J? ? The Courity m it Seaeral Interest Selected Weeping Water I rom Tin l:-i.it!i'-an W. I:. Sfwrry. jr., started Monday for Farnarn, Nel.r., w here he will prob ably farm the c-ominj? year. Ir, J. M. Creen ami family, of Salem, were over Sunday visitors in Manley. The doctor says his practice steadily increases, and now his only competitor has left for other parts. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sthlattery are entertaining at their home since Sun day, November IK, a son. Mike hur ried his corn picking so as to have leis ure to enjoy the little fellow's company. Dr. Frwl Kvans and wife, of Aber deen, S. I)., arrived Saturday and will visit relatives here and in this vicinity - for a few days They have been en joying good health and like the country. The doctor said they had received 0, 000 head of cattle this season and that they had to be inspected and dipped. Walter Jensen has purchased his brother's interest in the Meier Drug Co., and will begin as a partner this week. Walter is one of the finest young, men in this broad land, and has friends in all acquaintances, and here's wishing the firm the best of success. We understand that Dr. H.Jensen plans on remaining here. He has a large practice and is as good a veterinarian as can be found in the state. Monday night was an eventful one for the George Stoner family. Several deaths occurred in the vicinity of the home and they are feeling as mad as a man whose dog got licked in a fight. They owned almut sixty nice pullets and hens, probably a rooster or two, and that night three ornery dogs got into the coop, scattered the chickens, and when Mr. Stoner and Ernest came out with their guns they closed in on one canine under the chicken-house and hot him. They looked over the prem ises and found about twelve chickens alive out of the sixty. How's This? We ufer)ne Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail's C atarrh cure. r. .!. niKNKY & ". Toleda. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years.and believe hi::: per feet iv honorable in all bus:nts t: :;::sactor:s and financially able to carry out a:iy obligations made by Lis l;r:n. W.i.:;xi;, Kinx.w !- Marvin. Wholesale Druggist. Toledo. O. Ha!!'; Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Testimonials sent free. Trice cents per bottle. Sold by all Drusrgists. Take Ih.'.i's Fanriy Pilis for constipa tion. E.T.mons likhey of I'lattsmouth. tran.s acted business in Louisville this week. Fitch Rathbun has accepted a position as nicrht watchman at the National stone cju:irries. G. L. Curler and daughter of Elm vood were guests of Mrs. Ferguson, forepart of the week. Mrs. Ed. Seiver of Marquette, Neb., is visiting' her .'at! er, T. YV. Shryock and sister Mrs. P. C. Stander. James Stan.It-r has purchased a 390 acre farm in Texas. M. A. Gadway will go to Texas as soon as he can dis pos of 1 is 5 ersoiml effects here and take charge of the farm. . Mrs. Edith Itoehford left this week baking powder Makes Food More Delicious and Whole some No Alum No Phosphates Caro Must bo Taken to Keep Alum From the Food Dr. Alonzo Clark t A substance (alum) which can derange the itAnuck should not h t rk T jr ja t Prof. S. W. Johnson, Yale Exchanges e fros tti Columns it Conterapcrirtei for California in company with Miss Helen llanna, of Greeley. Neb. Miss Hanna is a daughter of Judge James It. Hanna of the Eleventh judicial district. William Ferguson, formerly of Louis ville, returned with his family Monday from Denver, Colorado, after an absence of ten years. Afr. Ferguson expects to take up his residence on a farm near Lincoln. The National Stone company will hereafter work their men but eight hours during the winter months. This reduces the wages of the common laborers from $2 to $1.0 per day, yet the majority of the workmen are pleased with the shorter hours and Superinten dent Sullivan says that the quarry will be run all winter, with the possible ex ception of a few days during the most severe weather. 1 A Hard Debt To Pay "I owe a dept of gratitude that can ; never be paid off," writes G. S. Clark, of Westfield. Iowa, "for my rescue from death, by Dr. King's New Dis covery. Both lungs were so seriously affected that death seemed imminent, when I commenced taking New Dis covery. The ominous dry, hacking cough quit before the first bottle was used, and two more bottles madeacom Ipletecure." Nothing has everequaled , New Discovery for coughs, colds and all throat and lung complaints. Guaranteed by V. G. Fricke & Co., druggist, 50c 1,00. Trial bottle free. Union From the Ledger. Miss Mary Foster was visiting last Saturday and Sunday with her friends in Elmwood. Kay Frans departed Tuesday for Hlanchanl, Mo., to