THE LOS FSUEID T CHILD las She Had Wandered !o ihe Home of Frank Le perf, Five Elites South of Town, "The blowing of the shops whistle.and the ringing of the fire bell last evening at a few minutes before five announced the finding of little Vira Owens, the child that was lost yesterday. Her father, George Owens, and Lester Burrows found her at the home of Frank Lepert, five miles south of the city at a few moments after four o'clock, yesterday afternoon. When the little one had gotten to town in the morning she found thej street torn up by the pavers and things did not look natural, so she passed up the south side of the street and did not find Bach's store at all. About nine o'clock she entered the store of John S. Hall on Sixth street, where she purchased a paper of pins which she has been re quested to get, and passing on up South Sixth, which she took for the street leading to her home, but as she went nothing appeared to be natural, and following the street passed on to Lincoln avenue, at the junction of Sixth street, following along the avenue, looking for something that looked familiar. She walked with some lady past Bach's south store, and turned southwest, passing the entire length of that thoroughfare until she reached the "horn." Here she was seen bv the family of Chas. E. Cook, going south, and again by the children of B. W. Livingston near the United Brethern church, going with her little blue bonnett in her hand and the paper of pins tightly clasped in her other with some flowers she had gathered. At the corner near the church she turned west and had gone a short dis tance when she turned east again, passing by B. F. Willes and was tracked to the cemetery, east of the Horning school house, where she sat down on the steps that go over the fence into the cemetery. Here she left a paper which was around a stick of gum which Mrs. Hall had given her, and layed down the flowers she had picked. From here she was tracked by her father and Burrows by her foot prints in the soft mud and dirt. At the the cross-roads, south and east of the Horning farm, tracks showed that she had been undicided what course to pur sue, but had taken the road leading to Called East by Sickness. He-r.ry O'Brian and brother. W. J. O'Brian, of Weeping Water, departed this morning for Pekin, Illinois, having come in last evening from Weeping Water on the Missouri Pacific, called there by a message yesterday, announc ing the very serious illness of their father, Wm. O'Brian of that place. Mr. O'Brian is well advanced in age, being !1 years old, and has been in excellent health until within a few days, when he was taken sick. The message stated that he was not expected to live and his advanced age makes it very im probable that he will recover. Mr. O'Brian's wife died some three years since. Will Address the Commencement. Superintendent J. W. Gamble de parted for Omaha this afternoon, where he goes to see his mother and to make arrangements relative to having an operation performed for the relief of an abcess, which has formed in the bone of the side of her face. The operation is expected to be performed tomorrow. Mr. Gamble will go to Greenwood this afternoon, where he will make the ad dress at the commencement excercises of the closing of the public schools at that place. Tomorrow he will return to Omaha to be present when his mother shall undergo the above mentioned oper ation. Big Land Deal A special from Ashland, under date of May 26, says: "After months of ne gotiations the sale of the Riverside ranch, three miles north of Ashland, on the Platte bottom, has been effected. The purchasers were J. F. Hendricks of Malvern, la., and Mrs. E. E. Hart of Council Bluffs, la., who paid the owner George E. Ricker,$150, 000 for the place. The ranch comprises nearly 4,000 acres and has improvements of great value, consisting of a fine ranch house and im mense bams and feeding sheds. The Ashland-Sioux City extension of the Burlington runs the full length of the ranch on the west side." Box Social. There will be a box social at the Becker school house on Saturday night, May 30. Everybody invited to come and enjoy a good time. T EVECNG3 town, and after traveling for about a quarter of a mile had" turned back and after having arrived at the cross-roads again had turned east. From this point Vira was traced by her foot prints, which led a half mile east towards the Missouri river, thence turning south, and the searchers in quired at the home of Lee Fickler. Here Mrs. Fickler said she had seen the Jit tie child pass going south just a few moments after noon and had suggested calling her in, for she feared she was lost, but Mr. Fickler thought she was some neighbor's child, who knew where she was going. Passing on south, she came to and passed the house of Frank Lepert, coming to the end of the road as it led to the barn. At this point she started to return and was seen by the Lepert children, who talked to her she telling them she was lost and asked them to go part of the way home with