DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest, From Wed nesday Evening'sDaily Journal A. B. Fornoff of Cullom was a visitor in the city this morning. Lincoln Creamer of South Bend was a visitor in the city this morning. Wm. Noxon was a brief business visitor in Pacific Junction this morning. Frank Band and wife from South Omaha were visitors in the city this morning, guests of friends. Ray Chrisweiser is reported as not feeling quite so well today. R. D. Blunt was looking after some business in the metropolis today. Prof. Asch, of near Murray, was a visitor in the city last evening, looking after some business matters. Mrs. Silas Long was a visitor in Oma ha this morning, where she will be the quest of friends for the day. John Jundquist, of Pacific Junction, was a visitor in the city last evening, returning home on a later train. Mrs. Alva Godwin, was a passenger to Lincoln this morning, where she will visit with friends for the next few days. Miss Anna Schlapnick was a possen ger to Lincoln this morning, where she will visit with relatives for a few days. Mrs. Oliver Owens departed this morning, after a short visit in the city with friends, to her home at Hastings. Mrs. Matilda Louscinsky and Julia Barounek were passengers to Lincoln this morning, where they are visiting with friends. Mrs. A. L. Huffer and daughter, Mrs. John Beeson, were visitors in Omaha this morning, where they will be the guests of friends for the day. Mrs. A. B. Swartout, after visiting in the city with friends for a few days, departed for her home in Lincoln. Frank Stanley and wife were visitors in Omaha this afternoon, where they are the guests of friends for the day. Mrs. William Otterstein was a pas senger to Omaha this morning, where she will visit with friends for the day. Mrs. John S. Hall who has been in Omaha buying goods for their store on Sixth street, returned home this morn ing. Mrs. Nels Hawkinson was a visitor in the city this morning from Havelock, a guest at the home of her son, G. W. Hawkinson. Mrs. Ann Heart was a visitor in the city for the past few days, returning to her home in Omaha this afternoon on the fast mail. Chas. Wilkins was a visitor to Lin coln and Havelock this afternoon, where he is looking after business for the Wurl Bros' cigars. Mrs. Matt Spader and son, William Shields, of Omaha, came in this morn ing and' are visiting with her son, John nie Shields, for the day. H. M. Socnnichsen has about gotten his barn moved to his home, which he recently purchased from F. G. Egen berger, and will begin placing a founda tion under it tomorrow. George Trietsch, of Johnson, was a visitor in the city over night, departing this morning for Omaha, where he has some business to look after. W. A. Fight, of Akron, Colo., came in this morning and is looking after some business matters and visiting with his parents, John Fight and family. Mrs. Fred Gorder and Mrs. A. Ploetz departed last evening for Watertown, Wis., where they were called by the death of a sister-in-law of Mrs. Gorder. There will be a social meeting of the Order of Eastern Star, Wednesday evening, January 15 at 7:30, at Masonic hall. The Adah circle will have charge of the entertainment and refreshments. Miss Pearl O'Neal, who is engaged at the Institute at Glenwood, la., was a visitor in the city, at the home of her parents over night, returning to her work this morning on the early Bur lington train. L. Druehaus of Omaha, a man inte rested in glove making, was a vis itor in the city this morning in company with H. M. Craig, looking over the city with a view of ascertaining what the city might offer for an enterprise of that kind. Frank Boetel is wearing a smile these days, notwithstanding the fact that the work is not as plentiful as people wish it. A little brighteyed boy has come to make his home with Frank, and this is the cause of the smile. Well under the circumstances he should smile we think. J. L. Bates and wife returned from Winchester, 111., this worning, where they have been visiting for the past week, and report that state covered with snow, it having snowed there all day Saturday and Sunday. On their re turn they encountered snow until they arrived at Ottumwa, la., but this side of that place they found the ground tare. 3 Henry Burroughs, of Rock Bluffs, was a visitor in the city this morning. P. J. Keil and wife of Cedar Creek were visitors in the county seat this morne. Henry Herold was a visitor in me tropolis today, where he is looking af ter some business matters. J. G. Richey departed this morning for Grand Island, where has some busi ness matters to look after. John Welsh, of Fairmont, departed for his home after a visit in the city with his cousin, Earl Barcley. Ed Brantner and family departed for Omaha this morning, where they will visit for a while with Martin Houk and wife. Reno Moore returned this afternoon on the fast mail from Malvern, Iowa, where he was looking after some busi ness over night. Frank Johnson, and wife returned this afternoon from a visit at Pacific Junction, where they have been visiting for a few days. John Bauer is installing a new heat ing plant in his store, taking some of his own medicine, for it is a 20th Century furnace, which is to do the work. John Ewing, wife and baby, came in yesterday from Stanberry, Missouri, and will visit with