fhe Plattsmouth Journal I'WItLISIlKD HKKKM At PuATTS MOUTH. NEUKaSKa K. A. HATK.N, I'iriL.ihHKK ni!rel t tti.i ptmuirticr at PlatUtuioutti. . braU. j.h wconriclaaH matter. "Mr. Takt's weight has not yet made him bow legged, " remarks an ex change. No, but his efTorts to stand on the republican platform soon will. The republican politicians are making a desperate efliort to hold the "nigger" vote in line. As the democratic party is not appealing to the "nigger" vote, that's one desperate effort that should be successful. And now the republican newspapers and politicians are angry because Bryan insists upon sticking to the Denver platform. This is but natural even William II. Taft wouldn't dare to stick to the one at Washington and ratified at Chicago. A well, known traveling man of Lin coin says he knows who demolished the Taft banner in that city, and that it wasn't a democrat either. When the proper time arrives the perpetrator will be hauled upon the carpet. Then you will see Billy Hayward tuck his tail like a whipped puppy. The chairman of the republican na tional committee is eminently correct in aiirmise that plenty of work awaits him in "the country west of theMissouri." Presently he will admit the necessity of pulling of his coat and rolling up his sleeves in all the country between the Missouri and the Alleghenies. The man who injects politics into re ig'on or religion into politics oes it because the Almighty made a mistake in his creation. Religion is a matter of individual conscience. If it is not we do not believe the Maker would have permitted the invention of so many dif ferent brands. Publicity of campaign funds before tie election isthekindof publicity that the country wants not publicity after the election. The kind of publicity promised by the Taft managers is the same as the "tariff reform" which it has pledged. The people of the United States take no stock in promises of posthumous performances. Although Treasurer Sheldcn r as not yet made it public, it is reported that Rockefeller has given his check for $1,000,000, and the Standard Oil directors have ordered $2,000,000, to be paid to the campaign fund. It is, of course, understood that the suit for the $40,000,000 fines will be drooped. By announcing that contributions will not be recieved from corporations, and that contributions from other sources will be limited to a reasonable maxium, the democratic nationl com mittee has gone far toward removing politics from commercialism. It only remains for the democratic voters to the reform a complete success by giv ing their financial support to the com mittee in the stand it has taken. Queer how little it takes to offend some people. A couple at Weeping Water became very indignant and pub lished a notice that postal cards with Bryan & Kern's picture, with the pro phecy that they would be the success ful candidates, were objectionable. Now we are making a collection of postals and will be glad to receive those of Taft and Sherman, and will rot get mad if we get some of Tom Watson or the Prohibition candidate. Nehawka Register. Mr. Bryan is appealing to farmers for campaign funds. But it is some thing of a task, when the farmers are receiving 80 cents for corn and fancy prices for cattle; when they are in bet ter condition than they ever were be fore, with prospects for an even greater measure of prosperity, to induce them to give money to help put the demo cratic party in power. Lincoln Star. Such tommyrot sounds "fishy" to the intelligent farmer. The idea of taking the cvdit for prosperity out of the han f m kind Providence, beats any thing we ever heard of. Put the lead ers of the republican party are prepared to tae anything. But they have fooled the farmers of this country just or.ee too ' i vi'.h l! eir l.oos prosperity cry Here's another difference between Bryan and Taft. Bryan neither wrote the democratic platform, nor had a j president to write it for him, but he is able to stand on it without inconsistency or embarrassment. Taft's platform dictated for him by his master and in standing upon it he can neither escape inconsistency nor avoid embarrassment. If it were left to the common people Bryan would win the presidency hands down. But the corporate 'influences, with their untold wealth, will fight him to a finish. And in their fight they will have the help of the people who will not know where the next meal is to come from on account of the high price of the ordinary necessities of life. A man deserves what he stands for. It seems that prominent republicans throughout the country are jumping into the Bryan band-wagon every day in the week. The latest addition is Frank S. Monnett, former attorney gen eral of Ohio, who conducted the prose cutions in that state against the Stand ard Oil company, and later was employ ed by the interstate commerce commis sion. It looks rather squally for Fatty Taft, even in his own state. In John W. Kern the democratic party has nominated a man who warn ed the delegates beforehand what he h3d "no barrel" and that he wouldn't ask any of his rich friends to contribute. Kern is neither rich nor poor; he's just a plain, every day democrat in whom those who know him best have the most