The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 12, 1907, Image 7

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    Does ifoos old Weather RlemDimdl You
that the Heavier Clothing Season is almost here? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy them. How
that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wa have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show y
How about
ou the
many new things we have in Winter Wearing Apparel.
"Hniiy'Q 5C Huskers, the Best in the State,
WM. HOLLY, th BotlhiDeir
AKmI. fen lit I y rolling M-i-tlon In I'.iifTnlo
county. .Ncl.raska. liooil ih-i j-'IiImitn. live
inlli-s to town. No Imprm cim-nts. Only I5
IM-r HiTr, iMW'j ilown. Ii:iliinc one. two Hll'l
three years. I".. .1. Wool worth. Kearney. Ncl.
For hale -Th l.ule huiils along tin- II. .t M.
nml tin- I'. I. lie rallroals up the North
I'latte river alley north of l;iton. some
400 acres, have just Imcii placetl with us for
inunciliate sale. No In tlcr farm land l N'
hrasUa. I'ri.-cs ?.7.. t 40 00 ier acre on
easy pay mints. In tracts to suit. Ahlrcss
llratt V Coixlinan. North I'latte. Nch.
or J. II. Kliingsworth. iJothcnbiir;;. Ncl.
or A. K. Trotitinan. I'axton. Neb.
nfift acres 3 mile from thriving clt y of M O
U InhaMtants; level IMatte valley laiul.
black mjII. no Kanl;lsil acres cultivated. 130
wheat. 10 alfalfa, small Improvement, a liar
gain at sll.uuo.
acres level Platte valley land In central
Nebraska four miles from county seat town
ofOOO. CihmI hhii'li sand ; 5r acres In
pasture, balance cultivated ; HO acres alfalfa;
fair Improvements; great snap at $45 er acre
ClayiMml V Johnson. Kearney. Neb.
Fine ranch for sale or trade. .HHO acres, two
miles from railroad town. Ml miles from
lenver. Abundance never failing water.
Some rich valley alfalfa land. roo1 house.
Kood sheds and corrals, water piped to house
and sheds. Well fenced, price SHUIUI. Will
consider jrood clear property to amount of ?1j
X. Will carry l J.OOO on ranch at fi T cent.
K. A. Trimmer, l.lmon, Colo.
Owners pried Commissions. If earned. Sune.
farms left. Hank drafts or checks jjooil
as pld
KM'iises allowed purchaser.
A. .1. Iurluint. Norfolk. Neb.
It I
I handle town, city property, business houses
and business opportunities. If you want to
buy. sell or exchange, communicate with inc.
I.its and information on request.
A. II. Koseiibaum. 3JI-I-1 N. V. Life Hid.
4-.ll I m:ih:i. Neb.
Fine P.nrt county farm near Tekamah. will
lirsoM at Keferee sale. liberal terms. Sat
urday. Ih-c. Jl. '07 Adilress I'. K. Taylor.
414 Tekamah. Neb.
Cirms f..r i viTVlnIy we have
I new laud list with descriptions, terms, etc,
of many farms. Write today
Itradley Mathieson. Wolbach. Neb.
Graham county. Kansas. Is one
of the Ix-st
counties in t he state, for diversified farm-
injl ;li to r2i will buy jjootl w heat and corn
land. W rite n. e. I. J. Manna. Hill City.
4tt Kansas.
Hrain ranch acres cheap. ?1H.
v u.ljoinmj; selliii'4 Ih:jU. Commission
paid If earned. Irafts preferred to sold. Ex
Immim's allowed purchaser. A.. I. Hurland.
4st4 Norfolk. Neb.
Notice of Sale
In themattcrof theestateof Xo,.,. f Sale.
Patrick shields. Iecea.scl.
Notice is hereby iri veil, t hat in pursuance of
an order of Paul .lessen, jutli-'e ol the district
.-iiri i.f fnss count v. Nebraska, made on the
r.lh tlay of Novemlier. 1.H7. for the sale of real
slate lieremnelore ui-serineo. mere win
slil at the soiilli door of the court house at
Plattsinouih. Nebraska, on the 14th day of le-
ceniU-r. Iir. at one o clock, p. in., at pumn
vendue tot he highest bidder for cash, t lie fol
lovrinir dcscrilt'd real estate. to-wit: The un-
ilir iileil J. of lots ten 10). eleven (111 and
twelve trj). in block sixty i". of t he city of
Plattsinouih. Nebraska, subject however to
the homestead and dower ritriits of Cat hei'ine
Soader in and to said premises, saul sale will
remain oen one hour.
