The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1907, Image 7

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    Does . ilhos oBdl Weaftheir RlemDimdl Yoy
that the Heavier Clothing Season is almost here? It it does it remains our duty to remind you that Holly's is the place to buy them. How about
that New Suit or Overcoat, Winter Weight Underwear or Shoes? Wa have a complete line both for men and boys. Call and let us show you the
many new things we have in Winter Wearing Apparel.
HnMy'c; 5c Huskers, the Best in the State,
Wi. C0 LLY, the Botlhceir
lju wi-st. youiii; man ! l-'ullnw tin f.Mlstps
f your f;itlnr. liny soiih rlnl-- farming laml
while it U yi-t -li'St. It will inaUi you rl h
III it few years. Vnll will liml I h-Ix st In Krith
eoiiuly. .Nilir:isU:i. I miulre of la Un Ilea II y
Co.. I'axton. !. Write them taxlay. liti-l-t
Diiryii.'. I In romlm. IhisIih -s. I lia :t ilai r y
farm tliat will make you a fort turn in ten
years. Write owner A .1. Iiurlaml.
W inted. In rent leu itimmI samlv farmsto
Neliraska eom raisi rs. l-'or particulars
write W. . I'lynl. SliamriH-k Texas.
, Cai-riti'-e Sale. Ilesl ranch In i .ninty. Iiuu
ueres. I tniro einents cost r' Must sell
this fall. per ai-r-. Art hur I'. M ullen.
4 J III Nelll. Ned.
Sterling, f'olorailo. Larire Initniral i n here
from Nebraska ami Iowa. .Mesa lamls r.'
t l n-r aere. Irrhratf-il lamls 4o ami up.
Keel suar faetory riilililli:; Soiiu farmers
t'et film p-r a-re fur this year's erop. AiIvit
tisiu free, statements guaranteed. Write us
tixlay. :hamler of Commeri-e. Stirliinr. Colo
4 .'t I
Invest your monev in Thomas county (Ks)
laml. the siiMMilhest county in the state,
with Jiiiim sow ii to w heat. Prices raii'.'i' from
J?I2 to f.'li -r acre. Now Is tin' time to place
your money. .1. N. l ike, t'olliy. Kans
Uf h v pay Tfi an acre for hinil w lien you ca n
lniy just asiriMMl for
.'LUiii-n-s miles from I'Neill level prairie
u ni rn pn ivel. cimmI soil. ?li
I !') acres s ml iMittom. level, unimprov el.
5 miles from 4 1'Neill. M-r acre. acres s miles from o'.Ni ill a liitli- roll
ing, running water, iiniinproveil V1.M
4.'t4 T. V. ImiIiIi'H. O'Neill. Neh.
AiTootl. v;eiintlv rolling section in Itullilo
c:.nnty. Nebraska, Uinmi neixhliors. live
riilli-s to town. No Improvements. Only l."t
xr acre. ii'iCi ilowu. Iiaiance one. two ami
three years. K. .1. Wool worth. Kearney. Neh.
Loi:'eiN ! is one of t In- Im1 lis in We- em
N'iraska. ami siirronnilinir farms yie'il
lii.'i'MK There is no "chea p" laml I Hit there
i-i". .. I I iii-I at reasoiiahh prices. Have lieen
Iuti' yi':irs ami can show lu yi-rs t he hest
t here is. W r it e i ir c:i II oil n le.
.lames ('. Wolfe.
I 1 .1 Ml JeM ill Ni 'i.
F-rSnle I'Im- l.ule lauds a Ion:.' t he It. X M.
ami the I'. I '. id-.v rai I r ails up the North
IVaite river valley north of I'axton. some
"J. V acres, have just lx-eii placed w ith us for
immediate s.ih-. No better farm land in Ne
braska. I'rlces i'7. to fill in per acre on
i :iy payments, in t ract s to suit. Address
I'.ratt .X. Oixidmaii. North Platte. Neb.
or. I. It. r I lin-'su ort Ii. I .ot Iii-ii1up'. Neh.
or A . I-'. Trout man. I'axiou. Neb.
