The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1907, Image 8

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    What Is medicine for? To cure you. If sick, you say.
But one medicine will not cure every kind of sicKness? because different
medicines act on different parts of the body. One medicine goes to the liver,1
another to the spine. Wine of Cardui to the womanly organs. So that Is why
Wine of CardLTDLiL
has proven so efficacious in most cases of womanly disease. Try itJ
Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Bartonvlllo. 111., writes : "I suffered for years vlth female diseases, and doctored
vlthout relief. My back and head would hurt me, and I suffered agony vlth bearing-down pains. At last
I took Wine of Cardui and now I am in good health." Sold everywhere. In $ 1 .00 bottles.
The County Exchanges
&21 if Gmenl Utirest Selected fru tta Column if Contemporaries
(Trom t ! l:-fKtT.)
Mr. an I Mrs. Alph Tucker left on
Tuesday morning for their home in Ok
lahoma, Roinn first for a visit to rela
tives in Odessa, Mo. While they are
well pleased with Oklahoma, and are
prosperous, it is hard to say pood-bye
to the old and tried friends in Nehawka
Mrs. Lula Orton, of Chicago, came in
last week on a visit to her father, W. R.
Davis, and will remain for some time.
"We saw V. It. the other day, and he
was about sis happy as a man could be.
John Wunderiich was a visitor at
Nebraska City Wednesday. He reports
to us that Clara, the daughter of Louis
Carstens, was united in marriage to
Mr. Frank Greenrod at Nebraska City
that afternoon.
George Spohn of Superior came in
for an over-night visit with the family
of A. F. Sturm last Tuesday. He was
on his way to attend the Grand Chapter
It. A. M., which convened in Omaha
this week.
Leo Switzer has returned from his
wanderings, having arrived home Tues
day night. He visited Canada got
enough of that place in a short time.
He then went to Colorado, and after
spending the summer there thought
Nehawka would look good to him and
came home. He reports everything as
prospering out there.
C. F. Collins, editor of the Review,
owner of the gas plant, jeweler and
stationer at the village of Dunbar, has
had a number of suits filed against him
in the courts there. Some in the county
court and others in the district court,
aggregating something like $(M. Mr.
Collins is also president of the village
board, justice of the peace and notary
A Home Made Happy by Chamber- (
Iain's Cough Remedy
About two months ago our baby girl
had measles which settled on eer lungs
and at last resulted in a severe attack ;
of bronchitis. We had two doctors but .
no relief was obtained. Everybody I
thought she would dia. I went to eight
different stores to find a certain remedy j
which had been recommended to me
and failed to get it, when one of the
storekeepers insisted that I try Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy. I did so and
oar baby is alive and well today. Geo.
W. Spence, Holly Springs, N. C. For
sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co.
From the Leader-Echo.
J. W. Gamble, of the Plattsmouth
i i - i ' .i i . . .
hcnoo., m io -
tending the funeral. He called at the
schcol for a short
time in the morn-
Drs. Munger and Neely performed
an operation upon Mrs. Geo. Blevin. at
the hospital on Tuesday of this week.
The patient is doing nicely.
Mr;. H. I). Wall has been confined
to the bed with sickr.e.-s fr the p.t ;
week. !
Dr. Plunger reports the birth of a
boy each at the home. of IliIIi; Loh.'.vS ;
and Louis Jensen.
Mr. s.i.d Mrs. C.iitei
T..rvn ,.f r...i '
tral Lake, .Mich., who have bee
it i.-ii- ,
ing at the McFall home, resumed their j
jourr.ty to the Pacific coast Monday. i
Ed. Nickel came to t,v.n Tuesday
evening and had Dr. Neely remove a
stick of wook froi.i his left eye. While
blasting large timbers a 2x4 seen fit to
act naughty.
Ihi crowd has returned from Texas.
We are told that some bought land,
but those who went with the intention
of finding employment either did not
find it or didn't like what they could
get. II. Dettman has one of the largest
lemons we, cr Dill Duster, ever saw
a product of the Texas soil.
A large delegation of Masons and K.
of P's., from our neighboring towns
attended the funeral services of CI. S.
Garnahan Wednesday afternoon. The
church was well filled with sorrowing
friends, who had gathered to pay their
last sad tribute of respect to one who i
was a friend to everybody. Foes he t
had none.
