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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1908)
llattsmoutb omtttal Semi Weekly FOUR PAGES VOLUME XX VI II PLATTSMOUm NEBRASKA, 3IOXDAY, FEI5HUARV 10, 1008. NUMJIEIl 7 Semi - Weekly FOUR PAGES 5 k1 1 4- ci imm raw But Organized Labor Will Generally Seek to Help Its Friends Into Office, Whether in Democrat or Republican Parly. A special from Indianapolis, Intl., un der date of February 6, says: John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers, when asked today in regard to the rumors to the effect that there has been begun at the recent mine workers' convention a movement to in dorse the candidacy of certain aspirants for the presidency of the United States and for other political offices, stated that so far as he knew there was no foundation for these rumors. lie said, however, that the members of the miners' union, together with all trade unionists affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, were interested actively in the election to all executive, judicial and administrative offices of men who were known to be sympathetic to the reasonable demands of the wage earners of the country. "It follows, therefore," said Mr. Mit chell, "that they would oppose the can To Clear the Postoffice Site. Last evening when the bids were opened for the removing of the old house at the corner of Fifth and Vine streets for the clearing of the site for the new postoffice building, there was found one from Col. JII. C. McMaken, making an offer for the purchase of the building. The building was sold to him and the lot has to be cleared by the 22nd of the present month. To Attend Funeral C. A. Harvey and wife were passen gers to Omaha this morning, called there by thv- death of Emanuel Schnell backer, a brother-in-law of Mr. Harvey. The deceased was a man well advanced in years, whom they had expected to go to attend their golden wed ding on the 25th of this month. He was about 73 years of age and was well and stong until on Wednesday, when he was taken sudden1 sick and died the same day. The funeral arrangements are not yet known but it is supposed the funeral and interrment will be held today. Another Rosebud Added With a smile as pleasant as a summer day, Julius Neilson. the Burlington en gineer, whispered in our ear this morn ing that some one had come to visit at ' his home and would in all probability make that their permanent home. We asked "Boy or girl," ami he replied, "A girl, and she's all right, you bet," a modest blush suffusing his cheek. The mother and little one are getting along in fine shape. With the father, while the symptoms are in the main favora ble, it is well to watch him very closely for with the variable weather, no one knows what turn the case might take. Two Ribs Broken Last Thursday Wm. H. Bull met with an accident that has caused him to lay off for a time and suffer consider able pain. He was standing on his work bench in the shop and in attempt ing to step on a trestle in getting down he missed his footing and felL His side struck the trestle, breaking two ribs and jarring another one loose. All of which made work for the doctor and trouble for Will. Weeping Water Republican. Improving Slightly At Present. The condition of George Mason, is re ported as being slightly better Satur day from the effects of blood poisoning which he received some ten days since, when he was butchering, he received a very slight incission in the finger from the knife he was using at his work.The case has been one of remarkable viru lence, and one in which the utmost skill of the attending physician was taxed to care for the patient, with any hopes of success. But by the very careful treat ment some improvement is now shown, with the hopes of more to follow. George Sayles Much Improved. George E. Sayles is reported as be ing much improved and is so he can get around again although by the aid of cratches, every day shows some im provement and he hopes soon to be able to get down to the county seat again and surprise some of his old friends. TCHEU. didacy of aspirants for political honors who are known to be unsympathetic or antagonistic to the labor movement. "This activity on the part of the or ganized and to a less extent on the part of the unorganized workers of our coun try is no partisan movement. I think there is little possibility of the labor or ganizations entering the political field from a party standpoint. In common with other citizens the workingmen seek the general welfare of our country and at the same time they ask special legislation as is necessary for the pro tection of their own lives and the pre servation of their own health, so far as those ends may be secured by legislative