The Plattsmouth Journal l'UBLI8HKD WEKKLT AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. It. A. HATES, Publisher. E if red at the poiitofflce at Plattsmouth, Ne hranka. & uccondclasn matter. And the women will soon begin to try on their Easter bonnets, "just to see how it looks.' Several boys; car of powder; curios ity; box of matches; usual result; six hurt; Oklahoma. The middle west is to have an in vasion of Taft, who will attempt to elucidate a bunch of "my policies." Chicago university has added a sea serpent to its collections. Oddly enough it came from Prohibition Kansas. Down in Georgia-, Brown is to run against Smith for the governsnip. The Jones crowd probably will hold the balance of power. After all, the early bird perhaps is not to be commended so much for its wisdom as the worm is to be con demned for its folly. When a woman dies, and her hus band refuses to marry again, is it a compliment to his wife, or is it a sign he has had enough of it? What will Governor Cummins think? An Iowan says his state is turning Democratic. The "Iowa idea" may have a different meaning shortly. This is the time of year when most every man is poorer in worldly goods that at any other time of the yeras.The assessor is making his rounds. Thomas Express Piatt has expressed his desire for another term. If the New York legislators are liberal enough with their support, some of them may be given express franks. The New York stock exchange has closed the visitors' gallery to guard against cranks. The next thing proba bly to be done will be the erection of l)omb proofs on the floor. With 15,000 people inside the con vention hall and 15,000 more turned away unable to gain admittance, no further proof that Mr. Bryan is some thing of a drawing card in necessai y. Americans have a perfect passion for writing letters of recommendation. When a man discharges an employe, the first thing he does is to give him a rtetter of recommendation saying that tie employe possesses all the qualifica tions that a man in his line should possess. It is a rule of this countiy fiat the more wo-thless a man is, the more letters of recommendation he c irries. We were talking with a traveling man the other day who makes his home in Fremont and who has been on the road for a number of years. This man says he has been converted of late in the political school and he says he is not the only traveling man in Ne braska that has been taking a school ing, but there are thousands. All his life he has been a republican, but he is now enthusiastic for Bryan and hopes to see him the next president. Aurora Sun. The meeting of the democratic press association which met in Lincoln Tuesday was a grand success so far as attendance is concerned. Among the many questions under discussion was that of the establishment of a press bureau at Lincoln, under the manage ment of some writer of ability, for the purpose of furnishing the county news papers editorial. We opposed the proposion from the fact that no man can furnish such articles for all com munities. What wuld perhaps suit one section would not prove satisfactory in another. And we believe we know better what would meet with the ap- roval of the democrats of Cass county than any manager of a press bureau. Another thing is, the fact that if a man is not able to edit his paper as it should be, he should step down and out and give way lo some man who is able to do the work. A country editor should be able to edit his own paper. We are not in favor of providing a soft jobforany man to edit papers for a lot of men who are not able or are too lazy to edit their papers themselves. These are the rea o ns we oppose a press bureau. The St. Louis Times says: "No doubt it will go against the grain of the Toledo lumber princes to be sent to jail." Maybe knot, we opine. What an active press agent the Kais er must have. He breaks into print today with that Tweedmouth letter and the announcement of a raise in his sal ary. We do not knew of any provision in the constitution which provides that the President shall make diplomatic ap pointments with the advice and con sent of the Kaiser of Germany. "The time has come when we should prepare for a revision of the tariff," says Roosevelt. We maintain that the time has come when the tariff should be revised. While in Lincoln last week we learn ed that one of the Bryan clubs of that city had on their rolls many republicans who had expressed themselves for W. J. Bryan for president and who are pledged to support him at the polls. One club has a membership of over 1000, one third of whom are republicans. This is a seperate organization from that of the Bryan Volunteers which many republicans are also joining. While coming down from Lincoln the other day on the Missouri Pacfic to Union, we came in contact with O. G. Leidigh a young attorney of Nebraska City where he was born and reared. During our conversation he expressed himself as being decidedly in favor of