The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1908, Image 3

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    Classified Advertisements
TAC ncrt-H ml joining rlty. m-iirly all liottoiii
html iionvi r llnw. I'alr Improvi-fiii-nl.
JimmI tt-rms Ht 5 m r cent. Surely it liarxaiii.
I.VIH iMtin fiv W.ll. Sltnonloii. Fort Scott.
KailtU. It4
Cor Sulr i Im ;ip - Fine r:iiK'li. aT-s
' !. ,4o urrt-H li-usi-il. (XJ ncre himIit plow,
siinwilli. ria-li ll:ii-k loam. .-ill fsirm liiml.i-aii In.'
ii -.! n riim li or until)' Inlo farms. I'lm- Im
provement. Seven miles to ruilroiiil For
jctri I'-u I :i r Inquire of owner. S. II. Johnson
llolyokc. Coir:ilo. .'ill
IV in lile your money iiul k ly In veM Inn In a
" farm or r.ur li In tin- famous Klklion, al
ley. Kreiit hay. stiM-k ami dairy coiiutry. Meal
i llrnatf. (lowing wells. ko1 I m proved land
W In f H) pi r arn-. unimproved land elieaper.
easy termr. I have a few choice liarKains.
Write toilay for my list. I ran make you some
money. V. I.. Ixiwe. Atkinson. Neh. 014
Fur Sale - lood sUxk and Kraln farms In An
dersoii county. Kan. J ft) to iht acre
I or description and price write and give, sle,
of farm wanted. J. K. Calvert. iarnett.Kas.
Cor Sale - Tine 3"J0 acre farmK liixsliury coun-
I ty ; 4 miles to j?oxl huslness town, railway
Junction; churclies, graded si-liool. elevators.
mill. L' 1 acres plowed, fences, k rove, deep
Mack .soil, diagram furnished on request. Ad
dress Hank of Dcsnict, Desniet. S. 1.
Ite; ti lia rnw ft if t 1 1 In t I Yj 14 flf ioll n l.r V 1
South Missouri. Cannot In; excelled for
vrain. tcrass and fruit, water and climate flue
Two main line railroads. Write Investors
Ilealty Co.. Howard Crawford. Mj?r.of l.iinds.
Aurora. Missouri. it 4
OA ft acres three and one-half miles from Neb. VJO fall wheat, all level
Small improvement, all in cultivation. 15
acres In alfalfa, price 11.000 . 640 acre sJ. 00
level, fenced, one-half In cultivation. miles
to town. Smith Slade. Neh. 514
Central Kansas land, alfalfa, and
pasture lauds. 10 to git) per acre. Write
me what you want and where you want It and
I will do the rest. N. J. Davison. l,lnco)n. K:is
llox i:w. 514
Notice We have farms of all descriptions for
sale iu largo or small tracts, the richest
Mill and the purest water. Write for full in
formation. II. A. (ilosoii -V Co.. Akron, Col.
Bargains in alfalfa, corn and wheat lands In
Ottawa county. Kits. Solomon Valley
land the best. Let us know what you want,
we Have it. A. K. Uobinson, M inneaiolis. Ks.
Stock Kaiichcs-3J0 acres Improved ranch. 200
acres in cultivation. I'lenty of water for
stock and irrigation. Open Kane for stock.
price jl I.M 0. MM cash, balance 10 years at 6
per cent Inst, tiki acres deeded land. "J0U0 acres
lease joins open ramie. This place will feed
:n heed of cattle. Trice fHi-ViH asy terms.
LV.i'i acres tleeded lard ihkI Improvements.
This is a snap lit $li per acre. 00 other har-
iraiii'i in largo and small ranches. Write us.
Sheridan Keal Kstate Co.. Sheridan. Wyo. 5t4
C ifest bank Is ir.O acres heat ami corn in
Kuril count V. Kansas, that pnxiuces
bushels win at and M bushels com on 10 to
.V lands, no safer, licttcr paying investment.
l'ih! dim ite. soil and water, l'rices advanc
ing --description and price list furnished on
application. Co-opt rat ion solicited. Satis
faction guaranteed, personal resionsibility
-s.,.t! Hj I,. painter .V Co.. limine City. Ks.
