rl . ' DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest, From Tues day Evening's Daily Journal 4JJ (ri ft I'hiTlip Meisinger, of near Cedar Creek i was a visitor in the city this mornings Wm. McKinney, of Silver City, la., was in the city this afternoon. George Rhoden was a visitor in the city this afternoon, from near Murray. Mrs. W. T. Cole and daughter, Verna, were visitors in Omaha this afternoon. A. S. Will returned this morning from an extended visit in the western portion Of the state. Miss Lillian Fitch was a visitor in the city thU morning giving instructions to a class in elecution. John Carter, of Avoca, was a visiter in the city this morning, looking after some business matters. Mrs. George Steohr and Miss Minie Born, of near Cedar Creek, were vis itors in the city this morning. H ,M. Ackers, of Des Moines, Iowa, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business. J. H. Johnson and wife and R. D. Moore and wife, of Glenwood, were visitors in the city this afternoon. J. H. Inhelder, of Stanton, this state, came in this morning, and is looking after some business matters with our merchants. Miss Victoria Janda departed for her home at Havelock this afternoon, after having visited with friends in the city for the past few days. Gust Johnson and Chas. Grimm, of Tabor, Icwa. are visitors in the city this morning, having some business to look after at the court house. . ... - T V 1 1 J T XM T aaL- an) Tfllf I Herring departed last evening for Louis ville, where they will work on the re construction of the stirring little city. Harry Waters of Chicago was in the city visiting with his sister, Mrs. Harry Mahoney and husband, and is on his way to Denver, where he goes for a visit of two weeks. J. G. Stohlman, of Louisville, was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business at the office of the county clerk. C. C, Mpisir!crer of near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this morning, J and while here called at this office and . made us a pleasant visit. i Glen Smith, of Lincoln, was in the city this morning looking after some business matters connected with the building of the county bridges. L. D. Switzer, of Weeping Water, county commissioner was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters for the county. John Hochstrugesser of Omaha, was in the city this morning looking after some suburben property with a view of purchasing same, expecting to make his h)me here. Sam Barker was a visitor in the city this morning, and tells us that he has been having a very severe seige of the grip but of late he has improved so that he is able to get to town again. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Tongue coated? Bitter taste? Com plexion sallow? Liver needs waking up Doan's Regulets cure bilious attacks. 25 cents at any drug store. Attorney W. C. Ramsey, accompanied his mother, Mrs. B. S. Ramsey, to Ne hawka this morning, to attend the fun eral of the late Mrs. J. M. Stone, which occurred there this afternoon. Wm Antony missed the train this morning when he was starting to his home at Woodburn, la., and as he had some business to look after at Pacific Junction and Glenwood he walked over. H. G. Wellenseick of Avoca was a business visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters at the county seat. Besides his duties as cashier of the Avoca bank he also at tends to all legal matters in that part of Cass and Otoe counties. The Burlington number four this morning took an extra coach to Pacific Junction for Superintendent of Motive Power, Roup, who is coming west on a tour of investigation. Mr. Willard, the first vice president of the road, who ex pected to have passed through here on a trip of inspection today, was called elsewhere on important business, and will not come at this time. J. C. Stephenson, was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon, also going to Council Bluffs, whore he is getting some painters supplies for his work here. Mr. Stephenson tells us that he received the returns for the picture of the horse of W. O. C. Wilson of Horton, Kansas, which he paint ed some time since. The horse from which the picture was made was shipped here from Horton, Kansas, that Mr. Stephenson might take the measurments and make a sketch, for the painting. The horse is known as "King Wilkes," and is the grandson of the celebrated Arnold, which is known by horseman the world over. M to Frank Lorenz was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Miss Anna Sclapneck was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Mayor Henry R. Gering was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. J. A. Davi3, of near Murray, was a visitor in the city this afternoon. Frank Stanley was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon, looking after some busi ness matters. Adolph Wesch and C. L. Herger were looking after some business matters in Omaha