'JBL ft 107- Murray Department nn lid PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OK THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. UvJ mm fl 7 If any of lite readers of Ute Journal knovo of a nodal events r an item of interest We icant all items of intercut. Editor Journal. DC UC. C. PARUELE, President. FRED L. NUTZWAN, Vice-President in n ' nnrnrvrn n . .L I . . Tf 0. DULUCiVCn, OflilllCI. uiluinraif Stiafte Bank Under New Management SYSTEM DfiCK OF YOUR BUSINESS A small business 'can no more run without system back of it than a large business. A checking account puts system into the financial side of your business. It records accurately every item of receipt and expenditure. Pay by check its the systematic way. We invite you to open a checking ac count with us. The size of your balance does not influence the amount of our at tention all accounts, large and small, receive the same careful attention. Murray State Bank n Mvirray, S- Will Troop and Galen Rhoden drove to Plattsmouth Monday. Kay Sheppardson little son is quite ill with remittant fever. (). I). Marks and family visited Will Oliver and family Sunday. John Yardley's seven-year-old son is quite ill with heart trouble. . A If Nichels has a three-year-old boy quite ill with bronchal trouble. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boeck of Platts mouth visited relatives near Murray Sunday. Mrs. .Tack Philpot and Mrs. Adam Cook, of Weeping Water visited Joe Cook and family Sunday. iMiis Agnes Kennedy, who is teaching "Rock Creek school, visited Tuesday evening with Miss Nita Cook. W. K. Sheperdson was a county seat visitor last Saturday, and while here paid the Journal officer, short call. Alfred Dean, who has been working for Dr. Gilmore, will work on the farm for Tom Smith during the summer. D. A. Young was looking after some business matters in the county seat Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs John Chalfant and daughter, Mrs Wes. Wolfe, Wyoming, were visit ing with Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore Wednes day. Lee Kniss, who has been at Emanuel hospital at Omaha for the past three weeks for appendicitis, returned home Wednesday. Joseph Cook was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Saturday, and paid the Journal office a brief call. Henry Long departed Sunday for Furnas county, Sunday, where he will visit with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Shrader, for a few days. The old seats formerly in use at the school house are being sold at 35 cents each. Those desiring a cheap settee, should call on A. L. Baker and secure one. Mrs. Chri? Miller is afflicated with gallstones, and while she is severely af flicted, it is not determinated yet as to whether or not they can be removed without an operation. Miss Nellie Keeman returned to her home in Omaha Monday, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes. Mrs. Joe Shera, of Rock Bluffs, ac companied her home for a few day's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansemer were visited Saturday evening by that most welcomed bird, the stork, who der livered an eight and a half pround boy. All are feeling will, except Alfred and he will soon recover with proper care. Len Thacker and wife are the happy possessors of a new eight-pound boy, born on Tuesday. Dr. Brendel says when the little stranger put in his ap pearance, Lewis joys knew no bonds. Mother and little one getting along nicely. J. A. Walker, said at Lee Oldham's birthday party Wednesday, that he was getting pretty old, but when Andy Dill stated that he was 78 years, he be gan to straighten up and put on boyish airs. He thought Uncle Andy looked so much younger than his age would indicate, that there was a chance for him to survive many years yet himself. DC sldent. y Nebrsk. J) ii Mrs. Nick Klauren's was in Omaha Monday. T. E. Fulton of Nehawka was a Mur ray visitor Friday. Hugh Robb of Wyoming was an over Sunday visitor in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker were Plattsmouth visitors Monday. J. H. Spangler has purchased M. G. Churchill's black driving horse. Mrs. A. L. Baker and Mrs. John Faris were Plattsmouth visitors Tues day. The farmers of this immediate vici nity are busy delivering corn at 54 cents per bushel. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Snavely was quite sick Monday night, but is much better at present. The Kensington meet with Mrs. J. W. Berger today, where the members were most hospitably entertained. Grandma Tucker, living on the old Tucker place is quite ill, principally from old age. She is a pioneer of Cass county. Mrs. C. A. Rawls stopped off here Friday for a short visit with relatives on her way home from Nebraska Citv. Her father, A. M. Holmes, accom panied her to Plattsmouth for a visit. Master Carl Hopkins, of Villisca, Iowa, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. C. Brown. Geo. Berger spent a few hours in Plattsmouth Monday. Harry Todd shipped three cars of fine black cattle to the South Omaha markets Tuesday evening. Miss Ida Boedeker returned home Saturday evening, after a short visit with her friend, Miss Leona Sans. Rev. Johnson of Omaha filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Rev. Lamp of the same place will preach next Sunday. W. S. Smith, of the firm of Holmes & Smith, was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday. A. M. Holmes returned home from Plattsmouth Wednesday morning, where he had been visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. C. A. Rawls, and family for a few days. Mrs. H. Beck departed Thursday for Elmwood for a few days visit with relatives. Mr. W. A. Dart has been busy writ ing accident insurance for the Wood men the last few days in this com munity. Miss Carrie Allison spent Sunday with home folks, returning to her duties at the Union bank Monday morning. J. W. Lloyd, of Beatrice, formerly of Murray, writes he is doing nicely in the restaurant business at that place. He orders the Journal sent to his address, as he wants to keep in touch of things here. ... Lightning Rods! Pure Copper Cable Lightning Rod, 15 cents per foot. Pitman & Davis. Seed Oats For Sale Good variety of seed oatf for sale. S. O. Cole, Mynard. Farm for Sale! I have a farm about 1 miles south east of the city on the ferry road, well improved, containing 43 acres, which I am offering for sale dirt cheap. My rice being $4,000. Frank Swallow. in this vicinity and frill mail same to this A Pleasant Affair Last Friday evening a large number of young people assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rice, west of Murray, for the sole purpose of enjoy ing a good time, and from all accounts this purpose was fully gratified. The program consisted of games, music and social conversations, which contin ued to a very late hour. The music was furnished by Misses Bessie Delles Dernier and Lucille Rice, which was very much enjoyed by all. Previous to adjournment a three-course luncheon was served, which was pronounced most delicious and appetising by all. Those who were present to partici pate in the pleasant affair were : Misses Mary Moore, Willa Moore, Louisa Shep pardson, Tressa Stokes, Bessie Bren del, Maggie Bengen, Bessie DellesDe- nier, Clara Young, Ruth Tomason, Ella Virgin, Louisa Virgin, Vella Gapen, Edith Dill, Esther Ray, Lucille Rice, Esther Rice, Mrs. Ray Lucas; Messrs. Cyrus Daniher, Will Oliver, Glen Val- lery, Frank Reed, Will Seybolt, John Stone, Guy Stokes, Harry Creamer, George Wiley, Jim Campbell, Harve Gregg, Ray Gregg, Ray Holmes, Eve rett Thomason, Arthur Copenhaver, Roy Spangler, Lloyd Lewis, Harve Beckner, Harry Baxter, Bud Baldwir, Harry Gobbleman, Peter Gobbleman, Cornelius Bengen, Roy Burton, Gold Rice, Louie Rice, Walter Reed, Roy Lucas and Lloyd Gapen. A Handsome Monument The Glenwood Granite Works has just completed a handsome family monu ment and set in the Young cemetery, the same consisting of four pieces, described as follows: Base of Vermont gray granite 4 by 2-4; second base 3-4 by 1-6; die 2-6 by 1-0; cap 2-2 by 1-2; the cap at the bottom base is of gray Vermont granite, while the die and sec ond base being of imported red Swede granite. This is placed in the cemetery for Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., at a cost of about $400.00, and is calcu lated to stanc the storms of a hundred years or more in memory of this most excellent family. Finger Taken Off One day this week Dr. Brendel was called upon to amputate the middle finger of Cy Daniher's left hand, which became lascerated in a queer manner. While hitching up a mule he in some way he got his finger badly twisted in a rope, when the