The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1907, Image 5

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    Kidney Disease, First Stage
Promptly Relieved By Peruna.
W$$k,,-. iltiilLl
mam -V. ml lm
Catarrh of the Bladder.
Mr. Jiiiii' H M. Powell, 4 M Ki-nsintrton
stree t, Kan:i.s Oily, Mo., writes:
'Alout four years ago I suffered with
a sevre catarrh of the bladder which
-au-'l -on tinned irritation and pain.
I was ini.-eralile, and could not Maud
up or walk for any length of time with
out extreme weariness and pain.
"1 Jwjran taking Peruna and it greatly
relieved m', and in eleven weeks Iwa
completely cured, and felt like anew
Kidneys and Liver Affected.
Mrs. arrie Kinir, North Cascade,
Colorado Springs, Col., writes:
I'eruna lias been my favorite and
only household remedy for nearly five
years. 1 have suffered for years with
biliousness, and kidney and liver
trouble. If I caught a little cold, the
pains were increased, and backache and
headache were of frequent occurrence.
"However, Peruna cured me twelve
bottles made ii'e a new and healthy
Woman. For thiee years I have enjoyed
the best of health
Till: first Kta:?o of liriht's 1U-
ease of the kidneys is known i
as the catarrhal 6tae.
Catarrh of the min-ons membrane ;
lining the kidneys Is the lirt a-t of !
a drama that often ends as a j
To stop the catarrh Is to head off
the disoase.
If ISriht's Diseasecan be relieved
during the catarrhal stau all will
be well.
I'eruna has achieved a reputntion
for mitigating catarrh of the in
ternal organs.
Tliis explains why I'eruna ha
lieenused with bo much tiuccesd
In k Id ney d iseases.
S3 '.3 ' nJ
Successful Meeting ol
Last tveninj at the very pleasant
home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. i'armele
there were gathered the I. K. 0. j
society ard by invitation, the teachers
of the public schools and th'i school
board with their wives. In all there
were some seventy-five present, and the
evening's program was not one pre
pared, but. was very informal and one
where sociability and good cheer reigned
supreme. Social conversation was in
dulged in, interspersed with music, both
vocal and instrumental, of which those
present took part. Refreshments were
served, and the dining room was beauti
fully and artistically decorated with
chyrsanthemums, the large dining table
and smaller ones providing for the seat
ing of about twenty atone time. In all,
the evening was spent in a most delight
ful manner and was enjoyed by all
Mr. William V. hothamer,
president of the liosa Jlarbera' Union, a
noted ixjlilician and at one time chair
man of the democratic State Central
Committee, writes from 1906 South 4th
Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.:
"For years I Buffered with severe
disease of the kidneys. I would have
pains all over my body, and at times
have such dizziness in my head that I
could not see nor work.
"Nights I would often be awake with
. . . . T t
I keen I'eruna con-I Pam so 1 couia gei no rest, x -e.i
stantly in my home, if my husband or I
catch cold or feel indisposed, a few doses
of Peruna never fail to restore us. "
Mr. M. T. (iaffney, Corpus Christ!,
Texas, writes:
"I can certify to the truthfulness of
Peruna as a catarrh cure, and am rec
ommending it to every one. 1 am prac
tically well of the eatarih iu my nose,
throat and head." ,
hundreds of dollars on doctors and
drugs, and had ceased to have faith in
"My druggist told me one day of the
praise his customers gave to Peruna,
and advised nie to try it, offering to re
turn .my money if it did not help mc.
I purchased a few bottles. I kept trotting
i better. The medicine did its wor,;,
i and ill four i::ouths 1 wa a well mxn."
Accidenally Shoots Friend.
The careless handling of a revolver
in the boarding house of the National
Stone quarries east of town last Satur
day resulted in the death of Solomon
Kannia, a Polander. Another Polander
was examining a 32-caliber revolver and
Kannia was sitting across the room
with elbows on his knees reading a
newspaper when the gun was accident
ally discharged, the ball striking the
unfortunate man fairly on the top of
the head. Local physicians probed for
the ball, but could not locate it and
Kannia was taken to an Omaha hospital,
where he died. The young man who
did the shooting was almost crazed with
grief, close watch was required to pre
vent him from ending his life by jump
ing into the river. Louisville Courier.
