The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1907, Image 6

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    ... T :a- ..-.
Murray Department.
If ii n i of the rtmhrs of the Journal kiunn of a social event or an item of interest in this rinnitu a ml trill mail same to thin ojlire it .if,f,cur under tin.- ImoJituj.
We tea nt all items of interest. Editor Journal.
SysSmiess ASd g
A checking account will establish a
closer relation between you and
j our business.
We invite you to start a checking
account with us. You will find
that financial matters will run more
more smoothly when you have a
complete record of your business
Pay your obligations by check. We
solicit both large and small ac
countseach receives the same
careful attention.
Mrs. C. E. Carrrull was in Omaha
last Saturday.
John Cook and wife spent Sunday in
Nebraska City.
Grandma Fitch has been on the sick
list for the past days.
Dr. B. F Brendel made a professional
trip to Union Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. II. C. Long and daughter. Miss
Truda, were in Plattsmouth last Satur- j
day. j
F. C. Egenberger and Al Despain, of!
Mr. and Mio. Cole Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cole entertained
a number of their friends at their cozy
little home, Saturday evening. The
early part of the evening was spent in
playing various games, while the latter
part was spent in listening to the music
; furnished by Mr. Pearl Long and Earl
j Cole, which was enjoyed by all. A
! delicious oyster supper was served,
which was the most pleasing feature of
the evening. The happy throng re
gretted when the departing hour came,
The Kind
ia use
j nausmotn, were in Murray iwonuay j for they were undoubtedly enjoying i
; evening. ; themselves to the fullest extent for
Mrs. Blair Porter of Union has been ; this was indeed the happiest event of
J numbered with the sick for the past j the season, but at a late hour the merry :
irra.y, Nebraska..
Credo Harris was a county seat visi
tor Tuesday.
J. T. Brendel was a county seat visi
tor Wednesday.
Bessie Brendel was home from Platts
mouth to spend Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Bergerand daughter, Miss
Marie, were in Omaha last Saturday.
Mrs. A. L. Baker and Miss Truda
Long were in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
Mrs. C. E. Carroll and Miss Marie
Berger were in Nebraska City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson, of
Plattsmouth, were in Murray Tuesday.
Mrs. C. E. Carroll an 1 Mrs. Phil.
Prisben were Plattsmouth visitors Tues
day. W. J. Ranard, from down near
Weeping Water, was looking after sorre J
business matters m Plattsmouth ed-
nesday. !
Homer Miller and wife, who have
been visiting heie lor tne past tenaajs, Saturday from a few days business trip
returned to their home in Plainview last out m custer county.
Frank Sheldon, of Nehawka. the kin;
merchant of south Cass county,
Miss Eflie Smith has been on the sick
list for the past few days.
X. B. Virgin and vife were Platts
mouth visitors last Saturday.
J. C. Gregory from near Nehawka,
was a county seat visitor last Saturday.
J. A. Walker was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth Mon
day. Philip Keil was a Tlattsmouth visitor
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. O. V.
Virgin has been quite sick the past few
Sam Pitman and Menota Perry at
tended the play in Plattsmouth Monday
Potatoes $1.00 per bushel as long
they last. Best quality and variety
Holmes & Smith's.
Chas. Philpot returned home last
Get your supply of potatoes now
li-liilik V-w . - nun V lwir-Vi fv ? 1 HO nor
a sed i i i i.iijr vim - uijii '
, , , . . . .11 I 111. 1 H111I1VO vx. 1 1 1 1 III .
llUUUIi I1C1C X UCDUiI y V 111 HULV. I.V a iih-i-i
liyron Reed has been experiencing
considerable trouble this week with his
cripple limb, from injuries received in
in the corn field a few days ago. The
fimb has never been very strong, and
such work as gathering corn is pretty
severe on him.
Three new snbscribers go on the Mur
ray list this week: F. H. Bordman, J.
T. Brendel and J. D. Shrader.
Clinton Totten and wife were Platts-
few days.
; Louie Puis was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmouth last
, Saturday.
Mrs. M. G. Churchill and little daugh
; ter were in Plattsmouth Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Tom Lindsay visited a few days
last week with friends and relatives out
at Murdock.
Mrs. James Holmes and son, Ralph,
. were in Omaha a few days the latter
part of last week.
Remember Bill Bone at the Presby
terian church December 2. The Mur
ray lecture course.
Allen Wilson of Nebraska City, wit:i
the Jones Grain Co., made Murray a
brief visit Monday evening.
Remember the next number on the
lecture course, the best of the season,
and should receive a full house.
Dr. J. Aiken, nervous specialist, was
in consultation with Dr. Gilmore Mon
day on the case of Mrs. Dave Slagle.
