The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1908, Image 5

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    ! i - : : : i- :
AYcCclablcPrcparationlbr As
similating the Food andKcguIa
ting live Stomachs and Dowels of
noss ar.fl K -.Contains neither
()pnim:M; . ,-hinc nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
j4lx.Jamm '
HmJulU SJtt -struct
I Vjmenmnt -fhGarimtSaI'
rtunfld Jumr .
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca.
Worms .Convulsions .revensrt
cicss and Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signature of
Keeping Open House
Everybody is welcome when we feel
good; and we feel that way only when
our digestive organs are working prop
erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu
late the action of stomach, liver and
bowels so perfectly one can't help feel
ing good when he uses these pills. 25c
at F. C. Fricke & Co's drugtore.
Average Time to Cure
CATARACTS 3 to 10 Days
IMPOTENCY 5 to 10 Days
STRICTURE 5 to 30 Days
GLEET 5 to 30 Days
CANCER 5 to 30 Days
CATARRH .10 to 30 Days
GOITER 60 to 90 Days
Piles, Fistula 3 to 5 Days
Losses, Drains, etc 5 to 30 Days
Liquor Habit 10 to 30 Days
Prostatic Troubles 10 to 30 Days
Rheumatism, Gout 10 to 30 Days
Stomach Diseases 20 to 60 Days
Kidney Diseases 20 to 60 Days
Bladder Diseases 20 to 60 Days
Blood Poison, etc 60 to 90 Days
We advertise what we do, and do what
we advertise. No incurables taken.
Examinations free to all who write
for Appointment Card Now.
522 Broadway, - - Council Bluffs, la.
What Difference Does It Make?
The following is taken from the Lin
coln Journal: "A Havelock shopman
reported last night that something un
usual had been permitted at the shops
during yesterday. He said that a boy
from the shop office had been per
mitted to post notices concerning the
democratic caucus in the shops during
working hours. It is claimed this has
never been permitted in the past, and
that permission at this time indicates a
desire of the management to get the
shopmen out to the democratic caucus.
The caucus will be held at the Havelock
engine house on Thursday evening."
Evidently it makes some difference in
this respect "whose ox is gored." Had
it been republican bills posted in the
Havelock shops, nothing would have
been said about the matter.
Girlhood and Scoff's- Emulsion are
linked together.
The girl who takes Scoff's, Emul
sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she is
plump, active and energetic.
The reason is that at a period when a girl's
digestion is weak, Scoff's Emulsion
provides her with powerful nourishment in
easily digested form.
It is a food that builds and keeps up a
girl's strength.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Chronic Constipation Cured
One who suffers from chronic consti
nation L in danger of many serious ail
ments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup
cures chronic constipation as it aids di
gestion and stimulates the liver and
bowels, restoring the natural action of
these organs. Commence taking it to
day and you will feel better at once
Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not
nauseate or gripe and is very pleasant
to take. Refuse substitutes. For sale
by F. .L Fricke & Co.
Peru Notes
Miss Offe, Nehawka, Eva Sayles,
Cedar Creek and Blanche Robertson,
Plattsmouth are added to thelist of Cass
county students attending the normal.
President and Mrs. Crabtree have
presented to the school a beautiful
picture of the "Parthenon. " as a sou
venior of their European trip.
The annual exhibit of the Ladies Fort
nightly Art Club will be held in Music
and Expression Hall March 9, 10, and
11. Mr. Whitmore, of Omaha, will
arrange a more valuable exhibit than
ever before and Dr. Powers, President
of the University, of Travel, will de
liver a series of art lectures that no
student or teacher should miss.
Prof. W. N. Delzell will conduct a
party to Europe this summer.
