DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest, From Tues day Evening's J. M. Green's little child is very ill with pneumonia. John Schaipacasse was a business visi tor in Omaha this morning. J . Jargen of Omaha was a brief business visitor in the city this morning. Dr. F. L. Cummins was a visitor in Omaha over night, returning home this morning. J. R. Vallery, of near Murray, was an over night visitor in the city last evening. Hoy Savage was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon looking after some busi ness matters. Eugene Brady is seriously ill with pneumonia at the home of his parents, on North sixth street. Carl Ebinger was a passenger to Om aha this afternoon, where he is taking treatment for his eyes. George W. Thomas was a visitor in Omaha last evening, attending the Masonic lodge at that place. S. S. English, representing the Mar shall Vaper company, of Omaha, was a business visitor in the city this morn ing. O. C. Goutsch was a visitor with friends in the city over night, returning to Omaha this morning on the Burling ton. Mayor Henry R. Gering was a visitor in Omaha last evening, remaining over night in the metropolis, and returning home this morning. J. W. Took came up this morning from near Murray, and departed for Lincoln where he has some business matters to look after. Monte Streight was a visitor for a short time at home today. Matt Gering was looking after busi ness matters in Lincoln this afternoon. C. J. Jackson of Davenport, Iowa, was a visitor in the city this morning, with friends for the day. Faul Stadelman of Omaha was a visit or in the city this morning, returning home this afternoon on the fast mail. Carl Hollenberg of Omaha, was a visitor in the city this morning, return ing home on the fast mail this afternoon. L. C. Laine of Lincoln, after looking after some business in this city, depart ed for his home this morning on the Burlington. Mis? E. M. Groetschel, of Omaha, after visiting in the city, the guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Dovey departed this afternoon for her home. Superintendent of Motive Power T. ftoop was a visitor in the city this morning in his private car No. 81, de parting for Lincoln this afternoon on the fast mail. Geo. Dalmars representing the Ken nard and Haines Co., of Minneapolis, -vas a business visitor in the city this morning, and departing for Omaha this afternoon. After visiting in the city for a few days with her sister, Mrs. P. H. Kelley, Mrs. J. P. Delaney departed for her home, in Council Bluffs, Iowa, this afternoon. Miss Mary Beyonek was a visitor with friends in Omaha, going on the early morning train and was accom panied by her mother. They will re main for a few days. D. O. Dwyer departed this morning for Lincoln, where he has some legal matters in the supreme court, having some other business matters to look after in the capitol city. The board of county commissioners are in session today, looking after re gular rotine matters, Mr. L. D. Switzer is in from Weeping Water and Mr. Chas R. Jordon, from Alvo. Mrs. B. A. Redman departed this af ternoon for her home at Omaha, after visiting in the city, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Grif fin, at the Masonic Home. D. A. Eaton, of Union, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business at the courthouse, coming on the early morning Missouri Pacific train, and retnrning on the later one. Peter Eveland, of Murdock, was a visitor in the city last evening, looking after some business matters, and while here attended the lecture at the opera house last evening. Mr. Eveland de clares that the lecture is as fine a one as he has ever heard. He remained over and is looking after some business matters at the county seat today. On both sides of the stairway which leads to the offices of Dr. Elster, the Grand Army hall and the Masonic lodge lodge rooms the snow was shoveled off by the occupants of the adjacent build ings and a sign stuck in the snow say ing that 17,000 men were wanted by the dentist to remove the snow. At the ast report they were still wanted. Daily Journal v. -z 'r :-: Shall We Drink Water? Medical authorities found that many grave diseases can be traced to drinking impure water and that many epidemics resulted from it. We are "a nation of extreme" and it is no wonder that someone proposed to quit using water for drinking. He failed to offer a substitute for it. Cautious people boil drinking water before using it, but in many instances this procedure is quite impossible. It becomes necessary for everybody to match the fumation of his body; as long as they are natural he is healthy. Should he notice, after drink ing water, some difficulties, like loss of appetite, belching, disturbances in the intestines,he should at once try Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. This remedy will quickly remove all obstruc tion of a healthy digestion and will bring all organs of the body into a harmonious activity. It will make the assimilation of food perfect, the blood pure, the body vigorous. You can rely on this remedy in all cases of loss of appetite and of strength. At drug stores. Jos Triner, 616-622 So. Ash land Ave., Chicago, 111. