The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1908, Image 4

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    Tae Plattsmouth Journal
!". A !!.T!LS, i'nii-iMiKH.
K i' '"S t llxi p!.tof!lc? ;it I'lattMjifJUth. Ne
rit.skit. H!iMi:iiclax!i nritler.
as Sir Walter Raliegh. It ought to be
the last display of this kind. An Ameri
can prosecuting attorney is paid to be
! passionate in denouncing criminals whose j
crimes show the results of passion.
! Don't fail to attend the democratic
j precinct primaries on Thursday, Feb
ruary 2.
To Select Delegates to the State and
Congressional Conventions.
The democratic county convention is
hereby called to meet at the court house
in Plattsmouth,
On Saturday, February 22, 1908,
at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp, for the purpose
of electing delegates to the state con
vention to meet at Omaha, on March 5,
anj also to elect delegates to the con
gressional convention.
Delegates from the various precincts
an 1 wards to the county convention shall
be selected by primaries, duly called by
the committeeman of each precinct and
ward, the same to be held at the regu
lar voting places in the various precincts
ai:d wards on Thursday, February 20th,
The basis of representation shall be
one vote for every ten votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast for Hon. George
I,. Loomis for supreme judge in 1907.
The various precints and wards shall be
entitled to representation as follows:
Vu:M Mil ;ro'f.
i. Ini woo-1
I.oulsyillf .
!t Pleasant
4'ijttNmoutli I'rVt
1- K- HluiTsltirst)
. 5 Salt Civek
. '. South Itend
.11 Stove Crrek
7 Tipton
. 7 WVepimr Witor I'rV
. V Weeping Water Cit
. 7 riattMiiouth City
. 7 First ward
. 4 Setni ward
..t:t Third ward
.10 fourth ward...
1)4 Fifth ward
.. 5
t. 5
y. 4
. i:i
Henry R. Gering, Chairman.
V. C. Ramsey, Secretary.
The recent message of President
It 3sevelt has evidently "raised Cain"
with the republican family. A contest
;si milar to that in the democratic ranks
o.'r silver in 1896, is predicted.
Tilt eollectorship is still puzzling the
ft'ohra ska delegation in congress. No
agreement was reached Saturday, and
an adjournment of the "-rraf t dispesers"
wj ; taken to Wednesday of this week.
It is nw believed that both Hammond
an 1 P. )se will have to side-step for an
TiiG president's message should be
co.r.mended by the toiling millions in the
west from the fact that it contains ma v
reiterations of the gentleman from Ne
IvMsVa, who will be the democratic
sl.indard-bearer in the ensuing cam
pa in, whose name is a household word
throughout the entire land.
Congressman Norris has stirred up
a good sized bunch of trouble in his dis
trict by that attempt of his to be funny
the other day in congress. The resolu
tion was not only a slap at Bryan but it
was also a whack at Teddy's month, and
the president's admirers are hot about
it. It is dangerous to get funny, sometimes.
Despite the character his eulogists
accord him as a man of action, Mr.
Roosevelt is given a good deal more to
talking than to doing. And pretentious
threats to do things may readily cause
trouble that would never come if action
took the place of threat. Positive ac
tion gives a chance of defense to the
party threatened, whereas for mere
words there is ofttimes no defense.
It appears from the records that the
President's objections to stock gam
bling did not stop efforts to rush the
Treasury surplus to Wall street when
much of it might have been saved by
the proposed closing of the Stock Ex
change, to prevent which "disgrace" to
Wall street millions were rushed to the
floor by the same panic managers who
were in touch with the Treasury and
the White House.