Mrs. Albert Queen was in Platts
mouth last last Saturday. Mrs. Queen
is now teaching the Nine-mile Grove
school. ;
Buy your shoes now. Read Holmes &
Smith's ad in this issue, and you will be
convinced that they can save you some
Guy Burton and wife were in Platts
mouth last Sunday to spend the day
with Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Kunzman.
W. H. McDaniel went down to Se
at dalia, Mo., Monday, for a few days
business trip, near where he has some
real estate interests to look after.
Don't fail to read the special shoe ad
of Holmes & Smith in this issue of the
Journal. Now is the time to buy your
winter line of shoes. They can save
you some money.
Ernest Carroll and wife are moving
to Murray this week and will make
their home for the present in the Pres
byterian parsonage. Clem Whitehead
and family will move onto the farm
property vacated by Mr. Carroll, which
party dispersed, pronouncing Mr. and
Mrs. Cole most excellent entertainers.
Among those to enjoy this happy event
were as follows:
Misses Mary Hanson, Maggie Conner,
Grace Graves, Lela Vallery, Truda
Long, Edith Dill, Mittie Tilson, Fannie
Cole, Addie Dill, Esther Lloyd, Dora
Schwab, Ada Burrows, Ethel Dill,
Agnes Lloyd, Fern Lloyd, Lena Pres
ton, of Weeping Water, Hannah Han
son, Edyth Hanson,- Myrtle Cole.
Messrs. Earl Cole, Ed. Jones, Bert
Jack man of Weeping Water, Elbert
Wiles, Ephiram Schwab, Frank Dill,
Arthur Copenhaver, Glen Porter, Clint
Farris, Pearl Long, Tom Tilson, Roy
Cole, Willie Seybolt, John Durman,
Harry Beckner, Arthur Hanson, Chas.
Gibson, Andrew Johnson, Ben Gib?on,
Henry Christison. Messrs and Mes
dames Ray Dill, Wade Porter, George
Lloyd, Chas. Cole, Hanson.
-Iway.'i Uoiight, aril mIiJ:?i lias been
L.O yiirs. lias borr.o Uio n!;--iiuturo of
iinl has been made tinder bis por-
S' 's - - r-onai supervision sm-u
Wc;- '-t-'-OC Allow no one todeccivo you in this.
All CoiiTitt i iV-i'ts, Imitations and "Jiist-as-good " aro but
Uxpeririieiits that trillo with ami endanger the. health of
InfiuitL, and Children Experience ngninst Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, IJrops and Soothing? Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms
and allays Pevcrishncss. It cures Diarrluua and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio
Stomach ami ISowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Sn Use For Over 30 Years.
rr "jzzzztii tt-
Murray Lecture Course.
Remember Bill Bone who will
one of the best lecturs
Something New Under the Sun.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere thanks
to the friends and neighbors for their
kindness and sympathy during the ill
ness and at the death ox our dear
brother, B. McCulloch.
Mrs. D. Amis,
Thos. McCulloch.
Mrs. Ira Bosworth.
K,ve ! Shows mavcome and shows rnaviro
f the Season i ciiscnn rnyv cumfi M?wl Uf:itn mnv ri - -
December the 2nd at the Presbyterian i,ut WchkI & Ward like the green bay
are tne same old rollicking pair each
year. "Two Merry Tramps" has been
presented eleven years, yet it is new
this season the book lias been rewritten
mouth visitors Tuesday. Mr. Totten
has been having some dental work done ! he purchased a few weeks ago.
in the county seat. ' w g Sm-th and Q A Davis went to
Sheep lined and t ur Galloway coats Mynard Tuesday to invoice the stock of
Tuesday of this week was thetwentyj
. i at Holmes & Smith's. You will
hardware at that place belonging to
third wedding anniversary of Mr. ana j suu"' Ltlu ai,u sct ! rtoimes & tmitn, wnicn was purcnasea
Mrs. J. W. Berger, and while they gave j Mrs. James Allison went to Tecum- ; by Pitman & Davis, and will be moved
no celebration of the occasion, it wa3 seh Monday to spend Thanksgiving , to Murray and added to their stock here,
iust as great a pleasure to this excellent I with her daughters, Mesdames J. H. ; They have also purchased the line car-
Murrav couple and their family. Hassenyager and will Ulineourg. riea Dy woimes t &munin xviurray.
Energetic Young Man.
Leslie Gregory, residing with his fa
ther about six miles southwest of Mur
ray is certainly a young man made of
the right sort of material and deseiving
great credit for his hustling and am
bitious spirit. For the past threeyears
the young man has been employed with
a corn shelling outfit, working in this
section, saving all his earnings that it
was possible so to do, and a few days
ago he purchased for himself one of
the best and latest improved corn shell
ing outfits on the market, an Ottawa,
and is now prepared to do shelling for
all parties desiring his services. Such '
young men are certainly deserving of a
liberal patronage at the hands of the
people, which he will no doubt receive, i
He fully guarantees all work. ;
Corn Shelling.
