The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 02, 1908, Image 3

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Short Items of Interest, From Satur
day Evening's Daily Journal
' "-.
J. W. Bookmeyer was a visitor inOm
ahu today.
Mrs Joseph HaMas was a visitor in
Omaha today.
Nick Veicha and James Sapolas.were
Omaha visitors today.
E. J. Bradlet and J.L.IIardroba jvere
visitors in Omaha today
John Gleeson, of Havelock, came in
this morning, and is visiting with friends
in the city.
Felix Siezokowski,wife and son, were
visitors with friends in the metropolis
this morning.
Jacob Stenner, daughter Miss Ger
lude, and son, Leon, were visiting in
Omaha today.
Mrs. Lawrence Trility and daughter,
Louise, were visitors with friends in
Omaha today.
John Maurer and wife were visitors
with friends in the metropolis this
Oscar Larson came from Bellevue
last evening and will visit with his
parents over Sunday.
J. J. Buttery, traveling engineer for
the Burlington, was a business visitor in
the city this morning.
Adolph Wesch and wife and Mrs.
Kate Wurtzel were visitors with friends
in Omaha this morning.
Joy Kear, of Omaha, came down last
evening and is visiting with friends in
the city for a few days.
Miss Lillian Fitch, of Omaha, was a
visitor in the city this morning, where
she has a class in elocution.
Wm. Kephart was a business visitor
in Watson, Mo., this morning, depart
ing on the early Burlington train.
Miss Agathe Jones returned home
this morning from Cedar Creek, near
where she has been teaching school.
Mrs Otto Puis, of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, is visiting in the city, a guest at
the home of her mother, Mrs. John
C. E. Wescott was a visitor in Wat
son, Mo., where he has some land which
he goes to look after, departing
this J
John Long, A. r. Knoieijen ana
Joseph Jaran. were looking after some
business matters in the metropolis this ;
Mrs J. H.Johnson and daughter came
over from Glenwood this morning and
will visitwith friends over Sunday.
Simeon Gruber, of near Union, was a
visitor in the county seat this morning,
looking after some business matters.
Rev. B. A. Wilkinson, of Bethany,
Neb., came in this afternoon and will
preach at the Christian church morning
and evening.
Dr. W. H. Renshaw.was a passenger
to Pacific Junction this morning, where
he has some business matters calling
his attention.
Joseph Hiber and wife, and Miss Anna
Janda were passengers to Havelock this
morning, where they will visit with
friends over Sunday.l
t-, t- j i : i
Eugene Bradv is making rapid lm-
orovements durintr the Dast few days.
and is so he is up and around the house,
thoutrh not cointr out of doors vet.
Mrs Nicholas Todd came home from
f u awl. Rin. rw.
leee last evening, and will visit with
her parents, west of the city over Sun-
w, Tr .
H. M. Hopkins departed this morning
visiting at the home of his daughter, I
Mrs W. C. Brown, at Murray, for a few j
Mrs Henry Caldwell departed this
morning for Glenwood, where she will
visit for a few days with her daughter,
Mrs A. B. Winkler.
J. B. Star, representing the Jewel
Tea company, of Valisca. Iowa, was a
visitor in the city last evening, depart
ed for Omaha this morning.
R. W. White returned last evening
from Lincoln, where he has been for
the past few days, both visiting and
looking after some business matters in
the capitol city.
James Burke departed for his home
at Wahoo this afternoon, after having
been working on the rip-rap on the
other side of the river for some time
Miss Alice Kerr came in from Glen
wood, Iowa, where she is employed at '
the Institute at that place, and will
visit over Sunday, with her mother, Mrs.
B. C. Kerr.
J. M. Green and wife, Mrs. H. J.
Schluntz and Mrs Mary Cusack, of
Cedar Capids, Iowa, were visitors with
friends at Council Bluffs, Iowa, and
Omaha today.
