The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 23, 1908, Image 6

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7 unu ofVve vwulera of Uu Journal know of u aortal event or an item of interest
We taint all iUmn of interest. Editor Journal.)
( HTc. PARMELE, President. FRED L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President
w mi e onrnrvcD rhUr
Stert a Bank
Better be a bank-accOunt man than
a no-account man. The way to
prosperit)' and happiness is paved
witn good intentions put into exe
cution. If you feel that you really
ought to be saving something out
of earnings for after life, don't let
the good impulse go unheeded. The
person who is soured on life is the
one who has neglected to put into
force n simple rules of success.
Start an account with the bank to
day. Pay your bills by check and
vour money troubles will be over.
Murray State Bank
Mvirray, NebrocskL. f)
Dr. Gilmore was in Omaha Friday. J
Val Gobelman has been quite sick for
the past few days. j
Dr. Gilmore made a professional trip
to Union Thursday. I
Ask to see the safty deposit boxes at
the Murry State Bank. j
J. C. Snavely was aPlatttmouth visi
tor Tuesday of this week.
James Holmes was a business visitor
in Omaha a couple of days this week.
Lee Nickels was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
Mrs. Chris Miller i3 enjoying a visit
from her sister frim near Plainview
this week.
Jakie Beckman has been showing
some signs of improvement for the
pas: few days. !
Mrs. W..C. Brown is in Villisca this
week visiting with her parents and the
jr.sny frie ds at the old 1 o ie.
Arthur Holmes of Chicago, arrived
in Murray Wednesday for a few cays
visit with friends and relatives.
Any young man with a growing bank
account need no further recomendation.
Open an account with the Murray State
Mrs. W.R. Wilson and son, Chauncey,
of Omaha, who have been visiting the
past week with Mrs. Will Oliver, re
turned to their home Tuesday.
People not engaged in regular busi
ness will find a checking account with
the Murray State Bank a convenience
and a safeguard in financial matters.
Mrs. Guv Burton and little son were
in Plattsmouth Wednesday evening and j
Thursday morning the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunsman.
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Murray fell from a wagon Wednes
day and received numerous bruises and
injuries, but nothing of a serious na
ture. The little son of James Rice met with
the misfortune to run an ugly snag in
his foot a few days ago that has been
giving him considerable trouble and an
noyance this week although the litttle
fellow is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Chas. Creamer is dangerously
ill this week suffering with a sever attack
of appendicitis. A trained nurse arrived
from Omaha Wednesday evening to look
after her for a few days. At this
time she is a very sick lady but hopes
are entertained for her recovery.
The Ladies Kensington club enjoyed a
most pleasant day at Lake Manawa on
Tuesday of this week. They prepared
many well filled baskets and departed
over the early morning M. P. train for
the cool and most popular summer re
sort of the middle west, and in the
shade of the beautiful trees they en
joyed both their dinner and supper and
a most delightful day? outing. We
have been informed that the accomo
dating conductor of the M. P. train had
much to do with seeing that all the
ladies reached the lake, as some of them
were not very early risers, and if the
conductor had not waited, or even pul
led out of the station and returned
with his train several of the number
would have been left, and they were an
hour late at that, but we will not give
their names. Following were those
who enjoyed the picnic; Mesdames O.
A. Davis, John Ferris, J. M. Holmes,
W. S. Smith, A. L. Baker and W. C.
Brown, and Misses Eva Allison, Margie
Walker, Ida Boedeker and Gertrude
Murray Department
sident. y
Yours for business, Murray State
J. W. Sage and wife of Plattsmouth
were in Murray Thursday.
Ernest Carroll and wife returned to
their home in Plainview last Saturday.
Geo. Oldham of Plattsmouth visited
Wednesday with his brother, Lee, and
Miss Clea Applegate of Union visited
a few days this week with Miss Mar
gery Walker.
Miss Terrace Hennings, of Platts
mouth, was in Murray a few days this
week, visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Sporer.
The material is on the ground for the
new cement walk in front of the school
house. Jos. Burton will start the work
in the very near future.
W. B. Banning, Ray Franz, W. W.
Wolf and W. F. Tracy, of Union, were
in Murray last Friday for a short ride
in Mr. Banning's big auto.
A big ten pound baby boy arrived at
j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Satchel
1 on Wednesday of this week. Both
! mother and little babe are doing nicely,
j C. A. Rosencrans was a business visi
I tor in Murray Tuesday evening. This
is the first time we have seen date's
smiling face in these parts for several
days. We wonder why?