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. (Chicago Tribune) "Don't trifle with a cold,' is good ad vice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the of a child. Proper food, good ventilation, and dry warm clothing are the safe guards against colds. If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and sring, the chances of a surprise from ordinary colds will be slight. But the ordinary light cold will become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria what honey is to a bee. The greatest menace to a child life at this season of the year is the neg lected cold. " Whether it is a child or adult, the colds light or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The popularity and immense sale of this preparation has been attained by its remarkable cures of this ailment. A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Poultry Wanted. Live poultry wanted, delivered near the B. & M. depot at Plattsmouth, Monday, February 24th, one day only, for which I will pay the following prices in cash, craws to be empty: Hens, per pound Sc All young roosters 6c Ducks, F. .F., 7c Geese, F. F 5c Old Roosters, 4c Call at the store of Zuckweiler & Lutz for empty coops. W. E. Keeney. Are Working for New Members. J. E. Harrison, field worker for the Knights and Ladies of Security, is in the city from Indianapolis, Indiana, and will assist the membership of the order at this place in an effort to increase the strength of the lodge at this point. The Knights and Ladies of Security is a good lodge and make provision for the pay ment of one-tenth of the policy carried each year after .he insured arrives at the age of seventy. Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect digestion, normal weight and good ealth. Return to Home in West Adolph Streitweisser and son, Henry, departed this afternoon for their home at Ornold, this state, where they are farming, after a visit of a few days in the city visiting with friends and rela tives, guests at the homes of Herman Streitweisser and Hans Kemp. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. ItafuM ubatitutM. Wrom OOo. FOR SALE BY F. G. FRICKE Falls Into a Hole. Tuesday evening while B. J. Reynolds was coming to work from his home in South Park, during the blizzard, think ing to avoid the drifts, and seeing the roads better broken than the walk, took to the street. In doing so he passed near the corner, where a large sewer pipe made a culvert crossing the street. This place he thought he had passed to the left, but instead, in the blinding storm he got into the very place he was trying to avoid, and going down in the soft snow scraped his shin bone over the end of the sewer pipe, raking, he says, about "that much" of the skin and flesh from his left leg. Charlie is nursing a very sore shin, at any event, and no doubt will look two or three times hereafter when in that vicinity. YOUNG PEOPLE WED NEAR ELQWOOD Mr. Charles J.FIeischman and Miss Pearl liable Fenti man Happily United The following is taken from the Elm wood Leader-Echo: Wednesday, February 12th, at high noon, a very pretty wedding was sol emnized at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fentiman in which their daughter, Miss Pearl Mabel, and Mr. Charles J. Fleishman formed the con tracting parties. Promptly at the stroke of the hour strains of the beautiful wedding march, De Tannhauser, were heard through the rooms, rendered in a delightful manner by Mrs. L. G. Nash, sister of the bride. The unattended bridal party entered the parlor and took their places near the decorated west window where Rev. J. B. White of the Christian church of this place performed the sacred ceremony, witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom. After the sincere congratula tions that were informally showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Fleischman, the guests were seated in the dining room and served to a delicious wedding dinner. The bride's costume was an elegant Landsdowne decorated with tiney bands of taffeta ribbon in a conventional de sign. The groom was neatly attired in an appropriate black suit. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fentiman and the twin sister to Ray. Her girlhood has been passed in this vicinity, having lived here all her life. She attended our high school and formed lasting ties of friend ship among her school mates. She has taught for one year in Otoe county. The groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fleischman, well-to-do farmers living just west of town. He has grown to manhood in our midst and is known as a young man of sterling character. He is a prosperous young farmer. Through his business, which has brought him in contact with so many farmers, he has won a wide circle of valued friends. A number of beautiful and useful gifts will remind Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fleischman of the happy occasion. They left on the 3:28 train that after noon for St. Paul, Minnesota, where they will visit the bride's aunt, Mrs. G. H. Root and family. They will be at home to their many friends on a farm, southwest of Elmwood, belonging to the groom's father, after March 15. PLATTSMOUTH TEL EPHONE COMPANY At Their Annual Meeting Declared for Quarterly Instead of Annual Dividends. The Plattsmouth Telephone Company held their annual meeting on the third of this month and declared their eighth annual 10 per cent cash dividend and voted unanimously to pay the dividends quarterly hereafter, beginning on April 1st, 1908. This new plan of paying the dividends every three months will please many of the stockholders and will be a great in ducement for others to invest. Instead of having to wait till the end of each year to receive dividends on the stock, the company will distribute to the stockholders the profits on Janu ary 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, of each year, thus making the stock a much more desirable investment. There is a limited amount of stock for sale, which can be bought at par value of $100.00 per share. Don't wait, but call on or write to T. H. Pollock, general manager and treas urer, Plattsmouth, and secure a few shares of the Platt?mouth Telephone Company stock. John Green's Child Very Sick The little child of John M. Green and wife, which has been sick for some time with pneumonia, is very bad this morning, having passed a very restless night, attended with much suffering. The parents and friends are much con cerned regarding its recovery. COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS MEET Claims Allowed, Bonds Approved and Other Business of Importance Was Transacted. Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 18, 1908. Hoard of County Commissioners met in regular session, with all members present: minutes of previous meeting j read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Bonds of the following county physi cians were approved: E. L. Jones, J. F. Brcndel, M. M. Butler and I. C. Munger. J. W. Johnson, chairman of the sol diers' relief commission, submitted his annual report, showing that there had been paid out for relief of soldiers and widows during the ear 1907, the sum of $913.95. W. C. Bartlett was this day appoint ed road overseer in and for district No. 15. - The following bills were allowed on the general fund: L. D. Switzer, salary and ex pense $ 36 60 M. L. Friedrick, same 27 48 C. R. Jordan, same 40 15 H. E. Litrell, room for two elec tions 9 00 C. S. Stone, viewing road and livery 4 50 P. A. Hild, return of road de posit, less costs 15 50 M. Archer, costs State vs Leop old and Brandmeir 5 75 J. Denson, same 1 45 John Gephart, same 1 00 Joe Fitzgerald 1 00 Julius Ramge, same 1 00 C. D. Quinton, same 1 00 Klopp & Bartlett, supplies 285 46 Nebraska Telephone Co., rent and tolls 6 40 H. C. McMaken & Sons, ice to county farm 36 18 N. D. Talcott, six months sal ary county physician 30 00 Geo. N. LaRue, eight months salary soldiers' relief com mission 10 46 Joe Mullen, one year sal. same 17 61 J. W. Johnson, same 17 61 S. M. Prouty, costs State vs Al fred Hai.son 15 69 Weeping Water Republican, printing bar docket 14 58 B. 1. Clement, inquest of Carl Eisenhut 36 75 C. D. Quinton, same 4 00 S. M. Cox, same 1 00 Peter Eveland, same 1 00 Chas. Schneider, same 1 00 M. W. Moore, same . 