OArt acres .' miles from t hrivimr 'it v of hi u
inhat-itants: level I'latte valley land.
iilai'U" soil, no sand: 1.1 acres cultivated, l.'il
wheat. In alfalfa, small improvements, a bar
gain at l I. turn.
3'o acres vel Tlatte valley land in central
Nebraska four miles from county seat tow n
ofC.'K'U. (J.hmI black sand : .V acres In
past ure. ha I a nee cu 1 1 i vat ed ; si acres al fal fa :
fair Improvements: "Treat snap at ?." per acre
CIayxiI .x; .lohtison. Kearney. Neb.
For inforni-tt ion concerniPsr irri'ited lands
address The lletitch Land Co.. Scott's
Itlulfs. Nel. 4i'.-4
N ortheast, Nebraska improved farms, some
genuine bargains in iiakota andltixon
cunti's. Twenty years residence enables
tne to irive custotners bst deals. Write for
list. W. T. Itartlett. Jackson. Neh.
Lund -l-'ine improved farms In Central Kast
ern Kansas. ?;Ci to tr per ncre. Write for
list, come ami look them over.
46-4 Nonken & Fuller. I'ealxxly. Ixs.
Good farms in ISed Willow county. .ViD. 2-.1i In
cultivation. House ami well. Price
OOO. one-third cash, balance 5 yrs. Itox 2S
4rt-4 Hendley. Neb.
CA n ai-res. deeded, and !ont lease on 30jcres
s.-iool land. 2' niils fnm Uwn. 100
acres in cultivation: 4-room house, stable,
well, windmill, pasture fenced: price ?I2 ier
ai re. For further information call or write
4i'. 4 II. I. Kunloii. Iteukleman. Neb.
Put vour monev in land. Can sell a 2.00D acre
"Tract at a It ifu re ttiat will Insure a hand
some profit in the natural advance in land
valnes alone. Write for particulars.
Massuere .V Simpson.
4-4 Starkweather. N. I.
Choice farms for sale in the lst agricultural
district in the northwest, lianiware busi
ness for sale a money maker. Write Mas
suere A Simpson. Markweather. N". I.
G.xhI old farmer, yn hav worked hard for
your money. Think once, think twice.
think three times.aml then say I would rath
er have some western land, t han all the banks
for my surplus money. M.-Kibbin A; Son.
4-4 Sidney. Neb.
Ten years time on the entire purchase price
of our Coiorado lands. Pay the interest,
that Is all. Fastern Colorado and Im
provement Company. Century Itnildin.
4-;-4 i ai:b:is City. Mo.
dx-ctal I
ir:iin ill
k :
oi,: rartii a:ni
ty pr- -p. rt y. w r.
II. Ki tin .v Co
ti rs. Co..
Excellent sto -k ranch. Amii-I. ! '..antv. .'Oi
acres, si acres in ti..iu limits. Creek
through part. CI. .i p c rn ft r feeding. i.vxl
lionse. i ir barns, wind mills. Price- s2-i
p-r acre. Mate l'.:i t! k ' Clearwater.
4'.-4 Clearwater. Neb. I
Fine ranch for sa'e or tri'li-. 5 H acres, two!
miles from railroad tow n, -ii miles from 1
lienver Abiind.inci never failing water.
Some rich va'.ley alfalfa land. jr. x house.
K-xxi flieds and corrals, water pipeil to house
tiiid sheds. We'-l fenced, price fi.tHJU. Will
consider i;okI clear irop-rty to amount of rl.'i
000. Will carry rl2.Cn) on ranch at per cent .
F. A. Trimmer. Union. Colo.
Owners price! Con. missions. If earned. Some
farms left. Itatik drafts or checks pxxl
as po'd. Kxpenses allowed purchaser.
A. J. Durland. Norfolk. Neb.
W. G. Brooks is spending Thanksgiv
ing with his brother at Creighton.
Notice to Creditors
Sl ATK OK NrilUASKA. fount V Cult.
