The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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Semi - Weekly
Why Federal Officeholders Want Roosevelt
Re-nominated They Want to Nurse
the Public Tact During Their
Existence on Earth.
Returned to Illinois
The following is taken from the Bells
Fourche (S. D.) Northwest post, and
was written by the only Vallery, who
is a republican. The author is a former
Cass county citizen, and strikes
straight from the shoulder:
What is the motive in prolonging the
shouting for a third term for .Presi
dent Roosevelt, after he has reiterated
has declaration that he would not take
a third term? There is but one answer
to the question, and that is: Political
pap, political chuck, political susten
ance. There is an army of Americans
who lives by the grace of appointment
by the president, who do not come
under the civil service rule, and these
are the chaps who are keeping up the
third term yell; and their motive is
easy bread and butter and some dough.
Why don't these appointees take Mr.
Roosevelt at his word and work for
iome other good republican for presi
dent? Right there is where the shoe
pinches; it must be Roosevelt or noth
ing for them. The appointees who are
holding office at the present time by
the grace of the republican party are
fully aware that their job will soon
come to an end if Roosevelt is not the
next nominee on the republican ticket
for president.
It matters not who the next presi
dent of the United States will be, if he
is other than Teddy Roosevelt, there
will be a house-cleaning. Hence there
is only one recourse for those fellows
who are holding office now, and that is
to stick to Roosevelt and get him nom
inated, and even then they have two
chances of losing out one by the de
feat of Roosevelt at the polls, and the
other by being petitioned out by their
The American people are determined
to remove the underlings was are hold
ing fat jobs at the present time, and so
determined are they that if the presi
dent does allow himself to be placed
before that movement by accepting the
nomination for the coming four years,
he, too, will go down to defeat.
Congress, along with the several ad
ministrations for the past quarter of a
century prior to Rooseveitism, is re
sponsible for the dishonest men with
their polluted capital who have been
robbing the American people. The con
ditions that are now disturbing this
nation would not have occurred had not
the underlings and their tools pulled
the wool over the eyes of the innocent
and uninformed voters at home, and
by the grace of Theodore Roosevelt
there are enough of these poor fellows
who have had the wool removed, so
that there is now a quorum to do busi
ness in the interests of the American
people. ' P. B. Vallery. -..
Gave Cecile a Surprise.
Last Saturday being the birthday of
Miss Cecile Hackentery, a number of
her friends got together and going to
her home made the evening one long to
remember, and were a merry crowd
until a late hour. The time was spent in
games such as are pleasing to the young
people, and was added to by a delight
ful lunch during the evening. There
were a number of little presents that
bespoke the feeling entertained for
the young lady by her many friends.
On departing all wished Cecile many
more such pleasant evenings spent as
this one, Those present and taking part
in the making of the pleasant evening
were. Misses Tillie Fanger.Verna Hatt,
Bertha Jackson, Hazel Tuey, Jennie
Batton, Hulda and Clara Goos, Masters
Earl Blunt, Dorr McBrice, Elmer Spies,
Roy Thompson, Carl Scotton and Glen
Nebraska City Banquet.
In speaking of the Plattsonians who
participated in the banquet at that
place Saturday night, the Nebraska
City News says: The closing toast was
by Mat Gering, of Plattsmouth, who
who spoke on The Aesthetic Side."
Mat was at his best, and he waseloqunet
to a degree seldom heard.
Judge Travis spoke on "The Jury"
and told how he could be made pure;
also giving his interpretation of the
work. From what he said there will
be no attempt at "jury fixing"while he
is on the bench.
A. N. Sullivan, of riattsmouth, was
booked for one of his Irish speeches,
but was unable to bejresent, so Hon.
R. B. Windham was substituted. He
told of Judge Jessen's work in Cass
county, how he was appreciated, and
on behalf of the Cass county bar pre
sented him with a handsome silver water
Will I. Howland and Wife Returns.
Will I. Howland and family returned
Tuesday from their trip to Mitchell,
South Dakota, where they have been
visiting for the past three months.
During the time they were absent,
Mr Howland was afflicted with the
small-pox. They report the winter
very fine in the north, with plenty of
work all the time. Will has been en
gaged at his trade as carpenter all the
time with the exception of when he was
in the hospital with the small-pox.
They are both looking fine and appear
as if they had spent the winter in nice
Frank Kaufman, Draws Mini
mum Fins for Keeping
His Fifteen Year old
Daughter From
The Beatrice Daily Express says:
"Frank Kauffman this morning in
Judge Spafford's court pleaded ' guilty
to the charge of keeping his daughter
Anna fifteen years old, out of school.
In consisderation of his pleading guilty
he was given the minimum fine. $5 and
costs. The fine could have been as
much as $20. The court cautoned Mr.