Mayor Brown of Lincoln, for the democratic nomi nation for governor. This reminds us of the fact that we heard many news paper men who attended the entertain ment extended the boys by our peerless leader express themselves in the same manner. Under the present circum stances the Journal believes that Mr. Brown would prove a winner as a gu bernatorial candidate. Wasn't that a dandy "populist" con vention in St. Louis last week? Made up of hirelings of the republican party, is it any wonder that the true populists withdrew in disgust. Where were such men as General James B. Weaver, of Iowa, our own ex-Senator Allen? Neith er cared to attend a sham convention made up principally of a hoodlum ele ment of the eastern cities. The rank and file of the true populists were con spicuous by their absence. That is the principal reason the Nebraska delegates withdrew from the republican sideshow. They could discover none of the old fa- milliar faces that usually were present on such occasions. Relations with Venezuela are in a sad tangle, but the worst mix of all is that in relation to the claims of the New York and Bermudez company. The company was dispossessed of the Ber mudez asphal lake about four years ago by the government of Venezuela, un der the direction of President Castro. The government is now operating the lake and is selling the product to an American ri al of the Bermudez com pany, which, it is alleged, has already received more than 30,000 tons of asp halt belonging to the other company. It is believed that as a result of the submission of this question to the Sen ate, another effort will be made to have the Bermudez question submitted to international ardiiration. The Chester Hearld says: "If Roosevelt stole any ideas from Bryan, that of declining a nomination was not one of them." Bet you a dollar that Teddy will follow Billy in that furrow around the field. There is now more Teddy talk than a year ago. Labor organizations have passed resolutions against Taft and Mr. Roosevelt puts a message on the labor ace spot. Thea- dore is playing for a forcible third term annexation. Then we will hear much about destiny tossing the office on Teddy lap. The people are weary of the con talk about the "republican party and God" doing things. The partnership has changed already. It is now "God and the republican party" with the head of the firm wanting to dissolve the partnership. The notice of dissolution will be published the day after election York Teller. Box Social. The teacher and pupils of Rock Creek school will give a box social and enter tainment on Friday evening, April 10th. Everybody cordially invited. - Ladies are requested to bring baskets. DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest.From Satur day Evening's Daily Journal Joseph Heines was a visitor in Omaha for the day. Miss Manota Perry wa3 a visitor in Omaha this morning. Mrs. Joseph Thompson was a visitor in South Omaha this morning with friends. Mrs Wm. Morrow was a visitor in Glenwood for the day, going on the Burlington this morning. Mrs Peter Perry, from west of My nard, was a visited in Omaha this morning. Mike Mauzy was looking after some business matters in Omaha and is visit ing with friends. Mrs Earl V. Cole, of Mynard was a visitor in the metropolis this morning, a guest of friends for the day. Samuel Pitman . the rustling hard ware man of Murray was a business visitor in Plattsmouth last evening. W. H. Russell departed for his home at Ashland, this afternoon, where he will visit with his family over Sunday. Dr. G. H. Gilmore and W. J. Philpot were Omaha visitors yesterday from Murray, and visited in Plattsmouth on their returned driving from this city home during the evening. Mrs. S. D. Lodge departed for her home this morning at Lander, Wyom ing, after having visited in the city with her parents, W. Josselyn and wife for the past three weeks. Mrs Fred Ohms was a visitor in the capitol city this morning, and will be the guest of friends over Sunday. Gurney Thomas, who was at Omaha for the past week, returned Thursday and will work here for the present. "Bill" Marks the tall Sycamore from the lower banks of the Weeping Water east of Union was a visitor in the city last evening. Frank Hawksworth was a visitor in the city last evening and over night with his parents, returning to his work this morning. Sig Carey, of Springfield, visited in the city today. Mrs. W. T. Cole was a vis' tor in the metropolis this morn ng. Conrad Meisinger, from west of My nard, was a county seat visitor today. Mrs. J. M. Robertson and daughter, Miss Blanche, were visitors in Omaha this morning. Andy Sutton, the chief of police at Rock Bluffs, was an official visitor in the city this morning. Philip Horn was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some busi ness matters in the county seat. Miss Alice Kerr came in this morning from Glenwood and will visit with her mother, Mrs. B. C. Kerr, over Sunday. W. J. Lorenz returned