New Car Tracer.
The Lincoln Journal says that the
Burlington has named a new car ac
counting official. H. B. Ware has been
given a desk in the chief dispatcher's
office, and it is said his dnties will be to
increase the amount of service that is
secured from each car that reaches the
Lincoln division. Mr. Ware has had
long experience in car service, having
spent more than twenty years in the
service of the company in this staie.
New Pure Food and Drug Law.
We are pleased to announce that
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs,
colds and lung troubles is not affected
by the national pure food and drug
law as it contains no opiates or other
harmful drugs, and we recommend it as
a safe remedy for children and adults.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
That Night School.
We have touched upon the question
of night schools a few times through
these columns. The necessity of an
institution of this kind is evident, many
other places have established night
schools, Beatrice, Fremont, Omaha and
other places having opened schools re
cently. A meeting will be called in a
short time, at which it will be expected
that all who are interested, from what
ever cause will be present, whether
the standpoint of a teacher, a student
or interested in some other way. It is
desired that an expression be made of
the wishes of all who expect to attend,
as to what they shall expect to study,
that arrangements may be made accor
dingly. It is not expected that the
school will more than pay its way. But
if it can be made to do that much, good
will be done. A meeting will be ar
ranged for some day next week and
notice will be given through these
columns as to "when and where same
will be held. Those who wish to be
come students are desired to be present.
It depends much on what is desired as
to what will be done.
Grandma McKinney Very Sick.
Mrs. Andrew McKinney is very sick
and with but little hopes of her recovery
on account of her advanced age, she be
ing 76 years of age. Her husband, An
drew McKinney and children are giv
ing every attention that is possible to
extend. Mrs. Thomas McKinney is al
so sick at the same place, which adds
to the care; while James McKinney is
suffering from a hurt he received on one
of his ankles, which almost makes him
a cripple. Taking it all in all, they are
having,- it seems, a little more than
their share of trouble at the present
' time.
Superintendent McBnen In
structs County Clerks.
Steps have been taken by State Su
perintendent McBrien, throngh a cir
cular letter to all county clerks in the
state, to guard against the possibility
of anyone being installed as superin
tendent of schools in any county with
out having the qualifications for that
office prescribed by Nebraska statute.
Under the law no one can hold the office
without being in possession of a first
grade teachers' certificate, except in
half a dozen of the smallest counties,
where a second grade certificate -passes
Following is the letter addressed to
county clerks from the state superin
tendent's department:
"On the enclosed postal card please
give me the information asked for in
accordance with section 1, subdivision 7,
school laws of Nebraska for 1897, which
reads as follows:
"No person shall be eligible to the
office of county superintendent who
does not hold at least a first grade
county certificate issued in this state
and in force at time of his election. It
shall be the duty of the county clerk to
notify the state superintendent of the
election of the county suderintendent at
the time said election is ascertained.
The provisions of this act, so far as the
same relate to the certificates of county
superintendents', shall not apply to
counties having less than 1,000 inhabi
tants. "It will be your duty, therefore, as
an officer whose sworn duty it is to en
force the law without fear or favor, to
require the successful candidate for the
office of county superintendent in your
respective counties to produce evidence
of his or her legal right to said office,
before granting to suchperson a certifi
cate of election."
the p. e. o. iic ucRv nnni v
i Dr. T. P. Livingston's New Residence
Almost Entirely Ruined.
! The fire alarm Friday called the
fire department and about one thousand
I ;t;-orLi i;m.. ,.r ..u ..i
v iLit iiiLic, ml tin aim
conditions of servitude, each eager to
see the fire, which was located in the
cellar of Dr. T. I. Livingston's new
home, which has just been finished and
but shortly occupied by them as a resi
dence. The origin of the fire is supposed to
have been in the room occupied by the
furnace in the basement. When the
department arrived on the scene dense
volumes of smoke was rolling up out of
the cellar, which was filled, and in an
incredable short space of time the en
tire house was filled, and the smoke es
caping from the upper windows which
were open.
