Me Escapade A POST MARITAL ROMANCE BY CYRUS T( JLLUO ''A ?AY WALTERS not done enough for the honor of America and your house now?" "I like the game," returned Ellen calmly. "It Interests me. Had 1 known the fascination of It before, I bad played long since. Unless my lord Strathgate Is weary " "Madam, I could play with you for ever for any stake," returned Strath gate, utterly oblivious of the frightful jlance shot at him by Carrlngton. "'Tis 4.000 then. Would you see Jt on the board?" "Your word Is sufficient for nae,M piled Strathgate gravely. Again Ellen lost and found herself In debt 8.000. "Five thousand pounds the stake bow," cried my lady, cutting once more. "Five thousand pounds, madam," said Strathgate, very white and follow Ins suit. And this time Ellen won. "How stands the score now?" "You owe me 3,000." said Strath Sate. "Correct!" cried the old duke. "B Gad. this is interesting!" "Once more and now for 6.004 pounds," said Ellen, her face flushed with excitement. The room was now as still as death. Save for the deep breathing of the men and the gritting of teeth upoa the part of Carrlngton, there was not a sound except for the voices of the two players. Ellen's luck was with her and this time she won. "And now," she said, "the score is In my favor." "1 don't promise to go that far at this round," answered Ellen. "I'm aew at the game, and I do not wish to Xlay out my whole fortune at the first trial." "As you please, madam. The game shall stop when you say. What shall the wager be now?" "Seven thousand pounds," cried Ellen. And this time fortune was against her, for my lord of Strathgate won. 'Fore God, the score weaves like a see-saw." cried Gen. Athelstrong. "Now she owes him 4,000." "Ellen," said Carrlngton, desperate ly, "I beg you to stop now." "Is Lord Carrlngton afraid his wife will lose all her money?" deftly inter posed Strathgate, sneering. "Lord Strathgate," said Ellen quickly, "confine your attention to me. You play with me, not my husband. Stand back, Carrlngton," she went on iHrtly to her husband, choking with rage at the double insult in his guest's question. "You taunted me as a Puri tan and a Quaker, and you have all Jeered and mocked at me. I'll show 7ou that I can play and lose or win with the best of you." Back and forth the wagers went with varying fortune between the two until after half an hour's fierce and uninterrupted play Ellen found herself In Strathgate's debt for 20,000, so easily is money lost upon the turning of a card. "My lord," she said, rising and calm ly pushing the cards from her, "that la as much ready money as I have at my banker's. When I play, I pay. "What are those things of which I have heard you speak, I. O. U.'s do they call them? Will some one show xne how to make one out? The money shall be paid you in the morning." "Give no thought to that, my lady," cried Strathgate. "It was but an idle pleasantry, our play, and I am ready to cancel the obligation and let the evening so as if it were not." -No, by heaven!" cried Carringtoa, ''when my wife loses she pays." . This," aaid Ellen, "is a needless Interruption. I have never had the faintest intention of failing to do so. Have you written the T. O. U.r Thank you, duke," she continued as the old xoan handed her a paper on which he fead scribbled. "Are the figures right? Tea. 30.000." She hastily wrote her name at the fjottom of the document and handed It lo Strathgate with a gracious bow. Even Jealous, maddened Carrlngton Admitted that she was a gallant loser. "Now the rest of you may play as you will," she said, smiling gayly upon them. "Our little game seems small be side that," said the duchess. "You're right." assented the po raL -I vote we pt away the cards and ave a -dance," Interrupted Lady Cecily, who fett very much put out at Jkarl&c been so easily driven, from t&e center of the state by her hostess. -Walt!" seld-Csrrlatoo; who stood topefled tiartag the . transaction. Strathat aad I will play, a came." ""Indeed. I thiak yoe. have done It all tone" said Admiral Kephert sot to -Whatever same yea like, Cerring- L repUed CtrathgaU. TO ye for that X. O. D. of aid - 8trathwU coolly. sV ye eCsr to set ap against r , . - -- TA ATQMS EY Y'i?WML&n "Carrlngton hall. There is not a mortgage upon it, and it has been put "Whatever Game You Like." In thorough repair. 'Tis worth double your stake." "In thorough repair," mused Strath gate looking about, "ay, since your marriage." "Since my marriage," returned Car rlngton, flushing under the insult. "Good, I take you," said Strathgate, "what shall it be?" "Well, cut the cards as before." "Once or thrice?" "One time. It shall be my last temptation of fortune," he added recklessly. "Well said," returned Strathgate, sneerlngly, "when it is lost you lose your all." Ellen stepped forward impulsively ss if to interrupt, and then stopped; my lord was speaking. "Nay, my lord,", said Carrington, bowing, "I shall have one thing left, which possibly does not enter into your calculations." Ellen stepped expectant. Was he going to say "my wife?" No, the words came from him coolly. "My honor!" And disappointed Ellen was glad she had waited. "Much good may it do you, when all else is lost," quavered the duchess. "Will you cut first?" asked Strath gate indifferently, extending the deck. "Admiral, will you shuffle the cards?" answered Carrington, takir.; the pack from the other and handing it to the old sailor. "My boy," interposed the admiral, "you were a midshipman with me, and I may therefore presume to ad vise you. Think what you do. Enough has been lost to-night. Don't stake." "Would