'ASS ( lll'.VTV t
III the matter of the estate of Ilaima K.
Calkin, lei'eas-l.
Notice is hereby t'Hen that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the admiiilsl rator of
said estate. Iiefore me. county juilre of t'ass
smut v. Nebraska, at the county court room in
I'lattstiioiith. In s:t ill county, on the Till day of
I ii cemlx r. I'.iiT.iiinl on t In- s , day of .1 line. 1
at In o'i'loi-k. a. in . each ila.y for I In mh msi of
pieseut imr their claims for e.xaminat ion. ail
jiistmeut and allowance.
Six months an allowed fur the creditors of
said deceased to pn-seni their i hums, from
the 7th day of Nov cmix-i-. I'.nr. undone year
for I he ud mi nisi rator to sett le said est ale. from
the llth day of Novcmlier. P.N17.
Witness my hand and seal of said County
Court, at rial I -muni Ii. Nebraska, this l.'lh day
of Noveuilx-r. i;mr. II.Aitvr.r I'. Thavis.
I ska i. Count y .1 udire.
Notice of Sale
i: i i stiii ct i 'or 1st r c -
eol'N'TV. NKItlSASlx'A.
I II t he mat ter of I he e-,1 ate of
Patrick Sliields. deceased, t
Not Ice of Sale
Not ice is hereby iri veil, t hat in pursuance of
an order of I'aul .lessen, jud'e of the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on t he
ill h day of November. I imr. for the sa le of real
estate luK'inlx foie dcscrilx-d. then will lx
sold at the south dixir of the court house at
I'lai I -.ii ion i h. Nebraska, ou I he I It h day of I -cemlx-r.
I!m7. at one o'clm-k. p. in., at public
vendue to t he highest bidder for cash, t he fol
low ins' ilcscrilx-d real st at e. to-wit: Tin tin
divided 'i of lots ten (In), eleven (II) and
twelve IJ. in block sixty (iJi). of I he city of
I'lat tsiiiout h. Nebraska, subject however to
I he homestead and dow er riirlits of Cat herine
Spader ill anil to said premises. Said sale w ill
remain ox n one hour.
Ialed t his lit h day of Novemlx-r. Iim7.
Tin im as Wai.i.i n;.
I t . I w yer. At torney. tiuaidian.
4it 4
I ii I he mat ter of t he est ale ) I n Count y Court,
of A mire Wclx-r. lec-as-il. -( 'ass Count y,
All ix-rsons interested ill theatxive estate
are hereby noli tied what the administratrix
has tiled her final reixirt and ix lilion for liual
set i lenient ami for an assignment of said es
tate to t he Hrsons -it il led t hew-to. A licarimr
w ill lx had iikii said rexirt and ix-t it ton at
t he count y court nxnii at I'lat tsiiiout h. Ne
braska, at I" o'clock a. in . on t ho l .'t h day of
I ii-emlx-r. A. I .. I'."?, a ml all ix-rsons inter
ested will ti l- 1 heir object ion. if a n.v I hey have,
to said leixiit and Ix lilion on or before III
o'clock a. in., of said l.'thdayof I iecemlx-r. A .
!.. I!'r. II AltVKV l. Tlt.WIS.
(Seal! County . I udife.
II. Welleiisiek. Alloriiev.
4s .
Legal Notice
I II t he mat ter of t he est at e I II foil lit y Court .
of Matthew- Midki!!. -I ass C y.
di-ceasi-ii. I Nebraska.
All ie:-oiis inti'ii Ii .1 in the above estate
are hereby not itii-d hat t he a. I minis! rator has
tiletl his tinal lepoi I lou'd her u it h his x-t it ion.
pi a. in: I hat said lejxirt be allowed, his ac
i'oii in s Ii na 1 1;. set t led a mi for a ileciee tissin-inirihi-
residue of the esiale to tin parlies
nil il led I heieto and t hat he be dischat t-'ed. A
hearing w ill be had on said xi ii ion on t In l:.t h
day of Iteeemher. I'lT. at the county court
i'ihimi in I'lai tsmout h. a; in o'chx-k a. in., and
all xi si ns i Merest ed will Ii le t heir object ions,
if any they have, to said reixirt and M-titiou
on or before In o'clock a. in., of said Ir.'thiia.v
of 1 1- iiii I .. i . lite;. II.Mtvr.v It- Thavis.
