Murray Department. (Public SaiSe! I faearwi i-im;!i:i:i in mik intkuksts or the ikoilk of mijrhay and vicinity ksimccially foi: the journal he a deus. fiim of the nti'ler of the. Journal know of a social erentor an item of interest in this vicinitu ami irill mail same to this office it null apiear muter this hendiiuj. 117; n:it -it all ili nut of interest. Ktlitor Journal. 8 3C DC PARMELE. Cashier. FRED L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President GLEN BOEDEKER, Cashier. sident. Vj 8 H Rflurray X Under N s ft ft ft ft ft State Bankq ew Managements 5 8 Solicits the continued good will and healthy patronage from the people of Murray and vicinity. We are here to ac commodate the patrons of the hank, and effort shall he extended in our endeavor to make this hanking house a friend of yours in every particular. Yours for Future Business. ! Murray State Bank b Mvirray, WebrecsJkac. Jj Mr. Archie Holmes has been under Ihe weather since his return from New York. ClauJe Everett from near Union was attending to business in Murray Fri day. Xn. Chas. Carrol left last week for l'la in view, where he went to buy a f a nr. . Oil your harness now. John Cok is he mat; that knows how to do it. See him at o::ee. The people of Murray : trying to iri".ue love to the ice i:.aker. Jack Fits', these days. Miss: Margie Walker went to Platts niouth Saturday, where she will spend a week with friends. (Kir ro;renial lnenu Mr. John 1 ha- -er ; from L'berty preeinct was calling frietiJ; la-t Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Brown .accompanied by Hi::. Allison, attended the play in Plattsmouth, Saturtlay evening. I Kr.iss who has been suffering for j the j :it ten days with appendicitis, is ' .much te ter at the last reports. .Mi . Alber Lillie of Flattsmoth has; ieevi s;er.dincr the week with her 1 .mot! ?'. Mis. Win. Hendricks. Now n the time to oil your harness. ; 'Take tkerr, to John Cook and he will the job to be done right. ha-. :-'tone, our former cashier, re- ; turned from Spaulding Monday, where i lie went to look over a business proposi- : lion. ! The West Rock Bluffs republican primary meeting last week unanimously ! endorsed Taft for candidate for preai- t deat. I Mrs. Tony Augustine, who has been j visiting her mother, Mrs. Beckman re- turned to her home in South Omaha j Monday. j i Mrs. Laura Kennedy will entertain the ladies of Oak Leaf camp 4842 Mon- j iay afternoon, February 24th. Please j bring thimbles. Phil. Lambert has just about com pleted his home in east Murray, and will soon move in his family. He will have a nice cozy home. j Ina Davis of Union was a vis- j itor with her friend, Miss Margery I Walker, south of the city during the j Jirst part of the week. Earl Jenkins is moving his house lioki goods to Murray, where he will make his home, being employed by W. I'.. Jenkins . Co. as clerk. ian church of Murray, will give an oyster supper at the Woodman hall Saturday night, February 22. 1S08. All -ire invited to attend. j The deep snow blockaded all roads j leading to Murray. A good many farm-! ers sold their corn for fif ty cents on a j iJirt delivery and are afraid that the roads will prevent delivery on time. Ham Chalfant, son of Wm. Chalfant, living five miles southeast of town is seriously sick with pneumonia at the home of George Ray. Miss Elmer, .a trained nurse from the Nurses Club of Omaha came in Wednescay to attend him. There 13 a" reason for everything, even stones. The corn plowhing story comes in its season, the harvesting story in the hot days of summer, the corn husking story in the late fall and winter, but now is the supreme time for the man with a snow-drift story. He has tripped over the tip-top point of some tall church steeply as he was coming along onto one of his snow-drift and later come to where the snow is not so deep and fall through the chim ney of a three story building and crawls out though the grate like Santa Claus to the gleeful welcome of the children. Vesuvius is a mole hill to the snow drifts he has seen. A Tin Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spangler, who reside three and one half miles east of Manley, celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary on last Sunday, February lGth. The affair was one of great plea sure to all in attendance, and the genu ine shower of tin brought by the many visiting friends and relatives was much in evidence, and many useful articles were left as a rememberance of the most pleasant occasion. An excellent dinner was served at the noon hour, and the civ. ire day spent in a most enjoyable manner. Following were those in at tendance: Chas. Spangler and wife, sr.. Peter Spangler and wife and fam ily. Fred Spangler, wife and family, Chas. cfj. angler jr., and wife, Lewis Stander, wife and family, John Murray, wife and fan.ily, David Murray, wife and family. 