this morning from Omaha, where he has been visit ing and looking after business matters. Miss Lillian Fitch came in this morn ing from Omaha and is giving lessons in elocution to a class which she has here. M. C. Whitehead of near Nehawka was a visitor in the city this morning and was accompanied by his son, Ora. M. L. Furlong from near Rock Bluffs was a business visitor in Platts mouth, having business at the county seat. Miss Lillian Bookmeyer returned this morning from Omaha where she is teaching music, and will visit with her mother over Sunday. Adam Kaffenberger from near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this morning, transacting business with our merchants and visiting with friends. Mrs. M. W. Thomas, Miss Evelyn Taylor and Mrs. Nicholas Todd came home last evening from Omaha and will visit with their parents over Sunday. Miss Ina Randall returned home last evening from her studies at the busi ness college at Omaha, and will visit at home over Sunday with her parents. Mrs. J. B. Higley and Mrs. Isaac Cumming departed this morning for Glenwood, Iowa, where they will visit for a few days with friends and relatives. Mrs. E. W. Cook and Miss Nettie Hawkswork departed for South Oma ha, where they are attending the teachers association. Mrs. Martha Randall departed this morning for Atlantic, Iowa, after having visited in the city for the past few days, a guest of her cousin, Miss Margaret Mapes. Mrs. L. H. Critchfield of near Weep ing Water of whom reports said was very sick the first part of the weak is now reported as much improved and cn highway to recovery. Mrs. J. E. Collins departed for her home at Fremont this morning after having visited in the city for the past week, a guest at the home of her brother- in-law, N. W. Crissinger and family. J. M. Robertson was a visitor in Om aha this afternoon. Miss Florence McElroy was a visitor Omaha this afternoon. J. B. Meisinger was a visitor in the county seat this morning. C. F. Wheeler and wife were visitors in Omaha this afternoon. Fred Munn was a visitor with friends in the metropolis this afternoon. John Marsh and wife from Pock Bluffs were business visitors in the city today. Earl Travis departed for Omaha thi3 morning, where he will visit with friends orer Sunday. G. F S. Burton and wife were visit ors in Omaha this afternoon going on the fast mail. Walter Holmes of Havelock was a visitor in the city with friends for a while this morning. Justice Lilly and wife, from near Un ion was transacting some business with our merchants today. A. R. Hogabone, of LaPIatte, was a visitor in the city this morning, return ing home on the noon train. J. W. Smith, of Ottumwa, was a vis itor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters. Mrs. T. B. Holman, of LaPIatte, was a visitor in the city this morning, look ing after some business matters. Mr Robert Davis departed for his home on the fast mail this afternoon while his mother will stay a week. Miss Harriet Adams was a passenger to Glenwood, Iowa, this morning, where she will visit over Sunday with friends. George Hebner, of Avoca, was a visi tor in the city this morning, looking af ter the settling of the Westlake estate. Miss Louise Trility departed this morning for South Omaha, where she goes to attend the Teachers Association. Nicholas Halmes of west of the city was a visitor in the city this morning, and was looking after some business as well. Mrs. J. E. McDaniels and daughter, Vergia, accompanied by Miss Mina Theirolf, were visitors in Omaha to see the sights today. M. Fanger was a visitor in Omaha this morning. Allen Harvey departed last evening for a short visit at Glenwood. Iowa. where he will also look for a situation. Mrs. T. P. Livingston and daughter. Nora, departed this morning for Oma ha, where they will visit with friends for the day. C. P. Richards and family departed this morning for a few days visit, which shall extend over Sunday with relatives and friends at Ashland. Ray Travis and Bruce Rosencrans came in last evening from Omaha, where they are attending school, and will visit over Sunday at home. Miss Pearl Barker, who is teaching the Nolting school, was a passene-er to South Omaha this morning, where she is attending the teachers' association. Mrs. E. L. Pace and wife, of Red Oak, were visiting in the city last even ing, looking over some oroDertv with a view of making a transfer, and departed on the late evening train for their home. Lee Milligan of Auburn, this state, is visiting in the city, a guest at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. F. Crabill, and will visit for the day Mr. Mil ligan has been attending a medical school at Omaha, and is now taking a vacation. Miss Helen Foster after having visit ed in the city for the last few with her parents, departed this morning for Glenwood, Iowa, where she is engaged in the institute as over-seer of one of the departments. Chas. Sprague, of Hot Springs, S. D., a nephew of