I sk a 1. 1 'oiim y .1 inltre.
It.vion Clark. Attorney.
Notice to Creditors
STATI-'ol-' NKItlJASK'A ' , ..,.,-.,.,
. CassC.untty t Incoimty ( outt
In the matter of the estate of Martin
l!em-i-ke. deceased.
Not ice is hereby .'tven that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of
said estate. Iiefore i.ic. coll my judjre of Cass
county. Nebraska, at t he county court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the u'tUh day of
I ienilx-r. 1:117. and on the 07th day of .lune.
l'.i's. at Ko'clxk a. m.. each day. for the pur
posc of pnMiitiinf their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance.
Six mom lis are allowed for the i-n'ditors of
said deceased to present their claims, and one
year for the executor to settle said estate,
from the llth day of i tctoU-r. 1SM7.
Witness my hand and seal of said county
court, at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, t his i'td day
Novemlier. Il'7. Uauvky l. Thavis.
Iseai.I County .ludtre.
4sw4t . .
I handle town, city property, business houses
and business opjKirt unit lis. If you want to
buy. sell or exchange, communicate with me.
Lists and information on request.
A. H. Kosenbauni. 321-321 N Y. Mfe lild.
4st4 Omaha. Neb.
Fine Hurt county farm near Tekaniah. will
be sold at Referee sale, liiieral terms. Sat
urday. 1K-C. 21. '07 Address P. K. Taylor.
4st4 Tekamah. Neb.
Farms for every Itody we have just Issued a
new land list with descriptions, terms, etc.
of many farms. Write today
Hradley& Mathiesoti. Wotbach. Neb.
Graham county. Kansas, is one of the liest
counties in the state, for tii versified farm
iii); tli to ?23 will buy i'xxl wheat and corn
land. W rite me. I ). .1 . Manna. 1 1 ill City.
4t4 Kansas.
Grain ranch 17tH acres cheap. l. Lands
a.ljoiiiini; sell in1.' j2u to Commission
paid if earned. Prafts preferred to cold. Ex
penses allowed purchaser. A. .1. Durland.
4st4 Norfolk. Neb.
'I have been somewhat costive, but
Doan's Ilejrulets pave just the results
desired. They act mildly and rejrulate
the bowels perfectly." George B.
Krause. Cot? Walnnt ave., Altoona, Ta.
Laxative Fruit Syrup
Pleasant to take
The new laxative. Does
not gripe or nauseate.
Cures stomach and liver
troubles and chronic con
stipation by restoring the
natural action of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
Refuse ubatltutes. Price 50o.
nr 1ST TT IT
JVlu riair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy
Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only-
genuine hair-food you can
buy. It gives new life to the
hair-bulbs. You save what
hair you have, and get more,
too. And it keeps the scalp
clean and healthy.
Tlio beet l:5nd cf a t -t irnor lal -"Sold
lor over tiity ycirs.
5- . -1
Mads by J. O. Ayr Co.. towrll.
Aloo xiif.ui'.iai.t.ur "J j o.
p S'.K.SAP.Ki'.LA.
w c.;. ...:v '" .Tc r:
Ladies Entertained by Mrs.
Haller, Daughter cf the
Late Lamented
Lininger. j
In speaking of a recent visit of Cap- !
ital city ladies to the Lininger Art
gallery in Omaha, the Lincoln Star
"Eleven members of the art depart-
j nient spent Friday in Omaha visiting
: the Lininger art gallery. To say they
: are enthusiastic over the trip would be
too mild. The day was filled with sur-
prises, and the vif-itors were indeed
j royally entertained. Upon reaching
: Omaha they went immediately to the
(gallery where they were given a most
! cordial reception by ?Irs. Frank Haller,
daughter of the late Jlr. Lininger. Mrs.
