The Plattsmouth Journal ITItl.lSII Kl WKKKLY AT HLAT1SMOUTU. NEBRASKA.. i. A. li.TI, 1'UIU.ISIIKK. il;reil tlir posLnlltce :il I'liittMinouth. Ne 'u;tsk;t. .i- . i in(rl:i.-.s iii:itur. Mi:. i:YAN.ssiys if he is elected pies- j idcnt lie will not want a second term. I I'KoiM.l who keep woi king and trust ing in their own brain and perspiration, instead of politics, can rely on Provi dence as heretofore, regardless of what the republican party omits from the face of the Almighty Dollar. "Tlirc joke is on u:" about hard times and low prices coming on only under democratic administrations anil low tarilF. You have it on us sure this time." Thus spoke a prominent repub lican farmer to the editor of the Journal yesterday. It was an honest confession from an unwilling soul. So mote it al ways be with men. Hkkk is a rule that don't work both ways. People are paying just as much for pork over the block with nogs at 4 A and " cents per pound, as when they were worth and 7 cents. Suppose hogs should go to H cents, will our pork be at the same old price? Not on your alfalfa. It seems the rule on pork won't work both ways. Tlure is too much "hog" in it. KxI'KKS.sIons from democratic nation al committeemen on V. J. Bryan's de claration that he will accept the demo cratic presidential nomination, s-vit to the St. Louis Republic upon request, in dicate beyond doubt the stronghold the great Nebraskan has upon the country ! From every state come greetings to the! peoples friend. Wiikn the late Colonel James Fisk, of New York, began making arrangements with the Grant administration for what was then unknown by its present tit'e of "constructive jurisprudence," it was with a view to "promote the western crop movement." As Colonel Fisk af terwards explained, in phrases which became classical, his original plans and his originally benevolent purposes went finally "up the spout." or "where the woodbine twineth." Lkt us suppese for ti sake of the illustration that a r.afe am! sane corner groceryman left a safe and sane busi ness u ith a cash surplus of $22g in charge of the errand toy. Let us further sup pose that after depositing the $22S wiih .a friend as a lean without interest the t-rrand boy returned hunting and pul -.v! oil a wrestling match in the back roe.n of the grocery, after which he borrow ed il-"') without interest on the stork frj.n other friends of his as a first step toward refinancing the business. Sup posing this either in single dollars or in millions, what would we suppose that a safe and sane corner grccer would be likely to do with that errand boy on his application for a thix-d term. Amonc. the many interesting things that Mr. Bryan said in his speech at Lafayette, Indiana, the other night is the following: "We are in the midst of a financial tringency tht is in some re spects more acute than that of 1873. I am not going to blame the president or a republican administration, but I know who would be blamed if I were presi dent. I f I were president, every cross roads republican would be blaming me. The panic of 1S73 came twelve years after they took power and eleven years before they surrendered power to the democrats. Fm not going to blame the president because I do not think blame should be laid at his door. I'm going to do him the justice to say I won't join the chorus of eastern finan ciers who want to make him the scape goat. Those who violate the law should be blamed, not those who have turned on the light recently." The mingling of Union and Confed erate cheers a few days since at Vlcks burg which responded to the withdrawal by General Fred Grant of an inadvert ent statement was an eloquent farewell to the last lingering remnant of civil war sectionalism. It was a spontaneous confirmation of the fact that "we are all brothers of a reunited country," which was advanced by a Confederate officer in a fraternal remonstrance against an underestimate of Confeder ate prowess in the memorable seige of Vicksburg. It is a fact that will stand conspicuously in American history that at Vicksburg, as on every other field of the civil war, both armies fought well. In no other seige or battle did they come nearer fighting and enduring to the ut most limits of manly valor and endur ance. The country is infinitely-better off for the fact that at Vicksburg, as in many another reunion of the Blue and the Gray, this heroism is made a com mon heritage of Americans, regardless of parti' orsection. It is an inheritance which future generations of Americans will cherish among their priceless pos sessions. Word comes from manv sections of the country of the laying off of laborers, and a general reduction in wages. In Pennsylvania, where but a wage ad vances were demanded, men are having to accept a reduction of from 10 to 120 per cent, and the pay rolls are being lightened by the discharge of many. This reduction will not be felt so much in the west, although there will be more idle men this winter than for a number of years. It is unfortunate that our un precedented prosperity should be inter rupted by a gang of stock gamblers, but