make relatives and friends a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson came down from I'lattsmouth last Sunday and spent the day with D. W. Foster and family. W. H. Mark went to Mynard last Sat urday to see his sister, Mrs. John Low ther, who was reported as being seri ously ill. Uncle Reuben Foster went to Lincoln on the Tuesday afternoon train to par ticipate in a state convention of me chanics. C. R. Frans, who is with 15. & M. construction crew now at Ashland, came home for a Sunday visit with his fami ly. His foreman. Oscar Sampson, came with him. A couple of full-blood Indians were in the employ of the Missouri Pacific here several day's, devoting most of their time to whitewashing the fences at the stock yards. Geo. N. LaRue has been a victim of a severe attack of bronchitis the past week and was quite sick for a few days, but we are now pleased to find that he is now improving. Floyd Hammond, who has been em ployed in Sioux City, la., was the guest of his uncle, John Thacker, a few days ago. leaving on Monday for a visit at his former home in Hannibal, Mo. Will Wolf. Will Banning. Geo. Har gus and Will Cross equipped themselves with a hunting and camping outfit Mon day and went over to the river to spend a few days shooting ducks. Max Schafer and wife returned from Omaha last Sunday, bringing their little son that had been under a physician's care in the hospital. The treatment proved successful and it is thought the ; child's health will be permanently re- , stored. A pure, Grape cream of tartar re Kmkincv luiwif,1' College: "I regard their (alum and soluble alumina salts) introduction into baking' powders as most dangerous to health." I lings'. Ronrnd Eyes i1 ' j P. N. McNatt of Ohio and J. E. Mc- j Natt of Percival, Iowa, arrived here j last Friday for a visit with their ; brother, A. J. McNatt. This was a ! i very pleasant little reunion for them, as it was their first time together in fif- i teen years. GIVING OUT The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of Plaits mouth Around all day with an aching back: can't rest at niht; enough to make any one "give out." Doan's Kidney Pills will p;ive renewed life. They will cure the backache; cure every kidney ill. Here is Plattsmouth proof that this is so: Mrs. Henry Ofe, living at corner of Holdredge and Third streets, Platts mouth. says: "We have the greatest confidence in Doan's Kidney Pills. Their merits were first shown to us about two years ago. I took them for backache which had troubled me off and on for a long time and obtained prompt and thorough relief Whenever I feel run down or fear a return of the annoy ance, I appeal to Doan's Kidney Pills and a few doses have never failed to 1 banish all symptoms and strengthen me in every way. My husband has also used and appreciates Doan's Kidney Tills as highly as I do. This remedy can always be found in our house for we never mean to be without it. I pio cured this remedy at Gering & Co.'s drug store." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., P.ufTalo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Nehawka (From t lie Kesris! vr. ) F. L. Nutzman purchased three cars i of cattle while in Omaha last week. Abe Rupley, the "boss tiuner" from Union was in town Thursday morning. Robert Willis's little girl has been having a serious time with one of her eyes. Rev. J. W. Davis is confined to the house with a lame foot, which makes locomotion difficult. Mrs. D. C. West has been on the sick list since Sunday, and for a time she was in a very serious condition. We ara pleased to report her much better. The editor is enjoying a visit from his mother who came over from Shen andoah Sunday evening and surprised him. She will eat Thanksgiving dinner with him. Wm. M. Tucker returned home from Burlington Junction Springs, Mo., Wed nesday evening. He feels that his two week's treatment at that place has benefitted him very much. The estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Kamm has been admitted to probate in the Otoe county court. She leaves an es tate of $16.o00. There are eight heirs, four of them residing outside of the state. Mrs. James Easter, Mrs. Rob ert James, T. H. Cromwell and Mrs. Frank Jamison live in Otoe and Cass counties. Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll met Gus Keyley in an automobile Monday in the hollow north of Mt. Pleasant cerae tevy. Gus stopped, and everything seemed alright until Mr. Carroll was nearly by, when his horse happened to think he was not acting as a spirited horse might be expected to do, so he ran and threw Mr. and Mrs. Carroll out. Fortunately they escaped with a few bruises and a big scare. M. G. Kime went to University Place Monday evening to hear an address by "M arse Henry" Watterson, of Louis- j ville, (Ky.) Courier-Journal. Tuesday J morning he went on to Omaha to attend j the big sale of blooded cattle. Here-) turned home from that place Wednes day morning, where he purchased two fine Galloway cattle. One male, a son of the famous "Pat Ryan, " and a two year old heifer from the famous "Wav ertree" herd of Galloways. Bridges Must Serve Time. John P. Bridges, of Otoe county, must serve ten years in the peniten tiary for the crime of incest. The su preme court finds no reversible error in the judgment of the district court and it is affirmed. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that is not be yond medical aid. F. G. Fricke & Co. The Ills peculiar to vomen. take different forms. Some ladles suffer, every month, from dark rings round their eyes, blotches on their skin and tired feeling. Others suffer agonies of pain, that vords can hardly express. Whatever the symptoms, remember there Is one medicine that will go beyond mere symptoms, and act on the cause of their troubles, the weakened womanly organs. Wfe of Cardui Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis, Term., writes: "For five (5) years I suffered with every symptom of female disease, but after using the well-known Cardul Home Treatment, I was entirely welL" fifniTE 11C A 'I CTTCD Write today for a free copy of valuable 64-pae Illustrated Book for Women. If you ned Med IV It I I I W A I r II lK kk' Advice. deMiribe your symptoms, statins; ace. and reply will be sent In plain sealed envelopaw Vk 1 - Ad(lrMS: Ladles Advisory Dept.. The Chattanoosa Medlcln Co.. Chattamwaa. Tenn. Colorado Midland's New Engines. There passed through this place this morning two engines desined for the Colorado Midland road, which were es pecially designed for mountain climbing and which were of goodly proportions. anil were not snch massive machines as 1 those used on prarie roads. The style of the engine places the boilers high, and is supplied with four sets of drivers which are rather under the medium as to size, not being intended for rapid transportation, but having a rail traction of more than ordinary capacity on ac count of the number and size of the power wheels. Elmwood Miss Mary Foster, county superin- J tendent, was an Elmwood visitor Satur- ! day evening. ! An eight-pound baby boy arrived at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Colbert i Monday evening. ' John Cook of Furnas county, and Geo. : Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, i of Alvo, spent Sunday with Mr. and I Mrs. Will Cook, north of town. Wm. Hatch, father of Mrs. I. C. : Munger, came last week from New j York, and will make his home with Dr. and Mrs. Munger the coming winter. ' The Leader-Echo was in error last j week in calling Oscar Allen's new girl j a boy, but Grandpa McCrory says she j came within one of being a boy anyway. Dr. Munger reports the arrival of a baby girl at the home of Ferd Melery- urgen on Sunday evening last. Ferd i won't buy the cigars because it wasn't j a boy. H. Cannon, of Benkelman, Nebr., came in Sunday evening to look after real estate possessions in this vicinity, j Mr. Cannon formerly resided in Cass j county and owns over two hundred ; acres of choice land near Murdock. j A team of horses belonging to Peter Reiter started from the farmers' eleva tor last Friday, and after a hearty spin around town, brought up at the red, white and blue barn. The wagon was left hanging on the wire fence near the park and was somewhat demolished. While driving through Main street Tuesday evening Kirk Cuuningham was accidentally thrown from his dray wag on, alighting on his head, and was ren dered unconscrious. He was taken to Dr. Munger 's hospital, where he was cared for. We are glad to say that his injuries were not found to be serious and he is again able to be out. Files Large Mortgage. The Burlington railway company filed a mortgage w ith the register of deeds today on a portion of their roadbed, ex tending from Tenth and Marcy Streets, Omaha, to Oreapolis, in this county, amounting to $1,034,000. Will Visit in Illinois. Mrs. J. H. Wallinger, her three boys, Leroy, Guy and Hai'ley, accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Mary Stoehr.departed this afternooon for Pekin, Illinois, where thty will visit for two or three weeks with friends and relatives. This is the old home of the elderly members of the party who have not been there for some time and will greatly enjoy seeing the places of the 'Olden Time. ' ' The little folks, while not having lived there, will enjoy the visit too, as they will have a good time under any circumstances. Lived Here Over Fifty Years Ago. Ezra