Neighborhood Favorite
Mrs. E. D. Charles of Harbor, Me.,
speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It
if a neighborhood favorite here with
us." It deserves to be a favorite ev
ery where. It gives quick relief in dys
pepsiB, liver complaint, kidney derange
ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak
ness and general debility. Its action on
the blood as a thorough purifier makes
it especially useful as a spring medecine,
Thisgrond alterative tonic is sold under
Still in the Hospital
Mrs. A. W. Dawson was a passenger
to Omaha this afternoon, where she
goes to see Mr. Dawson, who is in the
hospital at that place, where he under
went another operation last Saturday.
Mr. Dawson has been having a good
deal of trouble with his previous opera
tion, it being very presistant in not
healing. W e hope this last operation
will be all that is required and that he
may soon regain his wanted health.
j., i,
Short Items of Interest, From Mon
day Evening's Daily Journal
A Kaloas. Mike P.eloas and C.
Scevias were visitors with friends in I
Omaha today.
Miss Blanche Murray, who is working
in Omaha, was a visitor in the city over
Sunday with her mother.
Wid Henrichsen and Wm. Barclay
were visitor in Omaha yesterday, going
on the early Burlington train.
W. H. Wellensieck of Avoca was a
visitor in the city this morning looking
after some business at the court house.
Mrs. August Bach and grandson,
Ravmond Walsh, were visitors in Om-
v.ha vesterdav with relatives. I
Sam VVaugh of Lincoln departed for
his home this morning, after a few
days visit in the city with friends.
Miss Pearl O'Neal departed for her
work last evening at Glenwood, after
visiting in the city with her parents
Byron Clark departed yesterday
morning for Lincoln, where he will
take up his duties as attorney for the
Mrs. J. E. Hanks departed last even
ing for Galesburg, Illinois, where she wil
visit with relatives and friends for
some time.
R. B. Windham departed yesterday
for Greenwood and Lincoln, at which
places he visited with his children for
the day.
Bruce Rosencrans spent Sunday in
the city a gust at' the home of his par
ents, returning to his studies at Omaha
this morning.
The postponed social meeting of the
Order of Eastern Star will be Monday,
February 24th, at 7:30 p. m. Every
member come.
M. Fanger was an Omaha visitor
yesterday, and returned home with his
family, who were visiting in the me
tropolis last night.
George Owens went out last Satur
day on the Sioux City run with H. C.
Hurt on account of the regular fireman
not being able to go.
Asa Snyder, wife and little son of
Omaha were Sunday guests at the
home of Mrs. Snyder's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Sullivan.
Rev. J. F. Swanson departed for
his home at Wahoo after preaching at
the Sweeuish Mission church in the
city yesterday.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water came in last evening on the
Burlington, and was looking after legal
business in the city.
Ernest E. Wurl departed last even
ing for Quincy, Illinois, where he will
visit for some two weeks with his
brother, Otto and family.
Casper J. Thygeson and wife of Ne
braska City, were guests in the city
yesterday at the home of Mrs. Thyge
son's parents, A. W. White and wife.
Mrs. S. D. Smith and daughter, Miss
Beryl, departed for their home at
Havelock yesterday morning, after a
visit in the city for a few days with
Miss Blanche Priestrop departed for
Council Bluffs yesterday morning, af
ter visiting in the city with her par
ents, Mr. ana Mrs. A. rriestrop lor a
short time.
Miss Nellie Julian departed for Glen
wood, Iowa, last evening, where she is
employed, after visiting in the city
with relatives, a guest with her cousin,
Mrs. Waddick.
Fred Drucker, formerly of this place,
but now living at Milford, departed for
his home yesterday morning, after vis
iting in the city for the past few days
with relatives ahd friends.
C. A. Walsh and Hans Tams, de
parted yesterday morning for Fre
mont, where they will join a gang of
workmen who are doing some work on
the Burlington bridges at that place.
A. J. Neydon and family returned to
their home at Havelock this morning,
after visiting in the city for the past
few days, the guests at the home of
Mrs. Neydon's parents, Mr. and Peter
J. H. Mathews of Fremont departed
this morning for his home, after look
ing after some business in the city, and
at the Burlington station he said that
he was from the best city in the state
of Nebraska.