1 00 Carl Radtke, same 1 00 Henry A. Tool, same 1 00 Dr. I. C. Munger, same 14 50 Dr. I. D. Jones, same 11 50 Mrs. Carl Eisenhut, same 1 00 Vera Eisenhut, same 1 00 Mrs. Amanda Schewe, same... 1 00 Carl Leis, same 1 00 Evening News, printing 32 00 H. M. Soennichsen, merchan dise to poor 21 50 Claims allowed on the road fund: D. A. Eaton, road work, dis trict No. 11 9 00 W. B. Banning, lumber, district No. 11 43 25 H. P. Dehning, work, district No. 7 13 50 Strom er Lumber Co., lumber, district No. 6 15 11 Stromer Lumber Co., lumber, district No. 16 92 69 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber, dis trict No. 13 2S 94 Avoca Lumber Co., lumber, dis trict No. 14 43 75 C. M. Seybert, work, district No. 9 10 00 Fred J. Kear, work, district No. 14 4 50 J. F. Wolff, merchandise, dis trict No. 2 3 50 Sheldon & Sheluon, lumber, dis trict No. 14 7 70 W. H. August, road work, dis trict No. 13 6 00 Warrants allowed on the bridge fund: D. A. Eaton, bridge work 85 50 W. B. Banning, lumber 635 45 John Waterman, lumber 16 00 Board adjourned to meet March 3, 1908. W. E. ROSENCRANS, County Clerk. The Stock is Good. Plattsmouth Telephone Company stock has paid 10 per cent annual cash divid ends for the past eight years. Beginning with April 1, 1908, the com pany will pay the stockholders the divid ends every three months on April 1, July 1, October 1, of each year. Every dollar received from the sale of stock is invested right here in our own territory in the sight of our own stock holders. Old Settler Died in Washington Melville Case, for a number of years j living near Rock Bluffs, and in 1S91 go ing to Lile, Washington, dies in V hite Salmon, Washington, February 9th. Mr. Case was born at Glenwood, Iowa, in 1S55, coming to this state with his parents, settling at Kenosha, when he was one year old. He and Wm. Case were brothers, and were well known by all the older settlers in that neighbor hood, where he lived for many years. Indians Will Have a Great Time. John C. York departed for Omaha this morning, where he will meet with the Improved Order of Redman, and will extend a personal invitation to them to meet with the Missouri Tribe, No. 69, when they have their dance at Coates' hall, on the 28th of the present month. The Indians expect to have a great pow-wow at that time and it is their intention to have a few more scalps dangling at their belts before that time. THE PEERLESS KAN WILLIAM J. BRYAN What One of the Leading Papers in the Great City of New York lias to Say Regarding the Great Favorite of the People. The New York Post, one of the lead ing papers in New York City, speaks its piece regarding William Jennings Bryan's candidacy for the presidency as follows. The Post is an independent republican paper: That Mr. Bryan will be the Demo cratic candidate for the presidency this year, if he choose to be, may now be set down as among the political certain ties. And those Republican managers are living in a fool's paradise who think that it will be a holiday task to beat him. The forces which make Mr. Bryan's candidacy formidable are not hidden. He has a vast and idolizing personal following. Its vote can be transferred to no other. As a cam paigner he has inexhaustible physical energy, and endless resources of agita tion. And on what willing ears his appeals would fall in present circum stances. Are the Republicans not aware how he retort all their own favorite argument, upon them with terrific force? The Republican plat form of 1896 could be read as an indict ment of the Republican party of 1908. All the dire consequence of misgovem ment therein set forth are now swarm ing home to condemn Republican poli RETURNS FROM THE NORTH Leonard Born Is Back From Pierce, Knox and Other Northern Counties of This State. Leonard Born returned home last evening from the northern part of the state where he has been for a number of days. Last Friday he departed for Plainview, where he attended the funeral of his old friend, Henry G. Falter, which occurred at that place on last Saturday. Here Mr. Born visited with friends, and later in Knox county, with other friends, visiting at the home of August Gustafson, at Oakland. He found the folks all glad to see him at all the places he visited. At Oakland he visted at the home of II. P. Sundale, where in order to get to the house he had to shovel through snow four feet deep on the level, and after he had gotten to the poarch, sweep the snow off with a broom. The folks were ov erjoyed to see him, and treated him like a prince. Mr. Born says that the the people are situated nicely at these points and at Oakland they are doing exceptionally well, being finely sit uated. In Justice Court. Henry James Lambert of Nehawka is bringing suit against Oscar Samson, for an accounting, claiming to have given him a sum of money amounting to near thirty-five dollars to take care of for him, and now refuses to account for it. There being no appearance on the part of the defendant, judgment was rendered against him for the amount with interest from the first of last November. From the testimony offered, it appears that the plaintiff gave the money to his foreman while working on the rip-rap for safe keep ing, and when he desired it he could not regain possession of it. Judgment was rendered accordingly. Depart for Republican Convention. This morning a number of the Platts mouth citizens departed for Weeping Water, where they will mix medicine and do other