enactment. In other words the labor ing people believe that officials of the law, whether they be high or whether they be low, should be especially solicit ous for the welfare of the members of society who are least able to serve them selves." A Mute Wedding Quite in contrast with the alleged Coad wedding, which is said to have been consummated by the Common law method in about three seconds, was one at which County Judge Cosgrave offi ciated at noon Tuesday and which occupied many minutes from the time preliminaries were inaugurated until the contracting parties -were finally pronounced man and wife. The man and woman whose destinies Judge Cosgrave assisted in linking were Fred McKee of Lincoln and Bertha Allen of Syracuse, both deaf mutes. The judge wrote out the questions re quired to be answered by an applicant for a license, the answers being written out by the bride. The groom signed and swore to the application. The questions which the judge is required to ask in the ceremoney were also written out and the parties wrote the answers. McKee is quite well known in this city, where he has been engaged in teaming. His bride is a native of Nebraska City and neither her father nor mother was deaf or dumb. They will make this city their home. McKee went to the county judge's office Mon day and approaching Walter Lease, Judge Cosgrave's assistant, wrote him a note as follows: "Which is Judge Cosgrave? I will bring my sweetheart here tomorrow noon and you may marry us by license." He was given the desired in formation and returned as he had promised Lincoln News. That's Why Emil Smiles E. A. Wurl is smiling these days, and why not? He should smile, for Dame Fortune has smiled upon him. The goddess who deals out fortune, both good and bad, has looked upon Mr. and Mrs. Wurl with a goodbitof delight, and thinking that they should have some one to play around their door step and call them papa and mamma, sent them a present by Mr. Stork the tinniest bit of humanity you ever saw. The little lady will make her home with them. Mother Wurl is getting along very nicely, while Father Wurl, well, he is kept pretty busy, now, dividing his time between the business at the store and little Miss Wurl at the home. Please acceppt congratulations, both Father and Mother Wurl, and may the little one be a joy to you, and bless you in the years to come. Gustave Kraft Died Yesterday At his late home south of Louisville, Gustave Kraft, a single man and a farmer, owning his own place near Manley, died Thursday afternoon of spinal trouble, after a shoit illness. He was about 25 years of age and was a son of Charles Kraft of Louisville, who is a retired farmer and a well-to-do citizen. The funeral will be held from the German Presbyterian church south of Louisville Sunday. Northwestern Seeds. Do you wish one of our special 1908 seed and Pottawattamie county, Iowa, nursery stock price lists?. If so write D. Harris, Council Bluffs, la., and you will receive one by mail free of cost. The best stock and prices to be found. Write today. DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Little Change Appears in the Commercial Conditions. A special from New York gives the the follow from R. G. Dun's Trade Review: Little change appears in the com mercial situation, but progress is in the right direction insofar as any difference can be discerned. On the whole, the iron and steel industry is in a better position than a week ago, although new contracts are placed with much caution, and each order is the object of extensive negoti ations. Business that appeared several weeks ago is still pending, and buyers have been able to secure small quanti ties of pig iron at further reductions. Aside from a moderate demand for prompt shipments of novelties or spec ial constructions, the primary market for cotton goods is dull, staple lines be ing almost wholly neglected. Purchas ers continue to await lower quotations. Variations in the raw material have no effect, and the expert demand has not improved. All lines of woolens have been opened without arousing much interest or giving any definite impres sion regarding the trend of the market. A fair business in certain lines of wool goods have encouraged a more active work at some mills and fancy worsteds have sold sufficiently to indicate that the season's results would equal the success of recent preceding years, but most clothing manufacturers have made little preparation for the future. New England footwear producers are receiving small initial and supplement ary orders by mail from wholesalers who recently inspected samples in the cotton market, but total results are not satisfactory. Leather is dull and weak, except for a fairly steady market for heavy sole of which receipts