The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 25, 1908, Image 3

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    h mhit ig TTME virus vn i nnrr icnn ymav riisrr craninc sum If
Af1 w iiAlipuA i'f i nitr Hutv tnlpt vnn knnw thnt wft hnve the nrnner thinos in'nll kinHsnf Men's nnr! Rov's Suitincs. Our Line O
ft Gents' Furnishings was never more complete, and we honestly believe we can please you in this Department. We also have a full and
complete line or zanoes. we uu nuve u nunu&uine nuc n , n n n n tv vt ni ni I
when you want anything in our lime. . . J J U V U n 1 1 1 1 VS-y I . n ; 7
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From the Ledger.
Last week the widow and other rela
tives of the late Joshua Eaton, placed a
nice monument over his grave in the
Eaton cemetery.
Mrs. Lee Applegate and daughter,
Delia, departed Wednesday for Bur
lington Junction, Mo., where Mrs. Ap
plegate will remain some time for treat
ment at the mineral springs sanitarium.
John R. Pierson, who established the
Bank of Union several years ago and
later located at Tecumseh, is now at
Iloldrege, where he has recently pur
chased an interest in a bank at that city.
Chas. Woodard and family, who have
been operating the Nehawka hotel the
past few months, retired from the busi
ness and moved back here the first of
the week, occupying the Gruber house,
near town.
Mrs. Margaret- McKnight departed
Wednesday evening for her new home
at Geddes, S. D. She leaves many
friends here who regret her leaving,
but wish her happiness in her South
Dakota home.
Charlie Swan, jr., who suffered severe
injuries two weeks ago by being thrown
and run over by a horse, is reported to
be getting along as well as can be ex
pected, considering the nature of his
wounds, and it is now thought no per
manent injury will trouble him. He
seems quite cheerful and looks forward
to the day of his next trip to town.
The Union band received from Cin
cinnati last Saturday a fine new outfit
of uniforms, eighteen suits of the popu
lar "khaki" style, including caps, coats,
pants and leggins, the total cost being
$150. The band will make its first ap
pearance in the new uniform Saturday
morning, June 27, going with the Union
crowd to the Woodman log rolling cele
bration at Elmwood.
Once more we are to have a regular
meat market instead of the stores hav
ing to keep fresh meats to supply the
demand. Fred Hesse, of Plattsmouth,
has leased the Taylor shop and expects
to open this morning with a complete
stock of fresh and salt meats. He is an
experienced butcher, and in the near
future will bring his family here to be
come permanent residents.
A Grand Family Medicine.
"It gives me pleasure to speak a good
word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr.
Frank Conlan of No. 436 Houston St.,
New York." "It's a grand family medi
cine for dyspepsia and liver complica
tions; while for lame back and weak
kidneys it cannot be to highly recom
mended." Electric Bitters regulate the
digestive functions, purify the blood.
and impart renewed vigor and vitality
to the weak and debilitated of both
sexes. Sold under guarantee at F. G,
Fricke & Co., drug store. 50c.
From the Leader-Echo.
L. F. Langhorst has had a handsome
new drop curtain painted for the opera
Howard Saxton, of Pender, looking
quite fatherly, visited his parents and
friends here the first of the week.
C. D. Brittell's family were released
from quarantine Monday. The child
ren had the small pox in a very mild
John Schick, of Logan, Neb., is visit
ing relatives here, and will probably
work here this summer. He is a nephew
of Wm. Schick and resided on the Han
son farm near here when a boy.
Geo. W. Dunkle was called to Lincoln
Monday evening by the serious illness
of his father who had received a severe
stroke of paralysis. At last report he
was in a very serious condition.
German school will commence Mon
day, June 22, at the German Evangeli
cal Lutheran church in Elmwood, to
continue for six weeks, Mondays and
Tuesdays. Rev. Paul V.Toerne, pastor.
