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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
DAILY PERSONAL NEWS .- Short Items of Interest, From Tues day Evening's Daily Journal R. E. Mayfield returned this morning from a trip of a few days at Memphis. Asa Snyder, of Omaha, was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters. Henry Kauble and wife were passen gers to Omaha this morning, where they will visit for the day. Hans Tarns is on the sick lies this week, and is not working at his custom ery place with the Burlington. Mrs. James Chalfant was a business visitor in the county seat this morning, from southwest of Rock Bluffs. D. A. Rivitt of Lincoln was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business for the Burlington. W. II. I'arton returned this morning from a trip to Lincoln, where he was looking after some business matters. - Master Ogle riper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chad. Iiper, is still very sick with the grippe. Ed. Murphy departed for Omaha this morning, where ho will look after busi ness for the day. Mrs. P. Kelly, living on lower Main street. Is very sick with the grippe, and confined to her bed. John J. Swoboda was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where he is taking treatment for some nasal trouble. II. G. Vanhorn was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where he is look ing after some business matters. John Schaipacasse was a passenger to Omaha this mornintr. where he has some business calling his attention. W. J- Hart wick departed this morn ing for Iowa, where he will look after the sale of the output of his candy factory. Chas Chnsweisser was a passenger to South Omaha this morning, where he is makintr some cattle shipments to day Last evening H. F. Schlater, of Wa bash, acred 27. was issued a license to wed Miss Martha Schlaplof, of Murdock, aged 20. C. E. TefTt, of Weeping Water, was a visitor in the city this morning hav incr some leeral matters to look after in the county seat. County commissioner L. D. Switzer, of Weeping Water, came in and is look incr after some business matters in the city for the county. H. R. Neitzel came in this morning from Murdock, and is visiting with the family of F. R. Guthman and looking after some business. Miss Bertha Nathan departed Sunday evenintr for her home at Geneva, after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Dorothy Golding, for a few days. Joseph Mullen, of LImwood. was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters pertaining to the Soldiers Relief board. George N. LaRue, of Union, was visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters at the court house. E. B. lieffert. of Lincoln, was a busi ness visitor in the city this morning. looking after some matters for the Burlington railway company. Will Miles of, Sioux City, was a visi tor in the city last evening looking over the citv with a view of trading some western land for city property. M. Fanirer and wife departed for Lincoln, where they visit for a few days with friends, and where Mr. Fan ger will look after some business mat ters. Miss Stella Gooding departed for Om aha this morning, where she will visit for a while and probably accept a Dosition in a wholesale house in the metropolis. Martin Steppet, wife and daughter Miss Martha, were visitors in Omaha this mornincr. lookine after some busi ness matters and visiting with friends for the day. George Griffith and wife came in this morning from Denham, where they have been making their home and will visit with Mrs. Griffith's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Piper. T. H. Pollock was a visitor in Omaha this morning, where he is looking after some business matters relative to the new Telephone plant which is being installed at the metropolis. Felix Sieczkowsky, wife and daugh ter, Lena, departed for Omaha this morning, where they will attend the wedding today of a friend formerly living in this place, Albert Wojtowicz. The wedding occurred this morning at 10. a. m. and was an elaborate affair. The trained nurse which has been em ployed at the home of F. R. Guthman during the sickness of Mrs Guthman and daughter, Minnie, was discharged as the patients have recovered suffi ciently that the services of the attend ent can well be dispended with. Dr. A. P. Barnes returned this morn ing from a business visit at Omaha. II. D. Travis wa a business visitor in Omah this afternoon. J. R. Perry yesterday disposed of his phonograph business to the Sulz Broth ers, of Omaha. Jesse McVey who has been so sick at the Perkins House for sometime, is re ported as being a little better. R. N. Hawes of Omaha was a visitor in the city this morning, transacting some business matters with our mer chants. II. J. Deyo of Lincoln was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters for the Bur ling ton. Ray Travis departed this afternoon for Omaha, where he takes up his studies again in the business college at that place. Joseph Kutes of Crete after visiting in the city for some days with friends departed this afternoon for his home on the fast mail. E. II. Elton was a passenger to South Omaha this afternoon where he is doing some work for the Plattsmouth Telephone Company. Mrs. James Chalfant and Mrs. John Hendricks were passengers to Omaha this afternoon, where Mrs. Chalfant is having her eyes treated. B. A. McElwain the jeweler was a visitor in the capitol city this afternoon where he will be the guest of his sister, Mrs. John Dutton and family. Westley Bernett was a visitor in the citv this morniner lookincr for his wife who has been visiting in Glenwood with. her sister for the past week. Mrs. Mary Denny of Youtan was a visitor in the city with relatives and friends for a few days departed for her home this afternoon on the fast mail. Frank Boyd sold the house on the south side of the park, and which he has for Rental purposes to Lee Cotner for. $575. 