The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 21, 1907, Image 2

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    and visited with friends over Sunday,
returning to his work this morning.
Mr. Hyers says at Brady Island, the
other day, he passed a ship anchor
Ills 0
(F ."
j which had been dug from the sands
I there, having apparently been there for
a long time probably having been lost
! by some tranrporation company years
J From Wedriosilay's dally
A. B. Fornoff of Cullom was a visitor
Krorn Krlility's Ilsill v
Cha3. Ilenning.of near Cedar Creek,
was a business visitor in the city last
S. I. Heaver was a business visitor
in the county seat last evening, return
ing home on a late train.
VV. Schneider, of Cedar Creek, was a
visitor in the city this morning.
Grandpa Wynn is rejiorted as being
somewhat improved this morning, which
is good news. We are .very glad to
know of this turn for the better.
Mrs. J. A. Uaird, of Iieloit, Kansas,
a sister of J. H. Kelly, whom he had
not seen for thirty years, came in last
evening, and is visiting at the Kelly
home for a few days.
' Thomas Walling is moving his office
today to the room3 formerly occupied
by L. (). Dwyer.
Attorney W. C. IJamsey went to Lin
coln today to look after important legal
"business and incidentally to meet a
number of his former university asso
ciates. Misses Marian Maxfield, Edith Ander
son and Mary Arvidson of Louisville
were in the city this morning taking
the teachers' examination atihe county
superintendent's office, as was also
Miss Edith Wise of Weeping Water.
Rev. Schninkin, of Howells, this state,
priest of the Catholic church at that
place, was a visitor in the city, a guest
of lied Bradley of St. John's church of
this place; as were also Rev Harlolb and
Rev. Piepine, two priests of thediosese
of Omaha. All departing this morning
for their homes.
W. II. Ileil, the fine stock man, was
a visitor in the city this morning from
near Cedar Creek.
II. E. Newson and W. Tugood, form
ly of the bridge crew of the Burlington,
were thrown out of employment on ac
count of the laying off of the gang,
went to work this morning husking corn
for Phillip Hild.
James Stander of Louisville whom we
mentioned in another column as being
in the city, has recently returned from
northeastern Texas where he purchased
a 390 acre farm, which he got at a bar
gain. He expects to send a man down
to look alter the place, which is located
about 175 miles from Houston.
Robert 1 1 iil, who has been visiting
with friends in the city, departed for
his home at Cedar Creek last evening.
Mike Treitch, of near Cullom. was in
the city last evening visiting with his
uncle, Jacob Treitch, returning home
last evening.
From Saturday's Pally.
G. G. Meisinger was a visitor in the
city this morning from near Cedar
Ferdinand Hennings, from near Cedar
Creek, was a visitor in the city this
Joseph Mock and George Conrad, from
near Nehawka, were visitors in the city
this morning.
W. H. Puis and wife of Murray and
sister, Mrs. Herman Gansmer, were
visitors in the city today.
x Mrs. A. L. Baker, and Misses Etta
Nickels and Truda Long were visiting
in the city today from Murray.
Peter Perry of Eight Mile Grove was
a visitor in the city this morning.
John Meisinger and family, from near
Cullom, were visitors in the city this
F. M. Young, from near Murray, was
looking after some business matters in
the city this morning.
Master Roy and Miss Lillian Thomp
son departed last evening for the home
of Phillip Treitsch, jr., where they will
spend Sunday.
Miss Jessie Gilmour, who is teaching
at Cedar Creek, came in this morning
and is visiting with her parents, south
of the city, over Sunday.
W. H. Mock and wife, from Mon
mouth, HI., came in this morning on
the Burlington, and took the Missouri
Pacific for Nehawka, where they will
visit with relatives for some time, the
guests of Chas. Cunningham and family.
A "hel'.o' girl who could not wake
up to get the office on time, bought an
alarm clock. When it went off the first'
morning she rolled over and said in her
usual sweet voice, though asleep, "Lines
busy call again."
Wm Spangler and wife, of Weeping
Water, came in last evening and visited
with Mrs. Spanglers parents, Mrs. Eliza
beth Wiles, southwest of the city and
went to Omaha this morning, where
they will visit for the day.