I have just purc hased one of the j
latest improved Ottawa corn shellers, i
and would like to figure with all parties !
desiring corn shelled. Satisfaction
guaranteed and prices reasonable. Tele- '
phone from Murrav or Weeping Water.
Lt:suk Gkkgoky. ;
rur oc
Fos Sale A few thoroughbred Poland
China hogs, weighing about I'M to ISO
pounds. Pedigrees can be furdished if
desired. Call at my farm east of Murray
or address D. A. Young, Plattsmouth,
R. F. D. No. 1.
Sarpy County Farm!
200 acres, 11 miles southwest of South
Omaha; 10 acres of hard wood timber:
- . . - . fJ - . . . . . . , . . . . V 111.! lit
of land gently rolling; only $85.00 per
acre. Can make terms.
Graham-Peters Realty Co.,
Omaha. Neb.
'Phone Red, N. Y.
and the music all new, catchy and
whistley, making it one of those; merry
mirthful musical comedies. A gorgeous
gowned chorus of pretty girls, which
includes the famous squabs. This at
traction will be the offering at the Par
mele, Monday, December 2.
A specific for pain Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest lini
ment ever devised. A household remedy
in America for 25 years.
ruu m
Life Bld'g!
Farm for Sale!
One of the best 100 acre farms in Cass
county for sale. Improvements are ex
tra good. Six room house and good
barn to hold 50 tons of hay and 18 head
of horses. One and one-half miles east
of the Wills place.
John Urish, Owner.
felon for me and cured it in a wonder- i ond hand piano for sale cheap. In good
fully short time." Best on earth for : condition. For further information call
sores burns and wounds. 25c at F. C. ' on or write Chas. S. Stone,
Fricke & Co. drugstore. , Murray, Neb.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you make Buck
lin's Arnica Salve known to all."
writes J. G. Jenkins of Chapel Hill, N.
C. It quickly took the pain out of a
Having rented my land and finding my-
self overstocked, I will sell at my farm.
4 miles southeast of Union, commenc
ing at 10 o'clock sharp, on
the following list of cattle and horses:
Oeceinrdbeir 2 to 1 One Week!
$5 00 Men's Shoes at $3 50 $4 00 Woman's Shoes $3 00
4 00 3 00 3 75 " 2 90
3 50 " " " 2 75 3 50 " " .-...2 75
3 00 " " 2 25 3 25 ' " 2 50
2 7.) " " " 2 10 3 00 " " 2 30
2 5) ' " " 1 90 2 75 " " 2 10
2 25 " " " 1 70 2 50 " " 1 95
2 0-) " " " 1 55 2 25 " " 1 75
1 75 1 45 2 00 " " 1 GO
1 5. " - " " 1 15 1 75 ' " 1 40
1 25 " 44 44 1 00 1 50 44 44 I 15
$3 00 Boy's Shoes $2 25 I $1 75
2 50 44 44 1 90 1 50
2 25 44 44 1 70 1 25
2 0 0 4 4 44 1 55 I 1 35
1 75 44 44 1 35 1 1 25
1 50 44 44 1 15 1 10
1 25 44 44 1 00 1 1 00
3 00 Girl's Shoes 2 25 B 90
2 5 0 4 4 44 1 90 5 80
2 25 44 44 1 70 I 75
2 0 0 44 " 1 55 1 60
1 span black mare mules, 3 years old,
weight 2400: 1 span brown and bay
mules 6 and 9 years old, weight 2300
3 yearling mules; 1 grade German Coach
stallion, bay, 4 years old, weight 1600;
1 span gray mares, 6 years old, weight
2300, in foal to jack; 1 black mare, 9
years old, weight, 1000 in foal to horse;
1 brown horse colt 2 years old, weight
1100; 22 yearling colts, some well broke
all quiet and halter broke and not
branded. 1 span weanling colts; 50
head spring steer calves; 3 head spring
calves; 5 yeanling heifer calves; 2 two
year old heifers; 6 good stock cows: 10
I good milch cows; 1 Short Horn bull; 2
j high H rade Short Horn bull calves: 2
high gJade Hereford bulls.
We find ourselves overstocked on shoes and wish to reduce stock quick, to make room for our large stock of
Holiday goods. And for one week ONLY we will give you these great bargains. You cannot afford to miss this sale.
It will save you money. Come early and supply yourselves with shoes for the winter while they are selling at a
sacrifice. The shoes are first-class stock. Time sale at regular price.
Yours for Business,
I Terms of Sale.
j All sums under S10 cash. Sums over
$10 a credit of 12 months will be given
, on notes bearing 8 per cent, interest,
l with approved security.
Ves Clark will serve
lunch on the ground.
L J.HALL, Owner.
t ' - -