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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
Classified Advertisements 7AC it-h ut Joining -lt jr. nearly all ImlUirn land no ovt-r How. t'nir Itnpruvt-niriit. liHMl t'rnit at & M-r i-i'iit. Surely ttarjcaln. i'LVUD prr arr-. W.ll. Mmoiiion. Kort S'ott. K kiii at. St I Fir Milfi'lu-Hp- r'lnt ri4iM-li. 2.i iit-h i tdiki n li'ux il. liiu Mi-n-t umliT plow, krrxtli. rl l tilwk Iomiii. all farm Imnl.ran lie uMtl ixt rttiK'li or iiihiIi- Into farm, r'liw Ini-rov-nicnt. S--n milt- to ritllroml. For urii'ulnr irHu!r-f iwm r. S. II. Jolnif n, llolyjW Coorlo. jU luUitjrouriiHiiiry iiulk lijr liiv-nllnc In inrn. or ruiK'ii in tlx uuuhii r.iKiMiru i- ''y. Krcut liwy. loi-k hikI tllrjr rouutry. Ideal -llcuatf. tlowln wclliv. K'""! I in pro vol land to f mt r. iiiilniprovtil land cheaut-r. i UTiiir. I Iihvv a few choice bargain. Write tol ay for my INu I ran make yoo borne iiHirtfy. V. U. Iiwe. Atkinson. Neb. St4 Cor (! JimmI bUx'k ainl irraln farms In An I (Ji-mio -unty. Kan. .W toioupt-r acre. Kor dw-riot ion and prli write and give sl.e 'f farm wanted. J. K. Cat vert. Oarnt-tt. Kan. 114 Pr !ale l-'lne 33) ai-re farmKloirabury coun ty ; 4 nil lea to good ImslntrM town, railway Junction; churches, graded wbool. elevators, mill, -1 3 acrett plowed, fence, tzrure, deep lla-k soil, diagram furnished on request, A(l dre4 Hank of iHiunet, Deitmet. 8. I. Cheap homes for all In the Ozark country of JSoutu Mlmouri. Cannot lie excelled for grain. grv and fruit, water and climate line. Two main line railroads. Write Investors Kealty Co Howard Crawford. Mgr.of LAnds. Aurora. Missouri. 5t4 QAH area three and one-half mites from Coat ad. el. 130 fall wheat. all level. niall Improvement, all In cultivation, la acres In alfalfa, price fll.OUO. 40 acre 122.00 level, fenced, one-half in cultivation. 6 miles to town. Smith & Slade, Cozad. Neb. 514 Central Kansas land, alfalfa, wheat. corn and pasture lands, fid to 170 per acre. Write me what you want and where you want It and I will do the rest. N. J. Davison, Lincoln. Kas Itox 133. M Notice We have farms of all descriptions for sale in large or small tracts, the richest .soil and the purest water. Write for full In formation. 11. A. Uloson St Co.. Akron. Col. 5t4 Bargains In alfalfa, corn and wheat lands in Ottawa county, Kas. Solomon Valley land the best. Let us know what you want, we have It- A. K. Itoliln.ion, Minneapolis. Ks. St 4 Sum -It Kanehes 330 acres Improved ranch. 200 acres in cultivation. 1'lenty of water for .stock and irrigation. Open Kange for stock, price 51 1.MO. 2.a00 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent Inst. 60 acres deeded land, 2000 acres lease joins open range. This place will feed Oou hend of cattle. Price f 18.300 easy terms. acres deeded land good Improvements. This is a snap at ?16 per acre. 50 other bar gains In large and small ranches. Write us. Sheridan leal Kstate Co.. Sheridan. Wyo. 6t4 Snfest bank is ItHJ acres wheat and corn In Ford county. Kansas, that produces 25 luhels wheat and 50 bushels corn on I 10 to fJU lands, no safer, lietter paying Investment, good climate, soil and water. Prices advanc ing description and price list furnished on application. Co-operation solicited. Satis faction guaranteed, personal responsibility viuiw O. It. Painter .t Co.. Dodge City. Ks. 514 fVKle County For list of land for sale in J iKMige county: business and residence property in Fremont, with large manufactur ing and jobbing Interests, good schools, good verything. write KUhards. Keene & Co. Fremont. Neb. 5t4 Before buying or selling a farm or any prop erty, read Munsou's Keal Fstate Journal. Wayne. Xeb. Sample copy 10c. one year ?1. 5t4 ou should know alxiut Oklahoma farms. In formation free. Oeo. K. Marsh. Arapaho. 514 West Texas lands near "Orient" railway sur vey, buy before pricesadvance.two to live dollars per acre, easy terms. Ideal climate, line chance for investment. Box 111. Fort Stocton. Texas. 5t4 Lots of South Platte people are buying lands in Antelope county. Nebraska. Why? Be cause our crops never fall, we have no hot w inds, no drouth, plenty of rain, grass, corn, oats, alfalfa, good land laud as the South Platte for half the money. Write today for "red folder." It tells something worth know ing. Guaranty Title Trust Co.. Nellgh. Neb- t4 Ovid. Col. Coming sugor city, in the heart of Julesburg irrigation district, on railroad, ust platted, over 30 lots sold has store, post office, lumlier yard, smith shop, hotel. Lots for sale 530 to ?!(. 