1. C. W. Murray and wife, Jesse Livingston and wife, Cyrus Liv ingston and wife. Will Spangler, John Spangler, Miss Lizzie Edward and Christopher Murray. Guy and Albert Murray, and Mrs. Parker, of Dorchester. Birthday Surprise At the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos Cook, a merry crowd gathered on the 16th. last Sunday, to spend the day in a genuine good old fashioned way, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of Mr. Cook, and the cele bration was given in his and Mrs. A. H. Weichel's honor, who resides in Elmwood. The affair was planned by the relatives and was carried to a most successful end in every particular. The merry visitors with well filled baskets gathered early in the day, and at the customary hour an excellent dinner was served to which all did ample justice. The afternoon was spent in various lines of music and social con versation. The present were: Mrs. A. H. Weichel and two daughters, Miss Pearl and Fern, of Elmwood; Mrs. W. D. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vallery and daughter, Marjory, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Cole and Opal, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wiles and little Delores, Percy Wheeler, Harry Cook, of Ord; Carl and Ray Cole, Charlie Morning and Joe Wheeler. Another Wedding. Mr. Roy Shrader, son of Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Shrader of Nehawka, and Miss Dorthea Penneker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Renneker of Beaver City, Nebraska, were united in marriage Sunday evening, February 16. Mr. Shrader is well known here and highly respected. Miss Dorthea is one of the most highly respected young ladies in Beaver City. Rev. Russel said ;the words that joined the happy hearts together. The Tribune extends congratulations to Mr. Shrader and his bride and wishes them happiness and prosperity through life. Beaver City Tribune. Death of Mrs. Chas. Lyman It was a great surprise to the peo ple of Weeping Water when the news came last Sunday afternoon that Mrs. Joyce Davis Lyman was dead. Her ill ness was of short duration, except that she has been afflicted with lung trou ble for about three years contracted while on her claim in South Dakota. A few days previous to her death she was bedfast from a hard cold. Her husband who was at Venango, making prepar tion to go to house keeping, was sent for and arrived Saturday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lyman were married in Omaha, Dceember 26, 1907, and they came back to Mrs. Lyman's parents near Nehawka the following day. She did not leave the home place except for a visit with relatives here until her death, but they expected to get located in Venango as soon as pos sible. The funeral was set for this Wednes day, at one o, clock p. m. at the home, and as deceased was a believer in Chris tian Science it was expected that she would be buried with that service, and interment made in Mt. Pleasant cemet ery. On account of the storm the funeral was latter postponed until Thursday. The many friends of the husband, and family of deceased, deeply sym pathize with them, knowing that words fail to comfort only as expressing their love for the dear departed, and those bereaved. Weeping Water Republican. Oxford Items. John Urish and son, Henry, attended the sale at Wm. Dunn's in Weeping Water. A surprise party was given Saturday evening at the home of John Gregory. It was the birthday of Leslie Gregory. Mrs. Fred Schafer is spending a few days at the home of her parents, near Cedar Creek. A program is being prepared for the box social to be given at Oxford school, February 22nd. All are cordially in vited to attend. 1 Miss Vesta Eaton, teacher of the Ox ford school, spent Saturday and Sun day at her home in Plattsmouth. Adam Schafer attended to some busi ness in the county seat Saturday. Mrs. F. Spriegel and son visited in Murray Friday afternoon. August Engelkemeier made a trip to Weeping Water Saturday. He attend ed sale at Mr. Dunn's while there. We are glad to be able to say that Misses Rosa Schafer and Lena Engel kemeierwho were sick with the grippe, are able to be out again. Don't forget the "Washington Box Social" February 22nd, at Oxford school house. James W. Smith Dies at Ong. Will S. Smith of Murray returned home last evening from Ong, this state, where he was called by the death of his father, James W. Smith, who died a few days ago at that place. Mr. Smith sr., was well along in the seventies, and has been in poor health for some time. His wife died