Iatcd t liis oi ti day of Novemlier. 1!'7.
!.. pwycr. Attorney. liuaniiaii.
4i.1 4
Notice to Creditors
State of Nehihska. county Com I.
Cass CorxTT '
In the matter of the estate of llainia F.
Calkin. deceaM'd.
Notice is hereby iriven that the creilitors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate, lu fore me. county juiit'e of Cass
county. Nebraska, al the county court room in
Plattsmouth. in said count .v. on the 7th day of
I eeenil'er.l'.s.C.aiid on the st h day of June. l'.s.
at 10 o'clock, a. ni. each day for the puniose of
presriitinir their claims for examiuat ion. ad
justment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased to present their claims, from
the 7th day of Novem'ner. l!H'7. and one year
for the administ rator to sett le said estate.from
the 11th day of Novemlier. l!t7.
Witness my hand and seal of said Comity
Court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this lUth day
of Novemlx-r. 1''7. Hakvf.v IK Travis.
seai.I Count y J ud(.e.
Notice to Creditors
STATK OI' NFHKASKA . s , ,.OUIlty oun
t ass t ounty
In the ir.a'ter of tl.e estate of Martin
Henis-ke. is-e.nei.
Not ice is hereby s.'iven tliat the creditors of
said li-c-ased will unit the executor of
said est a'c. Ix f' rc mr. county juiitre if Cass
county. Nebraska, it the county cmirt room i"
I Mat tsinou; h. in said count y. on the Ciit li day of
I e-enil-r. l'."7. and on the J7l h liay of June.
1 .'. at loo'cl.o-k a. m.. each day. for thepur
puse of pi e-x-iit intr their claims for examina
tion, ad. iisi metit and allowance.
ix mouths are allow.-ii for the cr ditors .f
said ileceaseil to present their i-lain.s. and one
vear fir the ecutor to settle aid estate.
fnm t'.e llih day i f h-toU-r. H'7.
Witness my hand and seal of said comity
court. at Pl.-.itsincuth. Nebraska, this :ht day
NovemU r. IIaiivev IK Tmvis
IseAi.i County J udtrr.
Notice to Creditors
Cass County. Conit.
In the matter of the estate of James L.
Hewey. deceasMl.
Notice is hi-reby piven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator of
said estate liefore me. County Judre of Cass
county. Nebraska, at the County Court Itoom.
In Plattsmou'h. In saUl county on the 4th day
of January. P.i's. and on theOth day of June.
at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased, to present their claims from
January 4th. 1U07. and one year for the
administrator to settle said estate from the
h day of November. MoT.
Witness my hand and seal of salu county
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 30th day
of Norember. 150"
Harvey IK Tratis.
Ipeal County J udtre.
Notice of Probate of Will.
( ass County. t tourt.
To all h rsons Interested In the estate of
John 1 1. Thelrolf. deceased:
Whereas. Anna F.IIaU-th Thlerolf. widow,
and of said count v. bus tiled In myotliccan
instrument punxiit luir t4t lie the last will anl
testament of John I . Thterolf. deceased, late,
of said county, wit h her jM-tltion ua Int.' to
have the same admitted to probate, which w ill
relates to hot li jval and nersonal estate, and
you are hereby notified that I have apixdnteit
I he ZU (lav or I lecemiier. !'... at iu a. m. at my
otllce In said county, as the time and place you
and all concerned may apix-ar and contest the
pixibate of I lie same.
It is further ordered that saiil lict it loner
irlve notice to all iicrsons interested in said
estate of the M-ndcncy of the im-I it ion and the
tune and place set Tor lieai nitr t he same ly
nublicat ion of this order in the Plattsinouih
Journal, a ncwspaiicr published and of ireneral
circulation in said county, fur three weeks
consecutively next previous to the day set for
said hearing.
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set
my band and olticial seal al Plattsmoiit h. in
said county, t his 4t h day of I icceinlicr. P.m".
IIahvev IK Thvis.
Seal County .ludye.
Notice of Chattle Mortgage Sale.