Frank Dux bury was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, where he goes to
see his wife who has been there in a
hospital for some time, and who he
hopes will be able to return home.
Fred Warner was a visitor in Omaha
Mrs. Henry Martin was a visitor with
her daughter at Glenwood todayf
O. S. Cole, of near Mynard, was a
visitor in the county seat this morning
Attorney D. B. Hoag, of Omaha, was
looking after some legal matters in the
city this morning.
David Campbell of South Bend, was a
visitor in the city this morning, having
business at the court house.
G. A. B. Hicks, of Cullom, was a visi
tor in the city this morning, looking af
ter some business matters.
Essesworth Palmer, of Kansas City,
representing a lecture Bureau, was a
visitor in the city this morning.
Judge John B. Rapier of Pawnee City
was a visitor in the city this morning
having businness at the court house.
Mrs. Chris. Metzger, of Cedar Creek,
was a visitor in the county seat this
morning, looking after some business.
Attorney O. C. Tarpening, of Wahoo,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
having legal business at the court house.
Adam Kaffenberger was a business
visitor in the county seat this morning,
transacting business with our mer
chants. Mrs. L. A. Newland returned home
last evening, from a few days visit at
the home of her daughter near Glen
wood, Iowa.
Wm. Heeney,of Weeping Water, was
a visitor in the city this morning, and
while have made the Journal offie a
very pleasant call.
Walter Cum mings, after visiting in
the city for some time, returned to Om
aha where he is taking a business course
in the Boyles Business college.
Miss Jesse Gilmour, teacher at
Cedar Creek, and Miss Myrtle Sanders,
teacher of the Cullom school, came in
this morning and will spend Sunday
with their parents.
K. W. Zougal, of Loup City, was
looking after some business in the city
for the Burlington last evening, and
departing this morning for Lincoln
where he has also some work to do.
will Alban is down town again, alter
a ong se;ge of sciatic rheumatism,
Yesterday was the first time he was
able to get down for some time.
! Philip Rhin came home last evening
! and will spend Sunday with the folks,
: and will return to his studies at the
1 business college in Omaha Monday.
i Asa Snyder came in last evening, and
visited over nieht with the family of
j A. N. Sullivan, Mrs. Snyder's parents,
j at which place Mrs. Snyder is staying
for a few days.
W. L. Cooper departed last evening
for Aurora. Illinois, where he was
called to look after some business mat
ters for the Burlington. He will be
gone for some days.
Bruce Rosencrans and Ray Travis
came home last evening, on the even
ing Burlington train and will visit over
Sunday with the folks, and return to
! at r a i : : ir
i meir stuuies again muiiuav
& J
! Miss Hattie Wyatt, of Glenwood, af-
ter visiting in the city, a guest of
i friend, Muriel Barthold, for the past
! few days, departed last evening
ner home on tne ,ate Turlington
Bert Crissman, came in last evening,
j from Omaha, visiting in the city with
I friends and attending the dance given
i by the Improved Order of Redmen last
f K .
A. L. Anderson and wife departed
last evening for Reb Oak, Iowa, where
Mr. Anderson will look after some busi
ness matters in connection with his
trade, and Mrs. Anderson will visit
with friends.
J. G. Hanks was a passenger last
evening to Galesburg, Illinois his old
home, where he will spend over Sun-
; day with relatives and friends. Mrs.
Hanks is visiting there at the present,
having gone about a week ago.
T. H. Pollock and R. K. Bates were
j passengers to Omaha last evening and
j attended the play, "The Classmate,"
J returning on the late Missouri Pacific
! train. Mrs. Pollock was visiting in
j Omaha and joined Mr. Pollock taking
in the play and returning home with
j him.
j Mrs. Chas. Wynn and Mrs. R. H.
; Teree, both of Council Bluffs, departed
their homes this morning, after
having visited in the city for some days
past, guests at the home of W. T
Smith and family.