things with the hope that they will bring results. Judge A. N. Sullivan said, as he departed, that they were going to save the country, and that the "Saving Process" would be in operation as soon as the convention was called to order. Those who went from this place were in charge of Sheriff Quinton and were H. A. Schneider, A. J. Beeson, A. N. Sullivan. W. H. New ell, John H. Becker, J. M. Robertson, George L. Farley and Henry C. Mc Maken. The Governor Will Attend A special from Lincoln, under date of yesterday, says: "Governor Sheldon will attend the Cass county republican convention tomorrow. The governor is deeply interested in securing a delega tion to Chicago pledged to the support of Secretary Taft and he will make a speech at the meeting tomorrow." Plattsmouth Telephone Company stock pays dividends in cash every three months. NEBRAS- tics. A panic has come under Republi cans rule. Business has suFcrnl deep hurt; mills have shut clown, thousands of men are out of work, the unemploy ed throng the cities; the resources of charity are trained to provide for those in want by no fault of their own. Does any Republican leader in his senses doubt that Mr. Bryan could make great play with these undeniable facts? Bearing in mind his extrodinary gifts as an agitator, and remembering how in variably the party in power loses jopu lar support when depression overtakes industry and cripples enterprise, no one but a Republican drunk with compla cency could deny that coming campaign will test his party to the utmost. It is no time for the boastful cry that any good Republican can beat Bryan. Some good Republicans, even among those now mentioned for the Presidency, would be overwhelmed by him. We believe that the seriousness of the crisis which confronts the Re publican party in the candidacy of Mr. Bryan will more and more impress it self upon its shrewder leaders, and will lead them to cast about to find the very best men they have got to pit against Bryan. GRAND OPERA AT OMAHA Return Engagement of the Italian Opera Company. Omaha is have a return engagement of the Italian grand opera company, which made such a sensation in that city a few weeks ago. The company is one of the largest and most perfectly equipped of any that has toured this country. It numbers 1 10 people, has a large and efficient orchestra, and a chorus that is already noted through out the land. For the return engage ment, four of the most popular operas ever written have been selected. The season opens on Monday, February 21th with "Aida;"Tuesday night "Traviata;" will be the bill; "Carmen" will be sung at the Wednesday matinee; and the en gagement will close with "Faust" o Wednesday evening. These operas serve to present all of the great princi pals in their best parts, and besides, are operas that have long since become classics. There is a momentary charm and pleasure derived from hearing the modern operas, but only in these works of the masters do we find music of that sublime character which makes its life immortal. It is indeed fortunate that such works are to be presented so near us by such a splendid organization and it is probable that a large patron age will be in attendance. The scale of prices will range from 50 cents to $2, according to location. Application for seats should be made to the manager of Boyd's theatre, Omaha, Nebraska. Drops Dead White Shoveling Snow A special from Tabor, Iowa, under date of yesterday, says: "A severe storm raged all day yesterday and last night, practically stopping travel and traffic. The public schools and colleges closed yesterday and this forenoon a large force was employed all day shovel ing snow to get the Tabor & Northern trains through. A. G. West, a jeweler and life-long resident, fell dead this morning from heart trouble. He went j out cleaning walks and was found about 4 half an hour later. He leaves a widow, ' a married daughter and one son." The ! deceased was known to several residents . of Plattsmouth. Say it Was Suicide Justice F. G. Day was at Pacific Junction Friday and concluded the in quest on the Italian that was killed there last Tuesday. The verdict of the coroner's jury was that the deceased 1 came to his death by suicide. It is supposed that he was killed byNo.4,but the crew of that train testify that no such man rode on the train that morn ing from Henton to the Junction. From the the manner in which the Italians are turning up dead in various parts of the country these days, it is just possi lbe that the "Black Hand" may have had something to do with this death. Glenwood Tribune. Excursions West Any day the in week. Nebraska.Col orado, Kansas and Wyoming landa for sale. See Frank Stanley, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. T