The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 06, 1908, Image 1
rtto'utb Semi - Weekly EIGHT PAGES ourna VOLUME XX VI II PLATTSMOUTH, NEB It ASK A, TIIllfSDAY, FEI5HUAKV (J, 190S. XUMISEIl 7 Semi - Weekly EIGHT PAGES ptatta 5 E1IA1E SPUTS REPUBUCOH PflHTY Bitter Fight for Control Between Radicals and Conservatives Already Started Antis to Rally to Hughes of New York. In speaking of the recent message of the president, a special from Washing ton says: "President Roosevelt's siz zling message to Congress, coming on the heels of the business depression, and fired upon Congress at a critical time in the preliminaries fcr the presi dential campaign, has split the Repub lican party wide open. It is now to be unrelenting and bitter warfare between the Roosevelt radicals and the conser vatives. The struggle is to have all the intensity of that within Democratic ranks over the silver issue in 1896. Hughes is chosen as the man around whom all the anti-Roosevelt Republican forces are1 to rally. The fight is cer tain to shake the car fully built structure of the Republican organization from turret to foundation stone. Conservative vs Radical. The message sharply defines an issue of conservative vs. radical.a distinction of party nomenclature that has been a prominent feature of the political history of Great Britian, but thus far has not appeared in the politics of this country. No one here yet sees that a radical and a conservative party, under these names, are to come into immedi THE STORY OF THE STARS As Tc!d io the Children of The 6th, 7th and 8ih Grades of ihe City Schools At the public library last Saturday, Mrs. Thomas Pollock, in a way that could be understood by everybody, told the "Story of the Stars" to the chil dren of both the public and parochial schools. She had charts which showed the solar system, the eclipses, the ro tation of the earth and other planets, the forward progress of the sun, the circling of the earth by the moon, its different phases, the cause of the shin ing of the moon, as reflected light from the sun. She also showed the causes of the changing of the seasons, the rela tive length of the year of the different planets, from the 20-day year of Vul can, the little fellow who hugs up close to the sun and gets around that lumin ary every three weeks, and which not one person in a million has ever seen, to the planet, Neptune, so far off in space that it requires 165 of our years for it to make its circuit around the sun. With the charts and the pleasant manner of giving the descriptions, she was able to interest everyone present. All went away having a better under standing of the story the stars tell than ever before, and every one had a very kindly feeling for Mrs. Pollock for her kindness in telling them the story "Posey" Messersmilh Joins Dippers Last Saturday at the ice working station on the river D. W. Messersmith had the misfortune to make a mistep, and in a moment there was a strug gling mass of good-natured humanity in the "Big Muddy," grasping for a spike pole which his fellow workmen were all eager to exterd to him. While he was fortunate in grasping one pole, others were hooked into his clothing in various portions of his body and he was lifted to the solid ice as good-natured as ever, for that is his strong point, but very damp and disagreeable to his feelings. Aged Lady Gets Arm Broken. Simeon Clark returned this morning from Cedar Creek, where he has been visiting over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jane Clark, who is 82 years of age, and who fell and broke her arm a week or more since. Mr. Clark says that his mother is getting along as well as one of her advanced aged would be expected to. ate being. Yet it is being asked inWash ington now. "How can men like Aid rich, like Hale, like Allison, the great Senate triumvirate, be longer classed in the same party with Roosevelt?" They will all try to stay in, but types such as the former will make a desperate effort to regain control of the party machin ery. It is then planned that the Roose velt people shall trail or strike out for themselves. In this connection, paren thetically, Mr. Roosevelt himself ob ject to calling it "radicaF'vs. "conseva tive," and prefers "reactionary" vs "progressive." Conceal Real Views. The quoted comments of Republican legislators upon the message do not be ing to express their real views. Those who differ in principale, if they spoke out, would talk almost as strongly as did Chancellor Day, of Syracuse Uni versity. Those who are alarmed mere ly from political fears, but are afraid to join issue with the President, for swear themselves and give perfunctory indorsement. Many of both sorts,more determined than ever in opposition to Roosevelt, having set to work under cover to get the control of the Chicago convention. Sues James M. Palmer. A friendly suit has been started in the district court by Asa McCullough against J. M. Palmer to recover a sum of money representing the proceeds of his sale held on the 16th of the month. Mr. Talmer clerked the sale, and after the sale was over, Mrs. McCullough served notice on him to pay no mpney to Mr. McCullough and of course he has held the money in order to pro tect himself. Mr. McCullough them started this suit to determine to whom ihe money belonged himself or Mrs. McCullough. An attempt was made to settle out of court, but without any success. And so to settle the matter, Mr. Mc Cullough started suit for divorce against