The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1908, Image 6
Murray Bprimmt E2S Absolutely Pare PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE TEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. If of Ute readers of tfte Journal knnD of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and irill mad same to this office it vctll appear under this heading. 'c icant ail items of interest. Editor Journal. DC DC ,fDC 8 3 1 8 A checking account will establish a closer relation between you and j'our business. We invite you to start a checking account with us. You will find that financial matters will run more more smoothly when you have a complete record of your business transaction. Pay your obligations by check. We solicit both large and small ac counts each receives the same careful attention. 5 8 5 Murray State Bank q Mvirray, NebrLskaL. DC DC Little Helen Gilmore has been quite sick with grip this week. W. C. Brown was clerking at N. (I. Thomas sale Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Burton is sick this week with inflamatory rhematism. Mrs. D. J. Pitman and son Sam have been sick with grip this week Mrs. Bert Hansel, daughter of Mr. Miles Standish is on the su-k list this week. " Dr. B. F. Brendel was attending to professional business at Omaha Mon day. Chas Furgeson visited with his fath er near Dunbar Nebr, Saturday, return ing Sunday evening. Mr?. A. L. Baker and Mrs. Harm:i Beck attended the "Land of Nod" at the Farmele Monday night. James Campbell attended the play at the Farmele this week where he wit nessed the "Land of Nod". Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dill are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl at their house, the little lady coming last Wedneday. ?.Irs. Claude Everett living seven miles southeast of Murray has been seriously sick with grippe for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Thacker living six miles southeast of Murray are the proud parents of a nine pound girl; -arriving Sunday. II. C. Sravley and family are move ing to Murray this week, and will soon become permanent residents of our thriving little village. The Lloyd-Boediker sale was well attended and the stuff sold well. The man who has a sale must remember that it pays to advertise. Chas. S. Stone clerked at the Lloyd and Beodeker sales Monday. He reports a very large crowd, and every thing brought a fairly good price. Col. Jenkins is the proud owner of one of the latest styles of cameras he received it as a Xmas present, some- j whit late, but thankfully received. It! is one of the latest and one of the best. The old brick school house three miles southeast of Murray is being torn down and removed. It is one of the oldest school houses in the state and one of the oldest landmarks in the county. On the erection of a new building, the old building was placed up at auction last week and sold to the highest bidder, Mr. R. R. Nickels. The Chicago Concert-Trio gave and entertainment at the Pesbyterian church Tuesday night under the aus pices of the Murray Lecture Associ ation. The approbation of the auc dience was shown by the hearty cherr ing and the encores the different per formers were given. The next number of the lecture course will be a lecture by Lanham, the date of which will be .announced in the Journal. The Omaha News tells of a couple coming from Chicago to Omaha to get married. The young roan was 21 but (the girl was only 17. They could not procure license. They went to Council Bluffs where they also failed. Later the they went Plattsmouth where they were married. This seemed very peculiar until an investigation proved that they came to Plattsmouth over the Missouri Pacific Railroad which cleared the diff erence in age with she months to spare. j H. G. Todd, was county seat visitor Wednesday. Notice to Patrons, Postmaster A. L. Baker, desires to call attention to the pratice "of some ! patrons of rural delivery of placing loose coines in their boxes each time they desire to dispatch letters instead of supplying themselves with postage in advance of their needs. This pratice imposes undue hardship on the rural carries in removing loose ! coin from boxes and delays them on the service of their routes. The Postmaster, therefore, urgently requests that patrons of rural delivery provide themselves and keep on hand a supply of stamps consistent with and in advance of their needs. It is also very desirable that rural patrons place in their mail boxes small detachable cups of wood or tin in which to place coins, when necessary, in purchasing supplies of stamps. J For sale A number of registered J shorthorn bulls. H. G. Todd, Murray. j Will Oliver spent Saturday and Sun j day in Peru with his sister, Elizabeth. ' Mrs. Jos. Burton has been suffering j j with rheumatism for the past week. i j William Rice and family attended the ; play at Plattsmouth Monday (Land of ;Nod.). James Loughridge attended the j Masobic lodge in Plattsmouth Monday evening. ! J. B. Seybolt and John. Stones were i transacting business at the county seat Tuesday. Roy Taylor and A. C. Godwin of Plattsmouth, were business callers in Murray Monday. Mrs. Nick Klaurens is visiting her parents Jacob Gruber and wife, at Ne hav.ka this week. Albert Queen has moved to the Henry Long farm west of town lately vacated by Wm. Wehrbein- Ed Slocum and Theo. L. Amick at tended the Land of Nod at the Parmele Theater Monday evening. Miss Marie Berger, who has been in Lincoln for the past few weeks, re turned home Wednesday. John Murray and family of Platts mouth, were in Murray a few days this wefk visiting with relatives. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pitman died in Omaha, and was brought to Union Monday for burial. Mrs. Roy Boyd of Plattsmouth, has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Guy Burton a few days this week. Guy Burton, the general manager of the telephone exchange here purchases a new buggy of John Cook this week. H. L. Oldham has been confined to his home for a few days with the la grippe. We hope to see him out in his usual good health soon. It has been with considerable diffi culty that Ozra Virgin has been moving around for the past few days owing to injuries he receive on the ice. Kelly Rhoden is once more able to be around upon the streets, after his re cent severe sick spell. It is expected that he will go to the hospital in the near future for an operation. Ray Chriswisser returned to Murray Wednesday after an absence of almost two months, at which time he was taken to the hospital in Omaha. He has been visiting with his father in Plattsmouth for the past week. The Chicago Concert Trio which ap peared at the Presbyterian church Tues day night, under the management of the Murray Lecture Course, gave uni versal satisfaction. The program rend ered was superb and worthy of the highest commendation. Henry Sans, who went to Milford, a few days ago to undergo an operation at the Dr. W. K. Loughridge hospital for appendicitis, is getting along nicely the operation being" most successfully performed, and his speedy recovery is looked for. This is Dr. Loughridge's first case from Murray, and it is indeed encouraging, to learn that the patient is doing so nicely under the doctors care, in which cases he has proven a most successful practitioner. Little One Dies. The little one-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linville, . that died in FurnaS couuty a few days ago, . arrived in Murray, with its parents Tuesday, and the funeral was held at Otterbein church Wednesday forenoon, Rev. Brink pastor of the church officiating, inter ment being made at the Otterbein cemetery. For Sale. A number of registered Shorthorn bubs. H. G. Todd. Murray, Neb. Blacksmithing and Horseshoeing. John Durman has opened up a black- smithing and repair shop on J. T. Por ter farm south of Murray. He makes horseshoeing a specialty. He will be pleased to have all parties desiring any thing in this line to call and see him. Notice. As this is the first of the year, the time that all firms make an effort to collect their outstanding accounts, and in order for all adjustments to be made I hereby make the request that all parties knowing themselves indebted to me to call and settle at the earliest possible moment, as I need the money and need it now to meet my own obli gations. I thank you for past favors and wish you a prosperous year of 1908. Very respectfully yours, James Loughridge. H. C. Long was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth Mon day. Mrs. James Root of Lincoln is in Murray this week among friends and relatives at the old home. C. M. Supemant, who came here from Plattsmouth about three weeks ago to accept the foremanship of this section, has been released and the place filled by Lewis Waggoner, of Springfield, who will move his family here in a few days. Mr. Supernant is moving back to Plattsmouth. Have you noticed that happy smile playing over the face of our genial friend, W. H. McDaniel, for the past few days and did you ask him what it was about? If not do so now, and he will tell you it is a bouncing baby boy and looks just like his pa. Both mother and ' little one are doing nicely, and "Bill" still gives you full weights in groceries at the old stand. It has seen it shadow and we are in for it. Yes, the groundhog, not the Dog Eater for it is not afraid of its shadow. Now some people think there is no such a thing as this a ferocious dog-eater but there is. Here is a des cription as given by bankers and bar bers and harnessmakers in Murray. It is about five feet bony, two feet high and has a black bushy coat of bristley hair. Has a tail three feet long smooth and hairless except at the top end where