You know as well as any one when
you need something to regulate your
system. If your bowels are sluggish,
your food distresses you. your kidneys
pain, take Hollister's Hockey Mountain
Tea. It always relieves. PJ cent",
Tea or Tablets.
From tbe Courier,
v H. J. Tangeman returned Tuesday
' lining from a irip out in the western
?Vrt of the state.
""Jhas. Eringman, of Atchison, was
. ' -e this week with the Missouri Pacific
t it,
-d Wegner left Tuesday evening
Neb., where he went to
look after his ranch near there.
C. G. Mayfield moved his family to
town this week and hereafter will oc
cupy his residence in the north part of
Invitations have been received by
friends of KrnestM. Fribble announcing
his coming marriage to Miss EnaMatelle
Rogers at the home of the bride at
Tecumseh, Neb., on Tuesday evening,
December 24, at 8:30 o'clock.
S. W. Rail returned last week from
a two weeks visit in Holt and Boyd
counties. He says that many towns
out there are not as large as Louisville
have water works and electric lights
and that enterprise is shown on every
hand. He is of the opinion that if we
could induce more of our citizens to go
out and see what other towns are doing
that Louisville would soon be made a
different town.
Badly Mixed Up.
Abraham Brown, of Winterton, N.
Y.. had a very remarkable experience;
he says: "Doctors got badly mixed up
over me; one said heart disease; two
called it kidney trouble; the fourth,
blood poison, and the fifth stomach and
liver trouble; but none of them helped
me; so my wife advised trying Electric
Bitters, which are restoring me to per
fect health. One bottle did me more
good than all the five doctors prescrib
ed." Guaranteed to cure blood poison,
weakness and all stomach, liver and kid
ney complaints, sold by F. G. Frick &
Co., druggists, ,r0c.
From the Ledger.
Mrs. Chas. Mougey and daughter,
Florence, who visited a few weeks with
relatives here, departed on the Tuesday
evening train for their home at Lodi,
E. L. Downs of Spencer, S. D., ar
rived last Saturday to make a visit with
his brother, Charles and family, and
will probably decide to locate here
Mrs- Lydia Todd had the misfortune
to f a11 Tuesday evening and suffered a
lracture oi tne bone ot the right lore-
arm. It was a very painful wound, but
the injured arm is improving nicely.
Robert Kendall and wife are the
p -oud parents of a fine daughter born
Friday morning, November 29, and
when the little lady reads this delayed
item a few years later she can blame
her father for not giving us prompt
notice of her arrival.
Miss Kilpatrick, nurse, who has been
taking care of Grandma Lynn the past
seven weeks, returned to Nebraska
City on Tuesday, where work in the
, -it-c
hospital requires her attention. Mrs.
j DeWolf of Weeping Water came Tues
! day to take care of Mrs. Lynn.
Mrs. Louise Micklc, teacher in the
intermediate department of our schools,
took a few days vacation last week on
account of illness, expecting to resume
the work within a short time, but find-
;n,r that her health will not permit her
to continue in school work, she present-
ed her resignation which the board felt
under obligations to accept. Miss
Carrie Banning has consented to co:i-
t:nue in charge
of that r n for a short
i time in or; tor to !e: tne work goin
I t 1 i i . 1 i' 1 i I. .. j .. t
l-n-!i : a . lenenei.
a Reel Wonderland.
South Dakota, with its rich silver
mines, bonanza farms, wide ranges ar.d
strange natural formation?, is a verit
able wonderland. At Mound City, in
the home of Mrs. E. I). Clapp, a won
derful case of healing has lately occur
red. Her son seemed near death with
lung and throat trouble. "Exhausting
coughing spells occurred every five min
ures, " writes Mrs. Clapp, "when I be
gan giving Dr. King's New Discovery,
the great medicine, that saved his life
and completely cured him." Guaran
teed for coughs and colds, throat and
lung troubles, sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co., druggists. 50c and .fl.00. Trial
bottle free.
Drives Fork Through Man's Hand.
Charles Ilerron, living in the neigh
borhood of L. II. Young was badly
wounded in the hand last Wednesday
while trying to climb upon a load of hay
he was hauling. lie got off to open a
gate and in getting upon the load again
he raised up the hay in order to get a
hold of the side of the rack. Bob
Bailey, a boy was on the load and in
sticking the fork into the hay so that
Mr. Herren might get hold of it and
help himself up, happened to strike
Mr. Herron's hand, driving three tines
of the fork through it. No bones were
broken, but the wound closed without
bleeding, and gives promise of a bad
When winds shriek in fiendish glee,
And enters winter with his key
Protect yourself, from disease be free,
Take Hollister's Rockey Mountain
While Trying to Assist in the
Family Washing Gets
Hail Pinched Off.