W'lu-reas heretofore and on the I'tli day of
May, I'.KHi, .1. N. Mabel of t he county of Cass,
and state of Nebraska. Iicint? indebted unto
The Clark Implement Co.. a coniorat ion or
ganized under the laws of the state of Iowa, in
the sum of Four 1 1 mid r'd Forty Five Hollars
44.".ik to secure the payment of said debt
made his certain chattel nun I tratre in writing
whereby he morttraired unto said company
certain iMrsonal pioiM ily dcscrilicd in said
niortirae of follows:
one T-'VtxIoCoal Hurner Traction Knirine No.
VII. One l.iftini; Jack. One 70 feet of H inch
Pell int.'.
And whereas default has lieen made in the
payment of the debt secured by said mort
tratre. there U-intr now ilue and payable then-on
the sum of Two Hundred Fijrhty Five Hollars
and seventy-live one-liundri'ilt lis .'s.Y7.' and
no suit or piix eedinirs has Im-cii instit utel at
law to recover t he debt now remainiinf secured
by said moitiraire or any part ther-of and said
inortiraj-'c was on t he d day of .1 unc. I in Hi. tiletl
in t he otllce of the Clerk of Cass county. Ne
braska. Not ice is hereby iritcn that on Thursday.
January -d. Pms. at o'clock noon of that day.
said morttrat-'e will Ix" foreclosed by a sale of
said inoi I trau'ed protH-rty at puhlic auction.
Sale to lak" place 31- miles nort hwest of
Murray, where T. J. Pliodcn is now liviiur.
Hated Hec. i-.Mh. l.o;.
1 Nebraska.
1 li I he matter of t he est ate of John t iui-l.lstoi IT
All ersons interested are hereby noli lied
that ISarbara (JuehlstorlT. the executrix of the
last will and lestaineiil of John (iuehlstortT.
has tiled her account ami l-t it ion for filial
sett lenient of her dointrs as such executrix:
also askint; for a construction of the will of
said deceased, ami that the court direct the
assignment and distribution of tlie lesiduei f
said estate to such iicrsons as bylaw and the
provisionsof said will are entitled thereto
That the com will hear said pc' it ion and
enter judgment thereon in the county emit
room in the court house in the city of Platts
niouth in Cass county. Nebraska, on Friday,
tlie j'ili day Dei -ember. A. I . I'.hC, at 10 o'clock
a. m.: that if objections are not made to said
aii omit anil petition the praver of said i-t i
lion will Im- irranted.
Harvey H. Travis.
ISeall County .ludye of Cass County.
J. 1 l!oot. Attorney. iotl
-- Nel.riisLa
In tie mitler of the estate of Martha
July an, t:e.-cascd.
Notice is hereby sdven that a letitioii has
'h-cii tiled for tinal settlement ill the estate of
Mtrilia Julyan prayimr for a final account intr
and for inuitable ivlief. A hearinir will lie
had on said ictition on the30lli day of Heci-m-i'er.
P.V7. at i o'clock, a. m.
Harvey IK Travis.
ISeall County .1 ndce.
A. h. Tidd. Attorney. .V't3
Legal Notice
In the matter of the estate of 11-nrietta
Twiss. deceased.
All tH'tsons interested in the above estate are
hereby notified that a in-tition and final reiKirt
have lieen tiled in said matter, asking that the
aiiniinistratoi- be discharged and the estate
elided. A hearintr will be had at the count y
court iihiiii at Plattsmouth on the hit h day of
Hecember. Iin7. at II o'clock, a. in., and all per
sons interested are required to apiiear at sail
date tt show cause, why said estate should not
lie settled and the administ rator lie discharged.
Harvey IK Travis
Iseai.1 County .ludire
K. it. Windham. Attorney. .'Otl
Legal Notice
1 Nebraska.
In the matter of the state of Isatc Julyan,
Notice is hereby iriven that a petition has
lieen tiled for final settlement of the estate of
Isaac .lulyan. deceased, prayimr for a tinal ae
countimr and for equitable, relief. A hearintr
will lie had on said iH-tition on the 30th day of
Decern I H-r. IIH'7. at 10 o'clock a. m.
Ise ai.1 County J udtre.
Al. L. Tidd. Attorney. OHX
Plattsmouth State Bank
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 7t
I iuoi i-'" nted in the t a'e of Nchrnka. .'it tl:e
close of liuines. Nov cm her " ' V.v7.
I-orin-. nnl )liount
iveniraft". eeurel ami liiiM-eured . . . 1.. ."I i
ICankiiii: lioue. furnit ure ami fixtures 714 .V
Current cmkmim' ami taxes iail l.i'-"l
Cash items s 2!