00. Mr. Cotner will make his home there as soon as it is vacated. Comelils Heitz and son, Denton of Malvern were in the city this morning looking after a well-boring machingbut not making the trade which they has expected departed for Omaha on the fast mail. O. H. Terry, machanical inspector of the Burlington, was a visitor in the city this morning from Lincoln, looking after some business matters for the company, departing for her home on the fast mail. H. B. Kepner, general piece work inspector for the Burlington, having headquarters in Lincoln, was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters for the company. While here a phonograph horn on dis play at the place formerly occupied by Jesse P. Jerry appealed to his as to price and he made a purchase. As he departed for his home at the capitol city he said he was going to toot his own horn. Mat Leuck departed last evening for Edgemont, S. D, where he accepts a position with the Burlitgton in the Blacksmith shops and will probably make that their future home should things so shape themselves. Mrs George Touchy returned this morning from Denver, where she has been visiting for some time past with friends, and shipping their household effect to Texas, where Mr Touchy is employed as station agent for a railway thai p onion of the country. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. (Chicago Tribune) "Don't trifle with a cold,' is good ad vice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the of a child. Proper food, good ventilation, and dry warm clothing are the safe guards against colds. If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and sring, the chances of a surprise from ordinary colds will be slight. But the ordinary light cold will become severe if neglected. and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diphtheria what honey is to a bee. The greatest menace to a child life at this season of the year is the neg lected cold. " Whether it is a child or adult, the colds light or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The popularity and immense sale of this preparation has been attained by its remarkable cures of this ailment. A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Will Attend the Wedding Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald and daughter, Opal, departed for Omaha this morn ing, where they will be present at the wedding . of Miss Mayme Coffey and Chas. Olsen. which takes place at the St. Peters Cathedral at nine o'cloc this morning. Henry Kingery was a visitor in Om aha this afternoon. A. W. White and Carl Kunsman were busine33 visitors in Omaha this morning. R. G. Hoffman departed this morning for Lincoln where he will visit for a few days with friends. A. C. Carey and son, L. F. Carey, from near Union were visitors in the city this morning. Mrs. Chas Peacock was a visitor in Omaha this morning, where she is hav ing her eyes treated. Mrs. John Beeson is able to be out again, after having been sick with the grippe for sometime, G. W. Noble of Omaha, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some insurance business. W. F. Donner and wife of Malvern, Iowa came in this morning and visited at the home of Dr. J. H. Hall. Mrs. R. J. Ritchie was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon, where she will be the guest of friends for the day. John Carmack was a passenger to Omaha this morning looking after some business matters in the metropolis. F. M.Richey is making improvements in his lumber office, by placing a large window in it. George W. Curyea of Alvo was a visitor in the city last evening, looking after some business matters. Miss Barbara Gering and Mrs. T. P. Livingston were visitors with friends in South Omaha this morning. M. Fanger and wife returned last evening from Lincoln, where they have been visiting for the past two days. Chas Barnard departed this morning for Hillsdale, Iowa, where he will visit for some time with his parents and friends. . K. Parmele returned home last evening from a trip to South Omaha, where he was looking after some busi ness matters. Joseph Lloyd and little grandson came m last evening irom Lincoln, where they have been visiting for the week with friends and relatives. Section foreman Chas McGuire, with a gang oi men went to Veaar reeic this morning to load rock for the Bur- ington for rip-raping purposes. Commissioner L. D. Switzer departed for his home in Weeping Water this morning, after serving on the board of county commisoners for the past few days. C. H. Henry of Shenandoah, Iowa, , came in this afternoon and is visiting with his son, Raymond Henry, for a few days. Alex Bayserg, to day sold to Mike Timmes, seven acres of land just south of Happy Hollow, for $400.00. without any improvements. Mds. Carl N. Humphrey was called to Nebraska Ccity last night to see her brother, Mr. Ralph Derr, who is very seriously ill; she left on the midnight train. Perry Smith of St. Paul, Minn., was a business visitor in the city last even ing, having business with two of our banks, and departing this morning for Omaha. Levi Rusterholtz departed this morn ing for Cedar County, where he will visit for a week or ten days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Marvin Fleming. Dr. F. D. Burgess of Cedar Rapids came in last evening and is visiting for short time with his parents, Canon, and Mrs. H. B. Burgess at this place. R. B. Windham returned last even ing from a trip to York, this state, where he has been lookine after some business matters lor the past iew days. Basket ball game