Yesterday afternoon while the fam
ily washing was being done at the
home of Jay Herring, his little three-year-old
daughter, Beatrice, thinking
she was a large as anyone endeavored
to assist in doing the wash, and while
endeavoring to feed the wringer, which
Jay was turning, and unbeknown to
him, the little tot slipped her right
thum into the wringer, cuting ofT the
end of it just back of the nail. The
little girl was immediately taken to the
doctor's office, where the injured mem
ber was dressed, and she rested as well
as could be expected, this morning
when the thumb was dressed it was do
ing as well as under the circumstances
one would expect, but is very sore and
Two of Plattsmouth's Young People
Plight Vows at Mid-day
This morning Louie Meisinger, aged
38 years, and Miss Katie Hild, aged 23
years, having obtained a license, were
joined in holy matrimony at the home
of Rev. J. F. Longhorst, in the pres
ence of a brother and sister of the bride,
William Hild and Miss Anna Hild.
They preferred this quiet wedding to a
more ostentatious alfair. The young
people will make their home at the
farm of the groom, about seven miles
west of thh city.
These young people were born and
grew to manhood and womanhood in
this community, and are loved and re
spected by all who know them. The
Journal joins with their hosts of friends
here in wishing them all the joy, pros-
perity and happiness which they can
expect to obtain from this life, and that
their lives may be as free from those
unpleasant features of life in any of its
phases, as possible.
How Diphtheria is Contracted.
One often hears the exgression, -'My
child caught a severe cold which davel-
oped into diphtheria, " when the truth
was that the cold had simply left the
little one particularly susceptible to the
wandering diphtheria germ. When
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given
it quickly cures toe cold and lejsens the
danger of diphtheria or any other germ
disease being contracted.
F. C. Fricke & Co.
Fijed a Very Clever Pert.
The entertainment given by the
scholars of Miss Fitch's class was of
such a character that one hrid much to
do to get the points of all the players.
The writer not being an adept to chron
icling such produc tions as easily as he
might those of another character of
which we know more about. However,
we missed many a fine play and among
those who rendered well their part, we
omitted to mention, not intentionally, ,
that of Miss Judkin, as rendered by i
Miss Anna Snyder, which was one of
hard rendition, and better played the
neutral. It would seem Miss Snyder j
seemed surely at home with her part,
showing she had the ability and has
gived the matter much careful work.
Addresses the High Sencc!.
Superintendent I. N. Clarke of the
Weeping Water schools, was a visitor
in the city this morning, a guest at the
home of Superintendent J. W. Gamble,
of the city schools, and while here w: s
induced to address the students of the
High School. His subject was the
"Game of Life," and was listened to
throughout with the closest attention.
Many good points were made in the
talk which Mr. Clark gave the scholars.
Notice to Our Customers
We are pleased to annonnce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds
and lung troubles is not affected by the
National pure food and drug law, as it
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs and we recommend it as a safe
remedy for children and adults. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver
ed at Mynard any day in the week.
Tel. 3 O. W. F. Richardson.
Is Burdensome to Many in
Life's journey is a heavy burden
with a constantly aching back, with
urinary disorders, diabetes, with any
kidney ill. Doan's Kidney Pills relieve
and cure. Here is Flattsmouth proof
j that this is so.
j Mrs. L. A. Newcomer, of 60.) Go'd
j street, Plattsmouth, says: "As soon
i a3 I would lie down my back would com-
mence to ache and I could hardly lie
j still. I would try one position, thenan
; other and another and was all the time
j changing to find some way in which I
could lie and find relief. This was my
condition every now and then fo.' three
j years or longer. During the day or
j when on my feet the trouble was not
noticeable. The trouble would come
, when I was trying to get some rest,
j Friends told me that my kidneys were
i undoubtedly affected. Seeing Doan's
: Kidney Pills so highly recommended I j
i got a box at Gering & Co. 's drug store.
! I used about one-half of them and my
! back ceased to ache and I have not
! been bothered scarcely at all since.