The results from the panic, so far, has
not seriously disturbed the farmers. In
fact, with the exception of fat hogs, the
markets for all kinds of farm products
have been exceptionally good, but the
laboring man is the ieilow that is
"gett ing it in the neck" now. All over
the east and in all industrial cities come
the daily reports of reduction of em
ployes and a reduction in wages and
hours of those who are fortunate to find
employment. What excuse can the re
publicans put up for this state of affairs
during campaign? It looks as if they
would have some pretty hard nuts to
crack. But you need not fear, they will
try to concoct some scheme to pull the
wool over the eyes of the voter. These
conditions have arrived just in time for
the people to begin to do a little think-
themselves Deiore casting tneir votes
for the trust party candidate for presi
dent next fall.
Short Items of Interest, From Mon
day Evening's Daily Journal
-, ,. V'jfj
N't?.. Bryan speaks for all democrats
in demanding full publicity for contribu
ti'Mi.? to campaign funds. Patriotic con
AJ'ibu lions made and used only for right
ani lawful purposes will honor those
-who make them. Money contributed
-siiivl u?ed to coi-rupt the ballot ought to
h ive the full publicity on the jail records
its contributions deserve.
"FitOM recent reports from Washing
ton it appears that "graft dispensers"
Barkettand Brown, will succeed in their
efforts in having that grand old soldier,
Captain Palmer, removed from the post
ofTice at Omaha. Nocharges have been
preferred against Captain Palmer, and
the only reason why the two senators
demand his removal is to give the place
to one their pets.
Congressmen Henswhaw and Norris
will have the fight of their lives for re
eomination, from reports from their
respective districts, all because they fa
vored and took the salary grab. What
Mi Congressman Pollard do? We all
know that he accepted the "tainted
emr.ey." but did he favor "the grab?"
The voters of the Third district will
want to know all about this matter be
fore they will consent to his return to
coi-Tess again.
The assassination of the King and
Crown Prince of Portugal sends a shud
der of horror around the civilized world
and arouses genuine sympathy for the
Queen-mother whose husband and elder
son fell dying at her feet while the sec
ond of her offspring lay twice wounded.
That she escaped the rain of bullets
which almost wiped out the royal family
seems miraculous. That she tried to
sacrifice her own life to preserve her
children is only another illustration of
the divinity of true motherhood whether
in palace or cottage. But apart from
the human side of the tragedy students
of the rise and fall of dynasties will read
a lesson which again emphasises the fact
that the day of autocratic rule is past.
By abruptly abolishing the parliament
and establishing a dictatorship, King
Carlos fanned the flames of a popular
discontent and aggravated the opposi
tion to such an intense degree that he
was practically a prisoner in the hands
of his loyal guards for fear that he
would meet some such fate as befell
him. Had he pursued less drastic meas
ures in his attempt to govern his people
there probably would have been no in
centive to lead an inflamed mob to such
a deplorable tragedy.
District Attorney Jerome's pas
sionate abuse of Thaw in his closing
speech has nothing to do with the merits
of the case. Assuming that the defend
ant's guilt deserves the supreme penal
ty of the law, the habit many prosecu
ting attorneys have of abusing defend
ants with passionate intensity is merely
a result of precedent, going back to
JSngland in the Middle Ages, when the
attorneys for the crown abused defend
ants accused of treason with animosity
fierce enough to show their own loyalty
and win promotion' at court. In acting
this long line of precedents, Jerome
ame close to the brutality of the Star
Chamber prosecutors of such defendants
Neighborhood Favorite
Mrs. E. D. Charles of Harbor, Me.,
speaking of Electric Bitters, says: "It
if a neighborhood favorite here with
us." It deserves to be a favorite ev
erywhere. It gives quick relief in dys
pepsia, liver complaint, kidney derange
ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weak
ness and general debility. Its action on
the blood as a thorough purifier makes
it especially useful as a spring medecine.
This grond alterative tonic is sold under
guarantee by F. C. Fricke & Co.
Banquet February t.
According to the Nebraska City News,
a banquet will be tendered Judges
Travis and Jessen on Saturday evening,
February 8. The attorneys of Nebraska
City are giving the banquet, the same
to take place at the Watson House.
