SUBMIT TOM LAWS L01IISIAHA IS FAVORED Republican Natoinl Committee 'Agrees to Compromise the" "- PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR TIIE JOURNAL READEBS. Sentiment of the Great Gathering of Brewers' at Thelf Na- tional Convention, Delegate Contest. If any of Vie readers of Vie Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it will appear under this heading. We want ull items of interest. Editor Journal. COMPLAINT 07 CONFISCATION BOTH FACTIONS ARE SEATED Murray DepFissnemit DC DC 1 I C. C. PARMELE, President. FRED L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President w. b. HututKtn, uasnier. Reduce the Number Amount of Your Bills BOY IS VERY BADLY u n Attempting to increase your receipts is on ly a part of financial successs. Some at tention must be given to expenditures. A checking account will give yon a correct record of your receipts and expenditures. Pay by check it is business it is syste matic it is the only way to transact busi ness accurately. We give especial attention to small counts. ac- Murray State Bank Murray, Nebrsk. DC DC J) George Rhoden wa3 looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth today. Homer Shrader and wife spent Sunday with Robert Shrader and wife near Ne hawka. O. V. Virgin and wife spent last Sun day with friends and relatives over near Avoca. Mr. and Mrs. Torrenca Fleming spent Sunday with friends and relatives in Weeping Water. Wrs. Galen Rhoden went to Platts mouth last ecnesday to attend the funeral of her uncle. Ar.dy Taylor. Misses Eva and Carrie Allison were in Omaha last Saturday, Miss Eva re turning home via Plattsmouth Tuesday. James Ilatchett and daughter. Vera, were in Aehawkaa few days last week visiting with her brother, John Ercnson arid family. Mrs. James McuIlough has been quite pick for the past week, and Miss Thorpe, a trained nurse from Nebraska City, is attending her bedside. J. C. Snavely hands us the wherewith this week for the paper he, or rather Mrs. Snavely, send3 to Mrs. Xora Rice at Seven Mile Ford, Va. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Senny True east of town, on Wednes day, June 3. Both mother and little one are getting along nicely. Mr. O. A. Davi3 and wife went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend the meet ing and the Allumni Banquet at the Stat 3 University a few days this week. Miss Elizabeth Kunsman of Platts mouth came to Murray Wednesday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Guy Bur ton, and to assist in looking after the switch board at the Murray telephone exchange. Chas. Herren, on our Murray list, hands the editor the wherewith to ad- j vance his subscription another year this week. Charley is one of those readers who believe in always having his paper paid in advance. A large number of Murray people at tended the play "The District Leader" in Plattsmouth Monday evening, among whom were James Campbell, Glen Boedeker, Sam Pitman, Chas. Boedeker, Harry Baxter, L. G. Todd, Ed. Kniss J. C. Snavely, Robt Burr and Will Sea bolt. Sam Pitman wa3 a Plattsmouth vis itor Friday. Glen Boedeker was a business visitor in the county seat Monday evening. Grandma Campbell has been sick at the home of her son, William, east of town for the past few day3. Dr. B. F. Brendel and wife were in Plattsmouth and Omaha Monday of this week, driving to Plattsmouth. Miss Gussie Robb, who has been vis iting friends for the past few days, re turned to her home in Wyoming Tues day. Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., is in Bethany this week visiting with her son and daughter, who are attending college in that city. H. G. Todd lost seven head of fine steers from clover bloat Tuesday. While they were not fat cattle they were among the best of his feeders, and will aggregate quite a loss. Avoca Stems Too Late. the Missouri Pacific railroad, the Avoca items, which were sent for this iss zmven tnn lata I hot n-nt-n c?f-i . - Horse and is Trampled terday mornin&and did not reach here Upon by Another. untiI six o'clock, after the forms were Ion the nress Thpv will nmr in Kir. Murray Mtro .Tuna c ioaq rc;i I f Fvariinir t' ' , ,Tl . ' day'8 PaPr. The railroad is to blame for this omission. Faraer Told the Boot May Ba ca His Leg Some Day. Fall With Clergyman Taken to Task for Ad vocating; a Policy of -CnflHca-tlon" Hrlabane's View o TeetotalUm. Each to Have Half a Vote acd May Give It to Taft "Lily tVhlUV' to Continue I ho Fight Talk of a Man for Second Place Hammond Open Headquarters. to the kvemng Journal) Chas. Swan, jr., son of Winneld Swan, was seriously injured the by falling of a horse. He in company with some neighbor boys were returning to their home near Union ..Via.. A. T I 1 1 ... - wui ien o c-iock last nignt irom a basket supper at the Lewiston church