The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 09, 1908, Image 6

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Murray DeprHmnKBjmt
IfanyoftUrcadcrsoftfieJmrnalknwofa(cialecentoranitevi of interest in this vicinity and will mail name to thin office it tall appear under this heading.
We want all items of. interest. EdiUsr Journal.)
8 Murray State Bank b
A checking account will establish a
closer relation between you and
your business.
We invite you to start a checking
account with us. You will find
that financial matters will run more,
more smoothly when you have a
complete record of -your business
Pay your obligations by check. We
solicit both large and small ac
counts each receives the same
careful attention.
Mvirray, Nebraska..;
A. L. Baker and Glen Boedeker were
in Plattsmouth Tuesday.
James Loughridge and wife were in
Plattsmouth Tuesday afternoon.
J. R. Vallery was on the South Oma
ha market Wednesday with cattle.
Geo. Berger, of Plattsmouth, was in
Murray Sunday spending the day with
liome folks. j
Steve Copenhaver is in Gerard, Kan-j
gas, this week where he will remain for ;
several days, 1
C. S. Stone and D. C. West were j
transacting business in Omaha Tuesday ;
-and Wednesday of this week.
D. C. Young, who has been here for
xne past iew weens, wm leiurn to nis
home in Capa, S. D., next week.
Arthur Young of Cotner, Nebraska,
where he is attending the university,
was visiting a few days this week with
.home folks.
Harry Gobbleman went to Nebraska
City Monday morning, where he has
-entered the college for a thorough
business course.
Rex Young has been suffering for the
past few days with a beautiful pair of
Job's pets on the back of his neck. He
has been compelled to cease work on
their account. Nix took a very cold winter
"bath Monday evening, by falling through
the ice while skating. Tommy says
c v. ater was not very deep, but what
vthere was it proved very cold.
j he revival services being held at the
Christian church are well attended each
night and a great deal of interest is
being manifested, and up to the pres
ent time a total of seventeen conver
sions have been recorded.
All the farmers of this localtiy are
eagerly watching the corn markets, as
the price has reached forty-eight cents,
.and all they want is the fifty cent mark,
.and every corn sheller in the land will
be on the hum order. It is looked for
-within a few days.
Mrs. H. C. Long and Mrs. A. L.
Baker were in Plattsmouth last Satur
day. Col. Seybolt and Dr. Long were look
ing after some business matters in Om
aha Tuesday.
Mrs. Truda Long is in Johnson, Neb.
this week making a visit among rela
tives and friends'
Miss Bessie Brendel returned to her
school duties in Plattsmouth Sunday
evening, after spending the holiday
vacation with home folks.
I. M. Davis was in Omaha last Sat
urday, and while there went out to the
hospital to see Ray Chriswisser, who
has been gradually' gaining strength
from his recent operation.
Mrs. F. M. Young, sr., has been
numbered with the sick for the past
few days. She suffering with an at
tack of the grippe. Her daughter, Miss
Isabelle, who has been attending the
State University, was unable to return
t her studies Monday on this account.
James Nickels and wife of Boonville,
Neb. and C. F. Nickels, of Colorado,
ai rived in Murray this week for a few
days visit with relatives and friends.
The Nickels homestead, east of town
presents a very happy scene just now,
as they are enjoying a happy reunion,
all the sens and daughters being there
for a visit.
Miss Pauline OMham returned home
from Chicago Surday, where she will
remain for the balance of the winter.
She has ben attending the University
of C'.-Aro for the uast three months.
taking a course in her chosen work, in
the elocutionary department. Miss
Oldham says the University of Chicago,
is the grandest of all educational insti
tutions in the world, and she is more
than pleased with the results obtained
from her three months course. She
has had a number of positions offered
her for the coming season as teacher,
but up to the present time she has ac
cepted none, and will remain at home
for a few months at least.
Cheap Land that is Good Land
In Fact Just as Good as Can Do Found
in the Land!
In the favorite and best sections of South Dakota, the
home of abundant crops and good people.
I have some of best found in that section for sale and it
will pay you to see me before buying. Let me show you
what we have on the list.
Wm. Hendricks was an Omaha visi
tor Monday.
Chas. Boedeker has been on the sick
list for the past few days.
Three of the little folks at the home
of J. T. Porter are numbered with the
The little folks at the home of A. J.
Bayles are numbered with the sick this
Chas. Spangler's little daughter.
Margaret has been quite sick for the
past few days.