Lord Carrington take ref uge in the commands of his superior oilicer?" again asked Strathgate, an evil smile on his handsome face. "Enough," bluntly replied the old admiral, "you cannot retire now." "Nor have I the slightest wish to do so," returned Carrington promptly, "although I thank you for your In terest. Lord Strathgate " he prof fered him the cards "it Is at the de cision of fortune whether you remain my guest or I am yours." Strathgate drew a card, looked at it, smiled, and laid it face downward upon the table. An expression of in tense satisfaction spread over his face. Carrington followed the other's mo tions, grim and frowning. His face did not change as he drew his card and laid it face downward upon the table. - . "Uncover your cards, gentlemen," said the duke. "Wait!" cried Strathgate. "I have another wager to propose. Twenty thousand pounds with any man that I win." He looked from one to the other. "What, .will no one take me?" Ellen stepped forward. Carrington faced her and struck his hand upon the table.' "This passes endurance. By God, you shall not back!" Ellen had . never seen him In such a passion before. Strathgate laughed consummately. "Carrington. I have no wish to ruin you this way. I give you the option of withdrawing from the wager. Save your castle." "Turn up your card." cried Carring ton, throwing the four of clubs up ward on the table. Strathgate laughed a wicked laugh without any merriment In it, but a brave one, exeelleotly well done. - "Gentlemen," v b said. "Lord . Car-. ring-ton la laeky at cards. "I hare but the three of diamonds.- He , turned, it veCrt-TTou ' win.-, my Triced. Your wife's L O. XT. Is roars and I confess I'm glad of it." "The dastard," growled Admiral Kephard, sotto voce.. . ."Why did you proffer each a wafer that yea would win?" QsestioBsd the : , ; S'.. ' "It was bat my faaey," retained Strathgate. "Lord Carriagton hath been so lucky lnhis. loreL I thought myself sure to win irom him at cards." "Madam," said Carrington, standing up grim and grave and proffering the paper to his wife, "I return you your debt of honor." "Hy no means, sir," returned Ellen proudly, "it shall be raid to you in the morning." "Hetter to me than to Lord Strath gate," Baid Carrlngton bitterly. "I doubt not," said Ellen scorn fully, "that you will both of you make good usage of your winnings. Shall we dance?" CHAPTER IV. A Dance, a Kiss, a Meeting. j Taking the assent of the company j for granted, Ellen, who had assumed the unexpected role of leadership in the evening's entertainment, sum moned the servants and directed them to move the furniture from the center of the room in preparation for the dance. "What, Lady Carrington, shall we dance?" began Lady Cecily. "I am sure," she continued wth that mock ery of kindness which deceived no body, "the company would wish to dance something that you know." "Your sudden conversion to the friv olities of society makes us desire to encourage you with all our powers," added Mrs. Monbrant viciously. "I am too old," chuckled the duch ess, "for your modern trippings, but I think I can foot it still in the contra dance, er, duke?" "My dear Arabella," said the duke blinking solemnly, "you are admirable in everything you do and I have no doubt you can show these people a step or two yet, and by Gad, I'm with you." He rose, lifted his hand and made a feeble pirouette which was greeted with great applause. "As for me," said Ellen, "I know no dances, but I am willing to learn pro vided I have a teacher." "Madam," said Strathgate, promptly stepping forword. "Your pardon," interposed the host rudely, "you have given Lady Car rington enough lessons for one even ing, that shall be my pleasure." Ellen looked him up and down coolly. "On second thought," she said, "I do not care for a lesson to-night." The cut was direct and unmistak able. "As you please," returned Carring ton haughtily. "Lady Cecily, if we dance, will you honor me by being my partner?" "Always," said that vivacious per son, ogling her handsome but gloomy admirer in the most open and shame faced way. "And I would that your always might be forever," said Ellen coolly. "If you can't and won't dance, Lady Carrington," said Mrs. Monbrant, who knew very well Ellen's inability, "won't you play for us?" "I can't play either," answered Ellen. "What, neither play nor dance! Where were you brought up, my dear child?." continued the widow in a tone of commiseration, as if she had beard the dire news for the first time at that moment. "Among men, Mrs. Monbrant, where you perhaps would like to fetch up," returned Ellen tartly. "Ha! ha!" cackled old General Athelstrong behind his handkerchief, " 'fore Gad she had her there." The ancient soldier seemed to con stitute himself a senile commentary on his hostess' repartee. "And you are mistaken in one point," added Ellen. "I can dance if anyone will play." "But I thought," began Carrington nervously. " 'Tis a dance I learned on ship board, my lord," said his wife auda ciously. She was fairly Intoxicated with her recklessness that night. "And If someone will play " The door opened and in came Mis tress Debbie followed by Sir Charles. "Egad, Seton," snickered the duke, "did you find Baxter's 'Saints' Rest' so engrossing that you forgot all about us?" "There were other books In the li brary, your grace," returned Debbie spiritedly, "and Sir Charles and I for got the flight of time in conning o'er the printed page." "The only printed page that ever made me forget the flight of time,' returned the duke, "had spots on it." "Yes. most of the pages that you turn