three miles southest of town. Thev were riding hard in an effort to out distance an approachiner storm when his horse fell, and he was trampled upon by his companions' horses and his Tt SSS pcivw oones crusnea. Me was earned 1"' iuu.uu ioiwuuuo per acre annually Resolution United State T CM A. 1 T r v tj aiiies onori ana u. w. LiOwe were business visitors in the metropolis this afternoon. Classified Advertisements by the boya during a heavy rain to a farm house near by and medical aid summoned. Little hopes of his recovery are entertained. no irrigation. Abundant rainfall Crowe two crops corn, oranges, lemons, bananas. Dine aDoles. suzar cant Ret. invoutmon eann. .auperacre. Titles perfect. Terms easy. Agents wanted. Spbncer. BaMen. Neb. or Taniplco Mexico. L acres miles southwest. Wellfleet. In Haves countv for sal or tRuinfmo,. cnanaise ana residence. 80 under cultivation tine jfrove. extra good land, near telephone, school, store rural deliverv. j. n. lhristnbr Mayes Center, Neb. Val Gobbelman and wife were Platta mouth visitors Wednesday Col. Seabolt shipped a car of stock to South Omaha Sunday evening. G. M. Minford shipped a car of cattle to bouth Omaha Sunday evening, Torrence Fleming and wife Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday. Col. Seabolt shipped a car of stock ta bouth Omaha Wednesday evening. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Mrs. Frank Moore has been numbered Statb of Nebraska, i were f ami ror sale. Three improved farms airzrezatinz 40 acres. M to a jteeie. county seat or Kidder county. North Dakota. Also other lands. Atrents wanted. LHARLts u. Stanley. Steele N. Dak Chas. Swan, son of Winneld Swan, who was so seriously inj'ured a few days ago. is still ii a very critical condition, but the relatives and attending physi cian hava seme hopes of his recovery. Ca-ds are out e renouncing the marri age of Hiss Mfrle Berger to Mr. Ed ward Steiner, to take place at the home of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger, in Murray, on the 24th of June. Mrs. S. L. Latta received a serious accident Thursday e vening while house cleanir.g. She was cleaning some car pets and stepped off a small platform, falling in such a manner as to fracture the right collar bone. The break was very painful and at her advanced age it. -11 i - i ice recovery win ce siow. W. H. McDaniel, M. G. Churchill, W. c crown, w. w. Hamilton composed a hshmg party wiat made the trip to . Rock Point Monday to try their luck at capturing a number of the finny tribe, and we are inforned that they succeded i n landing a good mess too. Most any one can catch then now boys, they are so plentiful. tnas. acnwaD is anotner one oi our Murray readers who advances his sub scription mark to 1909 this week. Mr. Schwab is also building a barn on his lots just east of Murray, C. W. Hixon doing the work. Mr. Schwab owns the sixteen lots where Tommy Nix, the genial mail carrier lives, and the new brT i3 for his convenience. L Je Jack, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long, arrived at his fourth birth day last Tuesd&y, and in honor of the occasion a number of little playmates were invited in to spend the afternoon. Quite a number of the little folks were present and all enjoyed a most excellent time. They were treated to many good things to eat and the entire house was in their possession. ' I Next Sunday will be Children's Day at both the churches in Murray. Exer cises will be given at the Presbyterian church in the morning and at the Chris tian church in the evenincr. Excellent programs have been arranged at both churches and a general invitation is ex tended to all to attend. James Holmes and wife departed Thursday of this week for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives in var ious points in the northern part of the state. They will first go to Norfolk for a visit with Mont Robb and wife. Then to Grand Island, Plainview and Daven port, for a visit with their sister Mrs. Churchill. A. M. Holmes departed for Fremont Tuesday morning, where he goes as a delegate to the State Sunday School convention, which meets in that city this week. From there he will go to Sherman county, for a short visit with friends, and thence to Davenport for a short visit with his daughter, Mrs. R. D. ChurchilL The cement walk is still on the In crease in Murray. Dr. Brendel is now laying one in front of his residence property, Joseph Burton doing the work. The citizens of Murray certainly deserve great credit for the improvements made in the sidewalks of the town during the past few months. We understand that a new one will soon be placed in front of the church lots near the depot, and when completed will concrete the south side on Main street nearly the entire ength. Let the good work go