4 cash. Morgan Invest ment Co.. Fort Morgan. Cot. 3t4 Wmted tiood industrious men to co-operate with us in selling central Kansas land. M olio tun Land Co.. Peailiody. Ks. 5t4 Central Kansas Wheat Farms offer an also lutely safe investment. Iands in Kush county range In price from f 15 to 335 an acre owing to location and improvements. Here are some snaps: 320 acres all In buildings, close to Co. seat. 39.000. 100 acres all under cultivation, no buildings. ?4.000 ; 560 acre bottom farm, good improvements. 130 per acre. 00 acres In wheat all included. Have been located here twenty years and will put you next to the best bargains In the county Write for list. Keference If desired. Jas. H. Mule. The Kush Co. I -and Man. Lacrosse. Kan. 5t4 lfifl acres fine black soil, ninety acres 'OU smooth sixty acres In house on land, good roads. 8 miles to county seat, f 10. easy terms. Write for list. H. J. Alexander. Stockvllle. N'eb. 5t4 C I nnfl ,,aIf ''"sh. iKilance time, buys lriO " 1UUU acres beautiful level unimproved wheat land in Kearney county. Kas.. located la German settlement close to school aud nail route. C. A. trucks (Owner). Lakin. Kans. 5tl Quarter section 4 miles from Page, hundred acres under cultivation, grove, house, barn, granary. well and windmill. 530 per acre I0OO cash. Address owner. Un'k Box 3. Plain view. Neb. t4 Surpassingly rich lands In the rain belt that yield rental of ii per cent and rapidly double in value. Climate ideal, summers cooler than In Nebraska. Taxes low. Both rll and water transportation. Kapidly set tling up. Kice. sugar, hemp, ramie tobacco, corn, alfalfa, clover, wheat, oats, cotton.frult. vegetables, chufas. live stock, poultry, bees, etc For desbriptive price lists and most in teresting and instructive literature you ever read, write today. Southwestern Land Development Co.. "t4 Bay City. Texas. Of) nnO Acres of wheat now growing In uvtvww Lane county, situated In the west ern half of Kansas. Land 17.50 to C20. Cor respondence solicited. 7t4 E. F Kwing. Dtghton. Kansas. To the liomeseeker and ljnd Investor: Your name and address will bring you by re turn mall our late special real estate chart, showing beautiful panoramic view of Colby (county seat of Thomas county. Kansas) also photographs of steam plow and Improved farms, with fvll description, prices and terms. The greatest bargains and most beautiful laying productive land on earth. Wheat has yielded M bushels per acre. Present acreage per capita Is forty-two acres. Present con dition of crop Is 100 per cent. Write us t xtay. One cent stamp will lead you to happy home and fortune. John Ackard .V Son. Keal Kstate and loans, Colby. Kansas. Tt4 The next no days will offer 4O00 acres good clay land as In this state. In tracts tosul', for i 20 per acre. Five years time. Improved firms accordingly. Write A. M. Tempi In. I'll 1 tier. Neb. Tt4 A Bargain: 20 acre Improved farm In the corn lielt; 4 miles to good 1C 1C town; - ... 1 1 .... f , 1 1 ... 1 1 . uml .nA twst Ml n t ...... . . . . . j w . . w . mmurnm . ' . . u . . . v .. . . church. 50 per acre. Write Kurdette V. Gill. J tjiiliiK-oine. no. tu NOTICE. Herman !ist. defendant, will take notice that on lite mli day of January. Unix. Nannie lelst, plaintiff herein, filed Iter iielltion In the district court of Cant county. Nebraska, aval list said defendant, the object and prayer of which Is to obtain a decree of divorce from the Kinds of matrimony from the said de fendant, for the reason that defendant Is an habitual drunkard, ami has failed and refused to support plaintiff, and has lieen willfully ab sent from plaintiff for more than two years last past, wit limit Just cause. You are required to answer said petit Ion on or tie fore the 17th dar of February. A. D. IDUH. Nannie Lelst, Plaintiff. 114 By M. Archer, her Attorney. Legal Notice IN COUNTY t'Ol'KT OF CASS COUNTY. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Frank Ptak. sr.. deceased. All persons Interested In said estate will take notice that tle sole surviving executor. Km II Ptak, has filed a final account and report of his administration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such executor, which has lieen set for hearing before said court on the 25th day of February. 190. at two o'clock p. m.. when you may appear and con test the same. Dated this 3rd day of February. 