such has been the case, md there ap pears to be no remedy. There is a pre ventative of future difficulties of this kind, however, and that is a strict reg ulation of the issuing of bonds and stocks, and a law which shall prevent gambling in them. So far, there has been no laying olF at the Burlington shops in this city, and from the amount of work coming in daily the indications are that there will be none for several months, at least. In the game of "hide-and-seek" it is part of the game for everything in it to t be found out before the game is over. Cincinnati, Chicago, Boston, Kansas City, St. Louis, Boston, Louisville and Columbus have been suggested as places to hold the democratic national conven al convention. What about Omaha? Tin-: will of Count Creighton has finally been probated, and the estate lias been divided among the heirs. The estate amounted to $:,.",f0,000, and the largest beneficiary is the Creighton uni versity, which receives $1, 256,000. Skvknty-kivk cents a dozen for New Jersey selected eggs is something over ! cents apiece. When New York is able to eat New Jersey eggs at this price without regret or shame, it is cer tainly time for it to loosen up until we can get currency at less than 4 per cent premium to move several million dozen Missouri eggs east to relieve the strin gency. Mr. James J. IIilis latest plea for opportunity for American railroads is not only eloquent butconvincng. When the sole opportunity he demands is a chance to go on improving and anoving the freight, and" the whole country ought to rejoice at the increased net earnings they report, and no patriotic person ought to interfere with them in any plan they may develop for investing the last dollar of it for the purpose of moving more freight to make more monev. Scores the Administration Congressman Prince, of Galesburg, Illinois, republican member of the house committee on banking and currency, in speaking of the issuance of Panama bonds and debt certificates, has the fol- ' lowing to say: "We owe $,9000,000, 000 ofinterest j hearing debt. We have today in the hands of national banks, and drawing no interest for the government, $240,- 0 "is ,ooo. "The present policy of the secretary of the treasury is to all intents in times of peace adding to the interest-bearing debt of the people $150,000,000. It is not justifiable under existing conditions. 1 think that the $50,000,000 needed for the construction of the Panama canal should be taken out of the $240,000,000 in the banks ar.d not be raised by bond issue. "As to the other 100, 000, 000 which is proposed to be raised by debt certifi cates, I do not approve of the plan at all. First, because the money is worth 5 or 6 per cent and no one is going to buy a government note that draws but 3 per cent interest. . Second, because the purpose of the 3. per cent note is to realize money from the sales of Ihe cer tificates, the money arising from the sale to be deposited in the national banks. "And what does it mean? "It means, if I understand it correct ly, that the people are to borrow $100, OJO.OOO and pay 3 per cent on it and hand it over to the national banks, to be by them loaned, without a dollar's cost to them, to the people at a rate of of 5 to 10 per . cent, according to the rate where the banks are located." Mr. Prince also made the statement that he disapproved asset currency un less it was propdsed to deposit in the treasury assets securing the issue. Roosevelt and State Rights. From the published forecasts of his annual big talk to congress, it is seen that President Roosevelt is still deluded with the perverse notion that the fed eral government was ordained to direct and regulate every incident in the lives of the American people. Disregarding the familiar history of the convention which framed the con stitution of the United States, and of the government under it since its adop tion by the original thirteen states, he will advise congress lawlessly to over run state lines and invade the most sa cred relations of the home and the family. Though congress pays not a dollar for the support of the public schools of the several states, he asks that congress, under the pretext of regulating child labor, shall dictate the terms of attend ance upon those schools by all children the products of whose labor may by any chance find their way into interstate commerce. Blind to the human fact that local governments protect the child as zeal- ously as the adult to the best of their ability, he would take control of the child from its parents and next friends and transfer it to a remote and step paternal government too busy with other things to giye it proper attention. Such a course would be as misc hievous as it is clearly unconstitutional and con trary to law. Kqually mischievous and equally contrary to law would it be for congress to follow the president's advice and undertake to enact, uniform mar riage and divorce laws enforceable equally under the different social and climatic conditions of Maine and Texas, of Alaska and I 'or to Rico. Clearly lacking in the powers dele- gated to