My experience with Doan's Kidney
Pills warrants me in saying they were
true to their representations."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Mrs. John H. Thomas Escapes a
a Frightful Death by a Very
Narrow Margin.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, living east of
town, drove to the Burlington station
and Mr. Thomas hitched his team to a
I telegraph anchor post while he went
: mi e aepoc, leaving jwrs. i nomas m
j the wagon. An extra fast bound freight
; came along and frightened the team
causing them to break down the post
i to which they were hitched. They
started across the track just in time to
' allow the engine to hit the wagon. The
team was jerked free from the wagon
! and apart of the wagon and Mrs.
the engine and carried for a hundred I
yards, or until the train was brought to '
a stop. Mrs. Thomas escaped without !
a scratch, but was severely bruised and
fears are entertained thatshe has re- ;
ceived internal injuries. :
The breaking of the anchor post per- !
mitted the telegraph wires to drop low
enough to strike the engine and were
torn down. Engineer Folk was struck
by a wire and received a bail cut under
the right eye.- Louisvill LV-uricr.
as he imum &
Event With ferrirccni
and Good Ghesr.
On last Saturday evening Phillip
' Tritsch, having covered about one third
of the ground, which is to make him a
centinarian, a large number of his
neighbors and friends gathered at, the
home to surprise him, and make merry
the closing hours of the day on which
J he was thirty three years of age.
; Gaines which delight all the young
folks the youth and those of more
mature ages, were enjoyed, inter
sperced with music, and social conver
sation, made up the evenings enter
tainment, and at a late hour, when the
day begun to depart to take place for
: the day to come, they had magnificent
j refreshments, which they termed their
: Mid-night supper, a bounteous feast,
i which all enjoyed. Many beautiful and
usetul presents were given as a re
memberence of the occasion and as a
token of the friendship in which he
was held, were given. Those who were
a portion of the good time enjoyed were
Phillip Born and family, Louis Born
and family, Frank Blotz and family,
A. F. Seybert and wife, George Born
and family, Ova Keil, Chas. Keil and
Elsie Inhelder, Fred Gardner, Julius
Hilflicker and family, and Will J. Keil
and family.
Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-pare Illustrated Book for Women. If yon need Medical
Advice, describe your symptoms, statins uw. and reply will be sent In plain sealed avelope.
Address: Ladies Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn.
Z. W. Shrader purchased of the Shel
don estate on Monday eighty-five head
of Galloway calves, for which he paid
the sum of $1,275.00. He will ship
them to his ranch in Harlan county and
feed them some of the big alfalfa hay
crop that he raised this year. This is a
big price to pay for calves, but Zach is
a cattle man and knows a good thing
when he sees it. Nehawka Register.
For any of the ordinary diseases )f
the skin Chamberlain's Slave is excel
lent. It not only allays the itchirg and
smarting but effects a cure. For sale '
y F. G. F ricke & Co.
i it's a sitfn of coal satisfaction. Want
'to hear the music in your kitchen?
Easy order coal from this oilice and
yard. The output of the Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
Plattsmouth Xo. 22
Bell No. 351.
Have y i
done your
duty to your
self and pockstbook
by visiting
" The EJoIiaMe. iiioru
Have you done yourdijty
to the little folks by brin
nfi tli cm here to
Dear Id
The Rea! Live
fling o? all
; few '
more -
j xiaAs m
g self anil peckaibook x l')&f?;.
Mammoth Toy
No one within a radius of one hundred
miles of Omaha can afford to miss the un
usually great display and splendid bargains
offered in all departments of this
Now. as always, in all things you'll
find it will pay you to
Rob Your House or Open Your Safe
of the ordinary kind with ridiculous
ease. They will not tackle burglar
froof vaults with an electric alarm,
ike those of the Bank of Cass Coun
ty. The wise man therefore will
open an account there and thus put
his money where it is beyond the
reach of burglars. The less you
have the less you can afford to lose it.
Passed Examination Successfully
James Donahue, New liritian. Conn.,
writes: "I tried several kidney reme
dies, and was treated by our best phy
sicians for diabetes, butdid not improve
until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After
the second bottle I showed improve
ment and five bottles cured me com
pletely. I have i-ince passed a rigid
examination for life insurance. " Foley's
Kidney Cure cures backache and all
forms of kidney and bladder trouble. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
The Continuous