confidence. And that's why the convention went to Indiana for its sec ond man. A correspondent writes to know whether Grover is president again. He says when the price of wool went down under Grover's administration the re publican papers and orators stated that it was due to Grover and low tariff, and as the price of wool is now about half less than it was last year and the tariff the highest in the history of the country, Grover must be president again. No; Grover isn't president, but the people can see that political chickens will come home to roost. The low price of wool is the proof. As usual, Editor Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee, displays his smallness of caliber by intimating that the Taft ban ner was cut down in Lincoln by a dem ocrat. If little Vicy thinks he can make the people believe there are democrats in such small business he is badly mis t iken. The rank and file of republicans in Lincoln know better, and are inclined to lay the dastardly act at the door of some of the members of the state com mittee. The secretary of that commit tee no doubt will get out of it if he has to wait "until the statutes of limita tion" have taken their run. Since 1S97 the Republicans have been in absolute control of the presidency and both branches of congress. Why did they not enact the legislation they now promise in the Chicago platform? Popular clamor has driven them to mak ing promises to the people, but the character of the men they nominated at Chicago gives not even the hope that they will carry them out. Upon assum ing the presidency Roosevelt promised to carry out McKinley's policies, but le went squarely back on them. So will Taft and Sherman go back on the promises made in the Chicago platform. They will say platforms are made to get off of after the election. Absolute safety in promise lies in the election of Bryan. In perusing the last issue of the Elm wood Leader-Echo, one would naturally judge that it was a great reform jour nal. Now, we would suggest to the ed itor of that paper that, as he has gone into the reformation and "flood" busi ness on the county option question, he bestow a small portion of his reform ideas in another direction. And a re-" formation that is calculated to fill instead of lightening the pocket-book a great deal more than taking a drink of whis key or glass of beer occasionally, and, criminally speaking, a far greater evil, according to the laws of Nebraska. And while in the reformation business, we would suggest that he procure a brand new broom and sweep his own djor yard before jumping on his neighbors. The Journal is prepared to recite some incidents in the career of this great re former that might cause him to become sick to the stomach if made public. DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest, From Mon day Evening's Daily Journal T. M. Patterson was a visitor in the Metropolis yesterday. Miss Francis Weidman was a, visitor is Omaha yesterday, returning in the evening Ed. Lutz was a passsenger to Omaha today going up on No. 7 on account of business. Mrs. John Karvanek was among the passengers on the fast mail for Omaha this noon. Miss Jessie Drost, of near Murray, was in the city for a brief visit with Miss Edith Pitz. H. P. Mahoney is in South Omaha today in the interest of the Plattsmouth Telephone company. John S. Hall, the Sixth street mer chant, was looking after business mat ters in Omaha today. Arthur Crissman and wife of Lincoln are in the city for a few days visit with relatives and friends. Earl Travis was a sojourner in Omaha yesterday attending the ball game, and returning to the city this morning. W. H. Porter, wife and baby of Ne hawka came up for an over Sunday visit with his brother, George, and family. Mrs. Louis Vallery of Hutchinson, Kas. , arrived in the city this morning to be the guests of Mrs. Margaret Livingston Ray Travis came down from Omaha Saturday night for a short visit with his parents, returning to Omaha Sun day. Mrs. H. D. Travis and daughte were passengers for Pueblo, Col., where they go to spend two or three weeks of the heated season. France Ballence, who was visiting with his parents over Sunday, returned to his duties at the Glenwood Institute on No. 6 this morning. G. S. Upton, the strong Bryan popu- lis of Liberty precinct, drove into the city this morning having business to tran sact. He will return this evening. L. C. Supp, foreman of bridges and buildings of the Bulington was a passen ger on the noon train for Lincoln, going on account of the death of Supt. Wood ring. Antony Nelsladk, trouble man for the Independent Telephone company, was called to Elmwood this morning by trouble at that point. He departed on the Missouri Pacific. The Plattsmouth Telephone Company today shipped three tons of copper wire to Louisville where they expect to at once commence the construction of a new circuit to Lincoln. Aug Roessler returned home Satur day evening from a visit with friends and relatives at Grant, Neb. He reports having a splendid time and left his wife and family there for an extended visit. Repairs on the Knapp building on Sixth street which was so badly damag ed in the recent storm, have been com menced and it is expected