BOB HAMPTON jr TTMT fi T" TTTr Aft fD V u II J( fiAMMLL PARMSHAUrmOfJ 'IWQMLlMtfrC eopyr,frFHXfirictci.iaG too. v 1 - I mm . K W I M ItT V II r 1 f II CHAPTER I. Hampton, of Placer. It was not an uncommon tragedy of the west. If slightest chronicle of it survive, it must be discovered among the musty and nearly forgotten rec ords of the Eighteenth regiment of in fantry. Yet the tale Is worth telling now, when such days are past and gone. There were 16 of them when, like so many hunted rabbits, they were first securely trapped among the frowning rocks, and forced relentlessly back ward from off the narrow trail until the precipitous canyon walls finally halted their disorganized flight, and from sheer necessity compelled a rally in hopeless battle. Sixteen, ten - in fantrymen from old Fort Bethune, un der command of Syd. "Wyman, a gray headed sergeant of 30 years' continu ous service in the regulars, two cow punchers from the "XL." ranch, a stranger who had joined them unin vited at the ford over the Bear Water, together with, old Gillis, the post trader, and his silent chit of a girl. Sixteen but that was three days be fore, and in the meanwhile not a few of those speeding Sioux bullets had found softer billet than the limestone rocks. Six of the soldiers, four al ready dead, two dying, lay out stretched in ghastly silence where they fell. Then the taciturn Gillis gave sud den utterance to a sobbing cry, and a j burst of red spurted across his white beard as he reeled backward, knock ing the girl prostrate when he fell. Kight remained, one helpless, one a mere lass of 15. It was the morning j cf the third day. The beginning of the affair had burst upon them so suddenly that no two in that stricken company would have told the Kanie tale. None among them had anticipated trouble. In all the fancied security of un questioned peace these chance travelers- had slowly toiled along the steep trail loading toward the foothills. Gillis and the girl, as well as the two cattP -herders', were on horseback; the J remainder soberly trudged forward on I foot, with puns slung to their shoul- J ders. Wyman was somewhat in ad- vanc-e. walking beside the stranger, the hitter a man of uncertain age, smoothly shaven, quietly dressed in garments bespeaking an eastern tailor, a bit grizzled of hair along the tern- ' pies, and possessing a pair of cool, gray ryes. He had introduced himself by the name of Hampton, but had vol unteered no further information, nor j was it customary in that country to question impertinently. Hampton, through the medium of ; easy conversation, early discovered in the sergeant an intelligent mind, pos- : sessing some knowledge of literature. ! They had been discussing books with rare enthusiasm, and the former had : drawn from the concealment of an inner pocket a diminutive copy of "The Merchant of Venice," from which he j was reading aloud a disputed passage, j when the faint trail they followed sud- ! denly dipped into the yawning mouth I of a black canyon. It was a narrow, ) gloomy, contracted gorge, a mere gash between those towering hills shadow ing its depths on either hand. A swift mountain stream, noisy and clear as I crystal, dashed from rock to rock close i beside the more northern wall, while the Ill-defined pathway, strewn' with bowlders and guarded by underbrush, clung to the opposite side, where low scrub trees partially obscured the view. I All was silent as death when they entered, yet they had barely advanced a short hundred paces when those ap parently bare rocks In front flamed red, the narrow defile echoed to wild screeches and became Instantly crowd ed with weird, leaping figures. It was like a plunge from heaven into hell. Blaine and Endicott sank at the first fire, while Wyman's stricken arm dripped blood. Indeed, under that sudden shock, he fell, and was barely rescued by the prompt action of the man beside him. Dropping the opened book, and firing madly to left and right with a revolver which appeared to spring into his hand as by magic, the latter coolly dragged the fainting soldier across the more exposed space, until the two found partial security among a mass of loosened rocks litter ing the base of the precipice. The others who survived that first scorch ing discharge also raced toward this same shelter, impelled thereto by the unerring instinct of border fighting, and flinging themselves flat behind protecting bowlders, began responding to the hot fire rained upon them. Scattered and hurried as these first volleys were, they proved sufficient to check the howling demons in the open. It has never been Indian nature to face unprotected the aim of the white men, and those dark figures, which only a moment before thronged the narrow gorge, leaping crazily in the riot of apparent victory, suddenly melted from sight, slinking down Into leafy coverts beside the stream or into Doles among the rocks, like so many vanishing prairie dogs. Now and then . .inwr brown arm might incautious ly project across the gleaming surface of a rock, or a mop of coarse, black hair appear above the edge of a gully, either Incident resulting in a quick interchange of fire. That was all; yet the experienced frontiersmen knew that eyes as keen as those of any wild animal of the jungle were watching murderously their slightest movement. Wyman, now reclining in agony against the base of the overhanging cliff, directed the movements of his little command calmly and with sober military judgment. Little by little, un der protection of the rifles of