Kauffman not to repeat the offense.
The child must be sent to school, and
each day she is kept out will be con
strued as a separate and distinct offense.
"This has been a persistent case.
The girl's last day in school was the
tenth of January a year ago. The
school board had exhausted every other
means of securing the observance of
the law in this case. They are well
pleased with the outcome.
"Labor Commissioner Ryder has been
following the case carefully, and came
down from Lincoln to be present at the
hearing. He expressed himself as en
tirely satisfied with the result. In re
gard to the general effect of the out
come of this case Mr. Ryder said :
"We expect the result in this case to
have good effect throughout the state,
because it is the first case we have had
to go inp court with and have a parent
fined for neglect to send his children to
school. While this was not brought
specifically as a text case, but merely
in the routine of Dr. Albright's work,
it can be regarded as a test case in the
large sense that it proves that the
compulsory school attendance law is
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Very Sick
During the past week, Mr. and Mrs.
Wynn sr., have been very sick at their
home. Tuesday they were reported
as being slightly improved, though on
Saturday evening each had a very
severe spell, and especially was the
condition of Grandpa Wynn serious. It
is hoped that they may both improve
rapidly and soon be well. They are
both well along in years and it is diffi
cult for them to get around to assist in
the care of each other. ,
Martin N. Frederich and John Volk,
the former a cousin of our M. L. Fred
erich, came in Friday night from Ran
dolph, this state, where they have been
visiting for some time past. This morn
ing Mr. Frederich departed for his
home at Pekin, Illinois, and will be fol
lowed by Mr. Volk Tuesday morning.
They were visiting with friends near
Randolph, and looking after some pur
chases of land which they made some
time ago.
Monthly Report of the Same for
Month Ending January 31 , 1908
The following is the report of the
Plattsmouth city schools, for the month
ending January 31, -1908:
dents to form the habit of destroying or
defacing school books. They are form
ing bad habits as well as causing the
district unnecessary expense.
The national meeting of superintend
ents and principals, to be held in Wash
ington, D. C, February 26, 27 and 38,
promises to be the greatest meeting of
the kind ever held in the country. The
majority of the city and many of the
county superintendents of Nebraska will
be in attendance.
M or can
1 1 . i
th 4T.2
44. 8
I'er cent
P0 5
Total 9UJ : 37 9T..3
Total enrollment to date 1.154.
The work of the. schools have been
seriously interefered with during the
past month on account of sickness
Dozens of students have been confined
to their homes and many of the teach
ers have been ill. We are hoping to
soon see all again in their accustomed
The rrfoney earned at the Christmas
cantata by the students ofthe Central
builcfing has b'eenilsedb "purchase jbl
piano. A very good instrument was se
cured. It is on the second floor in the
main hall and can easily be heard
throughout the entire building. It is a
great help when the lines are passing
and the students are greatly pleased
with it.
The regular mid-year examination for
members of the normal training class
was given on Friday. Fourteen of our
students took the examination. This is
given under the direction of the state
superintendent and grades earned in
this examination may be placed upoi. a
county certificate.
The preliminary debate to determine
who shall represent the High school in
the debating league will be held next
week, probably on Thursday morning.
The question is be debated is: Resolved,
That the United States should own and
operate the railway systems of the coun
try. The following will try for places:
Josephine Hall, Mattie Laeson, Marie
Dougles, Milford Bates, Ben Windham
and Ray Smith.
Thanks to the kindness of the Board
of Education a new Underwood type
writer has been added to the office
eqiupment of the city superintendent.
The office is gradually being made one
of the pleasentest little offices to be
found in schools of this size.
The new reference books for the High
school have been ordered and will arrive
in a few days. This list of books was
made out by the teachers of the vari
ous departments in the High school and
includes some very valuable works.
The students and teachers are looking
forward with great pleasure to the next
number of the lecture course by George
R. Stewart, which will be by far the
strongest number that has been given
this year.
The writer recently spent a half day
inspecting the manual training depart
ment of the Omaha schools and we are
more than convinced that a properly
equipped manual training department
is a most excellent thing. A poorly
equipped one however would not be of
very great valve to the students.
Our basket ball squads, under the ef
ficient management of Mr. Brooks, are
improving rapidly, and while they have
been rather unfortunate in the matter
of winning games, it is due in part to
the superior teams which they have
met. We expect them to begin to win
the majority of their games soon. The
next game is a boy's game with Silver
City, la., to be played here Saturday
It has been necessary to require stu
dents to pay. damage done to text books
or other school property during the past
month. School property should be cared
for as carefully as any other, and we do
not believe it a good plan to allow stu-
The Nebraska City Lawyers
Honor the Retiring and
Present Judge.