are light. Shoe manu facturers restrict purchases of leather to actual needs and some varieties are from two to four cents lower than at the best prices of last year. HONOR OF KITTY fCAFFENBERGER Mrs. L B. Egenberger Last Evening Entertained in Honor of Her Friend Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Egenberger, the latter gave a pleasant and complete surprise on her friend Miss Kitty Kaffenberger, living west of the city, who has been spend ing the week with her. The entertain ment was a complete surprise to the guest of honor. The evening was spent very pleasantly with instrumental and vocal music, progressive high five and other games and amusements. At a late hour Mrs. Egenberger, as sisted by Mesdames F. G. Egenberger, J. C Petersen and Val Burkel, served an ellegent three course luncheon, which was one of the pleasing events of the evening. Those to enjoy and make the evening one of pleasure were Miss Kitty Kaffenberger, the guest of honor, Miss Margaret and Lulu Weber, Violet Dodge, Herma and Helen Spies, Chris tina and Matilda Soennichsen, Ida and Anna Egenberger, Edna Petersen, Helen Egenberger, Teresa Droege, and Messrs Willie, Louie and Henry Egenberger and J. C. Petersen. She Don't Want Much A special from Nebraska City, under date of February 7, says: Judge H. D. Travis is holding a special term of dis trict court and trying to clear up the docket. The case of Calvin Champman, wherein he sues for a divorce from his wife, whom he has lived with for the past forty years, has been on trial all day. His wife will give him a divorce by falling to appear and he in turn is to give her $22,000 alimony. "The case has attracted considerable notoriety by reason of the prominence of both parties. There are a number of other cases set for hearing at the conclusion of this case and Judge Travis will hold court next week, if he cannot conclude by tomorrow evening." Again Down and Out. Fred E. Bricka who severed his re lations with the Weeping Water Re publican the first of January in order to publish a paper at Woodbine, Iowa, re turned to Weeping Water the first of the week, having disposed of his inte rest in the Iowa paper. We under stand that he will enter the insurance field, selling life insurance for an east ern company. Nehawka Register. An Old Landmark. While the prairie grass was endeav oring to grow to the very limits of the village of Plattsmouth and the grass hoppers were eating it up and every other green thing as well, in the year 18C9, Christian Mockenhaupt, sr., the father of our townsman, was making brick in the city. For a time previous to this the brick yard had been where the Burlington switch yards are now located and just east of where George Dovey's residence now stands, over the bluff near the river bank. There Mr. Mockenhaupt made brick for a number of years. Here he lost a number of fine horses with the epizootic, an epidemic at that time prevailing. At about that time he removed his yards to West Vine street. where Wm. Weber's residence now stands, and it is probable that there the brick were made that went into the building which is to be torn down and the lot cleared for use as a site for the new postoffice building. During that year two houses were built just across the two streets from from each other, for which Mr. Mocken haupt furnished the brick, and how well he did the work, can be attested by the condition of the brick in the buildings at the present time. These two build ings, one the old John Fitzgerald resi dence, the other the David Hawks- worth home, are still in good condition when the brick work is taken into con sideration. The Hawksworth home is in good shape, and otherwise than al lowing the Fitzgerald place to run down it is in good shape as well. The Hawksworth house was built by Chas. Lazenby, and the Fitzgerald house was built by Ami Lazenby, and the brick work was done on the house which is to be torn down by the late E. W. Ken nedy. During the following year John Fitzgerald came to - Plattsmouth, and purchasing the property, made his home there while he lived in the city which was for a number of years. It was five or six years later that Mr. Hawksworth came to this city and became master mechanic of the Burlington shops, in which position he remained for many years. A few years after the building of this house, J. V. Egenberger ac quired the place on the second lot west of it, then having a small house with one room, to which he built many ad ditions, and made it his home for some twelve years, removing from there in 1885. This place was owned in turn by Dr. A. Matthews and Sam Shoemaker, and now with the place on the corner, passes back to the government of the United States after an ownership of over fifty