In a very short time the fire boys had
a stream playing through the cellar win
dow, but owing to the dense smoke and
! heat and cross walls in the cellar, the
fire could not be reached, though for
nearly an hour with the hose playing
on the burning building and most of the
time two streams, no headway was
made until a hole was chopped in the
floor, allowing the hose to play upon
the fire direct, was any good ac
complished. Then the fire succumed to
the efforts of the firemen in a very few
Some of the goods were removed from
the room directly above the fire, and
the room was cleared before the hose
was used in it. It is hard to estimate
the amount of loss. We have heard it
placed all the way from $1,000 to $4,500,
the full amount of the insurance car
ried. At the time of the fire Dr. Liv
ingston was out making a call, while
Mrs. Livingston was in Omaha. The
girl, who had been left in charge of
the house, had just gone to town for a
few moments.
While the real repairs which will re
place the house in condition as good as
before will not cost as much as what in
surance is carried. The members of
department present and many citizens
worked like Trojans in their endeavors
to quench the fire. It is evident that
the irrepressive small boy should be
kept out of the way in a case like the
one in question.
Another Case of Smallpox
James Gruber has been having his
smallpox trouble since our report
of his wife's case last week
and although it was hoped that he would
escape it, it was no surprise that he has
it, considering the fact that he was so
directly exposed. He was quite sick
for two days but has since been getting
along very well. The report that others
have the disease at present is correct,
and from the best imformation we can
obtain it seems probable that the dis
ease will be confined to those two cases
yet we suggest that no negligence is
justifiable at this time. The school and
meetings have been going on as usual
since last week, yet we doubt the wis
dom of taking such chances until it is
absolutely certain that there is no
further danger. Union Ledger.
Cheapest accident insurance Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Stops the pain
and heals the wound. All druggists
sell it.
A Boston schoolboy was tall,
weak and sickly.
His arras were soft and flabby.
He didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty years prescribed
Scott's" Emxitston.
To feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
Very Irregular.
The Missouri Pacific run their passen
ger trains so irregular that many peo
ple who want to go some place on that
line and want to be sure of getting
there on time, prefer to walk. After
several years this road will be fixed up
and trains once more run on time, and
people will then travel over it. Nebras
braska City News.
Had a Hard Trip.
The local gas plant here of the Ne
braska Lighting company were out of
material to make gas with, and it being
Sunday they could not get any shipped,
so the people at Omaha had to send
some down with teams, and to do so
they had to go to Council Bluffs and
come by the way of Pacific Junction.
Though having started early yesterday
morning they did not get to this place
until about nine o'clock last evening.
Biliousness and Constipation.
For years I was troubled with bilious
ness and constipation, which made life
miserable for me. My appetite failed
me. I lost my usual force and vitality.
Pepsin preparations and cathartics only
made matters worse. I do not know
where I should have been today had I
not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. The tablets relieve the
ill feelings at once, strengthen the di
gestive functions, helping the system to
do its work naturally. Mrs. Rosa Potts,
Birmingham, Ala. ' These tablets are
for sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
At the Home of A. A. Randall, the
New Methodist Minister.
Friday evening the postponed meeting
of the Epworth League was held at the
i narsonacre of the new minister to cele
brate the Hallowe'en festivities, which
has become an annual feature of the
society. There were in attendance at
the meeting something over one hun
dred members of the league and friends
thereof. The decorations were of the
Hallowe'en order; the lights prepared
were made of boxes, trimmed in yellow
and containing a candle each, and with
the yellow cloth over the openings,
gave a weird yellow light that was sug
gestive of something supernatural.
While the decorations were of a nature
to suggest something uncanny and
sepulchral, the spirits of the young
people who attended were exactly the
opposite, for a much merrier crowd of
people have failed to gather in these
parts for some time. The program of
the evening consisted of the many
mirthful and enlivening games played
at this date.