this morning. T. E. Parmele and wife were visiting and looking after some business at Louisville today." John H. Schmidt and Gust F. Mohrof Avoca, were looking after business at the county seat today. Attorney Thomas Darnell of Lincoln was a visitor in the city today, looking after some legal matters coming from Avoca. Mrs. James Chalfant, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Hendricks, from near Rock Bluffs, were visitors in the city this morning. James Sochor will make some special prices on suits until June 15. Anyone wanting a fine suit of clothes will do well to consult him. Chas. Creamer, of near Rock Bluffs, departed last evening for Ashland, where he will visit with hi3 brother, Lincoln Creamer and his sister, Mrs. T. T. Young for some time. Frank Wilson departed this morning for Grand Island, where he. will . make his home for the summer, and will stay with his brother, Lloyd, who is with the Nebraska telephone company at that place. "Generally debilated for years. Had sick headaches, lacked ambition, was worn-out and all run-down. Burdock Blood Bitters made me a well woman." Mrs. Chas Freitoy, Moosup, Conn. A. A Stillger, of the Burlington shop, had the misfortune to get the little finger on his right hand mashed while at his work this morning. After having his finger dressed he went to work again. George Poisal, wife and son, Robert, departed last evening for Memphis, where Mr. Poisal is looking after some business matters, and where Mrs. Poisal and Robert will visit with friends for a few days. Miss Minnie Doering, who has been visiting in Omaha, came down this morning, and finding a large crowd go ing to Omaha, among whom was her sister, Augustine, she returned to have a day with the crowd. F. H. Clarke, of Chicago, Superin tendent of Motive Power of the Burling ton, came as far west as Pacific J unction on No. 5, and in not making connections a coach was sent over which brought back Mr. Clarke and Mr. Roupe. S. S. English of Omaha, representing the Marshall Paper Co., was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business for his firm. Sam, of course, let the light of his smilling countenance beam in upon the Journal force, where he always receives the glad hand. Our young . friend, H. G Wellensiek, cashier of the Bank of Avooa, is here today on legal business, being one of the attorneys in the saloon license case at Avoca. Mr. Wellenseik is counsel for the petitioners. The matter came up today before Judge Travis, but he has not yet rendered a decision. Perry Marsh and John Karvanak de parted last evening for Alliance and other points in the northwestern por tion of the state, where Mr. Marsh will look after the purchasing of some horses for his stables at Rock Bluffs. They expect to be away for several days. Miss Mabel Davis of Weeping Water departed for her home last evening, af ter a few days visit with Miss Foster" county superintendent, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Ramsey. Miss Davis is one among the leading teach ers of Cass county, and may be em ployed in our city schools for the coming ya ar. C. G. Wood departed last evening for Chicago, where he goes to accept a lucrative position. Mr. Wood has been a resident of Plattsmouth for a few months only, but during that time he has made many warm friends in social circle, all of whom join the Journal in wishing him success in his new position. T. E. Williams, of Renfrew, Okla homa, departed this afternoon for Cedar Creek, where he will visit for a few days with his parents, before re turning to his home in the south. Tom tells us that he disposed of his paper some time last winter and is engaged in fanning, having a section of land to gether, on which he keeps a manager or superintendent to looks after matters, while he lives in the town of Renfrow. A PLEA FOR AU OLD FRIEND A Word for That Sacred Docu ment, the Constitution of the Union. Next to "God and the elements" and "human nature" that poor, long suffer ing brave old document has more bur dens laid upon it, more imbecilities ascribed to it and more responsibility for the sins or shortcomings of others imposed upon it, than any other factor in the existence of men and govern ments. It i3 time to call attention to the fact that the constitution was a fine and noble instrument, and that it still would be if those who are most vocifer ous in claiming to be its friends would let it alone. It is an injustice to this most vener able friend of the American people to maintain that progress does not com port with it, that efficiency is repug nant to it, that criminals and grafters are objects of its chief solicitude, and that it has no message for the children of its country except one calling from a distant past. It used to be that this stanch, un complaining constitution had only the courts of high resort to contend with. It got even then some hard and un merited blows. It was made to stand