James Polen of near Rock Bluffs was
a visitor in the city this morning.
George J. Meisinger of near Mynard
was a business visitor in the city to
day. B. B. Danaher of Murray was trans
acting business with our merchants
this morning.
George Horn, was a visitor in the city
this morning looking after some busi
ness matters.
T. W. Vallery was a visitor in the
city this morning, looking after some
business matters.
C. A. Spangler of Louisville was a
visitor in the city this morning looking
after some business.
George Ballance departed this morn
ing for Lincoln, where he goes to look
after some business matters.
J. J. Svoboda was a visitor in Om
aha this morning, where he is looking
after some business affairs.
C. F. Vallery of southwest of My
nard was a visitor in the city this
morning looking after business mat
Mrs. A. L. Anderson was a visitor
in Omaha this morning where she wil
be the guest of her mother for a few
Miss Lillian Bookmeyer was a visitor
in Omaha this afternoon, where she
will be the guest of friends for the
Sam Smith and wife from Rock Bluffs
were visiting in the city today and
looking after some business matters as
St. Mary's Guild will meet with Mrs.
George Dovey Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock. A full attendance is re
Louis Roetter was a visitor in Omaha
yesterday morning, looking after some
business matters and visiting with
Mrs. Sadie Hoye a guest of Mrs. Alva
Godwin, after visitiner in the city for
some time departed for her home this
E. B. Leffert of the Burlington force
at Lincoln was a visitor in the city
this morning, looking after some busi
ness in the city.
Johnnie Schields visited in Omaha
with his mother and the rest of the
family over Sunday, returning home
last evening.
C. A. Welsh and Hans Tarns de
parted this morning for Gibson, where
they are working in the carpenter gang
for the company.
D. P. Ashburn and wife, of Gibbon,
lecturers for the Farmers' Institute,
which is to be held at this place, came
in this morning.
Mrs. George Hall, Nellie White and
Eva Richel were passengers to Omaha
this morning, where they visited with
friends for the day.
C. H. Rist from southwest of the
city was a passenger to Glenwood this
morning, where he is looking after
some business matters.
C. W. Baylor after spending a few
days w.ith his family in the city de
parted for Columbus, where he takes
up his work again on the road.
Byrl Ballard and family returned
last evening from a visit to Crete,
where they have been visiting with
relatives and friends and some days
Alex Burger of Alamosa, Colorado,
has been a visitor at the home of Louis
Dose in the city for the past few days
and departed today for his home in the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roesner" after
visiting in the city for some time with
friends and relatives, departed this
morning for their home in Stirling
A. F. Dutton, wife and l'ttle son, de
parted for University Place, Sunday
morning after visiting in the city with
the parents of Mrs. Dutton for some
days past.
Willie Weber, Fred Ohms and Otto
Louscinsky, departed yesterday morn
ing for their work at Havelock, after a
few days visit with friends and rela
tives in the city.
Mrs. George Gradoville and children
returned home this morning, after
spending some two or three weeks vis
iting with relatives and friends at
Brush Colorado.
The Plattsmouth Telephone company
are unloading a car of cross arms, a car
load of copper wire for long distance
circuits, and a car load of galvanized
iron wire for shorter circuit work.
M. Fanger of the department store,
departed for Omaha this afternoon and
from there will go to Kansas City,
where he will endeavor to secure two
trimmers for his millinery department.
James Wynn was visitor in Omaha
A. S. Will was a business visitor in
Omaha today.
John W. Crabill was a business visitor
in Omaha today.
Wm. Earhart, of Manley, was a visi
tor in the city today.
John Macin was a visitor with friends
in Omaha this afternoon.
John Albert of Cedar Creek was a
visitor in the city this morning.
D. A. Young, from near Murray, was
a visitor in the city this morning.
S. II. Atwood was a business visitor
in the city this morning, from Lincoln.
Miss Fern McBride departed for Om
aha today where she will attend school.
It pays to be up-to-date in farming.
