The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1907, Image 4

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    The Plattsuiuuiti Journal
ri'lil.lll l WKKKl.Y AT
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K JtTMl Hi lllf inrlill--f ii 'i.lttillli'Uth. N-
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Newly Elected .ri."'ge of the Second
Judici:1.! I'i:trict.
It seems that J;;dge Reese has car
ried the st;;te by s-out 20.W;0.
I)oi;c;i...; i'ol'NTY, in which Omaha is
situated, elects the entire republican
Al.THoicil we have not yet received
a turkey, we have v-ny things to be
thankful for.
Tom Joh's ' has for the fourth time
been elected Mayor of Cleveland, Ohio,
Respite the opposition of the entire Roos
evelt administration.
Hknky 11. Ger.'.nc; and Will C. Ram
sey, both bachelors, in the great race
Tuesday, captured a most popular Cass
county lady Miss Mary E. Foster.
The democrats, through the Journal,
extend many thanks to those liberal
minded republicans who joined them at
the polls in the election of efficient can
didates to office.
The Journal extanis congratulations
to Frank E. Schlater. the newely elect
ed county treasurer. He deserves his
election, because he ;s op.e who is en
imentlv well fitted for the office.
When Nebraska was first organized
as a territory we had what was called
"wild cat" money, and after we have
been a state for forty years we have
almost the same kind of money.
When" Speaker Cannon finds that the
"boys" have conferred and decided t
ytui him for President "whether he con
fer, ts or not, "he wasts no time in
simpering and blut hing. Being no spring
-chicken, he tells thsrn to "go ahead."
by which he mean ; that they may have
to draw on their reserve of second wind
to keep up with him.
The flurry is over, and it is said that
the cash in the tanks is growing all the
.rune, antl that there is more money in
the bank vaults than any time in the
year. This shows that the people are
willing to do their business more gener
ally with checks, and that they do not
care to have the custody of their cur
rency, so long as they are satisfied that
they will not lose it.
Without regard to the selection of
a new presidential candidate from the
cabinet, announced by Senator Scott,
of West Virginia, there is still a press
ing Cabinet question of whether the
acception of $20, COO in fees from a
"Yellow Dog fund" by a lawyer of
Cabinet rank would leave the Cabinet
that contained him "as clean as a hound's
Chicago is a republican city, has a
republican mayor and the "God and
Morality party" is in the saddle through
out the entire municipality. The mayor
has just complained to the chief of
police that he did not arrest the big
thieves which he knew infested the
city. The chief replied that he did not
dare molest them as they were stronger
in the police department than he was
himself. This staggered the mayor,
who,- by the way, is an honest man but
of small mental caliber and little educat
ion, and he now threatens to overturn
.the whole police department, provided
he himself is strong enough to cope
with entrenched graft.
While the democrats and many re
publicans deeply regret the defeat of
our young friend, Chris. Metzger, yet
when we consider the character and ver
satility of his opponent, he is to be con
gratulated on the race he made. Inex
perienced in the manipulation of polit
ical wires, and pitted against the strong
est candidate on the republican ticket,
Chris made a race most creditable to
himself personally. Eight Mile Grove,
his home precint, showed just recogni
tion by giving him 156 votes out of a
total vote of 187 a majority of 125.
And even in Louisville, his opponent's
old home, out of a total of 225, Robert
son received a bare majority of only
one vote. Such facts are very signifi
cant of our young friend's popularity,
and must be a source of much satisfac
tion to himself and hi3 many friends.
Business Continues Good.
That the business of the country is
but slightly affected by the passing
money stringency is attested by the ac
tivity of trade, the steadiness of prices
and by the reviews of trade issued by
the mercantile aireneies for the last
! week.
The temporary difficulty in getting
the usual medium of exchange has only
to a small extent retarded collections
Manufac turers are as busy as they us
ually are at this season. Wheat has
kept its place near the dollar mark, and
i at the end of the week cotton turned
So confident of the future are the
! farmers of the northwest that they are
not satisfied with the present fair prices
and some places are organizing to hold
their products for prices dictated by
themselves. They are enabled to take
this stand by the fact that, as a class,
they are all well provided with money
from previous crops.
Every important railroad has more
freight than it can haul. In spite of
great additions to rolling stock during
the year, the car shortage is nearly as
pronounced as it was when the great
crops of last year were moving, which
means that interchange of commodities
is even more active than it was in the
phenominally prosperous fiscal year
which ended with June 30, 1907.
