The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 14, 1908, Image 7

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The Conference of Big Men
in the National Capitol
The conference of governors of the
states and territories, now in session at
Washington is a unique assembly alike
in object and in constitution. Never
before have the executive heads of all
the commonwealths of the union met in
Washington or elsewhere for any pur
pose, and never before has a confer
ence representing every section of the
country as this been officially called to
gether for the purpose of arriving at a
comprehensive program for the con
servation of the national resources.
Thus the conference is an epoch mak
ing event in a double sense and doubt
less the proceedings of the sessions now
open in the historic east room, will be
watched, as they should be, with the
keenest interest by Americans of all
degrees and sections.
The scene should be worth commemo
. rating when the chief executive of the
world's greatest federation faces for
the first time in history the chief execu
tives of its forty-six constituent states,
all met to consult together of ways of
keeping for future Americans the herit
age of natural resources, which has
lifted America to her present place of
wealth and power. There are other
distinguished men present, too, among
them representatives of all the im
portant national organizations of one
kind and another, the welfare of
which depends upon national re
sources. The reason why the manufacturer is
interested in the conservation of our
natural resources is plain enough. In
fact his interest is, or ought to be, of a
direct personal kind for the result of
the policy adopted toward the national
resources will affect no one more im
mediately or more forcibly. Coal, iron
wood, oil, the products of the soil, these
are the things he must have to carry on
his business. Let the present wasteful
processes go on to the end pointed out
by our scientists and experts and the
factory chimneys will cease to smoke
and workshops close for lack of ma
terial. What this would mean to Ameri
ca's prosperity and place in the world
and incidentally to her
needs no imagination to see. His own
business interests, to say nothing of
his interests as a patriotic citizen, are
thus enough to make the question, of
conserving the national resources one
of the questions in which every fore
eighted business man and that means
every member of the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers, as a matter of
course must take the liveliest possible
J. W. Berger, of Nebraska City, the
manager of the Duff Grain company's
elevator at that place, passed through
the city today enroute for Louisville, to
assist in the repairing of their elevators
at that place which were wrecked in the
cyclone of Monday evening.
A special car will be run from Omaha to Kansas City over
the Missouri Pacific, and from there to Frisno, Texas over
the Santa Fe. Special half-fare rate for the round trip.
Come and go with us and see the greatest country on earth,
and we know you will buy. We will trade for anything
you have. Call on
FRANK STANLEY, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
m w
of all times, is the time for that
new summer suit of yours
is the place of all places to get
that summer suit of yours
I also have a nifty line of Hats,
Neckwear and Hosiery
E Nuff Ced.
Y No Y.
Cava Vnnr Picli Raolcfar Roralnfef
Lecture Course.
We are going to have another lecture
course for the coming year. Excellent
talent has been secured to appear
among the various numbers. It will
open with Adam Bede, ' the humorist
of the national house of representa
tives. Following him comes one of the
greatest pulpit orators in this western
country, the man with a message,
Matt Hughes. After them the Oriole
Quartette, a very talented and highly
recommended ladies musical organiza
tion, then Fletcher, a very prominent
lecturer, who is held in very high
esteem by a number of our local friends
who have heard him. Following comes
Ralph Bingham and the magician,
Durno, about whom, as entertainers,
we need say nothing, since they are
so well and favorably known the
country over.
The lecture course this year had a
small deficit to meet, due largely to the
panic which followed soon after the
opening number, but those who have
farthered it and promoted it are deter
mined to carry it through for another
season and so are offering Eldredge,the
famous impersonator to the public of
Plattsmouth on Monday, the 18th, as an
aid in meeting the deficit of the past
season. He is an entertainer from be
ginning to the end, who has never fail
ed to please his audience wherever he
has appeared, and the present oppor
tunity is one not to be missed. Come
and hear him. Reserved seats on sale
Saturday 50c, 35c and 25c.
Gibbon House Changed Hands.
C. E. Frank of the Gibbon House
has turned over the hotel to Misses
Chloey and Rachael Tanner, who are
now in charge. These ladies we believe
will conduct the establishment in good
shape, keep the rooms in nice order
and it is hoped, make some money.
Mrs- Tanner will also come and help
the girls, and as all are hard workers,
their success ought to be insured.
Weeping Water Republican.
Visit Louisville.
A large number oj Plattsmouth peo
ple visited the tornado ruins at Louis
ville yesterday, and they returned last
evening with the report of the fearful
devastation of property. They say that
while the first reports were somewhat
exaggerated, the ruins are fearful to
view. The town was visited by thous
ands of people yesterday, and many will
be there today from all over Cass county.
Painting and Papering Now
Painting, paper hanging, and calci
mining, all kinds of graining and stain
ing done on short noxice. This is the
season of the year for new paint and
paper. All work guaranteed and
promptly done. Independent 'phone 378
Green. O. G. Hale.
Robert Richter and wife were vis
itors yesterday in Murray with West
ley Hill and wife, Mrs. Hill and Mr.
Richter being brother and sister.