same got so tightly twisted around the finger as to mash it so seriously that amputation became necessary. Some of the boys are disposed to twit Cyrus about the injury, but wants them to understand that it is no laughing matters. Orders The Journal One of the Journal's staunch friends, Peter Perry, residing west of Mynard, was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Sat urday, and while here called at the Journal office and left the wherewith to pay for a year's subscription to be sent to Sam Unland, at Arlington. Neb. In consequence thereof we are thankful to Mr. Perry and Mr. Unland will receive the news from old Cass county for a year at least through the columns of the Journal. Fence Posts For Sale I have about 400 split fence posts and a few crib poles that I wish to sell soon. Wm. Nickles. Notice to Pay Up. This is the season of the year when nearly all business men need money in order to meet their bills. I have con siderable money out that should be paid me now. If convenient, pleasecall and settle your account. It wil greatly assist me at this time. John Cook. A. 0. U. W. Meeting The regular meeting of the Murray Lodge A. O. U. W., No. 365, will be held on Saturday evening, April 7th. Business of importance. All members be present. J. H. Cook, Financier. JUST OPENED! A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries! At the new store of J. C. Snavely, who will be pleased to have you call and see him anv time, whether vou need the good or not. We wTill try to please when you need the Groceries. Bring in Your Butter and Eggs. HIGHEST PRICE PAID. office it will appear under this heading. BERT REED DANGER OUSLY WOUNDED A Nephew of J. A. Walker of Murray Accidentally Shot The following account of the accid ental shooting of Bert Reed is taken from the Larned (Kansas) Chronicle of March 19. The accident occurred at Rozel, a town near Larned, of which the Chronicle speaks as follows: "Bert Reed was shot and probably fatally wounded at Rozel Wednesday afternoon by Foster Whitney Jr., in the pool hall and bowling alley operated by Whitney. The injuring of Reed was not intentional, though the reckless handling of a revolver is responsible for the accident. "According to eye witnesses, Whitney was very drunk yesterday afternoon, and when Bert Reed came in the hall Whitney was handling a revolver. The weapon was a 38-calibre Colts autom atic, which is a dangerous thing for a sober man to handle. Bert walked up to Foss and asked if the gun was load ed. Whitney said it was, and Bert laughingly said he was not afraid of a loaded gun but the unloaded kind were dangeious. "Whitney said "I'll show you" and raised the revolver, and fired, evidently intending to shoot over Reed's head or through his hat crown. Instead, the bullet struck the left side of his head. It did not pierce the skull but crushed it and came out through the scalp sev eral inches from where it entered. ' 'The injured man dropped to the floor and everyone who witnessed the shoot ing thought him killed outright. Some fifteen persons were in the hall at the time of the shooting. Doctors were called at once and Bert was removed to his room. Dr. Williamson and Dr. Sei ple started for Rozel in autos immedi ately and the wound was dressed. He regained consciousness shortly after he was shot, and rested easily last night. "Dr. Bowen of Topeka had been wired for and went to Kinsley last night and was driven over to Rozel this morning and an operation was perform ed to take out the shattered pieces of bore. One silver of bone two inches long had been driven into the brain and this was removed. "Before the operation, hopes were held out for Bert's recovery, but the surgeon says his condition is very grave and that there is a slight chance of his recovery "There is no one better known or more universally liked in this county than Bert Reed. He has lived here, boy and man, for the most of his life, and everyone was his friend. The news of the accident spread rapidly and the whole community has felt the calamity. It comes as a personal shock to the people of the city and county and all have the earnest hopes that he may yet survive the ordeal. "Foss Whitney came down from Rozel Wednesday morning and is with Sheiff McConnaughhay, though no com plaint has been entered againt him. Bert Reed and Foss Whitney were