190. Allen J. Beeson. (scai.1 County Judge. D. O. Dwyer. Attorney for Estate 7t3 Legal Notice To M. W. Gay and Francis Fuller, trustees, the unknown beneficiaries of said M. W. Gay and Francis Fuller, trustees, and if all of said parties are dead, the unknown heirs and de vlcees of said parties, James L. Lombard, and If he lie dead, the unknown heirs and devisees of said James L. Lombard, are hereby notified that on thei-M of January. li08. Charles .lames tiled his netitilion against them In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to iuiet the title in said Charles James against them to t lie following described premises, towit: The east half of the southwest ouarter and the west half of the southeast iniarter of s"ction twenty-seven, in Townsliln Ten. North of Kange Twelve, east of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Cass county, Nel. Anil. also, to cancel two certain mort gage deeds which appear of record as liens on said land, which mortgage deeds aredescrilied as follows, towit: One made on the 1st day of April. lso. by David O. Shoopman and wife to M. W. (Jay ami Francis Fuller, trustees for the sum of ?l. ooo.OO and acknowledged, deliv ered and tiled for reiMnl on April iih. isso.and recorded in Hook "L" of Morttratres at page 7S of the mortirage records of I'ass county. Ne braska: and one made on April 1st. Isso. by David O. Shoopman and wife to James L. I Aim bard, and on April htli. lsso.acknowledged. delivered and filed for record, and recorded in Book "L" at page si of the mortgage records of Cass iunty. Nebraska. That the giving of said mortgages were one aud the same trans act ion. Said Charles James also prays that the said parties anil each of them lie forever barred from claiming any interest in said premises on account of said mortgages, and to remove the cloud created on said premises by said mortgages for t lie reason that said mortgages have lieen paid and are barred by statutes of limitation. You are required to answer or plead to said lietltlon on or before March mh. I'.nw. and if you fail so to do the allegations of said peti tion will lie taken as true and judgment ren dered accordingly. .Tames. Plaintiff. W. F. Moran. Attorney. This May Interest You No one is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. The Wonderful Big Horn Basin TO RENTERS: I have a selected list of irrigated farms in the Basin for rent; why not rent for a year or two and learn the profits from irrigated farming in the Basin, and become acquaint ed with the climate and desirability of settling in that region? We also help you homestead irrigated lands, or to buy them at prices that will make your money. Millions of dol lars are now being spent irrigating Basin lands. Homeseekers' excur sions first and third Tuesdays of 1908. Write D. Clem Deaver, Gen erafAgent, Landseekers' Informa tion Bureau, Omaha. WINTER EXCURSIONS: Homeseekers' excursions first and third Tuesdays to Colorado, Wyom ing, Big Horn Basin, Northwest, Southwest and South; Winter Tour ist Rates daily to Florida, the Gulf Country, the South and Southern California. Ask Agent, or the un dersigned for rates and details. V. L FICKETT. TICKET ASEIT. PLATTSMOIlTI REI l w. varan. . p. a. ftMka. Mvird ock (By O. A. i els.) PKODL'CK MARKKTb Corrected weekly by Martin Sc Too:, who pay tli highest prices for product and guarantee satisfaction: Butter I" Kggs 1 Hens Springs Sc Cream -T Cattle f!.:0to.u0 Hogs --0 U It A IN MAKKKTS. Corn . . Wheat Oats... ..4sc ..4-'C Kock Island Time Taiilk Murdock Station. WKST HOUND. No. 85, local freight 8:.W a. m. No 6. mail 2:30 p. m No. 37, mall 5:53 p. m. No 6 does not stop for passegers east of Denver. EAST BOUND. No. 94, freight 12:30 a. m. No. 18, Local 12:30 p.m. No. 6, mall 3:00 p. m. No. 86, local freight 11:95 p. m. No. 6 does not stop for passengers west of DesMoines This lovely spring weather has caused the ice men to abandon work for an in definite period. The oyster supper Saturday night brought out a good crowd despite the rainy weather. The total receipts being about $20. The present bad roads are preventing the farmers from moving their corn crops. In a recent letter from Henry F. Leis, who is aboard the U. S. S. Con necticut, states that Rio De Janeiro is a clean town and right up to date. They were given a royal reception there. The local telephone Clexchange Jis figuring on making connection with the Alvo exchange, which would be a great help to patrons living between these two points. H. Klemma has purchased the eighty acre farm which is known as the Rush eighty, adjoining S. M. Cox, for ten thousand dollars. Jacob Goehry and George Leis were out repairing the local telephone com pany's lines Monday and Tuesday. Emil Kuehn arrived from Lincoln Tuesday with his household goods, and expects to take charge of the local barber shop about February 18th. John Ridgeway was a capital city visitor Monday. Wm. Gehrts was in Omaha Tuesday. J. R. Funk was in Avoca Sunday. Revival meetings are now being held at the German church in Murdock. The home talent play given by the Elmwood High school in the opera house at that place, drew quite a num ber of our