Tot a 1 Cash on hand ami line from other
hanks !.0 07
Capital st-k iahl in
Surplus fund
I'ndiviiled profits
Individual leinsits suhjeet
to cheek f4.").:i0il ')
I)em and certificates of tie-
losit t4. 00
Time certificates of deptisit I3.jvi S'4
Iue to national, state and private
hanks and hankers oo
:"o o
59.4-4 54
Total sl5ll S3
State of Nebraska, I .
Cor xtt of Cass f I.J. M. Roberts,
cashier of the aliove named hank, do hereby
swear that the aUwe statement Is a correct
and true copy of the report made to the State
Hanking Board. J. M. KOBE UTS.
. i W. H. NrwiLU Director.
Attest., , ,, Kaltcr. Director.
PubsrrilxHl and sworn to liefore me this 11th
day of IHvember. 1'7. 1". B. Wisdham,
(Seal Notary Tuhlic
(lly O. A. i els.)
Corrected weekly by Martin & Tool,
who pay the. highest prices for product
and guarantee satisfaction:
Springs .
Cattle ..
1 loirs ..
.2..'iO toi.'i.CO
.53.0010 S4.00
Cirn ..
. . . S4C
Rock Island Timk Taiji.k
Murdock Station.
No. 15, local l:r2 a. m.
No. S5, local freight 8:.'50 a. m.
No . mail 2:30 p. nr
No. 37, mail 5:.rj3 p. m.
No fi does not stop for passeers east
f Denver.
No. 91. fre irht V2:M) a m
No. 304, local passenger 9:11 a. m.
No. 18, Local 12:30 p m.
No. 6, mail 3:00 p m.
No. m, local freiunt 1:14 p m.
No. G does not stop for passenpers
west of DesMoines
After a slight illness which caused us
to miss our items for the past two
weeks, we will now try and let you
know what is doin' in these parts.
On Tuesday of last week, E. T. Tool
was called to Ackley, Iowa, on account
of the death of his mother, his wife
rccmpanied him.
II. A. Tool transacted business in
Omaha Thursday.
Fred Wilken journeyed to Oklahoma
last week, returning this week with his
new bride. Success to you Fred.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Eisenhut Snnday, December 1st.
Mrs. Hunt and children have returned
from Omaha.
Martin & Tool have the Butterick
pattefns in stock hereafter.
Wm. Neilson and Frank Jones were
Council Bluffs visitors Thursday.
The Emily Waterman concert com
pany who gave an entertainment at the
M. V. A. hall, Wednesday, December
4th, was very successful. Miss Water
man especially pleasing the audience.
W. C. Monroe has been on the sick
John Scheel and wife visited with rela
tives at Bethany Sunday.
Re v. Shup assisted in the revival ser
vices at the M. E. church Friday even
ing and Rev. Wright, presiding elder,
assisted Saturday evening. The ser
vices are to continue indefinitely.
The members of M. W. A. camp No.
1849 of this place voted on five new ap
plications Tuesday evening and also
adopted Chas. Radke by card as a mem
ber. Prof. DeBolt is transacting business
in Plattsmouth. Miss Minerva Tool is
in charge of the school during his
J. M. Leis, II. A. Tool and L. Neitzel
appraised some land east of town Mon
day, where the county expects t con
nect a road through to Second street.
Wm. Backemeier returned Sunday
from an extended visit in Texas and
Paul Schewe shipped a car of stock to
South Omaha Wednesday evening.
Notice to Our Customers.
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds
and lung troubles is not affected by the
National pure food and drug law, as it
contains no opiates or other harmful
drugs and we recommend it as a safe
remedy for children and adults. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Coach Derailed at Junction.
The rear coach on the Q passenger
yesterday morning jumped the track at
the Junction. Beyond breaking a few
panes of glass in the car and joilting
the passengers no serious damage was
j done. The train came into the city
' without the coach and it was replaced
I on the track before noon. Nebraska
i Citv Press.
Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver
ed at Mynard any day in the week.
Tel. 3 O. W. F. Richardson.
notice to ureai tors.
In County
Cass County
In the matter of the estate
of "William
Henry Edjrerton. defeased.
Notice is hereby siven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the administrator and
administratrix of said estate, liefore me.
County Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, at the
county court room in l'lattsmouth. in said
county, on the 4th day of January. A. I). l'.Os.
and on the 6th day of July. A. IX l'AX. at 10
o'clock a. m. each day. for the purpose of pre
senting their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
Six months are allowed for the creditors of
said deceased from the 4th day of January.