al ways good friends, and the realization of the accident will bring bitterness to Whitney." The unfortunate young man is a nep hew of James A. Walker, of Murray, and has frequently visited his uncle and family. During his stay at Murray he also made several visits to Plattsmouth where he also became acquainted with a number of our citizens. Being genial and whole-souled, he made many friends both at Plattsmouth and Murray, who will regret his misfortune, with the sincere hope that he will soon recover, although the latest reports are not very flattering. The Equilibrium of the Body A condition of the body, in which all organs perform their natural amount of work, that is, the state of a perfect health, is called equilibrium. As soon as one organ refuses to do its share, it becomes necessary to establish this equilibrium. Everybody noticed that it is usually the stomach that refuses to work. This calls for Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, because it will make the stomach to work and with it all organs, upon which the digestion of food rests. As soon as a regular diges tion is established, the whole body will work harmoniously. Use this remedy in all cases of disturbed digestion and bodily weakness. At Drug stores. Jos. Triner, 616-622 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. Dr. Cook received word from his sister, Mrs David Reeves, of Keokuk, Iowa, to the effect, thet her son, Cook, who is seriously ill with typhoid fever, i3 slightly improved. J. E. Hamnd,of Weeping Water, was transacting snmi husinpss at tVit rrairt house today. A Large Number of Friends of il. L Oldham Join in Assisting That Gentleman in Celebrating the Event Sixty-three years ago, or on Wed nesday, March 25, 1945, Humphrey Leo Oldham first saw the light of day in Chariton county, Missouri, and in 1866, came to Cass county with his parents and brothers and sisters, where he has continiously made his home since, . and where he has lived the life of an honor able, upright, citizen, and by his gen tlemanly qualities made hosts of friends, who are proud to count him among our very best citizens. On Wednesday, March 25, 1908, there assembled at his hospital home in the village of Murray, a large number of Mr. Oldham's staunch friends to assist in celebrating the 63rd anniversary of this noble citizen, and to bring joy and happiness in commemorating the happy event, and it is entirely necessary to say that it was one of the most pleasant afFairs that the writer has ever had the pleasure of attending. The fore part of the day was spent in social games and conversation and in comingling together in such a man ner as to make Mr. Oldham's happiness supreme along with the jovial guests, who were there assembled to assist in making him understand that this life was worth living, when one could boast of as many friends as he. While the guests were thus engaged in making merry, Mrs. Oldham and her two hand some and accomplished daughters. Misses Pauline and Fay, assisted by Mrs. Dora Moore, of Plattsmouth, a sister of Mr. Oldham, were preparing a feast that would tempt the appetites of the best and highest citizens of the land. And when the dinner hour ar- rived and the guests were seated J around the several tables, in the tastily decorated dining room, it would have done one's soul good to see how the many good things that were served disappeared before that hungry crowd, and aspecially that portion of it that went to do honor to the occasion from Plattsmouth, including the writer. The guests were served by Miss Pauline and her aunt, Mrs. Dora Moore. and we desire to say right here that they both proved themselves masters in this act. Receives a Gold-Headed Cane. After all had been served to their hearts content, they again repaired to the sitting room, where all were pro vided with cigars by the host. After smoking the guests began to get to gether again, while a few of them had strayed up town and returned with an article wrapped in paper, that resem bled a cane. This was handed to Judge B. S- Ramsey, who had been chosen as spokesman, and he appeared in the doorway between dining and setting room. Mr. Oldham was sitting nearby in the dining room when the judge made his appearance, with the cane in Avoca (Special Correspondence) E. II. Borcherding was up from near Dunbar