Europe must take unusually large
quantities of our farm products during
the next nine or ten months and will
pay good prices for them.
If there is any interest which hopes
to profit by hard times it is playing on
the wrong side of the game and will
come out a heavy loser.' Every condi
tion, in this country and abroad, favors
a long continuace of abundant prosperi
ty. The irrepressible productive activ
ites of the American people would cre
ate wealth and prosperity even if the
situation were one of famine instead of
It is time for courage and confidence.
limidity and distrust have no proper
place in it. The money embargo can
not last. In a little while the stress of
crop moving will have passed and the
movements of money will be back in
their usual channels. Under present
conditions nothing can impair prosperi
ty in the United States, least of all in
this part of them.
Miss Mary E. Foster is the first
lady ever elected to an office in Cass
county, and those who voted for her
willhave cause to feel proud of her in
the office of county superintendent of
When republican "boot strap" logic
improves burdens on the business to
increase business, the same logic appears
when a strap yields to strain. The Re
publican remedy is to replace the broken
strap with a stronger one and then to
i increase the strain. .
Voters of foreign nationality gave
t '; e lie to the charge that they were op
p"sed to a woman holding office. In
the election yesterday, Plattsmouth city
gave Miss Foster 249 majority; Platts
mouth procinct 84 majority; Eight Mile
Grove 78 Tiajority, and Cass county 615
The Taft boom is now sailing low over
Ohio, with the third-term aeronaut in
charge throwing out ballast. With the
wind setting toward Cleveland, its re
mains may be reshipped from that
point to Washington, where it will be
decided after ye3t erday's events whether
it is worth the attempt at repairs and
News comes straight from Washing
ton that tariff reform will not be con
sidered by congress this winter. There
is but one way to bring about tax re
form, and that is by an expression of
the people at the polls next year. If
the present plan is agreeable to the
majority, let the majority prevail.
The Journal feels rejoiced in the
election of Judge Travis to the position
of judge of the district court. The
fight against him in Otoe county was a
very bitter one, and the returns from
that county show that the lies circulat
ed against him, worked the wrong way.
The little ring of lawyers dowu at Neb
raska City don't own Otoe county yet.
The final certainty about "moving"
Western crops is that what moves
them in the continuous need for appetite
for food and the continuous need for
clothing. They will have their move
ment promoted from behind ' with all
intelligence and energy can do to relieve
need for food and clothing, but as a
crop-moving force this need in itself is
so strong that no other power can keep
it long in suspense.
The democrats of Cass county owe a
great deal to Mayor Henry R. Gering,
chairman, and Will C. Ramsey, secre
tary, for their very clever management
of the campaign in this county. The
success achieved by the democratic
ticket, is due to a great extent to the
excellent management of these two
gentlemen, who have put in every
available hour since their election to
their iespective position, to the success
of the entire ticket. The Journal, for
the democratic masses in general, and
the candidates is particular, desire to
return to them their most sincere and
heart felt thanks, and in one voice de
clare, "Well done, thou good and faith
ful servants."
Wi!! Live in Geneva.
C. C. Miles, who has made his home
in this city for a number of years, has
decided to make his stopping place at
Geneva for the future. He shipped his
goods, and today departed for his new
home this afternoon on the fast mail.
Mr. Miles and his family, who have
lived in this community for a number of
years, were a family who everybody
respected, and whom it was a pleasure
to know. In their new home we be
speak for them a friendly reception,
and feel that they will be numbered
among the best citizens of the place
which they have chosen to make their
State Auditor Searle Refuses
to Issue State Warrants
at All Now
A special from Lincoln, under date of
November 5, says: "State Auditor
Searle has decided to keep the balances
in the state banks by the simple pro
cess of refusing to issue any warrants
on the treasurer. Mr. Searle is in
Ogallalla at the present time and has
written to his deputy and to State
Treasurer Brian authorizing this action.
A man who has a claim against the
state will have to fight for his warrant
if he wants to get it now.
"Deputy Auditor Cook stated that he
would issue a warrant if it could be
shown him that the money was needed
absolutely, otherwise not.
Treasurer Brian Favors It
"State Treasurer Brian is in favor of
this move. He has decided to pay all
warrants presented, but believes the
state should not pay out any money un
less it is absolutely necessary.
"It is as much the duty of the state
to keep the balances up, in the banks
as it is any private citizen," said he
"If the warrants are presented to me,
I shall pay them rather than register
them, but this will necessitate the
checking out of balances in banks hold
ing the money.