his wife alleging desertion and the one above to get the proceeds of the sale. Nehawka Register. Made Three More Members. The secret faternity who hold their meeting on the ice on the river and whose initation in part consists of going under water, added three more to the membership yesterday, when Waverly Barnhart, George Lindsey and Louis Mittlemeyer, became members by ini tation. They in one way and another took the plunge, and found like "Mc Ginty" of the same. The water it was wet, and they had not found him yet. They now know the grips for they used them in getting out of the water, and the pass words for they all passed the word a,long, and all the secret work. Receives Third Prize on Corn. Carl Kohrell, of Kenosha, son of L. H. Kohrell, received a letter from the office of the superintendent of the state experimental station that he had received the third prize for corn selection, which was sent to the state farm for exhibition. In those entering the contest were something near two thousand, and for one to score third thus shows an exceedingly good selec tion of ten ears. Earl is well pleased i with the prize which will amount to ten dollars. L. H. Kohrell has some corn there but has no reply from it. Six Weeks More Winter Yesterday was Ground-hog day and if Mr. G. Hog has not changed his meth ods, he did what he has always done go back in his hole. Yesterday was a beautiful day overhead and "Old Sol" was as bright as a new silver dollar the entire day. He evidently saw his shadow in this part of the country and hiked back to hibernation, and will stay hibernated for six weeks, while the children enjoy the skating and sleigh riding, and their old man grumbles at the coal bilL If Mr. G. Hog's theory holds good, there will be many wishes that his hogship never existed. Force Reduced at Kavelock. The Lincoln Journal says the Have lock shops of the Burlington reopened Monday morning. The Journal adds: "Further reductions in the force, how ever, were made. At the blacksmith shops where about sixty men were em ployed, half of the force was laid off until Thursday next. The men were instructed to report for work next Thursday morning, when if there is any thing for the men to do they will be set to work. It i understood, however, that no definite promise was made the men." TELEPOHE COMPANY HOLD MEETING Declare Customary Ten Per Gent Dividends cn Stock and Transact Other Business The Plattsmouth Telephone company held its annual meeting Monday evening and declared the regular 10 per cent dividend on stock, elected officers for the coming year and transacted other important business. Among matters brought up for consideration was the opening of exchanges at Alvo and Mur dock, two places not yet having ex changes. All the county can be reached elsewhere, such having been the case for some time, and in due deference to the subscribers in the remaining part of the county, these places will soon have exchanges. This company has made good from the first, and each succeeding year marks decided improve ment in the service. The matter of new toll lines to Omaha came up also and received favorable consideration. Present from outside the city were M. H. Pollard, Nehawka; Edwin Jerry, Dr. J. M. Neeley, A. M. Ferguson, Bert Clement, John L. Wood and Arch ibald McFall, Elmwood; Wm. G. Ear hardt, C. E. Mockenhaupt and Frank H. Stander, Manley; H. F. Swanback, Greenwood; B. II. Landes, Waverly; John Bickert, Elmwood. The officers elected for the coming year were: T. E. Parmele, president; C. C. Parmele, vice-president. T. H. Pollock, general manager and treasurer; J. N. Wise, secretary. Board of Direc tors, C. C. Parmele, T. E. Parmele, T. H. Pollock, C. H. Smith, Jacob Tritsch, Plattsmouth; Edwin Jeary, Dr. J. M. Neeley, Elmwood; M. H. Pollard, Ne hawka; Frank H. Stander and C. E. Mockenhaupt, Manley; H. T. Swan back, Greenwood; and Pete Eveland, Murdock. A resolution was passed ordering that hereafter quarterly dividends be declared instead of the annual dividends, as heretofore. Dinner for Ex-Governors. Governor and Mrs. Sheldon have is sued invitations to all ex-governors of Nebraska to dine with them on the even ing of February 22. Four out of the eight former governors live in Nebraska. The invitations have just been issued and it is not known how many will be able to attend. The living governors are: Albinus Nance, Nice, France; James W. Dawes, Atlanta, Ga. ; Lorenzo Crounse, Omaha; Silas A. Hoi comb, Seattle, Wash.; W. A. Poynter, Lincoln; C. H. Dietrich, Hastings; Ezra P. Sav age, Tacoma and John H. Mickey, Osce ola. A. B. Taylor Still Very Sick Will B. Taylor departed for his home in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, today having been here for some time on account of the sickness of his father, who has been confined to his bed for a number of months. Uncle Andy is still very sick and not yet able to be out of his bed. His many friends will be pleased to know of his entire re covery. The Burlington Makes Changes Clarke Roth, formerly storekeeper at Alliance for the Burlington, has been be transferred to Galesburg, while the office at Alliance has been consolidated with that of Denver. G. H. Britter for merly of Galesburg has been trans ferred to Lincoln, while T. Berry weather has been given the position at West Burlington. Will Attend the Tournament. Our old friend, Herman Bestor, de parted this afternoon for Lincoln, where he will tomorrow take part in the checker playr -'s