on. With the excellent house, the beautiful trees and the well kept lawn, Dr. Bren del now has one of the prettiest resi dences in -Murray ,: or in fact any town in the county. . ' - : 7 ; ' on the sick list for the past few days, but at this time is some better, Commissioner. Jordan and Switzer were in Murray and vicinity looking af- tsr a number of the bridges that were washed out during the recent storms, Dr. B. F. Brendel was called to Avoca last Saturday in consultation with his son Dr. J. W., to see Mrs. Robt. Shrader who has been seriously ill for the past lew cays. C. S. Stone, who hgs been making his home in Nehawka with his father for the past few weeks, was in Murray Wednesday, for a short visit with his many friends. We are informed that Charlie expects to make his future home in Oklahoma, to which place he will return in the near future. Miss Fay Oldham entertained the ladies Kensington at her home last Thursday afternoon. This was one of the most pleasant meetings of ther sea son, and they were most royally enter tained by uliss Oldham and her sister Miss Pauline. Place cards were em ployed in serving th refreshments at the usual hour. Prizes were given for the lady making the best miniature shape of her own hat. This proved to be quite an interesting feature, and the contest was close between Miss Marie Berger and Mrs. Lucas, in which the latter finally proved victorious. Ed. Parriott, the genial and whole- souled A. O. U. W. denutv. of PPni A . i was in Murray last Saturday shaking hands with his many friends. Ed. is one of the best fellows in the land, and is always on the top round when it i,w uusiuug iw me oesi interests of the grand old lodge he represents On the nrst page of the last Workman was found his smiling face, placed there in honor of the excellent work he had done for the past few months. He had more new members to his credit that month than ever before during his many years of service as a hustler for the or der. He is sure a hustler and a hustler all the time. The Journal will be more than pleased to see the day that Ed. Parriott will be able reach the top of the tree and land one of the best posi tions that is to be had as the gift of the members of the A. O. U. W. He is truly deserving of the very best. For Sale Cheap. County of Cass. '( In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Hannah E. Cal- Kin. ueceasea. All persons Interested In the above estate are hereby notified that the minitr,. tor of said estate has filed in this court his ac- ouuiii aim pt-inion ior nnal settlement, pray ln? therein that said account be allowed. A hearinjf will be had uixn said iwtiti,n nnH iruuiii on uie ist a ay or July. liw. at 10 o clock a. m.. or said aay in tiie county court room, at Plattsmouth. in said pnnntr nt nri.!,.i. suiu account win t.e examined and adjusted ana nnal decree of distil lut ion will be made. All objections thereto mn-t. Km Hlurl r., fore said time. Witness mv hand and nf sni.l I'th day of June. !;(.'". ALLEN J. IlEESON. SE-M County .ludfe. jiEiDi LOW RATE SUMMER TOURS A good second hand in good condition. Bradley lister, John Cook. Eldorado Castor Machine Oil at 3c per gallon. Get your supply now. James Loughridge. Will Loan $10,G89. I have $10,000 which I wish to loan on good farm security. Write or phone Claude F. Anderson, Pacific Junction, Iowa. For Sale Cheap. A good second particulars see Murray. P. H hand buggy. For J ames Loughridge, Roberts, who came in the other day, and with his wife are visiting with his father, J. M. Roberts. Speaking of the northwest where he has been working, he says, since the opening of the Milwaukee road, the land has been med upon very rapidly, most of the desirable claims being taken. A. W. White was transacting some tusmess in the metropolis this after- ' I noon. . TO THE PACIFIC COAST: f-v 1 uany low round trip rates to Portland, Seattle. Tacoma, San b rancisco, Los Angeles and San Di-go, S ightly higher to included Dotn California and fuget Sound. One whole business day saved by our new scneauie to the r'acinc northwest. TO CHICAGO AND EAST ERN RESORTS: Kepubhcan convention tickets on sale June 12 to 16. uauy low excursion rates to Canada, Michigan, Wisconsin. Minnesota, Massachusetts and lew lork tourist resorts; also low excursion rates to tourist resorts in Maine. New Hamp shire, v ermont. AN AMERICAN TOUR Milwaukee, Jun 10. declaring in effect the Brewers' association to be In favor of the eradication of the dire will come before the convention at Its closing session today. The resolutions were lufroduc-ed at an executive session of the convention, and while their text has Dot been made public It Ls understood that they declare that municipal laws i an the c:tis of the country houIJ nave tne co-operation of the brewers