1908. to present their claims and one year for
the administrator and administratrix to settle
said estate, from the 12th day of Iecember.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this 12th day
of Iecember. 1A7. Uarrey D. Traris.
ISeall County Judjre.
Nothing Heard from Her Since Last
Sunday. Officers Baffled. .
A special from Lyons, Neb., dated
December 11, says: A mystery which
may in the end prove to many to have
been a tragedy with sensational features
attached, has developed from the dis
appearance last Sunday of Lillie Olsen,
the four-year-old daughter of a farmer
living near Rosalie, Thurston county.
Since being seen last Sunday the child
has utterly disappeared and the entire
county is stirred to a high pitch of ex
citement over the matter. Several large
posses have been conducting a search
for the child the past two days, but the
search was discontinued this evening,
. I although the officers are still at work
on the puzzle.
The family lives near the Winnebago
Indian reservation, and suspicion at
first pointed to the redskins as possible
abductors of the baby. The agent at
the reservation is positive that none of
his charges were outside the reservation
Sunday, however, and the Indians are
now believed to have had nothing to do
with the matter. When last seen the
girl was attempting to follow her older
brother after the cows. Bloodhounds
were brought from Lincoln last night
and set on the trail of the child today.
Though the scent was two days old,
the dogs followed it about the farm,
finally tracing it back to the farmhouse.
The officers entered the house, but re
fused to make any.statements as to the
results of their investigations there.
The dogs were sent back to Lincoln.
No arrests have been made.
Two of Platfsmouth's Young
People Slip Off to Metrop
olis f o Get Knot Tied.
Day before yesterday a merry quar
tette were at the Burlington station
and were destined for Omaha, where it
was supposed they would visit. They
were a jolly crowd, and we were not
surprised when the report came that
two of them had married. The inter
ested parties were Horace Dunn, the
delivery man for E. A. Wurl, and the
lady Miss Anna Swanson, formerly of
the Masonic Home. They were ac
companied by John Bates and Miss
Kate Duncan. The wedding occurred
at Omaha at the court house, and was
only witnessed by the parties who went
with them from here. Mr. and Mrs.
Dunn returned home last evening. Mr.
Dunn is working at his accustomed
place this morning, and seems as happy
as a lark. They will make their home
in the city, and until spring, will stay
with the groom's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Dunn in the north part of
the city. The Journal joins with the
many friends of this young couple in
wishing them much joy, and a pleasant
journey through life.
Reception of John A. Hennings.
At the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs.
John A. Hennings on last Sunday they
gave a reception for the newly married
married pair, their son Charles and his
new wife, formerly Miss Barker. A
large and joyous gathering was present,
all friends and acquaintances of the
young people just married. A dinner
fit for the kings was served to the six
ty people who were gathered to make
merry with those who are just starting
out in married life. On departing they
all wished the young people all the
good things they can enjoy in this life,
with as few of the ones that are dis
agreeable as can well be the portion of
the human race. The Journal joins
with their many friends in wishing the
much joy and prosperity, and may their
pathway through life, be one that will
be a blessing to themselves and all
with whom they mingle.
Prepared Especially for the
Readers of the Journal.
The following is today's markets furn
ished by the Cass County Commission
company, A. H. Smith, Coates block:
Open. High. Low. Close
Dec S31 S3S KS
May 100S loos 1"0
July l5? 15 VZJi S5S
Dec hiH KS irtS x
May 50H h oti1' fi
July 55 5tiM 55 5t5Hi
May.".""." 504 504 50 504
July I 531 I 544 I 53 'I I M
This Jumper is
a practical in
vention and a
help to every
mother anil
healthful to
every child. It prevents bowed limbs,
learns the child to walk, and after be
ing placed in the Jumper two or three
times, the child w ill amuse itself by the
Can't wear 'em out Moccasins, f0c,
and the Jumper makes a nice Xmas gift.