C. F. Harris, from near Union, was
looking after some business matters in
the county seat Monday.
The little girl of Mr. and Mrs,
Wyette Hutcheson is suffering with a
severeattack of erasypelas.
Mrs. Dennis Daniher has been suffer
ing ior tne past lew weeks with a
severe attack .of rheumatism.
Uncle Tommy . Campbell, who has
been very sick for the past few months.
is reported some better at this time.
We understand that about $3,000 has
already been raised for the .new eleva
tor fund, and it now looks as ' if it was
a sure go.
Asa McCulIough is making prepara
tion for his big public sale, an adver
tisement of which will be found else
where in this paper.
Mrs. Taylor, and Mrs. Ab. Slagle, of
Plainview, who has been here visiting
with relatives and friends for the past
few weeks, have returned home.
Albert Schaffer and wife are- the
proud and happy parents of a bouncing
ten pound baby boy that arrived at
their home oh Monday of this week.
Wm. Long has been on the sick list
for the past few weeks, and at times
his condition was quite serious, but is
reported considerably better this week.
Ernest Carroll is up in Plainview this
week looking after renting a farm in
that locality for the coming season, and
if successful he will remove thereto in
the near future. '
T. J. Rhoden shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha Wednesday
evening, Mr. Rhoden going with them.
A few head of G. M. Minford's was
shipped in one car.
Amick & Berger shipped a car of
mixed cattle from here Wednesday
evening and one from Cedar Creek the
same evening. Mr. Amick was in South
Omaha Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. Creamer, the little son of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Shrader, Jos. Hill
and little son, and Louisa, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Virgin
are all on the sick list this week.
While out playing Wednesday the
ittle four jrear old girl of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Metcalf fell and struck her lip
on a rock, cutting it pretty badly. She
is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Wm. Hendricks. who fell
through the scuttle hole on the east
side of the Jenkins store building some
few days ago, and sustained a broken
right arm, is getting along nicely.
Will Rakes, one of the small-pox
victims residing east of Murray, has
taken a relapse of the dread disease,
and has up to the present time been a
very sick man, but is now on the road
to mend.
Mont Robb's smiling face was seen
on the streets of Murray for a day or
two this week. Mont has many friends
here who are always glad to see him.
and he is always a welcome visitor at
the old home.
Mrs. John Campbell was called to
Union this week, owing to the serious
illness of her mother, Mrs. Lynn. Their
son, Patrick, is attending school in that
city, and John is left all by his lonely
at the Campbell homestead, east of
town, where he says he is keeping
bachelor hall to a Queen's taste.
On last Saturday, after a day's hunt
and sport with a revolver, Vance Pit
man returned home and proceeded to
clean the weapon and lay it away for
future use, and is usually the case, he
did not know it contained a cartridge or
one load, until the same was accidently
discharged, the ball entering and pass
ing through the posterior part of the
left limb, between the hip and knee. Of
course the young man suffered a great
deal with the wound, but at this time is
getting along nicely.
Two of Cass County's Popu
lar Young Pocpfe Joined
In Holy Matrimony
The beautiful country residence of C.
Benger and wife was the scene of an
event which was a delight to the eye,
and enjoyed by a large number of per
sons gathered to witness the ceremony.
There .occurred .the:, marriage of Thee.
F. Ruby and Miss Martha Bengen. At
high noon, while the wedding march
was being played by Miss Bessie Tubbs,
the procession passed to the center of
the specious parlor, where Rev. F. W.
Brink, with the beautiful ceremony,
used by the United Brethren church,
spoke the words which made them man
and wife. Miss Fern Gruber of Union
was bridesmaid and her brother James
Gruber was best man. The bride was
daintily gowned in crepe de chene, car
rying a boquet of carnations, while the
groom wore the . conventional black.
Both of these young people have grown
from childhood in this county. During
the past summer the young gentleman
has lived in Kansas, where they will
make their future home. The Journal
joins with the many friends of the hap
py couple in wishing them a long and
useful wedded life.
Corn Shelling.
I have just purchased one of the
latest improved Ottawa corn shelters,
and would like to figure with all parties
desiring com shelled. Satisfaction
guaranteed and prices reasonable. Tele
phone from Murray or Weeping Water.
Leslie Gregory.
Woodmen Ball.
The Woodmen of the Mynard Camp
are preparing for grand ball to be given
in their hall on the evening of January
25. Good music, and a good time is as
sured. Make it a point to attend.
To the Man Who Signs the Check.