there is a bunch of hair resembl ing a dusting brush. The head is long and pointed, a month set with teeth like knive and from beneath the shaggy foretop a pair of black beady eyes glint with thirsty blood lust. The legs are short and very powerful and term inate in a small hoof similar to that of a horse, but only about three inches in diameter. The dog-eater can be easily track in the snow by the shape of the hoof. In the impression of a horses foot in the snow the imprint of the frog is easily discerned, in the imprint of a dog-eater you will find a toad instead. A slight difference but easily dectected by those accustomed to hunting this animal. The curator of the Smithson ian Institute claims that while this animal is rare it is well to science as caninis carnivera murrayfakorum. This May Interest You No one is immune from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney, and bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. FOUND A NEEDLE IN HIS ARM A Severe Pain in the Membe Caused Some Uneasiness and Upon Examina tion .'the Needle Was Found Alva Long, residing near Murray, better known as Dr. Loner, has of late been haviner some trouble with one of his arms, complaining of a soreness in it, and at times suffering extreme pain In order to see if he could not find something which would give relief, he went to Dr. Brendel of Murray and had an examination made of the lame mem ber. After examining the arm for moment, the seat of the soreness was found, and the physician felt something that appeared like a foreign substance in his arm. It felt like a bit of wire or a pin, and on making an incision, he was able o extricate the offending par ticle which proved to be a needle with thread m it, just as if some one had been using it for sewing purposes Mr. Long does not remember when he has received a wound lately, and thinks that the needle and thread has been in his arm for some time, as it was cor roded and blackened by long action of the blood. Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect digestion, normal weight and good health. MurdocJk (By G. A. Ids.) TliODUCE MARKETS Corrected weekly by Martin & Too.'. who pay the highest prices for product and guarantee satisfaction: Butter isc Hens... tc Spring 7Hc Cream 27c Cattle J2.j to?.00 Uo! 3. SO GRAIN MARKKTS. Corn sc Wheat c Oats -. 42c Rock Island Time Table. Murdock Station. No. 85, west bound. local freight 8:.JOa. m. No 6.' mail 2:30 p. nr No. 37, mail 5:53 p. m. No 6 does not stop for passearers east or Denver. EAST bound No. 94, freight 12:30 a. m. No. 18, Local 12:30 p. m. No. ft, mail 3:00 p. m. No. 86, local freight 11:95 p. rn. No. 6 does not stop for passengers west of IesMoines About a half dozen ladies and gents from our burg went over to Elmwood Tuesday evening to join the Eastern Star, which is an auxiliary to the Masonic order. Roy B. Cox informs us that he is now permanently located at Oregon City, Oregon. Rudolph Rau and family visited rela tives in this burg last week. Mrs. M. W. Moore was called sudden ly to Illinois last week on account of the death of her father. George Leis has again severed con nections with the firm of Martin & Tool. The M. W. A. of this place will give an oyster supper in their hall on Satur day night, February 8th. Celery and cake will be served with the oysters. Professor DeBolt entertained his brother Sunday. John Rohrdanz, sr., died very sud denly last Saturday evening while'doing chores at his home four miles north west of town. The interment took place in the German Lutheran cemetery Monday afternoon. Arch Rager returned Saturday from an extended visit with his son, Dave, who lives near Fort Scott, Kansas. H. VonLockum and wife, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wolf Sunday. Paul Schewe aud Henry Meierjurgen shipped a car load of cattle to South Omaha Monday. A masquerade dance will be given at the M. W. A. hall on Friday, February 14th. All are invited to attend and are promised a good time. Last Monday morning, Wm. Gehrts went down to Julian to set up a gasoline engine, and after starting it, he acci dently got his right hand caught in the machinery, badly crushing all four fingers on his right hand. He returned home Sunday evening and is now laid up for repairs. From Grapes, the most healthful of fruits, comes the chief ingredient of TTie only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Cost a little more than the injurious ft! urn or phosphate of lima powders, but with Royal you are sure of pure, healthful food. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool entertained at whist Saturday evening. they sent word to the sexton who sent Eisenhut back to town to await a post ,, . , . . . , , , . mortem examination, which was held The ice harvest is now on in lull blast , n , T mi i hif 1 Ira ftI 1 1 r tt o rwf I rn ra I iiooM a ir with ice one foot thick and of good! , . , , ... x, , was due to probable criminal negli gence of the father. The jury was composed of II. A. Tool, Chas. Radke, S. M. Cox, M. W. Moore, Chas. Schneider and P. Eveland. A half A. Stachetsky and family have moved from our midst to hunt greenerpasture. The wolf hunt south of town failed to materialize on account of the want of ' dozen witnesses were examined, and hunters. I f- OT. n m mi rvr 1 1 - hr lnr'o nt On Tuesday evening, the Colonial ' exhonerated the father. They also ' 1 ) r AAA. T 1. A ...I Saxaphone quartette gave an enter- u rtUW' au" tainment at the M. W. A. hall here. 'r a wrvwe rcpnrnan.i u, r.iacn They were accompanied by Miss Victoria ' ku17 in re"ard tw the umiviW wa' in Lynn, (reader.) They all made a great I wr',cn ne ,lve3 awi ireaw niiarnny. hit and had a full house. It finished the mr' itawis ave im '"ure wn,t" was lecture course for this season, and the j a Sood on and ,f senhut reason Modern Woodmen are to be congratu-1 enotth to conceive at least a part of ated and complimented on the financial ine" 'ure, wm success which they made of the course. For they sold enough reserved seats the first night to pay them for the full course. Monday, February 3. Something hap pened that aroused our citizens to action. About noon Carl Eisenhut was seen to put a small rough box in his I tviinlv t rpa f Vila fam.ilvr mrri lnt ! ir in the future. About two years ago a five- months old baby, belonging to this family died in a rnysterioos manner, and was carted away by the father and buried if it had sorae animal. This incident is fresh in the mi mis of most of our citizens, and they demanded the buggy, also a pick and shovel and start . investieaiion Tuesday, which was rie-ht , .. . and proper in the minds of all sane cjjquii c mu iuuiiu iiiai 1113 twu iiiumiia old baby had died suddenly, apparently without cause. He had notified none of the neighbors, nor called medical people who are acquainted with the facts irt the case. The heavy sleet first of the week aid, but made a rough box and puttinjr ' . i j 1 i. r xa aa uu.. ! brokfr down many telegraph poles for lihj uwj ui Luc ucau utxuy iiitu il, carted it away to be buried without ceremony or sympathy. A number of citizens called on members of the town board and demanded an investigation. So after consulting county authorities, the C R. I. & P. Ry., also some wires for the local telephone company. II. R. Neitzel came in from the west Monday, Dave Thimgan remaining in the west awhile. i PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT t THE CZAR'S BEST ENEMY si Prof. Paul Milyoukov, formerly of the Univer sity of Chicago, member of the third duma for St. Petersburg, and leader of the constitutional democrats of Russia, at tV s licitatlon of the civic forum of New Yo; k ify came from his hom to address it upon V.. ' t.,...:. "Constitutional Government for Russia." He traveled more than 0.0-; ir.:i3 to present. n in a single address, the cause of popular govern ment in Russia, and Judging by thr applause wMcb greeted his words from the 4,000 present, the mis sion of the distinguished legislator was fulfilled. Milyoukov has suffered in liberty's cause- If any man has. In 1898 he was inculcating a spirit of reverence for constitutional liberty In th minds of the students of Moscow university vhen the Dollce suddenly snatched him out of his chair and railroaded him to Siberia after a summary trial. He utilized hla time writ- ... . A ing "The History of Russian Culture." Alter two years oi ciose connnemeuw he was liberated, but on his return to European Russia he was deported to Bulearia and an expatriation warrant Issued against him. Denying the right of the government to drive him out of his own country, he returned and wa promptly sent to prison without trial. Here he remained five montns ana was released on condition that he leave the country. He came to America, where he nreached the doctrine of liberty. Then came the upheaval in Russia, and a general amnesty was forced upon the czar. He took advantage of thU to return to Russia. Milvoukov was a candidate for the first and second dutnas. but to government on some technicality declared him Ineligible. Not daunted by government hostility, he presented himself again for tne tnira auma ana was elected. He was at once chosen as the leader or tne groups wnicn stana for the constitution as granted by the czar, the groups which committed the unpardonable impertinence of taking It for granted that the czar mean! what he said when he made the promise. A. Dollar spent at home reacts in its benefits with unceasing general profit. Sent out of town it's life is ended. Kept with the home merchants it is a messenger of continuous benefit. Business men should awake to the importance of keeping this dollar at home and make a bid for it by judicious advertising.