between Silver City, Iowa, and Plattsmouth Saturday evening at Coates' hall. Be sure and attend. The game will be called promptly at 7:45. Carl Lbinger of rlainview came m ast evening and will visit in the city for some time, the guest of his grand mother, Mrs. George P. Weidman, and other relatives. A. M. Griffin of Osceola, Iowa, de parted for his home last evening, after having been in the city for some time, ooking after some Real estate business and other matters in the city. Levi Rusterholtz of west of Murray was a visitor in the city last evemng, ooking after some business matters and visiting with his old friend, Jesse McVey, who is sick with a severe at tack of the grippe at the Perkin's house. Mrs. R. H. Cowels and children came in this afternoon from Hamburg, la., and are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrews, on Winterstein hilL Mrs. George Hall and Little Leslie Hall departed this morning for their home at Holdrege, where Mr. Hall went some two week3 since and where he is engaged with Max Ulig Hardware company. Gus. Hawkinson and wife departed this afternoon for Havelock, where they will visit for a few days, after which they will depart for Proplets- town, I1L, where they will make their home and where they will farm the coming season. Oscar Gapin was a business visitor in Omaha this morning. Herold Streight was a visitor in the metropolis this afternoon. Miss Anna Tarns was a visitor in Oma ha with friends this afternoon. Will Jean was looking after business in the metropolis this morning. Mrs. Antone Janda was a visitor in in Omaha with friends this morning. Philip Saute r was a visitor in Omaha this morning and returned on the even ing train. Mrs. Fred Stull is reported as being very sick at her home north of the citj', with the grippe. Roy Thompson, son of Joseph Thomp son, is reported as being on the sick list with something like the grip. Thomas South returned home this morning, after visiting with his parents at Hamburg, Iowa, for a few days. Chas. Patterson came in this morning from Arapahoe, and will visit for a few days with friends and relatives here. Theodore Miller returned this morning from a visit at Cedar Creek, where he was the guest of J. B. Tipton for a short time. Mrs. John Hiber departed on the early Burlington train for Lincoln, where she will visit for a short time with friends. W. F. Gillespie was a visitor in South Omaha this morning from Mynard, having a car of mixed stock on the mar ket at that place. C. A. Richey, of Louisville, was a visitor in the county seat this morning, having some business and being the guest of his folks here. Don and Jesse York have accepted positions with an extra gang, which are doing some work on the Burlington track at this place and west. Mrs. F. H. Richardson and children departed for Council Bluffs this morn ing, where they will visit for some time with relatives and friends. O. F. Leaford departed this morning for Omaha, where he will visit with friends for a few days, before return ing to his home at Hamburg, la. Master Clarence Staats is reported as somewhat improved and is able to sit up some, but is not able to be out of the house. John Schiappacasse has just received a half car load of banannas, and selling them for 15 cents a dozen, or two doz en for 25 cents. Antone Stenner and wife, departed for their home in North Platte today, after visiting in the city for a few days at the home of his brother, Jacob Sten ner. E. H. Elton and John Bull, of the Plattsmouth Telephone company de parted this morning for South Omaha, where they will do some work .on the lines. Supreme Court Commissioner, J. L. Root, came in this morning from Lin coln, where he has been for the past few day looking after some business matters. Y. A. Ralstrom and James Fryberg departed for Lincoln this morning, where they have some work to do for the Burlington, after which they will return to their homes at Galesburg Illinois. Aaron Gehart and wife departed this morning for Nebraska City, after visit ing in the city for a short time at the home of W. H. Freese. They will visit in Nebraska City with the family of Peter Freese for a few days before re turning to their home at Joplin, Mo. Mrs. Jay Madsen and Mrs. W. T. Mel- bourn were passengers for Omaha this afternoon, where they will visit with Mrs. L. M. Kuhney, who. is in the St. Joseph hospital receiving treatment for appendicitis, and who is reported as getting along nicely. Mrs. Fred Latham and daughter, Mrs. J. F. Wellington, came in a few days since and are visiting with friends in the city for a short time, after which they will visit for sometime in Jennings, La. for a while. They will then return to LaFayette, Indiana, where they will make their home in the future. The General Demand of the Well-informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative for its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. Price fifty cents per bottle. (MB Court Rules Intention of Law is That Caro Shall be Given Veterans Regardless of Their Pensions A Right eous Decision. A special from Grand Island, under date of February 12, says: "Judge Hanna and Paul, in the district court today overruled the demurrer filed by the state to the petition of R. B. Howell of the Soldiers' and Sailors' home, restraining the state board from interfering in any way with the pen sions of the members of the two homes in this state. In the absence of any representative of the state boaid, an exception was filed for them, both judges further concurring, and it was indicated that time would be given them to indicate if they desired to stand on the demurrer, or have further hearing. The allegations in the peti tion were sustained and the injunctions remains, preventing