottawa recently civ lns his name as Edward Craven and announcing that he was going into the wine manufacturing business, was ar rested Tuesday as Edward Cottering ham, treasurer of the Union Traction company of Lipton, Ind. He is charged with having embezzled $3,000. H was recognized here from a descrip tion and Detective De Vanlt came on and after identifying him had him arrested. When arrested, Cot'eriag ham was well provided with $20 con federate bills, but he had little good money. He declines to make a state ment. , Chicagoan Drowned in Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo., Aug. 19. Harold Norbery, aged 22 years, of 1162 North Forty-fifth avenue, Chicago. was drowned here Tuesday while swim ming in the Missouri river. Norbery, with three other Chicago young men, w-as on his wav to Mexico. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yea Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of