The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 19, 1907, Image 2

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Vrom Friday's Hail v.
Ben Dill was a visitor in the city to--day
from near Murray.
Peter Spader was a visitor in the
metropolis this afternoon.
Robert Fitch, from near Rock BluflV,
was a visitor in the city this afterno n.
Mrs. C. Denver, from southwest of
Mynanl, was a visitor in Omaha this
W. F. Tracy, the Union banker, was
a business visitor in the county seat
Mr. and and Mrs. Ed Bein, from near
Mynanl, was a visitor in the metropo
lis this morning.
J. B. Seabolt, of near Murray, was a
visitor in Omaha this afternoon, where
he is having his eye treated.
II. E. Wallenseik, of Avoca, was a
business visitor in the city yesterday,
looking after some legal matters in the
county court.
The Christmas holidays at the city
-schools will continue from December
20th until January 6th, being two weeks
and two days.
A. M. Holmes, of Murray, who has
been visiting at the home of his daugh
ter for the past four days, departed for
home yesterday.
G. P. Meisinger was in the city last
evening from near Cedar Creek and
purchased a fine new carriage which he
took home with him last night.
The MidkifF estate, parties mostly be
ing from near Union, was being settled
in county court yesterday as was also
the estate of Andre Weber of Avoca.
Glen Rawles, who has been working
in the wholesale house of Paxton, Gal
ligher & Co., has resigned his position
to accept a position in the store of F.S.
Mrs. L. II. Critchfield, of Weeping
Water, who has been visiting at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. G. M.
Porter for the past week, departed this
morning for home.
Miss Marie Kaufman, of Cedar Creek,
and Mrs. Andrew Fudge, of Covington,
Virginia, came in this morning from
Cedar Creek and visited during the
morning, going to Omaha on the fast
John Gilchrist, in company with Mayor
Gering, a prominent democrat of Oma
ha and the manager of the congres
sional campaign when Judge J. II.
Broady was the democratic candidate,
was in the city yesterday and made this
office a pleasant call. We are always
pleased to meet such democrats.
From Saturday's Daily.
A. C. Carry of near Union was a vis
itor in the city this morning.
John Campbell of near Kanosha was
a visitor in the county seat this morn
ing. Hamilton Norris of near Louisville
was a visitor in the city this morning,
transacting business.
Phillip Horn from near Cedar Creek
was a visitor in the c ity this morning,
looking after some business.
George Sruith ami family, from near
Jiock Rluifs were looking after some
business in the city this morning and
visiting with friends.
Mrs. W. II. Barker and daughter,
Miss Pearl, were passengers to Omaha
this morning, and were accompanied by
Mrs. S. L. Barker, where they all will
visit with friends for the day.
S. W. Copenhaver of near Murray
was in the city this morning, accom
panied by his family, guests at the home
of George M. Porter, of whom they are
relatives, and looking after some busi
ness in the city.
James Carphens and wife, of Valisca,
la., who have been visiting at Union with
Lee Applegate and family and other
friends, came up this morning on the
Missouri Pacific and departed this morn
ing for their home in the cast.
From Monday'sl'aily.
L. M. McVey was a visitor in Omaha
today from Murray.
O. G. Virgin, from near Mnrray, was
a visitor in Omaha this morning.
D. J. Pitman was a visitor in the city
this morning from Murray, having busi
ness at the court house.
S. W. Orton, of Weeping Water, was
a caller in the county scat today look
ing after some business in the court
J. E. G ruber and brother, F. R.
Gruber, of near Union, came in this
morning and departed for Omaha where
they will visit during the day.
rs. Ed. Beins was a visitor in the
opolis this morning, where she
"e a guest of friends and will look
f - "fme business matters as well.
is Stander was a visitor in the
is morning from Louisville,
' is looking after some busi
' ers.
'. t
Judge Paul Jessen was a visitor in
the city this morning, where he will
convene court, for the last term of his
ncumbency of office.
James Maroucek and wife, of Murray,
passed through the city this morning,
en route for home, having been at
Cedar Creek, where they were visiting
with the parents of Mrs. Maroucek,
who reside at that place.
Mrs. Bennett Christweisser, and
Mrs. Wm. Morrow, who, some days
since, departed for Modale and Missouri
Valley, Iowa, where they have since
been visiting with friends and rela
tives, returned home ast Saturday
From Tuesday's Daily
Mrs. S. E. McElwain and Mrs. Henry
Boeck were visitors in Omaha this
J. II. Snell, the Ashland miller was
a visitor in the city this afternoon look
ing after some business.