A special from Nebraska City under
date of February 8, says: "The Otoe
County Bar association gave a dinner
to the Cass county bar complimentary
to Paul Jessen, the retiring district
judge, and H. D. Travis, the newly
elected judge, at the Watson hotel this
evening. An elaborate dinner was ser
ved. County Attorney D. W. Living
ston acted as toastmaster. John C.
Watson responded to "The Bar of the
Second Judicial District," W. F.Moran
to -'The Litigant," E. F. Warren to
"Felicities and Infelicities," Judge
Paul Jessen to "On Both Sides of It,"
Jesse Root of Plattsmouth to "The Old
Well and the Thirsty World, "Judge H.
D. Travis of Plattsmouth to "The Jury"
William Hay ward to "Selection of the
Judiciary" and Matthew Gering of
Plattsmouth to "The Aesthetic Side."
"There were many responses to im
prompt toasts and it was a late hour
before the guests took their depar
ture." The Nebraska City Press in speaking
of the banquet, says: "C. A. Rawls,
and W. C. Ramsey of Plattsmouth, and
H. G. Wellensiek of Avoca and O. G.
Leidigh of this city made extqmporone-
ous responses to the call of the toast-
master which were jewels of off hand
oratory. ' '
One in Vhicha Prominent Cass
County Citizen is Interested
The following is taken from the
Charleston, (West Virginia) Daily
Gazette of February 6th. The case in
which reference is made to Henry Sny
der, et al., is the one in which Geo. W.
Snyder, well known to many of the
readers" of the Journal, is interested,
and which involves thousands of acres
of valuable timber and coal lands:
"This morning in supreme court two
of the most noted land cases ever
brought in the cou: t of appeals of West
Virginia will be argued. The cases are
the State of West Virginia vs. the West
Branch Lumber Co., and the State of
West Virginia vs. Henry Snyder, et al.
The first is from Braxton county, and
the second is from Randolph. Attorneys
R. G. Lynn, Cary C. Hines and Henry
Cato represent the state in the case
against the West Branch Lumber Co.,
which is represented by Attorneys
Mollohan, McClintic & Matthews, A.
W. Reynolds and John S. Clark.
"Representing the state in the second
case is Lew Greynolds, while Hon. "C.
H. Scott, E. D. Talbott, Jake Fisher
and Byron Clark will argue for Henry
Snyder, et al.
"Mr. Byron Clark is the well-known
attorney from Nebraska, and last night
a telegram was received here announc
ing that he would be in the city this
morning to attend court.
"The suits are over a tract of land in
the counties of Braxton and Randolph
which were forfeited for the non-payment
of taxes. In the case of the West
Branch Lumber Company the company
claims to have paid the taxes dua for a
sufficient time to protect them under the
provisions of article 13 of the constitution."
At Meeting of Gily Council Monday a Hunt'
ber of Prominent Citizens Gave Their Views
as to the Dcst Way of Preventing Damage.
' J. P. Faiter's Father Very Sick.
Sunday J. P. Falter was called to
Plainview by a message, telling of the
very serious illness of Jacob Falter, sr,
father of our townsman. Mr. Falter is
well advanced in years and his friends
here regret to hear of his sickness.
His son, J. P. Falter, departed last
evening for the bedside of his sick
father. .
Bought Then a Home.
Since purchasing and moving into their
new home on Nine street, E. B. Thrall
and wife have' rented their former
residence to Mat Leuck, the place on
the'eorner of Third and Oak streets,
and they liking the place so well have
now purchased it for themselves.
There was not an alderman absent
from his place, and the space outside
the railing was well filled with repre
sentative citizens, when the sound of
the mayor's gavil rapped for order and
for the opening of the deliberations of
the city dads. With the minutes of
last meeting out of the way no com
munications, or petitions were pre
sented for consideration, except the
lowering of the streets, which was
kept until the regular business of the
session had been disposed of. The
finance committee reported as per the
appended list of bills, with one for
$34.00 of J. H. Hall going to the
claims committee. The city clerk's
books not yet audited, chief of police
reported 5 arrests, while the report of
the street commissioner showed a va
riety of things done, reporting one poll
tsx worked out. City clerk Elster
showed in his report the collection of
The board of health reported three
cases of smallpox, with all doing nicely,
with the prospects of an early dis
charge from quarrantine, as they were
nearly over the melady. The report of
the fire department showed all ap
paratus in good shape, and recom
mended the purchase of 150 feet of
new hose, and repairing the roof of
hose house, where shingles were off.
