The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 13, 1908, Image 2

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i Short Items of Interest, From Fri
day Evening's
7. L. Picket was a visitor in Omaha
I.. F. Salloe was a visitor in Omaha
this morning.
J. II. Cook was a visitor in Omaha
this afternoon.
Frar-.k Buttery was a visitor in Oma
hi'this afternoon.
John Schiappacasse was a business
vi. sitor in Omaha today.
Mrs. I". I). Cummins was a visitor
with friends in Omaha this afternoon.
J. V.". Sweeney, of Lincoln, was a
l.u di-.ess visitor iri the city this morn
ii rt.
Floyd Capin ami w ife from near Mur
ray were visitors in the city this morn
ing. County recorder, H. A. Schneider, a visitor in the metropolis this
Antone Swabeck. of Omaha, was a
visitor in the city this morning, looking
after some business.
VV. A. Cleghorn was a visitor here
this morning from Havelock to attend
the funeral of Fred Kroehler.
Mike Warga of Havelock was a vis
itor in the city the morning, coming to
attend the Fred Kroehler funeral.
John Albert and wife of Cedar Creek
were in the city this morning, attend-
ii g the funeral of Fred Kroehler.
Miss Carrie Oliver was a passenger
to Omaha this morning where she will
visit for a few days with relatives.
Mrs. Eva Peterson came in this
morning from Fremont, and attended
the funeral of Fred Kroehler today.
Mrs. Wm. Wynn was a visitor with
f riends at Omaha this morning.
Mrs. John Janda and daughter. Miss
Julia, were visitors in Omaha this morn
James Chalfant and wife were trans
acting business in the city this morn-
Mrs. Francis Lucinsky and daughter
were visitors in the metropolis this
. morning.
Peter Meisinger from near Cedar
C.'eek was a visitor in the city this
Mr?. John Weyrick was a visitor in
Lincoln t'.iis morning, where she will
visit with friends for the day.
Mrs. G. B. Lehnhoff departed for her
Ihome in Omaha this afternoon, after
visiting with Mrs. F. I). Lehnhoff for
j fevr days.
Vr". II. Puis, the unterrified democrat
-of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was in the
city today. Billy is one of the Journal's
i;j::eh friends.
;."ro. J. V. Egenberger and Mrs. John
hirz. sisters, were visitors in Omaha
this morning, where they will spend the
diy with friend.
II. J. Helps was a business visitor in
V.iz capitol city this afternoon, going
o.i the fast mail, where he is locking
iftr business for the company.
.'rs. J. II. Johnson came over this from Glenwood, Iowa, and is
visit:r.g with relatives and friends in
the city.
Chas. Troop was a passenger to
So jth Omaha this morning, where he
is looking after some business at the
stock yards.
J. II. Archer came in last evening
and visited with his friends and rela
tives over night, returning home this
morning at Omaha.
H. R. Neitzel and wife came in this
morning and are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Neitzel's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. R. Guthman.
A. C. Bach, who has been visiting in
Omaha for the past few days, returned
home this morning, and is again at
work at his place of business.
Dr. A. P. Barnes returned home last
evening from his attendence at the
State Veterinary Association, which
had just completed its labors at Grand
Antone Libershall departed for Lin
coln this afternoon, where he will visit
for a short time, after which he will go
to Denver, where he will work at his
trade as cigarmaker.
Chas. M. Carter, of Blair, a nephew
of Thomas M. Carter, departed this
morning for -his home on the early
Burlington train, after visiting in the
city a guest of his uncle.'
Mrs. Louis Dose departed this after
noon for Mineola, Iowa, where she will
visit for a few days at the home of
Fred Hammer, who is a brother-in-law.
Herman Klietsch and family of Weep
ing Water came in last evening and are
in attendence at the funeral of Mrs.
Klietsch's father, Fred Kroehler, today.
Mrs. M. Fanger and children were
visitors in Omaha this afternoon, where
they will be guests of Mrs. Dora
Schall, Mrs. Fanger's mother, for a few
clay 3.
Daily Journal
George Falter went to Lincoln today
for a visit.
Jesse Ileiner returned this morning
from Omaha.
John Rainey returned last evening
from Hamburg, Iowa.
Ross Mitchell of Havelock was a vis
itor in the city today, being in attend
ance at the funeral of Fred Kroehler.