young folks there Thursday evening. Sam Panska was a Lincoln visitor Thursday. The Louisville Courier came out with a half page of Murdock items this week through the efforts of Bert Stevenson. We wish you success in your new venture, Bert, Jacob Goehry, jr., transacted busi ness at Waterloo last week. H. R. Neitzel was a county seat visitor Tuesday. A. Stachetsky and family have gone back to Deutchland where we hope they may spend their future days in happi ness and prosperity. Herman -Kuehn and Harold Tool transacted business in Lincoln last Saturday. The Rock Island system has laid off all section men at this point, excepting the foreman. Geo. Leis transacted business in Lin coln last week. Percy McDonald returned Thursday after a brief visit with relatives and friends in the southern part of the state. Fred Wolf has disposed of a one-half interest in the Elmwood mills to parties in Elmwood. The Ladies Aid gave a dinner at the home of Mrs. A. E. Lake Wednesday. Recently we received a copy of a daily paper, which is printed in Rio De Janeiro, and they speak very highly of our American bluejackets. It stated that about 2,000 of the boys were given shore liberty each day, and in one lengthy article it wound up by saying that the American bluejackets that landed were the most intelligent, courteous, and jolly set of fellows they ever saw. We are proud of our blue jackets, and also of this comment from a prminent South American paper, and hope the boys will maintain this re cord wherever they go. We ask our friends to take notice. Boost our navy which is composed of the best men in existence. Don't knock. Skin Disease of Twenty Years Standing Cured I want you to know how much Chamb erlain's Salve has done for me. It has cured my face of a skin disease of almost twenty years' standing. I have been treated by several as smart physicians as we have in this country and they did me no good, but two boxes of this salve has cured me. Mrs. Fannie Griffin, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. DEnOCRATIC COUVEUTIOn To Select Delegates to the State and Congressional Conventions. The democratic county convention is hereby called to meet at the court house in Plattsmouth, On Saturday, February 22, 1908, at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, for the purpose of electing delegates to the state con vention to meet at Omaha, on March 5, and also to elect delegates to the con gressional convention. Delegates from the various precincts and wards to the county convention shall be selected by primaries, duly called by the committeeman of each precinct and ward, the same to be held at the regu lar voting places in the various precincts and wards on Thursday, February 20th, The basis of representation shall be one vote for every ten votes, or major fraction thereof, cast for Hon. George L. Loomis for supreme judge in 1907. The various precints and wards shall be entitled to representation as follows: Avoca 5 Onter Kight Mile Grove. .11 Kim wood 7 O reen wood 7 Liberty Louisville 7 Mt. Pleasant 7 Nehawka Tlattsmouth lr'ct..l3 Itorlc KIuns(Ursl)..IO Hock KlufTs(second) 4 Salt Creek 8 South Itend 5 Stove Creek Tipton U Weeping Water Tr'ct. 5 Weeping Water City, 4 Tlattsmouth City First ward 7 Second ward I Third ward i: Fourth ward 7 Fifth ward 0 Henry R. Gering, Chairman. C. Ramsey, Secretary. r" W. Special Announcement Regarding the National Pure Food and Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for cough colds, and lung troubles is not effected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. The editor of the Memphis (Tenn.) Times writes: "In my opinion Foley's Honey and Tar is the best remedy for coughs, colds and lung trouble, and to my own personal knowledge Foley's Honey and Tar has accomplished many permanent cures that have been little short of marvelous. " Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow package. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Officers Consider the Matter. This morning the board of health and the board of education met and con sidered the matter of taking some pre caution regarding the matter of small pox. They considered it very essential that steps be taken to induce every one not recently vaccinated to become so. Dr. J. H. Hall, secretary of the board of health, was instructed to publish the following notice: The attention of the public is called to the importance of recently successful vaccination as a means of protection against the general prevailing epidemic of smallpox. There certainly can be no good excuse for anyone not complying with the generally regulative means, All commercial vaccine virus is under government inspection and