We understand thatAlfred Gansemer
has sold his fine 120 acre farm west of
Murray to J. A. Davis. We are pleased
to learn that Alf does not intend to
leave Cass county, but will purchase a
farm elsewhere.
Dr. Gilmore shipped in a car load of
gravel this week from the Platts Gravel
Co., to be used in laying concrete walks
around town, one of which will be
placed in front of the Doctors office and
James Loughridgea blacksmith shop.
The Ladies Kensington club held a
very interesting lawn session at the
Oldham home last Thursday. Refresh
ments were served at the usual hour
and a most enjoyable time was had.
Miss Gertrude Long was voted a new
member of the club.
We understand that the Library As
sociation have succeeded in interesting
twenty families up to the present time,
which we term a mighty good beginning.
They want fifty and are going to exert
every effort to get them. Bear in mind
that the library if open every Saturday
Col. Seabolt and Nick Klaurens have
purchased the hay crop from the tract
of land just adjacent to Murray of J
A. Walker, and we learn that they are,
as well as many other farmers, cutting
the greatest crop of hay ever raised in
in this locality.
The new Murray Band is doing nicely.
holding very enthusiastic and harmon
ious meetings, and practicing with a
genunine vim. When we say harmon
ious, we mean the meetings and not
the music as yet, but it will improve
rapidly as long as the proper spirit is
shown in the meetings.
Little Virginia Copenhaver was kick-
by a small colt on last Wednesday and
has quite an ugly wound over her left
eye. The little girl was playing with
the animal when in some manner the
injury was inflicted, which was about
two inches in length and deep to the
scull, and will in all probability leave
her a scar for years to come. Virginia
is the nine year old daughter of Mr
and Mrs. S. M. Copenhaver.
in tiiis vicinity ami trtll mail same to this
Rev. Wochtel, of Mynard, was a Mur
ray visitor Tuesday.
Frank Bestor was a business visitor
in Murray Thursday.
W. C. Ramsey, of Plattsmouth, wa3
a Murray visitor Sunday.
Levi Rusterholtz and daughter, Flor
ence, were in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
W. H. McDaniel is in Missouri this
week looking after his farm interests
down near Sedalia.
The Nebraska Construction Co., have
just completed a couple new bridges
just east of Murray this week.
Miss Zella Hull, of Holbrook, Neb., !
is in and near Murray this week visit
ing with friends and relatives.
Misses Mable and Maude Nickels of
Nebraska City, are in Murray this week
visiting with Miss Bessie Brendel.
Miss Helen Dovey, of Plattsmouth,
was in Murray last Saturday and Sun
day, visiting with Margery Walker. I
Miss Alice Tuey, of Plattsmouth, is
in Murray this week visiting at the
Brendel home the guest of Miss Bren
del. The family of John Cook spent a few
days in Nebraska City this week, the
guest of Mrs. Cook's sister, Mrs. Will
Miss Etta Nickels, who has been vis
iting with relatives in the western part
of the state will return home the first
of the week. - -
M. G. Churchill made a flying trip to
Omaha Wednesday to secure supplies
for the Murray baseball team, who are
contemplating holding some very excit
ing games in the near future.
A new baby boy arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axline on July
19th. The little fellow is as bright as
a new dollar, and Bill is as happy as
happy as can be. The mother is doing
The sister of Mrs. Dr. Wiley who has
been visiting here from Kansas City
for the past few weeks, fell on the
concrete walk a few days ago and re
cieved many very painful bruises, which
may prove quite an injury to the old
lady in her extreme age. She is 78
years of age and very feeble.
Next Monday evening closes the
year's work for the Reading Club, and
at this meeting the new officers will be
elected for the coming year, and all
arrangements made for the coming
year's work. At this meeting new
members are solicited and all old mem
bers are expected to be in attendance.
The work on the Farmers' elevator
i3 progressing very rapidly at this time.
The foundation is nearly completed and
the work is now centered on the pit,
all of which work is to be of concrete,
making it a complete rat proof struc
ture, in fact when completed it will be
one of the finest little elevators in Cass
James Ellington, an old resident of
Cass county, died at his home near
Brunswick, Neb., on the 16th and was
laid to rest in that county a few days
ago. His sister, Mrs. D. A. Young,
residing east of Murray was in attend
ance at the funeral. The Journal will
endeavor to give our readers an obitu
ary notice later.
J. F. Cook, who was injured by be
ing struck with a train out in Furnace
county, near Beaver City, a few days
ago is getting along nicely. We under
stood the manner in which he was in
jured was in his crossing the track at a
point where the train was rapidly mov
ing by, and was struck by the engine.