are spotted," said Ellen boldly. She feared dukes not at all, especially those of the Dulward stamp, and It seemed as if In her desperation she was bent upon rudeness to all my lord's friends. , "He! - he!" snickered Athelstrong again, "she had him there surely." The duke turned on the general In sudden fury, hut again Ellen Inter vened. '"Debbie, I'm going to show these people how to dance, will you play for me?" "Play for a dance?" cried Deborah. "Ellen, what has come over you? You gambled?" ; "Ay," returned my lady, "and lost twenty thousand pounds." . "Twenty thousand pounds!" gasped Deborah sinking into a chair.' "Compose yourself, my dear. My lord has won K back and holds It safe in his pocket." , . I told you." began Carrlngton. "that I- - . .;: -. "Keep It, my lord. Yea may hare aeed of It." said Ellen. : "I am glad that all has ended well." Intervened Sir Charles, vaguely feeling taarrei la' the air. He was looking very happy la spite of the raillery to which he was subjected for his sad den taterest ta the doctrine of Mas ter Richard Baxter "and X eongratu late you. Lady Carrington, on Baring lost to your husband." Unior From tbe Ledger. On May 5th the stork presented Ed. Miller and wife with a 12-pound girl. Eli M. Smith and wife are the proud parents of a fine boy baby that regis tered at their home Tuesday morning. Mrs. Joseph Marshall and daughter Beulah came down from Plattsmouth for a visit Saturday and Sunday with Union friends. The Union Band proposes to be up-to-date in all things, having decided to discard the red and blue uniforms and ordered a new and complete outfit of 18 suits made to order in Cincinnati. Harry Graves came from Seward last Saturday on account of the illness of his mother, remaining until Tues day. He is employed in the office of the Seward Independent Democrat, where he has held a job since going there eight months ago. The pool hall changed hands the first of this week, George Stites buying the stock and equipments and leasing the lower part of the building from Ed. Leach, the former proprietor. Ed has not yet decided upon his plans for the future, but will keep his home here and spend sometime visiting and looking af ter his farm in Chase county. Mrs. Clinkinbeard, mother of Mrs. Myron Lynde, has been very ill at the Lynde home in this village since last Saturday, suffering an attack of neura lgia, of the stomach followed by other ailments. For sometime it was thought impossible for her to recover, but a slight change for better is noticed and at last reports she seems to be gaining strength, but very slowly. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, the 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. c.T A- W. Gleason. (oEAL.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Elmwood From the Leader-Echo: South Bend will be "dry" the com ing year. The required number of sign er for the petition could not be se cured. Dr. Neely was called to Murdock Monday evening to examine ten appli cants for the A. O. U. W. A Workman lodge is being organized in that city. Geo. Reader is suffering severely from cancer of the stomach. We are to learn that small hopes are enter tained for his recovery. Sterling Rhoden is minus the first joint of one of his little fingers. He was drilling corn one day last week and caught his hand in the gearing of the drill. Frank Royer and wife came up from Hoyt, Kansas, last week for a few days visit with his mother, Mrs. J B Royer. Frank says he likes his new location fine. Myrtle Chapman, the daughter of L. A. Chapman of this Village, has just recieved a call to teach stenography in Oskaloosa 'Christian College (la.) dur ing the next college year. Miss Chap man is a graduate of the Iowa Wes leyan University in stenography, and will probably accept the call at Oska loosa. Irene Elizabeth, the four and a half months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schwin, residing near Murdock, died Tuesday evening from brain fever. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church at Murdock Wednes day. Interment in Elmwood cemetery. The parents have the sympathy of thier many Elmwood friends in thier bereavement. Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says: "I tell my custom ers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or bilious ness." Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. 25c. Nehawka (From the Register.) Mrs. Stone is improving and Mrs. Wallace is on the road to recover. Born: Monday, May 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Harger, a son. Roy Malcolm returned from Avoca last Friday after visiting a week with his brother. Miss Carrie 'Allison came up from Union' for an over Sunday visit with the family of D. C. West. Hiss Nellie Sylvester" of Surprise, 11 II 1 LX I I I I I II I I IS The Kind You Ilavc Always in use for over SO yearn, All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorfa is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAYO S9 Bears the The KM You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tmc ccNTAun rcaMr, TT HIIMM nMCT, MEW ) err. Neb., visited over Sunday with Miss Mabel and Leda Ross. J Born On Wednesday, May 13th, at the residence of "Grandpa" William ! R. Davis, to Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey j Orton, a son. The Register extends congratulations. l Charles S. Stone returned from his winter visit at Oklahoma. He thinks that the "Baby" state is just "the candy" and when the sign is right will locate in that state. He says it has been very cool down there for the past two week. One of the