the three civilians, the uninjured infantrymen crept cautiously about, rolling loosened bowlders forward into position, until they finally succeeded in thus erecting a rude barricade between them and the enemy. The wounded who could be reached were laboriously drawn back within this improvised shelter, and when the black shadows of the night finally shut down, all remaining alive were once more clustered together, the injured lying moaning and ghastly beneath the overhanging shelf of rock, and the girl, who possessed all the pa tient stoicism of frontier training, rest ing In silence, her widely opened eyes on those far-off stars peeping above the brink of the chasm, her head pil lowed on old Gillis knee. Twice during the long night volun teers sought vainly to pierce those mm r Hampton Fired Madly Right and Left. lines of savage watchers. A long, wailing cry of agony from out the thick darkness told the fate of their first messenger, while Casey, of the I '"XL," crept slowly, painfully back, with an Indian bullet embedded deep in his shoulder. Just before the com ing of dawn, Hampton, without utter ing a word, calmly turned up the collar of his tightly buttoned coat, so as better to conceal the white collar he wore, gripped his revolver between his teeth, and crept like some wriggling snake among the black rocks and through the dense underbrush in search after water. By some miracle of divine mercy he was permitted to pass unscathed, and came crawling back, a dozen hastily filled canteens dangling across his shoulders. It was like nectar to those parched, feverish throats; but of food barely a mouth ful a piece remained in the haver sacks. The second day dragged onward, its hours bringing no change for the bet ter, no relief, no slightest ray of hope. The hot sun scorched them pitilessly, and two of the wounded died delirious. From dawn to dark there came no slackening of the savage watchfulness which held the survivors helpless be hind their coverts. The merest up lifting of a head, the slightest move ment of a hand, was sufficient to dem onstrate how sharp were those savage eyes. Another long, black night followed, during which, for an hour or so in turn, the weary defenders slept, toss ing uneasily, and disturbed by fearful dreams. Then gray and solemn, amid the lingering shadows of darkness, dawned the third dread day of un equal conflict. All understood that it was destined to be their last on this earth unless help came. For two days Wyman had scarcely stirred from where he lay bolstered against the rock. Sometimes he be came delirious from fever, uttering in coherent phrases, or swearing in piti ful weakness. Again he would par tially arouse to his old sense of sol dierly duty, and assume intelligent command. Now he twisted painfully about upon his side, and, with clouded eyes, sought to discern what man was lying next him. The face was hidden so that all he could clearly distinguish was the fact that this man was not clothed as a soldier.. "Is that you, Hampton?" he ques tioned, his voice barely audible. The person thus addressed, who was lying flat upon his "back, gazing si lently upward at the rocky front of the cliff, turned cautiously over upon his elbow before venturing reply. "Yes; what is it, sergeant? It looks to be a beauty of a morning way up yonder." There was a hearty, cheery ring to his clear voice which left the pain racked old soldier envious. "My God!" he growled savagely. " 'TIs likely to be the last any of us will ever see. Wasn't it -ou I heard whistling just now? One might Im agine this was to be a wedding, rather than a funeral." "And why not, Wyman? Didn't you know they employed music at both functions nowadays? Besides, it Is not every man who is permitted to assist at his own obsequies the very unique ness of such a situation rather appeals to my sense of humor." The sergeant, his teeth clinched tightly to repress the pain racking him, stifled his resentment with an evident effort. "You may be less light-hearted when you learn that the last of our ammunition Is already In the guns," he remarked, stiffly. "I suspected as much." And the speaker lifted himself on one elbow to peer down the line of recumbent fig ures. "To be perfectly frank with you, sergeant, the stuff has held out considerably longer than I believed it would, judging from the way those 'dough boys' of yours kept popping at every shadow in front of them. It's a marvel to me, the mutton-heads they take into the army. Oh, now, you needn't scowl at me like that, Wy man; I've worn the blue, and seen some service where a fellow needed tc be a man to sport the uniform. Be sides, I'm not Indifferent, old chap, and just so long as there remained any work worth attending to in this skirmishing affair. I did it, didn't I? But I tell you, man there is mighty lit tle good trying to buck against Fate, and when Luck once finally lets go of a victim, he's bound to drop straight to the bottom before he stops. That's the sum and substance of all my philosophy, old fellow, consequently I never kick simply because things hap pen to go wrong. What's the use? They'll go wrong just the same. Con sequently, upheld by my acquired philosophy, I'm merely holding back one shot for myself, as a sort of grand finale to this fandango, and another for that little girl out yonder." These words were uttered slowly, the least touch of a lazy drawl appar ent In the low voice, yet there was an earnest simplicity pervading the speech which somehow gave it im pressiveness. The man meant