in their efforts to wipe out dl-;reputa- Die s:i loons. Clergymen Taken to Tank. President Liebmaun. In the course of his remarks before the convention, took the superintendents of th Antlsaloon Ltflue, most of them ex-cJercymcn. to task by asking "How can they advo cate a policy of confiscation pronounced by Justice Drewer to be both dishonest ana immoral?" Thlj remark called forth a sugiyestlon from IT. R Schnr nrm, of Brooklyn, that the executive committee of the association present to the legislature of some problMt Ion state an oDject lesson in the form of a bill for damages for property "stolen" by prohibition legislation. The suggestion was referred to the committee on res olutlons. Brisbane the Star Orator, ine star of the orators was Arthur Brisbane, of New York, with E. .T. CM tfings, of Oklahoma, candidate for gv- ernor of that stale, a olosn sminii in popularity. Brisbane started out by Cel laring that his editorials; hud often caused him to be considered a Iro- I.Ibitlonist. "I have written n rosny articles against excessive drink- iuz," he declared, "but it is rather cm bnrrassina because I do not believe thnt prohibition is desirable, and I am positive it is not feasible. The ntti tilde toward prohibition and Trohibl titviists is a mistaken attitude. Tiie in- Biiit-tit- i ruiiinuiomsr yon must leave to one side, because von cannot Identi fy bim. and the sincere Iruliib!tinti:f ousht to have the svmrathv nf even- man. ana especially of the brewer and wine grower. Farmer Cultivating Trouble i ou are engaged in a leiritim.-ito business. You ought to repel illegitim- .lit- .iii.u-K. ion can leu tiie farmer who confiscates brewery or let plant without paying you fur it that he is paving- the way for the siiigl" taxer, who will confiscate bis farm wil.iout paying for it. That is a thing to think a bi nit. Tliereare two questions in teetotalism. or prohibition. The first question is, is it desirable, and the second is. is it possible. Would the world be :uy better off if no man any stimulating drink. If it could be shown that the world would Ve better off I think that every d.' rnt man, and even a brewer who milit lose millions, in his heart would favor prohibition if the world would be better for it. Science 'Science is FOR NEBRASKA TEACHERS And their friends. Excursion will leave Lincoln, 4:30 d. m. June 27. Will spend three or four days at N. E. A. Convention in Cleve land; thence Buffalo, Niagara cans, j.oronio, at. Lawrence river Dy steamer through Thou sand Islands and over the Ranids Montreal, Boston, Albany, down the Hudson to New York, thence i-nuaaeipma, Washington and Pittsburg. Ask the agent for an ltmeray and full information or write the undersigned. TO COLORADO AND Against Teetotalism. decidedly against the pi n- sluility of total abstinence fo.- the hu man race. I have really not met very many really intelligent Prohibitionists I think they are sincere men. I do not say to them you cannot have this condition. 1 saj- yon cannot have it nt present. You cannot ask the man leading his normal life to change bis life on account of the unfortunate man who cannot do that without bi coming a maniac and going to excess." Chicago. .Tnne 10. Alter working for four days, and with fire additional days yet to come before the metln of the convention, the Bepublican na tional committee adjourned 3'esterda with two-flftha of lb contests decided. This la based ou the actual number of contests filed, sixty twiving yet to bo heard, while torty-ono have been Bet- tied. It la probable, however, that tba committee luia finished about one-half of the total amount of work imposed on it by th-e numerous contesting dele gations from the southern states. There are In Texas contests on delegates-at-large, and each of the sixteen districts. Tliese will be consolidated, reducing the aggregate number of casen yet to be heard to forty-four. There l.i a pos sibility also that other consolidations may be mode la Virginia and other states. Sixteen More Caes Decided. The committee yesterday dcclled six teen contests affecting thlrty-lx dele- gates. Of thee twenty-seven are Taft men, and the remaining nine, all of whom are. btack and tans" from Lou isiana, have tentatively agreed that they will cast their votes for Taft. There Is. However, no binding agree. nient to tbait. The sixteen contests de cided comprised tiie tlelegates-aMare In Louisiana and Mississippi, seven in MLssissiipl and one In Missouri. Toe Louisiana contest, which was the most Important of the day, resulted In n split delegation, the committee decid ing on a illrisJon of twenty to thirty to seat both the "lily white," oc Taft delegation, and the "black and tans,' with half ft vote for each. Party To lie Reorganized. This agreement was not reached un til