relatives and friends in the city for a some time. Mr. Ewing will engage in business if he can obtain an opening, and thinks of going to Lincoln to secure a position- . James Sherman, who has heretofore been with the lunch counter of the Hotel Riley Annex, has changed and can be found at the place of Claus Speck, where he has an up-to-date lunch counter. He makes his Chilli con-came himself. The layoff, which has been instituted by the Burlington, and has touched nearly every point on the road. At Al liance it caught Ed. Spies. He will re turn to Plattsmouth with his wife, who will arrive in a few days, where they will remain during the depressed times. Christian Cook and son, Johnnie, of Boyer, la., came in yesterday and visit ed until this morning with the former's brother-in-law, J. H. Tarns, returning home this morning. They were ac companied to this place by T. Grapen giser, of Omaha, another brother-in-law, who visited with Mr. Tarns and returned home this morning. The young man, W. T. Carter, who was struck at Osceola, la., yesterday and had his legs broken by the Burling ton fast mail, was well known by Oscar Wilson, the barber, who knew him when he was a boy in New Virginia, la., His companion, Frank Prime, who was walking with him near the passenge instantly. Chas. Troop and I. S. White were visitors in South Omaha yesterday, where the latter was looking for cattle to purchase to place on his farm south of the city, but finding the market not to his liking did not purchase. The former had something like five hundred sheep on the market, which brought a good price. During the fall Mr. Troop made a purchase of 684 sheep, and in feeding of which he lost seven, taking all to market with the exception of 180. He realized a good profit on the invest ment." LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE Herman Leist. defendant, will take notice that on the Mil day of January. lWs. Nannie Lelst. plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, atrainst said defendant, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony from the said de fendant, for the reason that defendant is an habitual drunkard, and has failed and refused to support plaintiff, and lias been willfully ab sent from plaintiff for more than two years last past, without just cause. You are required to answer said petition on or liefore the 17Ui day of February. A. 1. litis. Nannie Leist. 1'laintilT. Ut4 By M. Archer, her Attorney. Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver or? 01MQ troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. Refuse substitutes. Price SOo. FOR SALE BY F. G. FRICKE Habitual Constipation Mi I lay be permanently overcome by proper personal cjjons valMhc oM stance cfiheono truly beneficial leuujtive Y cmedy, Syrup ojKgS and tl'u'tr cj Senna. wKicK enables one ioJTorm regular kabife daily So that assistance to na ture may be gradually dispensed w nj vwWn tw longer needed as the best of remedies, when required, arc to assist nature and not to supplant the natur. ionS.vhtch mu6t depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, proper coruc,awd right living gentraly. To get it A beneficial effects, alay5 puy uie genuine Sy California Fig Syrup Co. only SOLD BY ALL LEAD INC DRUGGISTS oaewze only, retr price 50trr Bottle Mathew Gering went Omaha today on legal business. Glen Phoebus was a visitor in the me tropolis this morning. Chas. Lovell and wife were visitors in the metropolis this -morning. Mrs. Paul Gering was a visitor in the metropolis with friends this afternoon. Fred Conant departed this morning for Pratt, Kansas, to visit relatives and friends. . Mrs. Victor Sherwood departed this morning for Glenwood where she will visit with friends. Geo. M. Porter was a passenger to Lincoln this morning to look after busi ness for the Omaha Bee. Mrs. Joseph Hiber was a visitor in Havelock this afternoon, where she will be the guest of relatives. J. W. Hartwich, departed this morn ing for Glenwood and other Iowa points in the interest of his candy factory. J. J. Swobody and James Rebal were passengers to Omaha this morning where they were called on business. Riley Frady was a visitor in Omaha this morning where he is visiting with relatives and looking after some busi ness. A. S. Will is looking after some busi ness at the South Omaha stock yards, having gone on the early morning train today. Dally S. Gibson was a visitor in Om aha this morning, looking after busi ness interests in connection with the music store. Otto H. Stubin of Omaha was in the city last evening, looking after the welfare of the Western Bees, return ing to Omaha today. Mrs. A. M. Dubois of Western, this state, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. L. Stanley, and family, in this city, and will remain some time. Lost A string of gold beads, having a small gold locket attached. Finder will please leave at this office, or with Miss Gretchen Donnelly. A reasonable reward will be given for retnrn. Mrs. Fred Buterick of Creston, Iowa, departed for her home this morning after a two weeks' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Miner Allen in the city. D. G. Bockee and wife of Louisville, Kentucky, are makeing an extended visit in the city, guests of A. L. And erson and wife, the latter being a sister of Mrs. Bockee. George Stohlman, Henry