exactly what he said, beyond the possibility of a doubt. The old soldier, accustomed to every form of border eccentricity, gazed at him with disapproval. "Either you're the coolest devil I've met during CO years of soldiering," he commented, doubtfully, "or else the craziest. Who are you, anyhow? I half believe you inisht be Bob Hamp ton, of riacer." The other smiled grimly. "You have the name tolerably correct, old fellow; likewise that delightful spot so lately honored by my residence. In brief, you have succeeded in calling the turn perfectly, so far as your limited information extends. In strict confi dence I propose now to impart to you what has hitherto remained a pro found secret. Upon special request of a number of influential citizens of Flacer, including the city marshal and other officials, expressed in mass meeting, I have decided upon desert ing that sagebrush metropolis to its just fate, and plan to add the influ ence of my presence to the future de velopment of Glencaid. I learn that the climate there is more salubrious, more conducive to long living, the citi zens of Placer being peculiarly excit able and careless with their fire arms." The sergeant had been listening with open mouth. "The hell you say!" he finally ejaculated. "The undefiled truth, every word of it. No wonder you are shocked. A fine state of affairs, isn't it, when a plain-spoken, pleasant-mannered gen tleman, such as I surely am, a uni versity graduate, by all the gods, the nephew of a United States senator, and acknowledged to be the greatest exponent of scientific poker in this ter ritory, should be obliged to hastily change his chosen place of abode be cause of the threat of an ignorant and depraved mob. Ever have a rope dan gled in front of your eyes, sergeant, and a gun-barrel biting into. your cheek at the same time? Accept my word for it, the experience Is trying on the nerves. Ran a perfectly square game, too, and those ducks knew it; but there's no true sporting spirit left in this territory any more. However, spilled milk is never worth sobbing over, and Fate always contrives to play the final hand in any game, and stocks the cards to win." "A breath of good, honest prayer would serve better than anything ejse," groaned the sergeant, soberly. The gray eyes resting thoughtfully on the old soldier's haggard face be came Instantly grave and earnest. "Sincerely I wish I might aid you with one," the man admitted, "but I fear, old fellow, any prayer coming from my lips would never ascend very far. However, I might try the com fort of a hymn, and you will remember this one, which, no doubt, you have helped to sing back in God's country." There was a moment's hushed pause, during which a rifle cracked sharply out in the ravine; then the reckless fellow, his head partially sup ported against the protecting bowlder, lifted up a full, rich barytone in rendi tion of that hymn of Christian faith "Nearer, my God, to Thee! Nearer to Thee! E'en though It be a cross That ralseth me. Still all ray sons shall be. Nearer, my God. to Thee! Nearer to Thee," Glazed and wearied eyes glanced cautiously toward the singer around the edges of protecting rocks; fingers loosened their grasp upon the rifle bar rels; smoke-begrimed cheeks became moist; while Hps, a moment before profaned by oaths, grew silent and trembling. Out in front a "vengeful brave sent his bullet v c.. ig Just above the singer's h'1 sharp fragments of rock dislodged falling in a shower upon his upturned face; but the fearless rascal sang serenely on to the end, without a quaver. "Mistake it for a death song likely," he remarked dryly, while the last clear, lingering note, reechoed by the cliff, died reluctantly away in softened cadence. "Beautiful old song, ser geant, and I trust hearing it again has done you good. Sang it once in a church way back in New England. But what Is the trouble? Did you call me for some special reason?" "Yes," came the almost gruff re sponse; for Wyman, the fever steal ing back upon him, felt half ashamed of his unshed tears. "That is, pro vided you retain sufficient sense to listen. Old Gillis was shot over an hour ago, yonder behind that big bowlder, and his girl sits there still holding his head in her lap. She'll get hit also unless somebody pulls her out of there, and she's doing no good to Gillis he's dead." Hampton's clear-cut, expressive face became graver, all trace of reckless ness gone from it. He lifted his head cautiously, peering over his rock cover toward where he remembered earlier in the fight Gillis had sought refuge. HI CHAPTER II. Old Gillis' Girl. Guided by the unerring Instinct of an old Indian fighter, Gillis, during that first mad retreat, had discovered temporary shelter behind one of the largest bowlders. It was a trifle in advance of those later rolled into posi tion by the soldiers, but was of a size and shape which should have afforded ample protection for two, and doubt less would have done so had it not been for the firing from the cliff op posite. Even then it was a deflected bullet, glancing from off the polished surface of the rock, which found lodg ment in the sturdy old fighter's brain. The girl had caught him as he fell, had wasted all her treasured store of wa ter in a vain effort to cleanse the blood from his features, and now sat there, pillowing his head upon her knee, al though the old man was stone dead with the first touch of the ball. That had occurred fully an hour before, but she continued in the same posture, a grave, pathetic figure, her face