The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1907, Image 6

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    Murray Department
If ami of the ionics of the Journal k,,o,r of a ial ercnt or an itan of interest in this vicinity and will mad name to this offu-t it nll appear under this htadina.
Wc a:anl all ilcnu; of interest. Editor Journal.
imolicitv of the n
Checking Account
ICasy to understand; simple to
work; safe to employ.
You deposit with the Hank what
ever money you wish; the Hank
furnishes you with a pass book and
checks. When you pay a bill,
write a check for the amount and
sign your name to the check.
When the Bank pays the check, it
is charged to your account.
We enter every check in your
pass book and return them to you
when we balance your book.
You have a complete record of
your business transactions.
We invite you to open an ac
count with us.
Murray State Bank
n Mvirray, Nebraska.., J)
J. Asch was a Plattsmouth visitor
Dr. (I. II. Gilmore was a Plattsmouth
visitor Wednesday.
II. L. Oldham and daughter, Miss
Fay, were Plattsmouth visitors Wed
nesday. Pen McCullough, of near Rock PlulFs,
is very sick this week with cancer of
the stomach.
The car load of horses that were sold
in Mur-iay last week brought good prices
-and fount! ready sale.
Sheep lined and Fur Calloway coats
at Holmes & Smith's. You will need
one soon, call and get it now.
Uncle Tommy Campbell is quite sick
again this week.
Potatoes $1. 00 per bushel as long as
they last. Best quality and variety.
Holmes & Smith.
Mrs. Lawton, of Kansas, is in Mur
ray, visiting with her brother, J. A.
Walker and family.
D, A. JYoung, who was injured by
falling from a wagon a few days ago,
is improving nicely.
Duck Coats and overshoes at Holmes
& Smith's. A great variety of styles
and prices. See them.
Our excellent friend, J. H. Cook,
Wm. Hendricks has purchased the j luite severe.y sprained his ankle Tues-
one-half block adjoining his J.Iurray i ua-v wmie P"-nr "P
property of Uncle Sam Latta. Mont Robb, of Noafolk, was in Mur-
Henry Stahl, of Nehawka, was in ray election day. It is said that he re
Murray Wednesday to see Dr. Gilmore j ceived one vote for regent of the state
"is, regard to an infected hand that has ' university.
..been troubling him for some time pa.-:t.
hand piano for sale cheap. In good con
dition. For further information call on
.or write Cha-;. S. Stonf:,
Murray, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gobbleman, of
Nebraska City, were this week visiting
it the home of their uncle, Val Gobble
m;m and family.
; The Mystery social given by the ladies
! of the Presbyterian churoh was not very
"Mrs. J. W. Jenkins hate finished the I well attended last week, owing to the
foundation for a rine new residence in j very inclement weather. The receipts
Murray on the lot.- recently purchased j w?re SS.
in fie Pitman addition to our town. Al j Gustave Buss, the popular Avoca
Kennedy is doing the work. : postmaster, passed through Murray
,. . . , .iitj : W.dnesdav enroute to Plattsmouth
Mrs. H. C. Long departed Monday , , ,. ...
,;, , , ' where he was taking the election re
morning for Hendley, Iel., where she ,. . . ,
, . A ' .,, ! turns oi his nvec net, returning home in
was called, owing to the serious nlness .
.. . , . , ,. : trie evening,
of her little granddaughter, daughter;
of Mr. and Mrs. Robex t Shrader. ! John Bauer, of Plattsmouth, is placing
: the new furnace in the recently erected
the riantation jumiee angers win ci,r,i i-lc ;n n-stnVt NT 7 hoh
be the next number on the Murray lec-, soon completed. The first coat
ture course, who will their appearance j of piastering has been placed on the
on the evening of November 14. This j wans? an(j wjn receive the second in a
is one of the best numbers of the season. slort time.
and should receive a good attendance.
Make it a point to hear them.
Tommy Nix is kept quite busy these
days breaking the team he purchased
at the horse sale last week, which is to
Jbe placed on the mail wagon. When
Teady to be placed into service we ven
ture the assertion that they will be
well broke, as Tommy understands the
trick with which it is done.
C. H. Harris was looking after some
business matters in Omaha Wednesday.
In conversation with Crede he tells us
that he was somewhat disappointed in
the recent election, but at the same
time, the republican party are always
on the lookout for Number one, they
succeeded in electing Coroner Clement
in order that they might be assured of
a respectable burial.
Now is the Time to Buy That
We have a few left, that were
purchased at the old price,
and a 10 to 20 per cent raise
will soon arrive, just as soon
as our present line is closed
out. This raise in price will
come from the - manufactur
ers, and was placed on every
vehicle made by the Auburn
people, but as long as our
present stock lasts the pre
sent price prevails.