Haller explained the pictures in detail
! and brought to view a wealth of beauti-1
f ul art treasures of every variety. The
display of jewels, wood carving, ivories,
! embroideries and oriental furnishings
j of the most magnificent splendor weri
of untold beauty. The Lincoln women
went to the Y. M. C. A. for luncheon
and found that here too their presence
had been anticipated by Mrs. Haller
and the members of the Omaha Wo
man's club who had arranged a special
table for them with handsome linen,
flowers and a special menu. In the
afternoon Mrs. Haller assisted by the
art department of the Omaha club gave
a reception in their honor which could
not be surpassed either from a beauty
stand point, or in charming hospitality.
The handsome decorations and many
flowers and electric lights gleaming
from oriental electroliers made it seem
like fairyland. Mrs. E. C. Babcock, of
Lincoln, leader of the art department,
presided at the tea table during the re
ception, which was attended by about
sixty Omaha woman. Mrs. Gregor of
Omaha served the ice. A pleasing pro
gram had been arranged but on account
of returning on an afternoon train the
Lincoln women were obliged to miss a
portion of it. They had the pleasure of
hearing Miss Daisy Higgins both play
and sing from her own compositions,
and Mrs. Wells whistled a group of
selections. Mrs. F. H. Cole was among
the assistants. It was a surprise to
some of the visitors to know that such
a rare collection of art treasures are so
"The pleasant incidents connected
with the trip and the warm reception
given them by the Omaha women and
Mrs. Haller so far exceeded what had
been planned the ladies can not find
words to express their appreciation.
Mrs. Haller was so gracious and charm
ing, and withal so thoughtful and at
tentive to the visitors, she stands out
as one of the rarest and sweetest re
membrances of the trip.
Notice for Druggist's Permit.
Not Ice is heivhy veil t hat .1. K. Wieileman
Ii led his m-t it inll as rr. iii-i-l hy law with the
clerk of i teen wood vil;t:-'i'. on I he day of
NoTemlier. l'N'7. prayintr that a druvirist's ir-iin-t
In- Ns.ied to him for thesaleof mnll.spirit
ous and x inuoiis for medical ami niichanic:t
pun Mses i'i the hiick store room, on lot Vu'l.
rei-nwood. ( ass county. Nehraska. for the en
stiiiit.' fiscal jour. Any objections thereto must
h" tiled on or In-fore I eiemNr 1:1. 1
J. E. Weioexi AN.
Mrs. II. Gardleman was a passenger
to Omaha this afternoon, where she
will spend Thanksgiving and visit with
her sister, Mrs. David McAllister.
David and Edwin White, who are at
tending the State University at Lincoln
came in this afternoon, and will visit
with their parents over Thanksgiving
Report of Same for the Month
Ending November 22
The following is the report of the
Plattsmouth city sc hools, for the month
ending November 22, 1!07:
Teacher Mcm'ip. Attd. Tardiness
Per cent
a 7
'... -
: s.
!4 .'J
i Ni li
II .1
il. .
s;1 i'i
'.SI. '.I
Ho kiKs
M a itens
Tart sch
Mot -;f an
M uso i.
1 1 a use 1 1
K a ni. a
Smit h
liai vi.-U
4 s.:,
I.'C. I
: : 4
4s. I
'.I'. 1
Total loo: !':.".'.l i'i '.4
An entertainment will be given in the
Parmele theatre Friday evening Decem
ber 13, by Miss Fitch's class. The pro
ceeds of this entertainment will be
turned over to the city schools for a
fund for a reference library. The ad
mission will be 2" cents to any part of
the house. Tickets are now in the
hands of the members of the class and
will be on uile Friday.
Preliminary announcements of the
State Teachers Association to be held
in Lincoln December 2, 27, 28 are out.