I. Pearlman, of Omaha, departed for
home this morning, after having been
in the city for the past few days, look
ing after his monthly collections.
MAY I9ih!
The Mortal Remains of Miss Lizzie
Kroehler Laid to Rest in
Oak Hill Cemetery.
The last sad rites were celebrated
this afternoon over the remains of Miss
Lizzie Kroehler, who died last Monday
with a stroke of paralysis. The ser
vices were conducted jointly by the
Daughters of Rebekah, and the Loyal
Mystic Legion of America, each fur
nishing one-half the pall bearers, and
t Pev. II. D. Thomas, of the Christ
ii rch, delivering the funeral ad
dress. A large number of her friends
gathered to pay the last respects to her
memory. The choir of the Christian
church rendered some beautiful num
bers. The interment being made in Oak
Hill cemetery. With the calling of
this lady to the other world, goes one
whom all loved to respect and honor.
Ever seeking to do a kind act for some
one who needed it, and from the time
when the former stroke came, a very
patient sufferer, and regaining her
strength and health from will power
more than anything else. In her sphere
she will be missed by a multitude of
friends who know of her kindly acts
and good work. The pall bearers were
for the Rebekah's: J. P. Sattler, John
Busche and Frank Buttery, the Mystic
Legion were: Harry Messersmith,
Will Mason and Robert Brissey.
Going to Celebrate.
On July 4th there is going to be a
big celebration in Weeeping Water.
The Commercial Club is behind the
move, and the entertainment will be
such that everybody will want to come.
We don't get up cheap celebrations in
Weeping Water, but this one will be
bigger and better than all previous
efforts. Weeping Water Republican.
That's the way to do it. If you want
a successful celebration the business
men of the town must unite in working
to that end. Now, it is very easy to
determine whether our business men
will unite on having a celebration. If
they don't want one let them come out
and say so. People can just as well go
elsewhere to celebrate and spend their
money, no matter how much they dis
like to do so.
Little Ruth Monroe, at Pacific
Junction Has Arm Badly
A few days ago a dog which was sup
posed to be entirely gentle and harm
less, bit little Ruth, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Monroe of Pacific
Junction, inflicting some ugly wounds
on her right arm. Mrs. Wm. Barnhart,
the grandmother of the little girl, went
over to Pacific Junction today, and
took with her the mad-stone which Mr.
H. C. McMaken has with his collection
of curios, and with which the wounds
will be treated. Dr. E. W. Cook has
instructed Mrs. Barnhart how to apply
the stone and how to treat the wounds,
which is in charge of Dr. Bacon of
Pacific Junction. The dog belonged to
Wm. Anderson and it is thought it will
be killed.
Our "Rosey" Re-elected.
W. E. Rosencrans returned last
evening from Lincoln where, he was in
attendance at the Grand Lodge of the
Knights of Pythias and where he was
re-elected one of the trustees of the
grand lodge for a term of three years.
This makes another three years and
the office seems to come to him as
natural as carbe. But there is a reason
for it the people either in a public
office or a lodge like to know they have
a person who is competent, and will do
the work and do it right without any
question. Such a man is Mr. Rosen
crans. Tornado Views.
G. R. Olson, of the Olson Photograph
company, of this city, was right on
hand early yesterday morning, taking
views of the Louisville tornado wreck
age, and early this morning had numer
ous views placed in front of the Journal
building, which are attracting the at
tention of everybody. This shows the
enterprise of which this company is pos
sessed, when it comes to being first on
the ground in such cases.
Entertained at Omaha.
Mrs. T. P. Livingston, Misses Claire
Dovey and Lena Fricke departed for
Omaha on the early morning train,
where they will be entertained by Miss
Lucetta Patterson at a luncheon and by
Miss Bertha White at a box party at.
the Orpheum, this afternoon. Miss
Margie Walker of Murray, will also be
one of the party, having gone to Oma
ha on the M. P. train last evening.
A. J. Grindall, of Tabor, Iowa, de
parted for his home this morning, after
having visited in the city with friends,
and looked after some business matters.
H C3 0
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Here is one of our Red School House Shoes. Study the construction and you
will know the reason why we are selling the shoes. Only the very best material
is used, every inch solid, guaranteed not to rip. It is made on popular lasts and
patterns. Our Red School House Shoes are the accepted standard of all chil
dren's shoes. To buy them once, is to buy them always, because they wear
longer than any other shoe you can buy at the same price or more. It is a shoe
that will stand the test. Every pair guaranteed, the prices are right and if num
ber thirteen they cost you nothing .........
Mrs. F. A. Murphy and sister, Miss
Mae Patterson, were visitors in Omaha
with friends this morning.
Henry Coglizer, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
looking after some business.
Frank Hawksworth was a visitor in
the city this morning with his parents,
David Hawhswoth and wife.
Wm. Lindoo of Lincoln, was a busi
ness visitar in the city today, looking
after some matters for the Burlington.