the federal government are those of chartering interstate corpora tions, which the president recommends, and of assuming control over inherit ances and devises of property by impos ing inheritance taxes. The body of men composing the con gress has collectively too much common sense to give heed to these vagaries of the president. But such false and per versed notions of the powers of the fed eral government and the states, coming from such high authority, are mislead ing in their tendency and wholly mis chievous in their ultimate effects. Mayor, of Omaha, is not a man without a fault, but he is so far above many of his traducersin points of ability, honest political principles and gentlemenly qualities, that it does not seem to be worth while even to attempt a comparison. When federal officeholders are in structed not to push the third term they are also allowed to understand that when the machine to dictate the suc cession is completed, the hand that pushes the button will rely on the ma chine to do the rest. Thk federal office-holders are now en gaged in organizing Roosevelt clubs. One was organized in Lincoln the other night, and all officers elected but one were a federal officeholders. They don't want Roosevelt so much as they want to hold on to the positions they occupy. Thk Nehawka Register and Eagle Beacon are the latest to raise their sub scription prices. It is simply a question of time when every country paper will have to follow suit in order to save themselves on account of the great in crease in the price of print paper. Thk next president and present presi dent had a chat Saturday at the White House. Everybody had to give way for the next president, and the conference lasted forty-five minutes, which would indicate that President Roosevelt had something of great importance to re late to Mr. Bryan. Advertisers wiil please bear in mind that the Weekly Journal will be issued one day earlier this week on account of Thanksgiving. There will be no paper issued on Thursday, so if you have any important announcements to make be sure and bring them in Wednesday morning to insure publication. It is true that this country needs a more elastic currency than we now have, but the people will insist that this elac ticity be provided for and guaranted not to stretch to breaking point by Uncle Sam than by the private clearing house associations. The people have confi dence in the government, but have learned to look with some distrust upon the national bankers who have not the interest of the people at heart to the same extent that the govemmenthas. The very fact that all the rotten financial institutions of the east are de claring that the issue of $150,000,000 of government bonds in times of peace and the greatest prosperity this country has experienced since the war, will save the country from an impending crash, is conclusive proof that the squeeze is the result of a hoarding process by those who want bonds. They refuse to let the money loose except the people buy it with non-taxable interest-bearing bonds. This is the cause of the panicky times in a nutshell. A special from New York makes the announcement that before beginning of last week's operations of the govern ment offering of $50,000,000 of Panama bonds and $100,000,000 of onp-year 3 per cent treasury notes, aroused bright ex pectations of decisive results in break ing the currency famine by the attrac tion that would be offered to hoarders of money in an absolutely secure gov ernment obligation during a period of distrust of usual investment facilities The good influence of the measure waned during the week, principally by reason of the complexities discovered in the working out of the project. Detail ed information was not made public of the amounts being subscribed by private capital. On the part of the banks the preparations to participate in the issue were found to affect the money and currency markets to some extent and there was much confusion in estimating the working out of the effects of the transaction. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch of your clothing. Doan's Ointment cures the most obstinate cases. Why suffer. All druggists sell it. j Some people thought the Koosevelt bonds would disappear "like hot cakes. " but it seems that most of the eastern money sharks prefer the latter. WllKN history sums the record of the Ilossevelt administration it will be found making two genuine surrenders to pa triotic American public opinion, first in ceasing its assaults on dictionary spell ing and finally in restoring the mot- i to expressing faith m the gold coin as "an assurance of things hoped for, an evidence of things unseen." TliK Journal acknowledges the receipt j (Jf an invitation to attend the Dahlman j democratic banquet at the auditorium in Omaha on Saturday night, December 7. Fifteen hundred invitations have been issued and there will be room in the galleries for thousands of spectators. Mayor Dahlman has many warm friends in Plattsmouth and Cass county who no doubt would be pleased to attend, and we move that an effort be made