wealthiest citizens of the town living not far from the church informs the editor of the Register that he has $100 to prosecute the players of Sunday base ball in this village. And if any more base ball is played on Sunday the players may expect a war rant for their arrest on Monday. Excavations were begun last week for the foundation of a new residence to be built by the Warden sisters. The lots are located just east of the M. E. church and were purchased from Gov. Sheldon. The house tbey will build will contain six rooms and will cost about $1,200 and will by pushed through to completion as rapidly as possible. A public spirited citizen, Silas Munn drags the roads so do other people the only difference between him and others is that Silas drags them after rain, and the roads are always in fine shape along his farm. Now we will put every farmer's name in the "Honorable Mention Column," who will drag the roads and keep at it. Public spirit counts much in the develop ing of any community. Follow Silas' example. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encounted to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate af fections lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and gen eral debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervous ness, and insomnia. Sold under guar antee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. Price 50c. Louisville Assessor Returns. John H. Groop, of Louisville, the deputy assessor for Louisville precinct, was a visitor, in tbe city this - morning, bringing in his books, and making the returns for the assessment. In com pleting this assessment. Mr. Groop has shown that he is a hustler as well as a pains-taking and careful official. It is certain that when Assessor Soen- nichsen selected Mr. Groop for the position, he made no mistake. It Reached the Spot. Mr. E. Humphrey, who owns a large general store at Omega, O., and is president of the Adams County Tele phone Co., as well as of the Home Telephone Co., of Pike County, O., says of Dr. King's New Discovery: "It saved may life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot the very seat of my cough, when everything else failed." Dr. King's New Discovery not only reaches, the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Bought, and which has been has borno tho signature oC and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you In this Signature of Eldridge, the Entertainer. At the Parmele last evening to a very small, but appreciative audience, Mr. Eldredge Fpoke. With no one to intro duce him, he arose to the occasion and introducing himself, spoke very enter tainingly and was well received by those present, who say it was one of the best entertainments of the season. Mr. El dredge was an extra number of the lec ture course that was procured in order to pull the committee out of the hole. But from the attendance at the enter tainment last evening, a doubt remains as to getting out, and probably a deficit, as well. A Californian's Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar nica Salve," writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. "Two 25c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itch ing piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to no other treatment." Sold under guarantee at F. G. Fricke & Co., drug store. Legal Notice. Tlie State of Nebraska. In C'ountx Court for County of Casw. In the matter of t lie estate of Martraret A. l'at terson, loceaM-d. All jiersons interested or concerned are here by not Hied tliat a itetltlon lias leen filed in said court, praying for tlie appointment of Mae I'alterson. administratrix of the estate of Martraret A. I'atterson. deceased, late of naid county and state, and that a hearlntr will be had on said petition at the ofllce of tlie County Judtre at the court house. In tlie city of Platts mouth. in said county and Ptate. on Saturday, May Itith. 1M0H. at 10 o'clock a. m. All objec tions to the prayer of said petition must be filed before said hour of hearinjf. Witnesss by hand and official seal tills 30th day of April, A. I.. Allen J. Kiikox. pealI County Judtre. W. C. Kamfet. Attorney for the Estate. First Publication April J. 1908. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT State or Nebiiafka. u . . County of Cass. In County Court. In the matter of the estate of Benjamin Kao ard, deceased. All person Interested In the above estate are hereby notified that on May snh. 19QH, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. a hearlntr will be had upon the final account and petition for final settlement and distribution of tbe estate Benjamin Kanard. deceased, at the county court room at Plattsmouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, and which time aaid final account will be examined and adjusted and the final decree of distribution will tie entered, and al lowance made for the fees of the administra tor and his attorney, that all objections must be filed by said time. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 9th day of May. 1IK. By the Court. ALLEN .1. BEESON. seal County Judtre. aw 1 America' Thermal Wonderland HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Curative waters, healthful and agreeable climate, restful sur roundings every form of recre ation if desired, all completely illustrated and described in our new booklet, also rates at ho tels, bath houses, etc. Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain ci:ect tc:::h c:ste Call on your logal agent or address V B. H. PAYNE. . I General Passenger and Ticket Agent, S St. Louis, Mo.