H. G. Paine, of the Paine Invest
ment company, of Omaha, who has
charge of the refitting of the Paine
Building, (formerly the Wettencamp
block,) has the west room down stairs
re finished, being painted and papered,
and is in nice shape. They expect to
finish the whole building throughout
and when completed will make a modern
structure of it-
Miss Mary Curtiss was a visitor in
Havelock today.
J. J. Toman was a visitor in Omaha
this afternoon.
Mrs. M. Fanger was a visitor in Om
aha this afternoon.
Wm. Murray was a visitor in the city
this morning, from Mynard.
George Perry of west of Mynard wae
a visitors in trie city tins morning.
Ed. Becker of near Cullom was a
business visitor in the city this morn
ing. L. E. Woman and son, John, were
visitors in the mertopolis this after
noon. Misses Elizabeth and Clara Kroehler
were visitors in Council Bluffs this af
ternoon. Joseph Droege departed for Dead-
wood, S. D., this afternoon, where he
will visit for a few days.
Thomas Smith, of Rock Bluffs, re
turned this morning from a few day's
visit with relatives in Lincoln.
T. J. Rhoden and T. W. Vallery of
northwest of Murray were transacting
business in the city this morning.
Ellis Rail, of Ames, Iowa, who
been visiting at the home of J.
Vallery, returned home Saturday.
Miss Bessie Rubens departed
Avoca, Iowa, this afternoon where she
will visit for a while with her parents.
Mrs. Hans Rothman and little son
were passengers to Omaha this after
noon, where she will visit over Sunday
with relatives.
John Shaffer returned this morning
from Davenport, thi3 state, and is mov
ing onto the Vallery farm, which he
will farm this year.
Johnnie and Hattie Platzen of near
Cedar Creek were visitors in the city
this morning to do down trading and
visiting with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Skoumal and little
child departed for Lincoln this after
noon, where they will visit over Sun
day with Mrs. Skoumal's sister, Mrs.
Joseph Crisky and family.
Mayor Henry R. Gering, accompanied
by his mother, Mrs. Paul Gering and
Matthew Gering, returned this morning
from Cedar Falls, la., where they went
to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gering's
sister, Mrs. Barbara Pfeiffer, who a
week ago yesterday died at Los Angeles,
California, and her remains taken to
',edar Falls for intermant, to which
point Mrs. Gering accompanied them.
A Seranader of the Newly Married
John Beck and Wife Gets Treed.
Happy in the love, which was the
cause of the union of two hearts and
lives, John Beck and wife were spend
ing their first evening at the home of
their friend, George Halmes. when a
party came to seranade them. When
the first sounds of the hub-bub was
heard, the young couple thought that
they were to be disturbed from the en
joyment of each other's company, but
the dogs which make their home at Mr.
Halmes' and of which there are "a
plenty, ' ' took a hand in the game, and
there was a scatterment of the serana
ders in a hurry. Some secured re
treat by the way of the road, some one
way and some another, all making their
"getaway" with the exception of one
luckless youth, who finding no othor
avenue of escape save the straw-pile
from last summer's threshing, and
climbing that was persued by a partic
ular vicious dog, who was more of an
adept at climbing straw stacks than
seranader, and getting hold of the
"neither end" of the lad's pants made
carpet rags of them. By dint of hard
work the dog was finally kicked off and
the young man, who gave his name as
Chas. Brown, but we fear it is not the
correct one, slipped down on the oppo
site side, and circling the barn got
away. The happy man in the house
said to his winsome bride, after the
dogs had quited down, "They are pret
ty good dogs, ain't they?" The pants
were at the tailor shop of Frank McEl
roy for repair this morning, and they
looked as though some one had gone
over more than a straw stack in a hur
ry at that.
Friends Surprise Mrs. W. H. Scott
A number of friends of Mrs. W. H.