Miss Myrtle Fentiman returned last
week from Dunkerton, Iowa, where she
has been teaching the past year. She
was re-elected at an advance in salary
but has not accepted yet. '
Mrs. Warren Richards, of Wabash,
twisted the top of a glass fruit jar
Wednesday, while canning fruit, severe
ly cutting one of her wrists, requiring
six stitches to close the wound. An
artery was severed and she lost a great
deal of blood before the wound could be
closed up.
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
' Signature of
(From the Register.)
Mrs. L. C. Pollard returned from her
trip to the New England states Monday
John N. Swartz wa3 reported a3 be
ing on the sick list the first of the week,
and was confined to the house.
Mrs. Robert Shrader has been very
sick for the past two weeks and a
specialist was called from Omaha. At
this writing her condition remained un
Frank Boedeker who h as been suffer
ing for sometime with neuralgia in his
right limb has taken a lay off from the
bank in order to give his limb rest and
proper medical attention.
Grandma Todd at Union is reported
to be in very poor health and fears are
entertained for her recovery. We are
informed that she has been steadily
growing weaker for several days.
Charles S. Stone has returned from
the asylum at Norfolk and will take
the place iof Frank Boedeker for a
couple of weeks. We came near for
getting to say that Charles was visiting
with Mont Robb, the steward at that
Mrs. Joseph Malcolm, accompanied
by her son Roy, left Monday morning
for Cashmere, Washington, to visit
her brothers, the McDermed boys.
She expects to remain all summer in
this very pleasant valley, which we con
sider the most beautiful in all Washing
ton. Joe went with her as far as Lin
coln. Mr. A. J. Norman who has been here
since early spring in charge of the Pol
lard orchards, left on Monday for his
home in Omaha. He is undecided as to
where he will locate, but it will prob
ably be with the Maryland State
Agriculture College as he has been
offered a position with that institution.
This is the second time he has been
here and during his stay he has made a
host of friends who will be glad to hear
of his success in other states.
Thinks It Saved his Life.
Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine,
says in a recent letter:"I have used Dr.
King's New. Discovery many years, ibr
coughs and colds, and I think it saved
my life. I have found it a reliable rem
edy for throat and lung complaint, and
would no more be without a bottle than
I would be without food." For nearly
forty years New Discovery has stood at
the head of throat and lung remedies.
As a preventive of pneumonia, and
healer of weak lungs it has na equal.
Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke
& Co., crug store. 50c. and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
From the Courier.
The Blue Front livery barn has
changed hands and is now operated by
Wood & Ferrier.
Chas. Housel and wife returned to
Chicago Friday after a month's visit
here with relatives.
Miss Georgie Delezene entertained a
number of her friends at her home on
last Friday evening in honor of her
birthday. A most pleasant time was
had by all. '
Joe Benson, who was reported dead
several months ago, came in Thursday
morning from the south. Joe dies ever
so often but always survives in time so
as notto miss a drink.
Edgar Pankonin's new residence.
whicb will take the place of the one
destroyed by the cyclone, is nearing
completion and will be a much better
building than that one destroyed. Mr.
Pankonin was hard hit by the cyclone.
his house and barn being totally de
stroyed, one horse killed and his new
wagon and harness destroyed.
W. J. O'Brien, superintendent of the
state fish hatcheries, was in town Wed
nesday morning. He informs us that
the new ferry boat being built by T.
W. Fountain is about ready for launch
ing and agrees to allow the editor of the
Courier the honor of breaking a bottle
of catsup over its bow when it is push
ed into the water. The boat is being
fitted up with a gasoline engine and will
be large enough to carry teams and is
also adapted for passenger traffi;.
Tetter Cured
A lady customer of ours had suffered
with tetter for two or three years. It
got so bad on her hands that she could
not attend to her household duties. One
box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her.
Chamberlain's medicines give splendid
satisfaction in this community. M. H.
Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Cham
berlain's medicines are for sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
I have pasturage room for a number
of horses and cattle at my place, west
of the city. . See me at residence, ' or
call Plattsmouth 'phone 12G.
John Gorder.