L. C. W. Murray was a visitor in the
city this afternoon from Mynard.
W. C. Bartlett was a visitor in Om
aha this afternoon, where he is looking
after some business matters.
Henry C. Long, one of the prosperous
farmers west of Murray, was a busi
ness visitor in the city this morning.
John Lish of South Bend was a
Plattsmouth visitor this morning look
ing after some business matters in the
Perry Marsh, of Rock Bluffs, was a
visitor in the city this morning, looking
after some business at the county
Isaac Bachelor, of Glenwood, who
has been visiting in the city for some
days, departed this morning for his
Mrs. Chris Metzger,"of Cedar Creek,
was a visitor in the county seat this
morning, having business at the court
Wm. Leesley of Greenwood was a
visitor in the county seat this morning,
having some legal business to look
Uncle Andy Taylor is reported as be
ing very sick at his home in the city
not having been able to get out for
some time.
John Worga, from near Rock Bluffs,
was a visitor in the city this morning,
where he had some legal business to
look after.
Frank Rouse, of Greenwood, was a
visitor in the city this morning, having
some business matters to look after at
the court house.
A. D. Zaar, of South Bend, was a
visitor in the county seat this morning,
having some matters to look after in
the court house.
James Hoover of Louisville was a
visitor in the county seat this morning,
looking after some legal mattei-s at
the court house.
Miss Josephine Johnson who has been
visiting in the city for some time past
with her grandparents departed for her
me in Lincoln today.
I j. F. Jones of south west of the
city was a passenger to Omaha this
morning, where he is looking after
some business matters.
G. S. Upton, of Union, accompanied
by his wife drove into the city this
morning and were looking after some
business at the court house.
W. H. Stokes and wife of Mynard
were passengers to Omaha this morning
where they will visit and look after
some business matters today.
Arthur Hunter, of Cedar Creek,
came in this morning and is visiting
with friends in the city and looking
after some business matters as well.
Robert Fitch of near Rock Bluffs was
a visitor in the city this morning look
ing after some business at the court
house with the county commissioners.
A. P. Christweiser and family were
visitors in Omaha this morning, coming
from near Nehawka. They will look
after business and visit with friends for
the day.
J. P. Shroeder of Louisville was a
business visitor in the city today, com
ing on the early train this morning and
having business to look after at the
county seat.
L. D. Switzer and F. E. Marshall, of
Weeping Water, the county commis
sioners of that place, came in this morn
ing and with M. L. Frederick are hold
ing a session of the board.
Attorney D. K. Barr of Greenwood,
who has been in the city for the past
few days, looking after some business
matters at the court house, departed
for his home this morning.
Mrs. John II. Johnson, of Glenwood,
who has been in the city visiting with
her husband, who is working here, de
parted for home this morning and was
accompanied by her little daughter.
George Vogel, of South Bend, was a
business visitor in the city this morning,
having some matters to take up at the
court house, and being a guest with
Treasurer-elect Frank E. Schlater.
W. M. Richards, of South Bend, was
a visitor in the city this morning, trans
acting some business, and departing for
Omaha, where he has business to at
tend to there before returning home.
From cdnesany's daily
W. II. Seybert of Cullom was a busi
ness visitor in the city this morning.
Razors, the Gillette. Royal. Gem,
and ordinary at Gering & Co's.
George LaRue of Union was in the
city today.
John Campbell of near Murray was in
the city today.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller has been vis
iting several days the past week with
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray.
Joseph Anderson of near Rock Bluffs
was looking after some business mat
ters in the city this morning.
Leather Goods at Gering & Co's.
F. M. Young from near Murray was
a visitor in Plattsmouth this morning
looking after some business affairs.
Theodore Starkjohn of northwest of
the city was a business visitor in the
city this morning, looking after some
business matters.
Brownie Camera and complete out
fit for $4 at Gering & Co.
Our old friend R. D. McNurlin came
in last evening from Weeping Water
and is visiting with relatives south of
the city.
George KafTenberger from west of
the city was a passenger to Omaha
this morning, where he will visit with
friends for the day and look after some
business matters as well.
Mrs. Wm. Schneider and Mrs. Chas
Ault of Cedar Creek, came in this morn
ing and are visiting in the city, the
guests of Mrs. Geo. Sayles, jr., where
they will visit for the day.