tournament, which is to open there tomorrow. When it comes to playing checkers Uncle Her man knows how the trick is done, and can show the best of them a merry chase. FARMERS' INSTITUTE Several Very Interesting Ad dresses Given at the r '.' Session Monday : Evening Monday at the court house were gathered a number of people to listen to the lectures by Dr. and Mrs. Ash burn on the subjects listed on the pro gram. Mrs. Ashburn spoke first and took up her subject in a very nice way, saying- she would divide the remarks she had to say into four divisions. The subject was "How Woman May Do Her Work Easier." First have a knowledge of how to do it; second, become skilled in the doing; third, have the appliances and tools by which to save one in doing the work; fourth, use your mental en dowments in Ending some way out of difficulties. On each of these she gave many illustrations and good advice. Mrs. Ashburn said she had had the ex perience of keeping house for fifty years, and knew whereof she spoke. She explained what she called a fireless cooker; which she said was a great in vention. After the kindly talk of Mrs. Ash burn, Bennie Windham gave a very interesting reading about "Jane Let ting the Dog In," which pleased the audience. Then followed a talk by Dr. Ashburn in which he spoke with great difficulty on account of a sore throat. His sub ject was "Boys and Girls of the Amer ican Home, " and was brimming with good advice. Among other things he said he wished to impress the fact upon his audience, that they should in any event teach their girls how to keep house. Give the musical education if they could, or an education in art, ur a business course, but be sure and teach them how to cook, and be an engineer of the household, and one which would not cause any wrecks. MASS MEETING OF THE FARMERS Congressman Pollard Planning to Hold Such Meeting in Each of the Counties. The Lincoln News says that Congress man Pollard is planning now to hold a mass meeting of the farmers in each county of his district sometime during the month of March. At these meet ings he expects to have three or four men from Washington to address the farmers. One will discuss the fruit in terests, one the cereal interests, a third, improved methods of farming in a gen eral way; and a fourth, good roads, or matters relating to stock interests. Mr. Pollard, himself a farmer, is great ly interested in this subject, and anxious to have the farmers of the state and in his district secure the benefits of the great amount of information that is available in W ashington. Mr. Pollard's new duties as a member of the committee on agriculture have been keeping him busy this winter. The committee has been meeting every day practically, all day long. This is one of the four or five great committees of the house and has the privilege of meeting while the house is in session, consequently he has been on the floor but very little for the past few weeks In a recent personal letter he said that he found the work very agreeable, and is taking much interest in its deliber ations. When the sub-committees were ap pointed by the chairman he was made a member of the sub-committee on ap propriations. This is the sub-committee that drafts the bill; consequently he will be in a position to exert a great deal of influence in the provisions of the bill as it goes before the house. Here tofore it has been the custom to ap point the two ranking republicans with the chairman and the two ranking demo crats on this sub-committee. This year, however, they jumped over the heads of four republicans who outrank Mr. Pollard in order to place him on this sub-committee. It was through Congressman Pollard's policy that Mr. C. P. Hartley was sent to the Nebras ka corn improvers' association meeting in Lincoln. The plan he presented for the co-operative work with the farmers of the state is the one Mr. Pollard pre sented and which will in all probability be adopted by the committee. He ex pects to have this work taken up in the smrinc. t i cavsrsEsieus hatch 9FUTTL Sunday Afternoon at Murdock Father Attempts to Bury Same in an Ordinary Box Monday doming Coroner Invssiigating. Murdock, Neb., Feb. 4th, l'.MS. Special to the Journal. Great ex citement prevails at this place on ac count of the sudden death Sunday after noon of the three-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhut, and the remains of which the father attempted to burry in an ordinary box yesterday morning, and at which he was apprehended. The strangness of the circumstances sur rounding the death and attempted burial of the little one has caused great ex citement among the whole community, and called for an inquiry being made by the cononor's jury. Upon being asked for information upon the subject Mr. Eisenhut refused to give any light upon the death of the infant, which was a little girl named Edith and about three months of age, otherwise than it c hoked to death. County Attorney Rawls and Sheriff Quinton were telephoned for and with the cornor are holding an investigation with the end in view of finding how the little one came to its death. Two years Elect J. W. Gamble Superintendent. The board of education elected Pro fessor J. W. Gamble as superintendent of city schools for the coming year at their meeting last evening. This is an indorcement of the good service and general good satisfaction which he has given the patrons of the school, and board of education. Mr. Gamble suc ceeded a man who was very