for the Dartmouth college case that huge fortress of special privilege. It shouldered the terrible load of the Dred Scott decision. The suppleness and vigor of its youth which made it equal to harmonizing the conflicts of the thirteen states were prematurely aged and stiffened. The joy which might have thrilled it "Here am I, the guardian of a young nation, endowed like it with youth and life everlasting, ordained to guide it and minister to it. to meet- its evercbanging needs, to give it scope and humanity and glory" that joy was troubled with rules that bound it, that set it in antagonism to its children, that denied its everlasting youth and proclaimed its unchanging decrepitude. Truly, at its best period, the constitu tion had its trials and its griefs. But at least it was in the hands of the mas ter it had set for itself the supreme court. It later fell in worse times. Did the people, its children, need some re lief, some succor from oppression? "It is unconstitutional, ' ' said the United States senators, said a committee of congress, saia an an powertui speaxer, said a group of lawyers, and any one or anybody with usurped power or in fluence enough to stand between the constitution and the people on the one side and between the constitution and the court, its only legal master, on the other. It is time now to stand up for the constitution that was defined in its glorious preamble, "We, the people of the United States." It is time to in sist that the constitution does not and never did stand for the lawyers of the United States, the politicians of the United States, the bourbons of the United States, the big interests of the United States, nor the criminals of the United States. That it stands for the people of the United States of today as it stood for their ancestors of yester day and of other yesterdays for a cen tury and a quarter distant. Let the constitution have a chance; let it not be made odious to the for ward reachings of a vigorous, expand ing people. It is made to do now the pullback labor for every static, greedy force that opposes the progress of the great republic. Lift from it that load, and save it for xenewing service to its people? A Californian's Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve," writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c, boxes cured me of an annoying case of itch ing piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. , Sunday School Convention. The eighth annual convention of the Cass County Sunday School association meets at Alvo, Neb,, on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, May 27 and 28. The first session begins on Wednesday evening at 7:45 and continues through out Thursday and Thursday evening. Mrs. Warner of Syracuse, Mr. Deitrick of Lincoln; Mr. Wilcox of Omaha, Mr. Gregg of Peru, and other prominent speakers are on the program. Enter tainment will be provided for all dele gates. Every Protestant Sunday school in the county is entitled to send dele gates, no matter of what denomination. Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says: "I tell my custom ers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills hey get- the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or bilious ness." Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. 25c. Has Fruit in Abundance. S. Rowe.who lives across the river in Mills county, Iowa, and almost within a stone's throw of the river, is one of the happiest man we know of. He has fruit galore. He brought over yester day afternoon samples of apples, peaches, grapes and gooseberries, and the twigs upon which they grew, were full of fruit. The apples and peaches were as large as walnuts, and the gooseberries big enough to use, but the grapes were small. Mr. Rowe says from the present outlook he will have at least $350 worth on his place this year. Lucky man. SHANNON LOST DAMAGE SUIT Judge Hunger Directs a Ver dict for the Railroad. William A. Shannon, who is well known here and who switched in the Burlington yards after Walter Cum mins got hurt, and afterwards run in here on the Plattsmouth-Sioux City freight, lost his case in the federal court yesterday. He has numerous friends here, who will regret to learn this. It is another instance where justice is spurned. The accident which made him cripple and almost helpless for life, is still fresh in the memory of many of the Journal readers: Shannon was a brakeman in the em ploy of the road last September. At Friend, he missed his hold and a car behind him with an open swinging door struck him. This was a refrigerator car, belonging to a foreign company. Mr. Shannon was knocked down and the wheels ran over one leg, severing it near the hip. He received other in juries. He sued the company for one hundred thousand dollars. He is young man, near twenty-one years of age. In his petition Mr. Shannon alleged the the company employed an incompe tent engineer to