Mrs. E..F. Snaveley, of Lincoln, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Samuel Coon,
this week.
Mrs. Charles Tighe and daughter,
of Bancroft, are visiting relatives in
and about Manley this week. Mrs.
Tighe says they were badly hailed out
there two weeks ago.
Will Kennedy, of Dawson county, is
here visiting his mother, who was quite
severely hurt by slipping and falling on
her hip about two weeks ago.
Herman Bergman, of Ohio, is here
this week visiting Frank and helping his
brother Charles load his household goods,
preparatory to moving to Oklahoma,
Charlie would have been gone, but ow
ing to the floods in the south was afraid
to undertake it.
The election of the new school board
will be held in the school house June 29,
The lightning during last Thursday
struck and killed five head of cattle for
Gus Wendt.
The Bank of Manley wants your de
posits, be they large or small.
James M. Carper received a check
from the Farmers' Mutual Insurance
company for $10, in full settlement for
a calf that was struck by lightning
and killed.
Dave Brann and D. S. Rockwell were
business visitors to Omaha Saturday.
W. J. Rau Sundayed in Louisville.
Mr. Christensen and wife, of Counci
Bluffs, were here this week visiting
his sister, Mrs. Thos. Keckler. They
returned home Tuesday morning.
Mr. Geo. Veogler was a business vis
itor in the Metropolis city Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Stander and daughter
were in Omaha Wednesday.
Born to Mrs. and Mr. Dick Irons,
Sunday eve., a girl, mother and babe
doing nicely.
John Tighe was a Weeping Water
visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Andrew Krecklow and children
were visiting Mrs. Krecklow's parents,
Chr.s. Bowers, near Greenwood, the
fore part of this week.
Start a bank account and see the
pleasure in it. Call at the Manley
Banking house.
Charley Bergman, shipped his car of
emigant movables to Enid, Oklahoma,
Wednesday. Herman, hi3 brother, ac
companied the car.
The baee ball season opened up in
Manley June 21 st on the Manley Base
Ball Park. A double header was played
between the Manley Sluggers and the
German Academy team and the Sluggers
with the 'Grand Prairie team. First
game Sluggers won with a score of 3 to 4
against Academy battery. Keckler,
twister and Murphy backstop. Second
game with the Grand Prairies was won
by the Sluggers with a score of 6 to 22.
Battery, Lorenson tosser, O'Brien stop
per.' Clyde Jenkins did himself proud
by good field work.
Great Preparations for the
Plattsmouth Delegation
Ed. Donat returned last night from a
trip through the county taking in Cedar
Creek, Weeping Water, Elmwood and
other points. He reports that a big
time is promised all who go to Elmwood
Saturday, the citizens of that bustling
manicipality fairly outdoing themselves
making preparations. The town is al
ready cleaned up and the roads and
streets have been placed in fine condi
tion for visitors. Mr. Donat reports
that it has been arranged to have the
parade start immediately upon the ar
rival of the special train from this city,
the line of march forming at the depot.
moving up the street to the bank, and
then turning toward the park where
the exercises will be held. Arrange
ments have been made for four hundred
dinners for the Plattsmouth contingent
at the hotel in the park. This latter is a
temporary structure, built especially for
the occassion and it is guaranteed that
the best twenty-five cent meal ever
served in Cass county will be given. In
addition to the great treat of hearing
Ameraca's foremost citizen and next
president, W. J. Bryan, there will be a
program of rare merit. Two balloon
ascensions will be given with a daring
parachute leap from a great height.
After this big show, Ed. says, everyone
will come to Plattsmouth for the Fourth.
Owing to the Missouri Pacific train be
ing late, Mr. Donat was compelled to
hire a team and carriage" at Union to
reach this city in time for the Larson-
Foster nuptials. He brought with him
the Misses Davis, who also were guest
at the wedding, and Herman Kleitch.