Frank Duxbury reports his wife not
making the improvement desired in the
hospital at Omaha, after she has re
covered to the extent that she could
sit up most of the time she is confined
to her bed again.
Miss C. D. Lippencott departed for
her home in Ashland yesterday morn
ing, after a few days visit in the city,
at the home of her uncle, W. H. Miller
and family. While m the city Miss
Lippencott took the teacher's examina
tion as well. 1
Henry Hempel, of Lincoln, visited in
the city this morning.
C. M. Suprentant was a visitor in
South Omaha today.
Mrs M. A. Dickson was a visitor in
Omaha today with friends.
George Snyder and daughter, Anna,
were visitors in Omaha today.
Mrs John Skoumal was a visitor with
her son, in Omaha this afternoon.
Julius Numasters of Nehawka was a
business visitor in the county seat to
day. Miss Gertrude Walsh of Lincoln is
visiting in the city with her friend,
Miss Minnie Will.
John D. Tutt departed for Omaha
this morning, where he has some busi
ness to look after today.
Miss Florence Graham of Omaha is
visiting in the city, the guest of her
friend, Miss Violet Dodge.
Mrs. Will Rice has engaged with the
Fanger Department store as a trimmer
in the millinery department.
Mrs. Elmer Taylor was a visitor in
Lincoln this afternoon, the guest of her
sister, Mrs P. A. McClanehan.
Miss Clara Tyler was a passenger to
Omaha this morning, where she will
visit with friends for a few days.
Miss Helen Chapman returned this
morning from Lincoln, where she visit
ed over Sunday.
S.H.Atwood, of Lincoln, was looking
after some business matters in the city
J. F. Rasmusen and Carl Peterson, of
Avoca, were visitors in the city this
Earl Clark and Clayton liosencrans
are doing Omaha in the most approved
fashion this afternoon.
Albert Fricke returned to his studies
at Omaha this morning, after visiting
in the city over Sunday.
Fred Ebinger returned today to his
home at Plainview, after a week's visit
with friends and relatives here.
Fred Hess from Havelock was an
over Sunday visitor with home folks.
He is employed in the Burlington boiler
shops there.
Mrs. A. J. Clotfelter returned this
afternoon from a visit of three weeks
at Hamburg and Riverton, Iowa, and
Rockport, Missouri.
R. E. Neitzel after a visit over Sun
day departed for his home at Waterloo
this morning where he is engaged in
the banking business.
Joseph E. Wiles and wife returned
this morning from Greshem and Lincoln
where they have been visiting relatives
for a week or ten days.
Elmer Hartman and Max Adams
came in yesterday from Glenwood
where they are working and visited in
the city with relatives and friends for
the day.
Fred W. Lehnhoff and daughter, Miss
Laurene, came in yesterday morning
from Omaha and visited with Grandma
Lehnhoff and friends in the city over
Misses Hanna Bergern and Helen
Nord came in from Omaha yesterday
morning where they are attending
school and visited over Sunday with
relatives in the city.
Fremont Wheeler was a visitor over
night with his brother, Frank and wife,
and departed this morning for Omaha,
where he has some business to look
after before returning to his home at
Frank Trillity and family departed
for "their home at Havelock last even
ing, visiting here since Friday evening
with relatives and friends in the city.
Francis Shields of South Omaha was
a visitor in the city with friends over
Sunday. "Mickey" looked good to his
friends around the Journal office, where
he formerly worked.
Masters Roy and Chandler Edmonds
of Glenwood were visitors Saturday
evening with their cousin, Oliver Ed
monds, and wife, in this city, returning
home on the late train.
F. G. Ramge, of Havelock, wife and
bady, were visitors in the city over
Saturday and Saturday night returning
to their home yesterday morning on the
early Burlington train.
