The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 28, 1907, Image 5

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-T". .:,:,; ,. ... Mrs. K 1 1 en N g 1 e " 411 4 th I ........
fflfl ',': ' Kt.,;reen J!ay, Wis.,w ritea- &3Vr4 TWmh t Vrinot Jonah Kalanlanaolu, iMwejr Hotel, t
iljl ' ' !' " lv:V I! "I have often hoard Pe- I JWMW J Washington, I. C, Delegate to CoiiKreM from J
nil X runa praised and it is more J i Hawaii, writes : T
CraTK' ' " Wi.:-.: :X widely known her- than J SPw t " cheerfully recommend youri
nYtV-tt sf$W& ; :: :. W other medicines, but I never TO Peru n a as a very effective remedy fori
AVr 18 WtMs .:kn,'w! $"'3 ? coughs, colds and catarrhal trouble?'
Vh fii'- - . ' icille i t really Was tin t i 1 a J W&53SS'' W$&$Mr
?rf & " XV fe l 'ta W coW which Hik 114
Ct't:-' ' :'::'::- "filled all over llie. T Jut, SS4 BBWiWo
jfif "Tho doctor wanted tot i ?J$ Wk T
J prescribe, but I told him I f
1 1 1 $ l 4 g yiffmtmm. X and ui for a initio and I 4c If V
fll , Mtmikr thenextmorning and with- W T f I "'1 A
- V, . lfiWllmlk' ' i in live day- 1 had not a W x, fT - v I
f. &&&& ' 4m, PRINCE JONAH L J
hon ' M
nUlN. V U VrW'w' 'iJ- Fg J Malarial Fever For Several Wffem fSf M
c.c. x4 rm : mhv wf lii
-wMwj wiih
True Cause of Disease.
Hon. !.'. llroolis. Mayor of Kunbury, Ohio, also Attorney for Farmers'
I'.unk and Suuhury Ituildin and Loan Co., writes:
"I have the utmost confidence in tho virtue of l'eruna. It is a great medi
cine. I have used it ami I have known many of my friends who have ob
tained beneficial results from its use. I rannnt pr.ii?e Peruna too hiphly."
Cystitis Entirely Relieved. I
Mis. Mattia Ic Arthur, care of Hos
pital, Medical Lake, Wash., writes :
"1 have not written to you f.r some
time, hut, Oh, I have Riven you many
word of prajse. I am so well. I had
cystitis very badly and could not walk
any distance without Buffering intense
pain, but I do not have a touch of my
old suffering now. lean never praise
Peruna enough. I am telling every one
how much guod Peruna Liu Uucc for
Catarrh of Head and Threat.
Mrs. William 11. IIinehlifre,20 Myrtle
street, I'everly, Mass., writes:
"I have taken four bottles of Peruna,
and I can say that it has c'one me a
great deal of pood for catarrh of the
head and throat. I recommend Peruna
to all sufferers with catarrh. I do not
think I ever felt much better. I am
really surprised at the work I can do.
I do not think too much praise can bs
said of Peruna."
Mrs. II. A.S. Marsh, 212S Reservoir St.,
Ixs Angeles, Cal., President Woman's
Benevolent Association, writes :
"I suffered with la grippe tor seven
weeks, aud nothing I could do or take
helped me until 1 tried Peruna.
'I felt at once that I had at last se
cured the right medicine and I kept
steadily improving. Within three
weeks ! was fully restored, and I am
glad that 1 gave that truly great remedy
a trial.
"I will never bo without it again."
Usc3 Pe-ru-na For Bronchitis.
Mr. Frank Battle, Jr., First street,
near Charlotte Ave., West Nashville,
Tean., writes :
"I dcire to say for the benefit of
others that your Peruna lias unques
tionably cured ineof chronic bronchitis.
It is the grandest discovery of the age
fur throat and lungs. "
Peruna is not simply a palliative to
relieve some of of the distressing symp- j
vums. A i uiiut5 eriixaxi(.uL i'.uc.