her. They at once communicated with their mother, who grasping the situa tion, brought her in and fed her, telling her she could stay there until her papa came after her, or that they could take her home. Here it was the father and Mr. Burrows found her playing in the road with the Lepert children. When questioned by her father as to how she had come there, she said she did not know where she was going, but was trying to find her way home, and hur ried as fast as she could. She still had the paper of pins, but said after she was taken into the buggy to return home, that she had not gotten the tobacco. Other searching parties were scouring other portions of the country in every direction from town, among whom were the police, sheriff, deputy sheriff and citizens. The feet of the little child were very sore from much walking and she was very tired, and had been crying a good deal . When the father and Mr. Burrows arrived at the home of Air. Norris, south of the city, on their return, they telephoned to town, when the whistles at the shops were blown and the fire bell announced the finding of the little one. Mr. and Mrs. Owens wish to extend their sincere thanks to the people who so kindly as sisted in the search and other kind acts rendered in the recovery of their little one. Three Pioneers of Ashland. A special from Ashland, under date of May 2' says: "Three pioneers of this locality have died within the last few days. Dennis Dean came to Ashland in 1S63 and erected one of the first flouring mills in the state, on Salt Creek, at this point, that year. At his home the first religious gat hiring in Saunders county was held. It was at tended by twelve men, eight of whom wore revolvers. He was the first clerk of Saunders county and a member of the first town board of Ashland. Ben jamin S. Clarke, after serving in the civil war, came to Ashland, and at once gained prominence in the com munity, being elected the mayor of the city. Dr. I. L. Simington took up his residence in Ashland in 1871, taking a prominent part in the life and develop ment of the city from that time until his death. He opened the first bank in the city, built the first theatre and en gaged in other business ventures. All three of these pioneers were honored and respected by the citizens of Ash land." Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug aw as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and Soli at F. G. Fricke & Co. Has Proved a Good Assessor. John Wunderlich, assessor for Ne hawka precinct, came in today, bringing the returns for that precinct, and with this completes the taking of the property schedule for the entire county. With the completion of the work, the aver age which has been saved over other years is running high, showing what good business methods injected into the matter in this department of the county's work is make by the efficient officer, Mr. H. M. Soennichsen. Not alone has his judgment been good in the manner of doing the business, but his judgement has been first-class in the selection of the deputies who have to assist him. Many dollars have been saved to the county which is one cause for the congratulation of the taxpayers of the county in the selection of Mr. Soennichsen for the office which he now occupies. EVER HAVE IT? If You Have, the Statement of This Plattsmouth Man Will Interest You Ever have a "low-down" pain in the a.k? In the "small" right over'the u'ps? That's the home of backache. t3 caused by sick kidneys. That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it. Platts- mou .h people endorse this. Read a case jf it: y 3. Joseph II. Smith, living at corner Second and Diamond streets, Wir.tirsteen Hill, Plattsmouth, says: Owing to a derangement of the kidneys I have suffered a great deal for years from pain in the small of the back. I was troubled the most when on my feet or from any over-exertion. Difficulty with the secretions annoyed me and especially at night when my rest would be disturbed. My husband had his at tention called to Doan's Kidney Pills and he brought home a box for me from Gering & Co. 's drug store. I used them according to directions and their use did me an infinite amount of good The pain was relieved and there was much improvement generally. I pro nounce Doan's Kidney Pills a most ex cellent kidney remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agepts for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Acquire a Home in Plattsmouth. A very important real estate transac tion was consumated yesterday through the George Ballance real estate agency The George Mapes place was sold to Mr. John Hockstraugesser, of Omaha, who is buying it for a home. He is a man of considerable means and expects to overhall the place and will spend a large amount of money upon it in order to place it in the contition he desires. This will make the man a citizen of one town, and his interests will be a great benefit to the city in many ways. Mr. C. D. Cummins, Plattsmouth. Dear Sir: You understand chemistry; how'd you