David and Edwin White who are at
tending the State university came in
Saturday and visited over Sunday with
their parents, returning to their studies
at the capitol city this morning.
Henry Hough, of Spalding, Iowa,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
looking after some cattle which he is
wishing to buy to improve his heard, a
guest at the home of L. L. Wiles.
Charles Coleman, traveling out of
Milwaukee for a confectionery estab
lishment, came in yesterday morning on
the Burlington and visited with his i
. ,. u.. -i.... ,t. h.Ij l
I'UIl'llia iui iiic ua) , ui'aiii"K nun
J. E. Mathews, general lumber in
spector for the Burlington system, hav
ing headquarters at Chicago, passed
through the city on his way home ;
from the west, and visited at the depot !
a few moments with his friends, W. L.
Cooper and wife, while the train
II. J. IJehrns of Weeping Water was
a visitor in the city this morning,
where he has some business in the
county court.
Miles Standish and son-in-law, A. J. j
Hansen, of Union, were visitors in the!
city this morning, looking after some
busidess matters. j
J. N. I Hiding of Omaha was a visitor
in the city this morning, looking after
some business matters relative to the
completing of the wing at the Masonic
Mrs. W. W. Tunison departed.for her
home at Malvern this morning, after
visiting in the city for a short time at
the home of her brother, Jesse Heiner
and family.
S. Baldwin was called to Hinton sta
tion, on the other side of the river this
morning, by the sickness of his mother,
Mrs. Sarah Baldwin, was is past 93
years of age.
Postmaster and Mrs. C. II. Smith
departed Saturday evening for St.
Joseph, Mo., where they went to spend
the Washington birthday holiday with
the family of R. E. Shean.
Mrs. Chas. Ahl came in this morning
from Louisville, and will visit at the
home of C. M. Foster and wife for a
short time, before departing for her
home at Wakeeney, Kansas.
Mrs. Edward Kunsman departed for
her home in Des Moines, Iowa, this
morning, after visiting in the city for
some time, and was accompanied as far
as Omaha this morning by Mrs. John
Mrs. F. W. Hager, sister of Mrs. A.
L. Tidd, and Mrs. W. T. Flemming of
Plain City, Ohio, departed this morn
ing for Mrs. Hager's home in Lincoln,
after a few days visit in the city the
guests of Mrs. Tidd and mother, Mrs.
VV. Herold.
Miss Pattie Mathews, teacher in the
public schools of this city, was called to
her home in Auburn last Saturday
evening owing to the illness Jof her
sister. Miss Mabel Sterling of Omaha
will look after Miss Matthews' depart
ment in the city schools until she re
turns. Mrs. George Beock departed for her
home last evening at Johnson, Neb.,
and in departing said that she wished
to extend to her numerous friends in
the city her sincere thanks for the
hospitable entertainment she has re
ceived while in the city.
Oscar Nystrom and sister, Miss
Josephine Nystrom, after visiting in
the city over Sunday, the guests at the
home of Gust. Johnson and wife, de
parted for their home in Omaha this
morning, where they were accom
panied by Miss Anna Johnson, who will
visit in the metropolis for a short
Miss Lillian Hatch of Jacksonville,
Illinois, departed for her home this
morning, after a five weeks visit at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. A. W. At
wood, and. was accompanied on her re
turn by Miss Lena Fricke, who will
visit with her for some time. The
young ladies will attend the "Billy
Sunday" meeting, which are in pro
gress at Springfield the state capital.
The Smile is Now a Laugh.
George Ferris, the genial tinner for
the Bauer Hardware company, who
goes whistling around with his every
day tasks and whose habit it is to
whistle off an approaching spell of the
blues and which has kept them dissi
pated from his mind like the clouds
from a clear sky, does not whistle any
more. Now we would not have you
think that any thing has happened to
our fellow townsman on the contrary
the stork made a visit to his home and
left a bright baby girl . So he laughs
now instead of smiling and when one
has a laugh coming, it is difficult to
get a pucker for a whistle.