Stander, Claude Turner, Wm. Kraft and W. E. Stander and wife, were visitors in the city this morning, called here to attend the preliminary examination of N. Clarke, charged with breaking into the house of W. E. Stander last week. oc OCZ3 o - IS PEERLESS What you need is Spectacles, ones that fit you correctly. We guar antee a fit or no sale, that is you can try them a week and if not satisfactory return them. J 2 (PC OIL The People Who Fit Spectacles Right or No Sale! 0 ooc 3e Carl Ulig is visiting in Havelock to day. Dr. W. B. Elster is reported on the sick list. C. A. Rawls went to Lincoln today on business. Martin Steppet went to Omaha today on business. Mrs. Jesse L. Root was a visitor in Omaha today. Mrs.W. L. Pickett was a visitor with friends in Omaha today. Fred Obernolte, of Wabash, was a visitor in the city today. A. W. White was a visitor in the metropolis this afternoon. Henry Goos was transacting business in Omaha this afternoon. James Talkington, of Union, was a visitor in the county seat today. C. F. Reihart of Cullom was a brief business visitor in the city this morning. Frank Janda departed this afternoon, where he will visit with friends for the day. Chas. Hennings and wife, of Louis ville, were business visitors in the city this morning. Mrs. F. J. Koontz went to Lincoln today to visit with her mother, Mrs. Edmonds. Mrs. J. L. Bickford returned to Lin coln today, after a visit with her son, Fred Bickford. Henry Hirz was a business visitor in the metropolis this morning going on the earlyjtrain. G. R. Olsen went to David City this afternoon in the interest of the picture taking business. Mrs. D. R. Corley of Omaha was a brief visitor today with, her mother, Mrs. M. Archer. M. Fanger went to Omaha today on business connected with his department store at this place. Emmons Richey departed on the fast mail for Omaha, where he is looking after some business. James Stander of Louisville, was a visitor in the city this morning looking after some business matters. Mrs. H. J. Helps was a visitor in the metropolis this afternoon, where she will visit with friends for the day. Peter Perveyance of Lincoln, who has been a visitor in the city for the past few days, returned home today. A. H. Bethon of Omaha was a visitor in the city this morning, having some business to transact with L. A. Moore. Clarence Trail and wife of Kansas City, after a few days' visit at the home of J. D. McBride, journeyed on to Denver and Delta, Colorado, today. Mrs. Louis Mittlemeyer went to Om aha today, to visit her little son, Fred, who is in the hospital. It is hoped he will be able to return home in a few days. Judge H. D. Travis and son, Earl, came in this morning from Lincoln, where they were in attendance at the democratic banquet. Mrs. James Hutchinson, came in this morning from the western portion of the state, and is visiting with friends in the city for a few days. For Sale. i ; A 102 acre well improved farm 4J ; miles northeast of Murray and seven I miles south of Plattsmouth. For i particulars call or write George J. Halmes, i Plattsmouth, Neb. I 1 i English Spavin Liniment remove Hard, Soft or Calloused Eumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spav ins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Shifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Cough s etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Ger ing & Co., druggists. DOC 0 o n 5 0 o DOC -ah- 'A DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest, From Tues day Evening's Daily Journal -ail Horace Rand of Cedar Creek was in the city today. Ben Beckman from near Murray was in the city today. Mrs. W. T. Scotten was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Miss Alma Larson was a passenger to Omaha this afternoon. , R. H. Sampson was an Omaha visitor today. Judge Travis was a visitor in Omaha this afternoon. Max Shearer and wife went to Lin coln today for a visit. J. L. Chronicle of South Bend was a visitor in the city today. W. H. Stokes of Mynard was a visitor in the city this afternoon. Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser was a visi tor in Omaha this morning. ' Ed."r Maurer-was a -visitor in the metropolis this morning. J. Smith of Nehawka, was a visitor in the city Monday afternoon. John A. Doty was a visitor in the city Monday afternoon, from Nehawka. Stephen Wiles was a passenger to Omaha this morning on business. T, W.,.Vallery of , near Murray, was a visitor in the city Monday afternoon.' Robert Troop is recovering slowly from his sickness of the past ten days. J. R. Vallery was looking after busi ness in the city Monday afternoon, from near Murray. W. H. Newell departed this morning for Wymore, where he is looking after the business for S. H. Atwood & Co. County Attorney Rawls is looking after some business matters at Corning, Kansas. C. A. Richey, the Louisville lumber man, was a business visitor in the city today. Lee Mayfield of the Louisville Courier was a visitor here today and went on to Omaha. John Wooster and son, little Johnnie, were visitors with friends in Lincoln this afternoon. L. D. Switzer of Weeping Water came in last evening and is sitting with the board today. Chas. Jordan came in yesterday from Alvo and is attending the meeting of the county board. Col. W. Bessey of Lincoln, was a visitor in the