D.mUc County Tor list of land for sale in
IkmI'c county: business and residence
property in Fremont, with larc inaiiufactur
iuK and jobbing interests, good schools, good
everything, write Kichards. Keene ."t Co.
Fremont. Ncl. ."it4
efore buying or selling a farm or any prop
erty, read Jlunson s Keal restate Journal.
Wayne. Neb. Sample copy 10c. one year 51. 5t4
Vuu should know alxiut Oklahoma farms. In
formation free. tieo. h. Marsh. Arapaho.
Ukla. ot4
Ufest Texas lands near "Orient" railway sur-
" vey. buy before prices advance, two to live
'dollars pep acre, easy terms, ideal climate.
tine chance for investment. Box 111. Fort
.Stocton. Texas. 5t4
Lots of South l'latte people are buying lands
in Antelope county. Nebraska. Why? Ke
en use our crops never fail, we have no hot
winds, no drouth, plenty of rain, grass, corn,
-oats, alfalfa, good land land as the South
l'latte for half the money. Write today for
"red folder." it tells something worth know
ing. tJttaranty Title & Trust Co.. Xeligli.
Nelr ft4
ftvid. Col. Coming sugor city, in the heart of
v J ulesburg irrigation district, on raliroau,
just platted, over 30 lots sold lias store, post
office, lunilier yard, smith shop, hotel. Lots
for sale 30 to flOO. U cash. Morgan Invest
ment Co.. Fort Morgan. Col. 3t4
Wanted t.ood industrious men to co-operate
with us in selling central Kansas land.
Mollohan Land Co.. Peabody. Ks. 5t4
Central Kansas Wheat Farms offer an abso
lutely safe investment. Lands in liusli
county range in price from 515 to 535 an acre
owing to location and improvements. Here
are some snaps: 320 acres all in
buildings, clone to Co. seat. 59.000. ItM) acres
all under cultivation, no buildings. 54.000 : 500
acre Ivottom farm, good improvements. 530
per acre. 90 acres in wheat all Included. Have
been located here tweuty years and will put
you next to the best bargains in the county
Write for list. Reference if desired. Jas. H.
Little. The Kush Co. I .and Man. Lacrosse.
Kans. 5t4
Cf acres fine black soil, ninety acres
Dv smooth sixty acres In
house on land, goixl roads. 8 miles to county
seat. 510. easy terms. Write for list. Ii. .1.
Alexander. Stockville. Neb. 5t4
dnflM lalf cash, balance time, buys HW
v. IUUU :u.res eautiful level unimproved
wheat land in Kearney county. Kus.. located
in German settlement close to school aud
mail route. C. A. lAiucks (Owner). I. akin.
Kans. at 4
Quarter .section 4 miles from Page, hundred
acres under cultivation, grove, house,
barn, granary. well and windmill. 530 per acre
l000cash. Address owner. Ijx-k Box 3. Plain
view. Neb. 't4
Surpassingly rich lands In the rain belt that
yield rental of 25 per cent and rapidly
double In value. Climate ideal, summers
cooler than in Nebraska. Taxes low. Both
rail and water transportation. Kapidly set
tling up. Klce. sugar, hemp, ramie tobacco,
corn, alfalfa, clover.wheat. oats, cotton.fruit.
vegetables, chufas, live stock, poultry, bees,
etc For desbriptive price lists and most in
teresting and Instructive literature you ever
read, write today.
Southwestern Itnd Iievelopnient Co..
7u Bay City. Texas.
fH finn Acres of wheat now growing In
OU(UUU Lane county, situated In the west
ern half of Kansas. Land fT.50 to . Cor
respondence solicited. .
7t4 E. E. Ewlng. Dighton. Kansas.
Mr. Investor Mr. Kenter. Why not buy a
Colorado Home in Washington county?
Where farms produce twice as much with
half the Litlmr and Land istheap Chance of
your life to get a good home where one crop
will pay for it. lo It now. Take the Burling
ton Route to Akron. Colorado, where we have
choice level lands for sale, that will produce
w heat, corn, alfalfa, barley and all kinds of
binall grain and live slock. F.xcursloiis first
and third Tuesdays of each month.
Hopkins Keal Kstate & Ixan Co..
'. 1 1 A k roll, Colorado.