like to earn $1000? Devoe lead-and-zinc that's the name of our paint that takes fewer gallons than mixed paint and wear twice as long as lead-and-oil is made of white lead, white-zinc, its color, turpentine dryer, and linseed oil. If any chemist finds any adulteration in this paint we'll pay his bill .and $1000 besides. It's nobody's business what we put in our paint, of course; but we want it known. For lead-and-zinc and linseed o'd, ground together by machinery, are the stuff to paint with; and lead-and-oil mixed by hand is not. We want it known that one. word de scribed the best paint in the world; and that word is Devoe. Are you going to paint? Yours truly F. W. Devoe & Co., New York and Chicago. II. L. Asemissen & Son sells our paint. Mrs. Dennis Danaher at Home. " Last evening B. B. Danaher returned home from Burlington Junction, Mo., where he had gone for his mother, who has ibeen at the sanatarium at that place for some time. This morning Mr. Danaher was in the city and reports his mother is much improved by the treat ment which she has received at the springs. She says, however, there is no place like home. Lived Here Forty-five Years ago. H. W. Meyers and wife of Bethany were visitor in the city this morning, coming in with Oscar Gapen. Mrs. Meyers being a sister of Mr. Gapen. They lived heie a number of years since, but for the past forty-five years have made their home near Bethany. While in the city. Mr. Meyers made a very pleasant call at the office of the Journal and advanced his subscription for another year. Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It's nature's way. Tha best kind of a testimonial -"Sold lor over sixty years." A Made t7 J- '. Ayer Co., Lowell, Kass. Also manunciorera 01 I f fC PILLS. W W CHERRY PECTORAL. When the Hair Falls In District Court Judge Travis listened to the evidence and"arguments in the case that was ap pealed from the village ot Avoca, which came up yesterday. This i3 a matter wherein the village board granted a license to open a saloon in that village and a remonstrance against it. John Carter was the principal remonstrator and appeared before the court with his attorney, Darnell, of Lincoln, while H. E. Wellensiek, the young attorney of Avoca, appeared for the defendants. Judge Travis over-ruled two of the ob jections in the remonssrance, but the third he had taken under advisement, and when we went to press last evening had not given an opinion. Since last evening we are informed that all three of the objections were overruled - and the license granted. This gives Avoca a saloon, of which it has been deprived by some hocus pocus for the past two years. HAPPILY WEDDED LAST EVENING The Event Celebrated at Home of Bride's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Miller In the presence of a large number of friends of both bride and groom, at the home of the parents of the former last evening, with the home decorated with the flowers of the season, and appear ing before Rev. B. F. Eichelberger, Mr. Elton Vroman, of Sheridan, Wyo., and Miss Bessie Miller, of this place, were united in the holy bonds of matri mony. The ceremony and congratula tions being over, all present sat down to a delightful repast. The young peo ple will make their home in the north west, where Mr. Vroman is employed with the Burlington, and will depart for their new home next Monday. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Vroman, and was reared in this city, having gone to the northwest some thing over a year since. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Miller, and has lived in the city most of her life, being known by most of our citizens. The Journal extends congratulations and good wishes. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, the 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 18S6. (0nu v A. W. Gleasox. al.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blocd and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggist?, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. This Explains Itself. Louisville, Neb., May 23, 190S. Editor Journal: In Editor Mayfield's "Courier," of a recent date, I notice a little article that was headed, "That the Public May Know," and in that article he uses these words: "We doubt very much if old or second-hand clothing is needed or would be acceptable to the victims of the cyclone." I happened to be in the path of the monster of the air, and therefore, was placed in a position to know whereof I speak. Second-hand clothing was not only accepted, but it was with heartfelt gratitude that it was gladly received. If we had been left with an abundance of cash, we would still have welcomed the W. C. T. U. ladies with their ready-to-wear clothing. It would have been almost an utter impossibility for any woman, who was in the track of the storm to have composed her unstrung nerves enough to have made a garment for the first ten days after the storm struck us, and I therefore gladly champion the cause of that noble order, and say to