The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1907, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
II. A. BATES, Publish kk.
K erjI at the pHtottii: at Plattsmouth. Ne
braska, as sixonilclasH matter.
Democratic Ticket
Supreme Judge
District Judge
County Judge
(bounty Clerk
Clerk of District Court
A. i. box
Superintendent of Schools
Election Tue'-d-iy, No-, ember 5. Re
member t he date.
E. R.M Nori: ought to get the vote of
every th night ful man. He is the better
qualified, and is centrally located. A
coroner in one remote partof the county
will do. but it ought not le that way.
Vote for Ratnour. - Nehawka Register.
The anti-injunction plank in the Ne
braska republican platform and the en
dorsement of Taft for president, looks
ridiculous. It is Roosevelt and Taft on
one side and the blockhead leaders of
the Nebraska republicans on the
Help the people of this state to anon
partisan supreme court by casting your
vote for George L. Loomis for judge of
the supreme court. Justice is what the
people want and if you have a non
partisan court jou will be more liable
to get it.
The democratic county ticket is corn
posed of candidates, everyone of vhom
was nominated on their merit and their
excellent qualities for the different po
sitions. None of them are strangers to
the voters of Cass county, and they can
each be depended UDon to perform their
respective duties faithfully and efficient
ly in every respect.
Thc principle of a non-partisan judi
viary is well-rooted in the minds of the
American people. A judge, when he
dons the judiciary robe should abandon
his political prejudice, as well as his
prejudice against certain members of
the bar. Vote for Judge Travis for
district judge, and remove all such from
-the bench in Cass and Otoe counties.
-Miss Mary E. Foster, democratic
candidate for county superintendent of
schools, was in. town Tuesday. Miss
Foster holds a life certificate, is a grad
uate of our state university and has
been actively engaged in school work
for several years. Miss Foster should
get a good vote in Tipton precinct.
Eagle Beacon.
Under the new law all road tax money
must be paid into the county treasury,
and it is parcelled out from there by
the county board. This is another good
and sufficient reason why voters in the
rural district should be more careful
than ever who they elect for county
commissioner. Elect Charley Jordon
and all sections of the county will
share alike in the division of the road
Every national or interternational
tribunal or jury of award, named by the
president, or authorized by law, for
years, invariably has been composed of
men belonging to opposing political di
visions, thus preserving that vital prin
ciple which has done more to inspire
popular confidence in judicial decisions
and to protect the integrity and high
character of national, state and district
tribunals. This can be done in Otoe
and Cass counties by electing Harvey
D. Travis district judge.
Miss Mary E. Foster, in her can
vass for county superintendent of
schools, has won golden opinions in ev
ery section, and many believe that her
election is already assurred. After the
voters have seen and conversed with
her, they almost invariably come to the
conclusion "that she is the proper per
son for the position," many believing
that the half had not been said in her
favor. In the first place she is a most
perfect lady in her deportment, and the
majority of the voters of Cass county
believe in supporting her because there
is not the least' doubt as to her superior
qualifications for the position.
member the date..
If you want a district judge who will
be non-partizan on the bench, vote for
Harvey D. Travis and you are sure of
getting him.
If you want a fearless and faithful
official in the sheriff's office, make up
your mind to vote for A. J. Box, an
energetic farmer, who will be faithful
to the trust reposed upon him.
Keep it before the voters of Cass
county, that every candidate on the dem
ocratic ticket is placed there because of
their efficiency and the respect com
mended them by those who know them
Many voters are wondering why the
present district clerk did not register
one of his family a bailiff at the late
term of court. One of his "good" re
publicans friends says it was most too
near election day.
The taxpayers should elect Frank E.
Schlater because he- has demonstrated
to a dead moral certainty that he is the
right man to look after the interests of
the taxpayers in the county treasurer's
office. He jxssesses the experience in
every particular.
The Ornaha Examiner, a straight Re
publican paper, refers to the ancient
candidate for judge as "Methuselah
Reese," Yet there are some people who
will say that a man of seventy-five is
as dear and as capable as one a quarter
of a century younger.
A republican friend of the Journal
said to us yesterday, "I am going to
vote for several candidates on the dem
ocratic ticket because I know they are
better fitted for the office than those
on the republican ticket." This is but
the sentiment of many republicans of
Cass count''.
When vou vote for A. J. Box for
sheriff, you vote for a gentleman who
is not on all sides of a question to gain
a few votes. He is a man to be depend
ed upon and should be elected to the
office of sheriff because such men as Mr,
Box are hard to find. He will make an
efficient and faithful officer.
Speak to your neighbor about voting
for Miss Mary E. Foster for county
superintendent. It is probable your
neighbor is interested in your district
school and is anxious to have the present
unsatisfactory conditions changed for
the better, and this will occur if you
elect Miss Mary E. Foster.
In Manila, this week, Secretary Taft
i? urging "the importance of education
in order to overcome the tendency to
blindly follow one man." Education
may finally overcome the tendency to
split in finitives and mangle the diction
ary in Washington, but even with the
split infinitive, this sort of education
will help in Ohio as it did when they
"turned down" the officeholders in
Michigan the other day.
The republican press is presenting
the fulfillment of platform pledges
made by the last legislature. This they
may well do. However, in justice to
the legislature, these papers should also
tell of some of the imbecile legislature
passed. They might also refer to the
laws under which officeholders have
been enabled to perpetuate themselves
in office, at greatly increased salary.
All of these things were done by the
last legislature, and all of the credit or
blame is charged to it.
W. E. Rosencrans has proved faith
ful to the trust reposed in him, and ev
ery one who has transacted important
business at the county clerk's office
will agree with us when we say that
no person in the history of Cass county
ever occupied the office who proved
more genial in the transaction of busi
ness. "Everybody looks alike" to
Rosey when it comes to business in the
county clerk's office:
Christie Metzger is making an active
campaign for the office of district clerk.
He is the right man for the place, and
the young men of this county should see
that they are represented in this office
by a young man like Mr. Metzger a
native-born Cass county boy, who has
never aspired to official position before.
There will be no cause to regret your
action in voting for this sterling young
In a few days the election of 1907,
will be an event of the past. It be
hooves every voter to make up his mind
to support the best candidates for the
handling of county affairs. For the po
sition of county commissioner, Charles
R. Jordon, of Greenwood precinct, and
whose home is near Alvo, should be
elected by a handsome majority. He is
a man that will know what he has done
after he takes part in the business af
fairs of the county. He is a gentleman
of good, sound business ability, and just
the kind of man to protect the interests
of the taxpayers. -Vote for Charles R.
Jordon for county commissioner.
Election Tuesday, November 5.
It was a cold day in Wall street, but
an ideal day upon the farm.
I HE price or ioodstuns seems to De
chasing the balloonists in their upward
No ARTIST could paint so beautiful a
picture as is painted upon the leaves
this fall.
The panic in the cornfield is the one
that interests the Cass county farmers
most right now.
The candidacy of H. M. Soennichsen
for assessor is meeting with great favor
over the entire county, and especially
in the western part which he has re
cently visited. The people see in him'
a man who is in every way competent
for the position.
According to the estimates of the
government crop experts, Nebraska's
wheat crop will be worth $36,550,000
this fall; the corn crop will be worth
over $100,000,000; oats harvested will
sell for $23,175,000, and even the hay
crop will bring the farmers returns of
nearly $12,000,000.
Louie Ottnat (everybody around
riattsmouth knows him) is one of the
chief fuglemen for the republican can
didate for district judge in Nebraska
City. If the voters in Nebraska City
know Iiouie as well as he is known in
this cit3 his talk will do the candidate
he favors more harm than good, and
add votes to Judge Travis.
With Frank E. Schlater in the county
treasurer's office, the taxpayers can rest
assured that every dollar that comes in
to that office will be accounted for in
such a business-like manner that any
ordinary intelligent person can at a mo
ment's glance at the books tell the dis
position of every cent, of the county's
funds. Experience as an accountant fits
him admirably for this very responsible
position. Vote for Frank E. Schlater,
if you want the county funds as well
guarded in the future as they have been
in the past four years.
Officers of the Third Nebraska reg
iment in the Spanish-American war,
headed by Colonel William J. Bryan and
including Governor George L. Sheldon,
who was a company captain, must fur
nish proof of the dates of their service
before the government will pay them
for the time that elapsed from the
actual date of enrollment on the state
organization until they were formally
mustered into the service of the United
States. There is no dispute over the
question of serving and money due, the
privates in the regiment having already
been paid, but the claim of the officers
are held up until the date of transfer
can be distinctly ascertained in individ
ual cases. Adjutant General Schwarz
has taken the matter up and hopes to
arrive at an early settlement with the
Dear voter, did you ever hear of an
"emergency school certificate?" Well,
this is the kind of a certificate that State
Superintendent McBrien ordered County
Superintendent Gamble to issue to Geo.
L. Farley, that he might enter upon the
duties as county superintendent in con
formity to the law. Is there a prece
dent? Farley was unqualified for a cer
tificate, and he knew it well when he
was appointed to fill the vacancy, and so
did those who had the appointing power.
Then why was he appointed in face of
the fact that there were three practical
teachers applicants for the position, all
of whom hold the highest grade certifi
cates, and are in every way fitted to be at
the head of the schools of Cass county.
Was it simply a political pull that gave
Farley the appointment? It is a shame
that such is the case. The schools of
Cass county should have at their head
one who is unquestionably well fitted for
such a position. Vote for Miss Mary E.
Foster, and we can boast of a county
superintendent in whom we will all feel
a just pride.
The Journal desires to call the atten
tion of the voters of the county to the
candidacy of Frank E. Schlater for coun
ty treasurer. Too much cannot be said
in favor of this gentleman and we hope
every one of his friends on election day
will do something for him towards his
election. He is a man well qualified in
every way to fill the position for which
he has been chosen. He has been em
ployed in the office for nearly four years
as deputy treasurer and is fully conver
sant with all of the details of the work
ings of that office and how things should
be looked after for the best interests of
the taxpayers and the public in general.
He is a self-made man and his success in
life is due to his own efforts and his own
faithfulness to every charge put in his
keeping. He is a man that has the
fullest confidence of everyone that
knows him or has ever had any dealings
with him. Those who know him per
sonally will all agree that he has fully
proven his capacity, and is worthy of
the support of every voter in the coun
ty. No voter who place their X mark
after the name of Frank E. Schlater
will ever regret it, for they will be plac
ing in the treasurer's office a man in
whom all have implicit confidence and
in every way qualified. Remember
Frank E. Schlater with your vote when
you go to the polls.
Vote for Judge Travis for district
judge if you want an unprejudiced man
on the bench. Such is his record as
county judge.
Every parent who desires a compe
tent person at the head of the public
schools of Cass county, will vote for
Miss Mary E. Foster for county super
intendent. The people appreciate an efficient and
faithful official. That's the reason why
W. E. Rosencrans will get many votes
he did not receive two years ago. They
have learned his excellent qualities for
county clerk. '
A number of Mexicans have died in
Texas in recent years at the age of 117
years. This appears to be a critical
period in the life of Mexicans in Texas.
The Kansas City Post warns people of
this age to have a care as to what they
eat, drink and how they dress.
Vote for Harvey D. Travis for dis
trict judge, and you are sure to have
one on the bench who will treat attor
neys and clients alike that have business
in his court.
Remember that A. J. Box is the
'demo'ttatic candidate for sheriff, and
he is one of the best men for the posi
tion in Cass county. Be sure and vote
for him next Tuesday.
The National Civic Federation Con
vention at Chicago did not seem greatly
alarmed when warned by the president
of Columbia University in the State of
New York that the enforcement of the
Sherman antitrust law may hurt the
trust. They have full "benefit of cler
gy" under the republican theory that
those who profit by abuses must decide
how far they are willing to be disturbed
by reform.
As THE president sums up his policy
"in one brief word" at Nashville,
"it represents the effort to punish suc
cessful dishonesty." The one brief word
which sums the result thus far is that,
after four years of it, the only success
ful Republican who has been sent to
jail was reported to have been convict
ed of a personal affront by the Presi
dential blacklist before he was found
guilty by the evidence.
It is said that County Attorney Rawls
was prevailed upon to "let up" on his
attempted anti-treating prosecutions
until after the election. What was this
done for? Was it for fear that it would
injure the prospects for success of the
republican candidate for district judge,
who is now attempting to play ' 'hot and
cold" on the prohibition question among
the Germars of Otoe county? Does it
not look to you that way, Mr. Voter?
The friends of the republican candi
date for district judge are now playing
"hot and cold" on the liquor question
In Cass county they are playing hard
for the prohibition vote, while in Otoe
county they are playing just as hard for
the liquor vote. It is said the candi
date's friends are telling the voters of
Otoe county that he is not a prohibi
tionist. What do the voters think of
such campaigning for a judicial position?
Four years ago the Journal was the
first paper to advocate a non-partisan
judiciary in this district. The democ
racy of Cass county fell in with our idea
of i.ot making a nomination against
Judge Jessen, with Judge Travis one of
the most enthusiastic supporters in our
efforts. When the democratic county
convention meet to nominate candidates,
it then and there endorsed Judge Jessen
ane refused to entertain the suggestion
of an opponent. Now Judge Jessen is
repaying us for our good intentions by
getting out and working against J udge
Travis. What do the voters of Otoe
and Cass counties think of such a non
partisan judiciary?
Few men have more strong personal
friends in Cass county than Frank E.
Schlater. In his official capacity as
deputy county treasurer he made friends
with everyone with whom he transacted
business. Being swift and accurate in
his dealings, makes him the kind of an
official that most people desire in such
a responsible position as county treas
urer. Never in the history of Cass
county was the affairs of this depart
ment kept in such fine shape, and Frank
E. Schlater was instrumental in keep
ing them so. A vote for Frank Schlater
means a continuation of the splendid
condition in which books in the treasur
er's office are kept.
We note from the last issue of the
Syracuse Journal, published by that de
crepit old gasbag, John Keithley, that
he takes exception to an article that ap
peared in this paper, credited to his pub
lication. The article had reference to
our visit to Syracuse, and should have
been credited to the Democrat of that
city, instead of the Journal. The article
was copied from the Democrat and the
mistake occurred with the compositor in
not giving proper credit to same. Keith
ley is well known in Cass county as edi
tor of the Weeping Water Republcan for
about twenty years, and never .had a
good word for a democrat during hi3
entire residence in Cass county, much
less the publisher of this paper, which
proved a thorn in his side from the time
we came here until -Keithley. left the
There is no question about Miss Fos
ter 'sjquallfications for county superinten
dent of schools. The people being well
acquainted with the fact, and desiring a
superintendent that will reflect credit
upon the schools of Cass county, to re
main, will vote for her next Tuesday.
There is no one that can possibly
doubt that the county treasurer's books
were kept in better shape in the past
four years than have ever been in the
history of Cass county. For this ex
cellent condition great credit is due Mr.
Frank E. Schlater, who has served dur
ing Treasurer Wheeler's administration
as that gentleman's chief .deputy. If
you desire the county's funds as care
fully guarded in the future as they have
been in the past four yeais, you will go
to the polls next Tuesday and cast your
ballot for Frank E. Schlater, one of the
most efficient officials that ever graced
the treasurer's office.
In speaking of the race for district
judge in Otoe county, the Nebraska City
News says: "The News regrets that
the republicans of this judicial district
in the closing hours of the campaign,
because of the lack of popularity of
their candidate for district judge, are
compelled to resort to mud-slinging, vil
ification and misrepresentation. The
democrats have conducted a clean, hon
est campaign, not even going into the
details of Mr. Root's legislative record,
nor has he been discussed other than a
lawyer and a gentleman. Whether vic
tory rests on the banner of Mr. Travis
or whether he goes down into the gloom
of defeat, he will have the conscious
ness of knowing that his friends fought
an honest, open-above-board fight in his
behalf. He will have no explanations
to make nor will the finger of scorn be
pointed to him because of the actions
of his friends or the actions that he
winked or connived at."
A Dirty Campaign.
The republicans 1 ae conducted an
exceedingly dirty campaign in the mat
ter of Judge Travis. They have stopped
at nothing. They have charged Judge
Travis with being a drunkard and gam
bler and other things. All of which is
utterly false and without a semblance
of truth. The matter is they have found
their candidate rather weak and they
have adopted all ;ruch dirty tactics to
tear down the other man. It is the
dirtiest campaign we have ever known
in this county in regard to this one man.
Not a single democrat has retaliated by
making charges against Root, and why
Root should permit himself and friends
to stoop to such dirty work is more than
it is possible for any sensible man to
understand, and such things are a boom
erang and injure the other man. Judge
Travis is a good, clean man, and one
who is known as a model man in his
own home and is held in high esteem by
every one who has known him for the
many years he has been a resident of
Cass county and has held many offices
of trust in that county, despite the fact
that it is largely republican. The people
up there appreciate the fact of his worth
and manliness, and being one of the
leading moral citizens of that county
and a good, clean, sober and moral man.
The sooner that Mr. Root and his follow
ers stop their dirty campaign tactics the
sooner they will command the respect
of the people of this judicial district.
Nebraska City News.
Getting Ready to Scalp Pollard.
A special from Lincoln says that Rep
resentative Marshall T. Harrison, of
Otoe county, will be a candidate next
year for congress against Earnest M.
Pollard of Nehawka. That gentleman,
it is rumored, may plunge into the race
for the United States senate. In case
he does so, Burkett's private secretary,
George E. Tobey, will be a candidate,
according to present calculations. When
Burkett and Pollard had the row over
the Lane transfer, the wires were then
laid for Tobey to defeat Pollard. Now,
in turn, it is stated that the Nehawka
apple fancier is planning to contest with
Burkett, should he emerge triumphantly
from the next battle.
However, the Lincoln politcians say
Pollard's success is impossible. Tobey
will have the Burkett backing. Ned
Brown of Lincoln, will be in the race,
with the Lancaster farmers behind him.
With the vote of Lancaster county split
and Pollard inheriting the scattering
support of his machine in the various
counties of the district there seems to
be an excellent opportunity for a strong
man to win out. Several of these will
plunge into the race.
The democrats are alert. It is conce
ded that the fight will be fierce within
the ranks of the republicans, and bla
tant factions will be created. With the
national campaign on the issue will be
more or less doubtful. The nomination
will be as eagerly sought for by demo
crats as by republicans - and the cam
paign will be red-hot from now until the
Pollard is hopeless at variance - with
the rank and file of the people of this
district on the ship subsidy and other
national questions. He has been sound
ly trounced for this in the republican
press and his salary grab has not been
forgotten. Among republican politi
cians his renomination is conceded to be
doubtful and his re-election impossible.
THOSE who believe in "equaland exact
justice to all" on tho district court bench
will vote for Judge Travis.
Every voter i3 well aware of the fact
W. E. Rosencrans has filled the office of
county clerk with not only credit to him
self but to the people of Cass county, as
well. Vote for "Rosey, " and thus have
the good work continued.
The only effect that the eastern panic
can have upon western conditions is that
it tics up the reserve of the western
banks. Every bank has a reserve agent
that is recognized by the government in
which surplus funds are placed. In
case of demand these funds are drawn
upon. If the reserve agent is not in
position to meet the demands of the
banks for which it holds funds, they will
be cramped in meeting the demands of
their depositors. The business of this
country is done upon a credit basis.
There is not enough actual money to
meet one-tenth of the transac tions upon
a purely cash basis. Checks are given
in the transaction of business, and they
simply pass to the credit from one man's
account to that of another. Thousands
of dollars of business is transacted with
out a dollar of money being exchanged.
This being true, the whole system re
volves itself down to a basis of confi
derce. So long as the people have con
fidence in the hank they are satisfied
with c hecks which they deposit, and re
ceive credit for. When the confidence
is shaken disaster follows. So far as
we of the west are conc erned, there is
no reason to feel the slighest uneasiness.
The money held by the banks is loaned
upon western security and every dollar
is amply protected.
The District Judgeship
Candor and fairness in politics are just
as essential and commendable as in bus
iness or in the ordinary affairs of life.
In the past the people of this district
have been taught that the office of judge
should be as free as possible from par
tisan politics, and consequently four
years ago thedemocrats endorsed Judge
Jessen that he might go upon the bench
without any political debts to pay.
While there was no direct agreement
at that time that four years later the re
publicans should endorse the democratic-
nominee, yet the spirit of a non-partisan
judiciary made an implied understand
ing that at this time the judge should
be a democrat.
It is to be expected that the republi
can politicians over the district will
make some excuse for their course in
trying to trample under foot the non
partisan judiciary sentiment, but the
rank and file of the .republican party
will readily see the justice of the claim
that in order to keep the judgeship non
partisan, it is necessary at this time to
elect Judge Travis.
Of all official positions, the judgeship
should be kept on the highest possible
plane. He should have nothing what
ever to do with politics while occupying
that position. He should have no polit
ical alliance whatever that would warp
his judgment or in any way, even un
consciously, interfere with his true and
honest judgment of the facts and law of
a case. It is only by a healthy, strong
non-partisan sentiment that our courts
can properly perform their functions.
The courts of this land are the real final
preservers of our liberty and property.
Make Harvey D. Travis your district
judge and these conditions will prevail.
Many Plattsmcuth People Fail to
Realize the Seriousness
Backache is so deceptive. It comes
and goes keeps you guessing. Learn
the cause then cure it. Nine cases
out of ten it comes from the kidneys.
That's why Doan's Kidney Pills cure it.
Cure every kidney ill from backache to
Here's a Plattsmouth case to prove
Herman Herold, living at corner First
and Rock streets Wintersteen Hill,
Plattsmouth, says: "I first told the
people of Plattsmouth in the month of
November 1902, that Doan's Kidney
Pills procured at Gering & Co. 's drug
store had been used in our family with
result that proved the remedy to be
one of great value. I had taken it onb,
a short time when entire relief came
from pain in the back, a trouble that
had bothered me for some time and
which I thought was due to the lack of
proper action of the kidneys. This
was three and one-half years ago and I
have never suffered so severely from
backache since. I have had some slight
recurrences of the trouble when I would
take cold during damp weather and my
back would ache. Procuring a suddIv
of Doan's Kidney Pills I would take a
few of them and a3 before they never
failed to promptly and thoroughly ban
ish the annoyance. Doan's Kidnev Pills
not only strengthened my back and
kidneys, but toned up the whole system
My daughter has used Doan's Kidney
Pills and found excellent results."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States-
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.