guaranteed. Do not neglect this accredited means .'of prevention and thereby impose upon the public; and in the final, of necessity, be cared for by city or county assistance, as is too often the case. J. H. Hall, Secretary of Board of Health. EASILY DECIDED This Question Should Be Answered Easily by Plattsmouth People. Which is wiser to have confidence in the opinions of your fellow-citizens, of people you know, or depend on state ments made by utter strangers resid ing in far away places? Read the fol lowing: Mrs. Claude Butler, of 613 South 10th street, Plattsmouth, says: "My two little boys were troubled with a weak ness of the kidneys and auxiliary organs. The older child; complained much of backache and headache. We were kept busy in trying remedies, hoping to find something that would overcome the difficulties but with little success until I got Doans's Kidney Pills at Gering & Co.'s drug store. The use of this pre paration soon made a marked improve ment in both cases. It is needless to say that our nppreciation of Doan's Kidney Pills which brought about such positive results, is exceedingly great." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. For Sale. A 102 acre well improved farm 4J miles northeast of Murray and seven miles south of Plattsmouth. For particulars call or write George J. Halmes, Plattsmouth, Neb. If you suffer with indigestion, consti pation, feel meanand cross, no strength or appetite, your system is unhealthy. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the system strong and healthy. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. For sale by Gering & Co., druggists. WE mil STILL T The Principles Will Live as Long as There is a Remnant of This Once Grand and Glorious Republic It is said an effort is now being made by the so-called Independence League to form a third political party, the idea and purpose being to crush out the Democratic party and raise another in its stead. This wild dream will never find its realization. The Democratic party was not organized for an emer gency, to be dismissed when the crisis is passed. It was builded by men whose intention it was to safeguard the nation, and that purpose has never been lost to sight. The old thing called the Democratic party has been considerably bruised and battered up in its day and generation. It has been prescribed, bedeviled, car petbagged, pro-consuled, hunted up one side of the country and down the other; but when they came with a coffin to carry away the corpse the corpse was not forthcoming. All of its long and memorable life it has been always just on the eve of destruction. Federalism was to put it to death. Federalism was buried in the grave of the elder Adams. The Whigtparty its pure, its true and its strongest opponent came next to die with its mighty leader, Clay Know nothingism came next, fighting under the black banner of religious intoler ance, but Virginia, putting into the hands of Henry A. Wise her spotless Democratic banner, slew the monster at the very gates of liberty. Then the war came, and the very blackness swept over the fortunes of the Democracy. Out of the white heat and torment of that war the Republi can party seized upon the North in the name of patriotism, and held it for the spoils of a savage partisan vengeance. The South had never a limb that did not wear a shackle. For twenty-four long, weary, hungry, disconsolate years the Democratic party dragged its clip ped body up to the defense of the con stitution, only to be beaten back or beaten down by the Republican organi zation, rioting in the excess of colossal strength, drilled like a regiment and despotic like an army. True, within the period named Mr. Tilden was elected president, but the victory was a hateful one, because it was torn from BRYAN'S WISHES Will PREDOMINATE A United Party Will Support the Great Commoner. A special from Washington says: "It is recognized by almost all Demo crats, even by some of those who would prefer another man as standard bearer, that Bryan's past services and his exist ing following establish him as the lead er of the party, and that a new man could not be brought forward with any remote possibility of succese unless he is given the united backing of the party, and unless a perfect understanding is arrived at as to the meaning of the new candidacy. Therefore, the pros and cons of the situation are to be thrashed out here with Bryan himself. "The conferences are to deal with blunt facts. Reports from the best available sources are being gathered from the States which may be regarded as fighting ground. Definition of the essentials to gain votes in States now Republican is promised. In the light of