He formerly lived in this locality, and
has a host of friends who will be pleas
ed to learn that he will recover from
his injuries.
In conversation with one of the citi
zens of Murray this week we were asked
to see if a little local in the Journal
would not get each and every property
owner to take an active part in clean
ing up the streets and alleys of the
town, and especially take some action
in this direction on Main street at once.
It certainly needs it and needs it bad.
Let every man in town see that the
street next to his property is cleaned
up right now.
H. G. Todd and son Dwyer, meet with
quite a serious accident Thursday after
noon in which both were slightly in
jured on a wire fence. They were driv
ing one of the gentle ponies to Murray
and in passing the Walker farm just
south of town, the pony became fright
ened at Otis McNurlin, who was in the
hay field, and raised a fork of hay to
the wagon just as Mr. Tood and son
were passing; the pony ran into the
wire fence, completely ruining the buggy
and throwing Mr. Todd and son into the
wire, inflicting several very painfull wire
cuts on numerous parts of the body, the
worst being on Mr. Todd's hip, and just
under the arm of the son, where several
stitches were required to patch the torn
ojice it will appear under this heading.
Br. Gilmore and Mr. Herren, ! Mur
ray, Have a Narrtw Escaps
From Serious Injuries.
One of the most destructive runaways
occuring in this vicinity for some time
took place this morning, a few minutes
before twelve o'clock on Lincoln avenue,
near the shops. That the runaway did
not result in loss of life was remarkable
and the gentlemen who went through it
are congratulating themselves that they
are alive.
Dr. Geo. H. Gilmore and Charles Her
ren. both of Murray, were driving to
the city, Dr. Gilmore desiring to catch
the Burlington noon train for Omaha,
and when near the south end of the shop
yards a, bolt became misplaced, allowing
the buggy tongue to drop down and the
buggy to run on the horses. The team,
naturally a wild and fractious one, be
came scared and began to dash madly
down Lincoln avenue. Mr. Herren,
who was driving, endeavored to hold
them, pulling so hard upon the reins
that the lines were broken. Owing to
the peculiar nature of the accident the
harder he pulled upon the lines the
worse the team was scared, as the bug
gy continued to push more and more
upod them.
When near the storehouse the wildly
running team upset the buggy, hurling
Dr. Gilmore out, but very fortunately
doing him no more damage than to tear
a large hole in his trousers and bruise
his hip badly. Some fifty feet further
on Mr. Herren was thrown out and in
some manner landed beneath the buggy,
being run over and bruised into insensi
bility. After this, with no hand to re
strain them, the animals, dashed on
down the avenue and down Third street
across Main and on up the hill, being
finally captured sometime later on North
Sixth street. The buggy in its wild
career was almost totally demolished,
being scattered piecemeal along the line
of the team's flight.
The runaway and the throwing out of
the occupants of the buggy was wit
nessed by a number of persons, all of
whom believed Mr. Herren to have been
killed. A rush telephone message was
sent to the office of Drs. Livingston by
Master Mechanic Baird, ' but in the
meantime Dr. Gilmore had reached Mr.
Herren and discovered that he was still
alive, but unconscious. A cab was hur
riedly summoned and the unfortunate
man was conveyed to Dr. Livington's
office, where an examination of his in
juries disclosed that he was suffering
from a severe scalp wound, the scalp
being laid back to the bone, while his
arms, face, head and shoulders were a
mass of bruises. Dr. Gilmore's injuries
were so slight that he was able to con
tinue his journey to Omaha, but Mr.
Herren was compelled to go to bed for
a rest.
Both gentlemen were exceedingly for
tunate to escape so luckily, and each
congratulated himself that the matter
was no worse.
Articles of Incorporation.
Notice of incorporation of the Farmers'
Elevator Company, of Murray, Ne
braska: 1 Notice is hereby given that a cor
poration has been formed, the name of
which i3 the Farmers' Elevator Com
pany. 2 The village of Murray, Cass coun
ty, Nebraska is the principal place of
transacting its business.
3 The business of said corporation is
the buying and selling of all kinds of
grain, coal, implements, wagons, bug
gies, binder twine, wire, oil and all
kinds of building material.
4 The capital stock of said Associa
ion is Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars,
divided into shares of Twenty-five
($25.00) each and shall be paid in full at
the time of its issuance, and not less
than thirty per cent shall be sold at the
time of the commencement of business
of said corporation.
5 The time of commencement of
business of said corporation was May
15, 1908, and shall terminate in twenty
five years.