Attend the Farmers' Institute at the
court house.
Dr. E. D. Cummins was a visitor in
Omaha on professional business this
Mathew Gering was a visitor in Lin
coln this morning where he has some
legal business.
Come the the court house Monday
and Tuesday. Everybody invited, ladies
in particular.
Oscar Larson was a passenger to
Bellevue this afternoon, where he is
attending school.
Roy Savage of the Alcazar was a
visitor in Omaha yesterday, returning
home last evening.
Tr. Hiriman is now offerin Pcruaa to the public as a regular pharmaceu
tic?.! product. It ii just as ethical as any compound put up lor the medical
rro f usion. No of medical ethics can find ar.y fault vith it. THE
PRIJCIiV-L ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominent'.; incorporated in the
IixjA cu t::c bcilU, that the peoplo may know that tha claimi made for Peruna
iia.vo a truo justiiI?i.tion.
Tin only departura we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of
Peruna arairs in ths future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and
sell o ir product TO THE PEOPLE.
If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only,
thn tha medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna a being
entirely within their approval.
7e shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to
convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. We shall
continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use
our modicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things
of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical
profession like it or not.
We are proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence.
Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to
put up something which they consider just as good as Peruna, we are going to
draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly
This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, that crit
icism will continue. On some pretext or other these who are envious of the
success of Peruna will continue to find
fault. But we are determined to give
such people no just complaint.
It has become a household word in
millions of homes. Our faith in the
remedy is stronger than ever. Every
year we expect to establish new plants
People Who Object to
Liquid Medicines Can
Now Secure Peruna
in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu
able household remedy.
try it. If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you.
If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it
to r j. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will
publish your portrait in connection with it. We will not do this without your
written request, without your entire consent.
Peruna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh, in many phases
and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited
testimonials. Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated
slanders to the contrary.
We truarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true in the
Edwin Jeary, of Lincoln, was a visitor ! exact language of the testifier. x . ,
We guarantee mat every pnotograpn puoiuuea u me piiowgrupu ui uis
person whose name it bears, that every word of every testimonial was author
ized by the hand that signed it
We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are,
by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood
with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity.
We know that the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. We believe
that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op
ponents will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an
honest and usefql remedy, but one 9f tflv GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI
in the city this morning, looking after
some business matters.
Joseph Carrigan returned to his work
at Havelock Sunday morning, after
visiting in the city for a few days.
J. L. Root was a passenger to Lin
com this morning where he has some
legal matters to look after.
C. Mockenhaupt, of near Manley,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
looking after some business matters.
will unsman ot tne isurnngton sur
veying force of Omaha was a visitor in
the city this morning on company busi
George B. Lehnhoff was a visitor in
the city with his mother last evening
returning to his home at Omaha this
ur. jonn Kiauman oi umana was a
visitor in the city this morning the
guest of his sons Conrad and Frank E
J. spangier, oi J.ouisville, was a
visitor in the city this morning, looking
after some business matters at the
county seat.
A. H. Vallery and wife departed for
Greenwood this afternoon, where they
will visit with friends and relatives for
a few days.
Miss Alta Barthold was a visitor in
the city over Sunday, returning to her
work at the Institute at Glenwood,
Iowa, this morning.
Miss Clara Coleman returned this
morning from an extended visit with
her sister, Mrs. O. A. Brown and fam
ily, at Kansas City.
Sam Beverage was a visitor in the
city last Saturday evening from Weep
ing Water, near where he , is engaged
working on a farm.
E. H. Elton was a visitor in South
Omaha today where he is looking after
some business for the Plattsmouth
Telephone company.
Mrs. Anna Snell of Council Bluffs
came in this morning and is visiting at
the home of her old time friends. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Boeck.
David White returned to his studies
at the State university at Lincoln this
morning after visiting in the city over
Sunday with his parents.