Col. H. C. McMakan, is visiting in the city, a guest at the home of his uncle for a few days. Mr. Sprague is engaged in railroad con struction as a contractor. W. H. Newell, accompanied by Rob ert, were passengers to Cedar Creek this morning, where the Judge is look ing after the business at the quarry and Robert will do a little hunting on the side, taking his gun along. John Nemetz is now happy, he has the papering and retouching of his store complete, having the workmen at his place for some time, he is glad to have the place streightened up so he can get to business in the proper way again. Mrs. Mary Sharpe departed this morning for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where she will visit for some time with friends, and was accompanied as far as Omaha with her mother, Mrs. John Sharpe, who will visit with friends for the day. Russell Tidd was a business visitor in Omaha this afternoon. A. W. Bradley was a visitor with friends in Omaha this afternoon. John Sutton was a visitor in the city this morning from Rock Bluffs. W. A. Oliver from near Murray was a visitor in th city this afternoon. Mrs. Frank Busche came in this after noon and will visit her daughter over Sunday. . ' s Mrs. A. L. Totten was a visitor in the city this morning from south of Murray. Peter Meisinger from near Cedar Creek was a visitor in the city this morning. Mrs. W. H. Schildknecht is reported as feeling much improved today, and is able to sit up. J. L. Smith from Nehawka was a visitor with relatives and friends in the city this morning. Miss Marie and Adela Heil, from near Cedar Creek, were visitors with friends in the city this morning. J. II. Dennis,of Fairmont, this state, was a business visitor in the city today, having business with J. P. Falter. Mrs. Joseph Tighe departed this after for her home at Havelock, afteij having visited in the city for some time. Horace Rand, of Cedar Creek, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters and visit ing with friends. 1 , Wm. C. Woolen of Weeping. Water and Amsdel Sheldon of Avoca were in the city this morning setting up mat ters in the Westlake estate. W. F. Gillispie the whole souled grain dealer from Mynard was in the city this afternoon shaking hands with the people and renewing acquaintances. Mrs Dora Schall returned to her home in Omaha this afternoon, after having visited in the city, a gusetof her daugh ter, Mrs M. Fanger, for the past few days. John Kirkham, Victor Anderson and Albert Scottler were passengers to Omaha this afternoon where they will witness the ball game between Omaha and the Chicago White Sox. Asa McCulloch, after having been operated upon for tuberculosis of the glands in the neck, is making some great improvements in his condition, and hopes to be entirely well in a short time. J. B. Dodson, of Kansas City, was a visitor in the city this morning in con sultation with Frank Stanley, relative to smoe land. Mr. Stanley is agent for the company which Mr. Dodson repre sents, and which is located in the par handle of Texas. This was a busy day at the county clerks office the county clerk and deputy were both working like beavers filling affidavits for pentions, there being something like one hundred old soldiers and their widows who draw pentions at this place. Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans returned home last evening from Gretna, where she has been during the week caring for her father, Samuel Raker, who fell irom a ladder some two weeks since, and broke his arm, and being well ad vanced in years, it is difficult for him to get around. Denton Hites, of Hastings, la., who has been working in the city for the past few days in connection with his father, C. Hites, drilling a well for August Gorder, departed this morning for Omaha, where he expects to pur chase some well machinery supplies, and from their will go home for a visit until the first of the week. His father drove home last evening by team. Frank Lake, wife and little child came in this morning from Council Bluffs, and will visit in the city for a few days be fore departing for their home atTacoma, Washington, while in the city they will be the guests at the home of John Sharpe. Mrs H. H. Davis and son, Robert, came in last evening from Persia, Iowa, and are visiting at the home of Mrs. Davis's sister, Mrs J. H. Trasher, who has been very sick for some time. The visit of her sister and nephew was a surprise and very encouraging one as she feels much better. Uncle Lee Timble of LaPIatte was a visitor in the city this morning, looking the town over to see what changes it had made and visiting with his old time friends, Col. FT. C. McMaken. Uncle Henry in speaking of him said that Lee Timble had lived here and at LaPIatte since two weeks after the creation of of the Earth. George Bruhl who has been living here will move to Lincoln and make his home there, as while he is on No. 29 and 30 as a general thing, when he is changed to some other run