Scott met at her house for the purpose
of surprising her, only to find her away
from home yesterday, and as she had
gone to the country found her by telep
hone, and she hastened her return. A
very good time was had, and as it was
her birthday, and the twentieth anni
versary of her wedding, they had a
very enjoyable occasion. Music and
games, interspersed with social conver
sation occupied them, on departing
they wished their friends many joyful
years yet to come, and sealed the com
pact with many a beautiful present.
Satisfactory Progress.
Edward Rankin, the switchman at
Pacific Junction, who suffered the loss
of his left hand in an accident while at
tempting to cross a train standing, in
the yards at that place about two weeks
since, was in the city today and re
ports very satisfactory progress toward
the healing of the injured member.
Mrs. George M. Porter Gives Farewell
Party to Members of Her Sunday
School and Symphony Club.
Last evening, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. M. Porter, was gathered a
merry party of young people, the occa
sion being a departing reception, given
in honor of Miss Pearl Barker, a mem
ber of the Symphony Club, which par
tially constitute the choir at the Chris
tian church and Ray Barker, Sidney
Miner and Westley Barker, members of
Mrs. Porter's Sunday school class.
Next Monday Sidney Miner is the move
to Bethany, near Lincoln, while the
Barker boys and their sister will depart
Tuesday for Tekama, Burt county,
where they will make their future home.
The Porter home was beautifully decor
ated for the occasion. The tables were
arranged in the spacious dining room in
the form of a square and decorated
with flowers and ribbons looped in fes
toons and streamers from the gas fix
tures on the ceiling and coming to the
corners of the table, making a decidedly
pretty and harmonious effect. Mrs.
Porter was assisted in serving by Misses
Anna Fry and Edith Buzzell the elegant
two course luncheon which was given
as a portion of the evening's entertain
ment. Music, both instrumental and
vocal interspersed with some new and
hitting games, corresponding mirth pro
voking and producing almost one con
tinuous roar of laughter.
The departing of these young people
from our community and from the as
sociations of the church, will be felt, as
they were always ready and willing to
do their part of whatever was required
of them. More especially does Mrs.
Porter feel the loss of them, as in the
Symphony Club she always could de
pend on the best services from Miss
Pearl Barker as a help in the singing or
the furnishing of music for any occa
sion. In the Sunday school class, again
were they in readiness to perform any
thing required oi them, emphasizad in
the persons of Ray and Westly Barker
and Sidney Miner, to the extent tha
the teaching of the class became a real
pleasure. With the members of both
club and class, the best wishes go with
the departing, and that they may find
pleasant associations and good work in
their new home, is the earnest desire.
Those present of the Sympony Club
were: Misses Minnie Fry, Ada Porter,
Mollye Godwin, Minnie McKay, Pearl
Parker, Blanch O'Neal, Grace Porter
and Ruth Reynolds. While the Sunday
school class present were: Ray Barker,
Cecil.Glenn, Clair Thomas, Philip Rhin,
Ratio Taylor, Westley Barker, Oscar
Wilson, James Hunter, Jesse Perry,
Sidney Miner, Russell Stander, Lester
Burrows, John Stander, George Foster,
Chas. Mapes, Ed Reynolds, Ralph Mul
lis and Clyde Adimons.
Cards of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere thanks
to those friends who so kindly minister
ed and assisted at the funeral, to those
who contributed the beautiful floral
offerings and for the many acts of
kindness, tokens of love for our beloved
husband, brother and son, after his
death and at the funeral.
Mrs John J. Kurtz amd children.
Adam Kurtz, sr.
Henry Kurtz,
Will Kurtz,
Adam Kurtz, jr.
Lizzie Kurtz,
Charlie Kurtz.