"We are saying it is the duty of
private citizens to stand by the banks
Let the state do the same. In a short
time, we will be getting in plenty of
money, and will be able to take up the
warrants as they are offered. If
register them, the state will have to
pay interest for about a year. Why
not, then, just delay the issuing of these
warrants for a few weeks."
Going Beyond Authority
It was the personal opinion oi many
state officials that the auditor is going
beyond his authority in thus delaying
the payment of legitimate claims on
the state, but the state treasurer be
lieves the auditor has as good a right
to do this as have the bankers to stop
the payment of cash.
All of the salary warrants for the
month of October have been drawn and
most of them have been paid. It is on
the thousands of dollars of produce,
coal, etc.. purchased for the state insti
tutions that the warrants will be with
Cari Humphrey Married in Nebraska
City, Tuesday.
The many friends of Carl Humphrey
will be both pleased and surprised to
learn that yesterday afternoon at the
Watson Hotel, in Nebraska City, he
was united in marriage with Miss Mable
Derr .the daughter of the landlord of
the hotel. Some of the close friends of
Carl have known of the near approach
of the wedding, but it seems that none
knew just when it would occur. The
wedding was a very quiet affair, and
was witnessed only by the immediate
family of the contracting parties. The
newly married pair will start immedi
ately for the south, where they will
spend their honeymoon. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. L. G. Leggett,
of the Presbyterian church of Auburn.
After the return of the bridal party
from the south they will make their
home in this city, where Carl has pre
pared a home for his winsome bride.
The many friends of Mr. Humphrey
here, of which the Journal is glad to be
numbered, wish that the happy couple
may see in this life all the joys, in real
ity, that the rosy-tinted future promises,
and that the troubles which come to
them may be of such small dimensions
as will only heighten their joys when
they shall have faded away. They will
be at home to their friends after De
cember first.
One of the remarkable demonstrat
ions New York City has made this year
is that the working capital of its most
extensive legitimate business operat
ions is largely supplied by wage earners
and other small depositors. In spite of
some bad mistakes New York has had
the wisdom to take this fact fully into
account for all it means in possibilities
of mobilizing capital for its future needs
in large operations.
Bum Track of Missouri Pacific.
In speaking of the condition of the
Missouri Pacific railroad tracks the Lin
coln Evening News says: "Contrary to j
the statements of Missouri Pacific en-j
gineers and trainmen who called on the
state railway commission last week, to
protest against the enforcement of the
speed order recently promulgated and
now in effect, people who live along the
lines of that road in southeastern Ne
braska insist that the bad condition of
the tracks has been responsible for a
number of wrecks and other accidents
occurring from time to time.
"Representative C. E. Noyes, of Cass
county, writes from Louisville to Com
missioner Clarke expressing approval
of the speed order, which limits passen
ger trains to a maximum of twenty-five
miles an hour and freights to fifteen
and twenty, and says he hopes the
commission will stand pat. His letter
contains this paragraph:
" If any or all of the commissioners
wish to come to this town and look up
the cause of two big freight wrecks at
this place within two weeks, as well as
a dozen minor ones during the summer,
I'll be glad to show you stretches of
road that ar0 safe only for a hand-car
and nothing else. The ties were laid
in 1882 and have never been replaced. ,
"Mr. Noyes conveys personal assur
ance that Cass county will go for Clarke
by 500 to 300 and says he thinks the
state will give about 10,000 majority for
the latter. Inasmuch as Clarke has no
opposing candidate on the fusion ticket
he hopes this prediction may be verified
What a Former Cass County
Republican Says About
the Matter
The following is taken from the Belle
Fourche. (S. D.) Northwest Post, and
was written by P. P. Vallery, who lives
near that city on a ranch. Mr. Vallery
is a republican, and so seated to the
Journal editor while visiting here last
year. He is a relative to the Vallery'
living in Cass county and the only one
we know of that is a republican. Any
way. the article contains some good
sound sense:
"The shouting that is going on for
third term for Mr. Roosevelt reminds
one of the poor judgment a western
herdsman uses when he rides a free
horse to death, while he yet has daily
use for the animal. It does not take
long for a bunch of the lower class of
creation to discover that the fleet foot
and rider are masters of the situation
Nor does it require much time for the
American people to perceive who our
statesmen are that are yet a power be
hind the throne. Should Mr. Roosevelt
round out his administration
without lowering his standard as the
people's president, he would be a valu
aqle reserve that would force all other
presidents, irrespective of party, to fol
low his lead through his natural life
However, should President Roosevelt
lower his standard as a people's presi
dent in his third term, the good he has
already accomplished would be largely
lost in the near future.