every donator of second-hand clothing, "It was a God send to us." Oxe of the Victims. Off For a Trip. F. D. Brooks, of Creighton.a brother of our W. G. Brooks, and superintend ent of the schools at that place, came in on the Burlington number two last evening, and he with W. G. Brooks, departed last night on the M. P. for Topeka, where they will visit for about a week; after which Professor Brooks will go to his home at Davenport, Neb., for about three weeks visit; then he will depart for the east to spend the remainder of the vacation. We note that Mayor Dahlman, of Om aha, and Mayor Brown, of Lincoln, have issued proclamations requesting the business houses to close two hours I ' on Decoration Day. . Plattsmouth busi ness men close nearly the whole day without any such request. They love tD respect the old soldiers. The effect of malaria lasts a long time. You cr.tch cold easily or become run down because of the after effects of malaria. g Emulsion. A It builds new blood and tones up your nervous system. l ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND SI.OO. V L Don't wait until tomorrow, but protect your property today in one of the best companies; only 15 cents per one hundred dollars. You cannot alTord to take any chances in loosing your property at this rate. A combination policy for fire, lightning, tor nado and windstorm written on your farm property for twenty-five cents per year. See or write Coates' Block . . . i n en tfi r. THE. I Nebraska The Way to Celebrate. The way to properly celebrate the great natal day and celebrate it the way our forefathers intended, is to select some shady errove, where the farmer an I his wife can drive in with all their children and unload them under a big tree, where, when the dinner hour arrives they spread their dinner and enjoy themselves. The program should begin with the reading of that grand and glorious old document, the Declara tion of Independence. Then music by the band or a song by the glee club. Then comes the oration of the day by some eminent speaker, followed by more music, and then adjourn one hour for dinner. After dinner then again as semble at the stand and listen to more speaking and music until time for ad journment. Such a celebration would please everybody. The children would enjoy such on outing, as well as the parents. Those who come from the surrounding country would return to their homes feeling that the day had been well spent. The merchant could close his store at 10 o'clock and take his family to the celebration grounds and mingle with the farmers and their fami lies for a few hours. They would feel better by it. Who would not? Such a celebration would be a success and a grand success. Let the farmers under stand that such a celebration is to take place and Plattsmouth will witness one of the largest crowds of people that ever assembled on any occasion in Cass county. Who is He? It is reported that a young man of Plattsmouth who likes to jolly the tele phone girls, was called up by one of them recently who asked if he would like to go fishing with her. He ex pressed his pleasure, and wa3 told to "hold the line." After keeping the receiver to his ear five or ten minutes it dawned upon him that she had landed a sucker. Weeping Water Republican. Henry Kaufman, wife and daughter. Nellie, were passengers to Omaha, where they are visiting with friends this afternoon. DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR "PITTSBURGH PERFECT" FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. All large wires. Highest EFFICIENCY. LOWEST COST." 22 No Wraps 26. to noia 5,k Moisture 4. ana cause 3 Rust. plTTSBVBUtt I'tarECT"' FACING. (S;h.-cU1 Sty !. ) Absolutely STOCK PROOF. We can SAVE YOU MONEY on Fencing. CALL AND SEE iT. Fancy Home-Crown Millet for Sale by i ticd Plattsmouth, Death at Elmwood. A special from Elmwood, under date of Wednesday, says: "Samuel Stebbins Johnson died at his home in this city last evening. Mr. Johnson was born near Middletown, Conn., May 8, 1830. He moved to Otoe county, Nebraska, in the eighties, where he located on a section of land. He was a royal arch Mason and a member of Cyreiie com mandery No. 8 Knights Templer of Middletown, Conn. Mr. Johnson was vice president of the First National bank of this place, having held that position since its organization. The funeral services will be held from the home at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, Canopy lodge No. 209, A. F. & A. M. having charge of the arrangements." Her hand this man could not get, His health was not as it should be, He had not used the "best as yet," Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. iC WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS it's a sin of coal satisfaction. Want to hear tbe music fn your kitchen? Easy order coal from this ortice and i yard. The output or the Trenton ! mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'PHflNP Plattsmouth No. 22. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. it 55i 47 33 1 1 trtr rrrc