O. C. Niilay from southwest of Myn
ard wa3 a business visitor in the city
George A. B. Hicks was a business
visitor in the city this morning from
Miss Jessie Gilmour, who is teaching
at Cedar Creek, came in this morning
to spend Sunday with her parents, south
of the city.
Mrs. Henry E. Weidman of Havelock
was a visitor in the city this morning,
a guest at the home of Mrs. George P.
F. C. Bengen and Glen Vallery of
southwest of Mynard were visitors in
the metropolis this afternoon going up
on the fast mail.
Emil Stutzenergger of South Bend
was looking after business in the county
seat this morning and went on to Oma
ha where he has some business to look
after also.
Mrs. Joseph Smith who has been sick
for some time at her home on Winter
stein hill, is reported as feeling not
quite so well.
J. V. DeLashment, of Burwell, Neb.,
accompanied by his. nephew, Ernest
DeLashmut, son of Clay DeLashmut,
of Pacific Junction, were visitors in the
city today.
A. J. Trility, the barber, is placing
water connection in his barber shop,
and is having sewer connection made
also, which will add greatly to the con
venience of the shop.
Mrs. Ray Chriswisser was a visitor in
Omaha this morning, going to see Ray,
who is reported as progressing very
nicely at the present, a fact his many
friends will rejoice to know.
Mrs. W. A. Taylor and brother, C.
C. Polin, were visitor in Omaha this
afternoon, where they will be guests
with Mrs. W. M. Thomas and Miss
Evelyn Taylor, who are attending
Royles' business college.
Dan. McCallan of Sheridan. Wyo.,
:.:ne down with Edward Kroehler,
w'.en he came bringing the remains of
his father, and attended the funeral,
departing this afternoon for Omaha,
where l.c will visit for a few days be
fore returning home.
Frank Roberts has moved from south
of the city to the Jacob Falter place,
northwest of town and will farm it the
coming season.
C. A. Miller came in last evening
from Kansas City where he has on bus
iness and will depart tomorrow for his
home at Thurman. Iowa.
Among those from Havelock to at
tend the funeral of Fred Kroehler were
A. Lenz, John Gleeson, Mrs. A. M.
Gibbony, Wm. Webber, jr., Mike
Schirk and Wm. Bomey.
C. F. Riehart returned from St.
Joseph, Missouri, this morning, where
he has been looking after some business
matters, and was accompanied on his
return by Charles Schafiin who has been
visiting there.
Called to Plainview.
Last evening Miss Ida Weidman de
parted for Plainview, this state, where
she goes to visit with her sister, Mrs.
Fred Ebinger, and family, who are
nearly all afflicted with a siege of the
grippe. Miss Ida will look alter their
wants while they are sick and visit
them and others friends afterwards.
Go to Hear Ethel Dovey
Rae Patterson and wife and Catherine
Dovey went to Lincoln today where
they will attend the "District Leader,"
this evening, in which Ethel Dovey has
a leading part. With other friends
who went last evening they will visit
with the young lady this evening as
Mrs. Roy Dodge Doing Nicely
P. E. Ruffner was a visitor at home
today, returning to Omaha this after
noon, and said to a reporter while in
the city that Mrs. Roy Dodge was doing
nicely and was progressing as well as
could be expected. It is thought she
will in all probability be out of the
hospital in the course of two weeks.
Mrs. Mary McCarthy Improving.
Miss Mary McCarthy, who was re
ported as being very sick, is at this time
slightly improved, but still not able to
be up. It is hoped she will have a
speedy recovery.
Thousands of Tons Used
Monthly West of Mis
souri River.
The Burlington west of the Missouri
uses from 130,000 to 1 JO, 000 tons of coal
a month. This means that from 1,500,
000 to 1,080,000 tons are used a year.
Coal is from 75 cents to 80 cents higher
a ton now than it was last year and it
j will cost the railroad many thousand
more dollars to operate because of the
advance in the market price, says the
Lincoln News. I
The Burlington gets it supply from
the mines at Sheridan, Wyo., and from
its Iowa mines. Each week the sup
erintendent of a division estimates how
much he will require for seven days
and this is spipped out from the mines.
The three big centers for the distri
bution of fuel are Lincoln, Sheridan
and Denver. Over a hundred cars are
often on hand at Lincoln and in the
cold season when the demand for coal
is the grestest thousands of tons are
unloaded on the ground.