' "Who are those who are shouting so
loud for Mr. Roosevelt to be president
for a third time? Are thev true friends
of the president or are they especially
anxious to see his reforms fully inaugu
rated? Ninety-nine times out of one
hundred they are neither, but a batch
of politicians who do not care a conti
nental cent what becomes of Mr. Roose
velt and his policies so long as they can
keep in office. Those who are out of a
job hope to ride into office in 1908 on
Mr. Rooseveit's shoulders, and those
who are in office hope to hold their job
by shouting for Mr. Roosevelt. It does
not require much foresight to size lip
the third term situation.
P. P. Vallery"
Will Locate in Lincoln.
John A Donelan was in Lincoln last
week and entertained a proposition from
Hanker Auid as to accepting the posi
tion of assistant cashier in the city
National Bank of that city.. While Mr,
Donelan was not expecting for a few
months to commence the daily grind of
business, intending to spend a few of
his simoleums viewing the sights of
California, yet was induced to commence
about November 1st. The family will
locate there as soon as convenient. The
City National bank of Lincoln is capital
ized at SzdO.UOU, and the deposits are
much above the million dollar mark
We congratulate Mr. Donelan, and be
lieve he will prove equal to the work.
The position is a very responsible one
and will be well taken care of. Weep
ing Water loses a splendid family, the
business of the town will suffer the loss
of one of its most enterprising citizens,
but all wish them well in the change to
be made. Weeping Water Republican.
Shorthand Taught.
I would be pleased to receive a num
ber of students in shorthand and type
writing. Will state terms on applica
tion. Miss Waterman, 716 Locust St.,
Chapped hands are quickly cured by
applying Chamberlain's Salve. Price,
25 cents. For sale by F. G. Fncke &
Co. i
A Little Experience Goes a
Long: Way When from
Under Parental
Last Saturday we chronicled the de
parture of Harvey Wilson and Roy
Miller for parts unknown, where they
would cover themselves with glory and
a suit of buckskin clothes with fringes
running down the legs of their trousers
and be topped out with a large white
hat, with a row of cartridges around it
as a
band, and two revolvers in their
belt. Just where they went they are a
little loath to say, but they had not been
away very long until they fell in with
two companions, with whom they were
not' so well acquainted at first, but as
their association extended they became
real well acquainted, only to loathe their
Just a short time after night fall
they met a man by the name of Frost,
whose given name was Jack, who spent
the night with them and made their
pleasure a minus quantity, for they
shivered many a time before the next
morning's sun kissed the tears from
their begrimmed countenances. Mr.
Frost introduced another friend, a Mr.
Hunger, to them, who kept telling them
how nice it would be to get their feet
under the table at home, and smell the
hot biscuits and the steaming potatoes
in front of them. This Mr. Hunger was
fearfully persistent in the way he kept
discribing things to eat and was not
furnishing any of them.
During the night some time these two
men introduced a third, whom they
called the Sand Man. and gave his
name as Mr. Sleepy. He also did all he
could to furnish discomfort for the two
young adventurers during the time be
tween daylight and dawn. Along dur
ing the morning yesterday Mr. Frost
left them, but the other two came back
home with the boys, and turned them
over to their parents, and had it not
been for the parents of the boys, would
have hounded them until this time.
These people, while they made it very
uncomfortable for the young men, were
really their friends. They gave some
good advice, which was in part followec
and the boys have made a promise that
they will heed the remainer of it.
This morning they entered into a con
tract with the Mayor that in considera
tion of not having a charge preferred
against them, of incorrigibility, which
would have landed them in the reform
school, that they would stay at home,
attend school, obey their parents, and
be good boys.
If they will only follow this advice,
they will have done well, and although
the lesson is severe, if it is well learned
it will have been cheap enough. But
should they fail to fulfill the provisions
of the contract to which they have
agreed, they must take the conse
quencesthat is, the receiving of the
full benefit of the law applying in such
Raised Some Good Corn
J. C. Gregory from Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct was a visitor in the city today.
In conversation with a reporter he said
he had the best corn raised in the
county, and if any one could beat it he
would like to hear from them. He says
he has a piece of corn containing fifteen
acres, from which he has just husked
a crib lull which measures Zb ieet long
8 feet wide and 10 feet high, which
would make about 61$ bushels per acre.
This was raised on old ground which
had been farmed to corn for a number
of years. He would like to hear from
some one else.