about two years ago. He leaves six children to mourn his death, four girls and two boys. The younger son and youngest daughter were living at home caring for the aged parent, while two daughters are married and living in Ong, and the re maining one is married to a man named Bankson, living in Illinois. The other son, Will S. Smith, of Murray, is en gaged in the mercantile business in company with J. W. Holmes. Obituary. ueorere uilbert Mason was Born in Tama county, Iowa, April 19, 1870, and died in Mynard, Nebraska, February 13, 1908. His parents moved from Iowa to Nebraska when George was about fif teen years of age. He has live in Fil more county and in York the greater part of the time since. When about twenty years of age he united with the Fairview Methodist Episcopal church. He was married to Miss Maggie Marler July the 16, 1903. The funeral services wei e conducted by the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Mynard at 2 p. m. Saturday, February 15. His wife, one little son, his father and mother, Mr and Mrs Albert Mason of York, and three sisters survive him. Omaha Indians Will be Upon Us John C. York returned last evening from Omaha, where he visited the Ind ians of that place. Mr. York went as a special represetative, bearing good tid ing to the Improved Order of Redmen at both Omaha and South Omaha, giv ing them a special personal invitation to come to Plattsmouth on the 28th of February, when there will be a social dance given by the Missouri Tribe, No 69, at Coates' Hall. Mr. York has the promise of many of the members of Tribes No 18 at North Omaha and 39, at South Omaha, that they will be here in great numbers, and at the appointed time will have a grand time. For sale A number of registered rthorn bulls. H. G.Tcdd, Murray. Buys Two Good Dogs Wm. Kitzel and Chas. Johnson, jr., from Alvo, who have been visiting at the home of Wade Porter for the past few days, returned home today. Mr. Porter took them to Plattsmouth, and there they took the train for home. While here they formed an attachment for a couple of Wade's fine dogs, and consequently both canines will find a new home out at Alvo. Depart for Mexico. Edward and John Mauer departed this afternoon for Clayton, New Mexico where they have homesteads, and where they go to make their homes. They will be followed in a few weeks by their parents and the remainder of the family. They have in all, three home steads. Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing. John Durman has opened up a black- j smithing and repair shop on J. T. Por ter farm south of Murray. He makes horseshoeing a specialty. He will be pleased to have all parties desiring any thing in this line to call and see him. Perplexing Problem Threatens The railway commission has received a letter from a prominent railroad man in which the statement is made that T. E. Spens, of the Burlington, is going about over the state working up senti ment in favor of a bill which he intends to have introduced in the next legisla ture. Mr. Spens is placed in the atti tude of representing that all of the rail roads in Nebraska will support the bill. The writer of the letter desires the commission to understand that his road has taken no nuch stand on the pro posed measure, but if the commission desires the bill passed he will give the matter due consideration and perhaps do all in his power to get the bill pass ed. He says the measure which Mr. Spens is pushing is copied from an old English statute which provides that if any woman obtains a promise of mar riage by the use of paint, powder, false hair, manufactured smiles or the use of padding of the figure, in such cases the promise and the marriage, if any mar riage has been performed, shall be null and void. Secretary Clark Perkins will submit the matter to the members of the commission. Lincoln News. Deutsche Krartzchen Meet The Deutschen Kranzchen met in re gular session yesterday afternoon at the home of Rev. J. F. Ianghorst, the guest of Miss Marie Langhorst, who is a member of the society, They pursu ed their regular studies in German, and devoted a portion of the time to a dis cussion in German, after which delight ful refreshments were served, and all departed for home having thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon. LOOK! HERE IS A SNAP! A sec ond hand piano for sale cheap. In good condition. For further information call on or write Chas. S. Stone, Murray, Neb. Hay For Sale. Plenty of prairie hay (baled) for sale at reasonable price, if taken soon. Sev en miles west of Murray and 5 miles east of Manley, on the Walker section W. J. Ranard. For Sale. A number of registered Shorthorn buhs. H. G. Todd, Murray, Neb. Baled Hay For Sale Good baled hay. For price and particulars see T. J. Rhoden. This May Interest You No one is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Land for Sale Anyone wanting to locate in Lincoln county can secure some good bargains by seeing me. Chas. Piper. Farm for Sale! One of the best 160 acre farms in Cass county for sale. ' Improvements are ex tra good. Six room house and good barn to hold 50 tons of hay and 18 head of horses. One and one-half miles east of the Wills place. John Urish, Owner. Having miU'd mv farm. 1 will srll at public auction, 42 mile n rthuv.