J. D. Bramblet, of Union, was a vis
itor in the city this morning, looking
after some business matters in the
county seat.
Jacob Meisinger, from near Cedar
Creek was a visitor in the city this
morning, looking after business at the
county seat.
At the recent sitting of the county
commissioners, the appointment of D.
C. Morgan as deputy county clerk at a
salary of $1,000 was approved, as was
also his bond for the place.
Fancy stationery, Gering & Co.
Harry Todd of Union was a business
visitor in the city today.
She would like a nice bottle of per
fume for Xmas. Gering & Co.
J. L. Shrader, of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, was in the city, having business
to attend to.
J. B. Seabolt, of Murray, was a vis
itor in Omaha this afternoon, going on
the fast mail.
O. G. Virgin, of Murray, was a visit
or in the city this afternoon, looking
after business.
Remember that a fancy rocking chair
makes the popular and useful Christmas
present. We have a fine line to select
from. M. Hild, the furniture man.
What do you think about a nice
rocker for a Christmas present. We
have the largest line of rocking chairs
to be found in Cass county. Call and
see them. Michael Hild.
Mrs. Matt Spader, of South Omaha,
was in the city this morning looking af
ter some business matters in the court
house, and returning home on the fast
mail this afternoon.
Levi Rusterholtz and wife, from west
of Murray, were visitors in the city
this morning, where they were in at
tendance at the funeral of Mrs. L. A.
Schermerhorn, who is a sister of Mrs.
Frank II. Boardman, wife and daugh
ter, Miss Minnie, of Murray were pas
sengers to Omaha, from here this
morning, where they are visiting with
friends and looking after some busi
ness matters in the metropolis for the
For mother or father. A pair of
gold spectacles. Gering & Co. sell
Ross Little, who has been working at
Missouri Valley, la., for some time,
making that his home, came in last
evening for a short visit with former
A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspep
sia and constipation weakens the whole
system. Doan's Regulets (2oc per
box) correct the liver, tone the stom
ach, cure constipation.
See the Kangaroos, Saturday Night.
Saturday night there will be a basket
ball game between the Omaha Y.M.C.A.
"Kangaroo" basket-ball team and
Plattsmouth High School, when the
home boys will appear in their new
suits. The admission will be 25 cents
and the game called at Coates Hall at
8 o'clock.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
TrMn"1 - " L
This question is for some or mos every one a hard oneto de
cide. There are hundreds of things which can be gotten, but the
trouble is that a person tries to think of too many at one time, the
result being that you can't fix your mind in any certain line. So
to help you out, we are going to offer a few suggestions:
Silk Scarfs
Hand Bags
Kid Gloves
Silk Waist Patters
Fancy Hose
Fancy Hose Supporters
Laundry Rags
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Fancy Work Bags
Toilet Sets
Picture Frames
Scrap Baskets
Post Card Albums
Table Linen Sets
Fancy Dishes
Cut Glass
Fancy Collars
Fancy Turnovers
Belt Buckles
Hair Brushes
Fancy Ribbons
We are showing the newest and latest patterns in Rugs, Mo
quetts, Velvets and Brussels, which are not only beautiful Xmas
gifts, but useful as well. Just received a few days ago,
Special Price for Christmas!
Bokanya Rugs, something new
9 Wire Brussells, absolutely seamless
Moquettes, beautiful oriental design
$1 1.50
These Must Be Seen to Be Appreciated
hrostmas Times
And the question that troubles the minds of most people is what to buy for
HPf S tt t
3 5S
and a few timely suggestions might aid many in the purchase of more profitable
and useful gifts. ( )ur store is filled to overflowing with all lines of seasonable
goods, Cloaks, Skirts, Furs and all kinds of Winter Wraps for the Ladies and
Children, any of which would moke a most highly acceptable present, especiallv
at this season.
a large
we have
your own price
assortment of Winter Hats, that we are going to close out at
make the most useful presents and we have the largest line we have ever carried
and in our opinion this is the most suggestive iift to be found in our store, and
especially during the present financial stringency.
Our Clothing and Furnishing Department also affords man bargains for
Christmas. A handsome Necktie, a New Dres Shirt or even a Suit or Over
coat are strictlv in line. We will also have a nice line of Tovs that will uit the
little folks.
IF A Kl 1 m 9
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