Tuesday. L. U. Hupp, the real estate hustler, had business at Omaha Monday. F. W. Ruhge and wife were Omaha visitors the first of the week. A. R. Smith, of Dunbar, had business in this vicinity the first of the week. Henry Kuhnhenn enjoyed a visit from Seward relatives several days last week. Miss Selma Marquardt spent Sunday in Avoca. Ralph and Clyde Graham, who are attending school at Lincoln, were in Avoca Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. P. Nutzman will soon commence the erection of a handsome residence in Avoca. Mildred Gillispie was up from Peru Monday. E. Nutzman and J.. H. Schmidt re turned from a trip west Tuesday even ing. The Rebekah's were busy Tuesday evening, initiating several candidates. H. G. Wellenseik was on the sick list the first of the week. Geo. M. Porter came in last evening from Creston and departed this morn ing for Hamburg, Iowa, where he will work today. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of hand, and after paying a beautiful tri bute to our worthy friend presented him with this tribute of friendship. In his remarks, Judge Ramsey revived many incident of forty years ago when Lee Oldham went to school to him, and closed by saying that they became fast friends in those days and that friend ship has been continued since, and that everyone who once became a friend of Lee Oldham would continue so through this life. Judge Ramsey's little presentation speech was one of the most appropriate for the occasion we have listen to in many years. Mr. Old ham was considerably effected by the words so admirably uttered by one who has known him so long, and it was with great effort that he responded. The cane is a very handsome one of black ebony with finely engraved gold-head, upon which bore the following inscrip tion: "Presented by friends to II. L. Oldham, March 25, l'.tOS." And may the recipient of this token of esteem live many years to use this cane to guide his footslip as old age comes creeping on. Mr. Oldham was the recipient of many other tokens in honor of the event from his sister and brother and others. Nor was Mrs. Oldham forgot ten on this occasion, notwithstanding it was not her anniversary, for her many friends had gone to work and provided a handsome easy rocker to be presented to her as a token of their esteem. She truly deserved this re cognition, as she is a most estimable lady and highly respected by all who are fortunate enough to make her ac quaintance. Mrs. Oldham maiden name was Miss Story Dull, whose parents were among the early pioneers of Cass county, they coming here in 1858. May Mr. and Mrs. Oldham live long to en joy the comforts of this life and their happimess continue as the sunlight of day, as it is at present attended by their two dutiful and accomplished daughters, Miss Pauline and Fay. Those who were present to enjoy the pleasant event were: Joseph Sans, J. W. Berger, Dr. Brendel, F. .M Young, sr., F. M. Young, jr., A. M. Holmes, A. Dill, S. J. Latta, C. II. Boedeker, William Brown, J. W. Edmunds, Ben Dill, Ben Beckman, Dr. Gilmore, D. J. Pitman, Frank Moore, I. S. White, J. B. Seabolt, W. E. Dull, J. A. Walker, W. D. Jones, George Oldham, W. D. Wheeler, W. K. Fox, Geo. W.. Rhoden. Judge B. S. Ramsey, Charles RatlifT, and M. A. Bates. There were also present Mrs. A. Dill and Mrs. Dora Moore, of Plattsmouth, besides the host and hostess, Mr. and and Mrs. H. L. Oldham, and their charming daugh ters, Misses Pauline and Fay. When the parting hour came all went away wishing our friends, Mr. Oldham and family, all the blessings of this life and many returns of the pleasant event that this day brought forth. John Thomas, of Gretna, was a busi ness visitor in the city this morning, and departed for Pacific Junction, where he also had some matters to attend to. Mrs. Chas. Kraft departed for her home at Glenwood this morning after visiting in the city for a few days with friends, a guest at the home of Mrs. A. E. Gass. .. , T. CELEBRATED JACK BLACK BADGER! 7 S' This celebrated Jack will make the season at the farm of the undersigned, 4 miles west of Plattsmouth. BLACK BADGER is a sure foal get ter, and it will pay breeders to call and see him. He is 6 years old, and black with white points. Term $12.00 to insure a colt to stand tnd suck H. F. GAIISMER, Owner. J. 4 i I . '. t 'HI V. i A 'i : 10 i) ') III'