IBuy NowS
Murray, Neb.
Silver Wedding.
Our excellent friend, W. F. Moore
and wife passed their twenty-fifth year
of happy married life last Saturday,
and In honor of the occasion a number
of friends were present to assist in mak
ing the occasion a grand success, which
it certainly was in every respect. The
day and evening was spent in numerous
lines of amusements including a number
of musical selections from Prof. Asch,
and Misses Jessie Drest, Sharpe and
Sherman, of Nebraska City. At the
usual hour an excellent din.ier was
served, being prepared by the merry
visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Moore are
among this section's most highlv re
spected people, and have a host of
friends that earnestly hope they will
enjoy many more such occasions, and
in appreciation of their friendship Mr.
and Mrs. Moore were presented with a
handsome present.
The whole affair was a complete sur
prise to Mr. and Mrs. Moore and plan
ned by friends present.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Gapen, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bren
del.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ray, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Asch, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Young, sr.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Gapen, Mr. and Mrs. Justice Lilly,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chalfant, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Young, jr., Mr. and Mrs.
J. D. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Richter, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smith, 3Ir.
and Mrs. W. E. Dull, Mr. S. Long, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Rainey, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Hanson, Mrs. Oldham, Miss Fay
Oldham, Mrs. B. Livingston, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Hanna, Mrs. Chas. Creamer,
Mrs. Nick Klaurans, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs.
Geo. Shrader, Mr. and Mrs. John Hob
scheibt,Ham Chalfant, Geo. Nickels, Ed.
Nickels, Ed and Lloyd Lewis, Frank
Lilly, Misses Jessie Drost, Mae Lewis,
Sharp, Rachel Livingston, Jennie
Livingston, Mary Hanson, Vera Yard
ley, Ede Hanson, Esther Ray, Hanna
Hanson, Etta Nickels and Mrs. Joe
F. M. Young was in Plattsmouth Mon
day. Mrs. D. L. Amickwas in Plattsmouth
Mrs. J. W. Pitman residing down near
Union, is quite sick this week.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer
Schrader is on the sick list this week.
C. S. Stone and A. L. Baker attended
the play in Plattsmonth Wednesday
evening. "
Misses Etta Nickels and Anna Belle
Moore were Plattsmouth visitors Wed
nesday. W. C. Brown returned home from Vil
lisca Sunday where he was visiting with
Mrs Brown's parents.
Nick Klaurens and wife were enjoy
ing a visit from their two nieces from
Nebraska City Sunday.
Get your supply of potatoes now,
while they can be bought for SI. 00 per
bushel at Holmes & Smith's.
Did Ycu Know II?
How many know that there are
twenty four kinds of alcohol. To the
average person alcohol is alcohol, al
though there is such a difference be
tween them as betwen food and poison.
The healthiest alcohol is that manufac
tured by nature and stored in grapes,
because it does not irritate the stom
ach, and is a valuable and lasting tonic.
For this reason pure grape wine has
been selected as the base of Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. To
this pure wine were added selected
herbs known for their benefidial action
on the digestive organs. Loss of ap
petite, nausea, heartburn, dull head
ache, offensive breath, coated tongue.
unclean complexion and all other
symptoms of poor digestion will be re
lieved by the use of this remedy, which
is indicated in all diseases of the stom
ach and intestines. An occasional dose
will do good to the healthiest stomach.
At drugstores. Jos. Triner, 799 S.
Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Threshers Finished.
On Monday of this week Wm. Kauf
mann and his sons finished up their
seasons threshing, and the machiene
was taken home for the winter. The
Kaufmann's have threshed more grain
this season than any other machine in
this section. They reside seven and
one half miles southwest of Plattsmouth
and have one of the best outfits to be
found in Cass county, one of the new im
proved J. I. Cass engines and separtors
and have been kept busy the entire
Kearney Is to Have an $75,C00 Federal
Kearney A Washington dispatch
states that a treasury warrant was
mailed Saturday to J. G. J.owe of Kear
ney, Neb., in payment fcr the site
for the new postoffice building in this
city. The site which Mr. Lowe has
sold to the government is locaU-d at
the northeast corner of Central
avenue and Twenty-fourth street. The
historv of the appropriation in brief
is: Congressman Kinkaid secured an
item of $60,000 in the house omnibus
bill: later Senator Millard introduced
a bill in the senate appropriating $100,
000 which was reduced to $90,000 by
that body, and the bill went to con
ference and a compromise was accept
ed at $85,000. for a building and site
at which figure the bill was passed
Deducting the $5,000 paid for the site
there is to the credit of the Kearney
public building $48,000 to commence
construction with $27,000 yet to be
aDDroDriated so that Kearney will
eventually have $75,000 for the erec
tion of its postoffice.
Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical
The Great Restorative
Nonalcoholic Tonic
of the day, made entirely of native
medicinal roots , and without a drop
of alcohol in its composition.
There are no secrets all its ingre
dients being printed on the bottle-wrappers.
For Sale
Fos Sale A few thoroughbred Poland
China hogs, weighing about 156 to 180
pounds. Pedigrees can be furdished if
desired. Call at my farm east of Murray
or address D. A. Young, Plattsmouth,
R. F. D. No. 1.
Ulotar? public
Physician and
Prompt Attention to All Calls
John Cook
All Calls Promptly Attended to
( Tbm Big Corner Slor)
Always carry an
Up-to-date line of
General Merchandise
Get their prices on all
goods before buying
Better Train Service Promised.
Strom sburg The towns on the
Stromsburg branch of the Union Pa
cific seemed to move in unison with
regard to the train service on the line
and one. of the most influential men
from each town was selected to go
to Omaha and interview General Man
ager Mohler. Dr. A. W. Post was se
lected from here, and the results are
that the general manager assured this
committee that a change would oc
cur about November 15, giving this
line a morning train fcr Omaha and
Lincoln and returning in the evening.
Fellow Had Big Tooth.
Beatrice While digging in the In-
derlied sand pit near DeWitt. F. P.
Baker unearthed a mastodon tooth in
an excellent state of preservation. It
,'s a grinder and measures 9x3 inches
at the base and weighs seven pounds.
Several years ago a kaee bone was
found and at different times since io
malns of these animals have been
found in that locality. An extensive
search will be made for fossils near
where the tooth was found.
After Lower Cor I Tariff.
North Platte Senator Sibley of this
county has asked that rates on Wyom
ing coa to pomts in Nebaska be low
ered, or at least, equalized, and the
state railway commission has filed a
complaint with the interstate com
merce commission alleging that the
rates charged Nebraskans are higher
than rates charged Kansas people.
Bloodhounds Track Thief.
Killed in a Runaway.
J. C. Bartlett, a prominent citizen
of Osage, was thrown out of a buggy
in a runaway and instantly killed.
Many Exhibits of Fine Animal. Ex
pected at Chicago Exposition.
The Chicago Evening Post says:
Iowa is preparing to send the best
::f its flLe cattle, sheep and hogs to
the eiglt:i annual International live
stock show, which will be held at the
Lnion Stock Yards amphitheater Nov.
30 to -jiec. 7, and the farmers will
swell the attendance with the greatest
throng that state ever sent to Chi-casn.
The " Golden Medical Discovery"
not only builds up the strength of
the feeble, debilitated, languid,
nervous and easily fatigued, wheth
er young or aged, but it enriches
and purines the blood, thus making
the improvement lasting.
It corrects and overcomes indi
gestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, tor
pid liver, chronic diarrhea and
kindred derangements of the stom
ach, liver and bowels.
Bronchial, throat and laryngeal
affections, attended with hoarseness,
persistent cough, and all manner of
catarrhal affections are cured by the
"Golden Medical Discovery."
In Chronic Nasal Catarrh, it is
well to cleanse the nasal passages
out freely with Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy fluid while taking the
"Golden Medical Discovery" as a
constitutional treatment. Old ob
stinate cases of catarrh yield to this
thorough course of treatment.
Through enriching and purifying
the blood, the "Discovery" cures
scrofulous affections, also blotches,
pimples, eruptions, and other ugly
affections of the skin. Old, open,
running sores, or ulcers, are healed
by taking the "Golden Medical Dis
covery " internally and applying
Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve as
a local dressing. The Salve can
be Lad of druggists, or will be sent
by return mail on receipt of 50
cents in stamps. Address Doctor
Pierce as below for it.
In short "Golden Medical Dis
covery " regulates, purifies and in
vigorates the whole system and thus
cures a very large range of diseases.
The reason Why it cures such a
varied list of diseases is made clear
in a little booklet of extracts from
the leading medical authorities,
compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y., and which he will
be pleased to send post-paid and
entirely free to any who send him
their names and addresses.
You can't afford to accept a sub
stitute of unknown composition
for this non-secret medicine op
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
stipation. Constipation is the cause of
many diseases. Cure the cause and you
cure the disease. One "Pellet" is a
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar
tic. Druggists sell them, and nothing
is "just as pood." They are the original
Little Liver Pills first put up bv old
Dr. Pierce over 40 years nso. Much
imitated, but never equaled. They are
tiny, sugar-coated granules easy to
take as candy.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (NXX)
pages) is sent free on receipt of 'Jl one
cent stamps (to cover cost of mailing)
for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for
cloth-bound copy. Address Dr. Pierce
as above.
official market reports
Prepared Especially for ihe
Readers off he Journal.