One special teature which the inge
nuity of the pastor furnished for the
amusement and delectation of the as
sembled guests, was what some were
pleased to call the " Katzen jammer
Palace," but what the pastor called the
"Initiation into the Royal Order of
Hallowe'eners," and was situated in
the basement, where the exercises were
conducted by a dim, flickering ghostly
light. Having constructed the passage
way so only one couple pass at a time,
he had provised a stumbling arrange
ment, and in falling one thought he
was going to the depth of some un
known place, when he was caught on a
friendly pile of straw, which prevented
any harm. After getting up and right
ing oneself, he began the ascent to the
upper portion of the building, only to
encounter a slippery plank that they
could not walk, except they caught on
the sides of the passage-way. This
required a good deal of skill to climb,
but when once through they were full
members of the order. All enjoyed the
occasion to the limit and departing pro
nounced the pastor a good entertainer,
as well as an excellent preacher.
Removes to Elmwood.
Ed Betts, who purchased D. Smith's
elevator and coal business, was down
from Eagle, Monday, getting acquaint
ed with Elmwood people. Mr. Betts is
a very pleasant gentleman to meet, and
we trust he may be very successful
in his new business venture. He in
formed the Leader-Echo he would move
his family to Elmwood as soon as he
disposed of his home at Eagle. Elm
wood Leader-Echo. '
fl If
AVcCe tabic Preparation Tor As -siinilating
Ung the Stomachs and Dowels of
ncss an TVt.Contains neither
OpiunuM';;-, :fme nor Mineral.
Hot akcotic.
Mx.Jtnnm -IttAtllt
SJtr -Amn
lfftrmnt -Jfl
Carton Smi
ADcrfect Remedy forConslipa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Cimilo Signature of
exact copror wrapfeb.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Find More Stolen Goods.
The Lincoln Sunday Journal says:
"Detective Malone of the Burlington's
special service has been having trouble
with the Italians employed in construc
tion work again. He has been investi
gating their possessions and has found
napkins from Burlington dining cars,
property from sleeping cars and other
Burlington belongings in their posses
sion. At Ashland a few days ago he
found in the possession of some Italians
some silverware, including a big silver
soup ladle, branded with the mark of
the Palmer house, Chicago. Mr. Ma
lone has had a great many reports of
thieving to run down of late, and the
greater part of this trouble to his de
partment he lays to the laborers brought
here for railroad work. Most of these
laborers are foreigners unable to speak
the Fnglish language."
Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any
case of kidney trouble that is not be
yond medical aid. F. G. Fricke & Co.
First Chester White Hog Sale.
Dan Phillips returned Wednesday
from Hastings where he attended the
first Chester White hog sale ever held
in the state. There were fifty-four
head sold, the average being close to
$40. Mr. Phelps purchased a grandson
of Jackson Chief, the greatest white
hog ever raised. He did not state the
price paid, but it is safe to say that the
price was a long one, as Dan never
allows a few dollars to stand in his way
when it comes to improving his herd.
Mr. Phelps has been improving white
hogs for several years, but has disiosed
of his surplus at private sale, and now
has about arrived at the conclusion to
hold a public sale next season. Ixuis
ville Courier.
A Reliable Remedy for Croup.
Mrs. S. Rosinthal, of Turner, Michi
gan, says: "We have used Chamber
lain's Cough Medicine for ourselves and
children for several years and like it
very much. I think it is the only rem
edy for croup and can highly recom
mend it." For saie by F.G. Frice&Co.
Edison Gem $12 f
Edison Standard . 25 00
Edison Home 35 00
Edison Triumph 55 00
Victor 3rd 40 00
Victor 2nd 30 00
xr:i4. no rw
V K lui iL 11 h
fofthe White Sewing Machine
4?fc (Successors to Phil. Sauter.) Zi
Removed to North 6th Street
'Him MASTER'S voice
Sold on EkSy Pbymtnu.
Hirst House West B. & M. Depot
We Solicit the Fa rmers Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction.
When in the City Give Us a Call
H6? Perkins Hotel