Ignorance, of Course
It would seem as though the democrats
would be generous enough in Nebraska
to let the populists have the candidate
for governor, since they are to have the
honor of furnishing the candidate for
president. One would naturally sup
pose that Mr. Bryan's friends would
feel like conceding the gubernatorial
nomination to Mr. Berge, who is un
doubtedly the choice of the populists of
Nebraska for the head of the fusion
ticket, Plattsmouth News. The above
13 a fair sample of the manner in which
the republican papers deal with the
democrats. Whether the Plattsmouth
News published the above through
ignorance or maliciousness we do not
know, but for its enlightement we
would state that at the last registration
in Lincoln Mr. Berge registered as a"
democrat. And we also want to say
that should Mr. Berge be nominated h
would be acceptable to a majority of
the voters of the state. Nebraska City
In Justice Court
The famous calf case between Chas
Miller and Henry Burroughs for the
possession of a calf to apply on board
owed Miller by Burroughs was aired in
Justice Archer's court this morning
and a virdict found in favor of tl e
plaintiff, Miller.
Martin Ruby Very Sick
Word received from McCook to be
the effect that Martin Ruby is danger
ously sick and that the local physicians
have very little hope in his recovery.
What the trouble is was not stated, but
it is not expected that he can get welL
Start Out Under the Espionage of Our Own
Beloved Senators, But Lose h cm,
and Senator Tillman Takes
Them in Tow
The following was clipped from the
Omaha World-Herald of yesterday, and
intended for the Journ' -Tof last even
ing, but in our overflow of other mat
ters of interest it in the some way got
lost in the shuffling of the copy hook.
The spec ial to theWorld-Herald is un
der date of February 25:
A big delegation of Nebraska educa
tors, in Washington for the National
Educational association convention,
"did" Washington today and enjoyed
some real adventures.
The delagation includes J. L. Mc
Brien, state superintendent; E. C. Bis
hop, deputy state superintendent; J.
W. Crabtree of Peru, A. O. Thomas of
Kearney, E. J. Bodwell and William
Davidson of Omaha, N. M. Graham of
South Omaha, Miss Helen Nielson of
Wahoo, J. R. Fulk of Hebron, George
Burget of Kearney, A. V. Teed of
Ponca, W. H. Clemmons of Fremont,
J. W. Mengel of Wahoo, U. S. Conn of
Columbus, C. A. Eulmer of Beatrice,
W. L. Stevens of Lincoln, J. W.
Gamble of Plattsmouth, R. J. Barr of
Grand Island, W. W. Stoner of York,
G. W. Luckes of Lincoln, G. L. Towne
of Lincoln, J. D. French of Hasting?,
S. H. Thompson, J. H. Stableton, W.
R. Hart and John W. Wood of Have
lock. The capitol was seen under the aus
pices of Mr. Ward, secretary to Con
gressman Boyd. Senators Brown and
Rurkett assisted in entertaining the
party. It got divided and one segment
lost the others. Disgusted and insist-
Receives Telegram From Callao
Mrs. Kate Rheinackle yesterday re
ceived a message from her son, Will j
Rheinackle, who is on the American
fleet now at Callao, Peru, in which he i
says they are all well and having a fine
time, and that they had just witnessed
a bull fight held for their especial
delectation. It will be remembered
that Will was here last summer to see
his mother, and departed with the fleet
when it sailed for Pacific waters.
Sudden Affliction Delays Ar
rival of Missouri Pacific
Pay Car.
The Missouri Pacific pay car has
long been overdue and the employes
of the road at this point have been
wondering as to the whereabouts of
their last month's pay check. Although
the pay has not forthcoming, and ex
planation has been made. It seems
that the pay car left St. Louis on time
with Paymaster Harkness in charge.
When the car reached Jefferson City,
Mo., it was learned that at some time
on the trip the paymaster had become
mentally unbalanced and that he had
been giving out checks without taking
receipts and that his affairs were in
such shape that it was impossible for
the car to proceed until the tangle was
straighnened out. This may require
some time and in the meantime the em
ployes will have to wait for what is
coming to then. This instance recalls
to the minds of railway men the fact
that a former paymaster for this road
became deranged and committed sui
cide. Goes With Bell Company.