manipulate the train; that the switching was being done at an excessive and reckless rate of speed; and that the car door was defective and that it had been negligently left open by the company. After the evidence had been placed before the court the defense moved that a verdict be directed because a case had not been made. After hear ing arguments on this motion the court ruled for the defense. Judge T. C. Munger, in directing the verdict, said that no evidence to "prove the incompetency of the engineer had been offered. It had not been definitely proved at what rate of speed the cars were moving" when Brakeman Shannon attempted to board the train, nor had it been shown that the speed was re sponsible for the injury. It had been shown that the accident would not have occurred had it not been for the car door striking Mr. Shannon. It had not been proved that the car door was defective or that it had been negligently left opened. The character of the lock or fastening on the door had not been shown; it had not been shown that the door was not in perfect working order, and it had not been proved that the door had been left open through negli gence or design. The door might have been opened by a tramp, it might have blown open, or it might have been opened in a number of ways. How it had been opened had not been shown. The ruling came as a great shock to Mr. Shannon, and in making the ruling the court said that much as it is to be regretted that the plaintiff ha3 been left handicapped for life, yet the allega tions in the petition filed against the railroad had not been substantiated. Bond Issue of Burlington. A special from New York, under date of May 25, says: It was stated today that the proposed issue of bonds of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad company, at the present time, will be $25,000,000 out of a total authorized issue of $200,000,000. secured by a blanket mortgage on th com pany's lines. The bonds will bear in terest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum and will be sold at 95 and in terest. J. P. Morgan & Co. will handle the floatation. It is not expected that there will be any syndicate. Cards of Thanks. We desire to thank those who render ed such valuable assistance during the accident which caused the sudden death of our dear husband and father, and at the funeral. Also for the sympa thetic words expressed in this hour of our bereavement. Mrs. Katherine Hanrahan and Family. Had A Lively Experience. This morning, T. J. Reynolds was coming to town, he wished to catch the train, and he was riding rapidly, being horseback, the horse stumbled and in the fall, Mr. Reynolds foot was caught in the stirrup, and he was dragged for quite a distance before he could disen gaged it, and free himself from the rapidly moving animaL Strange to say, no great injury was done, though he was dragged for quite a distance. DECORATION DAY NEXT SATURDAY Most of the Stores and Busi ness Places Will Close on That Day. When we gazed upon the small num ber of old soldiers that marched up Main street to the memorial services at the Methodist church last Sunday morning, we could not help but think how their ranks had thinned in the past six yetrs. The first decoration day since we came to Plattsmouth was six years ago. In the line of March to and from Oak Hill cemetery there were not less than sixty of the old veterans. Since that date, evidently, the ranks have been consid erably thinned out, as the small number that attended the services at the church would indicate. It would seem to any casual observer that gradually as those who battled so hard and bravely to save this union, an swer the last roll call, the day should be more literally observed by those who feel sufficiently patriotic to reverence their memory after the last one has gone. There are many who fail now in commemorating the annual event, and if there is not more interest taken in observing the day then than there is now, the whole of them will smoulder in their tombs entirely forgotten by those who should be the ones to still keep up memorial day services, and the decoration of the soldiers' graves. It is a matter worthy of the thought of every citizen who loves the old stars and stripes, and will bring to mind those who saved the flag and who will and are sleeping their last sleep in the silent city of the dead. Next Saturday is a good time to be gin this duty which will devolve upon them after a few more years, when all the soldiers will have passed over the river. What the writer says comes right direct from the heart. We were reared to cherish a warm feeling for the old veterans, and especially those who be lieve in the perpetuation of the union, should feel the same way. Then begin on Saturday next a devotion to those who are now sleeping the long sleep, and assist those few who now live in paying tribute to the memory of their buried comrades. Decoration