city this morning, return ing home on the fast mail. H. D. Neilson and wife of Lincoln, who have been visiting with friends in this city returned home today. Misses Jessie and Blanche Robertson who have been visiting a few days in Omaha, returned home this morning. George Weidman is somewhat better of his rheumatism, but it is with the greatest difficulty that he gets around. Mrs. Wm. McKee was a visitor in the city this morning from Sterling, Colorado, and went on to Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. John Gilson departed this morn ing for Lincoln, where she will visit with friends and relatives for about a week. Bernard Wurl and Frank Richey were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they are looking after some busi ness matters. Chas. Patterson departed this morn ing for his home at Arapahoe, this state, after a short visit with friends and relatives in the city. Julius Pepperberg was a passenger to Glenwood, Iowa, this morning, where he is looking after the interest of the output of his cigar factory. Miles Standish was a visitor in the city this morning from Murray, and was looking after some business in the county seat. Mrs. J. W. Johnson was a visitor in Lincoln this afternoon, where she will be the guest of her son, Edward and family for some time. E. A. Smith, of Omaha, an attorney, came in this morning and is looking after the matter of William Albin, for whom a guardian has been asked. Mr. Smith appearing for Mr. Albin. Ben Horning departed this morning for Lincoln where he is a delegate to the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co., which convenes there today. Mrs. J. S. Hall was a visitor in Oma ha this morning, where she is looking after some business matters connected with their grocery store here. Miss Stella Gooding returned this morning from an extended visit to Iowa points, in which she visited with rela tives and friends at Des Moines, Boone and Carlisle. Miss Lena Hirz and Miss Minnie Stohlman were passengers to Omaha this morning, where they go to visit the former's mother, Mrs. John Hirz, who is in the hospital at that place. V- I t ' County Superintendent Miss Mary E. Foster was a visitor in Omaha today. Charles Boedaker was a visitor in the city this morning from west of Mur ray. W. R. Carey, from near Uuion,was a business visitor in the city this morn ing. , .Alfred Nickels, .of southeast of Mur ray was a visitor in the city this after noon. Mrs. J. W. Walker was a passenger to Omaha today where she will visit with friends for the next few days. John Sutton, from near Rock Bluffs, was a visitor in the city this afternoon, having some business to transact in the county seat. Fred Lowe, of Weeping Water, was transacting business in the city this afternoon, and departed for home on the Schyler. J. P. Thacker and wife, from near Union, was a visitor in the city this morning, looking after some business matters. J. R. Rummerfield and family depart ed this morning for an extensive visit with relatives and friends at Hamburg, Iowa, and Watson and Tarkio, Mo. They expect to be absent about a week." Asa Snyder, of Omaha, was a busi ness visitor in the city this morning, where he was looking after some busi ness matters for the Morton-Greggson packing company, of Nebraska City. Col. H. C. McMaken was a passenger to Lincoln this morning, where he is visiting the pioneers' meeting and will visit the historical society of Nebraska, which is in session at that place today. D. of H. lodge will hold public in stallation of officers at Coates' hall, Thursday evening, January ICth. Every body invited. Admission free. Dance tickets after installation 25 cents. Mrs. F. L. Boyd who has been visit ing in the city for sometime past, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz man, and other friends, departed for her home at Des Moines, Iowa, this afternoon. Mrs. A. N. Sullivan returned home today from Omaha and South Omaha, where she has been visiting her daugh ters. Mrs. Asa Snyder accompanied her and went over to Red Oak, Iowa, with her husband for a visit with his par ents. Victor Anderson departed today for Royal and Plainview to visit two or three weeks. While away he will visit at the home of August Johnson, with whom he boarded when the Johnsons lived in Plattsmouth. He will also visit at Plainview with Fred Ebinger and others from this vicinity. In yesterday's report of the meeting of the Frauen Verein, which met with with Mrs. Wm. Schmidtman, we called it the Ladies Aid Society of the St. Paul's Evanglical church. Now comes word, saying we were wrong in our statement, saying that the society was non-secterian, and were not attached to any church. ALL KNIT BOOTS FELT BOOTS SOCKS Rubber Shorn to sro over (Lem, and RUBBER BOOTS AND ARCTICS outlast brand. Absolute protection to the feet from cold and wet; comfort and durability in every pair. SOT MADE OR CONTROLLED BY A TRUST. Be sure the trade mark. I$H Hand" is on every pair, and take no others said to be "a coud as." etc BLIZZARDS are G So prep arc for them ar.d get npxt. to our FELT FOOTWEAR Sox and High-Lace Jackets 53 25 " " " Pacs 3 50 Felt Boot and Rubbers 2 75 Hair-Lined Shoes, Men's 2 75 Wool-Lined Shoes, Men's. . 1 75 Warm Lined Shoes, Women's.. 1 75 Overshoes $1.45 to 2 5C Everything Thai's Warm! Sherwood & Son n any other I i