popular, and who made an eminently successful administration of the public school, and for one to take up the work as it had been laid down by the former superin tendent, E. L. Rouse, and without a hitch, carried the work along, in the direction of higher aims, and better service is a thing which is not an easy matter. Taking hold of the affair, Mr. Gamble has more than succeeded in the administration of the affairs of the schools, and is giving the best of satis faction, of which this election is an en dorsement. TAX TITLES UNDER SCAVENGER LAW Much of ihe Work in Giving Notice Will Have to be Done Over. The Supreme court a week ago hand ed down a decision on the question of final notice publications under the scav anger tax law that would have saved thousands of dollars and many months time to those securing tax titles had the decision come two years earlier. In the cities of the state, and especially in Omaha and Lincoln, there were thous ands of lots that were practially aban doned by owners in hard times and were left with county and city holding them for thousands of dollars of back taxes and penalties. These since sold to hundreds of different purchasers, who beli eved the property worth the taxes and the expense of getting title, have been for three and four years in process of clearing up and, in clearing up, the law required notice given by publication to all owners and those in terested in the titles. In Omaha this work was commenced a year before it was in Lincoln and the general plan in both cities was followed of bunching together several tracts and making a single notice cover them and the part ies in whose names they were. The supreme court has held that each indi vidual tract and owner must have an individual notice and consequently hund reds of notices that have been printed and paid for rr ust all be done over again in greatly ip "eased number, and where final confirmation have been made the work will have to be gone over again. Lincoln Trade Review. For Sale On monthly payments of $8 to $10. For particulars call the of fice of Windham Investment Co. e mm since another little one died and was hurried as this one was attempted t have been, and the only information which could be obtained regarding its death, is that it choked to death on con densed milk, and like this one, the father placed it in a box and taking to the cem etery, hurried it himself. The Eisenhut's have made their hoine at Murdock for the past twelve or fif teen years, coming to this place from Plattsmouth, where they were married. Since living in this plac has been necessary to confine Mrs. Eisenhut in the hospital for the insane a time or two. There i.s another girl about 1 1 years old named Gcra. While Mr. Eisenhut is not in any ways adicted to the drink habit which would be calltd excess, he, it is claimed, i.s very brutal with his family, oftimes beating Iuh family, the wife getting the majority of the beatiJjs. The commur.tity fool the man is mentally unbalanced and fear that foul play has been the cause of the death of the little one. Locking For an Old Friend. Dr. J. W. Hutchison, of Chicago came in last evening and is looking for his friend. John Ritchie, a cousin of Clintrn Ritchie, who formerly lived in the northwest portion of the city, and who moved from here to Billings, Montana, some years since. Dr. Hutchinson is a brother of the Hutchinson of board of trade fame, known as "old Hutc" who cornered the wheat a number of years ago, and was a boyhood friend of the Ritchie boys, years ago in Scotland county, Illinois. Just recently, some rich relatives have died, leaving an im mense amount of money to this man, John Ritchie, who is a nephew of the late James Ritchie, who died at this place several years ago, but "of whoKe whereabouts nothing can be found. CHARGED WITH DAY-LIGHT ROBBERY Entered Rear Window Tearing Away Screen, Got Money But Was Seen and Is Now in Jail Leopold Garndmeir hailing from Om aha was charged with entering the shoe store of John Gebhardt and steal ing about six dollars Saturday morn ing. It seems that John Gebhardt the shoemaker, who runs the store in the Lehnhoff building, is also the janitor for the saloon owned by Wm. Hein richsen, and although he had fed thin man and provided a place for him to loaf, it seems that while the shoe maker was doing his janitor work in the saloon, Sir Leopold sneaked around to the rear of the room occupied by Mr. Gebhardt, tore away the screen, raised the window and stealthily slipped over to the place where the change is kept, emptying the same into his pocket, sneaked out of the window again. Lowering the sash he slipped away in the fast approaching dawn. Strongly the circumstances point to the man arrested as being the guilty party, and he has been arrested and now languishes in the city bastile, to await a preliminary examination which cannot be had until the return of C. A. Rawls, who was called out of the city to conduct a hearing of a coroner's in quiry as to the death of a little child at Murdock, which is being held today. Richard Harold Amen at Rest Monday at Lincoln was held the funeral of little Richard Harold Amen, son of Jacob Amen and wife, the latter formerly Miss Addie . Graves. Rev. Harmon of the Christian church preached the funeral and conducted the services. Mrs. A. J. Graves and son, Paul, returned home last evening, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Amen, who will remain here for a few days and visit with friends.