to se cure a special train on the Burlington for that night, and take a band of music with us. Who will second the motion? Thk Nebraska City Tribune is r.o more, and Frank E. Helvey, who has been its editor for five years, bid his readers a very affectionate farewell in the last issue on Monday. The printing plant belongs to Joy Morton, which in cludes one of the best job plants in the state, who announces his intention of closing the establishment as soon as all work in the office is completed. Mr. Helvey succeeded in making a good pa per of Tribune, but no doubt wisely came to the conclusion that three daily papers was one too many for Nebraska Citv. Jum;e Travis, at the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, te'ndered his resignation as city attorney, and up on its acceptance, Mayor Gering named Will C. Ramsey as his successor. The judge's resignation takes effect Decem ber 1. Mr. Ramsey is a bright young attorney, and the Journal is pleased to note this recognition of a most worthy successor to Judge Travis on the part of Mayor Gering. Will is a model voung man, worthy of all the honors that can be bestowed upon him, and the Journal has no fears of his "making good" as city attorney. Turn the Money This Way. Last week's trade reviews plainly in dicate for the instruction of President Roosevelt and his .versatile secretary of the treasury the places on the map to which they should at this moment direct their most solicitous attention and the most liberal measure of financial relief within their power. There has been a temporary recession of business and some hesitation to place orders for the future while the tie-up of money continues. Business and indus try are in a healthy condition, but be cause of the slow movements of farm products there is lack of ready money with which to buy. These movements are slow only because there is not the money in the west to move them. Let the money move freely into this country and the accelerated movement of the crops will set the factory wheels revolving rapidly. There will be a rapid interchange of money between city banks and country banks, between coun try banks and the farmers. In the existing situation the counsel of bankers from Omaha and other west ern centers would do the president and his treasury secretary more good than that of all the financial magnates whom he is calling from Wall street to the White House. The crop movement is slow partly because farmers, now finan- ancially independent, are reluctant to accept stringency prices and partly be cause the money is lacking with which to pay cash for the produce that the farmers are ready to let go. Break this deadlock and there will be no more trouble. Disregarding party lines the west has approved the issues of bonds and certi ficates in the expectation of financial relief. But the relief must come. The pampering of Wall street must cease and money must flow again in the chan nels which it floods every year at this season. It is a financial condition and not a theory of any kind which confronts the Roosevelt administration at the pres ent crisis. They Made the Corn Fly. J. F. Clugy is putting forth an effort to get his corn husked, while the weath er is good, and today was running four teen teams, which makes the corn roll in as some of the wagons were shuck ing as much as one hundred bushels per day, while other do not make near as much, but the gathering of over a thousand bushels per day is making the corn flv some. E. E. Eaton Breaks His Arm. This afternoon while E. E. Eaton was coming out of the Hotel Riley, stepping off the walk to cross the street, he tripped on a rope which was being used to move a barn for F. H. Dunbar frotn the Koehnke place to his farm in he southwest portion of the city, falHng and breaking his arm at the elbow. Dr. J. S. Livingston reduced the fracture, and it will be a long time ere the injury mends. Mr. Eaton is resting as easily as could be expected under the circum i stances, which is farm from comfortable. THE UNION TEMP. ERANCE SERMON An Immense Audience Was Present to Listen to the Exercises The roof of the Presbyterian church trembled when the organ pealed forth and was reinforced bv the combined voices of the entire congregation which was gre;:t in numbers, at the opening song of union temperence service, yester day afternoon when all joined in singing America. After the song, the quiet was as pronounced as had been the gladsome song of the people just before, while the benediction of Almighty Cod was invoked upon the service thus began Don York, w ho was to have given asolo was prevented from being there and the next on the program was the address by Rev. A. A. Randall, who in the talk he gave, went after the liquor traffic with hammer and tongs, sparing nothing for fear of hurting any one's feelings, and was applauded many times during his address. Then came a recitation by Miss Maude Kuhney, which fairly took the audience by storm, and was received with manifest pleasure by all. Little Myra Stenner sang very sweetly a song, and the clear sweet notes of her voice