years by private individuals. Since the removal of John Fitsgerald to Lincoln, the property was rented to various people and was lastly occupied by Miss Kate Seidenstricker, where she has until recently conducted a bakery. The lots are to be cleared by the 22d of this month, and we hope that steps will immediately be taken for the con struction of the new federal building, which is to occupy the site. The loca tion is a good one, and while not the best, in our estimation, it is one which will accommodate a large number of people. With the making of this place ready for the new building let every citizen of Plattsmouth take hold of the proposition of making this the best city in the state, irrespective of its size, lo cation or anything else. We can do it. We live in this town from choice, and if so, why not make that choice the best town possible, or get out of it. Noel B. Rawls to Wed. The Journal is in receipt of an invi tation to attend the marriage ceremony, which will unite in wedlock, Miss Lucy Mae Case and Mr. Noel Burdette Rawls. The marriage will occur at the home of the bride's parents, in Boise, Idaho, on Wednesday evening, February 19, 1908. The groom was reared to manhood in this city and is a graduate from the Plattsmouth High school and his friends here are legion. For over one year Mr. Rawls was local l eporter on the Journal, which position he relinquished to accept a more lucuretative one on one of the Boise papers, which he has held down remarkably well. He is a young man of whom we think a great deal, and the young lady that is to become his life helpmate is certainly very fortunate in securing such a model young man. The Journal, in advance, extends to Noel and his bride all the happiness imagin able, and may prosperity ever attend them. Grandma Clark Not So Well. Grandma Clark, of Cedar Creek, who fell a week ago today, and injured her self so badly and is 82 years of age, is reported as not feeling so well yester day. In the fall, Mrs. Clark broke one arm at the wrist, and cut her face and forehead badly, besides bruising and wrenching herself at the time of the fall. POST GABG) WIM AS TOIL Rhymed Missives Thai Cost But Little and Con tain Some Good-Naturcd Jokes to Delight the Young. Next Friday is St. Valentine's Day, and it may not be out of order to re mind the Journal's young readers of this fact, as they are the ones who most en joy the immense fun in store for them. Dan Cupid might just as well stand on the curb and scream his love-making across the street this season as to fol low the way laid down for him by the valentine route. Most post card valen tines are, according to the dealers, destined almost wholly to supersede the old fashioned styles. And instead of these missives formerly in vogue, where evidences of affection were concealed from the rude gaze of the curious by mysterious frames of lace paper and embossed pictures. "Because money is scarce and credit is fleetin" it is, as one post card rhyme asserts, that the cheaper and less deli cate love missive is the popular one this season. So instead of cooing doves, clasped hands and bleeding hearts we see these very modern and up-to-date valentines that bear a jingle or jest with little Cupid himself as the butt of ridicule. One of the biggest manufacturers of valentines in the country is himself re sponsible for the statement that the love-making of the year will be done upon postal cards. "Love-making is more of a joke this year, remarked the man. Cupid, as a matter of fact, can't afford to be too serious just at this period in the finan cial situation. If he did he'd be in the court of chancery, sent there by his creditors. But seriously speaking the times really have affected the valentine trade, as they have everything else. "For instance, where one year ago we were selling thousands of dollars worth of fancy stock, this year every thing is nonsense rhymes on post cards. This line of goods is selling like hot cakes. The gaudy lace paper affairs with embossed cupids, mating doves and the like still have a vogue in the west, where love is carried on the old fash ioned way and where a proposal doesn't necessarily mean a brownstone mansion in the bargain. ' ' Of these post card valentines there are a number that have a special bear ing upon matters of interest to the pub lic at large. One of these is dedicated CELEBRATE SEVEN TEENTH BIRTHDAY Forty or More Persons Gather to Make Merry with Wesley Barker Friday evening being the seventeenth birthday of Wesley Barker, a large number of his friends gathered at the home of his father, W. H. Barker, four miles northwest of the city, and in an ! approved manner celebrated the event with much merriment. Games such as delight the young folks were