Ifid Arr,'H ninlcr prTioscd ditch. 40 acres
now in wheat. I mile from freight switch
20 miles of Denve r. Fenced. 52.5CO.00 buys It.
Half cash, other land bargains.
IH4 H. F. Palmer. Bennett. Colo.
To the Hoiueseeker and Land Investor: Your
name and address will bring you by re
turn mail our late special real estate chart,
showing beautiful panoramic view of Colby
(county seat of Thomas county, Kansas) also
photographs of steam plow and improved
farms, with fvll description, prices and terms.
The greatest bargains anil most beautiful
lay Ing productive land on earth. Wheat has
yielded 5f bushels per acre. Present acreage
per capita Is forty -two acr"s. Present con
dition of crop Is 100 per cent. Write us today.
One cent stamp will lead you to happy home
and fortune. John Ackard & Sou. Keal Kstate
and lans, Colby. Kansas. 7t4
The next 60 days will offer 4000 acres good
clay land as in this state, in tracts to suit,
for $20 per acre. Five years time. I m proved
farms accordingly. Write A. M, Tempi In.
Palmer. Neb. 7t4
A Bargain: 20 acre Improved farm in the
corn belt; 4 miles to good It, K. town; 2
miles to one Catholic and one Protestant
church. $ri() mt acre. Write Burdette V. Gill.
Chillicothe, Mo. 7t4
For Sale A section of good tillable land In
Lincoln county. Nebraska. forSH per acre.
Twelve hundred dollars can stand on land.
Address. Jay M. Itlley. Iawrence, Neb. 10t4
Send for Bulletin containing over 100 well im
proved farms 25 to 75 miles to SU i'aul.
Minnesota. Biggest bargain list out. Located
In great dairy district. K. Akerson.
Htl Linstrun. Minn.
Bargains in Nebraska Kanches Come out
and see what I have. 1 am sure you will something that will suit you. This is a
line stock and dairy country, rich, black,
sandy loam soil, in the valleys. I can locate
you on 840 acres homestead. My charges are
reasonable. If you are renting, w hy not build
up a home of your own. Write for full Infor
mation to J. C. Berina. Whitman. Neb. 10t4
len Acre farm one mile east of Darr. Neb..
IOU which is a town on the main line of the
I'll ion Pacific, in Dawson county. Nebraska,
with a good 3 room house, barn for six horses,
well. etc. so acres under plow. Including 25
acres of alfalfa, meadow. HO acres in wild
grass, which Is all good land and as level as a
floor, there Is 30 acres of fall wheat on farm
which goes with the sale. There is no sand on
this farm, all good hard soil. The price on this
farm until a week ago was5ti.000 but the owner
has planned to go to the Pacific coast this
spring, and tells us to cut it loose at 5I.S00.
There Is 51.000 mortgage on the farm which
can be carried or paid oil'. Land unimproved
adjacent to this is listed at 550.00 per acre.
Come ami look at this and we will convince
you that this is worth the money. Possession
given March 1st. l'.KiS.
The. I. L. Mil. hell Keal Kstate Co.
Iit2 Lexington. Neb.
Rvipture Cured
by the latest and most scientific met hod known.
No injection of jKiison: no loss of time: no hos
pital: no pain, no knife: no truss. Thousands
Our patients after taking treatment, have
successfully passed the most severe and trying
tests. Come to us ami lie a new man again.
Call for consultation or write for booklet.
532 Broadway. - - Council Bluffs, la
Farms for Sale.
Farm for sale In South Dakota 160
acres in Hand county in cultivation.
A snap 20 dollars per acres. Adress
Ad. van Hoorebecke,
Box 352, Omaha, Neb.
The Wonderful
Big Horn
I have a selected list of irrigated
farms in the Basin for rent; why
not rent for a year or two and learn
the profits from irrigated farming
in the Basin, and become acquaint
ed with the climate and desirability
of settling in that region? We also
help you homestead irrigated lands,
or to buy them at prices that will
make your money. Millions of dol
lars are now being spent irrigating
Basin lands. Homeseekers excur
sions first and third Tuesdays of
1908. Write D. Clem Deaver, Gen
eral Agent, Landseekers' Informa
tion Bureau, Omaha.
Homeseekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado, Wyom
ing, Big Horn Basin, Northwest,
Southwest and South; Winter Tour
ist Rates daily to Florida, the Gulf
Country, the South and Southern
California. Ask Agent, or the un
dersigned for rates and details.
L. . VIKELET, 9. 1. 1. aka.
Legal Notice
I In the District County of I "ass County, Ne-
Lucy May Fuller Plaintiff
W illiam II. Fuller Defendant
To William II. Fuller lioil-icsiilenl itefeliil
nut: N oit are hereby notitieil that on the 24th
day of February. I'.iO. Lucy May Fuller Hied a
ix tllioii atrainsl you in the District Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce finni you on
the ground of extreme cruelty null failure to
supiMirt and maintain plaintiff, and ti lie re
stored to her inalileu name.
You are required to answer said lictitlon on
or lie fine Monday the 13th lay of April I'.ms.
Lucy May Fuller.
By A. N. Sullivan.
her Attorney.
Referees Sale.
In Idstrlct Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
Not Ice Is hereby given that on the 1st day of
April, l'jw. at the hour of ten o'clock a. in., at
the front door of the court house, in the city
of Plattsmouth, In Cass county, Nebraska, the
undersigned Keferees will sell to t he highest
bidder at public sale for cash the following de
scribed real estate, to-wit:
The West Half of the Southeast Quarter of
Section (Is). Township (10). Kange (IJ). and all
of that part of the Northeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter of Section (lit). Township
(10). Kange (IS), lying east of the right of way
tif the Missouri Pacific Kail road Company,
through said Northeast Quarterof the North
west Quarter aforesaid, situate In Cass county,
Nebraska. Said sale having lieen ordered by
the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In a suit wherein Henry West lake, .lobn West
lake, and Fred Westlake are plaintiffs, and
Samuel Westlake. Hannah Heehner. and
(Jeorge Westlake. et are defendants. Terms
of sale will lie cash and sale will be kept oim-ii
at least one hour.
A msdell Sheldon
William C. Wollen
II. i. Wellensiek.
lot." Keferees.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage, dated on the istli day of
June. I A rr. and duly filed in the ottice of the
county clerk of Cass county, Nebraska, on the
isth day of Jtine.lM)7. and executed by William
II. Lair to A. S. Will to secure the payment of
Two Hundred Eighty-One and tiM-100 (issi.iis)
Hollars, and uimn which there Is now due the
sum of Two Hundred Ninety-Six and t7-KH)
(J".lii.7 Hollars. Hefault having lieen made
in the payment of said sum, and no suit or
other proceedings at law having lieen insti
tuted to recoversaid debt or any part thert-of,
therefore I will sell the property therein de
scriiied. tt-wit:
One Iron gray mare, aliout seven years old.
weight aliout 1.0(H) iiounds. named "Dolly" and
known as"Warga" mare and branded "Q" on
right side of neck and 74 on right hip:
One iron gray horse aliout eight years old.
weight aliout I l'i jiounds. named "Ned" and
known as "Long" horse, and branded "Q" on
left shoulder, and partially 1'lind in left eye:
also one top buggy wit Ii red running gears and
one double set buggy harness, at public auction
at comer Main aud Fourth streets In the City
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the 21st day of
March, at two o'clock P. M .. of said day.
A. S. Wn.u
Mort gagee.
Will Sell Many Fine Cattle.
R. E. Countryman & Sons will hold
their sale of fine Herefords Saturday,
February 20th, as advertised in this is
sue. Be sure and read the notice in
this issue and attend the sale if you are
in the business of raising or selling fine
stock. The sale will be by auction and
will cantain a large number of very fine
The Plattsmouth Telephone Company
has nearly 200 stockholders, all well
pleased with the stock and many of
them buying more.
Willie Ofe who has been so sick for
some days past is reported as slightly
improved and is hoped will soon be able
to be up again.
Mrs. Chas. Neligh, after an extended
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. York, departed for her home at
Wisner, this state, today.
Herman Kleitsch, after looking after
some business matters in the city last
evening and this morning, departed for
Omaha on the early Burlington train.
Henry Kurtz, wife and child departed
for their home at Lincoln this after
noon, after having been in the city at
tending the funeral of his brother.