temporarly out of Lincoln, it makes it very incon venient to live here. They have their goods packed and will probably move Monday. T. J. Thomas of South Omaha was a visitor in the city this morning, coing to visit with his brother, J. W. Thomas who has been very sick for some time past but who has been making very satisfactory progress with in the last days. Thomas hired a rig and went down to see his brother and found that he had improved so that he was able to be down town which was a very agree able surprise. Mrs. R. F. Guthman returned this morning from Louisville, where she was attending the funeral of her niece, Mrs. Wm. Krccklow. Mrs. Chas. E. Martin was a passeng er to Omaha this afternoon, where she will visit with her little son, Hilt, who is in the hopital. Mrs. S. E. McElwain returned home this morning from an extended visit at Lincoln, where she was the gueat of her daughter, Mrs. John Dutton. George Shoeman returned this morn ing from a visit at Louisville, where he was visiting with friends and look ing after some business matters. John Skoumal departed for Omaha this morning accompanied by his two boys Joseph and James and will visit with relatives in the metropolis for the day. Leonard Murray and family from some 12 miles west of the were visitors with friends in the city this morning, and were looking after some business as welL John Koka and wife departed this af ternoon, after ' having visited in' the city for the past few days, the guests at the home of Mr. Koke's mother, Mrs. Adam Wolf, and at the home of Clement Koke, a brother. Mrs. S. A. Barker and two daughters May and Glenna from west of Mynard were visitors in Omaha this morning, where they will be guests of friends for the day. Ray Davis and family of Lincoln is visiting in Murray with the family of her father, J. A. Davis, and will soon move back to Murray and make their home there. C. A. Walsh came in last evening from Ravena, where he has been work ing with the bridge gang for the Bur lington, and will visit in this city with his folks over Sunday. Mrs. O. V. Bates and children de parted this morning for their home at Glenwood, la., after visiting in the city for the past few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sea graves. Jesse Vallery was a visitor in the city this morning, the first time since having returned from the hospital at Omaha, where he underwent an opera tion for appendicitis, and while looking rather on the thin order says he is feel ing tip-top. DIES AT R0SWELL, NEW MEXICO Mrs. Byron Joy, nee Miss Lulu Leist, Dies of Typhoid Fever This Morn ing at Roswell, N. M. This morning Robert Tropp received a message from the partner of his newhew, Byron Joy, husband of Lulu Joy, nee Miss Lulu Leist, stating that she was seriously ill with typhoid fever. Mr. Joy and family have been making their home at Palmer Lake, Colo., for the past few years, but during the past two months have been living at Ros well, N. M., where they are at present. Mrs. N. A. Leist, Mrs. Joy's mother, who is making her home at Mr. Robert Troop, received a letter this morning from Mr. Joy, saying that Lulu had the typhoid fever, but he was in hopes that they would be able to bring her through all right, but the message coming tells a different story. Mrs. Liest and her sister, Mrs. Robert Troop, will depart for Roswell and the bedside of her sick daughter this evening on the five o'clock train. Mr. and Mrs. Byron II. Joy will be remembered, having lived here. Mrs. Leist and daughter, when Mrs. Joy was a child, made their home with Mr. and Mrs. Troop, on the farm southwest of Mynard, and also in this city. Since her marriage with Mr. Joy, they have lived in Chicago, 111. ; Denver, La Junta and Palmer Lake, Colo., and have been stopping at Roswell, N. M., where Mr. Joy is interested in a horse ranch. Mrs. Joy visited in the city during the sum mer three years ago. Later: At noon Mr. Troop received a message from Byron II. Joy, saying that Mrs. Joy passe-' away this fore noon, and for him to come to Palmer Lake, bringing Mrs. Joy's mother, Mrs. N. A. Liest and Mrs. Troop with him, they departed on the Schuyler for the west. Awaiting a Decision Monier Foster, the man who some time since was tried for highway rob bery, and found guilty, having made application for a new trial, the same having been argued last week before Judge Travis, and who has not yet given him sentence, came in this morning from his home at Meade, Kan, Mr. Foster came to see how the case was to be decided, and will await for a while to see what the sentence of the judge will be. Cancelled The Debt This morning Chav C. Parmole, filed with the recorder of deeds a release of mortgage for the debt heretofore held against the Fresbyteiian church which has been liquidated. The amount was approximately $5, 1(0, an! places the church entirely out of debt. The mem bers have been making a heroic effort to get this debt lifted and are well pleased with the result.