the state board from carrying out the order to take part of the pension monies of all re ceiving over $12 per month, and also restraining the commandants of the Grand Island and Milford homes from interfering in any way with the mem bers thereof, owing to noncompliance with the enjoined rule. It is expected, as was announced from Lincoln today, that the state board will immediately AMAZING BLOODLESS CURDS. As great as were the recent cures in Europe they are greater in America to day. The cure of Rupture and other diseases without the knife is now an ac domplished fact as can be proven by The German Specialists, of Council Bluffs, la. With special instructions used by no other doctor they can diagnose diseases so accurately that patients are astonish ed, especially because they do not ask a single question in finding the cause of diseases. The validity of their claims can be tested by all who write for appointment card. Tneir ad stating time to cure A QOm BURGLAR Awaken From Your Peaceful Slumbers to Hear Sweet Music That Tells You That Burg lars Are Around the House A great many people have planned different sorts of receptions for burg lars, but no one has ever given con sideration to the musical sense of that fraternity until C. R. Lerch,of Winth rop street, Brooklyn, arranged a lyre shaped harp upon his door to serve the double purpose of welcoming friends with harmonious sounds and providing an agreeable surprise to burglars says the New York Tribune. When a burg lar opens the door the same musical tones which greet him acquaint his intended victims with his presence be fore he has had even time to think of spoons. The harp will vibrate loudly enough to awaken any sleeper of the average sort. Of course there are sleepers who never blink an eyelid at the most resounding nocturnal noises. Such sleepers would need the report of a cannon to awaken them to the fact that burglars were appraising their jewelry and biting their silver to learn whether or not it was plated. The or dinary person, however, whose nerves respond more or less to unusual sounds in the night, will immediately awaken at the vibrations of the harp burglar alarm and secure the necessary weapons to welcome the uninvited guest should he fail to take the musical hint given upon the threshhold of the house and leave for more silent domains. The cadences of the harp are much more resounding when it is strung with piano wires. These keep in tune and P Diseases a Specialty, THE GERMAN SPECIALISTS, S32 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. T KEEP TIB IMM appeal the case from the district to the supreme court. , Judge Paul commented upon the modifications of the Nebraska act and for the establishment, maintenance and government of the home. It had first placed the power of passing upon ap plications and membership in a visiting and examining board; it later changed it and placed it in the hands of the county commissioners of each county. That disposed of one question. The act provided that the state maintain a home. It made appropriations there for. It did not provide for th appro priation of monies therefor in any other way than through the legislature. Judge Paul also held that the intention of the legislature was clearly inimical to such power, for a moral obligation was admitted by the public generally as going out to the veteran soldiers. Society, generally, acknowledged this obligation io the men who had given three of four of their best years years in which, ordinarily, men educate themselves for the battle of life, or become established in business for the common benefit, as is demonstrated by the pension act, and it was not the intention of the legislature of this state to appropriate any part of thin money." various diseases appears elsewhere in this paper. Resign His Position. Chas Crabill has tendered his resign ation as carrier of the rural mail route running out of this place, and will go to New Mexico in the near future, take a claim and become a farmer. The resignation is tendered to take effect on the first of March. Soon after which Charles expects to go to the south-west with the intention on stay ing. Mrs. G. F. S. Berton was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. ALARU DEVI require less tightening up than do man dolin wires, which are so used for this instrument. Mr Lerch's musical burglar alarm has a sounding board made of white mahogany, and curved sides of cypress, to the upper ends of which are attached small ornaments carved in the shape of harps. It is strung with mandolin or piano wires and has a key which will tune it up to an octave. To the cross bar at the top of this lyre-shaped in strument are attached silken strings of different lengths, weighted with metal balls a little larger than marbles. The strings are so arranged that the slight est movement of the door will set the balls to vibrating against the wires in a pleasant concord of sweet sounds. The vibration will continue for GO seconds, when the musical chords will softly die away into silence. Visitors are inspired with a pleasur able feeling when greeted at the door by weirdly sweet sounds, the source of which they do not always- see. The burglar, on the contrary, nonplused. He does not know what the sounds mean whether they will increase or diminish in volume, nor whether they serve as a gentle hint that a trap has been sprung or something more violent placed near at hand for his entertain ment. He seldom feels encouraged to investigate, especially as he knows that only an unusually sound sleeper.or a deaf person, could continue to slum ber after the harp had began to play. Fistula Fissure, Bleeding, Itching, Ul- II U 1.1 U II E T ceration. Constipation and all Rectal - TILL CURED!