Frank Hawksworth, came in last even
ing on the late Burlington train and vis
ited, with his parents over night and
this morning, returning home today.
W. A. Laughlin, of Greenwood, was
a business visitor in the city this morn
ing, having some business at the court
house, returning home on the fast mail
Miss Grace Gilbert and Mrs. Jacob
Gustie departed this afternoon for Oma
ha, their home, having been in the city
attending the funeral of John J. Kurtz
Frank Kroehler, of Havelock was i
visitor in the city yesterday evening,
being in attendance at the funeral and
looking after some business in the city
Lip Punctured By Nail
Last evening while unloading some
express from train number two of the
Burlington, Harry Pein, an employe at
the station received a peculiar accident,
in which a nail punctured his upper
lip, just below his nose. He was as
sisting in unloading a box, it being re
moved from the car to the truck, there
being a loose board, which when the
box struck the truck in its decent, was
thrown up by the jar, the nail striking
Harry on the hp going through the hp,
and striking the bone beneath. The
wound while small and presents but
small evidence of injury from the out
side, is a very sore one.
Grandpa Wynn Feeling Better
Wm. Wynn sr. is feeling much bet
ter during the last few days, and is so
he can sit up and be around the house,
but is not so he can be out yet. With
the return of warn pleasant weather it
is hoped he will be so he can be down
town again in a few days.
A represeotative in this county
by a large real estate corporation
Special inducements to those who
wish to become financially inter
The Real Estate -Security Co.,
Fort Detrborn Building, CMcigo, Illinois;
Mvird ock-
(Hy (i. A. els.)
Corrected weekly by Martin V TV)',
wlin pay the. highest prices for pnduci
and guarantee satisfaction:
Butter m-
Kggs ls;
Hens so
Springs TC
Cream , Itiw
Cattle tZ.M) to&;.iu
Hog SL7."
Corn 47c
Wheat nic
Oats 4c
Rock Island Timk Tablk
Murdock Station.
No. 85, local freight 8:.'J0a. m.
No . mail 2:M) p. nr
No. 37, mail 5:53 p. m.
No does not stop for passegers east
of Denver.
No. 94, freight 12:30 a. m.
No. 18, Local 12:30 p. m.
No. 6, mail 3:00 p. m.
No. 86, local freight 11:95 p. m.
No. G does not stop lor passe d per s
west of DesMcins
Esco Ridgeway of Lincoln, visited
his father here several days of last
Roger Brothers of this place shipped
a carload of hogs to South Omaha Mon
day. .John Ridgeway visited in Omaha
Wm. and Herman Luetchens shipped
a car of hogs to South Omaha Monday.
The Misses Anna Goehry and Katie
Amgwert visited in Lincoln Monday.
W. O. Schewe transacted business in
Omaha Monday.
The section foreman had five extra
men last week to help shovel snow.
Mat Thimgan and family returned on
Wednesday of last week from an ex
tended visit in Colorado and other
western points of interest.
Mrs. II. Westlake is visiting relatives
in Lincoln at present.
Wm. Heineman and wife departed
for South Dakota Thursday, where they
expect to make their future home.
A couple of our citizens got into an
argument Friday evening, and judging
from the looks of one of the parties
eyes, he must have been sandbagged,
for he is now wearing one of those hood
winks that won't come ofi".
Aug. Roseno is now assisting Emil
Kuehn in the local tonsorial parlors.
The box social given at the Pawnee
school house Friday evenig was a suc
cess. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Gillespie trans
acted business in Omaha Friday.
Quite a number of our young folks at
tended the dance at Elmwood Friday
The following parties visited at South
Bend Monday: Chas. Rager, Ole Carr,
Chas. Long and Merle McDonald.
Wm. Bourke shipped a car of stock
from this place to South Omaha Tues
day. Members of the Elmwood High school
are figuring on giving one of their home
talent plays in the M. W. A. hall at
this place in the near future.
From the Ledger.
E. M. Smith left on Wednesday
night for Independence, Mo., for the
Durnose of buying some more fine
thoroughbred hogs to add to his al
ready excellent herd.
Matt McQuinn went to Omaha Wed
nesday evening to see his wife, who is
being treated in one of the hospitals,
and reports that she is getting along
remarkably well.