While the bulk of the coal is used for
making steam which turns the wheels
of monster locomotives, yet a consider
able amount is called for to keep office
buildings, stations and work shops
comfortable in the coal season. The
larger locomotives row carry moderate
sized coal yards with them on their
trips over the road. Some engine ten
ders will hold as high as fifteen tons of
fuel. This shot into the tenders by
means of chutes which allow the coal
to drop down f rem above and the job is
completed in a few minutes. A pull at
a trap door and the coal tumbles out of
the chute with a roar, the fireman
meanwhile spreading it evenly and top
ping it off from his position below.
' Coal cars have increased in size so
tremendously in the last ten years that
it does not take one half of the rolling
stock to handle the railroad and com
mercial traffic that it once did. Coal
cars used to be mere boxes compared
with the giants of this period, running
in capacity from 28,000 to 40,000 lbs.
Now carloads of 80,000 and 100,000
capacity are common and the minimum
is 60,000 lbs.
Entertain Friends At Dinner.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas
Simons and daughter, Mary, of Chi
cago, who are visiting in the city the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Thrall,
Mr. and Mrs. Lindeman entertained at
a six o'clock dinner last evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Thrall and their guests from
the east. There was music, an im
promptu program furnished by the
hostess and guests, among which, Miss
May Daugherty, grandchild of Mr. and
Mrs. Lindeman, took no small part.
Miss May is a real actor and imper
sonator, having an ability far beyond
that of the ordinary person of her age.
She made the hours fly merrily after
the dinner, by her witty and humerous
recitations and readings, as well as at
the piano. The dinner was a three course
affair, and added greatly to the enjoy
ment of the evening, that will surely
be a green spot in the memory of the
guests from the the east. They will
carry away with them pleasant memor
ies of their visit to this city.
Das Deutsche Kranzchen Meets.
At the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. G. Larson yesterday was gathered a
merry crowd of young folks, members
of Das Deutche Kranzchen, entertained
by Miss Esther Larson. This is the.
first meeting the society has had for
some time, on account of the holidays,
the matter having been passed over.
Yesterday being the first meeting of the
new year, the work was taken up
where laid down before the closing on
last year. Miss Lena Fricke was con
tinued as teacher, and the matter of
the German lessons again taken up. A
very jolly time was had and a delicate
lunch was served.
John Hoye Buried at Watson.
John Hoye, a brother of Mrs. T. E.
Steuklin of this place, who was re
ported as being very sick with the
"White Plague" at Farnhan this state,
and of whom a message came to this
place saying he was very low and was
to be taken to his old home at Watson,
Missouri, where he wished to reach be
fore he died; and where Mr. and Mrs.
Steuklin went to meet him, died before
arrangements could be made to start
for home. The remains were shipped
to Watson, where the interment was
made Tuesday.
Sidney Miner Improving
Reports from the bedside of Sidney
Miner tells of his continued improve
ment, and justifies the hope that he
will in the near future be able to re
turn home, should nothing now inter
vene, As a result from the attack of
pneumonia, he had one lung in a very
bad condition, which is now showing
some improvement, while the other
seem as sound as before the sickness.
For Rent.
Eighty acres of land, lying 5J miles
south-west of Palmyra, Otoe county.
For further information enquire of Silas
Long, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Bonds of the Ingoing Officials Filed and Ap
proved and the Selection of Deputies
Also Approved by Board.
Piattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 8, 190.
Board met pursuant to adjournment, i
with all members present. Whereupon I
the following business was transacted
in regular form:
In view of the fact that no bids were i
filed for furnishing record books, blanks J
supplies for the year 1008; therefore,
Be it Resolved. That the Board of '
County Commissioners authorize the
county clerk whenever such record
books, blanks or supplies are needed,
that the county cierK can ior uicis lor
the furnishing of the same, and reserve
the right to reject any and all bids.
County treasurer instructed to trans
fer from the general fund to the bridge
fund the sum of $6,000.00.
Repoit of H. D. Travis, county judge,
showing court costs collected prior to
January 7th, 1904, was submitted and
same was approved by the County
The following list of names were se
lected, from which to draw the jury for
the February term of district court:
Plattsmouth City, first ward J. H.
Donnelly, R. W. White; second ward
W. C. Tippens, Mat Jerousek, Frank
Buttery; third ward Emil Ptak, C. C.
Wescott, J. G. Richey, Chas. Rydberd;
fourth ward Harry Messersmith, Lee
Cotner, Will Smith; fifth ward James
Higley, Ira B. Green. Plattsmouth pre
cinct Ben Horning, C. F. Vallery, A.