E. H. Elton, formerly with the Plat
tsmouth Telephone Company, has re
signed his position, and accepted a
position with the Bell Telephone com
pany, being what is termed the Sub
License for the county, with headquar
ters at this place.
Mr Elton has been in the telephone
business for the past sixteen years, and
during that time has worked in the
electrical department. He quit that
work, and will begin work now in an
other department. v
Business Better in the East
W. W. Coates returned from Kewa
nee, Illinois, yesterday morning and in
conversation with a reporter said that
since he was in the east before which
was about a month ago there has been
a large number of men given employ
ment to what had been working pre
viously. The number during the month
were increased by someting near two
thousand and business in all lines was
looking better in accordance.
at oflpmw.
ant, the lost sheep sent in a card to
Senator Tillman, who came out of the
senate chamber and presented himself
to Mr. Gamhle of Plattsmouth, head of
the dissenting delegation.
"Well?" demanded Mr. Tillman.
"We lost our senators," explained
Mr. Gamble.
"You're lucky. Where you from?"
"Yes; both republican; very luck."
"What we want is to see the presi
dent's room in the senate wing, and we
thought you'd show it to us," explained
Mr. Gamble.
"Sure I will," replied the pitchfork
statesman, and he took the crowd in
tow, and getting interested, conducted
it all over the senate wing, lectured all
the art works, explained the historical
apparitions and finally picked out the
two daughters of Senator Brown, whom
he didn't know as such, as his special
"I am now going to show you some
especially interesting things," he ex
claimed. "I shall show them to these
two young ladies; if the rest of you
want to follow along, it will be all
Whereupon he explained the mys
teries of the optical illusions in the
frescoes of the senate wing, some of
which are among the most remarkable
in the world. The crowd was capti
vated with him and when he was done
Tillman admitted that there were
mighty nice people in Nebraska, even
if they did go republican pretty often.
Almost a Colony of Platts
mouth People Will Lo
cate or Buy Land
Henry Ofe and Chas Bell departed
today for Clayton, New Mexico, where
they go to purchase some lands. Should
they not find the prices to their liking,
they will probably file on some home
stead lands. E. M. Godwin and Ivan
Taylor think of going also next Tues
day, with the intention also of taking
up a homestead. Chas. Crabill and
Wm. Gingery think of following in the
near future, and the reporter of this
paper, has a microbe or two of the
New Mexico fever in his system, but
whether his natural robust health will
throw off the effect of it or not is diffi
cult to determine. The indications are
that he will not make a trip for a few
weeks yet. Ed. and John Maurer, who
went but a short time since, have es
tablished a photograph gallery, and are
doing a good business, it is reported.
Ed. is a fine workman in that line, and
we wish the boys success. A recent
letter from Elder Zink says they had
a fine rain there this last week, and
that the spring work is fairly started,
everybody is plowing for the coming
summer's crops.
The Ditch a Success.
The Falter and Coates ditch on the
old Miller farm has already proven itself
a success. Last week when the snow
went off an ice gorge formed on the
Vallery farm and held the water back
until it caused the largest flood ever
known in the Four Mile creek. The
water came down four feet deep and a
half mile wide. When it struck the new
drainage ditch it washed out the dam,
leaving the old creek bed and the new
ditch both to carry the water, which they
done, and not a particle of the flood
went over the farm. Mr. Falter says
they will not put the dam back for the
time being, but leave both ways open
for the water to pass. People who saw
the flood say that, while the new ditch
is not as large as the old creek bed, yet
by reason of a greater fall, and being
straight, it was abundantly able to take
care of three or four times as much
In the County Court.
A continuance was granted in the
case of E. M. Compton, deceased, who
died January 28th, in the appointment
of administrator.
J. 0. Hiddlestom and M. J. Laffey,
representing the Omaha Bee, came in
this morning, and will work with the lo
cal agent, G. M. Porter, for a week.