sobered and careworn beyond her years, her eyes dry and staring, one brown hand grasping unconsciously the old man's useless rifle. She would scarcely have been esteemed attractive even under much happier circumstances and as sisted by dress, yet there was some- 1 thing in the independent poise of her ! head, the steady fixedness of her pos ture, which served to interest Hamp ton as he now watched her curiously. "Fighting blood," he muttered ad miringly to himself. "Might fail to develop in;o very much of a society bell, but likely to prove valuable out here." She was rather a slender slip of a j thing, a trifle tco tall for her years, j perhaps, yet with no lack of develop ment apparent in the slim, rounded figure. Her coarse home-made dress of dark calico fitted her sadly, while her rumpled hair, from which the broad-brimmed hat had fallen, pos sessed a reddish copper tinge where it was touched by the sun. Mr. Hamp ton's survey did not increase his de sire for more intimate acquaintance- mm IN THE FINEST CLIMATE IN AMERICA i i m ran LAMDi 50,000 acres now being- offered by The United Land Co., atbotton prices. The Las Vepas Grant in San Miquel county, near Las Vegas, New Mex ico. Titles perfect. Soil black and fertile. A free trip. to purchasers of 1(50 acres or more, on our private hotel cars; live right on the car after you join us until you return home. All arrangements made for your comfort. Personally conducted drives over the land in our own rips free. Next trip on Tuesday, January 7th. Write or wire that that we may make full arrangements for you. Prices $14.00 per acre cash or part cah and time on the balance. Beautiful descriptive booklet free on application to A. L. COLEMAN, J. C. COLEMAN, Plattsmoutii, Neb. Special Agent for the Middle-west,. 359 East 64th St., Chicago, 111. Enlarging Your Business If you are in business and you want to make more money you will read every word we have to say. Are you spending your 'money for advertising- in hap hazard fashion as if intended for charity, or do you adver tise for direct results? Did you ever stop to think how your advertising can be made a source of profit to 3'ou, and how its value can be measured in dollars and cents. If you have not, you are throwing money away. Advertising is a modern business necessity, but must be conducted on business principles. If you are not satisfied with your advertising you should set aside a certain amount of money to be spent annually, and then carefully note the effect it has in in creasing your volume of busi ness; whether a 10, 20 or 30 per cent increase. If you watch this gain from year to you will become intensely in terested in your advertising, and how you can make it en large your business. If j-ou try this method we believe you will not want to let a single issue of this paper go to press without something from your store. We will be pleased to have 3'ou call on us, and we will take pleasure in explaining our annual contract for so many inches, and how it can be used in whatever amount that seems necessary to you. If you can sell goods over the counter we can also show you why this paper will best serve your interests when you want to reach the people of this community. mm .7 L "If I Select Your Bullet Rather Than the Rocks, What Then?" ship, yet he recognized anew her un doubted claim upon him. "Suppose I might just as well drop out that way as any other," he reflect ed, thoughtfully. "It's all in the game." Lying flat upon his stomach, both arms extended, he slowly forced him self beyond his bowlder into the open. There was no great distance to be traversed, and a considerable portion of the way was somewhat protected by low bushes. Hampton took few chances of those spying eyes above, never uplifting his head the smallest fraction of an inch, but reaching for ward with blindly groping hands, caught hold upon any projecting root or stone which enabled him to drag his body an inch farther. Twice they fired directly down at him from the opposite summit, and once a 'fleck of sharp rock, chipped by a glancing bul let, embedded itself in his cheek, dye ing the whole side of his face crimson. But not once did he pause or glance aside; nor did the girl look up from the imploring face of her dead. As he crept silently in, sheltering himself next to the body of the dead man, she perceived his presence for the first time, and shrank back as if in dread. "What are. you doing? Why why did you come here?" she questioned, a falter In her voice; and he noticed that her eyes were dark and large, yielding a marked Impress of beauty to her face. "I was unwilling to leave you here alone," he answered, quietly, "and hope to discover some means for getting you safely back beside the others." pr mn" f"iai-TTrm-i 1 11 nnrrmnn wmn 1 1 1 hi in m is about over, but your Christ mas shopping has just begun. Before buying see our Holiday Specialties: Smoking Jackets, Coat Sweaters, Night Robes, Fancy Vests, Neckwear, Hats, Caps, Mufflers, Fancy Sox, Gloves. A Word to the Wise is Sufficient, Klothirvg Kompany, Sellers of Good Clothes. You Don't Need a Town Crier to emphasize the merits of your business or an nounce your special sales. A straight story told in a straight way to the readers of this paper will quickly reach the ears of the thoughtful, intelligent buying public, the people who have the money in their pockets, and the people who listen to reason and not noise. Our books, will show you a list of the kind of people you appeal to. Call and see them at this office. "ft