Monte Streight was a brief visitor in
the city this morning, returned to Om
aha on the fast mail, where he takes
his run out this evening.
Marriage license were issued today by
County Judge A. J. Beeson to Ralph
Raymond Standard, aged 24, of Louis
ville, and Miss Abbie Caroline Ander
son, of Weeping Water, aged 22.
William Saponall of this place who
went to Union to work for the Missouri
Pacific about a month since, has con
cluded he would rather live in Platts
mouth and has returned taking up his
residence here again.
Frans Ballance and Victor Sherwood,
both of whom are employed at the
Glenwood Institute, came over Sunday
morning and visited with their respec
tive families, returning to their work
this morning.
Mrs. Theobold Rhin departed this
morning for Omaha accompanying her
son, Philip on his return to his school
work in the metropolis, and visiting
with her son, Frank Schelie and family
at South Omaha for a short time.
Roy Barcus is reported on the sick !
list with the grippe.
W. P. Speck was a passenger to
Lincoln yesterday morning.
Splendid reports in book form will be
given away at the Farmers' Institute
Monday and Tuesday.
James H. Johnson was a visitor with
friends in Omaha yesterday morning,
returning home last evening.
Miss Ina Randall retut.ierl to her
' . . .) : y- l ii . - .
fiuuics ai vymaiia inis morning alter
visiting over Sunday with her parents,
and was accompanied by her father, the
Rev. Randall, who is look fug after some
E. E. Francis, of Omaha, represent
ing the Underwood Typewriter com
pany, was a visitor in the city today,
looking after the interest of their ma-
Albert Schuldice and wife were visit- ! chine and remained to interview the
ing in Omaha yesterday with friends : - unvtMniu
returning home last evening. . Mr. Kempster is promoted to divis-
C. Miller returned from Columbus, : ,on storekeeper for the whole western
where he has been visiting with rela- i u,v,s'n wun neaaquariers at mcuook
tives and friends for the past week. at an increased salary. . w. unit the
i iaie storeKeeper at aicLOOK will be his
Fred Hesse departed for Havelock i chief derk M KemMtfir til. i,a3
Sunday morning after a visit in the city ; iurisdiction over the Denver Ktnr
for a few days with his parents and ', , I4 , . ,
friends Frank Duxbury was a visitor in Om-
; ana yesieruay, wnere ne was the guest
H. C. Sparks was a passenger to ; of hig wife who is at the hnsnitnl t
Omaha this morning, where he will that Dace Frank reriort ihat uia Wlfn
visit for a week or so with friends and : ; t Uo r ...i.:,.u i
i has hoped she would, but that she is
Mrs. N. H. Isabel was a visitor in
Omaha this morning, looking after
some business and visiting with friends
for the day.
Miss Josephine Clifford was a visitor
in the city over Sunday, a guest with
her mother, returning to her home in
Omaha this mornintr.
Rev. L. M. Hall, of Lincoln, city
missionary of the Christian church,
was an over Sunday visitor in the city,
preaching both morning and evening
at the Christian church. i
gaining slowly and every day shows
some improvement.
After a month's vacation from his
duties at Holdrege, where he is engaged
as a tinner with the Ulig Hardware
company, George Hall departed for the
west yesterday morning where he will
again take up his work. Mrs. Hall and
the little boy will not go until about
two weeks.
Our old friend, L. L. Vanllouten, was
a visitor in the city last Saturday, com
ing with a train and staying over Sun
day, visiting with his many friends in
the city, returning to Lincoln yesterday;
Taken Up.
j i wo yearling heifers, one black and
j one red, both v.ith uhite face. Owner
j may have same l-y - n.l:ng at my place
and paying damages, and the cost of
this advertisement. Call at my farm
4J miles southwest of Mynard.
Gko. J. Meisinger.
A Boston
weak and sickly.
schoolboy was tall,
His arms were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty years prescribed
Scott's' Emulsion.
To feel
would think he
that boys arm you
was apprenticed to a