Malarial Fever For Several
Mrs. Sue M. Morri, 2L'lt
Patterson St., Nashville, Tonn., writes
"Last f:ill a severe attack of malarial
fever laid me ui for some mouths. M v
condition was serious for a time and
the doctor w ho w as attending me did
not seem able to cope with the trouble.
"A neighbor advised mo to let the
doctor's prescription alone, and try
Peruna, extolling its virtues to the
skies, and 1 am now ready to do the
same, for in three days I was much bet
ter and in ten days I was able o be up
and in two weeks every trace of malaria
had left my system.
"I now use Peruna ofT and on when in
need of a tonic and it braces me up won
derfully." "The Doctors Cave Me t'p."
Mr. Lewis Kitchen, Hulington, Ohio,
writes :
'I cannot thank you enough for the
good your Peruna has done me. About
six months ago I could not leave my
bed, and the doctors gave me up saying
that I had consumption and could not
live. Then a friend recommended
Peruna to me, and I commenced using it.
"When I started to use your Peruna
I weighed 117 pounds, and now I weigh
172 pounds. 1 had been sick for ten
years, and was so sick i couiu not turn
over in bed when 1 began the use oz
Pejuna. I think it is the greatest med
icine of its time.
"I am now feeling well and hearty
and would not be without Peruna. ' '
Weak and Nervous.
Mr. Charles Brown, llogersville,Tenn.,
writes ;
"I feel it my duty to write you a f w
words in praise of your Peruna. I have
tried many different remedies, but have
found that Peruna is the greatest tonic
on earth, and a perfect system builder.
"A friend advised me to take lY-runa
for indigestion, and it cured mo in a
short time. I was very weak and
nervous, could sleep but little at night,
but Peruna cured that tired, all-gone
feeling, and made me feel like a new
man, so I heartily recommend it to all
who are weak and run down. Peruna
will give new life and energy. I can
not speak too highly of Peruna, and will
not'forget to recommend it on every
hand. I will answer any letter from
thoee desiring to know what Peruna has
done for me."
Systemic Catarrh.
Miss Marie Lesser, 9l'8 W. With street,
Chicago, 111., writes:
I am glad to give a good word for
Peruna, and I hpe that all who hce
this who are troubled witli systemic ca
tarrh as I was for years, will profit by
it. I had tried many remedies, but none
did more than give me temporary relief
and eome did not even do that. I took
Peruna at the suggestion of a friend and
was more than pleased and surprised at
the results. I aia now perfectly well
and strong."
IS th-s day almost every mlim-nt
supported to bi' canned by dUc.-t
The mednvil pn f ff ion n - well :i-t thl
people, seem to have g.ille ma. I hut th
germ theory of disease.
Tie- universal fear :ntd dread of dis
ease germs 's becoming a very neriitu
matter to Hie welfare und happiness of
the I pie.
Ir. llaitniaii h:n con si-t en t ly con
tended tlnotl. il all the rise nil I spreiid
of th germ theory, that most disease
are caused by climatic Influences.
For Instance, catrhing cold Is respon
sible for more I ban one-half of the lllxf
to which ln:i:ia:i lieinps are subject.
Dun?r of Neglected Colds.
A person l. itches cold easily, think
nothing ! t it, neglects it, when it
finally l" settled in Homo organ
of the li": wid chronic disease hi tho
A few di -
ning of t
Iiiolll lis of : :
peiiso for t
Peru:.-: s
Almo.-t. .- r
ln-Me:id . I
some i ; 1 1 -1
Used ill lli'
ities jind :.
soon ciiMv;:..
found tie- i
A mult i.i.
s of Peruna in tho begin
e.,ld would have save
:i !!', as well a-, great t:a
: : . ; i r i f .
.-. -eliahle relief for cold.
, 1 1' ii I v K no ws t hi-.,
f.ving to dislodge or kill
i.:'v germ, if l'i runa wan
."! r time its tonic proper
arrhal qualities would
I he pa t ieii t t ha t he b:l
: I i ::e d .