Dies at Council Bluffs.
Josesh Steidyke was a passenger to
Council Bluffs this morning, called there
by the death of hi3 friend, August
Becker, who died Sunday evening, and
will be taken to Carroll, Iowa, this
evening, where the funeral will be held
and interment made tomorrow. Mr.
Becker, who formerly lived in Carroll,
was the nearest neighbor to Mr. Sten-
dyke at that time, and a close friend
ship sprang up between them.
Big Land Deal.
One of the largest real estate deals
of the season was closed by Teegarden
Bros, selling 240 acres four miles west
of Elmwood, belonging to Lloyd P.
Woolcoit, for $24,000.00. Mr. Woolcott
bought this land in October, 1900, pay
iug for same $12,000, thus making a
profit of 512,000 in seven years. Surely,
real estate has been a very profitable
investment. W. W Republican.
Is On Crutches.
Chief Lee Cotner, of the fire depart
ment, while at the fire last Friday at
the residence of Dr. T. P. Livingston,
got his ankle cut with glass and has
been compelled to resort to the use of
crutches since, while he is somewhat
improved, he still has a very sore ankle.
The piece of glass pierced the joint of
his ankle, allowing a portion of the joint
water to escape, and making a very sore
Poultry Wanted
Highest cash paid for poultry, deliver
ed at Mynard any day in the week.
Tel. 3 O. W. F. Richardson. I
it's a slin of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music In our kitchen?
Easv order coal from this ortlee and
ard. Trie output of trie Trenton
mine foe funl we handle han no su
perior anvwh'TP, Its equal In few
I I St I tSlllllllf ll
ISi-ll No. X.I.
No. :
Malicious Actions.
Last Saturday evening, a crowd of
boys who had ostensively been to the
Missouri Pacific station, came along to
where Julius Pepperburg liyes and
pulled oir the pickets from the fence
and carried many of them away. One
year ago, during a Halowe'en carousal
of a number of boys who had no re
spect for others rights, threw away a
bottle which had been emptied of whis
key through the window in Mr. Pepper
burg's house, which cost $1.25 to re
place, besides the work. At divers
times they have pulled otT the pickets
and carried them away, until he had
almost to build a new fence last spring.
As to jokes he appreciates them as
much as any one, but when It comes to
the destruc tion of property, and it would
appear malicious destruction at that, he
thinks that it is time to call a halt. He
has made up his mind that the perpe
trators of this kind of malicious mis
chief shall be punished, and he has
taken precaution to have those who
shall be guilty of this kind of actions,
punished to the full extent of the law.
A little taste of the law would be a
good thing, and no doubt have a whole
some effect.
Well Merited Advancement.
Earl Kuhney, of Alliance, a fireman
for the Burlington at that plac e, came in
this morning, and will visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kuhney,
for a couple of weeks. Earl is a fine
young man, who a few years sinc e went
to Havelock, where he learned the ma
chinists' trade, and was transferred to
Alliance, where he worked for the com
pany. After completing his trade as a
machinist he has taken up service on
the road, and will become an engineer.
In the equipping of himself as a ma
chinist, first, he becomes doubly ser
viceable and efficient in the position
which he expects to occupy. This young
man is one which his parents can well
be pleased with, for the success which
he has wrought has been attained by
his own efforts and his determination to
make good in every particular, and this
far, he has done.
Will Consult a Specialist.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fight, accompan
ied by their grand-daughter, Miss Grace
Fight, daughter of W. A. Fight, of
Akron, Colo., departed for Omaha this
morning, where they go to consult with
Dr. Gifford as to Miss Grace's eyes,
which have been giving her trouble for
some time.
For sale Five thoroughbred Poland-
China male hogs. Extra fine stock
C. E. Cook, Plattmouth.
That Will
Not Last
O R. S A XEt-jTKy follow Ing prop
rty; payments $20 to $ 25 ;b ck. I .
v.nce $10 por month
A six-room cottage in tine
repair with one lot and a
A n.eioum cottage with
city water, in uoua repair
with brick barn and other
improvements $875
A good four-room cottage
with two lots $700
A tine five room cottage
with One lot, city water. .$725
Two good live-room cottag
es wit'i Jot and haue each
near the shops $80O
One nine-room house with
one acre of ground and
Improvements $900
One. six-room cottage, one
acre of ground $600
One five-room cottage with
four lots $650
Five, six, ten and twenty acre
improved tracts for sale; one
fourth down, remainder In sum
I to suit purchaser. Prices furn
ished at office.