The spirit of patriotic financial co
operation should govern us all at this
time and the most practical method
is for us to pay each other the bills we
owe. we are doing what we can in
that direction. We want you to help
us so to do, that is if we have
accomodated you in the past by extend
ing you credit. Onthe first of January
most every business ynan is compelled
to meet his obligations for the previous
twelve months, pad by the aid of those
who are indebted to us we expect to
keep in line of the business world, and
at this time we certainly need what is
due on our books, and we therefore
trust that all knowing themselves in
debted to us will call at their earliest
convenience and settle.
Holmes & Smith.
Weeping Water
From Tlio Kt'jiublican.
Tom Akeson was the possessor of a
good mule last week, but one of those
accidents that sometimes happens on
the farm overtook his muleship, and a
straw stack smothered him.
J. W. Williams farm sale last Friday
was well attended and the goods brought
fair prices. Mr. Williams will move to
Oklahoma, also his son Ed and son in
law, Lester Hoback.
Peter Spader, of near Murray, a re
sident of Cass county for twenty years,
loaded his goods and departed last week
for Osmond, Pierce county, where he
has a half section of land.
L. W. Ingwerson expects to leave
this week with J. D. Williams, Ed Wil
liams and Lester Hoback for Oklahoma,
and he will assist them in building a
house. Mrs. Ingwersen will reside in
town while her husband is away.
Word was received from Miss C. M.
Paine who is spending the winter in
California, is that she freezes up an the
morning, thaws out at noon, and the
liberal use of bed cloths is the only
thing that prevents freezing at night.
She is thinking of coming to Nebraska
for the winter and going to California
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wiles departed
Tuesday morning for Texas, west of
Galeveston on the Gulf of Mexico coast
where they expect to spend the winter
if Mr. Wiles' health will permit. Ever
since the accident several months ago,
Mr. Wiles' health has been poor and
extremes of heat or cold effects his
head, and he hopes of finding a climate
of more even temeperature.
Notice of Sale of School House.
Notice is hereby given that on the
20th day of January, A. D., 1908, at
2 o'clock, p. m., the School Board of
School District No. 7, Cass county, Ne
braska, will sell to the highest bidder
for cash, the brick school house stand
ing on the school grounds of said dis
trict. Said sale to take place at the
school house grounds where said build
ing stands. Henry Creamer,
Director of School Board.
Remember the Wehrbein
Creamer Sale January 21.
I7af eh for list of crcaerfv in
''next week's Journal. .
A Large Number of Friends Entertained at the
Home of and Mrs. Oscar Gapin
Yesterday a reception was given at
the home of Oscar Gapin and wife five
miles south of this city, in honor of R.
F. Dean and wife, who are visiting here
from South Haven, Michigan. The oc
casion also celebrated the fifty-first
anniversary of the marriage of Mr.
Gapin's mother, Mrs. Joshua Gapin,
who makes her home with her son. . The
event was enjoyed by every one present,
arrangements having been made for
the care, comfort and enjoyment of all,
and it in no way miscarried. R. F.
Dean, who is the father of Mrs. Gapin,
and his wife have been visiting here
and at Lincoln for some weeks and will
soon depart for their home in South
Haven. The reception was the calling
together of their friends for a good
social time before they should depart.
A delicious five course luncheon was
served to which all did ample justice, it
being one of the enjoyable features of
the occasion. Reminiscences were in
terspersed with music and recitations,
and readings and other numbers made
up a well arranged program for the
entertainment of those present. Miss
Gertrude Cole presided at the piano
and dispensed the most melodious
music, a very taking feature of the
afteroon's entertainment.
The capping of the climax was the j
reading by Miss Anna Snyder, in which
she described the situation of a young
man waiting for his lady love to pre
pare to go to a reception. The young
lady was unable to make any progress
with her toilet, her bat would not set
straight, the ribbons would not tie
right, nor could she get her hair
crimped as. she, desired, all consuming!
time and' it getting late. The young
man in question began to fidget and
look at his watch, knowing full well
that they would be late. In the rendi
tion of this Miss Snyder did herself
proud, and was applauded to the echo.
She demonstrated her ability as an
elocutionist, showing that she was able
to master the most difficult pieces. The
afternoon flew by very rapidly and will
long be remembered by all who were
fortunate enough to be present.
Those to enjoy this happy event were
Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Brink, Messrs.
and Mesdames J. C. Peterson, J. A.
Walker, W. A. Dull, John Edmonds,
Wm. Brown, F. M. Young, sr., F. M.