-t of Nehawka, 1 milr wi st of ( t terbein cbuivh, on THSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 08 miwnna Commencing at 10 o'clcok a. m. toyman 19 Head of Horses and Mules Ranging in Weight from 10O0 to 1400 lbs. 10 --Mead off Caltle-IO Consisting of Cows, Calves and Heifers. Full Line of Farm Machinery! p D n1 CT $10.00 and under, cash. Over 10.00 a credit of 6 I wi 7 (o 12 months on bankable note, bearing H percent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. Z. V. SHRADER, Owner. Wm. Dunn, Auctioneer. D. C. West, Clerk. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. Rjpture Cured IN ONE TREATMENT, $25 OO ty the latest and mirt scientific mcthtMl known. No Injection of xinn: no loss of time: no hos pital: no pain, no knife; no truss. Thousands cured. i Our patients after takinir treatment, have I successfully passed the most severe and tryinir j tests. Come to us hik) ' a new man aain. fall for consult at ion or write for hooklet. ! THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS. WAWTE! r:M IS road way. i'ouucil Itlutl's. la Lost A represcotative in this county by a large real estate corporation Special inducements to those who ; wish to become financially inter ested. The Real Estate Security Co., A brownish black, palloway lap robe, j FOft Dearborn Building, CI)iC3gO, IllifiOiS outside ripped, scolloped edges, lined with green, lining somewhat worn. Lost - last Monday between the Plattsmouth frieght depot and Mynard. A ! suitable reward will te given if left at Dovey's store, W. T. Richard son's store, Mynard. or our home. Joseph H. Adams. Depart Fcr the West 51. E. Matson and wife, of Pocatelle, Idaha, departed for their home this af ternoon, after having visited in the city for some time, the guests at the home of Jay Matson and wife. Mr. Matson being a brother of Jay. At their home in the west, Mr. Matson is engaged with the Oregon Short Line Railway in the capacity of machinist in that shop at Pocatella. Fine Farm for Sale. At Traer, Kansas, on the Orleans, Nebraska, branch of the B. & M. rail road. 240 acres of extra fine creek bottom land, IG0 acres of which is first bottom I and well adapted to alfalfa or com, all tillable,, has now 35 acres of deep set alfalfa, vrhich cuts big crops, more hay off this place than from any other of like size. Is fairly well improved, with 10 room two story frame house, frame barn and outbuildings. The owner is a big stock shipper, so this place has all stock feed ing conveniences. The owner wishes to retire, and will make the low price of $15,000 on this excellent farm, $8,000 cash and the i balance on easy terms. This place is no experiment, but is now and has been for years a big money maker. One mile to school town and railroad. For particulars write or call on Geo. C. Marks, Traer, Kans. ALL KNIT BOOTS P FZLT BOOTS SOCK3 Iliillr Niort f jjo over tlit'in, ami RUBBER BOOTS AND ARCTICS on t last br:ind. Absolute protection to the feet from cold and wet; comfort and durability in every pair. any other I &-'f MOT MADE OR CONTROLLED ai & TRUST. lie sure the trade mark. "I Will ltB.f m m every pair, and take no ctiuirs aaid. lit If: a good aa," etc. BLIZZARDS are COMING! FELT FOOTWEAR So prepare for them and get next to our Sox and High-Lace Jackets $-' 25 " " I'acs ? 50 Felt Boot and Rubbers 2 75 I lair-Lined Shoes, Men's 2 75 Wool-Lined Shoes, Men's 1 75 Warm Lined Shoes, Women's.. 1 75 Overshoes $1.45 to 2 5f' Everything Thai's Warm! Sherwood & Son o r HEREFORDS ! 4 j SB:1 EMniaL' 'Spj&t ..-., . .. & The Countrvmans Tm3S--e&SMMmiL -to will se1 at puljl;c auc. lion in Weeping- Water, Nebraska, on Saturday, February 29th, 1908, o n SALE TO COMMENCE AT I O'CLOCK a fine, well-selected lot. (all are registered) The cows are a choice lot of large voung animals, which are breeding regularly, and are in fine breeding shape. They have always rustled for themselves. The bulls are good blocky fellows, ranging in age from 11 months to 3 years. Sale will be held under cover. We will also sell a good three-year-old Stal lion. Send for full descriptive catalogue. r. e. couriTRYnnn & sons. 3 C J.