From Montfay'sDatly .
J. M. Meisinger from near Cullom was
in the city tcday on busiuess.
Herman Kleitsch, the Weeping Water
miller, was a visitor in Piatt smouth this
Commissioner F. E. Marshall came in
this mornhythe board is in session
this af yjTiioon.
The merchant prince of Nehawka,
Frank Sheldon, was a business visitor
in the county seat thi3 morning.
Perry Marsh, of Rock Bluffs, was a
visitor in the city this morning, having
business at the county clerk's office.
Wyatt Hutchinson of near Rock Bluffs
was a business visitor in the c4j today
having business at the court house.
L. M. McVey and family from west
of Murray were in riattsmouth this
morning looking after business matters.
J. I). Shrader and George Berger, of
Murray, were business visitors in
Omaha and Council Bluffs this morning.
. T. J. Rhoden was a visitor in the
county seat this morning from near
Murray, looking after sonic business
J. R. C. Gregory, of Mt. Pleasant
precinct, was in the. city this morning
looking after some business at the
county attorney's office.
C. L. Alhin, of Union, was a visitor
in the city this morning, looking after
srme business matters with the board
of county commissioners.
T.vO'I)ay, of the Nehawka Register,
came in this morning and is looking
after some business matters; also visit
ing with his old friends in the city.
L. B. Brown of near Kanosha, who
was reiorted as being seriously
sick, is now somewhat im-proved,
with prospects of a rapid recovery.
John Albert was a passenger to
South Omaha this morning where he
has a car of hogs on the market which
he shipped from Cedar Creek last
Miss Blanche Sawyer, who has been
visiting in Murray with her aunt, Mrs.
E. Kennedy, for the past few days, de
parted for her home in South Bend, this
An extra east on the Burlington, be
ing drawn by engine 1918, got its tank
off the track at Cedar Creek last night,
and it required the services of the
wrecking crew all night to place it on
Mrs. D. E. Severs of Marquette came
in last evening and is visiting at the
home of her nephew, Jcseph Thompson
and wife, for a few days, after which
she will go to Louisville, where she will
visit with her father, Thomas Shryock,
for some time before returning to her
home in the west.
From Tuesday's Daily
L, D. Switzer, of Weeping Water,
was a business visitor in the city this
J. F. Hostetter of near Murray was a
business visitor in the county seat this
Carl Neuman, who came in yesterday
from Salt Lake City, went to Omaha
this morning.
C. D. Quinton, who had been looking
after some business in Omaha, returned
home yesterday.
Carl Neuman, who is making his
home at Denver, came in yesterday
morning and will visit with relatives
for a time.
Antone Libershal, who has been work
ing in Denver for some time, at the
cigar business, eame in last evening for
a few days visit.
Miss Minnie Lish, of South Bend, who
has been visiting in the city, departed
this afternoon for Omaha, looking after
some business matters before returning
to her home.
Ward Clark, who has for some years
worked for Harry Kuhney and resigned
his position there some time since, has
accepted a position as barber in A. J.
Trility's shop, beginning work this
Dr. A. W. Walker of Union', and Dr.
G. H. Gilmore, of Murray, were Platts
mouth visitors today. Dr. Walker gave
the Journal a social visit, while Dr. Gil
more failed to show his phiz in a stone's
throw of the office.
The Rakes estate was sold at the
south door of the court house this after
noon and bought by Edwin Jeary, the
consideration being $600. The property
is in Elmwood. Another piece was sold
at the same place, which is in Weeping
Water, and was bought in by CE.
Tefft for his client, Mrs. Juliette Ward.
C. E. Deitz, who has been in the city
for some time working with the der
rick at the car shops, since J. B. Hig
ley was injured some time ago, re
turned home yesterday, as the latter
has reported for work and began this
morning at the duties of his former
The funeral of little Margery Long,
grandchild of G. W. Osborn and wife,
I who died in Omaha last Friday evening,
was held yesterday evening from the
home of her parents, Robert Long and
wife. The grandfather returned home
last evening, the grandmother staying
with her daughter for the present.