Sherwood & Son
Joseph Worrell, an Inmate of
The Masonic Home, Was
Taken Today to the
State Institute
For a long time the Masonic Home
superintendent and matron have been
handicapped in the proper administra
tion of the affairs at the home by rea
son of the almost incessant tare which
the case of Joseph Worrell has given
them. Besides being a large man,
which it was almost impossible to care
for, unless with two or three attend
ants, being paralyzed anil thus helpless,
he has only a partial control of his
mental faculties. All of which has made
it an extreme burden, and has inter
fered with the attention to other por
tions of the home which they desired
to give. Not that every need and de
sire of all the members of the home was
anticipated and given, but the especial
care necessary for this patient was
more of a tax on the ones in control of
the home than they should be expected
to assume. The trained nurse, who
had charge of his case f iuntl her duties
so arduous that she would no longer
continue in the position. During the
past few days an extra nurse had to be
procured for the night that the day at
tendant could secure some rest.
Arrangements were completed yes
terday whereby Mr. Worrell could be
accepted at the State in:-titute for the
insane at Lincoln, and he was taken
there this morning by Sheriff ('. D.
Quinton and Deputy .Sheriff M. E
Manspeakor. Mr. T. S. C. Dabb, the
Tyler of the lodge here, also accompan
ied them. There they are prepared to
properly care for him, and can do so in
a way more acceptable than elsewhere.
John Bauer has just finished furnish
ing a complete new bath room for the
D. W. Foster new house at Union, and
also has just finished installing a new
heating plant for the home of A. J.
Riser, southwest of Mynard.
New Records Once tv Month. k
N ffA'.e White Sewing Machine
wnnu nrn v. n n u b-w..
x v uiiiiui ii w uu., rTy JYk- f, &
fc (Successors to I'liil. ?auter.) Sv-s5m2 S-fcjk
D.Mvail Im ll4U fill. Clrn.! .
Sold on Eeisy Payments.
Social Gathering at the Home
of Mr. and Mrs- Aalter
Scott Last Evening.
A large number of the friends of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Scott, collected at.
their hospitable home laht evening niul
had n delightful time and the 1 oiiih
were made to fly, with guessing ganuM,
music, and a contest for a prize, whit l
was a beautiful cup. At the end of the
contest, Mrs. C li. Itichardn and Mrs.
J. Ij. lioot were the leaders and hud
tied, in the drawing of straws for tho
dicision the hit fell to the former,
while Mrs. Q. K. Tanm-lc received tin
consolation prise.
A delicious two course luncheon wan
severed and all declared Mrs. Scott a
princess of entertainers. Those present
and to add to the joyousness of ti e oc
casion were Mesdames O,. K. I'arn.ele,
C. P. PJchards, F. C. Kgenhergcr, II.
Spies, Joe and (luy McMaken, J. I.
Root, Mat Joy, Zach Hrown, Hall, A.
J. Beeson, Ptak, Bajeck, John I'usche,
John Halt, jr., Alva (lodwin, W.
Clark and II. Reese.
I Which is Highly Enjoyed By
Ail the Members of the
i High School.
At the High school this morning tin;
Sophomore class, which demonstrated
much merit on the part of all who took
part in the exercises. The first num
ber was a piano solo by Miss Anii:i
Janda, which showed her very familiar
with her music, and demonstrated fLi?
had given much care to the practice
she has taken. Following was a i i d-
; inK ry Miss Marie Douglass, represent
ing a shop girl, which was so well pre
sented that one almost fancied tl.ey
were at the shop and was exr.cric tit ir.g
the trade in operation. Miss Bessie
' Edwards followed with a vocal solo the
"Guadelquiver" a river in Spain, and
her voice was as clear and flute-li!'e as
the ripples of that historic stream. The
last of the program was an instrumental
duet by Miss Carrie Sherwood, and her
' sister, Mrs. Arthur Troop, on the
mandolin and piano, both of wh't-U
these young ladies rr.ade fairly talk.
Mrs. Troop also favored the school
! with a very beautiful piano selection
which was greatly enjoyed by all.
Throughout the program wa-; very
( interesting and highly appreciated.
Wreck Near Wyoming.
A freight wreck near Wyoming late
yesterday delayed traffic on the M. P.
for several hours. Several cars went
off the track, but none of the train
crew were injured. Everything wan
cleared up by night and trains are now
'running on schedule time.- Nebraska
City Press.
Mrs. D. R. Carroll, who hail been
visiting in the city for some flays part
with her mother, Mrs. M. Archer, who
I has been very sick but is now much irn
' proved, departed for her home in Oma
ha this afternoon.
Edison tJcrn ?12 .7)
Edison Standard 2-" 00
Edison Home 00
Edison Triumph 00
Victor Ord 40 00
Victor 2nd 30 00
Victor 1st 22 00