analaysis and free discussion of the outlook, determined endeavor will be made to decide upon a programme. j All this is in the minds of the fore- j most Democrats here, with the know- j ledge, however, that Bryan's wishes j and judgment will control the issue. "The two-thirds vote to nominate has , been the rule of Democratic conventions , during the long life of the party. Bnt j only in one instance, that of Van Buren, j in 1844, has the candidate receiving a j majority vote failed of nomination. ; The Van Buren case resulted from a i peculiar conjunction of circumstances, j not likely to be repeated. A Majority of the convention, though instructed, it so happened, did not represent party sentiment at the time of the convention. New events had molded new opinion, and Polk was nominated" Keeping Open House Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working prop erly. Dr. King's New Life Pills regu late the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feel ing good when he uses these pills. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's drugtore. nn A the hands of those who had won it without an effort at defense or even a suggestion of protest or resistance. Four years later Garfield buttressed upon the money power, and the whole tremendous influence of the Federal patronage machine defeated Hancock, and made the night darker and darker for the Democracy. It rallied how ever. Patched as best it could its tat tered old garments. Dressed as best it could its tattered old rank. Gather ed as best it could about ragged old banner, and rushed once more to the assault upon Radicalism as though Jefferson had written its platform and Jackson was leading it columns to the fight. This time the hero was destined to enjoy the victory and the martyr to wear the crown. Not a hand was lifted to stay the inauguration of Cleveland. After renewing youth the party was back again in the house of its father serene, unconquerable, and healed of all of its grievous and manifold wounds, even as Lazarus was healed in the bosom of Abrham. After Cleveland then came the peer less Bryan in 1896, and made the great est campaign that was ever made in the "land of the free and the home of the brave" Realizing this great argument in favor of the people, the money power become engaged to the extent of fur nishing Mark Hanna with millions of dollars to buy votes, and where he couldn't buy to steal them. This again another democratic president was de frauded out of his seat in the White House. The same was repeated in 1900. This year Mr. Bryan will again be the standard-bearer of the peoples party, and if he is not elected it will be because the money power will again furnish millions of money to buy the votes, and that the people will be fools enough to be purchased like so many cattle. Whatever the result of. the election, the principals of the democratic party will never cease to be an inspira tion and a trumpet call to millions of men who believe in honesty and fair dealing between man and man. No man, or any set of men, is stiong enough to bring the slightest hurt to a party that stands for liberty, honesty and right. ENTERTAINS IN HONOR OF FRIEND Mrs. J. M. Johns Gives Five 0' CI ock Tea in Honor of Mrs. Frank J. Morgan. Yesterday afternoon at her pleasant home, Mrs. James M. Johns gave a most delightful pink and white luncheon in honor of her friend, Mrs. Frank J. Morgan, who is visiting in the city from Lincoln. The decorations were pink and white carnations with place cards of the same color, appearing in heart valentines. A delicate two course luncheon was served at 5 o'clock, with pink and white ice cream and cake. Those to enjoy and to add to the occa sion were: Mrs. Frank J. Morgan, the guest of honor; Mesdames Charles Par mele, T. M. Patterson, Charles Parker, D. C. Morgan, M. Morrisy, James Don nelly, Wm. Schmidtman, E. W. Cook, F. G. Morgan, W. J. Streight, T. E. Parmele and Miss Edith Atwood. What to Do When Bilious The right thing to do when you feel bilious is to take a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Try it. Price 25c. Samples free at F. G. Fricke & Co's drugstore. Look Good to Everybody. One of Plattsmouth's citizens broke into print the other day and criticised the action of the county commissioners for not being more charitable to a des titute says he owns twelve head of horses and cattle, has rented a farm and is not asking aid from the county. Another feature of the investigation is a financial showing of Cass county that ought to look good to democrats as well as republicans. Weeping Water Republican. CASTOR I A Tot InfmU and CTiilrtrfn. lb KfcJ Yea Cm Ahxjj C:rt Bears the Signature of