6 Thehighest amount of indebted
ness at any one time shall not exceed
the sum of Twenty-five ($2500) Dollars.
7 The affairs of the said corporation
shall be conducted by a board of seven
directors, from which number shall be
chosen a President, Vice-President, Sec
retary and Treasurer.
Dated this 7th day of July, A. D. 1908.
William D. Wheeler, President.
W. H. Puls, Secretary.
For Sale Cheap.
A good second hand
in good condition.
Bradley lister,
John Cook.
A Pleasant Surprise. '
Mr. A. L. Baker, our genial post-
j master, reached his thirty-third mile
; stone yesterday. In honor of the occa
sion his good wife planned and carried
out a most successful and a very pleas- i
ant and complete surprise on him, by
i t f i r ' 1 .. ...l U I
naving a icw oi nis lrienus, who bui"
ered at the home in the early evening,
and remained until a late hour enjoying
the excellent entertainment planned by
Mrs. Baker. Refreshments were serv
ed at the usual hour. Following were
those present:
John Ferris and wife, O. A. Davis
and wife, M- G. Churchill and wife,
Harmon Beck and wife, W. S. Smith
and wife, Dr. B. F. and J. F. Brendel,
Will Brown and James Loughridge.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wordeman, who
resides out at Leigh. Neb., are rejoic
ing over the arrival of a bright eyed
baby boy at thir home on the 13th of
this month. Both mother and little one
are doing nicely.
Commissioners Meet
In our account of the Commissioners
Proceedings on page 5 of this issue it
states that the next meeting will be
held on August 14th. This ii an error
on our part. It should read, r.ext
meeting Aug. 4th, 1908.
Strayed or Stolen.
Three heifer calves, white face with
some red spot, and one bull calve pure
white face, about 4 or 5 months old.
From my farm Tuesday night. Any
information will be thankfully received
and rewarded by the owner.
C. N. Beverage,
Mynard, Neb.
For Sale.
Two good registered shorthorn bulls.
H. G. Todd.
Eldorado Castor Machine Oil at 35c
per gallon. Get your supply now.
James Loughridge.
Stimulation Without Irritation
That is the watchword. That is what
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup, does.
Cleanses and stimulates the bowels
without irritation in any form.
May Re the Kffect.of the New Anti
Iiettinr Law in Force in
New Orleans, July 21. Interest Is
centered here in the effect of the anti
racing law which went iuto effect yes
terday. The act, which -was passed at
a recent session of the legislature after
a spirited fight, prohibits bookmaking.
betting or gambling in au3' form on
horse races.
The races of the Louisiana Driving
club were discontinued Saturday, but
the effect of the law on the long sea
son, -which has been a feature or ev
ery winter in New Orleans, Is in ques
tion. No definite plans have been made
by owners of the two racing plants
here, but it is probable that it will be
arranged to hold short meetings at
both tracks in the winter, and the law
may be given a test.
Admiral Kojestvensky Dead.
Bad Nauheim, Germany, July 21.
Vice Admiral Kojestvensky, who com-
nianded the Ill-fated Russian fleet
which was annihilated hy the Japanese
In the sea of Japan In May, 1905, Is
dead from heart trouble. lie was about
sixty years old.
Will Ignore the 2-Cent Law.
St. Paul, July 2o. The Minneapolis,
Red Lake and Manitoba Railroad
company has served notice on the state
railroad and warehouse commission
that beginning Aug. 1 It v ill charge a
passensror fare of '.i cents a mile, thus
Ignoring the 2-cent law. This is consid
ered a forerunner of similar a-tin on
the part of all the smaller ronds of the
& CO.,
Agents for
riair 01 .!- ii s.h.
'ass County. , ,
ToTltotnm II. WHiflit and D'rn r Urh U If
wife: Hlrt llodiren mid Cyble llodtreit. hi wire.
iVa A. Draper and Dn.per. ili-l name un-
niralnst you. the Ntild defendai t. the bjnet
and prayer of which are to raneel and ",,u''
a deed from. I. P. Falter and Mary l alie r to
Kert llodfeoonveyliurl.ts 7. K. and 9. In M'f
2. in therit vof I'latMiiioutli: It. 2 and 1.4
except Yt3 feet otf the south lde. In Hlot'W
In TlilniiMoii' Addition to IMattsmouth: and
1-ots II. and 12. In Mock tf. in Towiinend s Ad
dition to PUt.smouth: and IW 11 and i Jn
Hlo. ki-'i. In the city of I'latsmoutli; all in
C'ajMCounty. Nebraska: and a deed from Mlrfc
Modifes and C'yhle Hxltre to Ira A. Draper,
conveying the same premise lmv decrUd.
on the trrounds of fraud, misrepresentation,
connplraoy. alteration, forjrery. and to juiet
and con Arm the title of the plaintiffs In and
to said premises In said plaint iff and atralnst
you and each of you. Vou and each of you are
required to answer said petition ou or before
the 31st day oj Autrust. 1UUH.