' oi h tti is are r Ivel
' : - 1 :.!.
..I Ml tile Ik. use
I 1 r ! i ii i a i ii' a If i
.i!i --, in ii,.. Ii. hi-. -In. 1. 1 will
ily lesst'iieil, if xiot. entirely
I nO it
t ions as-
sail, and i i
become e ri
Cdtatrot th?
Mr. Chri-tiaii 1 1 of maim, It. J". I. 1,
Slatitigto.i, Pa., writes :
"For many years I MitT'Tcd with ca
catarrh of t!:e stomach. 1 w a s coi: u h i n
day and flight. After having tried
three doctors and many reined jes, one of
J'our almanacs came to my hand, ai.d I
bought some pemna. So far I have
taken six l. 11 'i s, arid I have not i-uf-fered
with tutrrrh this summer. I am
cured and 1 i; n a d id it. 1 give Peruna
to my children hen they le. 1 bad and
you should see how healthy tliey a-.e."
osc. Thrust and Stomach.
Mr. Iieliieri B. Craft, Lowell, hnl.,
wri tes :
"For a I 'iK- time I Miff'-nd with
chronic catmrh of the nose, throat and
stomach. 1 would continually taku
cold and my stomach was in bad condi
tion. I truly suffered untold misery. I
took varioi.s medicines and tried the
treatment of several physicians-, but I
felt no better. A friend advised me to
take Peruna. 1 wrote to I)r. Ilartman,
who prescribed treatment. As soon as
I commenced to take Peruna 1 was sur
prised at t he relief it gave nie. I kept on
taking it until I had taken thirteen Lot
ties and was cured."
But the Scarcity cf Currency Lessens
Mciiviiy ai many roinis.
Kradstreet's will say today, according-
to dispatches from New York, un
der date of November 22:
"While a number of cities report that
the tone of atTairs has taken a turn for
the better, actual business, taking the
country as a whole, shows an increased
degree of quiet, both at wholesale and
retail, a working out of the continued
scarcity of currency at many points
lessening industrial activity and of the
continuance of unseasonbly mild weather
with its natural effect upon distribution
of winter goods.
"There is evident in wholesale trade
circles an indisposition to do business
for future periods and the large num
bers of cancellations resulting from the
past unsettlements are a subject of
widespread comment. Retail trade
feels the effect of the smaller move
ment of cereals from the farms, and,
although producers are reported more
familiar with checks tendered in pay
ment, lower prices now offered are a
drawback to sales.
"The iron and steel industries, with
its kindred lines, such as coke and coal,
show results. The feeling is widespread
that the sharper and quicker this pro
cess occurs the sooner and better the
situation will right itself when confi
dence is restored.
"The lumber industry is quiet, and
southern lumbering and manufacturing
operations are reported less active.
"Collections are rather slower, and
some attention has been excited by the
requirements from states that all credi
tors be lenient in order that the fall
trade be protected. The currency prem
ium lessened at New York early in the
week, but later became more marked.
The fact is that the demands are kept
uq strongly by the reports that the
country banks are taking in large quan
tities of currency, but not making new
loans, and some institutions are report
ed to be carrying much larger supplies
than are absolutely necessary.
"Wheat, including flour exports from
the United States and Canada for the
week of November 21, aggregate 5,103,
143 bushels against 6,192,944 last week
and 4,025,073 this week last year. For
the first twenty-one weeks of the fiscal
year the exports are 85,023,495 bushels
against 54, 5S5, 776 in 1906-7 and 121,193,
795 in 1901-2.
"Corn exports for the week are 560,-
! f.29 bushels against 1.1:3.448 last week
! and 5H1.861 in 190G. For the fiscal year
to date the exports are 19.7W.89l bush
els against 17,312.296 in 1906-7.
On a Slew Train in Nebraska.