L. Todd: Eierht Mile Grove F. J. Hen-
nings, G. P. Meisinger, W. H. Spence;
Weeping Water precinct D. Koester,
George Woods; Stove Creek Walter
Cromwell, Dick Smith, James Turk,
Wm. Hayes; Tipton George Reitter,
jr., Henry Snoke, Chas. Frohlich;
Greenwood G. L. Layton, Charles
Schuelke; Salt Creek Orson Johnson,
W. Reed, O. W. Laughlir.; South Bend
-W. J. Smyth, J. E. Denning; Weep-!
ing Water City, first ward I. W. Tee
garden; second ward Turner Zink;
third ward Ernest Stoner; Avoca
Walter Wiseman. E. C. Giberson; Cen
terLouis Stahder, Ira Bosworth; Mt.
Pleasant Frank McNurlin, L. H.
Young; Nehawka George F. Switzer,
William Davis; Louisville W. F. Diers,
August Panska, Andrew Stohlman; Lib
erty George Saxon, Winfield Swan, J.
D. Cross; First Rock Bluff Miles
Standish, D. J. Pitman; Second Rock
Bluff Perry Marsh, W. P. Hutcheson;
Elmwood John Ruhga, W. C. Schewe,
John Thimigan.
Board proceeded to open bridge bids
which were filed on January 2, 1908,
bids being received from the Western
Bridge Company, of Omaha; the Stand
ard Bridge Company, of Omaha, and
the Nebraska Construction Company, of
Lincoln. Upon opening of the bids the
Nebraska Construction Company, of
Lincoln, Neb., was found to be the iwo
Bonds Approved.
The following bonds were approved:
Frank E. Schlater, county treasurer;
W. E. Rosencrans, county clerk; Mary
E. Foster, county superintendent of
schools; H. M. Soennichsen, assessor;
B. I. Clements, coroner; Allen J. Bea
son, county judge; Carroll D. Gjuinton,
sheriff; E. E. Hilton, surveyor; W. K.
Fox, deputy treasurer; D. C. Morgan,
deputy county clerk. Following con
stables' bonds were approved: Jerdme
J. Andrews, Salt Creek; George W.
Saxon, Liberty; Wm. Norris, Tipton;
John Cory, Plattsmouth; R. D. McNur
lin, Weeping Water city; John Spence,
Eight Mile Grove. Justices of the
peace J. S. Foster, Salt Creek; Fred
Patterson, Rock Bluffs; J. P. Wood,
Louisville; P. W. Sawyer, South Bend;
P. S. Crink, Elmwood. Road overseers
M. Sulser, district 1; William Rich
ards, district 4; Geo. H. Jackson, dis
trict 3; J. W. Rugha, district 14; G. A.
B. Hicks, district 5; H. H. Dehming,
district 7; J. M. Campbell, district 6.
Bonds of the following banks as deposi
tories of county funds were approved: i
First National Bank, Plattsmouth; Bank
of Murdock; Plattsmouth State Bank;
First National Bank of Elmwood; Union
State Bank of Murdock and First Na
tional Bank of Greenwood.
Appointments Approved.
W. K. Fox, deputy treasurer, at a
salary of $1,000 per year; Miss Mia Ger
ing, clerk for the treasurer, salary
$900; Gertrude Beeson, clerk for coun
ty judge, $1,000; Jesse Robertson, de
puty district clerk, $50 per month.
All incoming officers were adminis
tered the oath of office. The county
board proceeded to organize as follows:
L. D. Switzer, chairman; M. L. Fried
rich, vice-chairman, and C. R. Jordan,
junior member, E. F. Marshall retiring.
Dr. M. M. Butler was appointed coun
ty physician for the year 1908. The
compensation shall be $5.00 per day and
mileage, not exceeding $20.00 per day,
mam ueeti
; nor shall
the total fees exceed $."0O per
The board of health was organized
with L. I). Switzer, chairman; M. L.
Friedrich, vice-chairman; M. M. Butler,
county physician and W. E. Rosencrans,
. Claims Allowed.
! Robert Sherwood, merchandise. .$
J W-K- ox. bond for county judge,
5 20
no oo
8 oo
L R E 'berffei. merchandise
for poor farm 158 40
D. B. Porter, team for com'rs.. 2 25
News, printing 25 00
Wm. Holly, mdse for poor farm, 22 00
R. P. Hayes, word road dist. 4G. . 27 40
Nebraska Construction Coom-
pany, bridge work 12 39
Matthew Gering, fee defending
Henry Pettit 35 00
L. D. Switzer, salary and ex
Hans Johnson, mdse. to poor. . . .