day should never be forgotten; it should be instilled into the minds of the rising generation from the time an infant is able to lisp the name of papa and mamma.The mem ories of those who saved the union should be commemorated years after the last old veteran is laid .at rest, and Saturday is a good time to begin the good work that will devolve upon you in future years. GLENWOOD HAS AN IGE PLANT J. A. Borf enlanger is the Man of Enterprise to Tackle Such a Proposition J. A. Bortenlanger, the gentleman who wanted to put in an electric ' light plant in Plattsmouth, and some of our citizens "joshed" at the idea, because they thought he did not possess the means to do so, has put in an ice plant at Glenwood, that cost probably three times as much as the light plant would have cost. The following from the Glenwood Opinion gives a discription of the ice plant, which will furnish ice to many of our citizens during the warm summer days: The Glenwood ice and cold storage plant is now rnnning to the full capa city and the product is being disposed of as fast as made. Ice is shipped to Nebraska City, Cedar Creek and other noints across the river. Sv " , car loaas nave aireaay n. , ... . . ne out from this pointy M-ager Bortenlanger has not mlde arrangements as yet to put a wagon on the streets here, but will probably begin to retail it latter in the summer. j No one who has not seen such a plant has any idea of the amount of ma chinery necessary to do such a busi ness. The heaviest pie:e is a pump which compresses the ammonia into a vapor. It is a single cylinder engine which runs two cranks that work in compression cylinders, and is a power ful machine. The process is interest ing. - The water from which the ice is made is first filtered in special tanks. It is then run into freezing cans which hold a quantity sufficient to make 300 pounds of ice and these cans are then set in the freezing vat. The vat con tains a heavy brine in which several tons of salt are used, and through the brine run thousands of feet of pipe carrying ammonia gas. It is when this gas turns back into liquid that the excessive cold is caused which does the freezing. The ammonia is purchased in 100-pound tubes which serve for a year or more before it is necessary to replenish them. The ammonia runs into the condenser, then is pumped through the pipes to keep up a constant w '..v;. v.;.'.: .' Copyright. 190 g m ii il 1 ii TTiil.rii ir,f If we knew of any better goods anywhere than those we are sell ing now we would go after them at once. We have built up our business and our repu tation with good goods nothing else. If you really care for good goods come to the good goods mer chants. C. E. WHERE QUALITY COUNTS circulation. Twenty-four hours are required for a freezing. The ammonia gas is a deadly element and much care is necessary in handling it. The pipes which carry it are tested to a high pressure and must be absolutely proof against leakage. The capacity of the Glenwood plant is an average of twelve tons a day, though it could be pushed to produce fifteen tons if necessary. Manager Bortenlanger is fortunate in being able to combine this project with his electric light plant, thus sav ing a dpulicating of some power equip ment that would be necessary if they were separate. It makes day loads for his boilers. Several workmen are given regular employment in this establish ment and in many ways it is a direct benefit to the town and an acquistion of which we are proud. The company is incorporated for $30, 000 and the articles of incorporation provide that $20,000 of this amount shall be paid up in money or equipment when the firm starts business. Insane Telegraph Opsrata A special from A"" of M " " ..nand, under date, j 24, says: "George Porter, formerly a night operator at the Bur lington station, was this week adjudged insane. . He has kept his family in a terror for some fime by his threatening actions and after a bloody encounter with his brother one night this week was taken before the insanity commis sioners at Wahoo. In attempting to arrest the young man the city marshal and several citizens were slightly in jured by his ferocity." Has a Tornado Relic. W. L. Street, the local agent of the Singer Sewing Machine company, has a relic of the terrible force exerted by the tornado at Louisville some time since, in the shape of some broken parts of a sewing machine which was demolished by the storm. The iron and wooden parts of the machine were literally torn all to pieces, the castings being broken into small bits in such a way that it would seem to have been impossible by the force of the winds, and it looks like it would have been necessary to have used a sledge hammer to have wrought that which the storm done. Louisville Cyclone Views. Entire collection 18 views on post cards $1.00. For sale by local dealers in Louisville and Weeping Water or send direct to us. Olson Photocrahf Co. 4 Iff