The editor of this paper went to
Plattsmouth Tuesday to see just what
the old place looked like since it went
democratic. Every one seemed to be
attending to his own business, and those
who were not were suggesting remedies
for the financial troubles or kicking on
those that had been suggested, We
called upon the county commissioners
and they discussed the "good roads"
problem near here. It took just an
even three hours to make the trip from
Plattsmouth down here. If we had been
paying by the hour instead of by the
mile we would have to take up a collec
tion in order to make both ends meet.
The engine went on the "bum" just as
it got into Plattsmouth, caused by a
flue in the boiler breaking and drowning
the fire. The train arrived here about
7:30 in such a disabled condition that it
was necessary to have the freight en
gine tow them into Weeping Water.
Nebraska Register.
Dancing Proves Fatal
Many men and women catch cold at
dances which terminate in pneumonia
and consumption. After exposure, if
Foley's Honey and Tar is taken it will
break up a cold and no serious results
need be feared. Refuse any but the
genuine in a yellow package. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Beuscd by the Improper Working of
Blocking System.
On account of the improper working
of the block system at Oreapolis last
evening, the engine and one car of an
extra west bound was derailed on the
main line, blocked during the entire
night. A new man was on duty at the
tower, and not knowing the peculiari
ties of the system, when slightly out of
order, was not able to make the signal
show clear. Thinking the system had
worked with the exception of the sig
nal, he gave clearance and personal
signal to go ahead, while the derail was
set for the protection of the crossing
with the Missouri Pacific. The train,
which was not moving very fast, as it
had come to a stop on account of the
signal not showing clear, and when the
engine struck the derail only one car
and the engine got off the track. The
engine, (No. 1981) was what is known
as an "R. 4" and was a very massive
machine, and it was not possible even
with the yard engines of this place and
another road engine to drag back upon
the tracks. When it was apparent that
with the appliances at hand it was im
possible to pick up the wreck, the wreck
er had to be called from Lincoln, and
arrived on the scene early.this morning,
and in about two hours had the engine
on again and the track cleared.
Breaks Collar Bone.
John E. McGinniss, of South Bend,
who is engaged at the state hatcheries,
while away from home, and at Valen
tine with the fish car, distributing fish,
a few nights since walked into a cinder
pit on the Northwestern railroad, break
ing his collar bone, one rib and injuring
his face very severely. Mr. McGinniss
was a visitor in the city this morning,
and though he looked some the worse
for the accident, says he is getting
along all right and will be in fine shape
again in due time.
Will Use Room For Storage.
County Assessor-elect, H. M. Soen
njchsen, has traded his former residence
property, to James Rebal, the broom
maker, for the business property on
lower Main street, and will use the same
as a storage room, when it shall have
been vacated. Mr. Rebal will occupy
the residence property and will build a
new broom factory. This will make
better facilities for both parties in their
A jiood Liniment
When you need a good reliable lini
ment try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
has no superior for pains and swellings.
A piece of flannel slightly dampened
with Pain Balm is superior to a plaster
for lame back or pains in the side o
chest. It also relieves rheumatic pains
and makes sleep and rest possible. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Dr. . W. Cook Out Again.
Dr. E. W. Cook, who has been confin
ed to his home and bed for so long, was
out on the street yesterday, and promis
es to get around again and at his busi
ness. Though it will be some time be
fore he is able to take up his country
prctice with that presestency which has
been his efforts. His many friends will
be pleased to know of his return to
health, and gJad to see his face on the
streets again and hope he may retain
the health that it hay been so much of
a smuggle to regain."
Ben McCulloch Died at the Home of
His Sister, Friday, No- !
vember 22, 1907.