Dated at l'lattsmouth.Caxs county, Nebraska.
July 16th, 19UK.
Jacob P. Falter ikd
Mart Fai,th. I'niNTirrn.
7-23-4 Hy A. L. Tldd.thelr attorney
ss. To Jarrett Core and Olive Core, his
wife; Prudence SpiLznaifle; and the unknown
heirs of Prudence Spilznagrle; May DaTls.
Willie Davis. Charles Davis and Myrtle Davis,
mil ors, heirs of Keliccca Davis. dM'eased, all
heirs at law of Asa t'oi-e, deceased; non
residents: You. and each of .vou, are hereby notified
that James St ander, for a valuable considera
tion, at imlilii' auction purchased lots T.toi. 7J7
anil 7:1. In the village of Louisville. Cass
county, Nebraska, from the county treasurer
of said count y. on November 5. li . for taxes
for 1 he year l'..'. which were assessed In the
name of Asa Core: that the uiidersiiriied is
the assignee of t lie said .1 ames M under, for a
valuable considerat ion. and will apply for a
deed to said preDiscs on or after I lie :t h day
of November. Urn, as provided by law
Dated this I'll, day of July. l'.H's. at Platts
mouth. Nebraska. M. ('. t'OHK.
Owner and Assignee of Cert Ideate.
county Nebraska, Diet rich Koestcr. plain
tiff vs. W. It. Tomason. first name unknown
Mrs. Tomason. tirst name unknown, and
the unknown heirs and divlsecs of V. R. Tc
mascn. first name unknown, deceased, defend
ants. The above named defendants will take notice
that 011 the 2nd day of July. l'.KlH. Dietrich Ko
ester. plaint ill", tiled his iet It Ion in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County Nebraska against
said defendants t he object and prayer of which
are to quiet his tit le in and to lot one in lUock
Thirteen in the village of Avoca. Cass County
Nebraska airalnst you by the reason of the ad
verse iMMscssion of said premises by the said
plaintiff for more than ten years last past and
for equitable relief . You are required to an
swer said petition on or In-fore Autrust 17. IW).
DiKTiticii Kokstkic Plaintiff.
Ry C. E. Tkkkt. his attorney.
July M. IKUK.
It soothes, refreshes, strengthens and
purines the stomach, bowels and kid
neys. A tonic that prevents summer
troubles. Such is Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Gering & Co.
I have pasturage room for a number
of horses and cattle at my place, west
of the city. See me at residence, or
call Plattsmouth 'phone 12G.
John Gorder.
it's a sinn of coal satisfaction. Waul
to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this oflice and
yard. The output or the Trenton
mint the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal In few
Plattsmouth No. 22.
Bell No. 331.
Daily low round trip rates to
Portland, Seattle. Tacoma, San
Francisco, Los Angeles and San
Diego, Slightly higher to included
both California and Puget Sound.
One whole business day saved by
our new schedule to the Pacific
Daily Low excursion rates to Can
Ada, Michigan, Minnesota, Wis
consin, Massachusetts and New
York tourist resorts; also low ex
cursion rates to tourist resorts in
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont.
Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah,
Wyoming. Black Hills and Yellow
stone Park.
For newly irrigated lands in the
Big Horn Basin, Wyo. No cy
clones or floods. Water your land
as needed. Soil is rich. Timber
and coal plentiful. Price $40 to
$50 per acre. Personally con
i ....... .i , m itfiri) nirinuHMiM:
You and ' of you will iKkeiM.ll.-eaiKl are
hereby not IHed that on the h.lh day of Jul.
A I). lifH.Ja.-ol. I'. Fuller nnl Mary r alM"
his wife, plaintiffs herein Hied their l t hloli In
. i... iii.i.. -! f I'll- Count v. iVctH a-Ka-
ducted excursions first and third f
Tuesdays of each month. '
Write D. Clem Deaver, Gefra
Agent, Landseekers' Infon V0
Bureau, Omaha, for a new fo;der'
Its free.
Write a brief description of your v
proposed trip, and let us advise
you how to make it the best way
at the least cost.
L. . WUEIET. 0. P. 1. Omalti. iek.
places in the flesh.