indulged in and a very pleasant time was en joyed by all present. The popular practice of hypnotising one of the com pany was attempted, but owing to the sign being wrong in the moon and some of those present holding an adverse thought, the demonstration was not as powerful as had been expected. At a late hour a splendid lunch was served, and on departing all wished Westley the recurrence of many such pleasura ble occasions. Many presents were be stowed as tokens of the esteem and friendship held for him by his young i friends. ! Threatened With Appendicitis. Little Myra Stenner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stenner, is having a good deal of trouble these days with symptoms of appendicitis developing. The attending physician has forbidden the eating of any food for twenty-four hours, in order that the developments of the disease may be watched, and if possible, averted. It is ardently hoped by the relatives and friends of the little girl that she may convalesce soon, and that it may be permanent. Do you enjoy music? (Good music?) Then be at the Parmele Thursday night February 13th. Emm to "My Affinity," for of course itwouUi be manifestly impossible to allow the day to go by and miss such ai admir able opportunity to take a fling at thi personage. The rhyme which is printed on one part of a duplex post card runs like this: Jf of me you sometimes think. S'nd me hack the liow of pink : 1 f to me your heart is true. Send me liack the how of hlue. 1 f your heart to me Is dead. Semi me back the. how of red. If you have another fellow. Send me hack the luw of yellow. To fill out the end of each line and. make it rhyme there are instead of the words pink, blue, red and yellow tiny boys of ribbon of the desired shade at tached to the card, this lending a fes tive appearance to the valentine quite in keeping with he occasion. Apropos of the money panic there is a "Hard Times Greeting," which at least has originality in its favor and promises to be one of the most popular cards of the season. Here it is: I would not send to you this irreet Inr. Hut for the fact that times are had. Money's scarce and credit's fleet Intr, So I've sent the very hest I had. If you'll stick to me. Then I'll stick to yon. Tor ax an cinhlem of f ric n i There's uothinir like trine. To indicate the word "stick" there is attached to the card a thin wafer of wood with plenty of good carpenter's glue in the bargain. Another in this same series which might be sent as a joke to President Roosevelt isa straight tip" which runs with this sort of jingle: St irk to you own. A nd st ick to her t iirht ( r t he hitf st ick on you Will lie used. See, that's rit-'M . In this case, as in tlie previous one, the "stick" :'s a kindergarten slat. Still another valentine which carries a joke is the one which promises the recipient a check, which proves to be a small sample of checked gingham in the lower left hand corner. The rhyme reads like this: "My hruin is puzzled wind to buy. It really is a wreck. A nd so to nil the matter hort.. """" I send a liMle check. With hest wishes. For the swain who needs a gentle re minder there is provided a card to which is attached in the center a small gold ring with the words, "Anything doing?" printed across the wedding symbol. Team Not Stolen as Supposed. S. H. Hobbs and Henry Vetter, of Avoca, were in the city today with a team of horses which had wandered away from the home of the latter, and which was supposed to have been stolen. The horses were found at the home of Uncle Peter Keil, near Cullom, who took them in when they came to his place. The owner and Mr. Hobbs took the horses home, well pleased that they had fallen into such good hands as Un cle Peter's. It Comes Harry's Turn to Smile. Harry Gochenour is happy these days, not that he has Frank Wooster tied or anything of that kind, but then he has a smile coming anyway. The stork made his home a visit Wednesday even ing and left another little boy at his house, with its mother doing well and the little fellow all right, you bet. Harry is getting along as well as one could expect under the circumstances. Please accept our congratulations and best wishes, old fellow. Sold His Business at McCook Paul Budig and family came in Friday morning from McCook where they have lived for some years. Paul ha3 been engaged in the cigar making business, and has enjoyed a good trade in the past. He was here on a visit some two weeks ago and on his return home he was offered a good proposition and dis posed of his cigar factory. For the present Paul will not engage in busi ness but will wait for a short to watch the development of general conditions. For Sale. A number of registered Shorthorn bull. - H. G. Todd, . Murray, Neb. hi s.