Ben Mc ulloch, of Rock Bluffs, who
has lived in that place for a number of
years, and has been afflicted with cancer
of the stomach for a long time, passed
away Friday, November 22, 1907, at
the home of his sister, Mrs. D. Ames,
of that place. Mr. McCulloch was well
known in this city, having lived and
farmed south of this place for a num
ber of years, and having hauled wood
here for a long time. Mr. McCulloch
was unmarried, and during the last few
months had made his home with his sis
ter. Formerly he had farmed and
batched, having a tract of land near
Rock Bluffs. Some few years since he
went to southern Missouri, where he
bought some land but never went to
live on it, though he expected to make
that his home on account of it being a
milder climate. The deceased was 58
years old, and leaves one brother,
Thomas J. McCulloch, and his sister,
with whom he was living, Mrs. D. Ames,
The funeral will be held from the resi
dence of his aister in Rock Bluffs, at
one o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and
the interment made in the Young ceme
tery. It is not known who will deliver
the funeral oration.
Will Visit in Iowa.
B. D. H. Baker, of Omaha, who has
been visiting at the home of his sister,
Mrs. C. H. Parmele, for some days past,
departed this morning for Agency City,
la., where he will visit with old friends i
for some time, and also at Eldon, la.,
which is but a short distance away,
where his son, W. H. (Billy) Baker, is
now visiting, and where his father ex
pects to meet him and look after some
business matters regarding some pro
perty they both have at that place, be
fore returning home.
Withstood Other Treatment But
Quickly Cured by Chemberlain's
Cough Remedy.
"Last winter I caught a very severe
cold which lingered for weeks," says
S. Urquhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. "My
cough was very dry and harsh. The
local dealer recommended Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy and guaranteed it, so I
gave it a trial. One small bottle of it
cured me. I believe Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to be the best I have
ever used." This remedy is for sale
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
To Stop Short Weight.
In speaking of the pure food law,
Food Commissioner J. W. Johnson says:
"The pure food law is for the purpose
of stopping this short weight business
in Nebraska. -Of course it is an enemy
to the small package of goods as can
be seen. If a customer knew that he
was getting only three cents worth of
crackers for his nickel he wouldn't buy
them and if the small packages, were
branded with the quality of their con
tents they woulden't sell. The pure
food law seeks to make an honest busi
ness and a square deal for all alike but
the only way it can be enforced is by
the co-operation of the customers and
and the retailers with the state officers.
I intend that small dealers and large
manufacturers shall obey the law
A Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in our home for seven years,
i and it has always proved fo be a relia
i ble remedy. We have found that it
would do more than the manufacturers
i claim for it. It is especially good for
croup and whooping cough.
Rev. Jamks A. Lkwis,
Pastor Milaca, Minn., M. E. Church.
Chamberlain's Cough Medicine is sold
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Married in Nebraska City.
Oscar Hoback and Miss Pearl Mal
colm were the principals in a quiet little
wedding that took place Monday after
noon in Nebraska City at the office of
Judge Wilson, the matrimonial noose
being artistically adjusted by that offi
cial. After the ceremony the happy
couple returned and received the hearty
congratulations of their friends.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. anI
Mrs. Joseph Malcolm of Nehawka, and
13 one of the popular and talented young
ladies of that village. The groom is a
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Ho
back, who for many years have reside!
on the farm a few miles southwest of
here. He is an energetic young farmer
of excellent character, in every way
worthy of the good fortune he has had
in winning a valuable prize. Union
Do You Want to Buy a Farm?
Here a few bargains: 160 acres, 4 J
miles south of Glenwood; 75 acres fine
winter wheat; 35 acres blue stem hay,
balance pasture. A snap at $60 per
acre. 27 acres next to city limits of
Glenwood; the best dairy layout in wes
tern Iowa. Price $3,600; one-half down
and the balance to suit purchaser. I
have many other bargains; write me
for information.
E. E. Barnett,
Glenwood, Iowa.
Raplu clianges of temperature are hard
on the tougiioit constitution.
-r-i j r i i 'O1
ine conaucior passing irom me neaieu
inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature
of the platform the canvasser spending an
hour or so in a heated building and then
walking against a biting wind know the
difficulty of avoiding cold.
Scoff' r Emulsion strengthens the
body so that it can better withstand the
danger of cold from changes of temperature.
(t will help you to avoid taking cold.