A. Doctors
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is not
a simple cough syrup. Ic is a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
The beat kind of a testimonial
"Sold ior over sixt7 years."
Xad tT J. C. lTr Co.. TxweU. Xa
jw Buuonureri 01
hare no saerati
formulas of all
W bar no aaerata ! W. pnblish
th formulas of all our mcdioinas.
You wHI hasten recovery by t
IrtjE one of Ayer's Pills at bedti :
This Qussticn Should Be Answered
Easily by Plattsmouth Pcopic.
Which is wiser to have confidence in
the opinion.'! of your fellow-ritizen.H, of
people you know, or depend on state
ments made by utter strangers resid
ing in far-away places? Rend the fol
lowing; Mrs. Claude Butler, of il:J South 10th
street, Plattsmouth, says: "My two
little boys were troubled with a weak
ness of the kidneys and auxiliary organs.
The older child complained much of
backache and headache. We were kept
busy in trying remedies, hoping to find
something that would overcome thu
difficulties but with little success until
I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Cering &
Co. 's drug store. The use of this pre
paration soon made a marked improve
ment in both cases. It is needless to
say that our appieciation of Doan's
Kidney Pills which brought about such
positive results, is exceedingly great."
For sale by all dealers. Price 5)c.
Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name - Doan's and
take no other.
Itch cured is U0 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails
Sold by Gering & Co.. Druggists.
Lecture Given By the Glarinda
Poultry Company Last
Evening Instructive
Notwithstanding the roads were bad
and the condition of the streets very
muddy and sloppy, there was a fair
sized crowd at the court house last
evening to listen to the lecture given by
C. E. Arnold, of Clarinda, Iowa, on the
matter of poultry keeping and dairying.
The subjects were taken up in detail;
the first to receive attention was poultry
the different breeds were compared,
showing the particular traits in which
each excelled, and which was the best
general average, which the speaker
claimed was in the Plymouth Hock?,
either white or barred, with the prefer
ence being in faor of the white. Up
on the subject of dairying, the speaker
began by showing the structure and
consistancy of the soil, and the ways of
keeping it up to its full productiveness.
He showed how the continued cuitiva
tion of the land with a single crop would
in the end lose all the substance of the
soil, while the diary business would
build it up. These were illustrated by
a large number of views, as were also
the profit to be derived from a single
good cow. The lecture was in the main
very good and well received, though in
the audience were very few farmers, or
those who are in practice, following the
occupations which the discourse touched.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to any other for our children,"
says L. J. Woodbury of Twining, Mich.
"It has also done the work for U3 in
hard colds and croup, and we take
pleasure in recommending it." For sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
At Their Annual Meeting De
clared For Quarterly In
stead of Annual
. Dividends
The Plattsmouth Telephone Company
held their annual meeting on the third
of this month and declared their eighth
annual 10 per cent cash dividend and
voted unanimously to pay the dividends
quarterly hereafter, beginning on April
1st, 1908.
This new plan of paying the dividends
every three months vill please many of
the stockholders and wil! be a great in
ducement for others to invest.
Instead of having to wait till the end
of each year to receive dividends on
the stock, the company will distribute
to the stockholders the profits on Janu
ary 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, of
each year, thus making the stock a
much more desirable investment.
There is a limited amount of stock
for sale, which can be bought at par
value of $100,00 per share.
Don't wait, but call or write to T.
H. Pollock, general manager and treas
urer, Plattsmouth, and secure a few
shares of the Plattsmouth Telephone
Company stock.
Suffering and Dollars Saved
E. S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y., says;
"I am a carpenter and have had many
severe cnts healed by Bucklin's Arnica
Salve. It has saved me suffering and
dollars. It is by far the best healing
salve I have ever found." Heals bums
sores, ulcers, fever sores, eczema, and
piles. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's drug-tore.