H. D. Travis, express to county
Geo. Bax, labor at poor farm. . .
Hatt & Son, mdse. to poor 4
E. Sturzennegger, telephone by
S. F. Girardet, mdse. to poor. .
H. M. Soennichsen, coal and
merchandise to poor 58
E. G. Lewis, bill case of Mc
Clure, refused
Lesley Rush, room for election.
Austin Western Co., repairs for
grader 13 30
E. G. Dovey & Son, merchandise
to poor . ... 7 70
H. A. Schneider, expense 5 70
C. H. Smith, postal supplies. .. . 113 55
A. G. Bach, mdse. to poor 12 (X)
W. D. Wheeler, bailiff cert, and
expense 19 64
Institute Feeble Minded, Hunter
and Hamilton 36 75
F. M. Svoboda, salary and laun
dry 62 50
I. C. Munger, beri-beri cases at
Alvo 31 10
A. Rouse, salary December, 1907, 00 00
Dr. E. D. Banghart, 4th quarter
salary 10 00
i John M. Leyda, cost of bond 27 00
M. L. rredrich, salary and ex
pense 28 10
Plattsmouth Water Co., water
to jail and court house 30 55
E. E. Hilton, salary and ex
pense 60 00
W. E. Rosencrans, salary 125 00
W. E. Rosencrans, fees, postage,
expense, etc 50 73
C. A. Rawls, salary and expense
4th quarter 268 00
Nebraska Telephone Co., rent
and tolls
J. Iverson, repair work to farm, 4
C. F. Guthman, boarding wit
ness H. Foster case 4
John Kopia, mdse 2
Plattsmouth Telephone Co., rent
and tolls 26
P. Dehning, return of road
deposit 20
C. Trimble, team to commis
2 i
F. E. Bricke, printing .
Miss Dora Fleishman, 3 months
care blind man 18
M. Archer, justice fees. State
vs H. Pettit
C. D. Quinton, fees State vs
4 2;
4 T.
Klopp & Bartlett Co., supplies, 337 77
J. V. Stradley & Co. , ballot boxes
and booths Salt Creek pre-
. cinct 17 25
Forest M. Barkhurst return of
poll tax not of age
C. W. Jester, quarantine and fu
migating, $10.00, allowed...
H. D. Travis, State vs Mason
2 50
7 00
8 00
C. D. Quinton, boarding county
prisoners and salary.. 172 45
C. D. Quinton, cost of bond 90 00
C. D. Quinton, boarding city
J. H. Hall, Inebriate Wm. Ha-
22 35
8 00
3 00
8 80
A. Rawls, Inebrate Wm. Ha-
James Robertson, Inebriate Wm.
D. Quinton, Inebriate Wm.
Haberman 57
G. Nolting, damage to crop
$5.00, allowed 2
A. Kiser, helping county sur
veyor 3
L. Farley, salary and expense 126
W. A. Lodge 332, return
taxes double assessed 19
J. Svobada, labor at court
house $15. 00, allowed 9
Road Fund.
Ira Bosworth, work R.
2 50
2 05
1 50
C. J. Earl, work R. D. 45.
John Ruhga, work R. D. 44
Henry Snell, work R. D. 34 35 00
Chas. W. Cole, work R. D. 36.. 3 00
James M. Hoover, work R. D. 11 173 50
H. P. Hayes, work R. D. 46 19 60
G. I. Lloyd, work R. D. 36,
$17.50, allowed 14 00
Henry Horn, work R. D. 13
Andrew Krecklow, work R. D. 22,
U. T. Long, work R. D. 22
G. G. Meisinger, work R. D. 3..
J. C. Lemon work R. D. 7
M. V. Wood, work R. D. 31,
$94.40, allowed 76 40
W. P. Hutcheson, work R. D. 17 30 00
C. F. Vallery, work R. D. 14 37 00
H. C. Long, work R. D. 36 10 50
Stirtz Bros., work R. D. 47 3 25
L. Neitzel, supplies R. D. 23.. 90
24.. 6 00
' " " 9. . 1 00
Chas. Bornemeier, work R. D. 26, 28 50
Henry Sanders, work R. D. 4.. 14 00
W. E. Niday, work R. D. 40. . . . 6 00
Clarence Fleishman, work R. D.