DeiiUtv Game Warden R. W. Hvers.
I s - '
! came in fryrn Lincoln Saturday evening.
J in the cTty this morning.
Joseph Tubbs of near Mynard wa3 a
business visitor in the county seat this
W. II. Stokes of near Mynard was a
business visitor in the county seat this
W. A. Oliver from near Murray was
a business visitor in the county seat
this morning.
M. L. Williams, of Louisville, was a
business visitor in the city this morning,
returning home this afternoon.
Chas. Henning, of Louisville, was a
visitor in the city this morning, where
he is looking after business for the day.
Mrs. T. S. Becker and sister, Miss
Gladys Sullivan, were visitors in Omaha
and South Omaha, going this morning
I on the early train.
Herman Kleitsch, of Weeping Water,
was a visitor in the city today, looking
after business matters in connection '
with the Weeping Water mills.
Monte Streight came in this morning
on No. 19, and visited with his parents
and little son until the fast mail, when
he departed for Omaha to take out his
run in the express service on No. 2 of
the Burlington to Chicago.
W. B. Banning, of Union, was a busi
ness visitor this afternoon at the court
George Smith and wife from Rock
Bluffs, were visitors in the county seat
this afternoon.
The county commissioners began
checking up the books of the county
officers this morning.
August Gorder received a car load of
the famous Webber wagons today, a
large number of which he sells annually.
Bert Johnson of Kansas City has ac
cepted a position with J. F. Clugy, and
began husking corn for him this after
noon. W. E. Rosencrans departed today for
Elmwood and other points in tbe western
part of the county, on business for the
Mrs. J. W. Lowthers, living near
Mynard, is very sick, having affection
of the spine, which partially produced
Wm. Hutchinson and brother, Ernest,
from Rock Bluffs were visitors in the
county seat this morning, looking after
some business matters.
Mrs. W. H. Seybert, of Cullom, was
a visitor in the city this morning, look
ing after some business matters and
visiting with relatives.
Wm. Marks from near Union came
up last evening to Mynard, where he
will visit with his sister, Mrs. J. W.
Lowthers, who is seriously sick.
A. E. Todd has added to his already i
fine stock of milk cattle, which is known
for the richness of milk which they pro
duce, a fine Jersey bull, puchased from
a herd of cattle at Beatrice.
J. H. Johnson, of Weeping Water,
who has been visiting in Glenwood la.,
for the past few days, returned this
afternoon on the fast mail, and took the
Missouri Pacific train for home.
George E. Sayles is reported as being
sick, but not so that he is kept to his
bed. George has not been well for
some time, and we admire the pluck
which he is putting forth to keep going'
Mr. Hoye, of the firm of Bridges &
Hoye, Omaha contractors for the build
ing of the wing on the Masonic Home,
was a business visitor in the city this
morning, returning to Omaha on the
fast mail this afternoon.
Joe Cook from near Murray, the irrc
pressable Joe, was in the city this morn
ing, looking after business matters.
While in the city this morning j he told
us that the doctor said "he was much
better than he had been but would
never be the same (?) "
Biliousness and Constipation.
For years I was troubled with bilious
ness and constipation, which made life
miserable for me. My appetite failed
me. I lost my usual force and vitality.
Pepsin preparations and cathartics only
made matters worse. I do not know
where 1 should have been today had I
not trieu Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the
ill feelings at once, strengthen the di
gestive functions, helping the system to
do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts,
Birmingham, Ala. These tablets are
for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Postmaster of Gasconade, Mo,.
Daniel A. Bugh, says of the DeWitt's
Kidney and Bladder Pills, "I am doing
so well, and improving so fast in health,
that I cannot say too much for your
Kidnes & Bladder Pills.I feel like anew
man." DeWitt's Kidney & Bladder Pills
are sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel
Salve penetrates the pores thoroughly
cleanses and is healing and soothing.
Good for piles. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
HL.nd-Trimmed Underwear
rices Talk;
The infant oods
their respective sizes;
close together so that the little shirt will not
yap or gather at the arm pits. Forest Mills
Underwear is made under sanitary conditions
which can only exist under the most approved
modern methods.