after repeated conferences and ii ncii anxious telegraphing and te!ep:ioirng between Chicago and Washington. The decision finally reached bv the com. mittee wa cutUm! out with the full consent and approval of both Seere'ary I art and I Trident Uoosevelt. It pro vides that the Republican nailv in Ix'iisiann shall be recognized under the direction of a committee of three, composed of the chairman, tiie s er tary, ami one rnnnUt of the incoming national commirti-e. The national com mittee iiassod a resolution instructing the next national committee to name as tins memlKr lV-irl Wi--hr. tiie urg ent nationalcrjmmittecman from Louis iana. "Lilly White" Not Satisfied. The agreement was unsatisfactory to ex-Covernor Warmoth, leader of the "lily whites, who said he would take the matter to tbo credentials committee and if defeated there, go home. The "black and tan" people accepted the compromise. The "black and tan-' peo ple said they were fighting for th-ir organization and the question of the presidential nominee was secondary th it they were uninstructed, and might vote for Taft. BEEF IS A LUXURY MAKES A LOW RECORD ROCKY MOUNTAINS: Daily low rates to Colorado, Utah, t? jruuiuig, discs niusana lenow stone Park. Democratic conven- vention at Denver in July. HOMESEEKERS' RATES: First and third Tuesdays to the West, including the famous Bigj nom rasin ana x eilowstone Val ley, where large tracts of rich irrigated lands are being opened ior settlement Dy the government and by private companies. Write u. uiem Deaver, Burlington i-,anaseeKers' information Bureau, ymana; excellent fcusmess open ings in new errowiner towns. Write a brief description of your proposed inp, ana let us advise you how to make it the best way 4. 4-1 I 1- . J ai me least cost. W. L. PICKETT, TICKET AGENT. PLATTSMOUTH. KEB. L. W. WAKELET. G. P. . Cmahi, Neb. Deaths at New York Were Only 14.41 Per Thousand Tor the Week Ended Saturday. New York, June 10. Fewer deaths proportionately, occurred in New York last weeK .according to the health de partment reports, than in any other week in the history of the city, the rate reaching the new low record of 14.41 a thousand. The health depart ment, though surprised and grateful. admits that it is unable to account for the drop of more than three deaths a thousand from the record of the corre sponding week last June. Assistant IIea4th Commissioner Ren- sei, speaking of the decrease In deaths, said. "We don't understand it. The various epidemics seem to be hold ing their own and other conditions are apparently the same, but the fact re mains that whereas the death rate fei the week ended June 8. 1907, waa 17.4G, in the week ended June 0. 190S. it was only 14.41. a decrease of 3.0-" a thousand, or 25X deaths." Hull's Seat Is in Danger. ues aioines. Ia.. June lo. Tf rfenr. sentatlve Hull wins his renomination by the Republicans of the Seventh dis trict it will be by a narrow majority. Hi? claimed majority of 31 over Juds? S. M. Prouty, his opponent, has ben cut down to 13 in the official canvass of a portion of the primary votes. The canvass in l'olk county is not yet com pleted and will occupy some da3 a. Sirloin Stakes Cost 30 Cent a Pound. in "Little Old" New York Citr. New York, .Tune 10. with prevail ing advances in the price of beef prod ucts ascribed .y packers to cattle shortages of slaughtering centers, the consumption of this meat in New York city is said by wholesalers and retail ers to have fallen 2o to SO per cent below the normal decrease. Ilivia prices, exceeding the maximum of recent years, hare been the dominant factor contributing to this result, it Is admit ted. Several retailers attribute conditions to price manipulations by a so-called trust, asserting that representatives of various large slaughtering Interests meet each Saturday and agree oa prices for the ensuing week. Demand for beef taas fallen off throughout the city. Hotels, restaurants and families are reducing their dally orders, often by half. The retail prices are a third higher than a year ago. Sirloin steaks have been quoted as high as 32 to 30 cents a pound. Exodoa Cause a Saaponsion. Pittsburg. June 10. The banking In stitutions of Peter Rutsek at Union town, Brownsville and Connellsville, Pa., have suspended. Rutsek has been away for some time, and following a conference of managers the suspension was ordered by Miss Sadie RoiwrtT, of Connellsville, secretary for Rutsek. deposits in tne tnree banks amount tn $03,000. It is estimated that about so.. 000 foreigners have gone to Europe, and the withdrawal of their deposits caused the closing. AVatterson to Visit Rryan. Lincoln, Neb.. Juno 10. Advices have been received here that Colonel Henry Watter?on Is on his way to Lin coln to confer with Hryan. and will probably arrive today. I