the building will soon be placed in shape for occu pancy. Mrs. J.B. Higley and children, James, Violet and Gladys, are in Council Bluffs, la., for a visit with Grant Cotner and family, departing on the fast mail this noon. Mrs. H. Seivers was a passenger for Omaha on the noon train going up to return with her daughter who has been at the Immanuel hospital since undego ing an operation for appendicitis. Messers W. C. Ramsey and J. Living ston Richey, and Misses Florence and Helen Dovey made a quartette which visited in Murray Saturday night and Sunday, the guests of the family of Jas. A. Walker. Mrs. Val Burkel and family departed Saturday afternoon for Takoma and other points in Washington, for an ex tended visit with relatives and friends, going from here to Lincoln on No. 3 and remaining there until the early morning train Sunday. Miss Lillian Bookmeyer has returned from her pleasant trip in the east. Dur ing her trip she visited innumerable points of interest and had a splendid time. She was a passenger for Omaha this afternoon on No. 7. J. Morgan of Frederick, Okla., is in the city visiting with Mrs. C. A. Harvey, his sister, Fred Morgan, Mrs. M. W. Morgan and other relatives. Mr. Morgan is a Oklahoma democrat, which means one of the real kind and a Bryan enthusiast of the most pronounc ed kind. He is justly proud of the record of the baby state at the Denver convention which he attended, and from which he is now en route home. He places Byran's majority in the new state at not less than 50000 and thinks the outlook throughout the country most flattering. From his travels through Colorado he considers that state sure to roll up a great majority for the ! great Commoner. re m i F. C. Heyden was a passenger on No. 19 this morning for Lincoln. D. C. York returned to his duties at Omaha, after spending Sunday with his parents in this city. Judge H. D. Travis was a traveler to Creston, la., this morning, going over on important business. Bert Spies and Cedric Eaton departed for Omaha this morning, where they expect to find employment. Mrs. John D. Cummins and daughter, Kittie, were passeneers this morning on No. 19 to Omaha, going up to spend the day. Miss Carrie Oliver and niece were passengers this morning for Lincoln, where they will visit with friends for a few days. Carl Kunsman and Fred Ramge were visitors in Nebraska City on Sunday, having business to look after at that place. G. O. Vincent and J. M. Campbell re turned to Alvo on No. 7 this noon, hav ing finished their business at the court house. Miss Lillian Terhune departed on No 6 this mornins for Percival, la., where she will visit friends and relatives for a few days. Miss Alta Parker, who visited her parents in this city over Sunday, re turned to her work in Omaha on No. 19 this morning. Miss Bernice Skinner, who has been visiting friends in this city for several days past, departed for her home in Lincoln this morning. Mrs. and Miss Becker of Council Bluffs, la., returned to their home this morning, after a short visit with the family of Jos. Stendyke. E. J. Gates and wife who have been visiting friends in the city for a short time, returned to their home in Univer sity Place this morning. H. G. Van Horn, the phonograph man, was looking after business mat ters in the metropolis today, being a passenger on the early train. Miss Amy Collins of Frement, who has been in the city for a visit with the family of N. W. Krissinger, returned to her home this morning. Little Roy Krissinger accompanied her for a short stay. J. W. Chase returned to Lincoln this morning on No. 19, after a visit of a few days with friends in this city. Mrs. Chase will remain in the city for a further visit, being the guest of Mrs. F J. Morgan. Albert Birdsall and family departed on the fast mail this noon for Missouri Valley where they will visit his brother for several days. Mrs. James Hart was a passenger for Omaha today on the fast mail going up for a visit with her daughter Mrs. James Leary, for a few days. John Boetal, wife and children, were passengers for Omaha on the fast mail today, being called there by the death Mrs Boetel's grandmother. J. G. Richey who has been looking after business interests at Granada, Col. for several weeks past returned to the city yesterday morning. Ernest Wiggenhorn and two children and Miss Luella Lansing of Ashland, who have been visiting the family of F. G. Fricke for a few days, returned to their home this morning. G. O. Vincent of Cairo, 111., and J. M. Campbell, of Alvo, were in the city today attending to the affairs of the brother of Mr. Vencent, who recently died at Alvo. They represented the bereaved widow, and arrived yesterday afternoon. The platform dance given by George McDaniels and Guy Griddle was another of those complete affairs they have given heretofore, and a large crowd was present and enjoyed it. The lunch eon served at the close of the dance made a big hit with the crowd. The boy expect to give another dance on Aug. l,to which everyone is invited. Justice H. D. Barr this morning de livered to J ustice Archer the transcript in the case of Bates vsl Benjamin, men tion of which has been heretofore made in the Journal, the defendent taking a change