58... 8 00
A. D. Zaar, work R. D. 9 56 00
. I). 21.. 28 00
R. I). 23. 59 2i
2 30 (X)
. R. I). 57 1 50
51 3 00
55 5 00
" 5 1 10
D. 4!.... 27 76
41 38S 85
; c. 20
26 13 25
4 16 00
I. I). 10 . 32 00
1.. 19 20
12. . 30 70
" 11. . 26 00
I). 2. . . 2S 5o
I). 10... 1 75
4... 1 05
I. I). 41.. 157 5o
" 42. . 10 90
" 35. . H2 55
' 5S. . 7o 75
48 91 75
51 91 75
19 12 50
19 45 (H
20 5 00
12 21 00
r 11 95
11 95
J. E. Bates, work R.
C. E. lleebner "
A. D. Zaar
E. Austin
Henry Sanders " "
II. I). Tolarul, work R.
V. E. Dorsey, nails 11.
A. 1
A. Sutton, work R. I),
Allen Land. "
Geo. A. Jackson "
P. A. Hild "
C. V. Hennings "
C. A. Richey, lumber
Nebraska Cons. Co., bridge,
I). 53
Nebraska Cons. Co., bridge,
I). 49 ,
. . .1
The Newly Organized Farmers' Ele
vator Company Ready
i to Buy Grain.
Last Saturday, the people who organ
ized the farmers, co-operative grain
company, held another meeting, at
Murray, at which all the arrangements
relative to beginning was made. The
amount of capital stock which was
placed at $5,000, has not been nub
scribed at this time, although more
than four thousand of the amount has
The soliciting committee has been
continued until the amount shall have
been all subscribed. The officers were
elected, and are: President, W. D.
Wheeler; vice president, Chas Spangler;
secretary, Wm. Puis; treasurer, Lloyd
Gapin; who, together with John Spang
ler, L. II. Young and Glen Perry, con
stitute the board of directors. A com
munication coming from the Missouri
Pacific says for the new company to
make first and second selection of a
location, for an elevator sight, which
was done, they being on the west side
of the track, and about two hundred
or more feet north of the railway sta
tion. The farmers near Nehawka and
Cullom areHagitating the proposition of
incorporation and erecting eleyators at
each place.
With Friends in Their New Home
Near Union on Sunday, January
12, 1908.
Miss Mary E. Foster was a visitor at
home over Sunday, and tellsof agather
ing of the neighbors and friends of her
father, D. W. Foster, at the new Foster
home, yesterday, to celebrate the 74th
birthday of Mr. Foster, born in St.
Clair county, Illinois, near the city of
Belleville, January 12, 1834. and has,
lived in Cass county for a number of
years. During the past fall and early
winter he has built for himself and fam
ily a handsome and commodious new
residence on his farm, some three or
four miles from Union. With the ac
cumulations of years of hard work, Mr'
Foster has a home in which to spend
his declining years in comfort. At the
meeting of yesterday, there were a
number of his old neighbors and friends,
together with his family, and the day
was spent in social conversation, remi
nicenses of the times gone by, inter
sperced with music, and a dinner fit
for a king, which all enjoyed and which
added to the occasion. Among those
who were participants in the pleasant
afternoon were: D. W. Foster, wife
and daughters, Mrs. W. E. Stanton snd
Miss Mary E. Foster, and brother,
Reuben Foster, Messrs and Mesdames
M. H. Shumaker, L. G. Larson of Platts
mouth, J. S. McCarroll, H. R. Conrad.
Mesdames, S. Sherwood, Lydia Todd,
Irene Davis, Laura Wright. Misses
Ida Freeman, Jessie Todd, Elma Wright,
Ina Davis, Eleanor Carpenter, Minnie
Shoemaker, Angie McCarroll, Edith
Conrad, Fannie and Nettie'" McCarroll.
George E. Sayles Improving.
George E. Sayles, who has been very
poorly for some time past, is reported
as improving nicely, and is able to get
out again, though not as yet able to
take up the active work. Saturday, h
was so much improved that he was
able to go the station, at Cedar ' Creek
to see his daughter, Mrs. Andrew
Fusge and her husband, depart for
their home at Covington, Virginia, af
ter an extended visit with himself and
wife. Mr. Sayles' many friends will
be pleased to know of his improvement
in health.
Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver
ed at Mynard any day in the week.
TeL 3 O. W. F. Richardson.