seemed to penetrate the deepest re cesses of th building, and fill the entire room with melody. A class song by the Presbyterian Sun day school was well received, which was followed by Mrs. J. V. Gamble who sang "The Bird With a Broken Wing," which was the climax of the afternoon's program. Judge Bcesoti not being able to be present, the next was a class song of the .Methodist Sun day school, which caused the-rafters of the building to tremble, with the en thusiasm with which it was rendered. While the low harmonious strains of the organ, as produced by Miss Verna Cole, was being played, the offering was taken. Then came a responsive reading by the Presbyterian Sunday school, and the presentation of pledges by Rev. J. H. Salsbury, followed by the closing number, the "Battle Hymn of the Re public" sang by the entire congregation. Taken all in all, it was a very excellent entertainment. Honor Their Departing Guest. Last Saturday evening at the pleas ant home of F. E. Denson. on Winter stein Hill, was gathered together a large number of yeun.r people, where they made merry ; n 1 had a general good time, the occasion being the giv ing oi a reception in honor of Miss Buby Denson of Omaha, w ho has been visiting at the home of her uncle. Miss Denson left for her home last evening, and her many friends thought to give her a pleasant occasion to remember. Games of all kinds predominated during the evening, interspersed with musical numbers on the piano dainty refresh ments were served and all had an ex cellent time. Those who were invited to help make the fleeting hours fly were: Misses Mollie and Bessie Severs, Aileen Rennie, Agnes Ward, Esther Jones, Muriel Barthold, Minnie Ploeger, Nora and Jennie Batton, Freda Wolforth, Lettie Smith, Lucy Hesse, Vella Den son, Villie Fuller of Council Bluffs, Drusilla Thomas, Margaret Rennie, and and Mrs. H. S. Barthold; Messrs. Gene Brady, Fred Hesse, H. H. Williams, Everett Ward, Roy Denson, Jennings Severs, James Andrews, Earl Dunn, Ralph Smith, James Rebal, Sandy An drews, Chas. Osborn of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. O. Gillispie and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood. Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exer cise, keep clean and you will have long life. ALL KMT BOOTS FELT. BOOTS SOCKS Rubber Shoes to co over them, &nI RUBBER BOOTS'AND ARCTICS outlast any. other brand. Absolute protection to the feet from cold and wet; comfort and durability in every pair. NOT MADE OR CONTROLLED BY A TRUST. Be sure the trade mark, "llnll Band' is on every pair, and take no others said to be "as good as," etc KNIT SOOICS with Snag Proof Rubbers to go over them are the best blizzard protec tors. Just say "Felt Footwear" to us, and we will show you chilblain comforts for frosted feet of all kinds. Felt Boots and Overshoes $2.50 to $3.50. Hair Lined Shoes for men S3. Sherwood & Son Leggins 50c Up run S T?J ill o.rx ill 1 1 WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS I t's a sik'ii of to i I sat isf an ion. Want to hear tin- n.u-ic in tour kitchen? Easv order coil I'm. in tnis If Ice and yard. Toe out cm or the Trenton min--ih fii-l we i i ul i 1 1 : s. no su perior aiivhefe. lis equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'DLinUC I'IhmmiiihiMi I II U II L, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA' A Reliable Remedy for Croup. Mrs. S. licsinthal, of Turner, Michi gan, says: "We have u.-ed Chamber lain's Cough Medicine for ourselves and children for several years and like it very much. I think it is I he only rem edy for croup and can highly recom mend it." For saie bv F.G. Frice & Co ol Smokers Are you ready for a New Pipe? WMll lilies has the Large and Most Complete of NEW PIPES J3 ever seen in 1 'la I tsmout h, from the Low Priced to the Very Best on the Market. If You Haven't Aire any Ordered That PHONOGRAPH now is the time to come in and make the selection before the holiday rush be gins. We are showing all the popular sizes and styles of these instruments the best home entertainment that any family could possess. We have a com plete stock of the latest records. Let us play your favorite for you when you call, which we hope will be soon. Nebraska Phonograph Company JESSE PERRY, Proprietor. Opportunities That Will Not Last OR. SAL&-Th following prop erty; peiymcnts $20Jo$25; b I SIO pr month: A six-room cottage, in rioe repair uu on,.- j.ii rtri(i a oaif .. . . $8GO A n.eiooin ctrake wnn city witiei, in to'.u r- p-tir w ith brick barn a no. other improvements $875 A .'oo'i four-rooiii coiihvje Willi l WO JOt.s $700 A ti-ie tive rwo ii r,i-t.(. w it n one I. it. ci v i hi . . $725 T'iguo'J fi Ve-pvmj collat es nr- lot hi (i ha- e each near i l e sh .ps $800 One nine mom house wirji i.e acre of ground am imprinvrti-iiu $900 One six-room com at:-, one a cr of ground $60O O ie five rooTi cottage with four lof.s $650 Five, six, ten and t-aentv acre, improved tracts for sale; one fourth down, remainder Jo Minis to suit purchaser Price furn ished at office. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY