PE-RU-WA RECEIVES PRAISE . . m for .tieiieving buen bymptoms as Debility, Backache and Headache. T HERTS fir a proat many pirns- of woman's aliments that require the a4HiMtn' of tho Hurxcon. Hut by far tho greater numtfr of much cases ere amenable to correct medicinal treatment. Nomir(?on in the world h.'n relieved h m&ny womon from tho tiilTcrcnt phased of ailment peculiar to woman kind a Dr. Harttnan through 4 ho una of IVruna. lie rwelves many letters from all part jf tho country relating to subjects of vital in to rent to womankind. Very Precarious Cor.ilJon. Mm. Lutie Ward, 617 Tracy Ave., Kan.saH City, Mo, vrritos : "A few years ago my health was in a very preearlons condition, the result of womb trouble and cneral debility. I suffered a preat denf r-.-1 ivt fT'"'t ' ' tome so hr-Mr. 7. ; ' .' v ?. myic-.. derea;:e;! n..' . : I ". I r!-' "' Old Settler Leaves Cass County. W. F. Case, of Weeping Water, came in last evening and visited with old friends in the city over night. This morning he departed for Kanosha, where he formerly lived. In conversation with the reporter, he said, just before start ing that he was going to go down and see if he could find any of thy tracks he made thirty-three years ago when he was sawing cottonwood lumber in that neigh borhood. Mr. Case has lived in the county for a long time, but thinks of moving away in the spring, having purchased property in Holbrook, this state, where he with his good wife, will reside in the future. His Dear Old Mother "My dear old mother, who is now eighty three years old, thrives on elec tric Bitters," writes W. B. Burnson, of Dublin, Ga. "She has taken them for about two years and enjoys an ex celent appetite, feels strong and sleeps well." That's the way Electric Bitters effect the aged, and the same happy results follow in female weakness and general debility. Guarenteed also for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by F. G. Frickey and Co., druggist. 50c. Married at Auburn. Brissey-Gray. Judge McCarty united in marriage . Miss Lulu M. Gray and Geo. A. Brissey, both of Plattsmouth, last Friday in the county judge's office in (his city, in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bris sey, the parents of the groom. Both of these young couple come from fam ilies living at Plattmouth, the bride being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gray. Auburn Herald. The above which happened in Auburn n the 17th, was unknown to many peo ple until it appeared in the above paper. Many times the home papers are cen sured for missing an article of news, when it is altogether the carelessness of the people who know of it themselves and fail to report it. The young man who was married is well known here, having resided here for a number of years. He is now engaged with the Duff Grain Company, and is working on the elevator at Louisville in the capacity of carpenter. The young lady is also well known, and has lived here for some time, her parents living in the country, southwest of the city. They both en joy the love and respect of all who know them. The Journal wishes them the realization of the joys of this life, which is their ardent wish. The Touch that Heals is the touch of Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arnica flowers and healing balsams ever com pounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts, wounds or piles, its an absolute cure. Guaranteed by F. C Fricke & Co., druggists. 25c - i - sj-j w. ' vrvryt' i.- i mm aw w j v WW ''ilfAWf WW ' , - '- "irC'11 HI! S5 III ' . . KS1 Wit m Of t lie vast multitude of women Dr. Hart man -iire annually, only a timall jwr i-i-nt. of thein comiid'.T it necessary to write to the Doctor at all. Not one in a thousand of these for tunato women report their ttwcvHU. i)i thoro who do writo testimonials, only a very email per cent, cro over tucd ia public print. While it Ij not a::ii ?ncd II: at Perara will cure ovry c:!ho o thi Tiind, it in certainly tkjpr.iictwlcdrn; for every wc.wu so r. '.. ' to zlvt Pcruna a ti'r it'rL lior cl'iin-woJ re'lf afi so mauy that any woman would be doing herself an injustice to neglect euch an opportu- nity of relief. ! Mrs. ICmmaK. Gildner, 72V Santafe Ave., Denver, Col.,T"inancial Secretary Germania Order der Ilarcgari, writes : 'Pervna bas been a great blessing to me. I suffered agonies with severe headaches and a weak back and could hardly drag myself aronnd. "A friend who was visiting mo was taking Pernna for the same trouble and induced me to try it. I soon found '.hat I waj being helped and in less than fthree weeks felt like a different and in four months I was well. HVruaa certainly gave me strength. i "I consider it an id sal woman's )rr.iicd-'." .- i Vr 'r7 when it was recommended .'-'.. ! :i a. ftliort tino the pains greatly ' . . r:3tored. Married at Nebraska City. William E. Niday and Miss Martha Pickering of this village gave their friends a pleasant surprise on last Fri day by going to Nebraska City and as suming the happiness and responsibili ties of wedded life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Merril, pastor of the Baptist church in that city, and in the evening they returned- to this village, and will make their home on a farm a few miles from here. The bride is a daughter of William Pickering and wife and is a very popular young lady who has gained the highest esteem of all with whom she has associated during the vears the family have resided near here. Mr. Niday is one of our energet ic young farmers, and has grown from boyhood in this vicinity, where he has made friends of all his acquaintances. The many friends of both are glad to congratulate them and express Rip Van Winkle's sentiment, "may they live long and prosper." Union Ledger. A Criminal Attack on an inoffensive citizen is frequently made in that apparently useless little tube called the "appendix," It's gen erally the result of protracted consti pation, following liver torpor. Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver, prevent appendicitis, and establish regular habbits of the bowls. 25c. at F. G. Fricke and Co. drug store. Can Carry Small Packages. By order of the postofnee department the rural mail carriers are now permit ted to carry packages over four pounds in weight, providing such packages do not interfere with the delivery of the mails, from the merchants to the pa trons of their respective routes for whatever charge they see fit to make. They can also carry express, providing same is delivered to the carrier in per son. Taken Home for Burial. In speaking of the death of Roy Young, the Union Ledger says: "The remains of Roy Young, son of Frank Young, sr., of Rock Bluffs pre cinct, arrived here from Lincoln on the 10:15 train yesterday, being taken to Murray, where the funeral services will be held at 10 o'clock this forenoon. His death occurred at Lincoln on Wednes day at 1:30 p. m., after only a few days illness. "Deceased was well known in this county, having been born at the old home in Rock Bluffs precinct. A few years ago he decided to enter the minis try, and since been preparing for his chosen calling by several years of dili gent study in Cottner University. He was a nice young man of exceptional ability, gave promise of a bright future in the pulpit, and many friends here regret that his career of usefulness has been brought to a close so early and so suddenly." L T. LI B i educators lieet IN LINCOLN Improvement of Courses of of udy in Nebraska A special from Lincoln, under date of last night says: "The state university c hapel was the scene this morning of an animated meeting of the Nebraska Superintendents and Principals' asso ciation, at which the main topic dis cussed was "The Problem of Revision, Unification, Elimination and Enrich ment of the Course of Study in the Public Schools of Nebraska." The three chief speakers on different phases of the theme were Deputy State Superin tendent E. C. Bishop, Superintendent W. M. Davidson of Omaha and A. A. Reed of the state university. A num ber of general propositions were sub mitted by Mr. Bishop. "A feature of the meeting tonight was a banquet at the Lindell hotel. Superintendent W. M. Davidson ' of Omaha was toastmaster. "This morning at the state university memorial hall, Deputy State Superin tendent Bishop, A. A. Reed and W. M. Davidson delivered addresses. "The questions whic h are perhaps of most importance at this time will be taken up at the session tomorrow morn ing. They are stated as follows: "Pro per Enforcement of Compulsory Attend ance, Child Labor and Juvenile Court Laws in the Cities of Nebraska." The speakers on the topic are Superinten dent W. L. Stephens of Lincoln, Super intendent C. A. Fulmer of Beatrice, Superintendent J. W. Gamble of Platts mouth, Superintendent R. J. Barr of Grand Island and Superintendent D. W. Hayes of Alliance. The conven tion will close with the annual election of officers." STAND BY THE OLD SOLDIERS Enter Your Protest to the Scheme to Rob Them By State Officials. Hon. W. H. Thompson, of Grand Is land, has been retained by the old sol diers at the Soldiers' Home at Grand Island to defend them in the unjust at tack and demands made upon them by the state board of lands and buildings for a portion of their pension while they are inmates of the Home. The demand of the old veterans, who are now re ceiving only a mere pittance, if from ten to thirty per cent of the amount of their pensions. Certainly the taxpayers of Nebraska are perfectly willing to stand the expense of maintaining these homes without taking a cent from the old soldiers, and the state officers who perpetrated this graft, are certainly not upheld in their game by the voters and taxpayers of this state. If this was a democratic administration taking part in this concocted scheme to rob the old soldier of his just belongings, nothing would be too mean for the republicans to say of them. What is the matter with you, brother republicans? Are you willing to stand up for the old soldiers? If so, enter your protest to this scheme of robbing on the part of the present republican state officials. Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured "In November, 1901, I caught cold and had the quinsy. My throat was swollen so 1 could hardly breathe. I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me relief Tn a short time. In two days I was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterburn, Mich. Chamber lain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is especially valuable for sprains and swel lngs. For sale by F. G. Fricke &. Co.. and Plattsmouth Drug Co. Burlington's Crop Car. Because of the unprecedented interest in the Burlington's car of exhibits of the products of Nebraska and Wyoming the officials have decided to extend the time for exhibiting the car. A section of northern Missouri will be covered until November 15, and the car will then be sent off the lines of the Burlington road to the lines of the Toledo, Peoria & Western railroad east of Peoria through a belt of country which has furnished more settlers for Nebraska than any other section of the United States and is still continuing so to do. The car will be exhibited along the line of that road until December 13. D. Clem Deaver, who has charge of the car and is at the head of the homeseeker's information bureau, has arranged for new products from this year's crops to freshen up the car from time to time. How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less in terested, for the quicker a cold is got ten rid of, the less danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va.t has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds, I have recommended it to my friends and the all agree with me. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co., and The Plattsmouth Drug Co. Will Resume Operation The Lincoln Journal prints the follow ing: "A recently opened quarry near Plattsmouth was stopped in its opera tion by an order from the United States government on the ground that its re fuse was washed into the stream and the Missori is, at least on paper, a navi gable river. Yesterday notice was receieved by Senator Burkett that the quarry would be allowed to resume op erations under the directions of Capt. E. II. Schultz of the engineering staff who will see that no more refuse rock is deposited in the Missouri to obstruct its fair navigation." TV0 WRECKS ON THE BURLINGTON Requiring an All Night Job fo Get One in Shape The Burlington had two wrecks yes terday, one in the morning and one last evening. Yesterday morning about 2 o'clock while No. 77, the Denver freight was coming up the grade n the other side of the bridge, a dPaw timber broke in a car of coal, pulling a portion of it out. When it was known that it had broken, the front part of the train stopped and the rear string of cars bumped into the frout, breaking a coal car in two, whic h delayed the train from 2 to 7 yesterday morning. Last evening after pushing a string of cars on the coal chutes, engine No. 1G72, runniong down found a broken rail, which put it into the ditch. This last one required the work of a gang all night to get it in shape again. DID NOT LIKE THE MELON Several Plattsmouth Young Ladies Have Experience With Frozen Melons. Four young ladies, whose names were not given to us for publication, but as a matter of good faith, having prepared all the paraphernalia that is required to make the borrowing and appropriating and muskmelons a very delicious esca pade, last Wednesday, with an abund ance of salt, pepper, and the daintiest of spoons, the kind you eat with, not the other variety, proceeded to the county farm under the slanting rays of a moon about full, walking all the way, and accepting their own invitation to "help themselves," and did so. When they had very reluctantly appropriated about twenty-four of the choicest of the patch, they wended their way to a place where they could in the quiet and still ness of the evening, basking in the milder effulgence of the moon and stars, eat to their full of the fruit of the vine, only to find when the tiny silver shovels had delved deep into the heart of the melons, that a very sly and jolly old fellow by the name of "Jack Frost" had touched the melons a day or so previous to their coming. One fair damsel said, as her little spoon conveyed a supposedly dainty morsel direct from the heart of the melon to her ruby lips and which was immediately ejected with the exclamation, "I don't like this one, I think I will try another," only to find it the same. So they wended their way home wiser and no doubt hungrier than when they started. Moral Don't try to eat frozen musk melons. Duff's Making Many Changes John Murray was a passenger to to Louisville this morning, where he is working on the Duff elevator at that place. It was the intention of the puff Elevator company to have moved the one from Cedar Creek to Louisville but not getting the trackage desired they thought they would repair the one at Louisville and let the one remain at Cedar Creek for the present. After the one at Louisville is placed in good condition the one at Gretna will be re paired, and then it is supposed that the one at this place will be torn down and removed out near the Doud place on an extention of the old stock yards spur, Prominent Traveling Man Dies. James Reed, for many years a travel ing man making this territory and carry' ing pharmacutical goods, representing for many years Park Davis & Co. of Detroit, Mich., but lately with Warner & Co., of Philadelphia, died at Grand Island, yesterday morning of apoplexy Mr. Reed was well known in this city and was a close friend of Henry R. Gering, selling him goods for years. Mr. Reed was 62 years old and has 4 liued in Nebraska City since 1858, or nearly fifty years. Bought a Corn Husker B. W. Livingston purchased a corn husker through the Gorder Implement house, here, and will recieve it tomor row, which will be put to work im mediately on his farm south of the city. This will be the first husker to be brought into this neighborhood. Should it prove all that is claimed for it, and we think it will, there will beanum ber of them used in this vicinity. AVeGc table Trcpcrction Tor As -slinilatmg ihcIccclandRcula tLig ihc 5 toiaariis and Bowels of kTiHiiimiiii i rromotes'Dicstion.Cheerful r.css ar.i Pest Contains neither Opiurr . , Wi:c nor Mineral. Not Mai: c otic. 4x. Srnut 'AIU SJti - I fruifc Srrtt I inperrnmt - 1 'n CuriamiSaJ I tjrmScrd - . 'limfuJ Sugar . I sZtluyrvu fiurw J II X. J . trute i in i ClimfuJ Sutxxr A perfect ncrncdy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. onus .Convulsions .revensn ticss and LOSS OF SLEEP. TacCir.v-s? Signature of NEW VORK. Opportunities That Will Not Last OR.SALE!-The following prop erty; payments $20 to $25; btvl tvnee $10 par month; A six-room cottage iu tine repair with one lut and a half $800 A li.eroom cottage with city water, in good repair with brick barn and other improvements $875 A good four-room cottage with two lots $700 A tine five-room cottage with one lot, city water. .$725 Two good five-room cottag es with lot and haue each near the shops $800 One nine-room bouse with one acre of ground and improvements $900 One six-room cottage, one acre of ground $600 One five-room cottage with four lots $650 Five, six, ten and twenty acre improved tracts for sale; one fourth dowD, remainder in sums to suit purchaser. Prices furn ished at oHice. WINDHAM INVESTMENT COMPANY Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that is not be yond medical aid. F. G. Fricke & Co. A Q)(Q)(d EXACT COPY Or WSAPPEB. TheGund Brewing Co., LaCrosse, Wis., pays Tolahd Graduates $30,000 per annum. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway Co. pays To- land Graduates more than $30,000 per annum. The Swift Packing Co., South St. Paul, pays Toland Graduates more than $12,000 per annum. Hundreds of other firms pay Toland Graduates from $3,000 to $10,000 per annum. WHY DO THESE IRM S GIVE TOLftND GRADUATES THE PREEREHCE? Why do Toland Graduates Succeed where others fail? Send for our beautiful, free, catalogue, and you will know. Address TOLAND'S BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. DO IT NOW. PERKINS HOTEL PLATTSMOUTH, RATES $1.00 PER DAY Hirst House West B. & M. Depot We Solicit the Farmers Trade and Guarantee Satisfaction. When in the City Give Us a Call J5he Perkins Hotel IB) ill 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatur( n se For Over Thirty Years TMC OCMTAUH OMMMV. MIW 0 CITY. WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS it's a sinn f coal satisfact ion. Want to hear tde muic in mr kitchen? Easv order t;oa I from this uttice and yard. Ti output of the. Trenton mine the fuH we handle lias no su- I .. v I . . I t m perior an y litre, us ciuai in lew places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'PUuNP ' turnout h No. 2 PLATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Gering & Co., druggists. SoDtiooD NEBRASKA 3 X LU hF D