Washing Spoils Host Underwear!
But Forest Mills stands the test. They give better satisfaction than other makes, because
each garment is cut on an exact system of measurements of perfectly formed women. The
sizes never vary. Mothers! Don't risk the health and comfort of your children! Forest
Mills Underwear is the kind that it is safe to buy. Kach garment a masterpiece. A gar
ment for young and old, short and tall, stout and thin. A size to fit every woman, a price
to fit every purse. Quality proves the price. Don't be peeny wise and pound foolish.
f Bl" 1 " """fanw'F ji
Charles McGowen Dies si Iowa City.
W. D. Jones last evening received a
message from his sister, Mrs. Mary
McGowen, of Gibbon, this state, telling
of the death of her eldest son, Chas.
McGowen, at Iowa City, la., and stating
that she would pass through Omaha this
morning at 11 o'clock on her way to
Iowa, and asking that Mr. Jones meet
her there. Chas. McGowen is the eld
est brother of A. W.
was for a number of
years located in
this city in the livery business and was
a civil engineer connected with the
Great Western Railway. Mr. Jones
rather thought that his sister would
want him to go with her to Iowa, but
owing to his poor condition of health,
he states that he would not be able to
do so. He departed on the early morn
ing train for Omaha, where he will
meet his sister and hear the cause of
his death and the circumstances con
nected with the same and when the
funeral will occur.
A. L. Anderson was a business visit
or in Red Oak this morning, where he
has matters of importance to'see to.
Be judicious as to where you spend your dollar. Your dollar
represents 100 per cent labor done for the world you are entitled
to 100 per cent the best the world can give back in exchange.
"Your money's worth for every dollar or every dollar back" in
some instances your dollar will do double duty. For example:
During the present week we are going to offer you $1.05 in all de
partments of our store for every dollar in cashier's checks, or as
many have termed it "wild cat money," that you will bring to our
store. Now, if you want a New Coat, New Suit, $10.00 in cashier's
checks are good for $10. SO at the Old Reliable Department Store.
Our late sale prices'still prevain, and many bargains will be found
here. This means
$21.00 in Merchandise for $20.00 in Cashier's Checks!
A Few Pointers on
You will never know its merits unless you are
properly posted. The buttons and button
holes are perfect. The first will not come off
nor will the latter tear. So jjreat is our variety
K of styles, weights and
fastidious can find just the rijht tiling for any
any season of the year. Ioresi Mills Under
wear insures comfort and will not irritate the
most delicate skin.
HI Tr"Tr"I-" "T I mi n ii ii
Qualify Glinches! f I
are cut wide
full in
the buttons are
wmm miMtuiu .urmiim
A H ard Debt To Pay
"I owe a dept of gratitude that can
never be paid off, " writes G. S. Clark,
of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue
from death, by Dr. King's New Dis
covery. Both lungs were so seriously
affected that death seemed imminent,
when I commenced taking New Dis
covery. The ominous dry, hacking
cough quit before the first bottle was
,, ,i used, and two more bottles made a com
AicGowen, who , . ,, XT ... , . .
plete cure." Nothing has ever equaled
! New Discovery for coughs, colds and all
j throat and lung complaints. Guaranteed
i by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggist, 50c
j ,00. Trial bottle free.
Returns to Sanitarium
This afternoon Peter Halmos went to
Lincoln with his son, George, who has
been in the Everett sanitarium for some
time and on one occasion could not
stand. Young George improved so that
he came home and wa3 able to walk very
nicely, even now he can manage to get
around without the use of crutches or
canes. He returns to the sanitarium in
order that he may become entirely cured
of his malady.
Our JJntisrWOar
sizes that even the most
in i mii i iiiiw i 1 1 ii i in in 1 1 ii ii sum
Forest iilis
Underwear is trimmed
by hand with silk cro
chet by women know
ing women's needs,
and are made from the
finest of yarns and are
absolutely free from
For e Five thoroughbred Poland
China male hogs. Extra fine stock
C. E. Cook, Plattsmouth.