This report went to the fire ' and water
committee. The police judge reported
the collection of $24.00. Claim com
mittee asked for more time on a bill
of $1.50 forMcMaken which was grant
ed. The streets, allies and bridges
committee reported O. K. on report of
street commissioner. License commit
tee had nothing to report. Fire and
water committee recommended allow
ing the fire department 2 keys for the
council chamber, and asked for more
time for the consideration of the prop
osition of paying the president of the j
department a salary, which was grant
ed, and the report adopted. The hos
pital committee recommended the pay
ing of Dr. J. H. Hall $550.00 for the
bill which he has of $673.00, which re
port was adopted and placed on file.
The police committee reported it not
advisable to pay H. D. Barr for time
when M. Archer was away.
The judiciary committee reported the
payment of $200 per month on account
to the water company, this amount to
apply, leaving the balance of the con
tested amount open for future settle
ment. The matter of the acceptence
was discussed, but as to whether it will
be accepted or not is not yet known. The
report of the committee was adopted
by the council. After which the citi
zens asked for an expression of their
opinion as to the advisability of lower
ing the streets for the purpose of
carrying off the surplus water. Many
and varied were the opinions expressed
as to what should be done for protec
tion from the floods which have oc
curred for ages, and will probably
recur again. Some advocated a sewer
on Pearl and another on Vine street
and still another in the middle of Main
street, with the estimate of costs,
varying from forty to eighty thousand
dollars, while others advocated the
lowering the Main, Sixth, Pearl and
Vine streets, and building of high curbs
where water turns to keep water in
streets and protect property to
straighten the water courses and keep
them clear of all rubbish. The con
census of opinion being that the better
plan would be to lower streets. The
matter was placed in the hands of a
committee to report at the next regu
lar meeting for action, with the com
mittee instructed in interview the rail
road in regard to the changing on the
sewer under their tracks and making a
passage way under the tracks at the
lower end of Main street.
Claims Allowed.
J. II. Hall, med. service
Neb. Light Co., light
Ben Rainey, salary
Joe Fitzgerald, same
John Janda, same
James Donnelly, same
Olive Jones, same
M. Archer, same
Pub. Lib., expense
Neb. Light Co., lib .
John Bauer, mdse
Joe Rohka, work
Wm. Gingery, same
Plattsmouth Tel. Co
"50 00
1 00
50 00
50 00
40 00
4 50
25 00
:;o oo
1 65
2 75
11 45
1 65
Treasurer's Report.
General fund $
Hydrant rental 6
Fire department fund
Interest 4
Business tax
Teachers 2
Overdrafts . .
Net balance.
18 618 75
3 890 88
17 747 70
Had a Merry Time and One
Long to De Remembered
By all Present
The neighbors in the neighorboou of
Jess Elliott, last Saturday evening
worked a complete surprise on him and
his estimable wife. They had no idea
that anyone was coming until one after
another of their friends dropped in on ;
them, and in a short time had their j
house well filled. One occasion for the !
surprise being the visiting in the neigh
orhood of a few' friends from their old
home at Hamburg, Iowa. Music, games
and social conversation was the program
for the evening, and at the proper time
a delightful lunch was served from
supplies brought along by the guests.
Among those to add to the occasion
were: Asbury Jacks and wife of Ham
burg, Iowa, G. M. Jacks, wife and fam
ily, Walter Elliott, Will Miller, Andy
Smith and wife, Mrs. J. B. Baumeister,
John Elliott and family, J. Andrews
and two sons, John Rutherford and
family, S. S. Gooding and family and
Fred Richardson and wife.
Letter From Wm. Haberman.
A letter from Wm. Haberman, from
Lincoln where he is taking a course of
treatmeut for the over normal appetite
for intoxicants, says that he is pleased
with the treatment which he it receiv
ing at the institution, that there are peo
ple from all portions of the state, and
that it is working great good for them.
Mr. Haberman thinks he will be able to
return at end of course of treatment in
fine shape, a fact everybody will be
glad to know as well as he.
The Basket Ball Came.
The Basket Ball game played at Ne
braska City . was Plattsmouth 15 and
16, which made a very close game.
This is a gain for the Plattsmouth
team, and at the same : rate, of gain
they would win easily next time.
Entertains at Cards
Miss Anna Nashal, entertained las
Saturday e vening at cards. Those to
win were Miss Lillie Yelenek the King
prize, and Miss Josephine Buronek, the
booby prize. A delicious two-course
luncheon was served, all voting Miss
Nashal a royal entertainer. Those to
enjoy the occasion were: Misses Celia
Polecek, Mary Kobek, Lillie Yelenek,
Josephine Buronek, Anna, Nashal and
Mike Rabb.
Case Under Advisement.
Matthew Gering and Ed. Brantner
returned home Tuesday from a few
days spent at Glenwood, Iowa, where
they were resisting an attachment
which an attorney at that place had
made against a judgment in the hands
of the court for $1,2001 Mr. Gering
said that he is of the opinion that the
case will be decided in the favor of
Mr; Brantner. The court has it now
under advisement.