Young, jr., Wilber Cole, George Kaf
fenberger, George Snyder, Will Jean,
Lloyd Gapin, John Schwartz, Misses
May and Louise Vallery, Gertrude Cole,
Anna Snyder, Mesdames Mattie Wiles,
and Maria Gapin, Masters Byron Snyder
and Elbert Wiles.
Having sold my farm I will sell at my
farm, 3J miles north of Nehawka, and
5 miles southwest of Murray, on
Thursday, Jan. 16th
commencing at 10:30 sharp, the follow
ing described property, to-wit:
A Good Man.
H. C. Long, of near Murray, was
in the city today, and gave the Journal
a call, and while here renewed for an
other year. Mr. Long has one of the
finest farms in Cass county, and re
cently purchased the undivided one
fourth of the Wherbein farm of 10
acres the forty belonging to Will
Wehrbein. We love to hear of the
prosperity of such citizens as Mr. Long,
as besides being one of our most pros
perous farmers, he is one of the best
men in Ca?s county.
Horses, Cattle, Hogs!
One span of four-year-old mares, wt.
2600 lbs; one sorrel mare, three-year-old,
wt. 1600 lbs: one gray mare, seven-
years-old. wt. 1400 lbs; one bay mare,
ten years old, wt. 1200 lbs; one bay
mare, seventeen years old, wt. 1100:
one dun pony, eight years old, wt. 900
lbs; eight milch cows, two of them
fresh; one calf, two weeks old; five
coming yearling calves; thirty-two head
of hogs.
Farm implements, Etc.
One Cream Separator; one Refrigera
tor; three setts work harness; one sett
driving harness; one saddle; one sett
new single harness; one good top buggy;
one old buggy; two farm wagons; one
good hay rack; one wagon derrick; one
hay fork and ropes; one 8-horse power;
one feed grinder; one doubled-geared
jack; two Boss scoop boards: one sett of
furrow openers for drill planter; one
garden plow; one Wright sewing ma
chine, good as new; one 18-inch disc;
one 3-section harrow; one riding Wes
tern King cultivation; one walking
Avery cultivator; one walking trip
spring cultivator; one 2-row stalk cut
ter; one walking corn drill; one 3-row
corn drill planter; one broadcast seeder,
new last spring; one combined riding
lister; one good McCormick mower; one
McCormick rake; one 2-horse sulky
plow; 1 walking 14-inch stirring plow;
one'Champion binder; one blacksmith
forge; one 2-row Kingman cultivator;
one walking combined lister; 14J dozen
Terms of Sale!
As this is the first of the year, the
time that all firms make an effort to
collect their outstanding accounts, and
in order for all adjustments to be made
I hereby make the request that all
parties knowing themselves indebted to
me to call and settle at the earliest
possible moment, as I need the money
and need it now to meet my own obli
gations. I thank you for past favors
and wish you a prosperous year of 190S.
Very respectfully yours,
James Loughkiim;i:.
The Wonderful
All sums under $10, cash; sums over
$10 a credit of 8 months will be given
on notes, bearing 8 per cent interest,
with approved security. No property
to be removed untul settled for. !
Dee Shrader Will Serve Lunch on Ground!
Robert Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
J. M. Palmer, Clerk.
Mrs. John Sharpe Very Sick.
Mrs. John Sharpe was taken -very
sick Monday evening with a very severe
pain in her left side, which is so acute
at times that it is impossible to refrain
from screaming out. The pains con
tinue sometimes for hours at a time,
making her suffering is something terri
ble. Last evening she was reported as
being not quite so severe, but still very
Big Horn Basin
I have a selected list of irrigated
farms in the Basin for rent; why
not rent for a year or two and learn
the profits from irrigated farming
in the Basin, and become acquaint
ed with the climate and desirability
of settling in that region? We also
help you homestead irrigated lands,
or to buy them at prices that will
make your money. Millions of dol
lars are now being spent irrigating
Basin lands. Homeseekers' excur
sions first and third Tuesdays of
1908. Write D. Clem Deaver, Gen
eral Agent, Landseekers' Informa
tion Bureau, Omaha.
Homeseekers' excursions first and
third Tuesdays to Colorado, Wyom
ing, Big Horn Basin, Northwest,
Southwest and South; Winter Tour
ist Rates daily to Florida, the Gulf
Country, the South and Southern
California. Ask Agent, or the un
dersigned for rates and details.
U W. V1IELET, 8. P. 1. Oaika. Ik.