The program promises to be one of
especial merit and the fact that Princi
pal Waterhouse is president this year is
a guarantee that it will be a rousing
meeting. W. J. Bryan delivers one of
the evening lec tures.
We are sorry to say that the report
for November shows a falling o!T in at
tendance and an increased number of
cases of tardiness. The attendance in
the primary departments has been very
irregular owing to much sickness. The
figures show an increase over those for
the same month a year ago' but they
are nevertheless very unsatisfactory.
Today the schools close for a vaca
tion until Monday. Many of the teach
ers will spend Thanksgiving out of the
city. Personally we feel that we have
many things to be thankful for. We
wish at this time to express our thanks
to our patrons who have given us many
words of kindness and much help since
we have been in charge of the schools,
to our students, who by their general
conduct and little thoughtful acts have
made it a pleasure to work among
them, and to our teachers who have
done so much to lighten our work and
to make the school work worth while.
We. wish oua patrons success and our
students and teachers a pleasant vaca
tion. .
Notice to Builders.
We wish to announce to the people of
Plattsmouth and vicinity that we, the
undersigned have formed a partnership
for the purpose of doing all kinds of
carpenter work and building. Give us
a call when desiring anything in their
line. J.IT. Bates,
J.E; Mason.
'Phone Green 289 or leave orders at
this office.
For e Five thoroughbred Poland
China male hogs. Extra fine stock
C. E. Cook, Plattmouth.
Can Tslphons Us
at any time and find out instantly
how your account stands. We do
our work thoroughly, and our depos
itors' accounts are always posted up-to-date.
This kind of service is ap
preciated greatly bv private deposi
tors who do not find it convenient to
hunt up their-check book and dig out
the balance for themselves. Try our
service for a while and we guaran
tee satisfaction will be the return.
Thou hast not failed us, (Jod of Hosts, as changing seasons came and vvenl ;
Still stands Thine ancient covenant; Thy bow still spans Iho fumamciit.
In faith our hands have sowed the seed anil Thou hast blessed what we have done.
Thy benediction pouring down in showers of rain and summer sun.
Once more Thy loving grace hath wrought its mirac le in our behalf
In giving more of corn than husks, bestowing more wheat than t hall'.
And now, Oh Lord, as Thou hast sent the sunshine and the rain to bless.
And filled our graneries and bins, so fill our hearts with thank fulness!
Oh, Thou who taught the bird to sing and turned the ocean's monotone,
And put the minor in the strain of Autumn winds that sigh and moan;
Thou who hast wrought the symphony of spheres celestial world on world.
And out in space with awful power the thunder's diapason hurled.
As Thou hast touched the psalmist's harp and tuned his lips to melody
To teach our willing hearts to sing some fitting hymn of thanks to Thee.
Though each may have besetting sins that o'er his weary spirit brood.
Lord grant us that our crowning sin may never be Ingratitude!
The Perfected
Fountain Pen!
When you want a pen, a fountain pen is the
most convenient, is it not? Well then, why
not use the pen that won't make you swear
every time you want to fill it? Just clip it in
to ink, press the filler bar and you are reat'y'
L." j 55 r
C B.
forX White Sewing Machine
h VanHorn& Co.,
(Successors to Phil. Sautc-r.)
Removed to North 6th Street
: New R-ecords Once a. Morvth. - W4k
I Ss.J Edison Gem i;'12 "
v yK'btv ... ...
m - M" ui.ivji i i luin ;n .j wm Afc.
jJL Sold on Easy Payments.
Sold on E&sy Payments.
(3l CO.
The making of Sterling Silver is sure a
fine art. We are showing a line just re
ceived very appropriate for Thanksgiving,
which surpasses any we haveever hantil"d.
The patterns are rich and artistic. The
prices are reasonable in every sense and
there is an infinite variety to select from.
When you see them we believe you will
agree with us that there is a tone to these
goods peculiar to themselves.
Edison Gem
Edison Standard. . . .
Edison Home
Edison Triumph
Victor 3rd
Victor 2nd 30 (10
Victor 1st 21 )U
t-r's. ji