Bradford came in this morning from Glenwood, and is visiting at the home of Robert Sampson, who is the son of Mr. Bradford's cousin, Ezra B. Sampson. In conversation with the re porter this morning, Mr. Bradfoi-d said that he had come to this place in ISorJ, staying two years. While here he had built a house on Second street south of where the Burlington station now stands, and south of where Tootle & Hanna later had a store. Disposing of his property he returned to Ohio, and during the war was a member of Com pany I. 140th Ohio Infantry, serving through the war, and returning to Glenwood in 1S70 where he has lived since. He will visit in the city for a short time with relatives. They Make a Record. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Edmonds played "My Favorite Waltz" and Jesse R. Perrv, with his record cut ting machine took the piece, and now has it on exhibition at his music store. Go and have the piece played for you. Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds are accomplish ed musicians, and the record is one which will surprise you in its clearness 17 PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH, RATES $1.00 PER DAY First House West B. 6c M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call I J5he Perkins Hotel Elias S. Frye No Better. Mr. Thomas Frey says he has just had a letter from the bedside of his brother, Elias S. Frey, at Iowa City, where Mrs. Thomas Frey is nursing the sick man, to the effect that he is no better and no hopes are entertained for his recovery. New Pure Food arid Drug Law. We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the national pure food and drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children ind adults. ! F. G. Fricke & Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills made.They do not gripe. Sold bv F. G. Fvick2 &'J). r J- v. 'i: i El Too Many Dress ill HSSW V ' V A great unloading sale now going on. Out of town customer! should take advantage of these specially low sale prices 100 pieces of Lupin's Black Dress Goods that range in price from $1 00 to $2.00 a yard, will go this sale at. a yard 7.c 100 pieces of Lupin's fine Cheviots, fancies, and other goods, ih.it sfll from 52 00 to .y5.J a yard, at a yard !c Colored Dress ;kiI-.. 1.S0 pieces of Hroadclot hs. in all colors, that sold at f 1 5,'- will i". :.t Panamas. Batistes. Henriettas Bmar'rloihs, farcies, taile and Scouil plaids, etc . at about half Arnold's i.Sc Suitings. Sfj in wide. at l"c 35c English Henriettas.. . l!c 50c AH Wonl Mixed Suitings. . Sof 59c Fancies, at 2.1c 54 in. Mixed All Wool Suitings. .40c $2.00 Broadcloths, at $l.l!l $1.75 Broadcloths, at 0c &5c Storm Serges, strictly all wool. at Z'.lc $1.50 Scotch I'laids. all wool.. SUc ORDER AT ... ONCE ... HA YD EN NEBRASKA A Cecil Newcomer Dies at York. Yesterday L. A. Newcomer received the sad intelligence that Cecil New comer, a son of his brother, a farmer near York, had died with blood poison ing. The young man who was just twenty-two years of age, was sick but a short time, as only a few days ago they had a letter from him, when he was entirely well. L. A. Newcomer and family departed this morning for York, where they will attend the funeral which occurs this afternoon. Appendicitis is due in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employing drastic pur gatives. To avoid all danger use only i t r k r r c ii'ii- .1 c - )r. iing s iew ine 1111s, me .sine gentle cleansers and invigorators. Guaranteed to cure headache, bilious ness, malaria and jaundice, at V. C. Fricke & Co. drugstore 2c. ampie Fur Sale THE RELIABLE STORE The real fur Ffrason opens with the greatest sale of the kind ever known in the history of western merchandising. Sample Fur Garments The complete lines of three of the greatest eabt orn manufactur ers On Safe at 25';, to 33 BELOW ACTUAL RETAIL VALUE Anyone; contemplating the pur chase of for garments of any description, should certainly look over these lines and get our prices before buying elsewhere. Goods in Stock 10O piecf-s that sold at $2.S0. .$1.1!) J7S piecr-s that sold at . fit. $1.4'J Dnirskius. I.e.Mirdines, f.te. All Si SO IV.irskins, at. $ 1 .(J!) All $4 00. 4 fa and $o.oo jJ(.ar. skins . ... - All Jo.fij $7 OO and i.fu H,.;lr. skms 5.:.7 r suiting u hat y ' "i ii ou would buy llin elsewhere S Ail Wool Silk Striped Plaids. : 7."o American Silk Striped Plaids. .() American Silk Striped I'laids l5o $100 Fancy Suitings, at ...... . .FtUv 7.5c F3ncy Suitings, at jii. $1.25 All Wool Waistings" at' , llAMwFiol Ff" Waistings. a,'. ; &JC Fine Pall Waistings, at . 4)c 75c Fina Fall Waistings. at ,. 59c Fine Fall Waistings. at Jc 1 .000 difrer.nt Barrio. in thii d.p.rlB.Dt BROS. 4