The following is today's markets furn
ished by the Cass County Commission
company, A. II. Smith, Coates block:
OjH-n. llitrli. Low. j Close
Iter K'i i:t:U '",:' '.'"'t
May Umi'j ".".t't ;iki'
.July .HJ iC'ii 'M'- !.V,i
!'. ... .'.7'
May ':si .' : '
July !. .vr:,i'
( hits
Dec U-v ;. 47'4 47'5
May ..I7 "o'i .Sii'i
Inly 17'-: Ci Ai-'s 4ti:'y
i tx rorNTv ( 01 i:t or twss rwr.vrv.
j --NelirasUa.
j 1 11 t lie matter of I lie ! :i1e of Hoy '. Younjf.
All iiei'sons interesieil In ;iM oi ate are lieie
b.v notified that a I m t it ion li;i heen tiled in said
eourt alleirlni; I hat said defeased di.-d leavintr
no last wilt ami ira. iiiir for administ rat ion up
on his estate, and I hat a hearing will he had
on said tetil ion liefore said eourt on the 1 1 it It
day of November. A . I . ;i:7. and that if ther
fail to apiiea r at said eourt on t he liith day of
November, l'.KC. at l(i o'clock. A. M. to contest
said ii't it ion. t he court may irrant the same
and urant lett ers of administ rat ion to I 'rank
M. Yoiinir or some oilier suitable person and
proceed to u set t lenient of said estate.
Mahvkv It. Thavis.
I sk. l. Count v .ludtre.
C. A. Kawlr,. Attorney. 4tw:tt
Got Very Boisterous.
Chas. Burton of Nehawka, got too
much corn juice election night, and had
to be correlled, and was asked to appear
before the court of his honor, Justice
O'Day, who assessed him a fine and
trimmings for his obstreperousness.
This the festive Charles refusing to pay,
it became the duty of Justice O'Day to
ask him to take a ride with Constable
F. R. Cunningham to the county seat.
So the two, in company with M. A.
Melrose, as driver, came to the county
seat last evening, where the man who
imbibed too freely, wiU visit for a few
weeks, a guest at that popular resort,
the Hotel de Manspeaker.
No home is so pleasant, regardless of
he comforts that money will buy, as
when the entire family is in perfect
health. A bottle of Orino Laxative
Fruit Syrup costs 50 cents. It will
cure ever member of the family of con
stipation, sick headache or stomach
rouble. F. G. Fricke & Co.
is due in a large measure to abuse of
the bowels, by employing drastic pur
gatives. To avoid all danger use only
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe
gentle cleansers and in vigor ators.
Guaranteed to cure headache, bilious
ness, malaria and jaundice, at F. C.
Fricke & Co. drugstore 25c.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you make Buck-
lin's Arnica Salve known to all."
writes J. G. Jenkins of Chapel Hill, N.
C. It quickly took the pain out of a
felon for me and cured it in a wonder
fully short time. " Best on earth for
sores burns and wounds. 25c at F. C.
Fricke & Co. drugstore.
Farm for SaleS
One of the best 160 acre farms in Cass
county for sale. Improvements are ex
tra good. Six room house and good
barn to hold 50 tons of hay and 18 head
of horses. One and one-half miles east
of the Wills place.
John Urish, Owner.
I ain't feeling right to day,
Something wrong I must say;
Come to think of it, that's right.
I forgot my Rocky Mountain Tea la3t
night. Gerirg & Co.
Work Progressing cn Masonic Home.
F. H. Hoye, of the firm of Bridges &
Hoye, of Omaha, the firm having the
contract for the building of the wing to
the Masonic Home, was in the city this
morning and on his departure for home
this afternoon, said that the work at
Home was progressing nicely, that the
excavating would soon be completed,
and the laying of brick would begin on
next Monday. The matter of getting
material ready has been pushed, while
the work of excavating was in hand, and
the present finds the contractors in
fairly good shape to push the work from
now on. The ones having the actual
building in hand are very anxious to
have the work rushed during all of the
nice weather we are having.
No appetite, loss ot strength, nervou
r.sss, headache, constipation, bad breath,
general debility, sour rising3. and catarrh
of the stomach are all due to indigestion.
Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov
ery represents the natural juices of diges
tion as they exist In a healthy stomach,
combined with the greatest known tonio
and reconstructive properties. Kodol for
dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion
and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy
helps all stomach troubles by cleansing,
purifying, sweetening and strengthening
the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswood. W. Va.. says
I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years.
Kodol cured me and we are how using it In mlik
lor baby."
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO.
v ,z