Henry Sands, who resides near Mur
ray, returned last Friday from Milford,
where he had spent a few weeks in a
hospital recovering from the effects of
an operation that had been performed
for appendicitis.
J. L. Wilcox, who recently located
on the Lamcaster farm just north of
town, was one the happiest of people
Saturday, because his wife arrived
from Tecumseh to join him in their
new home bringing also a fine little
son, born Jan. 18. Mrs. Wilcox's
sister, Miss Madge Robb, of Tecumseh,
came with her to make an extended
David Slagle went to Lincoln on the
Sunday evening train to visit his wife,
who has been in the asylum the past
few months. He thinks he will secure
employment in Lincoln and remain
there until his wife is discharged from
the asylum, which he hopes will be in
the uear future, as she is reported to
be improving in mind and general
We have received news of the death
of one of our boyhood friends, Melvin
Case, (familiarly known as Hun Case)
whose death occurred Feb. 10, at
White Salmon, Wash., but no further
particulars have been received. A num
ber of years ago" his home was near
Rock Bluffs and he with his mother and
brothers resided there many years, un
til about fifteen years ago when they
moved to the Pacific coast. It was in
those old Rock Bluff days that we
knew "Hun" Case as one of our best
and most intimate friends and appre
ciated his worth as such.
lECJflTE Mil
The Old Senators Started to Have Fun With
the Indian Statesman, but lie Knew
Whereof lie Spoke and Won
the Gallery Applause.
A special from Washington under
date of February 25 Bays: Robert L.
Owen, the Oklahoma Indian senator, is
the hit of the legislative year. He
smashed the Henate tradition which
prescribed that a new senator must sit
quietly for a year before delivering a
set speech and in accomplishing the
feat he compelled not only good atten
tion, but the oldest senators turned in
their seats to face him.
Senator Owen discussed the Aldrich
currency bill in the careful, painstaking
way that characterized the set speeches
of the senators of long service. Jeff I
Davis of Arkansas made a speech after
a service of three or four days, but
Davis was a joke. Moreover, the big
galleries which came to hear the Arkan
san went away disappointed and the
Senate itself was bored, tired and dis
gusted. Davis is anexploded "phenom, "
as they say in baseball circles, and
never again will attract a handful of
Washingtonians to the galleries.
The Hazing Didn't Work.
Owen came with only a minimum I
amount of advertising. It was a piece
of daring work for him to speak at all
and his salvation lies in the fact that he
had studied his subject and proved that
his knowledge of it was more than
superficial. There were not more than
a handful of senators in their seats
when Senator Owen began to talk. He
laid a premise which indicated a severe
arraignment of the Aldrich bill and it
soon became apparent that the senators
would try to haze him. Smith of Michi
gan, himself rather new to the Senate,
but of long Congressional experience,
began the intended hazing process.
Senator Owen had approved the Okla
homa law guarateeing bank depositors
and Senator Smith wanted to know if
the Oklahoma senator was not aware
that this plan had been tried by various
states and abondoned.
"If the senator will cite a specific
The Mortal Remains of John J. Kurtz
Laid to Rest in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Yesterday afternoon witnessed the
celebrating of the last sad rites over
the remains of John J. Kurtz, who ac
cidentally took a dose of poison, think
ing it something else, and from which
death resulted in a short time.
John J. Kurtz was born in Avoca,
Wisconsin, living then with his parents
for the first fifteen years of his life,
then coming to Plattsmouth in 1887,
some twenty-one years ago. He at
tended school for a short time after
coming here, and worked on the brick
yard for a number of years, going to
railroading a few years afterwards, en
tering the Burlington shops at this place,
from where he was sent out on the road
firing. By a strict application to the
duties required he was advanced rapidly
and has been running an engine for a
number of years. During the last few
years he has been making Lincoln his
home, running out of that place. The
deceased had just come in from a run
when he made the fatal mastake in tak
ing the poison which ended his life.
As a citizen well up in his line and
highly respected by all who knew him,
a large number of his friends and ac
quaintances came from Lincoln to pay
their last respects to his memory. The
services at the cemetery were conducted
by Rev. J. H. Salsbury, and were wit
nessed by a large number of friends,
both from Lincoln and this place.
The deceased leaves, besides his aged
father, Adam Kurtz, sr., four brothers,
Henry, Adam, jr., Will and Chas., and
one sister, Lizzie, a wife and two small
daughters. Mr. Kurtz was a member
of the Ancient Order of United Work
men, in which he carried an insurance
of $2,000. In the losing of this citizen,
there has been taken from his family a
loving and devoted husband, and an in
dulgent and kind-hearted father, the
community has lost a upright and hon
orable gentleman and the Burlington an
efficient and trusted employe. His
memory will be cherished by all who
knew him, as one whom all respected.
If you suffer with indigestion, consti
pation, feel meanand cross, no strength
or appetite, your system is unhealthy.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes
the system strong and healthy. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets. For sale by Gering &
Co., druggists.
case I will try to answer him," replied
Senator Owen.
"The case of New York," answered
Senator Smith.
"That law was passed in lS.'0,and re
pealed in 1842, "answered Senator Owen.
"It took a week or ten days to get a
letter from Buffalo to New York and a
week or ten days to get it back. There
was neither telephone nor telegraph and
the traveling was largely done by stage
or on horseback. The senator surely is
not serious when he insists upon apply
ing the business methods of 1810 with
those of 1908."
Dolliver Tried it, Too.
Senator Dolliver had a try at Senator
Owen and backed away, and so did
Flint, Smooth and Hopkins and Aldrich.
In a colloquy with Senator Hopkins the
galleries clearly showed their sympathy
with the Oklahoman by applaud, and it
is against the Senate rules to applaud.
Senator Owen insisted that his substi
tute for the Aldrich bill, prohibiting
banks from making loans for speculative
purposes with stock or bonds as collater
al, would preserve the banks from the
menace of stock gambling.
"Then, if a man came to you and
asked for a loan and told you he intend
ed to purchase stock with it to hold for
a raise, you wouid refuse?" asked Sen
ator Hopkins.
"I certainly would," replied Senator
This impressed the galleries as being
safe and sane banking and they cheer
ed. Just to show that Senator Owen
and the galleries were right and Sen
ator Hopkins wrong, Senator Nelson of
Minnesota, who also dislikes the Aid
rich bill, asketl permission to interrupt
Senator Owen. The Minnesota sen
ator read from a recent article by
Lyman J. Gage, ex-Secretary of the
Treasury, who said that it was a prac
tice of his bank not only to inquire
for what purpose a loan was asked, and
if it was for stock speculation to de
cline to make it.
At the Home of Geo. Halmes, North
west of the City Rev. Lang
horst Officiating.
At three thirty yesterday afternoon,
at the home of George Halmes, about
seven miles northwest of the city, oc
curred a quiet wedding, where the con
tracting parties were John Nicholas
Beck, who has lived in this county for
the past eighteen years, having came
from Germany, and lived in the neigh
borhood during his residence in America.
The bride. Miss Johnana Augusta Emile
Tiws, came to this country about six
months since.
The groom has been frugal and in
dustrious during his life in this country
and has a farm upon which he has just
built a house andfurnished it for the re
ception of -his bride. The wedding
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. F.
Longhorst, according to the beautiful
ritual of the St. Paul Evangelical church
in the presence of a number of friends
of the contracting parties. After the
ceremony and congratulations, the
happy couple and guests sat down to a
sumptuous wedding dinner which all
enjoyed. The newly married couple
will not take a wedding trip at present
but will begin houskeeping immediately
at the new home. The Journal joins
their many friends in wishing them a
pleasant journey through life.
The Jumping Off Place
"Consumption had me in its grasp,
and I had almost reached the jumping
off place, when I was advised to try
Dr. King's New Discovery and I want
to say right now, it saved my life. Im
provement began with the Jfirst bottle
and after taking one dozen bottles I
was a well and happy man again,"
says George Moore of Grimesland, N.
C. As a remedy for coughs and colda
and a healer of weak, sore lungs and
for preventing pneumonia is supreme.
50c and $1 at F. G. Fricke & Co's.
Trial bottles free.
Lands for Sale.
In Lincoln, Logan, Keith, Deuel, Chey
enne and Kimball counties, Neb., east
ern Colorado and Wyoming. Special
rates to land buyers.
Frank Stanley,
Special Sales Agent Union Pacific
Lands, Plattsmouth, Neb.