The New Majestic Theatre
Will Open Its Doors to
The past week workmen have been
engaged in renovating and arranging
the Leonard store room especially for
an electric theatre, and to say that this
room has been systematically arranged,
but half expresses it. The room proper
is nearly 100 feet in length, with box
office in front, and the entire building
has been repainted, repapered and
tastily decorated in a manner very
inviting to our amusement loving
people. Electric lights have been
8trung through the entire building so
as best to show off the effects. The
rear part where the pictures are shown
is different from any other show of its
character that has ever been opened in
Plattsmouth. The curtain is very large,
and is made in such shape as to display
pictures as true to life as they possibly
can be shown. Easy chairs have been
placed in the theatre for the accomoda
tion of all, and on either side of which
is aisle-way of three feet which makes
a very easy matter of getting in and
out. In the rear there is also two
exits, which makes it very convenient
in getting out at the rear, if , necessity
occurs. Taken as a whole, the manner
in which the proprietors, Messrs. N. L.
Anderson and Al Stear, have arranged
their theatre for the accomodation of
their patrons demonstrates to a dead
moral certainty that they are right up-to-date
in the business in which they
are engaged. The Journal people have
known Ned Anderson for several years,
and can say that those who patronize
this place of amusement, can expect
everything just as represented, and
that good order will prevail at all haz-
zards. Give these gentlemen a good
audience tomorrow night and you will
have the pleasure of seeing the best
moving picture show you ever saw in
Remember the Date June 30th.
If you are at all interested in college
life, you should not fail to see college
life as it is, and as it is portrayed by
Plattsmouth people in the "College
7idow," June 30th. This play has
been presented before all the large
cities of the country and its success has
been unlimited. See the development
of the country rube into a mollycoddle,
who smokes cigarettes, parts his hair
in the middle and plays a guitar. See
"Silent Murphy, "who is too big for his
clothes. Or Billy Bolton, who has been
a freshman for three years, just so that
he can play foot ball. All these go to
make up one of the most interesting
plays ever produced in Plattsmouth.
Now as this play is given for the bene
fit of the public library, everyone should
attend and help the good work along.
Cures dizzy spells, tired feeling?,
stomach and liver troubles, keeps you
well all summer. That's what Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Try
it and you will always buy it. 25 cents,
Gering & Co.
yf Shoe
fgett S8nS8
A - Sa"eS
jljfjk Perfect
JlJsS Models
aee sensible, pleasurable, economical:
no tacks in the welt, no tax on the foot.
A feeling of exultation in every pair of
our springy, elastic cushiony low cuts.
Shenvood & Son.
Weeping Water, :: Nebraska
Base Ball, Big List of Sports, Balloon As
cension, and Grand Fireworks Display. . .
dev. Hqgl I
Finest park in the State. Ball game tree. Good
water. Fine shade. Trains for Lincoln held until
9:30 p. m.; train south until 6:30 p. m.
A Great Sacrifice Sale
From this Date Until Afther the 4th of July!
Everything in this big department store
will be sold at a sacrifice price. Special
attention is called to our millinery de
partment, where over three huddred
stylishly trimmed hats will be sold at
half price. All must be sold by July 4th
if even at your own price. All our fine
summer dress goods will be included in
this sale. Remember our Gent's Cloth
ing Department, where you can buy that
new suit for the 4th. Of course you will
celebrate in Plattsmouth.
A special car will be run from Omaha to Kansas City over
the Missouri Pacific, and from there to Frisno, Texas over
the Santa Fe. Special half-fare rate for the round trip.
Come and go with us and see the greatest country on earth,
and we know you will buy. We will trade for anything
t you have. Call on
FRANK STANLEY, PlaHsmouib, Uobrasba
Don't wait until tomorrow, but protect your
property today in one of the best companies
only 15 cents per one hundred dollars.
You cannot afford to take any chances in
loosing your property at this rate. . .
A combination policy for fire, lightning, tor
nado and windstorm written on your farm
property for twenty-five cents per year.
See or write
Coates I l IT A I YfCF Plattsmouth
Block . . . Ua ITi ri-lE. I lkij Nebraska .