of venue. The case is one in garnishment and is set for hearing July 21, at 9 o'clock in the morning. Our former neighbor, W. G. Merriam came in this morning from Shannon City, Iowa, to which point he and his j.wife went some time since, and where j his' father is engaged as a builder. W. ; J. was formerly engaged at Burlington j shops her, but has concluded to make 1 his home for the present at Shannon City and work .with his father. He gave the Journal a pleasant call this 1 morning suscribed for the Daily Journal. ! Mr. Merriam is here on business and ' will remain over tomorrow. ' oc DC & J3D Maybe you know that we have the largest line of Dress Goods and maybe yon don't. Maybe you know that we carry the G. D. Corset and maybe yon don't. ' Maybe you know that we handle the Stork Goods and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that you can buy the Foster Hose Supporters here and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that we have a Bargain Department and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that here is where you find Queen Quality Shoes and may be yon don't. Maybe you know that we are having special sale on Towels Monday and Tuesday and maybe you don't. Mavbe you know, about our Bed Spread Sale Wednesday and Thursday and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that it is hot and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that we have a fine line of Gauze Underwear and maybe you don't. Maybe you know that Friday and Saturday you can buy Calicos for 4c per yard and maybe you don't. Maybe win know that Dovey's store is the place to find what you want and maybe vou don't. You ought to. u 1 u oc DC ELK'S CONVENTION AT DALLAS, TEXAS H. A. Schneider Says it is One of! the Greatest Convention Cities. Henry Schneider returned to the city last night from the Elk's convention at Dallas, Texas. He is enthusiastic at the great success of the convention and loud in his praise of Dallas as a con vention city. The convention, trans acted much business of importance, adopting an emblem which will be copy righted, consisting of a clock with the hands pointing to the hour of 11, and surmounted with an elk's head with a star above a beautiful design. The next convention will be held in Los Angeles in 1909. While in the south Mr. Schneider, in company with Will Clement, visited Ft. Worth, going over on the interurban, which he praises highly for good ser vice, and Galveston, which struck his fancy as the finest city in the south. He and Mr. Clement made a Failing trip on the gulf, which he describes as highly exhilarating. Henry was also loud in his praise of the manner in which Dallas took care of the conven tion, there being excellent accommoda for all at reasonable rates. The crowds on Wednesday and Thursday were so great that traffic on the principal streets of the city was stopped, street cars being unable to proceed and the city being given over to a good time. There was tremendous noise, the crowds being the loudest ever heard. The parade of the Elk's was a very fine one, having eighteen bands in it and stretching out to a great length. There were many finely uniformed lodges represented, Austin, Tex., taking the prize for the neatest appearing body. The city was splendidly decor ated for the occasion and taken all in all it was a hummer. Mr. Schneider retnrned over the M. K. & T. Ry., which he praises highly for its service. Mr. R. W. Clement con tinued on to St. Louis, Mo. It Can't Be Beat The best of all teachers is experience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. For Stomach Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine. " Mr. Harden is right ; it's the hojt of all medicines, also for weakness, himejhack, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. So'd ur.der guarantee at F. C. Fricke I'z Co. dm;: store. 50c. u SON rvn DC DO A meeting was to have been held it the ball park yesterday evening to or ganize a ball team to represent the Y. M. B. C. of the Methodist Sunday school, they intending to play a series with the Y. M.B. C. of the Presbyterian church. Owing to various conditions there were not many present and the matter was postponed until later. It iB proposed to have a series of games ar ranged between the two classes, similar to those played a year ago, each class being confident it has the best playerB. An Honest Doctor Advised Peruna. v7 t s w SVLVlsTfclt K. SMITH. Robust Health Ruined. MR. SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room 218, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo., writes: "Peruna Is the best friend a ick man can have. "A few months apro I came here In a wretched condition. Exposure and dampness had ruined my once robust neaun. l nati ca- T h c Sick Man's Friend. Wife? tarrhal affections of the bronchial tubes, .ieral and for a time there "nation was a doubt as to my recovery. Mder. 'My pood honest old doctor r.dri.-ed me to take Peruna, which I did aod in a short time my health began to im prove very rapidly, the bronchial trouble gradually disappeared, and in three months my health was fully re ctor ed. 'Accept a gratefnl man's thanks for his restoration to jserfect health." . ...... . V . .