Mrs. J. S. Hall and little daughter,
Ruth, were visitors in Omaha this
morning where they will visit for the
Henry O'Brien, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in the city t xlay, coming
as a witness in the Allen-Anderson
B. A. McElwain was a visitor in Louis
ville this morning, driving up and view
ing the devastation caused by the recent
John Hatt was a visitor in Omaha this
morning, where he is looking after some
business matters with the wholesale
W. H Newell departed this morning
for Wymore, where he is looking after
some business matters for S. H. At
wood & Co.
Mrs. L. A. Ault departed this morn
ing for Thurman, Iowa, where she will
visit for some time with her daughter,
Mrs. E. B. Snodgrass and husband.
Mrs. Fred Kroehler of Havelock came
in this morning to attend the funeral of
Miss Lizzie Kroehler, and also visit with
her mother, Mrs. George P. Weidman.
F. M. Richey and family drove to
Louisville, starting this morning, and
will visit with friends and view the
wreck caused by the storm of Monday
Wm. Kroehler of Havelock came in
this morning via the Missouri Pacific,
and attended the funeral of his cousin,
Miss Lizzie Kroehler, which was held
this afternoon.
Mrs. E. A. Wurl returned home this
morning from a short visit to Omaha
and Council Bluffs, and was accompan
ied by her mother, Mrs. Phillips Andres,
who will visit for a short time with her
Wm. Shirfey, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in the city last evening
and this morning, departing for Pacific
Junction, where he will visit and also
at Council Bluffs and Omaha before
returning to his home
Wm. Krisky, who takes the Sioux
City-PIattsmouth run which was form
erly held by Mr . Whittaker, has move
to the city and will occupy the house
of J. W. Johnson on South Ninth street,
just off Chicago avenue.
The shovelers on the street work were
laid off for an hour this morning, await
ing the return of Mr. Wood worth, who
was in Omaha, and who ' brought with
him on his return some tongs or carriers
for handling the stone. The work is
moving along as well as could be expect
ed, and with favorable weather we
might expect to see a completion of the
contract at an early date.
Ensign H. Hankins, of the Salvation
Army, who was soliciting in the city
yesterday for the Girls Rescue Home
at Omaha, departed for Glen wood, la.,
this morning, where he will look after
some matters for the Army. In' speak
ing of his visit in this city he said he
was received with a great deal of
courtesy, and treated the best, for
which he wanted to express his thanks.
the ConstiB-ucttion
Mrs. Harry De Long was a visitor
with friends in Omaha this morning.
Mrs. Julius Neilson and little daugh
ter were visitors with friends in Oma
ha for the day, going this morning.
A. S. Will returned last evening from
a business trip to South Omaha, where
he has some matters to look after at
the stock yards.
Mrs. M. B. Hamburg and little
daughter came in this morning from
Omaha, and are visiting at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Mrs. W. A. Taylor returned last
evening from a few days visit at Oma
ha, where she was the guest of her
daughters, Mrs. W. M. Thomas and
Miss Evelyn Taylor.
Waverly.T. Allen and son, Forrest, of
Weeping Water were visitors in the
city today, called here by the continu
ance of the trial, where Mr. Allen is
suing Louis Anderson for one thousand
dollars damages.
M. L. Higley, of Toledo, Ohio, was a J
visitor m the city last evening, having
business with Mr. Rosenow, who is in
the city looking up the idea of estab
lishing a bed spring factory here, and
departed for Omaha this morning.
Glen Boedecker, the genial cashier of
the Murray State Bank, came in from
Omaha last evening enroute for home,
and gave the Journal a brief call. He
had been up to the metropolis on busi
ness. Li. C. Sharp returned last evening
from a business visit at Sioux City,
and was accompanied by his brother,
Will S. Sharp, who has been in the
west for some time and returned, join
ing Lee at Sioux City. Will has been
mining and has been sick for some
time, and during his convalsing, returns
to visit his mother for a while.
M. L. Friedrich and contractor C. H.
Wilson, of Red Oak, Iowa, who manu
factures reinforced concrete sewer
pipe, were out in the county yesterday,
looking after some work of that kind,
which Mr. Wilson is doing for the
county. This morning Mr. Wilson de
parted for Wahoo, where he also has a
plant for the manufacturing of sewer
from the pleasure of having an Edison
Phonograph in your house simple be
cause you cannot afford to pay for ital
at once. We will be glad to furnish it
so you can pay a small amount down
and the rest on payments. Come in
and hear them play.
with a check instead
of cash. Then you will
have both a record ol
your payment and a
receipt as well. Checks
on the Banlc of Cass
County are good as
gold. You can secure
a book of them by
opening up an account
there. You avoid lots
of trouble and dignify
your business by their
. . . . J
Notice to Ail.
I hereby notify the public in general
that I handle nothing but tailor made
clothing, made in my shop in Platts
mouth. My cutting scale is by John
Mitchell of New York, and The Stone
company of Chicago. My experience in
the business is of twenty-five years dur
ation, and I am fully prepared to give
you the best home made tailored gar
ments that your money can buy.
James Sochor.
Chas. Lowe departed for his home in
Omaha this morning, having been vis
iting in the city for the past few days
with his brother, L. W. Lowe and
Plattsmouth! Ilebr.